Myers Detox Affiliate Center

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Our mission is to impact the world through proper detoxing, so we all can experience limitless energy and abundant health. We are thrilled you are interested in helping us spread the word of detox!

To become an affiliate, simply email us at [email protected]

Once your account is approved, we’ll provide everything you need to successfully spread the word about our amazing programs and eligible products at Myers Detox (and generate some income for yourself in the process)!

Our Offers

Harmoni Pendant

The stainless steel Harmoni Pendant works like a personal EMF protection device that also restores balance and harmony to the body.

Benefits include:

  • EMF protection
  • More energy
  • Pain relief
  • Stress relief
  • Improved performance
  • Better sleep
  • Mental clarity

Right now, every cell in your body is being bathed in electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). These EMFs are produced by your cell phone, computer, tablet, home appliances, and even your car. That’s a problem because EMFs can cause fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, sleep problems, and a host of other conditions by disrupting your body’s energetic field.

You may have heard of the energetic field. Thanks to researchers at the National Institutes of Health, University of California, Mt. Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center and other prestigious institutions we know the energetic field helps support proper cell-to-cell communication. This in turn helps regulate your body’s biochemical and metabolic programs. So making sure your energetic field is balanced and harmonized is crucial for your good health.

Daily Detox

Daily Detox is an organic superfood formula loaded with unique nutrients for optimal liver function, whole-body detoxification, remineralization, and metabolism. It features: 

  • Broccoli sprouts for detox and anti-aging
  • Liver support herbs for daily cleansing
  • Fiber for healthy elimination support
  • Metabolism-boosting ingredients

Hair Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Hair Mineral Analysis is the quickest and most affordable way to determine if you have heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiency – two of the primary drivers of disease today.

The truth is: there is NO WAY to reach your optimal potential for energy, vitality, longevity, beauty and even happiness…unless you detox heavy metals from your body.

  • You’ll learn exactly which heavy metals you have
  • You’ll see your mineral deficiencies and which minerals you need (or don’t need) to supplement. This is what I call the sniper approach to supplementation, as opposed to a shotgun approach. Rather than randomly supplement, it’s much better to supplement only what you need
  • You’ll see your mineral toxicities (yes, some minerals can be toxic in excess!)
  • You’ll discover which minerals and nutrients are out of balance (the ratios can be just as important as the levels)
  • And you’ll discover EXACTLY why you haven’t been able to thrive or get the results you want (yet)

Ageless AF (NEW)

Get flawless, glowing skin from the inside out. Ageless AF Advanced Silica Detox Support enhances hair, skin, and nail beauty. It contains three powerful ingredients that synergistically work together to create this power heavy metal detox, anti-aging and beauty enhancing formula. 

  1. Silica 
  2. Selenium
  3. Garlic

Affiliate Offers Coming Soon…

Need Help?

If something is getting in the way of your success, or if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We are here to help! Just email [email protected] and let us know what you need.

Thank you for helping us to spread the message of detox! Cheers to your success!

Terms and Conditions of the Myers Detox Affiliate Program

Commissions for the Myers Detox Affiliate program are reviewed and paid out through PayPal once a month, at the end of the month. You must have a valid PayPal account in order to sign up and receive commissions.

Affiliate links are to be distributed to friends, colleagues, clients, practitioners, and marketing lists only. Using your own affiliate link for personal purchases violates the terms and conditions of the Myers Detox affiliate program and will result in the termination of your account.

We will track and attribute sales based on cookies. Should the customer decide to delete or clear his/her cache, or switch browsers, all tracking would be lost.

We have full rights to terminate any fraudulent or fake transactions that are not recorded in our shopping cart system once the validation routine occurs.

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7 Key Nutrients to Avoid Heart Attack or Stroke