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Top Takeaways:
- Castor oil packs are an ancient legendary treatment that helps our health and healing by supporting digestion, absorption, and elimination, which is key to so many functions in the body.
- Marisol created simple castor oil packs, with organic cotton flannels and organic glass bottled extra virgin castor oil that support the natural detoxification processes in our body.
- All you do is place it underneath your right rib cage over the liver area, and you wear it overnight.
- These packs work on what Dr. Marisol calls the five pillars of everything that makes your body work well, with digestion at the center of the body.
- If you’re not digesting, absorbing your foods, or getting the nutrients to be able to make all chemical messengers that we have in our body, then there’s going to be breakdown of your entire body.
- These castor oil packs make everything work better in your digestive tract by reducing inflammation, improving the bloat that you may be experiencing, and helping you produce more of the elements that your body naturally makes like stomach acid, digestive enzymes, and the mucus lining.
- One of the biggest medical problems today is that there is a resurgence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
- Reducing stress on your system is very important for the liver, and all of the abdominal organs to work properly
- If your body is under a constant state of stress, unless you’re actively doing things like saunas and castor oil packs to calm your body down, your liver and our abdominal organs are not receiving good blood flow, which prevents them from properly cleaning, detoxifying and retaining the nutrients and antioxidants that they need.
- Castor oil is the most unique oil that exists in the world. It’s vegetarian and an oil that has the ability to be able to soak from the top layer of skin deep into tissues, which makes it an exceptional carrier oil for essential oils.
- Castor oil for many people can be a source of essential fats, omega nines, omega sixes, the end product of what you get when you take fish oils, as well as a source of super high antioxidants, polyphenols, and vitamin E.
- It helps to recycle glutathione, the master detoxification agent, and increase nitric oxide in the body.
- There are five essential things that castor oil packs help you do, which is, help you poop better, help you sleep better, cleanse better, bloat less and stress less.
- Castor oil packs support those five symptomatic problems that can come with aging, but on a deeper basis, Dr. Marisol likes the explain it using the acronym FAITH.
- Number one, castor products help you rebuild the faith in your body to heal, which sets a foundation for healing. The F stands for function of your digestion, absorption and elimination.
- A stands for antioxidant status, because it’s an oil rich in so many antioxidants like glutathione, nitric oxide, vitamin E, polyphenols, which are all things implicated in phase one, phase two, and all the different phases of detoxification.
- I stands for inflammation balance because castor oil helps balance just the right amount of inflammation that our body needs.
- T stands for tension and stress reduction because castor oil boosts oxytocin and dopamine, which balances our cortisol stress hormone.
- Then, the final benefit is H as Dr. Marisol says, “You’re the host of the mostess.” Castor oil and castor oil packs break down biofilm, which is a mucolytic layer on the gut that prevents the body from being able to reset good bacteria.
- Castor oil breaks down candida, candida colonies, rebalances the microbiome, and creates a really healthy mucosal intestinal wall so that you can have a good microbial balance.
- Once you start doing castor oil packs over your liver, you start to realize how important your liver is, as you will experience less brain fog, more energy, better digestion, better hormones, which has a domino effect improving all symptoms.
- Marisol recommends doing a castor oil eye mask at night to reduce inflammation and support glutathione, which is a common cosmetic treatment for aging, dark spots, and melasma.
- Applying castor oil around the eyes will feed and nourish underneath the top layer of skin, going to go into the dermis.
- It will also plump up the collagen, and bring all the circulation to that area with nitric oxide, which will reduce lines, and help with eyebrow and eyelash growth.
- When you wear a castor oil eye mask you actually stimulate your pituitary gland in your hypothalamic region to stimulate and produce melatonin naturally, which is the master sleep agent.
- You can find Dr. Marisol on Instagram and Facebook under @queenofthethrones or go to her website website
- Check out Dr. Marisol’s amazing castor oil bundle at
Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can learn more about detoxification on where we have hundreds of podcasts and hundreds of articles about detoxification and healthy living.
Wendy Myers: Today, we have my friend, Dr. Marisol on the show to talk about castor oil packs and we’re also going to flip the lid on the truth about your poop and what to do if you have constipation. We’ll be talking about how castor oil packs support IBS, how they support constipation, diarrhea, digestive issues, bloat and candida infections.
Wendy Myers: We’ll talk about hormone production and metabolism improvement with castor oil packs, how to do a castor oil pack properly, detox enhancing benefits of castor oil packs because they help the liver, they help soothe and nourish the liver. We’ll talk about why I use castor oil packs while I’m doing coffee enemas and infrared saunas and how they enhance those and enhance the detox effectiveness of detox protocols like infrared saunas and coffee enemas. We’ll talk about the nutrition in castor oil and how this absorbs through the skin into your body, which is really key for a lot of people with digestive absorption issues today.
Wendy Myers: We’ll also talk about using castor oil as a facial beauty oil. This is something I’d never heard of before, but castor oil is an incredibly nutritious oil that can really nourish your skin and really effectively absorbs through your skin as well. We’ll talk about toxins like hexane that are in nonorganic castor oil and castor oil that hasn’t been properly extracted and how these can absorb into your body and why you only want to use organic castor oil, all that and more with Dr. Marisol.
Wendy Myers: She’s so much fun and has such great energy. I know you’re really going to enjoy this show today, but I know so many of you guys listening are concerned about the level of toxins that you have in your body. I want you to go check out my quiz. It takes two seconds to take this quiz at and there, after you take the quiz, you get your results. It’ll tell you if you scored high, low, or medium levels of toxins in your body and then what to do next and where do you start on your detox journey? What should you begin with?
Wendy Myers: After you take the quiz, you get a totally free video series that kind of takes you on the next steps to begin detox but more importantly, it’ll tell you the relative levels of toxins that you have in your body. Go check that out at
Wendy Myers: Our guest today, Dr. Marisol Teijeiro. She’s an ND and has a BA. She’s called the Queen of Thrones. She’s been self-ordained the Queen of Thrones and she’s a world leader renowned for empowering people to improve their digestive and gut health by unlocking secrets found in the number one product our body produces, our stool.
Wendy Myers: Her life’s mission is for billions of people around the world, both healthy and suffering from digestive issues like constipation, bloating, gas, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and more to understand the inner workings of their body. She is the founder and clinical director of Sanas Health Practice in Ontario, Canada where she’s helped thousands of patients live healthy, happy lives. She teaches at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and appears as a guest on TV and podcasts and speaks around the world.
Wendy Myers: Her passion and first visit prescription is castor oil and castor oil packs. She also shares cutting edge tips and techniques that are scientifically supported, clinically practice and historically honored at Dr. Marisol, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Dr. Marisol T.: Thank you so much, Wendy. I’m so excited to share all the goodies with you.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Tell us, tell the audience about how you became known as the Queen of Thrones. What is behind that?
Dr. Marisol T.: I know, right? The funny thing is it’s always our pain points in our lives that drive us towards our purpose and then ultimately towards our passion. I suffered my entire life with irritable bowel syndrome. As a child, I was severely constipated.
Dr. Marisol T.: As I got older, it just shifted into a mixed-type IBS, which for people who don’t understand what that means, it meant that I basically lived either in a state of constipation so I couldn’t go to the bathroom or I was struggling with the other end, which was, I was literally running to the bathroom everywhere I would go. I was constantly so hypervigilant about where’s the bathroom? Where is it? It just became an obsession for me because I was struggling on a day to day basis, figuring out how to get things normal and regularized.
Dr. Marisol T.: I remember one of the inspirations in my life was when Dr. Oz for the first time went on the Oprah Winfrey show. I don’t know if you remember that, but he did his infamous speech about what your poo says about you.
Wendy Myers: I know. I’ve watched them on-
Dr. Marisol T.: I’m sure. It was absolutely legendary and everybody would be like, “Oh, Dr. Oz on Oprah and he talked about the big long sausage.” I just remember being like a child and just being fascinated, a child going into my teen years and just fascinating with what Dr. Oz was saying. From that point on, I started really looking and investigating my stools.
Dr. Marisol T.: I worked in the natural health industry. Fast forward years later, people were telling me about different products to use, especially one of my passions, the castor oil pack. They were telling me to use it for my IBS. I, of course, didn’t listen to that call, figuring it was too messy, not something I wanted to get into. Then, I just struggled. Going to doctor after doctor, them telling me that there was, sorry about your luck. You can’t do anything about your IBS. You’re just going to have to live with it. That’s it.
Dr. Marisol T.: Fortunately for me, I was working for a natural homeopathic pharmaceutical company that actually specialized in something called homotoxicology, the study of toxins within the human system. I was so blessed because I got to train with the top doctors in Germany, all over the world, naturopathic physicians, doctors, practitioners in Europe and it was incredible. I just got an amazing spring board understanding about the poo being one of our excretion functions out of our body, being a very important mechanism to understand what is actually going on in our system. I got so fed up into the point where I was like, I’ve been dealing with all of these doctors.
Dr. Marisol T.: One of my clients actually said to me how brilliant I was and how I knew so much that really I should go and be a doctor. I took his advice and went to go to naturopathic school and there fell in love with naturopathic medicine. I figured out the formula in that schooling because I actually got really sick again and had to realize what was it that I needed to get better. The big key factor was doing an intensive cleanse and intensive detoxification, working on my heavy metals, my molds. Then, castor oil packs really came into the picture there. I set up my practice based on educating people about what their poo said about them.
Dr. Marisol T.: One day, I was meditating and the thought came to mind, Queen of the Thrones, I think I maybe had binged watched too much Game of the Thrones or something like that and it just came to my mind and I thought that was really funny. I chuckled and just left it. Then literally, the next day, I go into clinic and we’re in my IB suites and colon hydrotherapy area where we were doing all these cleanses with our patients. One of my patients were talking about poo and she just says to me, she goes, “Why, you’re just like the Queen of the Thrones.” I just took it and realized, I’ve really been put on this Earth to serve in this manner and really to share the knowledge I’ve learned and to really help people own their throne and by that, I mean, not just their potty time, but actually their purpose and their passion in life, whether it is through their pain or whatever it may be for them.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Sometimes when you have digestive issues, when you have constipation or diarrhea, the answers can be very, very simple like these natural remedies, like doing castor oil packs, which we’ll get into here in a second. When you go to a conventional medical doctor, they’re just going to give you Imodium or give you a laxative and people can get addicted to the laxatives and reduce motility and their digestion. These can be very, very problematic and dangerous longterm, longterm use.
Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about castor oil packs. This is something I’ve never talked about before. I’ve done plenty of them. I love them. I’m so glad you’ve come on the show to talk about them because they are an amazing natural way to address digestive issues and help deliver detox. How is castor oil the go-to solution for a really good digestion and going and going poo?
Dr. Marisol T.: Awesome. Our missions, you and I, they really interconnect and it goes back to the basics in healthcare, the things like Hippocrates, the Romans, the Greek were doing right. They were all doing regular daily cleansing practices, whether it was the Roman bathhouses or the saunas.
Dr. Marisol T.: In biblical times, they used to do enemas and the rivers, right? The Muslim colon hydrotherapy, they would hang boards in the trees and hookup sugarcane and literally do enemas in the rivers, right? Obviously for sanitation reasons, we don’t do that today and castor oil packs was one of these treatments that was legendary. It was done back in the day. Our bodies are really truly meant to take things in and eliminate out that which we don’t need and cleansing really is the most natural functions and it needs to be done daily. The problem is, is that today in our day and age, we’re so overwhelmed, we’re so stressed, our bodies can’t calm down or relax enough for our detoxification and cleansing functions to be truly optimized.
Dr. Marisol T.: When I had been hearing about all these castor oil packs for years, and I’m telling you, Wendy, it was like every single time I’d walk into a health food store, someone would tell me about a castor oil pack or I would see the castor oil in the corner. They’re shining at me or I’d walk into a naturopathic doctor’s office or a chiropractor’s doctor’s office and they’d be handing the bottle of castor oil and instructions on how to do castor oil pack.
Dr. Marisol T.: What it ends up being is that castor oil packs, this ancient legendary treatment are a foundation for our health and our healing and they support digestion, absorption and elimination, which is key to the body but also so many more functions.
Dr. Marisol T.: When it comes to digestion, absorption and elimination, why it’s so very important is that that old adage you are what you eat. I think you and I have a different concept of that where it’s more like you are what you eat, digest and eliminate, right?
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Dr. Marisol T.: Because if you can take it in but if you’re not absorbing it and it’s just causing you problems and bloating and uncomfortableness, then all that fabulous organic foods that you’re consuming, paying big bucks for isn’t really doing you the good that it should be doing. The key mechanism with these castor oil packs, which are in effect simply just an organic cotton flannel.
Dr. Marisol T.: We’ve created these incredible, there we go, simple castor oil packs, which are an organic cotton flannel. Always make sure you know the quality of the tool that you’re using is as good as the treatments organic cotton flannel, you simply pour castor oil on here, organic always glass bottle, ideally extra-virgin, hexane-free. No chemicals used in any of the processing of this oil, high, high, high and nourishing nutrients, and also, incredible to help support a natural detoxification processes in our body, like a glutathione and nitric oxide. It’s super amazing.
Dr. Marisol T.: We pour the oil, place it underneath your right rib cage over that beautiful liver area, the master detox organ and you wear it overnight. These packs, what the neat thing about them is number one, they work on what I call the five pillars of everything that makes your body work well and digestion to me is that the center of the body. I look at digestion as not only how you’re digesting your food, but it’s actually true how you’re digesting your life because in digestion, this is where all of our regulatory systems connect. You’ve got higher levels of neurotransmitters, things like melatonin that helped the body calm down and go to sleep at night. You’ve got higher levels of immune system messengers in the gut, you’ve got higher levels of hormones, progesterone, estrogen, all in the gut.
Dr. Marisol T.: It is this hub that it isn’t working properly and you’re not digesting, absorbing your foods, getting the nutrients to be able to make all these wonderful chemical messengers that we have in our body and then eliminate out properly. If there’s any breakdown in this in manufacturing plant, then there’s going to be breakdown along your entire body.
Dr. Marisol T.: These castor oil packs simply just make everything work better in your digestive tract by reducing inflammation, improving, the bloat that you may be experiencing, helping you to produce more of the elements that your body naturally makes like stomach acid, digestive enzymes, the mucus lining building that and making it strong. In effect, healing the gut from the outside in where in our medicine and our practices, we tend to be typically only healing the gut from the inside out but that could be a problem because if you’re not absorbing it, then how do you really heal the gut from the inside out? You need to actually have a double modality from the outside in. Yeah, go ahead.
Wendy Myers: We have to give the liver support in every way possible. I mean, can you talk about that how our liver is under attack? Our liver has so many responsibilities and I can’t get this message through enough I’ve stated so many times. We have to support our liver in every way possible.
Dr. Marisol T.: Yeah, it truly is the most amazing organ that we have in the system, because it is number one, the one that can regenerate. It’s like an amazing… You could cut off a piece of a liver and transplant it and it’ll grow back. This is truly an organ that is phenomenal, but it is responsible really for so much processing, manipulation, change of things that are chemical and toxic into nontoxic substances that your body can eliminate. It can make it into water soluble. It can make it into fat soluble. Either goes down through the pathway down the kidneys or down through the pathway down the bowel if it’s spots soluble.
Dr. Marisol T.: It is such an important, I mean, it’ll help with creation of your nutrients. It’ll help with breakdown of your hormones. If you’re having excess hormones causing you hormonal problems, it really does everything. One of the biggest problems that I’m seeing these days is that so many people are having a fatty liver disease and their liver is body without typically from someone who’s been alcoholic or drinking too much. This is like 20 years ago, 20-30 years ago, this was the case but now, there’s this resurgence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
Dr. Marisol T.: The problem with this is that we have these livers that are going on their way towards cirrhosis, which is the liver is completely dying and not working anymore and you’re unable to clear things out of your body at all. It’s all based on a lot of the toxins that are in within our environment that our body’s unable to clear and process out, which is why the work that you do with the saunas and the enemas is so very important, and using the good things like green drinks, these things are super important.
Dr. Marisol T.: Reducing stress on the system is super important for the liver to work really well as well because the liver, all of the abdominal organs for that manner, if your body is under a constant state of stress, which all of us are, unless we’re actively doing things like saunas, castor oil packs to really calm your body down and our livers and our abdominal organs aren’t getting good blood flow. When they don’t get good blood flow, they can’t cleanse, they can’t detoxify and they’re lacking nutrients and antioxidants and they just can’t do the job that they’re meant to do properly.
Dr. Marisol T.: There’s so many factors. It’s not just about taking a supplement, but it’s about taking the supplement and then adopting the lifestyle practices that are going to make all these organ systems work better and have our system learn how to shift back into that relaxed state to and fro, ebb and flow between relaxed and stressed in order for our systems to really truly be able to process and cleanse daily like they should be, right?
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk about the importance. As long as you’re doing a castor oil pack, the importance of the quality of the oil and making sure it’s organic and making sure it’s a proper process. It’s not a hexane chemical extraction whose residue state in the oil because there’s certainly cheap oils out there.
Dr. Marisol T.: Exactly.
Wendy Myers: Those can do more harm than good.
Dr. Marisol T.: Yeah. The thing is that, castor oil is the most unique oil that exists out there in the world. It’s vegetarian, so great for vegetarians, but it’s an oil that actually has the ability to be able to go from the top layer of skin deep into the tissues. No other oil can do this. It makes an exceptional carrier oil for essential oils, if people are using essential oils but it also means that it will carry anything that goes in it, that is within it. If it’s a low quality oil, one that’s been processed with hexane, that’s like a petroleum by-product, you’re going to be absorbing that into your body and that’s just going to be adding to the load of your system.
Dr. Marisol T.: The other thing is plastics. I despise oils that are bottled in plastics for a very important reason is that, number one, we don’t need more plastics in our bodies. We’re already getting sufficient of them just from naturally living in this environment where plastics are being manufactured all over the place. Sometimes our food is transported in that, not by our own volition, but sometimes it happens along the processing route.
Dr. Marisol T.: Plastics, they travel. They love to travel within fats. If you put a fat in a plastic bottle, and people will always say to me, “Oh, but it doesn’t matter because my plastic bottle is BPA-free.” Well, there’s so many more chemicals and contaminants and just BPA. There’s BPB. There’s also slide agents, slip agents that are put into plastic containers in order to, especially in the bottling process, there’s even UV light filters. In this plastic with an oil, these UV filters are going to be easily absorbed into any oil, dietary or castor oil and then transported into the bottle.
Dr. Marisol T.: You really, really need the best highest quality oil and on top of that, castor oil for many people can be a source of essential fats. It can be a source of omega nines, omega sixes, and also the end product of what you get when you take fish oils. This is monumental because so many women between the ages of 40 and 50 typically can have problems with their gallbladder, especially if they have had problems with detoxification along their lifetime. Oral absorption of oils is a big problem for them. Taking fish oils or even dietary oils really doesn’t work but then if you’re not doing that, then you’re having a process of detoxification, not working optimally, because we don’t only need the fibers and the greens and the broccoli, a sprout extracts, we need all those fibers, rice brand. Those are great, great things for our body, but we also need the fats to bind to the fibers and then be excreted out of the body in order to get the proper mix.
Dr. Marisol T.: This group of people, they can’t take it orally. They can at least do castor oil packs and get this source of essential fats not only to help feed or nourish all the cells of the body, but also to help with a transport of toxins out of the stools. Super foundational, super transformative. These packs really and the castor oil really does do some incredible work for people. The oil is also a source of super high antioxidants. We’ve got tons of polyphenols, vitamin E. It helps to recycle glutathione, the master detoxification agent and this is all researched in good studies as well as castor oil, one of its major mechanisms of action is to increase nitric oxide in the body.
Dr. Marisol T.: Nitric oxide is a great anti-Candidal agent. If you’ve got dysbiosis in the gut happening, that’ll help to balance that out but nitric oxide also vasodilates, which means it brings blood flow to the area. Another important thing that we want when we’re dealing with the liver, because we need to bring the blood flow to the area in order to get the body to shift from the stress state into the relaxed state so that we can heal.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’d love that because I actually take a nitric oxide supplement. It’s really, really expensive because my levels were low. A lot of people don’t realize that they need to do things to increase nitric oxide in the body in this doing castor oil packs has that benefit but so many of the other ones that you talked about I actually didn’t know about the nutrients absorbing for the skin part of it. I think that’s really, really interesting. You had sent me some of your castor oil, which is gorgeous. I did a castor oil pack yesterday.
Dr. Marisol T.: Awesome.
Wendy Myers: I did an infrared sauna with the castor oil pack on and then I did a coffee enema afterwards also with the castor oil pack in it. It was amazing because I feel like it really increased the detox benefits when I’m doing my detox protocols. Then, I just added this extra step to enhance what I was doing as long as I’m spending the time to do this detox protocols, I like to add little things to biohack my detox and give additional benefits.
Dr. Marisol T.: The thing is, well, yeah, for sure. The thing is, is that castor packs used to be a bit of a hassle. Many people out there have probably heard of them and been like me where they’re like, “Oh, forget it. I’m not going to do it.” But now, as you saw, it’s literally less than a two-minute, just open up the pack, pour the oil, place it on your body, if you’re doing an infrared sauna, if you’re doing a coffee enema, phenomenal. The castor oil pack is going to make all those work even better. I love, love including things like binders, like green drinks, I love your green drink, your, clay and binding formula as well too. Super, super excellent.
Dr. Marisol T.: All those things combined together, what an incredible protocol to make all of them work that much better. What’s even more astounding is that if you clinically track someone… We did a great study where we had two groups doing same type of a cleanse, right? We included colon hydrotherapy because we wanted to do in clinical practice. Then, we did the diet. We did the binders. We did the green drink exactly like what you work with in your protocol.
Dr. Marisol T.: The only difference between the groups was the castor oil packs. We tested their labs two weeks before at the beginning of the cleanse, two weeks after, two weeks again after, because it was a four-week cleanse. Then, we did it two weeks after the fact. What we noticed was that the group with the castor oil pack overall just had more significant increase or decrease depending on the lab value, like some we wanted them to improve. Like iron, we wanted it to improve for some people and B12 and those levels of nutrient status all improved with the castor oil pack, more so over than just a classical cleanse on its own.
Dr. Marisol T.: Then, the things we wanted to go down, like the bad cholesterol, the low density lipoproteins. We want that one down significantly, happy cholesterol, HGL that improved. Those are great markers for how your body’s doing in terms of being able to cleanse or not because they’re markers of inflammation.
Dr. Marisol T.: CRP, that’s another C-reactive protein, another great marker of inflammation decreased significantly with the usage of the castor packs over the other group. The list just went on and on and on. Liver enzymes decreasing if they’ve been elevated, going into natural ranges, markers of dysbiosis, things that we use like uric acid, urea, we’ll use all as markers of dysbiosis.
Dr. Marisol T.: It’s just awesome to see that this simple, very, very simple, classical, legendary treatment that all our forefathers in medicine, Hippocrates, Galen, traditional Chinese medicine doctors, the Ayurvedic practitioners. It’s permeated throughout our entire evolution as a species of human beings. These castor oil packs have followed along traditional use of them.
Dr. Marisol T.: My thing was that they were being lost and they changed my life so dramatically and the lives of my patients because in my clinical practice, it’s the first prescription we give, number one. Everyone walks in and walks out with a castor oil pack and we know clinically they’re not doing that well. It’s because they haven’t been practicing their castor oil packs because it transforms how they’re digesting their food, how they’re absorbing, how they’re eliminating, just everything across the board.
Wendy Myers: Well, let’s talk a little bit more about hormones because this is a lot of women struggle with. I’m currently going through the change and starting getting mild hot flashes. I’m 47 so it’s to be expected. I’m looking more for hormonal support because the liver will process and metabolize excess estrogen. It’s very important to support the liver in processing hormones better. Can you talk a little about that?
Dr. Marisol T.: 100% and it comes down really to the five things that castor oil packs really help with people in their lives. In the most simplest of terms is how we say it, you poop better, you are going to sleep better, you’ll cleanse better, you’ll bloat less and you’ll stress less. If you think about it as we move into the change, which comes for all women. Hopefully, we move in gently and gorgeously and gracefully and it’s not like shock to the system.
Dr. Marisol T.: If we’re transitioning gracefully or not, what ends up happening is it’s those five things that end up tweaking off. We stop pooping properly because either we have an estrogen dominance that’s relative so her estrogen might be high as we’re transitioning or it goes low and our progesterone is totally tanked. We still have estrogen-dominant symptoms even though we don’t really have high estrogen. That’ll become a problem. Our pooping or sleeping becomes a problem because our circadian rhythm starts to really break down.
Dr. Marisol T.: Our cleansing systems get overwhelmed because now it’s not just 20 years that we’ve been in existence in our lives, it’s 40, 50 years that we’ve been in existent in the world. If we haven’t been cleansing daily, regularly or doing things to optimize it, that wineglass, proverbial wineglass of toxicity just keeps on getting full, full, full, full, full and we’re needing to clear that out and eliminate it. Just like one thing on the other, our digestion starts to not work so well because number one, as we age, we have less digestive enzymes, our stomach acid starts producing less and less, less. We become more inflamed in our systems. It just keeps on adding, layers just keep on adding onto our body, the stress on our body. Then, we just feel more stressed overall.
Dr. Marisol T.: Because castor oil packs really support those five symptomatic problems, it really changes how hormonally we’re functioning. If we correlate it like what we say is this, that’s what we say to people to make it easy; poop better, sleep better, cleanse better, stress less and bloat less but if we go on the scientific basis, then we use the acronym FAITH.
Dr. Marisol T.: Number one, castor products really do help you rebuild the faith in your body’s ability that’s going to heal because it sets a foundation for healing. The F stands for function of your digestion, absorption and elimination. It tunes that all up.
Dr. Marisol T.: A stands for antioxidant status, because it’s such an oil so rich in so many wonderful, wonderful antioxidants, glutathione, nitric oxide, vitamin E, polyphenols, all things implicated in phase one, phase two, all the different phases of detoxification. It helps with that essential fats that you may not be able to get orally for some people.
Dr. Marisol T.: I stands for inflammation balance because we need inflammation but just not too much. T stands for tension and stress reduction and this is one of the mechanisms of castor oil pack that I love. It actually boosts oxytocin, which is love and connection molecule. As we age, we have less and less and less oxytocin. Oxytocin balances our cortisol stress hormone. We want to do whatever we can to boost our oxytocin, to lower our cortisol and then feel better. Dopamine gets boosted with castor oil packs. That’s part of the stress reduction.
Dr. Marisol T.: Then, the final amazing benefit is that H. You’re the host of the mostess. Castor oil and castor oil packs actually break down biofilm, which is a mucolytic layer on the gut that prevents us from being able to reset a good bacteria like the healthy happy bacteria. Castor oil breaks down candida, candida colonies, right? It can help to really rebalance that microbiome. It just creates a really healthy mucosal intestinal wall so that you can really have a healthy, happy microbial balance.
Dr. Marisol T.: If we’re talking about hormones, the most more unhealthy than microbiome and we have all these problems with them actually creating excess estrogens, and we’d get into a whole category of science called problems with estrobolome, which is basically the bacteria in the gut that are creating estrogen in our systems and then overloading going back and re-overloading our liver and causing more and more problems. I say, it really brings back our faith in our body’s ability to heal. When we are on this journey of healing, really my goal is always to feel better. This is what I tell people like if your goal is to feel better, usually you’re an avid fan of cleansing and detoxification, well and great you feel when you clear everything out but castor oil packs is that foundation in that journey to support all those five pillars of what makes us feel great and feel better.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can you talk a little bit more about constipation and diarrhea? You talked about that earlier but can you go into more detail about how castor oil packs can help with constipation and diarrhea because that’s a big problem a lot of people have. A lot of people, they’re just not pooping enough. They maybe don’t realize that they’re not pooping enough. How often are we supposed to be pooping and what should it look like?
Dr. Marisol T.: I love it. Okay, this is my stick, right? This is my little soapbox. Like what’s a perfect poo? In fact, I actually call it the royal flush because I think it’s like the perfect thing. You don’t always get a royal flush, but your goal is to always get a royal flush if you’re gambling. Toilet time, sometimes really can be a gamble. Whatever you can get, be happy with it but your goal is the royal flush. That royal flush is it’s actually a daily stool. What people don’t realize is that they may go to their medical doctor, their medical doctor may say, “Oh yeah, you’re going every three days. No problem. That’s perfectly normal?” The issues this is that. They’re correct to say that, that is perfectly normal based on the research that they are working with.
Dr. Marisol T.: However, the research that they’re working with demonstrates people on a normal diet, which is typically the standard American diet, which is a sad diet, which is processed foods, low nutrients, pastas, things that really don’t give the body the best bang for the dollar. They’re usually not organic dye is. They’re usually not the most health promoting. Yes, people on that type of a diet. Women will go to the bathroom once every 2.7 days will be there average and men will be every 1.7 days.
Dr. Marisol T.: There again goes that disparity between male and females. Females just were more complicated, more hormones, hormones really direct. How often, how often, how frequently would go to the bathroom and they really do direct like the movement of our bowels. We have that disparity but in true reality, we should be mimicking nature.
Dr. Marisol T.: I have a little female dog, and I used to have a male dog. They went to the bathroom at the same time after they ate, they would go to the bathroom. One didn’t go once a day and the other one went every three days because of the hormones. We went outside and we went to the bathroom but dogs have like they eat, they sleep and they poop, right? They’re low stress. They usually eat a diet that is very good for them. Environment needs it’s well-balanced. They have very little stress. So they’re going to the bathroom daily. The big problem is so much stress in our systems, it can constipate us, but it can also make us go to the bathroom more frequently too. A lot of it has to do with our minds and the stress that we’re dealing with.
Dr. Marisol T.: One of the biggest stressors that I often talk to people about, because I actually, part of the reason why I had so much issues with going to the bathroom is I grew up in Northern Ontario and I grew up in a beautiful home that had… We weren’t by any means rich. We were actually quite poor, but my parents had saved up all their money and bought a good home for us.
Dr. Marisol T.: What ended up happening was that we lived and you couldn’t see beyond our backyard because there was lots of these big evergreen trees in the backyard but if you just went about not even a kilometer, like maybe 50 or 60 meters past that greenery, you know that there was the biggest electromagnetic factory that served all of the minds of Northern Ontario was sitting in my backyard. Yeah. I am severely sensitive to electromagnetic frequencies.
Dr. Marisol T.: Sure enough, one of the reasons I was constipated was because I was so anxious and I was so stressed. My body could never relax into a good healthy bowel movement. A lot of it had to do with the stressful environment that I was living in, which happened to be yes, we were Spanish little crazy rubbing around, like high, high anxiety already there but then we actually lived on the border of this farm, this electric farm to feed all the Northern Ontario minds and these minds feed nickel and or to the entire world. It was a big deal.
Dr. Marisol T.: Our stools are truly dependent a lot on our mood, a lot on our hormones, nervous system, our hormonal system as well as our immune system. All these things need to be working together and you’re looking to go daily. You are looking to have a long Oktoberfest sausage. I know I’m going to ruin like Oktoberfest for people, but that’s okay. You’re looking, actually, there’s a personal measurement that you can use from your wrist all the way down to your elbows and that typically is the length of your lower descending colon and it should be the amount of food, fiber, and fluids that you consumed the day before.
Dr. Marisol T.: In a healthy metabolic state, this would be what you’re eliminating. That we shouldn’t be looking for a wipe that is no hyper wiping, as I call it. You should wipe once and you should wipe clean. If you’re wiping more than that, then it’s a sign of food sensitivities, a sign of mucus, inflammation in the gut of great reason to put that castor oil pack and make sure you do a coffee enema. These are the keys to those perfect stools. The colors should be brown and there should be very little to no smell in the room too. That’s the royal flush.
Wendy Myers: That’s so key because it’s so important to make sure you’re going to the bathroom every single day and if you’re not being proactive to do something about that, I have to eat vegetables or it’s not happening or if you’re not going to the bathroom every day, do coffee enemas and castor oil pack so you can troubleshoot the reason why you’re not eliminating because you auto intoxicate. The poop stays in you. That’s a main route of a toxin elimination, heavy metals. I test the stool for heavy metals and if you’re not pooping, all that stuff can absorb back through your colon into your body. You’ve got to be pooping if you want to be healthy and you’re going to be brain fog and low energy and just be in a bad mood, just not feel good.
Dr. Marisol T.: Then, that recirculation of toxins, stresses out the body, tightening the sphincter at the bottom so making it even harder for you to poop. My experience with enemas, colon hydrotherapy, castor oil packs, they actually help with retrainment of the bowel, which is super important. Laxatives don’t do that. Laxatives just relax your sphincters and actually make you lose tone over time and then you’re in trouble later on in your life because then you have no bowel control whatsoever.
Dr. Marisol T.: Castor oil packs whether you are going to the bathroom too much, common question that we get or you’re not going enough, it actually has a regulatory effect on how the mechanism of the smooth muscle in the gut is working. Overtime and topically, you’re going to better balance that out. It really is a tool that is spectacular and for those people who are doing coffee enemas too, every once in a while what you could do is you can also take a loading dose of castor oil orally and that also helps to make things like if you’re really looking to do a really good deep cleanse, we’ve done that on occasions to help with things like parasites and if candida overgrowth is really severe, that really helps to really clear out the gut because cleanliness, I love to say, is next to godliness.
Dr. Marisol T.: When we’re working with all of these techniques are really saunas these have been around forever. There’s a reason it’s because they work really, really well. If people just adopted them more into their practices daily and regularly and made them a regimen, their life would just flourish and they’d be living in their passion. They’d be on purpose. They’d be so happy and everything that they want in their life would really be theirs.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think people don’t realize that when they start working to improve liver health, how bad off their livers were when you really start taking supplements to support the liver. My new daily detox screen is powder, specific herbs to support the liver, doing castor oil packs, doing coffee enemas, taking other nutrients to support liver function, foods to support liver function.
Wendy Myers: Once you start doing that, you really realize how important your liver is because you start feeling so much better, less brain fog, more energy, better digestion, better hormones and that has this whole domino effect of improved symptoms. I really truly believe people have to really focus in on supporting their liver. A lot of people are just missing that. They’re just not really paying attention to that when our liver has so much responsibility that you talked about.
Dr. Marisol T.: So much. It really is the key. The thing to me is this is that so many times patients come back and they’re like, “I don’t feel any different.” I’m like, “Really?” Then, we go through their list of symptoms because we have selective memory and we forget like what happened like a month and a half ago after we’ve been doing all these practices but what I love is when patients then go off, they actively choose to stop their practices and then all the symptoms return and they’re like, “Why they all returned? Why they not just stay away?” Well, it comes down to the same adage, these are practices, these are lifestyle practices that we need to adopt.
Dr. Marisol T.: We are constantly bombarded by toxicity in different forms like in our food. Even if we are buying the best of organic, there’s still runoff, our air, there’s all these different mechanisms that we’re getting toxicity and irritation. Flying is a source of radiation. There’s all these different things. We need to be constantly vigilantly. If we want to be victorious in our health and our lives, we have to be on a practice that is going to support good health. We need to be watching our thoughts. We need to be watching our health and aware and consciously aware of what is going on in our temple because we are given only one. If we want to make our lives great, then this one body, one temple, we need to work with it in conjunction with it, understanding it’s love letters.
Dr. Marisol T.: My favorite love letter is the poo says so much about you. You’re listening to it really. I totally rhymed there. Listening to it, being observant of it because you’ll know, if you’re really constipating, you’ll know from either the foods that you’ve eaten or maybe the level of your stress that you’ve had or maybe you have green stools.
Dr. Marisol T.: Green stools can be a sign of zinc deficiency, B12 deficiency, low stomach acid deficiency. If they start taking your green drink as an example, their stool shouldn’t turn green. They should actually still be turning brown if the digestion is working well. Then, it’s a sign like I got to be doing my castor oil pack. I’m perfectly okay with us… I always say it’s not I fell off the wagon, it’s I chose to jump off and that’s perfectly okay. Let’s do it all guilt-free but let’s choose to jump back on and get back onto our practices and the more that we do these things, the better off that we will be in long-term. Just get back on the horse.
Wendy Myers: I am back on the horse because I just went to Texas for Thanksgiving and I was not on the horse.
Dr. Marisol T.: That’s right.
Wendy Myers: I came running home, oh I need my coffee enema and castor oil pack and…
Dr. Marisol T.: That’s awesome.
Wendy Myers: … really happy but you know what, an interesting thing that you talked about is using castor oil as a beauty oil and this is something I had heard about or read about and I learned a lot about castor oil from you, but you have this cosmetic castor oil, which I thought is great. I have to use it on my skin, but yeah, this is a really, really interesting and then it comes with this little eye mask. Can you talk about cosmetic castor oil?
Dr. Marisol T.: Yeah. We often recommend to do the castor oil pack at night. Wear the pack for an hour at least, but even better to just put it on as part of your nightly routine and wear it to bed but then I really got into the habit as well too of using castor oil on the face because number one, we spoke about all the benefits, it reduces inflammation, it supports glutathione.
Dr. Marisol T.: Glutathione is a very common cosmetic treatment for aging, dark spots, melasma. Anything that we can do that’s going to support glutathione on our face especially as we are aging is going to give us that little extra advantage. The nitric oxide itself actually happens to be one of the biggest anti-aging molecules that we can utilize in our lives.
Dr. Marisol T.: Again, as we’re aging, this is super, super important. The skin on the face is the most gentlest and it often sees the first signs of aging along with the neck. What we do with our eye mask in our kit is actually that we apply castor oil around the eyes gently. Number one, it’s going to be the only oil that’s going to feed and nourish underneath the top layer of skin. It’s going to go into the dermis. It’s going to plump up the collagen. It’s got those polyphenols, those antioxidants, vitamin E, glutathione for the health of the skin, bring all the circulation to the area with the nitric oxide. You’re going to see less and less lines but then castor oil is traditionally also been used to help with eyebrow and eyelash growth.
Dr. Marisol T.: If you have been a woman who’s been suffering with hormones, whether you’re transitioning into menopause and you’re noticing that your thyroid, you might have been diagnosed with like Hashimoto’s and autoimmune thyroid condition, very common in people who have a heavy high levels of heavy metal, if they’ve got this and they’re experiencing lessening of their eyebrow area or their eyelashes seem to be decreasing, this is where you want to be using castor oil. All you do is you basically apply the castor oil around the eyes, use the brush over the eyebrows and eyelashes and then you place the eye mask and you go to bed at night. The eye mask itself has a superb function.
Dr. Marisol T.: Like the castor oil pack, you must use the pack on the body, calms the nervous system down, starts supporting all these great hormones like oxytocin and neurotransmitters like dopamine, when you wear an eye mask over in this area of the eye, you actually stimulate your pituitary gland in your hypothalamic region to stimulate and produce melatonin naturally, which is the master sleep agent, also, super important as we age, especially for women because melatonin decreases and then our sleep goes off and the melatonin, when it’s in higher levels in our bodies, especially for females, is actually protective against the most common cancers like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, skin cancer, and la-da-da, I’m forgetting the name, but those are the big, big, big keys, those are the big hormonal cancers that really affect women.
Dr. Marisol T.: We really want to make sure that we have elevated levels of melatonin. The best way to do it honestly, is to just do it gently through an eye mask because you’re just naturally stimulating the body to make sure that it produces and that natural stimulation is a way to anti-age as well.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, I wear an eye mask every single night. I cannot sleep without it.
Dr. Marisol T.: Same.
Wendy Myers: It’s so key. It’s amazing how much better you sleep when you’re using an eye mask because that melatonin production you’re enhancing because light shining through your eyelids that’s coming from a streetlight outside or in the morning when you wake up, that goes through your eyelids are opaque. That’s why you can kind of see through them and it shuts down melatonin production. It’s a great benefit. I also like this because it’s made from organic cotton and…
Dr. Marisol T.: You got it.
Wendy Myers: … materials and a lot of eye mask that I have tried have this synthetic toxic foam or they’re made from silk but can still be grown with pesticides and I’m going to have different problems. It’s like a lot of stuff on Amazon is just garbage or synthetic or it’s polyester. That’s why I really like this.
Dr. Marisol T.: Love them.
Dr. Marisol T.: They fit great and they’re just the right amount of pressure because actually a lot of it too, like not only does it block up the light, but actually a big part of that stimulation of the pituitary gland is from the pressure around the eyes because it stimulates the receptors of the skin.
Dr. Marisol T.: Our body is just such an incredibly, it’s so genius. It really just has all these little mechanisms that we don’t even think about using. For an example, when someone touches you or when you get a great big hug, you stimulate oxytocin. There’s all these receptors in our body. They all work to tell our body what to do and to take action.
Dr. Marisol T.: My goal is to not, I love supplements… I love the green drinks. I love all these things are fantastic. But I also want to seize the practices because I feel that the practices at the end of the day, they’re the big needle movers, right? Sauna is a huge need. I do a sauna pretty much every night. I love sauna. I love detoxification. I love like hot-cold water therapy. I do that as much as I can, two in the morning in the shower.
Dr. Marisol T.: All these castor oil practice is a regular routine for me. I travel with my castor oil pack because I travel so much that my sleep-day cycle and sometimes you don’t always get the best food and you can have digestive upset. It just takes care of all these things. I don’t get bloated. I feel good. If I’ve overindulged, especially over the Christmas season or like Easter or whatever holiday season it is, Thanksgiving, perfect timing, castor oil packs placing those on just really sets your body up for success and just to be able to move out what is meant to move out and not let it stay in.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s interesting, the first time I tried castor oil pack and I was kind of first learning about detoxification a long time ago, it said to take a rug, soak it with castor oil. I wasn’t using organic. I just used some cheap product..
Dr. Marisol T.: Me too.
Wendy Myers: They said, put that cloth on your liver area and then wrap it with Saran wrap, which is full of cadmium and let that all soak in. There’s a lot of mistakes you can make with castor oil packs and there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. I’m glad that you are passionate about educating people about the right way to do it and provide all the tools and instructions to do so.
Dr. Marisol T.: Yeah. Well, it’s you and I, our backgrounds, right? It’s like Maya Angelou, Oprah’s favorite author, “When you know better, you do better.” I could never ever ethically it’s for my patients or even for myself, I do these packs. My father’s in the hospital right now. He’s doing castor oil packs constantly. I’m just keep on applying the castor oil pack and he’s always doing better, he always feels better whenever he has it on. He’s had great progression compared to other patients. I mean, I could never live with myself because I know better.
Dr. Marisol T.: When you know better, you won’t even touch the other stuff and that’s the key is that I’m really here teaching people these ancient traditional treatments so as you are that really like are needle movers changers and really help us all with that goal of feeling better. Even more importantly is just so many of us have gone through the merry-go-round of taking all the right supplements, eating all the right things, doing all the right exercises and we’re still feeling not good. We’re feeling horrible. These are the things that are going to change us and help us to rebuild the faith in our body’s ability to heal. When you have that faith re-installed, the world is your oyster and no matter what affects you code blue, you get sick, something happens, you get knocked down because we’re going to get knocked down but we will be able to roll with it and move over to the other side and come out in the light instead of staying in that dark hole.
Wendy Myers: Yes and that being said, if you guys want to try Marisol’s castor oil pack, just go check out, C-A-S-T-O-R oil and we’re going to have all the information there for you guys to check out everything in the cosmetic castor oil and her castor oil packs as well.
Wendy Myers: Marisol, thanks so much for coming on the show and why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you and learn more about your work?
Dr. Marisol T.: Absolutely. Best places, Instagram and Facebook of course, @queenofthethrones. Come join me. It’s a constant education all about poo and what it says about you. Of course, we’re also talking castor oil, castor oil packs, best practices, how to stay in tune with it. I delve in a lot as well to you but I’ll go cleansing and such just because it’s such an important like what you and I are doing is changing the world because what we’re healthcare is moving towards is cleansing and daily… I love when you and I first sat down and talked like we said right away, I believe in A, B, C, D; adapt the environment, balance your lifestyle, cleansing practices daily and detoxifying seasonally.
Dr. Marisol T.: You take a really big detox every season but you’re daily dueling the practices that are going to cleanse you because that is what will take us to the next level. Then, of course, my website http://www.drmarisol.comD-R Of course, you and I are going to be working together a lot. They’ll be seeing more of us.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely.
Dr. Marisol T.: Awesome.
Wendy Myers: We’re going to be doing a Facebook live scene and other stuff, a blog post and other stuff coming soon about castor oil pack. Stay tuned for that on Everyone, thanks so much for tuning in every week to the Myers Detox podcast, where we talk about every aspect of detoxification to help you guys make those distinctions to do detox correctly.
Wendy Myers: I want to help you avoid a lot of detox pitfalls when people aren’t doing it right and then they get sick and then they never want to do it again. I want to teach you how to do it right. Thanks for tuning in and I’ll talk to you guys next week.