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I’ve always wanted to do a hair mineral analysis and when I met Wendy I knew it was time. Once the results came back identifying some heavy metal toxicities I was not only grateful for this info but was also very impressed with Wendy’s knowledge of detox, metals and minerals during our consult. It goes to show you that living a healthy lifestyle, eating right and taking care of yourself are not enough. Everyone is at risk for metal and chemical toxicity today. Knowing how to detox quickly and safely is key and Wendy is one of the most knowledgeable detox experts I’ve met. She really knows her minerals! I highly recommend her program, Mineral Power, for anyone wanting to recover their health, stay healthy and age well.

Donna Gates, M.Ed., ABAAHP

President, Body Ecology

A little over a hear ago I was almost 70, seemingly ‘healthy,’ with no medical diagnoses and taking no prescription medicine. I was fit and active and ate a diet very close to Wendy’s recommendations.

But I was tired and lethargic, mentally foggy, sleeping poorly, and unable to stay awake after lunch or when driving. My blood pressure was a little high and my digestion was poor. Nothing was ‘wrong’ yet I wasn’t well–and it was hard to know where to seek help. I chose Wendy because of the intelligence and curiosity that comes across so clearly in her podcasts.

After a year on her program, I feel terrific! I have energy, my head is clear, I’m not sleepy all the time and can walk seven miles with ease. My blood pressure is normal, and my digestion and sleep are much better. My hair is thicker and I’ve lost a little weight. I’m amazed at how much better I feel and how much easier it is to do the things I want.
Wendy is supportive, professional, responsive–and she has a sense of humor. Her program has turned out to be a wonderful investment, life-changing and well worth the time and money involved.

Corey Almond

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield Fitness, Spokane, WA

Wendy helped me to identify manganese toxicity that turned out to be due to my well water, which I thought was pristine! I then learned that this mineral interferes with copper regulation in the body, which can cause fatigue. That would have really put a damper on my competitive edge. I learned manganese toxicity is common in well water and was able to get the right water filter to remove manganese. I would never have found that out without Wendy’s help. I also learned I had a few heavy metals in my body that I needed to detox. Her program employs infrared saunas to detox and heal the body, and now, thanks to Wendy, my infrared sauna is one of the biggest weapons in my health arsenal. Wendy is a wealth of knowledge and I highly recommend her and her programs.

Ben Greenfield

Ben Greenfield Fitness, Spokane, WA

Vanessa Nunes

Flintridge, CA

“I would recommend Wendy Myers over and over again for ALL HEALTH ISSUES + SOLUTIONS!!!! After experiencing months of fatigue and not sleeping properly, I contacted Wendy on the advice of a friend. She immediately informed me that my lifestyle was causing adrenal fatigue and contributing to my sleep problems and fatigue – something my doctor only prescribed sleeping pills for. No thanks! He didn’t even bother to figure out what the problem was. She suggested a few lifestyle and diet changes that were easy enough to do. She suggest I do a Mineral Power program with hair mineral analysis to check my mineral and toxic metal levels. Thank god I did this! I found out that most of my minerals were extremely low and I had mercury toxicity. This was also contributing to my problems. Now I am on a custom mineral supplementation program based on my hair test. I am feeling better and better every day. I’m sleeping through the night. I am forever grateful. I used to just starve myself, being a former model. Now I know the foods to eat to nourish my body while losing weight. I never knew you could eat plenty of food and stay slim. It’s really not that hard, but Wendy helped me wade through all the information that’s out there about diet and nutrition. I HIGHLY recommend her!!!”

Vanessa Nunes

Flintridge, CA

“Wendy helped me lose 40 lbs! She made it seem so easy. Every week she added one or two more things I needed to do. Other the course of six months, I was easily able to slowly incorporate each step into my health routine. Her continuous encouragement kept me motivated. I’ve tried Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Lindora, you name it. She helped me realize that those starvation diets make you rebound eat when you’re done with the diet. Wendy saw the mistakes I was making in my weight loss efforts and helped me understand what I was doing wrong that was preventing me from losing weight. I could not have done it without her! She developed an eating plan for me of healthy, whole foods that I can continue for the rest of my life – not a temporary diet to just lose weight. I never thought I could ever eat this healthy and love it!”


Oceanside, CA


San Diego, CA

“Wendy has been a life saver for me. I came to her initially to lose weight, but found she could help me with my fibroids and chronic pain that I was told my doctors that I just had to learn to live with as they just labeled it fibromyalgia and could not determine the cause, much less a solution. Useless! Thanks to Wendy, I know that I DO NOT have to live with pain. She taught me that my pain is being caused by heavy metals, namely copper, and chemicals irritating my nerves. I am on her Mineral Power program to rid my body of these chemicals to rule out that likely cause. Next, she put me on some herbs and coffee enemas. They help so much when my pain gets really bad. She also referred me to a brilliant physical therapist to clear any alignment issues that could be causing the pain. I am functioning so much better and have a much improved quality of life. I am looking forward to continued improvement as I continue her program. I am blown away that my fibroids have shrunk. The doctors only gave me surgery as an option with no information whatsoever that they could be shrunk. Wendy is helping me rid my body of excess estrogen,which makes them grow. Why a doctor never told me this is beyond me. Seems quite simple. What I thought was a quest to lose weight has completely changed my life. I cannot recommend her enough!”


San Diego, CA


Los Feliz, CA

“I have been dealing with IBS my entire life. I have been to doctor after doctor, who just told me to take Imodium for the diarrhea and that there was nothing more that could be done except for stopping dairy. I knew there had to be more that could be done for my condition. Wendy gave me a complete plan with so many things that I could try to pinpoint the cause of my IBS. After a bit of trial and error, I finally pinpointed the cause. I needed probiotics and have a sensitivity to dairy. I also needed to do a few other things like avoid certain foods until my digestion improved and quit a few lifestyle issues like smoking. She motivated me to commit to a long term plan to resolve my IBS, as she assured me it would not clear up over night. Today, I only have issues occasionally, but am not tortured like I was my whole life. My life has improved dramatically! Thank you so much, Wendy!!!”


Los Feliz, CA


New York, New York

I think I have had a thyroid problem my whole life! I have all the classic symptoms, but have been told by my doctors that my levels are in the normal range, and to “not worry about it”, “everyone is tired”, “you can’t have a thyroid problem, as you are thin”, and “you just need some antidepressants”. I feel like someone has given me a present and it has armed me with such valuable information. Thank you, Wendy. I so enjoyed my health coaching appointment with you, and hearing that there is hope. I had no idea that I could heal my thyroid, that if I am symptomatic, that indeed I have a thyroid problem. I am actually very excited to change my life. I am so thankful I found you!


New York, New York

“Battling serious autoimmune disorders, including vitiligo, is a burden that I have had to deal with for most of my life. I had been feeling unhealthy and ill for many years, until now, under Wendy Myers’ care, I finally know what it’s like to be healthy, full of life and finally well. I started her Mineral Power program and was shocked when my long-standing vitiligo spots on my trunk began disappearing in only two months on the program. I had always been told by doctors that there is no cure for autoimmune and that it could only be managed with drugs, which I was not willing to take, nor could afford.

Wendy has helped me discover the underlying causes of my poor health, which are all interconnected, and has put me on a custom, easy to do Mineral Power program that has since changed my life, dramatically. Through a hair mineral analysis we found that my adrenal glands were burned out, my body was in an exhaustion stage, and my thyroid was barely working. I was basically a walking time bomb for another major autoimmune attack!!

With Wendy’s profound knowledge I found out how and why I am sick all of the time. She has taught me how to harmonize my mind and body so I can prevent future disease and illness. In just a few months, on her easy to follow Mineral Power diet and vitamin/mineral program, I am blooming with energy and life again. My insomnia, depression and anxiety have been lifted, my vitality restored, and my overall wellness rejuvenated. The best part is that all of this work will add years to my life! Wendy is so easy to talk to. She is compassionate, understanding and works with you on such a personal and supportive level. She is also well read on the latest nutrition and is there for you 100% through the whole process. Wendy has truly saved my life. I HIGHLY recommend her for all of your nutritional needs!”


Echo Park, CA

I was diagnosed as early addison’s and advised to take steroids. I knew there was better way than steroids, researched and I found Wendy. I suffered from allergic rhinitis, gas and bloating, depression, insomnia, low sugar, anemia, very tired and low energy levels. I had been vegetarian for 20 years. Wendy taught me that I needed meat to heal my adrenals and my body. I felt energy immediately when I began eating meat. I had no IDEA!

Six months down the line after working with Wendy – no more allergies, excellent digestion, no more depression, sleep has become almost normal, sugar has stabilized. Energy levels have increased to a great extent.

Through out my life i have tried many different ways to be healthy, and in the process have also become a vegetarian [main reason for my adrenal insufficiency]. Finally I found Wendy. I’m so fortunate to have found her so my healing process happened in a very natural way without the use of steroids. This is the only programme that deals with mind body and spirit. It is a very wholistic approach.wendy is a complete professional at the same time very compassionate and dedicated to her clients.she is very thorough and knowledgeable about health and nutrition. I trust her advise. Wendy is one of a kind nutritionist – sincere, natural ease, compassionate heart, very understanding, never judges ,genuine and positive.

Wendy you have changed my life. It is amazing how energetic I feel these days. I feel great. Thanks for all the help. Lots of love and good wishes to you.


Andra Pradesh, India


Los Angeles, CA

“Wendy is a godsend. I don’t have enough words to describe how grateful I am to have her as my nutritionist. I am now more educated and informed about health and diet, it has truly enhanced my life. I have been experiencing fatigue, depression and anxiety so much so that it has affected my marriage and job performance. After consulting with Wendy, we found my lifestyle was causing most of my symptoms. She started me on a Mineral Power program. My doctor put me on two antidepressants, which I have now been able to get off of with Wendy’s help. The meds helped but Wendy informed me of their potentially dangerous side effects. Since Wendy put me on her diet plan and supplements, I am feeling more energy and less fatigued and depressed. Her plan is working and I have never felt better in my life. Wendy is a professional expert who devotes her time to your health and needs. Her nutritional knowledge is impressive and the way she communicates and executes her plans are flawless. Anyone would be so lucky to have her!”


Los Angeles, CA

I was initially drawn to Wendy because of her podcasts. Her funny, down to earth and passionate attitude is addicting. I also liked that she is not afraid to put herself out there to speak the truth on health. Although certain detox strategies are not the most glamorous to discuss she handles such topics with ease that is really encouraging to others. Overall, I was drawn to her confidence. She does not waver and really represents a true health warrior. She also possesses humbleness by sharing her and her families own health battles in which so many can relate.

Now that Wendy is my practitioner, I am truly amazed by how supportive she is. She patiently answers questions within a day (sometimes within minutes) and has so many resources available for her clients. Her answers are straight and to the point so that there is no confusion and she is also really good at making healing concepts clear for her clients. Another thing I love is that she encourages you to still live your life. Going through nutritional balancing can be very dark and she brings light and hope. I believe God places certain people in our lives for a reason and words cannot express how thankful I am for Wendy and Holly M. I am truly indebted to those that have helped me through this season of my life. I can now say I have hope and really look forward to even more healing to come!

I finally have become pregnant after working with Wendy for two years and I cannot express how happy I am! I have been trying to get pregnant for years. Thank you Thank you thank you!!!!!

Tiffany Lockhart MS, RD, LD

Lisa Pruiett

Sun City, CA United States

“Wendy is a godsend. I don’t have enough words to describe how grateful I am to have her as my nutritionist. I am now more educated and informed about health and diet, it has truly enhanced my life. I have been experiencing fatigue, depression and anxiety so much so that it has affected my marriage and job performance. After consulting with Wendy, we found my lifestyle was causing most of my symptoms. She started me on a Mineral Power program. My doctor put me on two antidepressants, which I have now been able to get off of with Wendy’s help. The meds helped but Wendy informed me of their potentially dangerous side effects. Since Wendy put me on her diet plan and supplements, I am feeling more energy and less fatigued and depressed. Her plan is working and I have never felt better in my life. Wendy is a professional expert who devotes her time to your health and needs. Her nutritional knowledge is impressive and the way she communicates and executes her plans are flawless. Anyone would be so lucky to have her!”

Lisa Pruiett

Sun City, CA United States

Deborah Harris

Wellington, NZ

I thought Wendy was very caring and understanding. One of the things I liked she spoke to me as an equal individual and respected what I had previously done and where I was at. Was very informative and helped gather what I had discovered into a package as such. Also presenting things as not too gloom and doom which left me feeling positive centered and focused as to starting a new journey.

Deborah Harris

Wellington, NZ

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