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Topics of Discussion (Click to jump to a section!)

  1. How did Dr. Panahpour get into dentistry?
  2. What exactly is a cavitation?
  3. Why is it so critical to remove them?
  4. Dr. Panahpour’s special scanner to detect caviations.
  5. Dr. Panahpours 2-week protocol before and after surgery.
  6. Learn more about Wendy’s experience.
  7. Get an incite on some the interactions Dr. Panahpour has had with patients.
  8. Learn more about the intricacies of cavitations.
  9. How does Lyme affect dentistry?
  10. Wendy’s advanced night mouth guard and how jaw alignment affects sleep, hormones, mood and more!
  11. More details on factors that affect dentistry including patient’s trauma and mental health.
  12. Dr. Panahpours word of advice to dentists and those seeking dental work.
  13. You can learn more about Dr. Panahpour, his practice, and the services he provides at
  14. You can find Dr. Panahpour’s book The Good Dentist at thegooddentist


Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. You can learn more about my work and detoxification at Today we have a fantastic show for you guys. We have Dr. Alireza Panahpour on the show. He’s my personal dentist and he’s so brilliant. I love him so much. He has dramatically helped my health. The things he does, I have never heard of before. I’ve been to a lot of different dentists, I’ve been meticulous about my teeth throughout the years and taking care of them, and being super proactive.

Wendy Myers: Thought I had a good dentist until I met Dr. Panahpour. I got recommended to him by a friend of mine and I wanted him to come on the show to talk about cavitations. Is the dark side of infections left over from wisdom teeth extractions. A lot of people are not aware that they have these infections that are basically causing a gangrenous bone that is in their jaw causing this chronic infection, and leading to inflammatory conditions, which drags down your health, causes fatigue, causes brain fog, causes pheromonal issues, and can lead to very, very serious disease.

Wendy Myers: Delving into this awesome subject today and we’ll be discussing things like, all the different types of infections that can be found in these cavitations. You can get parasite eggs, there can be Lyme, there can be food in these cavitations, but they’re just a whole host of all different kinds of infections. We’ll also see the results from the infections in my cavitation, it was so, so fun. We’ll be talking about, also proper removal and treatment of cavitations. Why Dr. Panahpour does more redos of old cavitation surgery sites than new ones, the ones that have never been touched before.

Wendy Myers: Just hint, hint, if you’ve had a cavitation surgery before, that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear, you might have to have it redone properly. We’ll also talk about jaw misalignment and how that can prevent proper hormone flow and brain detox, and lymphatic drainage from your brain. Because when people have these tight jars and they’re clenching, and they’re grinding their teeth at night like I was. That really can over time, when you’re clenching cause a misalignment of your jaw, cracked teeth and cause a lot of these issues I just mentioned.

Wendy Myers: We’ll also talk about what you need to be aware of with most biological dentists, so they’re not all the same. More about that on the show today. Such a good show for you guys, thanks for tuning in. I know you guys listening to this podcast are concerned about heavy metal detox and detoxification of the levels of toxins that you might have in your body. Well, I created a quiz. Just go to, take the two second quiz and you’ll get your results after taking the quiz. That will give your relative levels of toxins that you have in your body.

Wendy Myers: But more importantly, you’ll get a free video series that talk about the next steps to take. Where do you start with detoxification, what things you need to be doing, mistakes to avoid, metals testing. Just all your questions answered about where to begin on your detox journey. Go take the quiz at Our guest today, Dr. Alireza Panahpour, he is the most experienced holistic biological dentist in North America, practicing 100% holistic biological dentistry since 1993. He is brilliant.

Wendy Myers: He is a wealth of information and he is known as one of the world’s most experienced DDSS for detection and removal of root canals with infection and for cavitation surgery at the site of tooth extractions. Dr. Panahpour is a frequent speaker at holistic dental conferences and at naturopathic medical schools. Dr. Panahpour has documented patient case histories of healing through holistic dentistry in his book, The Good Dentist. He’s also committed to excellence in natural biological dentistry that can be seen in his personal commitment to education. He has more than 150 advanced continuing education courses on his CV.

Wendy Myers: He is active in educating the public about the effects of using mercury and dental amalgams since 1993. Dr. Panahpour was part of a movement that succeeded in the State of California and having dental offices post signs that inform patients about mercury and dental amalgam, and the effects of mercury on human health. Dr. Panahpour’s greatest desire is to educate the public about the need for holistic biological dentistry, free of root canals, save tooth extraction and natural biomimetic materials when necessary as a path where every person’s best health.

Wendy Myers: You can learn more about Dr. Panahpour in his work and make an appointment with him, which I highly recommend at Dr. Panahpour, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you so much for me on your show.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You are my personal dentist and I’m just really happy that I found you. You were recommended to me by my friend, Robert Marking, who mentioned that you had worked extensively with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who I cohost of the heavy metal summit with. You do muscle testing. You do all this amazing cutting edge stuff that very, very few dentists are doing if at all. I wanted to have you come on the show, and why don’t you tell people a little bit about yourself, how you got into biological dentistry and how you’re taking dentistry to the next level?

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you. Dr. Klinghardt, I’ve studied with him for some time, and also other mentors. I’ve been really blessed to meet these amazing gurus, physicians, since I was a young adult that allowed me to sit on their shoulders and see a little bit further than what they were actually seeing. I truly have been blessed by divine and guiding through my life. Really early in dentistry, I knew that I wasn’t going to be your average drill it, fill it type of dentistry. I really knew in my heart that there was so much more to dentistry than what I was being introduced to in dental school.

Dr. Panahpour: I remember when I went in down to the clinic, there was like 300 patients I had to take over. Of course, I had to review every charts and in every circumstance, every chart that I looked at, patient came in, got a new filling. Came back, got a bigger filling. Came back, got a bigger filling and a crown. A crown with a root canal, then the root canal was extracted, became a bridge or a denture. Literally, every patient, we still had the patients with the same scenario.

Dr. Panahpour: I remember sitting there and I was so disappointed that all this effort, work, working at nights to pay for my tuition for dental school, student loans, all of that. Is this the way my life is going to be? But I knew in my heart there was more to dentistry. I really took it upon myself to take as many course as it presented to me. The more I learned, the more I saw. The more I saw, I realized that brushing, flossing, that’s just not it. There’s so much more to it than that.

Dr. Panahpour: Dentistry is surely a physical, energetic, mental, intuitive part of my system. Through my lectures, I have a lecture referred to as dental epigenetics, where I’m able to connect these branches to dentistry. That’s really where my path started. It’s been a very long, interesting path and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Above and beyond, all the craziness out there; QuackWatch and governmental agencies trying to cut me down, and what have you.

Wendy Myers: No. It’s an honor to be on QuackWatch.

Dr. Panahpour: I’ve actually sent the letter to Dr. Barrett’s saying, “Thank you for making me so famous.”

Wendy Myers: Because I may know a lot of dentists, I have a dentist in the family, I’ve been to a lot of different dentists and the things you talk about are just not talked about by even top level biological dentists. You just take things to a whole other level. That’s why I wanted to talk today about cavitations, and how these are just the stealth health stealer that drain people, a source of hidden chronic infections. Can you just lay out and explain what a cavitation is for anybody who doesn’t know?

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Before I do get started, I just want to share that as much as I respect this different academy of biological-based dentistry, I’ve been attending a lot of these courses for the past five, six, 10 years. The last few lectures that I’ve given to them, I’ve been pretty disappointed. My disappointment really goes to the lack of continuing education. When I have a patient that calls me from, I don’t know, Louisville, Kentucky and says, “Who should I go to? I can’t come to you, who should I go to?”

Dr. Panahpour: I always say, “Ask for their CV. Make sure that if they’re doing your filling for you, if they doing surgery for you, within the past two years, they have taken the appropriate courses in updating themselves on that.” That’s my recommendation to everyone. As far as cavitations, I want to let you know that cavitation is not a scientific word. It’s a word that’s been given to these protocols, hence the word cavity, the cavity cavitation. But it’s not the scientific word for it.

Dr. Panahpour: I have pretty much came up with maybe over 20 different ways why such a thing as cavitation could occur. But before then, let me share with you guys, let me take a step back. In 1990 when I started dental school, first-class, oral pathology and microbiology, they taught us that there’s over 300 different kind of bacteria in the mouth.

Dr. Panahpour: I would take swabs and I would look at my microflora and my jaws, and mine was wow. 20 years later, dentists are telling us that there’s actually over 2,000 different types of bacteria, fungus, virus, parasite that live in these colonies, we just going to call them biofilm. Biofilm is what causes tooth decay, biofilm is what causes gum disease. Biofilm is the plaque and the calculus that we build up. Biofilm is what we find in teeth, so-called cavitation sites.

Dr. Panahpour: But does gum disease, tooth decay, infected root canals that can also harbor biofilm, cavitation sites, TMJ issues, clenching, grinding as it leads to sleep apnea, and then photic movements, and et cetera, et cetera. What do all of these have in common? They’re all chronic inflammation on your immune system. Now if you’re an individual dealing with any kind of auto immune issue, the last thing you want is for your body to be constantly dealing with these chronic issues.

Dr. Panahpour: First year of dentistry, they taught us, if you’re a diabetic, you have gum disease, they go hand in hand. Every patient that comes to you says diabetic, your number one protocol is make sure their gums are healthy. Well again, 20 years later, we’re not sure if diabetes is causing gum disease or gum disease’s causing diabetes. We know that chronic inflammation is the common denominator to almost 70, 80% of our auto immune issues out there.

Dr. Panahpour: What these cavitations, above and beyond, and we’ll get into the microbiology of it. At the end of the day, they’re chronic inflammation on your immune system. Now let’s say you’re dealing with any kind of, God forbid, healing crisis; cancer, you name it. The last thing you want is to have an infected sites in your jaw to holding you back from getting better. Even with [culation 00:14:44], I know that you have spent years training people, advising people on culation.

Dr. Panahpour: How can you culate properly when you have multiple infections, anywhere from tooth decay, gum disease and what have you, going on in your system? People tell me, “When I start culation, I actually get worse. Well, because there are other issues that you’re not attending to.” One of these is chronic issues such as gum disease, infected root canals and these cavitation sites.

Wendy Myers: What’s causing these cavitation sites, where are they in our mouth and what causes them?

Dr. Panahpour: I would say 90% of the time, there are in areas where there was previous extraction done. Where 16, 17, 18, 20 young adults, you had your wisdom teeth removed.

Wendy Myers: Like me?

Dr. Panahpour: Yeah. Or infected root canal that was removed. Most of the time we’ve seen it in these areas, and we can get into why. Most recently, we’re seeing these sites in areas that are surrounded by a healthy teeth, where they shouldn’t be. I get calls from a lot of naturopaths, a lot of other dentists, “Hey, how is this possible? This patient has a cavitation side where she never had a tooth extraction done or any kind of trauma to that site.” We’re still working on trying to figure this out.

Dr. Panahpour: One of my thoughts is that, let’s see if there’s an area of the jaw that, and we know that she, through the nervous system, arterial system, lymphatic system, neural system have connection to different parts of the body. Let’s see if your kidney or your liver is being truly burdened, and that throws off the energetic part of that. That could correlate to that site in the jaw that is short circuiting and allowing this colonies of biofilm go and harbor there. See, if you really study biofilm, biofilm is an anaerobic type colony.

Dr. Panahpour: They hate oxygen. They like to thrive in areas that there is no oxygen. If there’s an area that has a lack of oxygen due to chemical toxicity, due to any other factor, that’s the site that they want to go and hide. This is what we’re seeing now, why they’re happening? My gosh, there was a research done in Germany or Switzerland, I’m not sure, just recently. They took these young adults, college students and they paid them to remove their bicuspids on each side. Then later, they would put implants for them.

Dr. Panahpour: They monitored these patients above and beyond, anything you can think of. The right side, they took the bicuspid and that’s all they did. They monitored the body and the body said, “Trauma, let me just send some white blood cells there, they’ll just go repair it. No big deal.” The left side, when they took the tooth out, they curettaged the ligament, the fiber, all of the surrounding tissue. Even the one is extended 0.5 millimeter of bone was even curettaged.

Dr. Panahpour: The body responded as amputation. If you as a young adult went through surgery of your, let’s say wisdom tooth or root canal, and the tooth was not completely removed. Above and beyond, the ligament fibers, you name it, that is a potential site for cavitation. Number two, hormones. We see more cavitations in our female patients than our male patients, why? Well, we know that hormones are a huge part of healing and blood clotting factors.

Dr. Panahpour: If you’re an 18, 19, 20 year old young lady, I don’t know any women between the ages of 17 to 35 that’s going through some sort of a hormonal craziness. If you’re young adult that’s in college, you’re studying hard, you’re partying a little bit. You got to get your wisdom teeth out. They go in there, pop four of them at the same time. Thank you so much, see you later. Your body is not having that capability of healing if your hormones or other blood factors are off, there you go.

Dr. Panahpour: That’s another reason for hospitable cavitation. At the end of the day, of course, it goes to surgical expertise. In dental school really they taught us, “Pop the tooth out, put some gloss and have a nice day.” They really didn’t teach us, “Go in there, remove, curettage, make sure the patient has, the hematocrit numbers are proper for proper healing.” It’s just not done.

Wendy Myers: And an ozone too, right?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, ozone is just one factor, ozone is new. But see, the main thing here that we need to pay attention to, above and beyond, let’s say if a tooth is not infected. That’s where the research goes back into, so when I just shared with you guys the students with the bicuspids. That ligament between the root of the tooth and the bone, there is what they call their periodontal ligaments. 70% of the blood supply that comes to that tooth comes from ligament, not the actual artery and the vein back going to that tooth.

Dr. Panahpour: If you take a tooth out and you don’t remove, and curettage that ligament and fibers thoroughly, you leave it behind, it’s like you’re leaving dead tissue behind. I had one interesting case about couple of years ago, a patient came in. Of course, every time we do our surgeries, whatever we remove, we send to the pathologist. We want to see what it is and we want to confirm that it was dead bone. Most of the time, they call it chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis, which in a way just another schmanzy word for gangrene bone.

Dr. Panahpour: Now this patient came in, we cleaned everything out, I send it to the pathologist and I got the report back. Is a chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis, and remanence of carrot and celery. I called the pathologist, I said, “Excuse me, is there a new biofilm or biofilm colony called carrots and celery?” They’re like, “No. We actually found,” this is 25 years later, they were able to tell reminisce of carrot and celery.

Dr. Panahpour: Basically patient had the surgery done, wisdom teeth was removed. Either, she wasn’t given the proper protocol to keep the area clean or take care of the area. She had soup, what have you, and carrot and celery got into that.

Wendy Myers: I’m sure there are some celery in my cavitation here, some celery juice.

Dr. Panahpour: Yeah, soup. A lot of people come to me, they say, “Well, I have these cavitation sites, and can we treat them with ozone?” Not if pieces of tooth structure had been left behind, and not a piece of ligament had been left behind. Also, it’s not going to do anything for you. Also it depends on how big these sites, these voids, the really voids within your jaw bone. We see that, not right now, through our 3D scans. We can actually see voids where there is no blood flow. Of course, there’s no blood flow, there’s no oxygen. No oxygen, biofilm colonies live there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. We have these cavitations that can be leftover in your wisdom tooth. We had wisdom teeth extracted. I was told by a friend, I was tired and not feeling well, and just feeling like I should be feeling better given all my health, lifestyle and diet, the links that I go to, to be healthy. He said, “Go check out your cavitations.” I came to you and I did a scan. Tell us about the scan you have to do to discover cavitation. It’s a 3D scan. Where do you get this done because you can’t do it at most dentists’ office?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, actually I had it in my Washington office, and now that I’ve relocated it to my California office, I’m bringing that with me.

Wendy Myers: Great.

Dr. Panahpour: Almost $150,000 equipment, so I had a choice of buying an airplane or buying this. I got that. Honestly, I feel that every dentist needs to have this in their office. Basically, this 3D scan, so the old dental extra space will show us areas in the jaw bone in a two-dimensional image. A lot of these infections could hide because of the overlapping when the images are done. Now the 3D scan, it’s amazing. We’re able to see the bone structure, your airway, your cranium, your spine, C1 through C7 in a three-dimensional dimension.

Dr. Panahpour: Through this, we’re able to truly see the size where they’re at, where they’re hiding the extent of it in a three-dimensional picture. Now of course, it’s a lot of companies that are private radiology companies. I don’t just consider myself as the expert, I also, after reviewing this, I always send these 3D scans through the radiologist and have them look and see, “Hey, these are the areas that I’m concerned with. What do you see?”

Dr. Panahpour: Of course, then they send the letter of interpretation, like what we did for you. That says, “It’s highly suspicious that these areas, there’s something going on, there’s some sort of a bony deformity going on and we suspect is some sort of infection such as chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis.” Of course, we know at the end when the surgery is done, these infections is removed. Let me stop there too. I personally do more reduce of an actual cavitation from other dentists, from other patients that have gone through different dentist.

Dr. Panahpour: I have a two-week protocol before and after surgery to get my patients prepped and ready, and we can get into that a little bit more. Just because of, especially the last few years, in the older days, we would do just the pathology. We would remove the infection, send it to the pathologist and they will tell us what it was, the big names. Now, we have culturing technique, so we’re able to know exactly the name of every bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites that we find in these lesions. Now why is that very important?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, if we have a patient that’s living with some liver issue, some kidney issue, some virus, something that keeps attacking delivering kidney, and we don’t know where that’s coming from. 99% of the time, it’s hiding within the jaw within those cavitation sites. Now when we do the culturing, we know, “Oh, this is the bacteria. It’s the Epstein virus that’s attacking her liver or kidneys.” Now, our doctors can go after that particular bacteria or virus more directly.

Dr. Panahpour: I do a lot of heart cases, a lot of patients that are dealing with these healing crisis. I can’t tell you the amount of time that I spent with their naturopath, with their functional medical doctor, really taking them from A to Z. Why are we doing this, how did we find these areas, what can we do to prep our patients? Because you are doing surgery, what we’re really doing is we’re spreading that infection within the system. How do we combat that, how do we help our patients?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, I can either put you on five to seven different types of antibiotics, that’s what the science experts say. Or we can do what’s called immune modulation. Depending on your system, few weeks before the surgery, you start getting these high vitamin D, calcium, intravenous IV supports, to really boost up your immune system. At the same time, when we remove these infections, well, I got to put something back in there, correct? Well, what am I choices? Cow bone, cadaver bone, monkey bone, or your own.

Dr. Panahpour: Now we do, we take your blood, we send a fugit, we grab the stem cells. I have videos on Instagram and Facebook where I make what’s called sticky bone. Then it’s of your own, and that goes back in there. If you’ve been dealing with infections quite a bit, with these infections for many years, that means your blood is pretty polluted. Another reason for this immune modulation is not only get your immune system ready, but at the same time, get your blood clean as possible.

Dr. Panahpour: I do a lot of facial aesthetics. I have another company called the Casanova Facelift, where we use microneedling, all that for facial augmentation. I can tell you three out of 10 women that come to me for simple microneedling and what these look like, have you ever heard the vampire facelift?

Wendy Myers: Oh yes.

Dr. Panahpour: My company is the Casanova Facelift, so I do the microneedling, I take the blood and I see the blood is thick, dark. I’m like, “Okay, your body’s definitely leading you to some sort of infection. I can get what I need out of this blood.” I tell you 80% of the time, when we go back in there, when I advise them to go get a 3D cone beam scan and let’s look if there’s any hidden infection, we find infected root canals and cavitation sites.

Dr. Panahpour: I just tell them you should go and do a little research on this, and figured out yourself. I’m not trying to sell him anything, but I can tell how dirty the blood is because of constantly leading to these infections.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s so important. That’s why I’m having you on this podcast, to have some awareness about cavitations. If it’s potentially contributing to your fatigue and health issues. If you’re just doing a lot of different things and nothing seems to be working, this is just a basic foundational thing that a lot of people need to address. I was really surprised. I knew that I needed to get around to doing the cone beam and addressing the cavitations, but I was just surprised at how much better I feel.

Wendy Myers: I had one side done, I still have to have the other side done. So you just do one side at a time. You’re not doing all four, like they do it. I got my results back of the infections that were in my cavitation. I’m going to show them to you guys right here just, so you guys can check this out. I was really shocked. Here’s my results of my cavitation here, and look at these reds.

Wendy Myers: Look at all these infections that I had no idea that I had in my jaw that’s dragging me down, dragging down my immune system. We’re not going to get into it or pick it apart right here, but I have a lot of cooties. I just wanted to share that all with you guys. The healthiest person can have all this stuff going on.

Dr. Panahpour: Well, correct. I would say in this panel, you have the gram positives that are opportunistics. These guys are just sitting there waiting for the opportunity. As soon as something, it’s actually immune system, they follow through. Then you have these nasty gram negatives, they’re actually causing damage. Then you have these [viral kits 00:31:46] and the parasites. When you start looking at this, it’s like, “Whoa,” it gets a little scary. That’s why we go above and beyond to make sure our patients are prepped and ready for these procedures.

Dr. Panahpour: I can’t tell you how many patients come in and say, “Yeah, I had cavitation sites, four at the same time and everything failed.” “Well, did the dentist put you on any free supplements, did you talk to your doctor, was there 3D scans?” Nothing. This is some sort of a biological dentist and I reach out to them. I’m like, “Listen, I have this patient of yours. Before I even get started, when was the last time we took any surgical courses?”

Dr. Panahpour: Well, they get a little offended but they churn and say, “Since dental school.” I just say, “Thank you so much, it was a pleasure speaking with you.”

Wendy Myers: Are dentists not required to do-

Dr. Panahpour: They’re required to take 60 units of continuing education every two years. But unfortunately, when you just take a weekend course at some biological dental conference, that’s not enough. Every two years, I spent two weeks in Florida, to just focus on most advanced ways in surgical techniques or my body, doing fillings, what have you. That’s what I’m saying, continuing education, it’s so important because things are shifting so fast for us. That’s where we are.

Dr. Panahpour: You mentioned about being drained, being tired. I have patients that come in and ask me, “If I do the surgery, is this going to get better, is that going to get better?” “I don’t know. Well, what I can tell you is we’re getting rid of a chronic issue that’s impinging upon your system.” If you go look in my reviews, I have number of patients that come to me, “Yeah, by the way, I never told you I had this backache that went away right away. I had this issue with my shoulder that went away right away.”

Dr. Panahpour: Of course, I can advertise these things because now the dental board think I’m acting like a doctor, but this is just feedback that they’re telling me. At the end of the day, you’re getting rid of a chronic issue that is holding you back from getting to where you need to get. If it’s culation, dealing with Lyme, anti-aging, healthier life, you name it, name them. I think I read this in scientific America a few years ago, they had a very … No, more than about five years ago, that a really interesting article on auto immune issues.

Dr. Panahpour: The research says, “Is me and you are sitting here and talking together right now, our immune system is dealing with over 6,000 different types of cancer cells.” That’s me and you, right now. That is happening through, God, environment, physical and everything. Why all of that, you will be really bombarded. The last thing you want is to have gum disease or infection within your jaw bone holding you back and putting a burden on your muscles.

Dr. Panahpour: Especially, our female patients between the ages of 38 to 46 which go through menopause, and breast cancer has been directly linked to gum disease. Cavitation, is just another form of gum disease. Gum disease is the gums and the bone. Cavitation is just a bone, basically.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s one of those things where if your immune system is overwhelmed or it’s overburdened, and you have all these cancer cells in your body. But it’s just busy doing other things and you’re fatigued, and exhausted, that’s why cancer can take hold or a tumor can take hold and grow out of control with it. The immune system is just too overburdened. We have to take every burden off of our immune system as possible. Have you ever seen a patient that doesn’t have cavitations? This is really, really common.

Dr. Panahpour: Well, let’s use you as an example. You had four wisdom teeth taken out. Thank God, only the upper tooth are infected, the lowers are not, so that’s wonderful. Yes, I do see patients that, thank God, the body, either was a surgeon, thank God, who did a good job. Or something went along that these areas did not become infected. Most of the time, is all four wisdom teeth areas. But yes, I would say one out of every 50, well, maybe 100, I’m not sure. One you being such, you only had them in upper jaw, not the lower jaw. So that’s wonderful.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tell us a little bit more about your protocol, leading up to doing a cavitation surgery. You want people to do like IV vitamin C, maybe-

Dr. Panahpour: It really depends on the individual patient and their core. You’re very active in your health because you teach, you preach what you do, so that was a different story. But again, every patient is a little different. But at the end of the day, it’s a combination of supplementation. Most people take bunch of supplements anyway, so they either reduce or add something else to their protocol and intravenous IV supports. To get your immune system strong, get your blood nice and oxidized so we don’t have to give you antibiotics.

Dr. Panahpour: If anything, one dose or maybe half the dose. But remember that list that you showed me with that microbiology? When I showed that list to number of advanced microbiologists, pathologists, infection control doctors in America, the conclusion was, “You got to put your spacial and factor seven different types of antibiotics.” Can you imagine what that’s going to do to your gut?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You kill your mitochondria too.

Dr. Panahpour: Above and beyond. I can’t tell you how many patients I see that were diagnosed early with Lyme disease, and they went on these regiments of two years of antibiotics. Well, the gut destroyed, they’re not able to absorb the nutrients and what they need. The body’s acidic so of course, when the body looks for the next source of minerals, where does it go after? Your bone and your teeth. I would say dental health as far as gums, cranial harmony, infections of the jaw, is your number one step before you start any other protocol that you’re trying to do. If it’s culation, MS, you name it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was upset it took me so long to finally address my cavitations. I knew there was something going on in my body but I wasn’t sure what was going on. I started seeking out different counsel from different health experts. I was just bummed, I waited so long to have this diagnosed and then deal with it. I’m really, really happy that I found you. I was really happy that you didn’t give me antibiotics, that there was a protocol where I could do IV vitamin C.

Wendy Myers: Because most dentists, they’re like, “I’ll just give you antibiotics,” which I don’t want to take. I’ll take them if necessary. But the IV vitamin C was such a game changer. I felt so much better after I started doing that. I had this dental surgery, no antibiotics. It’s brilliant.

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Me, myself, I travel quite a bit. My life is spread all over the States; teaching, taking courses. I try to get at least one vitamin C, what they call Myers, at least once a week or every two weeks just to support my own system; travel, what have you, so I recommend it to anyone. Any other thing that I can think of, I do of course get a lot of patients that come in, that’s share with me, “I’ve spent over $100,000 on my health. Now, they’re telling me that my dental issues has been keeping me from truly getting better.”

Dr. Panahpour: We see that with a lot of our patients as well, and I feel for them. They spend so much money, travel the world, they do every type of protocol but they’ve had either cavitations or multiple infections in the jaw.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. This is the thing, there’s a lot of people going in that, the conventional medical doctor and that revolving door. When they’re sick of doing that, they go to functional medicine. Then they do all these different protocols and supplements because it’s the next best thing. But most of these practitioners are not recommending their patients go to get dental work or addressing cavitations, because most dentists don’t know about it, much less medical doctors.

Dr. Panahpour: Correct. I spent a lot of time teaching medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths on the importance of dental health. How can you get your patient sugar level, hormones level, thyroid, adrenals, when they’re dealing with a simple thing such as gum disease? When your body’s acidic, when the pH is off, when your digestion is off, well, you produce more bacteria, more biofilm. You need to, instead of going every six months for your clinics, you’re going to wait a few months for your clinics.

Dr. Panahpour: Use toothpastes that are able to alkaline your saliva and calm that acidity down. Your patients just don’t know and the doctors don’t know because they don’t teach them in dental school. There is no dental education in these medical programs or naturopathic programs. Maybe they touch upon it a little bit as far as the scientific method, “This is a tooth, this is enamel, this is dentine sits in a jaw bone. Thank you. Have a nice day.”

Dr. Panahpour: But for example, all the group, every student that I know that I started with Dr. Klinghardt, most of them are naturopaths. They actually have a dental questionnaire on their other patient intake form, because they’ve been taught what important aspect it is.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can you talk about the aspect of Lyme and how that can dramatically impact people’s health? Because suddenly Lyme, there’s Lyme-like infections or so many people that are dealing with Lyme and Lyme-like infections. Because something going on in the environment, it’s much more prevalent, people are much more toxic. People are succumbing and suffering from these types of infections. Can you talk about that and how it relates to dentistry?

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Well, Lyme is basically chlamydia that has advanced itself. When I think about chlamydia, I think about syphilis. From syphilis, I think about civilization. As we are progressing in humanity, there will be more of these type of viruses and bacterias that have advanced themselves, that become so resistant to antibiotics. Why do we have to give five to seven different types of antibiotics for these cavitation sites? Because as soon as you give one dose, they change their shape.

Dr. Panahpour: They become pre-immune to the antibodies, so you got to attack them with another one and another one, and another one. Why are these bacterias, why are these viruses are getting so strong? Well, some research says as we’re evolving, as we are dealing with all these toxicities in the world, so are these bacteria and parasites, and fungus, and what have you. They’ve learned how to protect themselves. Now Lyme, it’s an interesting little bugger. It doesn’t live in your bloodstream, it hides in joints.

Dr. Panahpour: We’ve had patients that have gone through Lyme panel, had a test done, no Lyme. We put them on a treadmill for 10, 15 minutes, we test them again, then we see Lyme. Another reasons why Lyme patients is very hard for them to exercise because they’re exercising the Lyme. Now remember when we talked about biofilm?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Panahpour: 2,000 different types of virus, fungus, bacteria, all living together? Well, Lyme has found refuge within biofilm. If you go on YouTube and just put search biofilm Lyme, there’s a video that comes up that actually shows how this Lyme is hiding within biofilm. When you look at that video, it looks like something out of Star Wars movies. Again, so far we know that we cannot get rid of Lyme, you got to create a coexistent with Lyme. Couple of very number one issues, if you are dealing with Lyme, you have to have the perfect dental health.

Dr. Panahpour: Your teeth, gums, no root canals, no infections, good craniosacral balance for oxygenation and lymphatic movements. That’s very, very important. Because again, Lyme hides within biofilm. Of course, whenever you go through any kind of culation, detoxification, you really are creating an acidic environment. With that acidic environment, of course, pH goes up and your normal flora, this normal biofilm is ever able to work like super speed. That’s also, we got to pay attention to.

Wendy Myers: Interesting.

Dr. Panahpour: I would say 90% of the Lyme patients that I see, have low cranial movement because their craniosacrally, the cranium is completely off. The bite is completely off and that’s affecting your oxygenation and lymphatic movement. They want to go through all these protocols. I’m like, “Great, but if you don’t have any lymphatic movement and if you have no oxygenation to your system, you’re just wasting your money. You’re wasting your time.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It was really interesting when I come to you initially because I had this searing tooth pain and trying to figure out what was wrong, what was causing it. I was sure I just had to have the tooth pulled out or there’s a root canal infection. I was sure there was an infection and I was just grinding my teeth. I was just stressed, grinding and you gave me a bite that I sleep with at night.

Wendy Myers: It’s not really a night guard, it’s much more advanced than that. It was amazing how much better I slept, how much less stressed my jaws are because the purpose is to realign my jaw. When I first started wearing it, all of your hormones start flowing again. You said you’re going to be a little emotional. I was like, “Okay, great doc.” Then that day, I was totally crying and emotional, just as my jaw had been opened up and it was flowing again. It was amazing.

Dr. Panahpour: Do you know the TMJ joint has more hormonal receptors than any other part of the body? Remind me to tell you a little story later, but going back to … Basically how can I, I just can’t find myself to go there, do a surgery for someone who’s clenching and grinding, who’s got muscle spasm, lack of lymphatic movement. All the submandibular glands are swollen up, so what am I doing? I’m not really helping that patient. Some patients feel like, “Oh, you’re just trying to charge me extra, dah, dah, dah.”

Dr. Panahpour: I’m like, “No. If you feel this bite issue, this bite is not a problem for you, great, I will still do the surgery. Well, here’s a 10-page consent form that says any problems, any reinfection, any swelling, any pain, I told you so.” Going back to what I wanted to share with you, multiple patients I get every year, mother brings their 12, 14, 13, 16 young daughters to me. My daughter was an honor students, chess club, debate club.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as her bicuspids were extracted, braces were placed. They start shifting the round, she’s become rebellious, she wants to kill us. I don’t know her anymore, so forth and so on. First, I thought is the toxicity from the braces from the nickel, and some patients are allergic to that. But really it went back to, as they were shifting these teeth around, they were distributing the cranial harmony, the cranial movement, specially the TMJ and the hormones.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as you would remove the braces, allow through my appliance for things to come in alignment, go back to who they were before. It’s really interesting, I’ve had patients they thought they went to menopause. But they had it really early their life when they hadn’t. They’re just had lack of lymphatic oxygenation. As soon as I’ve placed the appliance, within weeks, I would get a call, “Hey Dr. Panahpour, guess what?” “What?” This is like 12:00 midnight, “I just got my periods.”

Dr. Panahpour: Again, I’m not a medical doctor, I’m not an Ob gyn or anything like that, I’m just sharing my experience with my patients.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I thought I was really profound when I just started wearing this appliance. I just felt like my jaw opened up, relaxed. Then I was getting these chronic headaches and those went away. Just you sleep better because you’re just like this stressor that you have is just-

Dr. Panahpour: This clenching and grinding is a skeletal, muscular, neural issue, so you really have to go about it, understanding all those three concepts. I’ve pretty much taken every TMJ course that’s been available to me in the United States and abroad. I would go to these classes and I would say, “Well, the chiropractic medicine says this, osteopathic medicine says this. What are your thoughts?” “Oh, we don’t really, we’re just dentists and this is your teeth, and do what we tell you and shut the hell up.” One course, they’ve actually asked me to leave. I was asking too many questions.

Wendy Myers: We’re not going to ask you to leave.

Dr. Panahpour: I was disturbing the flow of the class. Again, it goes back to the more I learned, the more I saw. Of course, the more I saw, the harder patients started coming to me. I’ve learned more from my patients than any course I’ve taken out there. Truly, I think our health is not just on a physical body, it’s physical, energy, mental, intuitive, spiritual. I can give you a number of patients that were dealing with just adrenal fatigue, what have you.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as they got a divorce, they got better. As soon as they moved house, they got better. They moved out of stage, they got better because they were living in a toxic type environments. We know stress and toxicity actually shrinks your DNA. We can sit here, talk about this for a weekend. Health is more than just, and teeth are truly one part of that paradigm, when it comes to your physical, energy and mental levels of your body, of your existence.

Dr. Panahpour: That’s what I try to look at with my patients. If you come to me and you’ve been to 25 dentists before you get to me, I got to be very cautious; what happened with every one of those dentists, are you chasing your sickness? Unfortunately, we see that three out of 10 patients we see them, they’re chasing their sickness. What I can do for them is quite limited. There’s some sort of a blockage on some other level with this patient, either it’s fear, anger, what have you. There’s a lot of alignment to get better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s one of those things where again, we’re going back to addressing the underlying root cause and the dentistry or dental issues are a huge part of that. It’s not just getting your teeth clean and getting rid of gum infections. The cavitations, removing infected root canals is a huge, huge part of that. Also Dr. Panahpour, thank you so much for coming-

Dr. Panahpour: My pleasure.

Wendy Myers: -and sharing your wisdom. Is there any message or anything that we’ve left out that you want to share with the listeners?

Dr. Panahpour: I would say, make sure that whoever you go to is up to date with the latest technology. That’s number one. Number two, I’ll give you an example. If I have a patient that comes to me that has, let’s say, disease, “Yeah, I go to my dentist every three months and have to pay all this money to get this cleaning’s done because I build up plaque and bacteria.” Or patient comes to me, “I have this tooth decay.” Well, of course, I have to use noninvasive methods to remove that decay.

Dr. Panahpour: Instead of jeweling, we can use laser, [elevation 00:55:23], et cetera, et cetera. I have to put a clean, nontoxic material in there. I don’t use any amalgams in my practice, more biocompatible. Now, of course, there’s nothing in this world that is 100% biocompatible with you, but something more cleaner. But my question will be, “How did you get this tooth decay? What’s going on in your body that’s causing you to get this decay? Is it lack of brushing and flossing, which usually is not. Well, let me teach you how to brush and floss properly.”

Dr. Panahpour: “But if not, doc, I swear, I brush three times a day. I floss. Look at my kid, I had this disposable that dah, dah, dah.” “Then there’s definitely something else going on in their body. Let’s figure out with the help of other practitioners, your MD, your naturopath, why this is.” Because if I’m able to stop that patient from coming every six months to my practice with a new cavity, that’s truly where I’ve done my job.

Dr. Panahpour: You can call me biological, alternative, systemic, quack, you’d call me all of the above. But at the end of the day, I like to think of myself as a conscious dentist. A good dentist.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. A systemic think about the whole body and not just-

Dr. Panahpour: All your dentistry.

Wendy Myers: Yes, exactly. I love it. If someone doesn’t want to go to a regular or biological dentist and they want to work with you, where can we find you, how do we get in contact with you?

Dr. Panahpour: Best way is my website,

Wendy Myers: Fantastic.

Dr. Panahpour: For all dentists out there, please continue education. Past two years, I’ve spent more time going into dentists’ offices and changing the paradigm of their practice. These were all so called alternative holistic biological dentistry.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. You have a book also, correct?

Dr. Panahpour: Yes, The Good dentist. Just Google

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You’re such a wealth of information, I can talk to you for hours. But if anyone wants any more info, you have tons of videos on YouTube and on the internet, other interviews, you guys want to get anymore. Dr. Panahpour, thanks for so much for coming on our show.

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Everyone, thank you so much for listening to the Myers Detox Podcast, where we explore all types of topics related to detoxification. But also helping to get rid of your dental infections on this show today. Thanks for tuning in. I’ll talk to you guys next week.


ers: Hello, everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. You can learn more about my work and detoxification at Today we have a fantastic show for you guys. We have Dr. Alireza Panahpour on the show. He’s my personal dentist and he’s so brilliant. I love him so much. He has dramatically helped my health. The things he does, I have never heard of before. I’ve been to a lot of different dentists, I’ve been meticulous about my teeth throughout the years and taking care of them, and being super proactive.

Wendy Myers: Thought I had a good dentist until I met Dr. Panahpour. I got recommended to him by a friend of mine and I wanted him to come on the show to talk about cavitations. Is the dark side of infections left over from wisdom teeth extractions. A lot of people are not aware that they have these infections that are basically causing a gangrenous bone that is in their jaw causing this chronic infection, and leading to inflammatory conditions, which drags down your health, causes fatigue, causes brain fog, causes pheromonal issues, and can lead to very, very serious disease.

Wendy Myers: Delving into this awesome subject today and we’ll be discussing things like, all the different types of infections that can be found in these cavitations. You can get parasite eggs, there can be Lyme, there can be food in these cavitations, but they’re just a whole host of all different kinds of infections. We’ll also see the results from the infections in my cavitation, it was so, so fun. We’ll be talking about, also proper removal and treatment of cavitations. Why Dr. Panahpour does more redos of old cavitation surgery sites than new ones, the ones that have never been touched before.

Wendy Myers: Just hint, hint, if you’ve had a cavitation surgery before, that doesn’t mean you’re in the clear, you might have to have it redone properly. We’ll also talk about jaw misalignment and how that can prevent proper hormone flow and brain detox, and lymphatic drainage from your brain. Because when people have these tight jars and they’re clenching, and they’re grinding their teeth at night like I was. That really can over time, when you’re clenching cause a misalignment of your jaw, cracked teeth and cause a lot of these issues I just mentioned.

Wendy Myers: We’ll also talk about what you need to be aware of with most biological dentists, so they’re not all the same. More about that on the show today. Such a good show for you guys, thanks for tuning in. I know you guys listening to this podcast are concerned about heavy metal detox and detoxification of the levels of toxins that you might have in your body. Well, I created a quiz. Just go to, take the two second quiz and you’ll get your results after taking the quiz. That will give your relative levels of toxins that you have in your body.

Wendy Myers: But more importantly, you’ll get a free video series that talk about the next steps to take. Where do you start with detoxification, what things you need to be doing, mistakes to avoid, metals testing. Just all your questions answered about where to begin on your detox journey. Go take the quiz at Our guest today, Dr. Alireza Panahpour, he is the most experienced holistic biological dentist in North America, practicing 100% holistic biological dentistry since 1993. He is brilliant.

Wendy Myers: He is a wealth of information and he is known as one of the world’s most experienced DDSS for detection and removal of root canals with infection and for cavitation surgery at the site of tooth extractions. Dr. Panahpour is a frequent speaker at holistic dental conferences and at naturopathic medical schools. Dr. Panahpour has documented patient case histories of healing through holistic dentistry in his book, The Good Dentist. He’s also committed to excellence in natural biological dentistry that can be seen in his personal commitment to education. He has more than 150 advanced continuing education courses on his CV.

Wendy Myers: He is active in educating the public about the effects of using mercury and dental amalgams since 1993. Dr. Panahpour was part of a movement that succeeded in the State of California and having dental offices post signs that inform patients about mercury and dental amalgam, and the effects of mercury on human health. Dr. Panahpour’s greatest desire is to educate the public about the need for holistic biological dentistry, free of root canals, save tooth extraction and natural biomimetic materials when necessary as a path where every person’s best health.

Wendy Myers: You can learn more about Dr. Panahpour in his work and make an appointment with him, which I highly recommend at Dr. Panahpour, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you so much for me on your show.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You are my personal dentist and I’m just really happy that I found you. You were recommended to me by my friend, Robert Marking, who mentioned that you had worked extensively with Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, who I cohost of the heavy metal summit with. You do muscle testing. You do all this amazing cutting edge stuff that very, very few dentists are doing if at all. I wanted to have you come on the show, and why don’t you tell people a little bit about yourself, how you got into biological dentistry and how you’re taking dentistry to the next level?

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you. Dr. Klinghardt, I’ve studied with him for some time, and also other mentors. I’ve been really blessed to meet these amazing gurus, physicians, since I was a young adult that allowed me to sit on their shoulders and see a little bit further than what they were actually seeing. I truly have been blessed by divine and guiding through my life. Really early in dentistry, I knew that I wasn’t going to be your average drill it, fill it type of dentistry. I really knew in my heart that there was so much more to dentistry than what I was being introduced to in dental school.

Dr. Panahpour: I remember when I went in down to the clinic, there was like 300 patients I had to take over. Of course, I had to review every charts and in every circumstance, every chart that I looked at, patient came in, got a new filling. Came back, got a bigger filling. Came back, got a bigger filling and a crown. A crown with a root canal, then the root canal was extracted, became a bridge or a denture. Literally, every patient, we still had the patients with the same scenario.

Dr. Panahpour: I remember sitting there and I was so disappointed that all this effort, work, working at nights to pay for my tuition for dental school, student loans, all of that. Is this the way my life is going to be? But I knew in my heart there was more to dentistry. I really took it upon myself to take as many course as it presented to me. The more I learned, the more I saw. The more I saw, I realized that brushing, flossing, that’s just not it. There’s so much more to it than that.

Dr. Panahpour: Dentistry is surely a physical, energetic, mental, intuitive part of my system. Through my lectures, I have a lecture referred to as dental epigenetics, where I’m able to connect these branches to dentistry. That’s really where my path started. It’s been a very long, interesting path and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Above and beyond, all the craziness out there; QuackWatch and governmental agencies trying to cut me down, and what have you.

Wendy Myers: No. It’s an honor to be on QuackWatch.

Dr. Panahpour: I’ve actually sent the letter to Dr. Barrett’s saying, “Thank you for making me so famous.”

Wendy Myers: Because I may know a lot of dentists, I have a dentist in the family, I’ve been to a lot of different dentists and the things you talk about are just not talked about by even top level biological dentists. You just take things to a whole other level. That’s why I wanted to talk today about cavitations, and how these are just the stealth health stealer that drain people, a source of hidden chronic infections. Can you just lay out and explain what a cavitation is for anybody who doesn’t know?

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Before I do get started, I just want to share that as much as I respect this different academy of biological-based dentistry, I’ve been attending a lot of these courses for the past five, six, 10 years. The last few lectures that I’ve given to them, I’ve been pretty disappointed. My disappointment really goes to the lack of continuing education. When I have a patient that calls me from, I don’t know, Louisville, Kentucky and says, “Who should I go to? I can’t come to you, who should I go to?”

Dr. Panahpour: I always say, “Ask for their CV. Make sure that if they’re doing your filling for you, if they doing surgery for you, within the past two years, they have taken the appropriate courses in updating themselves on that.” That’s my recommendation to everyone. As far as cavitations, I want to let you know that cavitation is not a scientific word. It’s a word that’s been given to these protocols, hence the word cavity, the cavity cavitation. But it’s not the scientific word for it.

Dr. Panahpour: I have pretty much came up with maybe over 20 different ways why such a thing as cavitation could occur. But before then, let me share with you guys, let me take a step back. In 1990 when I started dental school, first-class, oral pathology and microbiology, they taught us that there’s over 300 different kind of bacteria in the mouth.

Dr. Panahpour: I would take swabs and I would look at my microflora and my jaws, and mine was wow. 20 years later, the dentists are telling us that there’s actually over 2,000 different types of bacteria, fungus, virus, parasite that live in these colonies, we just going to call them biofilm. Biofilm is what causes tooth decay, biofilm is what causes gum disease. Biofilm is the plaque and the calculus that we build up. Biofilm is what we find in teeth, so-called cavitation sites.

Dr. Panahpour: But does gum disease, tooth decay, infected root canals that can also harbor biofilm, cavitation sites, TMJ issues, clenching, grinding as it leads to sleep apnea, and then photic movements, and et cetera, et cetera. What do all of these have in common? They’re all chronic inflammation on your immune system. Now if you’re an individual dealing with any kind of auto immune issue, the last thing you want is for your body to be constantly dealing with these chronic issues.

Dr. Panahpour: First year of dentistry, they taught us, if you’re a diabetic, you have gum disease, they go hand in hand. Every patient that comes to you says diabetic, your number one protocol is make sure their gums are healthy. Well again, 20 years later, we’re not sure if diabetes is causing gum disease or gum disease’s causing diabetes. We know that chronic inflammation is the common denominator to almost 70, 80% of our auto immune issues out there.

Dr. Panahpour: What these cavitations, above and beyond, and we’ll get into the microbiology of it. At the end of the day, they’re chronic inflammation on your immune system. Now let’s say you’re dealing with any kind of, God forbid, healing crisis; cancer, you name it. The last thing you want is to have an infected sites in your jaw to holding you back from getting better. Even with [culation 00:14:44], I know that you have spent years training people, advising people on culation.

Dr. Panahpour: How can you culate properly when you have multiple infections, anywhere from tooth decay, gum disease and what have you, going on in your system? People tell me, “When I start culation, I actually get worse. Well, because there are other issues that you’re not attending to.” One of these is chronic issues such as gum disease, infected root canals and these cavitation sites.

Wendy Myers: What’s causing these cavitation sites, where are they in our mouth and what causes them?

Dr. Panahpour: I would say 90% of the time, there are in areas where there was previous extraction done. Where 16, 17, 18, 20 young adults, you had your wisdom teeth removed.

Wendy Myers: Like me?

Dr. Panahpour: Yeah. Or infected root canal that was removed. Most of the time we’ve seen it in these areas, and we can get into why. Most recently, we’re seeing these sites in areas that are surrounded by a healthy teeth, where they shouldn’t be. I get calls from a lot of naturopaths, a lot of other dentists, “Hey, how is this possible? This patient has a cavitation side where she never had a tooth extraction done or any kind of trauma to that site.” We’re still working on trying to figure this out.

Dr. Panahpour: One of my thoughts is that, let’s see if there’s an area of the jaw that, and we know that she, through the nervous system, arterial system, lymphatic system, neural system have connection to different parts of the body. Let’s see if your kidney or your liver is being truly burdened, and that throws off the energetic part of that. That could correlate to that site in the jaw that is short circuiting and allowing this colonies of biofilm go and harbor there. See, if you really study biofilm, biofilm is an anaerobic type colony.

Dr. Panahpour: They hate oxygen. They like to thrive in areas that there is no oxygen. If there’s an area that has a lack of oxygen due to chemical toxicity, due to any other factor, that’s the site that they want to go and hide. This is what we’re seeing now, why they’re happening? My gosh, there was a research done in Germany or Switzerland, I’m not sure, just recently. They took these young adults, college students and they paid them to remove their bicuspids on each side. Then later, they would put implants for them.

Dr. Panahpour: They monitored these patients above and beyond, anything you can think of. The right side, they took the bicuspid and that’s all they did. They monitored the body and the body said, “Trauma, let me just send some white blood cells there, they’ll just go repair it. No big deal.” The left side, when they took the tooth out, they curettaged the ligament, the fiber, all of the surrounding tissue. Even the one is extended 0.5 millimeter of bone was even curettaged.

Dr. Panahpour: The body responded as amputation, “Let me send the whole cavalry there.” If you as a young adult went through surgery of your, let’s say wisdom tooth or root canal, and the tooth was not completely removed. Above and beyond, the ligament fibers, you name it, that is a potential site for cavitation. Number two, hormones. We see more cavitations in our female patients than our male patients, why? Well, we know that hormones are a huge part of healing and blood clotting factors.

Dr. Panahpour: If you’re an 18, 19, 20 year old young lady, I don’t know any women between the ages of 17 to 35 that’s going through some sort of a hormonal craziness. If you’re young adult that’s in college, you’re studying hard, you’re partying a little bit. You got to get your wisdom teeth out. They go in there, pop four of them at the same time. Thank you so much, see you later. Your body is not having that capability of healing if your hormones or other blood factors are off, there you go.

Dr. Panahpour: That’s another reason for hospitable cavitation. At the end of the day, of course, it goes to surgical expertise. In dental school really they taught us, “Pop the tooth out, put some gloss and have a nice day.” They really didn’t teach us, “Go in there, remove, curettage, make sure the patient has, the hematocrit numbers are proper for proper healing.” It’s just not done.

Wendy Myers: And an ozone too, right?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, ozone is just one factor, ozone is new. But see, the main thing here that we need to pay attention to, above and beyond, let’s say if a tooth is not infected. That’s where the research goes back into, so when I just shared with you guys the students with the bicuspids. That ligament between the root of the tooth and the bone, there is what they call their periodontal ligaments. 70% of the blood supply that comes to that tooth comes from ligament, not the actual artery and the vein back going to that tooth.

Dr. Panahpour: If you take a tooth out and you don’t remove, and curettage that ligament and fibers thoroughly, you leave it behind, it’s like you’re leaving dead tissue behind. I had one interesting case about couple of years ago, a patient came in. Of course, every time we do our surgeries, whatever we remove, we send to the pathologist. We want to see what it is and we want to confirm that it was dead bone. Most of the time, they call it chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis, which in a way just another schmanzy word for gangrene bone.

Dr. Panahpour: Now this patient came in, we cleaned everything out, I send it to the pathologist and I got the report back. Is a chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis, and remanence of carrot and celery. I called the pathologist, I said, “Excuse me, is there a new biofilm or biofilm colony called carrots and celery?” They’re like, “No. We actually found,” this is 25 years later, they were able to tell reminisce of carrot and celery.

Dr. Panahpour: Basically patient had the surgery done, wisdom teeth was removed. Either, she wasn’t given the proper protocol to keep the area clean or take care of the area. She had soup, what have you, and carrot and celery got into that.

Wendy Myers: I’m sure there are some celery in my cavitation here, some celery juice.

Dr. Panahpour: Yeah, soup. A lot of people come to me, they say, “Well, I have these cavitation sites, and can we treat them with ozone?” Not if pieces of tooth structure had been left behind, and not a piece of ligament had been left behind. Also, it’s not going to do anything for you. Also it depends on how big these sites, these voids, the really voids within your jaw bone. We see that, not right now, through our 3D scans. We can actually see voids where there is no blood flow. Of course, there’s no blood flow, there’s no oxygen. No oxygen, biofilm colonies live there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. We have these cavitations that can be leftover in your wisdom tooth. We had wisdom teeth extracted. I was told by a friend, I was tired and not feeling well, and just feeling like I should be feeling better given all my health, lifestyle and diet, the links that I go to, to be healthy. He said, “Go check out your cavitations.” I came to you and I did a scan. Tell us about the scan you have to do to discover cavitation. It’s a 3D scan. Where do you get this done because you can’t do it at most dentists’ office?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, actually I had it in my Washington office, and now that I’ve relocated it to my California office, I’m bringing that with me.

Wendy Myers: Great.

Dr. Panahpour: Almost $150,000 equipment, so I had a choice of buying an airplane or buying this. I got that. Honestly, I feel that every dentist needs to have this in their office. Basically, this 3D scan, so the old dental extra space will show us areas in the jaw bone in a two-dimensional image. A lot of these infections could hide because of the overlapping when the images are done. Now the 3D scan, it’s amazing. We’re able to see the bone structure, your airway, your cranium, your spine, C1 through C7 in a three-dimensional dimension.

Dr. Panahpour: Through this, we’re able to truly see the size where they’re at, where they’re hiding the extent of it in a three-dimensional picture. Now of course, it’s a lot of companies that are private radiology companies. I don’t just consider myself as the expert, I also, after reviewing this, I always send these 3D scans through the radiologist and have them look and see, “Hey, these are the areas that I’m concerned with. What do you see?”

Dr. Panahpour: Of course, then they send the letter of interpretation, like what we did for you. That says, “It’s highly suspicious that these areas, there’s something going on, there’s some sort of a bony deformity going on and we suspect is some sort of infection such as chronic fibrosing osteomyelitis.” Of course, we know at the end when the surgery is done, these infections is removed. Let me stop there too. I personally do more reduce of an actual cavitation from other dentists, from other patients that have gone through different dentist.

Dr. Panahpour: I have a two-week protocol before and after surgery to get my patients prepped and ready, and we can get into that a little bit more. Just because of, especially the last few years, in the older days, we would do just the pathology. We would remove the infection, send it to the pathologist and they will tell us what it was, the big names. Now, we have culturing technique, so we’re able to know exactly the name of every bacteria, virus, fungus, parasites that we find in these lesions. Now why is that very important?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, if we have a patient that’s living with some liver issue, some kidney issue, some virus, something that keeps attacking delivering kidney, and we don’t know where that’s coming from. 99% of the time, it’s hiding within the jaw within those cavitation sites. Now when we do the culturing, we know, “Oh, this is the bacteria. It’s the Epstein virus that’s attacking her liver or kidneys.” Now, our doctors can go after that particular bacteria or virus more directly.

Dr. Panahpour: I do a lot of heart cases, a lot of patients that are dealing with these healing crisis. I can’t tell you the amount of time that I spent with their naturopath, with their functional medical doctor, really taking them from A to Z. Why are we doing this, how did we find these areas, what can we do to prep our patients? Because you are doing surgery, what we’re really doing is we’re spreading that infection within the system. How do we combat that, how do we help our patients?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, I can either put you on five to seven different types of antibiotics, that’s what the science experts say. Or we can do what’s called immune modulation. Depending on your system, few weeks before the surgery, you start getting these high vitamin D, calcium, intravenous IV supports, to really boost up your immune system. At the same time, when we remove these infections, well, I got to put something back in there, correct? Well, what am I choices? Cow bone, cadaver bone, monkey bone, or your own.

Dr. Panahpour: Now we do, we take your blood, we send a fugit, we grab the stem cells. I have videos on Instagram and Facebook where I make what’s called sticky bone. Then it’s of your own, and that goes back in there. If you’ve been dealing with infections quite a bit, with these infections for many years, that means your blood is pretty polluted. Another reason for this immune modulation is not only get your immune system ready, but at the same time, get your blood clean as possible, so I can extract the best stuff out of it.

Dr. Panahpour: I do a lot of facial aesthetics. I have another company called the Casanova Facelift, where we use microneedling, [PRF, PRP 00:28:54], all that for facial augmentation. I can tell you three out of 10 women that come to me for simple microneedling and what these look like, have you ever heard the vampire facelift?

Wendy Myers: Oh yes.

Dr. Panahpour: My company is the Casanova Facelift, so I do the microneedling, I take the blood and I see the blood is thick, dark. I’m like, “Okay, your body’s definitely leading you to some sort of infection. I can get what I need out of this blood.” I tell you 80% of the time, when we go back in there, when I advise them to go get a 3D cone beam scan and let’s look if there’s any hidden infection, we find infected root canals and cavitation sites.

Dr. Panahpour: I just tell them you should go and do a little research on this, and figured out yourself. I’m not trying to sell him anything, but I can tell how dirty the blood is because of constantly leading to these infections.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s so important. That’s why I’m having you on this podcast, to have some awareness about cavitations. If it’s potentially contributing to your fatigue and health issues. If you’re just doing a lot of different things and nothing seems to be working, this is just a basic foundational thing that a lot of people need to address. I was really surprised. I knew that I needed to get around to doing the cone beam and addressing the cavitations, but I was just surprised at how much better I feel.

Wendy Myers: I had one side done, I still have to have the other side done. So you just do one side at a time. You’re not doing all four, like they do in some places, some doctors. Yeah, and so when I got my results back of the infections that were in my cavitation. I’m going to show them to you guys right here just, so you guys can check this out. I was really shocked. Here’s my results of my cavitation here, and look at these reds.

Wendy Myers: Look at all these infections that I had no idea that I had in my jaw that’s dragging me down, dragging down my immune system. We’re not going to get into it or pick it apart right here, but I have a lot of cooties. I just wanted to share that all with you guys. Even the healthiest person has all this stuff going on?

Dr. Panahpour: Well, correct. I would say in this panel, you have the gram positives that are opportunistics. These guys are just sitting there waiting for the opportunity. As soon as something, it’s actually immune system, they follow through. Then you have these nasty gram negatives, they’re actually causing damage. Then you have these [viral kits 00:31:46] and the parasites. When you start looking at this, it’s like, “Whoa,” it gets a little scary. That’s why we go above and beyond to make sure our patients are prepped and ready for these procedures.

Dr. Panahpour: I can’t tell you how many patients come in and say, “Yeah, I had cavitation sites, four at the same time and everything failed.” “Well, did the dentist put you on any free supplements, did you talk to your doctor, was there 3D scans?” Nothing. This is some sort of a biological dentist and I reach out to them. I’m like, “Listen, I have this patient of yours. Before I even get started, when was the last time we took any surgical courses?”

Dr. Panahpour: Well, they get a little offended but they churn and say, “Since dental school.” I just say, “Thank you so much, it was a pleasure speaking with you.”

Wendy Myers: Are dentists not required to do-

Dr. Panahpour: They’re required to take 60 units of continuing education every two years. But unfortunately, when you just take a weekend course at some biological dental conference, that’s not enough. Every two years, I spent two weeks in Florida, to just focus on most advanced ways in surgical techniques or my body, doing fillings, what have you. That’s what I’m saying, continuing education, it’s so important because things are shifting so fast for us. That’s where we are.

Dr. Panahpour: You mentioned about being drained, being tired. I have patients that come in and ask me, “If I do the surgery, is this going to get better, is that going to get better?” “I don’t know. Well, what I can tell you is we’re getting rid of a chronic issue that’s impinging upon your system.” If you go look in my reviews, I have number of patients that come to me, “Yeah, by the way, I never told you I had this backache that went away right away. I had this issue with my shoulder that went away right away.”

Dr. Panahpour: Of course, I can advertise these things because now the dental board think I’m acting like a doctor, but this is just feedback that they’re telling me. At the end of the day, you’re getting rid of a chronic issue that is holding you back from getting to where you need to get. If it’s culation, dealing with Lyme, anti-aging, healthier life, you name it, name them. I think I read this in scientific America a few years ago, they had a very … No, more than about five years ago, that a really interesting article on auto immune issues.

Dr. Panahpour: The research says, “Is me and you are sitting here and talking together right now, our immune system is dealing with over 6,000 different types of cancer cells.” That’s me and you, right now. That is happening through, God, environment, physical and everything. Why all of that, you will be really bombarded. The last thing you want is to have gum disease or infection within your jaw bone holding you back and putting a burden on your muscles.

Dr. Panahpour: Especially, our female patients between the ages of 38 to 46 which go through menopause, and breast cancer has been directly linked to gum disease. Cavitation, is just another form of gum disease. Gum disease is the gums and the bone. Cavitation is just a bone, basically.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s one of those things where if your immune system is overwhelmed or it’s overburdened, and you have all these cancer cells in your body. But it’s just busy doing other things and you’re fatigued, and exhausted, that’s why cancer can take hold or a tumor can take hold and grow out of control with it. The immune system is just too overburdened. We have to take every burden off of our immune system as possible. Have you ever seen a patient that doesn’t have cavitations? This is really, really common.

Dr. Panahpour: Well, let’s use you as an example. You had four wisdom teeth taken out. Thank God, only the upper tooth are infected, the lowers are not, so that’s wonderful. Yes, I do see patients that, thank God, the body, either was a surgeon, thank God, who did a good job. Or something went along that these areas did not become infected. Most of the time, is all four wisdom teeth areas. But yes, I would say one out of every 50, well, maybe 100, I’m not sure. One you being such, you only had them in upper jaw, not the lower jaw. So that’s wonderful.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tell us a little bit more about your protocol, leading up to doing a cavitation surgery. You want people to do like IV vitamin C, maybe-

Dr. Panahpour: It really depends on the individual patient and their core. You’re very active in your health because you teach, you preach what you do, so that was a different story. But again, every patient is a little different. But at the end of the day, it’s a combination of supplementation. Most people take bunch of supplements anyway, so they either reduce or add something else to their protocol and intravenous IV supports. To get your immune system strong, get your blood nice and oxidized so we don’t have to give you antibiotics.

Dr. Panahpour: If anything, one dose or maybe half the dose. But remember that list that you showed me with that microbiology? When I showed that list to number of advanced microbiologists, pathologists, infection control doctors in America, the conclusion was, “You got to put your spacial and factor seven different types of antibiotics.” Can you imagine what that’s going to do to your gut?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You kill your mitochondria too.

Dr. Panahpour: Above and beyond. I can’t tell you how many patients I see that were diagnosed early with Lyme disease, and they went on these regiments of two years of antibiotics. Well, the gut destroyed, they’re not able to absorb the nutrients and what they need. The body’s acidic so of course, when the body looks for the next source of minerals, where does it go after? Your bone and your teeth. I would say dental health as far as gums, cranial harmony, infections of the jaw, is your number one step before you start any other protocol that you’re trying to do. If it’s culation, MS, you name it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I was upset it took me so long to finally address my cavitations. I knew there was something going on in my body but I wasn’t sure what was going on. I started seeking out different counsel from different health experts. I was just bummed, I waited so long to have this diagnosed and then deal with it. I’m really, really happy that I found you. I was really happy that you didn’t give me antibiotics, that there was a protocol where I could do IV vitamin C.

Wendy Myers: Because most dentists, they’re like, “I’ll just give you antibiotics,” which I don’t want to take. I’ll take them if necessary. But the IV vitamin C was such a game changer. I felt so much better after I started doing that. I had this dental surgery, no antibiotics. It’s brilliant.

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Me, myself, I travel quite a bit. My life is spread all over the States; teaching, taking courses. I try to get at least one vitamin C, what they call Myers, at least once a week or every two weeks just to support my own system; travel, what have you, so I recommend it to anyone. Any other thing that I can think of, I do of course get a lot of patients that come in, that’s share with me, “I’ve spent over $100,000 on my health. Now, they’re telling me that my dental issues has been keeping me from truly getting better.”

Dr. Panahpour: We see that with a lot of our patients as well, and I feel for them. They spend so much money, travel the world, they do every type of protocol but they’ve had either cavitations or multiple infections in the jaw.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. This is the thing, there’s a lot of people going in that, the conventional medical doctor and that revolving door. When they’re sick of doing that, they go to functional medicine. Then they do all these different protocols and supplements because it’s the next best thing. But most of these practitioners are not recommending their patients go to get dental work or addressing cavitations, because most dentists don’t know about it, much less medical doctors.

Dr. Panahpour: Correct. I spent a lot of time teaching medical doctors, chiropractors, naturopaths on the importance of dental health. How can you get your patient sugar level, hormones level, thyroid, adrenals, when they’re dealing with a simple thing such as gum disease? When your body’s acidic, when the pH is off, when your digestion is off, well, you produce more bacteria, more biofilm. You need to, instead of going every six months for your clinics, you’re going to wait a few months for your clinics.

Dr. Panahpour: Use toothpastes that are able to alkaline your saliva and calm that acidity down. Your patients just don’t know and the doctors don’t know because they don’t teach them in dental school. There is no dental education in these medical programs or naturopathic programs. Maybe they touch upon it a little bit as far as the scientific method, “This is a tooth, this is enamel, this is dentine sits in a jaw bone. Thank you. Have a nice day.”

Dr. Panahpour: But for example, all the group, every student that I know that I started with Dr. Klinghardt, most of them are naturopaths. They actually have a dental questionnaire on their other patient intake form, because they’ve been taught what important aspect it is.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can you talk about the aspect of Lyme and how that can dramatically impact people’s health? Because suddenly Lyme, there’s Lyme-like infections or so many people that are dealing with Lyme and Lyme-like infections. Because something going on in the environment, it’s much more prevalent, people are much more toxic. People are succumbing and suffering from these types of infections. Can you talk about that and how it relates to dentistry?

Dr. Panahpour: Absolutely. Well, Lyme is basically chlamydia that has advanced itself. When I think about chlamydia, I think about syphilis. From syphilis, I think about civilization. As we are progressing in humanity, there will be more of these type of viruses and bacterias that have advanced themselves, that become so resistant to antibiotics. Why do we have to give five to seven different types of antibiotics for these cavitation sites? Because as soon as you give one dose, they change their shape.

Dr. Panahpour: They become pre-immune to the antibodies, so you got to attack them with another one and another one, and another one. Why are these bacterias, why are these viruses are getting so strong? Well, some research says as we’re evolving, as we are dealing with all these toxicities in the world, so are these bacteria and parasites, and fungus, and what have you. They’ve learned how to protect themselves. Now Lyme, it’s an interesting little bugger. It doesn’t live in your bloodstream, it hides in joints.

Dr. Panahpour: We’ve had patients that have gone through Lyme panel, had a test done, no Lyme. We put them on a treadmill for 10, 15 minutes, we test them again, then we see Lyme. Another reasons why Lyme patients is very hard for them to exercise because they’re exercising the Lyme. Now remember when we talked about biofilm?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Panahpour: 2,000 different types of virus, fungus, bacteria, all living together? Well, Lyme has found refuge within biofilm. If you go on YouTube and just put search biofilm Lyme, there’s a video that comes up that actually shows how this Lyme is hiding within biofilm. When you look at that video, it looks like something out of Star Wars movies. Again, so far we know that we cannot get rid of Lyme, you got to create a coexistent with Lyme. Couple of very number one issues, if you are dealing with Lyme, you have to have the perfect dental health.

Dr. Panahpour: Your teeth, gums, no root canals, no infections, good craniosacral balance for oxygenation and lymphatic movements. That’s very, very important. Because again, Lyme hides within biofilm. Of course, whenever you go through any kind of culation, detoxification, you really are creating an acidic environment. With that acidic environment, of course, pH goes up and your normal flora, this normal biofilm is ever able to work like super speed. That’s also, we got to pay attention to.

Wendy Myers: Interesting.

Dr. Panahpour: I would say 90% of the Lyme patients that I see, have low cranial movement because their craniosacrally, the cranium is completely off. The bite is completely off and that’s affecting your oxygenation and lymphatic movement. They want to go through all these protocols. I’m like, “Great, but if you don’t have any lymphatic movement and if you have no oxygenation to your system, you’re just wasting your money. You’re wasting your time.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It was really interesting when I come to you initially because I had this searing tooth pain and trying to figure out what was wrong, what was causing it. I was sure I just had to have the tooth pulled out or there’s a root canal infection. I was sure there was an infection and I was just grinding my teeth. I was just stressed, grinding and you gave me a bite that I sleep with at night.

Wendy Myers: It’s not really a night guard, it’s much more advanced than that. It was amazing how much better I slept, how much less stressed my jaws are because the purpose is to realign my jaw. When I first started wearing it, all of your hormones start flowing again. You said you’re going to be a little emotional. I was like, “Okay, great doc.” Then that day, I was totally crying and emotional, just as my jaw had been opened up and it was flowing again. It was amazing.

Dr. Panahpour: Do you know the TMJ joint has more hormonal receptors than any other part of the body? Remind me to tell you a little story later, but going back to … Basically how can I, I just can’t find myself to go there, do a surgery for someone who’s clenching and grinding, who’s got muscle spasm, lack of lymphatic movement. All the submandibular glands are swollen up, so what am I doing? I’m not really helping that patient. Some patients feel like, “Oh, you’re just trying to charge me extra, dah, dah, dah.”

Dr. Panahpour: I’m like, “No. If you feel this bite issue, this bite is not a problem for you, great, I will still do the surgery. Well, here’s a 10-page consent form that says any problems, any reinfection, any swelling, any pain, I told you so.” Going back to what I wanted to share with you, multiple patients I get every year, mother brings their 12, 14, 13, 16 young daughters to me. My daughter was an honor students, chess club, debate club.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as her bicuspids were extracted, braces were placed. They start shifting the round, she’s become rebellious, she wants to kill us. I don’t know her anymore, so forth and so on. First, I thought is the toxicity from the braces from the nickel, and some patients are allergic to that. But really it went back to, as they were shifting these teeth around, they were distributing the cranial harmony, the cranial movement, specially the TMJ and the hormones.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as you would remove the braces, allow through my appliance for things to come in alignment, go back to who they were before. It’s really interesting, I’ve had patients they thought they went to menopause. But they had it really early their life when they hadn’t. They’re just had lack of lymphatic oxygenation. As soon as I’ve placed the appliance, within weeks, I would get a call, “Hey Dr. Panahpour, guess what?” “What?” This is like 12:00 midnight, “I just got my periods.”

Dr. Panahpour: Again, I’m not a medical doctor, I’m not an Ob gyn or anything like that, I’m just sharing my experience with my patients. [crosstalk 00:51:06].

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I thought I was really profound when I just started wearing this appliance. I just felt like my jaw opened up, relaxed. Then I was getting these chronic headaches and those went away. Just you sleep better because you’re just like this stressor that you have is just-

Dr. Panahpour: This clenching and grinding is a skeletal, muscular, neural issue, so you really have to go about it, understanding all those three concepts. I’ve pretty much taken every TMJ course that’s been available to me in the United States and abroad. I would go to these classes and I would say, “Well, the chiropractic medicine says this, osteopathic medicine says this. What are your thoughts?” “Oh, we don’t really, we’re just dentists and this is your teeth, and do what we tell you and shut the hell up.” One course, they’ve actually asked me to leave. I was asking too many questions.

Wendy Myers: We’re not going to ask you to leave.

Dr. Panahpour: I was disturbing the flow of the class. Again, it goes back to the more I learned, the more I saw. Of course, the more I saw, the harder patients started coming to me. I’ve learned more from my patients than any course I’ve taken out there. Truly, I think our health is not just on a physical body, it’s physical, energy, mental, intuitive, spiritual. I can give you a number of patients that were dealing with just adrenal fatigue, what have you.

Dr. Panahpour: As soon as they got a divorce, they got better. As soon as they moved house, they got better. They moved out of stage, they got better because they were living in a toxic type environments. We know stress and toxicity actually shrinks your DNA. We can sit here, talk about this for a weekend. Health is more than just, and teeth are truly one part of that paradigm, when it comes to your physical, energy and mental levels of your body, of your existence.

Dr. Panahpour: That’s what I try to look at with my patients. If you come to me and you’ve been to 25 dentists before you get to me, I got to be very cautious; what happened with every one of those dentists, are you chasing your sickness? Unfortunately, we see that three out of 10 patients we see them, they’re chasing their sickness. What I can do for them is quite limited. There’s some sort of a blockage on some other level with this patient, either it’s fear, anger, what have you. There’s a lot of alignment to get better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s one of those things where again, we’re going back to addressing the underlying root cause and the dentistry or dental issues are a huge part of that. It’s not just getting your teeth clean and getting rid of gum infections. The cavitations, removing infected root canals is a huge, huge part of that. Also Dr. Panahpour, thank you so much for coming-

Dr. Panahpour: My pleasure.

Wendy Myers: -and sharing your wisdom. Is there any message or anything that we’ve left out that you want to share with the listeners?

Dr. Panahpour: I would say, make sure that whoever you go to is up to date with the latest technology. That’s number one. Number two, I’ll give you an example. If I have a patient that comes to me that has, let’s say, disease, “Yeah, I go to my dentist every three months and have to pay all this money to get this cleaning’s done because I build up plaque and bacteria.” Or patient comes to me, “I have this tooth decay.” Well, of course, I have to use noninvasive methods to remove that decay.

Dr. Panahpour: Instead of jeweling, we can use laser, [elevation 00:55:23], et cetera, et cetera. I have to put a clean, nontoxic material in there. I don’t use any amalgams in my practice, more biocompatible. Now, of course, there’s nothing in this world that is 100% biocompatible with you, but something more cleaner. But my question will be, “How did you get this tooth decay? What’s going on in your body that’s causing you to get this decay? Is it lack of brushing and flossing, which usually is not. Well, let me teach you how to brush and floss properly.”

Dr. Panahpour: “But if not, doc, I swear, I brush three times a day. I floss. Look at my kid, I had this disposable that dah, dah, dah.” “Then there’s definitely something else going on in their body. Let’s figure out with the help of other practitioners, your MD, your naturopath, why this is.” Because if I’m able to stop that patient from coming every six months to my practice with a new cavity, that’s truly where I’ve done my job.

Dr. Panahpour: You can call me biological, alternative, systemic, quack, you’d call me all of the above. But at the end of the day, I like to think of myself as a conscious dentist. A good dentist.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. A systemic think about the whole body and not just-

Dr. Panahpour: All your dentistry.

Wendy Myers: Yes, exactly. I love it. If someone doesn’t want to go to a regular or biological dentist and they want to work with you, where can we find you, how do we get in contact with you?

Dr. Panahpour: Best way is my website,

Wendy Myers: Fantastic.

Dr. Panahpour: For all dentists out there, please continue education. Past two years, I’ve spent more time going into dentists’ offices and changing the paradigm of their practice. These were all so called alternative holistic biological dentistry.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. You have a book also, correct?

Dr. Panahpour: Yes, The Good dentist. Just Google

Wendy Myers: Yeah. You’re such a wealth of information, I can talk to you for hours. But if anyone wants any more info, you have tons of videos on YouTube and on the internet, other interviews, you guys want to get anymore. Dr. Panahpour, thanks for so much for coming on our show.

Dr. Panahpour: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Everyone, thank you so much for listening to the Myers Detox Podcast, where we explore all types of topics related to detoxification. But also helping to get rid of your dental infections on this show today. Thanks for tuning in. I’ll talk to you guys next week.