Overcoming Breast Implant Illness: The Explant Solution

If you landed here, you are either a woman with implants or who has explanted…and is searching for guidance on how to get her life back, beyond explant.

You’re here to overcome Breast Implant adverse health conditions.

You’re here for hope, health advice and healing strategies, amidst the myriad of conflicting advice that overwhelms you.

You just want someone you can trust to guide you who has been through this experience, knows it inside out and can tell you exactly what to do.

I hear you, I’ve been there too.

That’s why I am happy to introduce you to my friend Diane Kazer and her Explant Solution program.

She created this program based on what she learned with her own explant journey.

And I am thrilled to be a part of it! I was fortunate enough to be 1 of the 15 women Diane interviewed for Case Studies / Explant success stories part of her program!

Because removing your breast implants is Only Step 1 to Healing…and only HALF the battle. The good news is that Diane will teach you ‘the other HALF’ through this program, Overcoming BII, the Explant Solution you’ve been searching for. 

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