Try My New Favorite Age-Defying Cream

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Try My New Favorite Age-Defying Cream

Personal care products can be made with any of 10,500 different chemical ingredients (1).

This includes many known carcinogens, such as BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole) and BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene) which are common preservatives in skin creams. This includes many known endocrine-disruptors, such as phthalates common in scented creams and body washes. Endocrine-disruptors can wreak havoc with your hormones. Your hormones influence many of your biological functions, of course, such as your metabolism, brain and behavior, and your immune system.

Why do you need to know this?

Because your skin is a crucial part of your body’s immune system

And that’s why I strongly urge you to make the shift moving away from toxic cosmetics to USDA Certified Organic creams, serums, sanitizers, deodorants, soaps and cleansers, and other personal car

e products.

And the USDA Certified Organic Age-Defying Dream Cream from Purity Woods is an excellent place to begin.

It provides you over 25 of nature’s most effective ingredients to combat the appearance of wrinkles, sagging skin, age spots, crepey thin skin and other signs of “looking old,” including a revolutionary elastin-boosting extract and nature’s 3 top vitamin-C boosters… 

…And NONE of the harmful stuff you don’t want harming your body and immune system.



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