The Benefits of Eating Grass Fed Organ Meats
Many organ meats offer denser source of nutrition than muscle meat. Liver is not a source of toxic metals, as is mistakenly believed, but kidneys should be avoided. Learn why! READ MORE

10 Healthy & Delicious Recipes for Any Occasion
If you re looking for some tasty – buy also healthy! – recipes for your next gathering or celebration, you’ve come to the right place! READ MORE

Top 5 Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
Did the word fasting throw you into a panic? No need to fear. I’m talking about intermittent fasting – fasting for a short period of time. Our bodies were designed to fast. Cavemen were forced to fast when food was not readily available. READ MORE

Eat Healthy With My Favorite Online Grocer – Thrive Market
Want to eat healthy, but just can’t afford it? Can’t find the time to get to the grocery store? When things get hectic and my schedule is overloaded, maintaining a healthy Paleo diet can be a bit of a challenge, even for me. Fortunately, I … READ MORE

Butcher Box: Grass-fed Vs Grain-fed Beef
When it comes to meat, quality matters. But finding high quality healthy meat can be hard. At ButcherBox, their goal is to make 100% grass-fed beef more accessible than ever before. Let’s look at grass-fed vs grain-fed beef. READ MORE

Top 5 Heart Healthy Fats
For a healthy heart we need saturated fats! … And cholesterol! This comes as a surprise? No wonder! The media has fed you wrong information on heart healthy fats for decades. READ MORE

Potatoes and Spuds are SO Paleo
Ancient man ate a lot of baked potatoes. Strict Paleo diets exclude potatoes, claiming that the saponins they contain make them unfit for human consumption. Given the scientific evidence, this is complete nonsense. Potatoes and tubers have provided an important source of energy for many … READ MORE

Think Beans and Legumes are Good for You? Think Again!
Advocates of the Paleo diet advise to avoid legumes on the basis that ancient man did not consume them. But this is not accurate. The main issue with beans is they are not as nutritious as many are led to believe. READ MORE

Is too Much Fruit Unhealthy?
Your fructose consumption should be kept at 15 to 25 grams per day. No more than this! Fruit is not as healthy as many are lead to believe. This begs the question, “Is too Much Fruit Unhealthy?” READ MORE

How to do a Food Elimination Diet
Most need to do a food elimination diet to lose weight, reduce inflammation and feel their best. Learn the steps to do a food elimination diet and download the free Modern Paleo Food Elimination Survival Guide to walk you through the process. READ MORE

#65 Living the Primal Lifestyle with Mark Sisson
Mark Sisson talks to Wendy about living a healthy primal lifestyle and everything you should be incorporating into your life regarding work, sleep, exercise and play. By the way, Mark is the Paleo God! He’s also my neighbor here in Malibu. READ MORE

Sardines are the Safest Fish on the Planet
Holy cow! I mean fish! Due to the high mercury levels in most fish, the savvy Modern Paleo dieter should pass on mercury-toxic larger fish and eat low mercury sardines! Hands down, sardines are the safest fish on the planet. READ MORE

Wendy is a guest on the Optimal Health Show with Ameer Rosic
Listen to Wendy on the Optimal Health Show Podcast with Ameer Rosic. Ameer and I discuss how potatoes are a superfood and why you should include them in your diet. READ MORE