Transcript: #12 Educate Before You Vaccinate with April Renee

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  • 12:59 Vaccination Schedule
  • 15:28 Toxic ingredients in vaccines
  • 18:11 How vaccines damage the immune system?
  • 26:46 Vaccines and Autism
  • 33:14 Actual risk of death from disease
  • 36:35 The most deadly vaccinations
  • 41:42 Vaccination Exemptions
  • 43:53 How are pharmaceutical companies getting away with this?
  • 47:15 Vaccines cause cancer and other diseases

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. I’m a certified Holistic Health and Nutrition Coach.  We are broadcasting live from Malibu, California where I just moved today in fact. And this afternoon, I’m going to be interviewing April Renee of  on the dangers of vaccines.

I wanted to do this very important show today because my own daughter was recently diagnosed with a very mild form of autism.  And thankfully, it’s only mild and she’s likely going to make a full recovery.  But I believe her condition to be caused by vaccines.

She hit all of her milestones early.  She talked at 9 months and had 50 words by the time she was one year old.  And any toxicity she may have inherited from me was not impeding her development because she was hitting all her milestones correctly.  And as some of you listeners may know, we do inherit the toxicity and nutrient deficiencies of our mothers.

And sadly, I decided to begin vaccinating my daughter at six months old.  I waited until this time thankfully.  But she did get 2 to 3 vaccinations at a time every three months right on schedule.  And this, I believe, caused her to have brain inflammation and heavy metal toxicity as revealed on her hair mineral analysis test, which caused her injury.

My daughter had aluminum toxicity on her first hair test, which is now used as a preservative in vaccines since mercury is frowned upon even though it’s still used. And aluminum causes learning delays and autism as much as mercury.  It’s toxic to the brain.

I basically believe her developmental delays are due to the heavy metal toxicity she received from vaccines.  Other kids get these shots and don’t have problems until much later in life, but some vulnerable populations, like my daughter, suffer the signs very quickly.

Like our guest today, I want to inform you listeners about the dangers of vaccines and to think about what you are doing before you vaccinate yourself or your child.  Educate before you vaccinate.

But before we get started, I have to do a little disclaimer.  Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition.  The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature.  Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment I suggest on the show.

Now, everyone please go to my website, it’s  I started the site to educate you about Paleo nutrition, the importance of detoxing from heavy metals and industrial chemicals that are the major cause of disease and how to treat health conditions naturally without medication.

If you like what you hear on today’s show, please give the Live to 110 podcast a nice review and rating on iTunes.  This will help people around the world to find the show easier and to get my word out on health and I would really appreciate it so much.

Now, our guest for today April Renee, travels the world to educate parents before they vaccinate.  She’s a keynote speaker for the Vaccine Information Coalition and former president of the Autism Autoimmunity Project.  After her own 4-year old daughter never developed properly or spoke due to vaccine-induced autism, she dedicated her life to informing others about the dangers of vaccines.

Good afternoon April, how are you?

April Renee: Hey, Wendy.  I’m wonderful. Thank you so much for helping me be a voice for the voiceless.

Wendy Myers: Yes.  It’s my pleasure. I’m really, really excited about the show today because I think it’s so important.  So first, why don’t you tell the listeners your very compelling story, why have you dedicated your life to educating people about vaccines?

April Renee: Well, like you, Wendy, I was misinformed about the vaccinations and I blindly trusted the pediatrician giving the recommended vaccinations set by the CDC with my daughter Kasey. She was my first child, born back in 1995.

I noticed neurologically, she wasn’t developing. She wasn’t going from a lying to a sitting position on her own at four months.  I had to teach her how to crawl.  So neurologically, she wasn’t developing. About a year older, at her year party, first year party, family members were questioning why she wasn’t like a normal one year old. 

So I started taking her to all the specialists, the endocrinologist, the gastroenterologist and neurologist, trying to find out why she wasn’t developing like the other one year olds and of course they could find nothing wrong.

Anyway, at around almost two years old, she was given the label of autism, which everyone knows or as we should know that the CDC is now saying is 1 in 50 children.  One in fifty children today are being labeled full-blown autistic. 

So she got the label when she was two. And then I stopped her vaccines because again the specialists couldn’t give me any answer and nobody knows their babies better than we do.  I knew my daughter, something was wrong with her and I started researching on my own and I realized she was vaccine-injured as you have with your daughter.

So I stopped her vaccines when she was two.  And then two years after stopping her vaccines, she contracted, at the last month of her life, the mononucleosis epstein-barr virus from the animal viruses that are in the vaccinations. We’ll get into that a little bit. That led into a secondary infection, bacterial meningitis. And ten days after her fourth birthday, I lost my daughter.  She passed away. 

So I’ve learned the hard way. We’re all victims. We’re just as much victims as our babies.  I learned the hard way that these vaccines are poison. 

We have the right to educate ourselves and learn the fact before we just blindly trust the pediatrician because unfortunately the drug companies that make the vaccinations, they fund the medical schools and pretty much write the textbooks for these doctors.  So they don’t teach them that stuff, they don’t teach them the dangers of vaccination.  They don’t teach them that there is mercury and aluminum, like you mentioned, formaldehyde, MSG, animal blood and on and on and on.  And we have a right to know these things.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, why would they teach that if they don’t want people to shy away from their multimillion dollar products?

April Renee: Exactly, exactly.  Absolutely! It’s definitely misinformation and that’s why I have dedicated my life in honor of my daughter, Kasey to travel the world teaching people facts that they have the right to know. Most people think you can’t go to school without vaccines.  It’s a lie! I have seen subsequent cases of unvaccinated children and they are in the public school system.  So, they tell you “No shot, no school, no kid in it,” it’s not true. So we have the right to know that.

The ingredients like I mentioned, we have the right to know that all these heavy metals together combined along with the animal viruses and blood, because they use wide mediums to weaken these diseases to make the vaccinations (which I had no clue and probably the audience listening), they literally use the jugular of a horse to weaken the DPT vaccine, the jugular of the horse.

They use aborted fetal tissue, they use the kidneys of monkeys for the polio vaccine. To weaken the disease and make the vaccination, they actually call it “attenuation”, they weaken the disease a bit in the kidneys of the monkey about 50 times (they call it “serial passage”), then they extract that live virus from the animal and then they do this witch’s brew concoctions of a vaccine.

If we know this stuff, we obviously would have looked into it further and probably chose to abstain. When you extract the live virus or live blood from an animal, you’re extracting every virus that particular animal ever had and then you are bypassing all defenses. You have fever and vomiting and diarrhea to purge. But with the vaccine, you’re going straight to the blood with this stuff, with the combination. We have the mercury and the aluminum and the formaldehyde and the MSG and all the other toxins in the vaccines.

So to me, it is blood poisoning, Wendy. It’s poisoning our babies’ blood stream.

Wendy Myers: And I’m sure that this is a propaganda from the pharmaceutical companies. But what do you say to people who say that some children have to die and be sacrificed for the overall health of the population to stop these deadly diseases against which we’re vaccinating?

April Renee: Well, the whole premise of immunity is a joke. I mean, if you start doing your homework, you realize that’s another misinformation that the medical doctors are taught. They actually say that my unvaccinated children put their vaccinated children at risk. I mean, that makes no sense to me. I’m like, “if your vaccines work, then why would my unvaccinated children hurt yours?” Anyway, it’s crazy.

It’s misinformation. It’s based on the germ theory, which is a complete lie.  My husband and I traveled the world teaching this.  The germ theory is the biggest lie in medicine.  It’s what vaccines and all pharmaceutical drugs are based on, that germs cause disease. And what we teach is that your side of the terrain, the inner condition of your cellular terrain is like –

An example my husband uses is two people walk into an elevator with a sick person with the flu, let’s say, or mononucleosis and he sneezes, one person catches it and the other one doesn’t. If the germ theory was true, then both people would have gotten the germ. So it’s dependent on your inner conditions.

So my point is it’s just the opposite. If anything, vaccinated children put the unvaccinated children at risk because they’re shedding live viruses. Like the chicken pox vaccine, it’s a live virus.  So you’re shedding laboratory-made chicken pox virus. So if anything, it’s the other way around.

It’s just misinformation like everything else we are being told.  And that is why I encourage people to not just trust me, but to do your homework because when you start learning on your own, you realize most of the information these medical doctors and pediatricians are telling us is just misinformation. They’re mistaught and misinformed.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I wholeheartedly believe that your mission to educate people about vaccines is very important because so many think that they are informed when in fact they are not.

For instance, when I was pregnant with my child, I read all the baby books, each one had a chapter about vaccines.  So I thought I was really well informed.  I thought I had the information I needed to make an informed decision.  So I proceeded to vaccinate with confidence.

However, it needs to be noted, the chapters on vaccines on these baby books merely brushed over the side effects of vaccines, though not very thoroughly. They had some stats on the risk of your child dying from a vaccine, but most stated that there’s no connection between autism and vaccine and certainly nothing about heavy metal toxicity apart from mercury, which I was assured is no longer used in vaccines. And it’s absolutely untrue. Mercury is still used in several vaccines, most notably the flu vaccine.

I believe this is why many think they are informed about vaccines. I want to explain to the listeners that many baby books undergo heavy scrutiny from their publishers.  Publishers publish books that sell and that sell to the main stream and the main stream vaccinates.  So they are not interested in publishing some renegade baby book that advocates against vaccinations.

Do you see where I am going with this?

April Renee: Absolutely. And I really think a lot of the writers, most of them are pediatricians and medical doctors, and they just don’t know this stuff.  I mean, the drug companies like I said, fund the medical schools and write the textbooks that teach them so they’re just not taught this.

I have people that have my card, the Educate Before you Vaccinate business card that I send all over the world, with the ingredients on the back. And I had people tell me that they show their pediatrician, and their pediatrician, they actually gets angry because we’re questioning their authority. They don’t know that these ingredients are in the vaccinations. The drug companies keep them from knowing so they’ll just recommend them and just convince parents or scare parents because they scared me.

My ex-husband, Kasey’s father worked with two chiropractors when I was pregnant with her that warned us.  They told us, “You might want to look into the vaccines, there are problems.” And instead of looking into it, as a first time mom like most people, first time parents, we trusted our pediatrician. My pediatrician told me that Kasey would die if I didn’t vaccinate her.

It scared me. She even was angry because I had to postponed a week ahead because she had little flu symptoms and I didn’t vaccinate her. And when I came in that week later, she just scared me.  She made me feel negligent.  And that’s what they do.  They scare you. They make you feel that you are being a bad parent by not vaccinating.

They just don’t know.  They’re just taught by the drug companies is what I’ve learned.

12:59 Vaccination Schedule

Wendy Myers: And how many vaccinations are our children expected to submit to these days?

April Renee: Oh, it’s insane. It’s absolutely insane. I mean, by 18 months of age, 38 vaccines.  Six month old babies, 38. Thirty-eight by the time they’re 18 months of age is the CDC’s recommendation.  Whereas you and I received four at the most.

And that’s the problem, the accumulation. They get 7 of them when they’re two months old and another 7 when they’re four months old and another – you know what I’m saying? It’s a compounding thing. They’re getting overloaded with these, not only diseases together, I mean these are combinations.

DPT is three diseases, diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis along with the MMR, measles, mumps, and rubella, all these diseases. And then, on top of that, all the heavy metals. And metals are heavy obviously. If your child happens to be in the last couple of doses of that particular vial, if that nurse doesn’t shake up that vial, guess what? Your child is getting heavy metals more so.

There are just so many variables and the accumulation of them.  Even the CDC has an adult vaccine recommended schedule on their website now. I was literally counting. I got nauseous and had to stop counting at a 160. They’re actually recommending including the flu shot every year.  It’s over 160 vaccines for an adult in your lifetime.

Wendy Myers: Whoa! That’s unbelievable to me.  It’s such a money-making scam.

April Renee:  I know, I know. Sickness Incorporated is big business.  And these are diseases which aren’t even deadly.  We know chicken pox isn’t deadly.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I had chicken pox.

April Renee: Exactly! And you have lifetime immunity and same with measles, mumps and rubella.  Most of our parents had it. They’re not dead from these diseases.

Wendy Myers: No.

April Renee: Even polio, I showed in my presentation that the diseases were coming down (polio, tetanus) with better sanitation and nutrition way before the drug companies introduced those vaccines.  It had nothing to do with eradicating polio like we’re being told.  And if you do your homework, you will find that out.

Now, there had been people that were exposed during the polio epidemic, because they had strong immune systems that weren’t tainted by the vaccination, they were not compromised by the vaccine, they had strong immune system, they didn’t even get the polio – ninety percent of people that were exposed to the polio epidemic.

So you have to do your homework. When you start learning, you realize everything that you’re led to believe just isn’t true.

15:28 Toxic ingredients in vaccines

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  Can you elaborate on some of the toxic ingredients in vaccines?

April Renee: Well, as you mentioned already, the mercury and the aluminum, the formaldehyde, the MSG, formalin. To me, the most devastating is the animal blood, antifreeze. And it’s a combination of these things.

Obviously, mercury is a no-brainer. This is the same stuff they used to call, “Evacuate schools” when I was a little girl if you broke a thermometer, “Call in poison control.” But now, they’ve added the mercury, thimerosal along with the aluminum.  There have been no studies showing the compound and effect of the two heavy metals together with the antifreeze, with MSG, with the formaldehyde.

And again, you’re bypassing the body’s defenses.  The blood can’t vomit or have diarrhea, things that our body does to expel.  If you drink Draino, for instance, you’re going to throw up, you’re going to purge it.  That’s what our body is designed to do. And when you bypass those defense mechanisms that our Creator gave us, you go to a red alert right to the blood stream, the blood can’t expel. All it can do is lay in there dormant in our blood.

And then autism. If one child die, I mean, really look at the autism epidemic, we have one in fifty autism. Every other child have ADD or ADHD, which is also vaccine injury our researchers are proving. We have babies that die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, which our research has proven. It’s the vaccines killing these babies.

Shaken baby syndrome, I’ve presented that talk. Several parents were being accused of shaking their babies to death and of course within 30 days, they had a vaccination.  So it’s just one thing after another, which is crazy.

When you start going down the rabbit hole, Wendy, it’s just amazing, the truth will jump out at you. And now, I really wish I would have known these things instead of learning to trust like you and I both did and most people do. Maybe do our homework.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.  It’s sad. I thought I did, but I just wasn’t looking at the right place sadly.

April Renee: Yeah, because you’re going to the doctors and they just don’t know.

18:11 How vaccines damage the immune system?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  So, can you tell the listeners how exactly vaccines weaken and damage your immune system?

April Renee: Well, they compromise it. You’re injecting the heavy metals and the blood of animals as I mentioned and it’s a foreign antigens going straight into the blood stream. It compromises your immune system.

And really, I did my own clinical studies because again, I have two unvaccinated children.  Kasey was the one I had to learn the hard way with.  Corey was born 20 months after Kasey with no vaccines. And I thought for two years, a fully man-made vaccinated immune system compared to a fully God-made unvaccinated immune system, Wendy, no comparison. They would get the same exact virus and Corey would have a 10-15 minute fever and kill the same virus Kasey would take at least 3 or 4 days to a week to kill.

Even at her death, and I realized it was too late for her unfortunately, they said bring your son to the emergency room right away because he had been drinking her bottle the night before she passed away.  So obviously, he should have bacterial meningitis and mono.

So they said bring him to the hospital, I bring him to the emergency room. They asked me if  he was up to date on vaccines, and I said, “Yes, he’s up to date.” I thought he was maybe at risk, so I had him taken there. They took his blood and his urine, two nurses (I’ll never forget it). They took his blood and his urine, they came back out and they said “Not only does he NOT have eipstein-barr virus or bacterial meningitis, but we’ve never seen purer blood on a little boy” they told me. Pure blood.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

April Renee:  The life of the flesh is in the blood. And my kids have never even had an ear infection.  Corey just turned 16, my daughter, Faith (I had her since Kasey has passed), she’ll be 13 next month, never had any ear infection, never sick.

Unvaccinated children, they don’t get sick.  Even their [00:19:53] says she has all these unvaccinated patients, she has a little YouTube clip saying, “No vaccines, no cancer; no vaccines, no autism,” that his unvaccinated patients don’t even have cancer.

So there’s something to say about that. Even diseases like high cholesterol, heart disease, my husband has heart disease in patients, in children, leukemia in a four-year old patient, he has, two years old with brain tumors, where is this coming from? By no means is a vaccine [inaudilbe 00:20:30] because you can’t poison the blood with mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, MSG, the blood of animals and on and on and on (the list of ingredients is on my card and on my website) and expect to develop immunity.

Wendy Myers:  Yeah.

April Renee: It compromises, it weakens your immune system.  And this is why unvaccinated children are very healthy because they don’t have that compromised immune system.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  That’s really interesting, your perspective that you think that the vaccinated children are actually putting the unvaccinated children at risk because their immune system is compromised and they’re more vulnerable to disease and in fact, the very diseases against which they are vaccinated.

April Renee: Exactly.  Do you know, they don’t tell us this part, but when you see outbreaks of whatever, diphtheria or  measles or whatever, if you do your homework with it, our researchers show that the vaccinated population, a child that has the vaccination is who started the epidemic because they’re shedding live viruses.  They’re shedding live viruses with these diseases, a lot of them.

So if you’re around a recently vaccinated person with the flu shot, for instance, if your immune system is weakened, it’s compromised, you’re susceptible to catching the flu.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it was such a brilliant business model for the pharmaceutical companies because they inject these viruses, these live attenuated viruses into people., they cause the outbreak, like recent ones, the whooping cough and measles in different parts of the country and then everyone runs to go get the vaccination out of fear.  It’s so brilliant.

April Renee: Yes. It’s a big business model like you said. And that’s really their only goal, Wendy.  The drug companies, the Rothchilds, the families that own the companies, the Rockefellers, they’re the ones that are really pushing the vaccine campaign to keep people sick and keep them going into the doctor’s office.  It’s Sickness Incorporated, it’s business.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee:  And unfortunately, our children are the ones that are suffering because of it.  My passion, even though my baby is not here anymore, is to be a voice for these voiceless because they don’t have a choice. A child born today at a hospital within three hours at those hospitals is going to get a hepatitis B vaccine.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s insane.

April Renee: It’s insane, it is.

Wendy Myers: Hepatitis B is contracted through sexual intercourse and through people injecting themselves.

April Renee: IV drug use, exactly or blood transfusions. And they’re giving it to a newborn baby. It’s crazy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: So we have to be their voice. They don’t have a choice. That’s why I’m just trying to wake up anybody who will listen to these facts that we have the right to know.

Congressional hearings, people don’t even know that Congressman Dan Burton back in early 2000’s started uncovering the truth about the vaccinations being linked to the autism epidemic, but why does nobody know about it? Because this man didn’t show until four o’clock in the morning on one of the hearings.

So they don’t share this information. The drug companies as you know is the sponsors of our television, so they’re not going to allow this information to get out.

Plenty of researchers have proven this as parents already know. I show all this research in my presentation, not just the mercury effects, but Dr. Wakefield, Dr. Singh and Dr. Leslie, the MMR vaccines. And then, Dr. Andrew Moulden, he is the one that came out with the micro-vascular mini strokes happening from the vaccine including the adult vaccines, the flu shots and all those.

And then, the most devastating research is Dr. Martin’s research, John Martin, he used to work with the FDA who is finding these stealth viruses, monkey viruses, hidden viruses he calls them from the animals they’re using to make the vaccination.

The research is there, but nobody hears about it. We’re told in the media that there is no connection.  The research has been proven that there has been. And that’s why I think that this is my mission in life. I know Kasey was only supposed to be here 4 years and 10 days because I’ve taken that torch per se to reach out and to whoever is interested in making their choice for their children instead of just blindly trusting these pediatricians and these medical doctors who just don’t know.  They just don’t know the facts.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  And you can’t blindly follow the advice of any physician or any healthcare practitioner.  You have to take responsibility for yourself and do your homework.  You just can’t.

April Renee: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: You’re not going to have a good health outcome if you just blindly follow what everybody says.

April Renee: Yeah, pediatricians, Wendy are vaccine clinics.  I mean, I’m 48 years old.  When I was a little girl, we didn’t have pediatricians. We went to the family doctor.  The pediatricians are vaccine clinics.  That’s what you go to them for.

Wendy Myers: Yeah it’s 50% of their income.  Yeah, their income is the vaccinations.

April Renee: Right.  So why would they even consider the fact that the autism epidemic is being caused by them. They would never do that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: So, yeah, that’s why it’s up to us parents.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And there’s many that say that there is no proof that vaccines cause autism.  I actually read in this psychology textbook when I attended USC that there were no links between autism and vaccines.  And in 2008, I was taking some psych classes there for fun, because I’m a big nerd and I took that information to be absolutely true since it was in my textbook and taught at a prestigious university.

I did thought that people like Jenny McCarthy and others who advocated against vaccines were personally responsible for murdering children.  I hated these people. I really felt really strongly about this.  I now know that this information to be false. I don’t need a study telling me that there is a direct link between autism and vaccines.

We already know that the ingredients in vaccines just by themselves like mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and others, cause brain injury.  Forget about the synergistic effects, we know that each individual one are brain toxic.  So it’s not difficult to postulate that vaccines cause injuries in numerous ways to children namely the autism spectrum disorders.

And as you mentioned, as of March 2013, it’s been found that 1 in 54 males born are on the autism spectrum disorder.  It should be noted that 80% of children that are autistic are males.  So, that’s really significant.

26:46 Vaccines and Autism

Wendy Myers: So, what role are vaccines and the intense vaccination schedule contributing to this disastrous epidemic?

April Renee: I’m sorry. What were you asking? I didn’t understand the question.

Wendy Myers: I said, what role are vaccines you think are playing in this epidemic?

April Renee: A hundred percent. Again, there is no autism Dr. Mayer Eisenstein says in unvaccinated populations.  It’s gone from 1 in 10,000 children in the early ’80s to now 1 in 50 in little boys because of the testosterone that plays a role.  It’s really more than that in some areas.

There is no question based on my research and many parent’s research. I’m not just by myself. There is a lot of us that have opened our eyes and done our homework.  And there are researchers out there proving it, although you’re not going to see it in the medical text books, because again, who writes the medical text books?  Who funds the medical schools? The drug companies. So of course, they’re not going to make it look like vaccines are responsible at all. You can’t go to them because they are purposely trying to create this Sickness Incorporated and they are making these doctors be legal drug dealers for their vaccinations.

So absolutely, the vaccines are 100% the cause of the autism epidemic I can very confidently say.

Wendy Myers: And absolutely, these pharmaceutical companies rely on the fact that it’s very difficult to prove that a few vaccine shots are contributing to the autism disorders.  They have a vested interest in showing there is no link. It’s impossible to prove what caused the link because there are so many other sources of toxicity in our environment that contribute to our toxic body burden.

And to your knowledge, do pharmaceutical companies pay for studies attempting to show no link of autism to vaccines?

April Renee: Oh, absolutely. I was going to tell you.  That was going to be my next remark, epidemiological studies.  They are totally paid by the drug companies. And of course, they pay for the outcome.  They pay it. We are one of the only independent researchers, only non-profit organization, the one that I was the president of, The Autism Autoimmunity Project, better known as TAAP, we are one of the only ones funding these independent researchers because as soon as they mentioned the vaccines possibly being linked to the autism epidemic, they lost all funding.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: So all of the studies that we do hear about, every one of them are funded by the drug company.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  They’re the only ones with the money.

April Renee: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: They’re the only ones with the money to do it, millions and millions of dollars.

April Renee: That’s right.  I even got an e-mail recently.  I mean, it was nauseating where they said that the flu shot prevents heart disease.  I’m like, “You got to be kidding me!”  They’re like this deceptive where they’re going to really do a study, pay for a study to say that. Unfortunately, most people, because they blindly trust them like you and I did, we’re all victims. We blindly trust and we are influenced by all those kind of studies. We don’t realized that we need to go deeper and find out who they are funded by and what the bigger picture is here.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  They know, they spend millions of dollars on public relations.  They know that when someone hears about a study on CNN or CBS news, they take it as hard facts.

April Renee: Oh yeah.  And then they have movies like Contagion. I even went and saw the one with Brad Pitt recently, “World War Z” or whatever it is, who funds the movie industry?  The same families, the Rothchilds, the Rockefellers, the drug companies.

Anyway, they make it look like from the movie Contagion. I don’t know if you saw it yet, but they literally make it look like there’s some major outbreak and of course this miraculous vaccine is going to be saving everybody.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: So it’s propaganda and you have to be able to see right through it then.

Wendy Myers: I never thought of that angle. That is really mind-blowing.

April Renee: Oh, yeah.  We go to watch the movies to see what they’re up to because they’re not going to let me or you do a movie, right, teaching the truth.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: They’re going to definitely make it look like trying to hold on to this sacred cow because it’s a lie that’s been for so long that vaccines could save the world. I believed it, you believed it, so we start learning on our own and being forced to learn because of our child’s injury.

And that’s the only reason why we are doing this. I don’t make any money. This is all volunteer work for me.  I live and breathe helping anybody who wants to learn about this for absolutely no money.  I send out free Educate Before you Vaccinate business cards with the ingredients on the back with our website to give people directions to learn.  If those chiropractors would have given me my card, at least I would have had somewhere to go and look into it, instead I blindly trusted my doctor. I do all this.

So what is my agenda?  I’ve lost a child, I make no income here, what is my agenda?  Now, on the other hand, what is their agenda?  I mean, it’s just a no-brainer.  They want Sickness Incorporated. The drug companies wants each and every one of us on 10 to 12 drugged. So they get us started within 3 hours of birth with a hepatitis B vaccine and then 38 by the time we are 18 months of age.

And then you have antibiotics.  You have ear tubes.  You have all the different childhood disorders. It just leads right on through the teenage years and adulthood. In our presentation, we show it clearly. My husband and I because I’ve remarried since Kasey’s passed, I’ve remarried. My husband decided to be a specialist and we traveled the world literally with our presentation.

These kind of penetrates the [inaudible 00:32:23] showing that the autism epidemic is caused by the vaccination.  We did all the research, the congressional hearing. My presentation is very fact-based.  If anyone wants to watch it, you go to my website,, you can go to the lecture link and see the presentation. In London last year, we were invited out there to speak to the College of Naturopathic Medicine students. Anyway, watch the presentation, see all the facts.

And then my husband’s, he’s somewhat behind me, his presentation is also on the website. His presentation is titled “What in the Cell Is Going On?” , showing the bigger picture on the things that not we inject, which kind of sets the stage, the injections so it goes straight to the blood, but in the things you eat, you breathe, you drink and of course we are overloaded with toxins in our lifetime, but how it’s the underlying cause. The toxicities and insufficiencies are the underlying cause of all diseases.

Anyway, the [inaudible 00:33:16] for anyone who wants to learn more can go on the website and watch for free.

33:14 Actual risk of death from disease

Wendy Myers: It’s just amazing what you’re doing.  It’s seems like you’re fighting such an uphill battle. And so what is the actual risk of your child dying from these so called dreaded diseases against ones we’re vaccinating our children?

April Renee: I mean, if your child, like my children, no vaccines, their immune systems are designed by our Creator, I believe, to be exposed and run fever or have diarrhea, to purge and to get rid of.  So, the diseases that aren’t even deadly, like I said measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox and everything they vaccinate our kids for, they’re not even prevalent nowadays.

But if someone has chicken pox or even measles, I would love for them to call me and let me expose my children to it because once their immune systems are so strong, they could be exposed to it and fight off the way they’re intended or created to do and then have permanent immunity.  That’s the reason God allows the non-deadly diseases, to strengthen our immune systems for adulthood and survival.

So you want your children to get these diseases, but they’re not around anymore. The vaccines are not the answer.  There are natural things and this is what we teach, to build the immune system. Vaccines are not the answer, they are poisoning you.  The answer is eating right and exercising — the basic fundamentals of life — drinking lots of good water, basic things to keep you healthy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  People have lost touch. People have lost touch with the fact that if you have a strong body, that if you give it lots of nutrition, lots of healthy Paleo nutrition, and you detoxify your body (I have lots of information on my website about how to detox properly), then you’re going to have a strong body that can fight disease.

April Renee: That’s right! And that’s really our whole message, to trust in our self-healing doctors like a broken arm or a cut in the finger, our body knows what to do. And when you’re overloaded with toxins and insufficiencies, that’s when sickness can take hold.  But as long as your immune system is strong — my husband uses the analogy in his book, he has a book called “The Battle For Healthy Set of pH.” He uses the analogy that it’s like dishes in your sink, dirty dishes in your sink and cockroaches and ants are on the floor. Medical doctors are taught that these cockroaches and ants cause the dirty dishes.  Now, what we teach is the opposite.  Clean up the dirty dishes and guess what? The cockroaches and ants go away.  And that’s kind of the same way with our immune system.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, because these diseases, they can’t take down a strong host.  They harbor in a weak hosts.

April Renee: That’s right. So, we encourage people to detox or cleanse, do a complete flushing of all the toxins. And my husband has worked for 25 years to perfect the whole body flush, which is amazing that you do every couple of months actually.  It goes like peeling an onion. Every time you cleanse, you go deeper.

We all have toxins from our own vaccines and then also, things we’ve been exposed to our whole lives. But yeah, it’s amazing how any disease process can’t take hold in a strong immune system.  That’s totally an opposition of what the pharmaceutical companies teach the medical doctors.

36:35 The most deadly vaccinations

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  What do you think are the most deadly vaccinations?

April Renee: All of them! There is no safe vaccine.  Because they attenuate in animals, you never know what that vaccine is from.  How sick was that particular animals? How much mercury did they put in there? How well did the nurse shake up the vial? There are so many variables.  So I can’t say there’s any safe vaccine.

And maybe the only safe vaccine is breast milk.  To me, that’s our Creator’s vaccine.  It’s nursing the child and giving them the immunity you’ve developed over your lifetime.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s amazing when you breastfeed your child, if they’re exposed to a virus or something, that your breast milk makes antibodies within 8 hours and they’re going to use it.  It’s amazing.

April Renee: Yup, yeah.  That’s our Creator’s vaccine, breast milk.  You can’t poison your baby to health. And that’s what vaccines are. Vaccines poison the baby or their system.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I really worry about the MMR vaccine.  That seems like one of the most, one of the worst vaccines that a lot of children have had reactions to.

April Renee: Yeah. Even with my daughter, we noticed the biggest regression after that particular shot. She received hers at 15 months and she was already not crawling and all that. She was already neurodevelopmentally delayed. But after that shot, from what I learned from one of our researches, is that there’s a gut-brain connection.  It’s almost like an opioid effect. that’s what Dr. Wakefield found. And if we would give her wheat or milk product, she would really just bump into walls. She also develops severe constipation after that shot too.

So it definitely added to it. It’s compounding. It’s not like it’s one vaccine could hurt your child.  It’s the compounding in effect – the more mercury, the more we added, the more vaccines. By the time they’re 6 to 18 months, 38 of them [vaccines] by this time, it’s just that added amount. And then when they get the MMR, the MMR is given between 12 and 15 months of age and those are three live viruses, measles, mumps and rubella all at one time.  There’s no mercury, no heavy metals, just three live viruses are injected into our children.  Even you and I would have a problem being exposed to three live viruses injected at the same time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s a big burden for the immune system.  One never encounter that in nature.

April Renee: Exactly.

Wendy Myers:  We never encounter that in nature.

April Renee: Exactly.  So it’s an overload on their system is what it is.  So they have already had the other vaccines. The other vaccines that would have compromised their immune system, then they’re hit with those three live viruses at one time.  It’s just crazy what we are doing to our children.

Wendy Myers: And if they’re sick at all during that time. If they’re at all sick, sometimes you don’t even know that the child has a little bit of virus going on.  You go on there and vaccinate them, their immune system just cannot handle it.

April Renee: Right, it’s just an overload in their immune system.  And it’s just crazy what we’re letting them do to our children in the name of health. It’s just absolutely crazy!

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It makes me wonder why also. I know it’s more convenient for parents, but when the pharmaceutical companies put three vaccines in one vaccination, one shot, that there’s no way, there can’t be any liability because the person can’t see. It is just so much better to do the single vaccinations if parents are going to, if they’re adamant about it.  When you do three at one time, there is no way to tell which one caused the injury, which one caused the fatality.

April Renee: That’s right.

Wendy Myers: It’s always a way for pharmaceutical companies to avoid liability, which they don’t have any liability, but the government has to pay for any vaccination injuries.

April Renee: Yeah.  The drug companies are completely immune to liability, go figure.  But yeah, even the single vaccines, Wendy I can’t recommend personally because the heavy metals are still in there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: The compounding effect of mercury with the aluminum and the formaldehyde and all that is all in there.  It’s witch’s’ brew.  And for diseases that are not even deadly is my point.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I’m not recommending them. I’m just saying if parents are willing to, it’s probably a better idea to do that.

April Renee: Yeah.  And they ask me sometimes, and I’m like, “Well, poison is poison is poison.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah. If there is one dose, there is triple dose.

April Renee: They are poison when you do your homework.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: We definitely have to reach these misinformed parents and I just really appreciate you allowing me to help be a voice for them because they don’t have a choice.  At least you and I have a choice to walk into Walgreens or whatever and get the flu shot or the shingle shot and a million shot.  But these babies don’t have a choice.  We’re holding them down thinking we’re doing it out of our love for them, thinking we’re doing the best thing for them.  And it’s just total deception and parents have the right to have all the facts before they make that choice.

41:42 Vaccination Exemptions

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  I’ve heard so many mothers say that they are vaccinating their children because they had to so they can go to school. It just amazes me that people, they just don’t know.  They think they have to. They’re told by the school that they have to vaccinate before they can attend.  Are you actually in fact required to vaccinate your child before they can go to school?

April Renee: No. There are exemptions.  What I have found out and what parents would find out, if they’re doing their homework, the drug companies give financial incentives to the schools for every vaccinated child.  The fact is that the love of money is the root of all evil. And they get money for every vaccinated child.  So of course they are going to say, “No shot, no school, no kidding.” They say that here in West Palm Beach, Florida.  It’s not true.

There are religious exemptions in every state from West Virginia to Mississippi, and it’s so easy to get them.  You just go to your local health department and say vaccines are against my religious belief.  They don’t even have the right to ask you what religion you are. Just tell them “The Truth told you last night not to vaccinate them”, whatever you want to say. There’s a religious exemption, the school has to accept it. Every state like I said from West Virginia to Mississippi has that one.

And then about 26 states have the philosophical exemption, a contentious exemption, and this is where you just write a note and say, “I don’t believe in them and the school has to accept it.” And we have those listed in our website under the exemptions. You can look up the state to see what is available in your state.

And then every state has the medical exemption, which is a medical doctor has to endorse it.  It’s kind of hard to get that because they’re going to go against everything they’ve been taught.  Even though I do have medical doctors I work with, the ones that have gone outside their medical training and realized that vaccines are causing the autism epidemic, it’s impossible to have a genetic epidemic.  I mean, we’ve gone from 1 in 10,000 children being autistic to now 1 in 50.  And it’s going to keep going, Wendy. It’s going to be every other child until we wake up to what we’re doing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  It makes me so sad because there’s no way that this is a genetic thing.  It has environmental causes and the most obvious one is the vaccines.

April Renee: Absolutely, absolutely.  And like I said, there are other toxins that add to it.  But the vaccines are the underlying cause because it’s compromising the immune system to allow the other things they’re exposed to just not be able to handle the toxic exposure on top of  their blood poisoning.

43:53 How are pharmaceutical companies getting away with this?

Wendy Myers: So how are the pharmaceutical companies getting away with poisoning our kids?  I mean, the pharmaceutical companies are making billions with the vaccines and yet have no liability whatsoever for their product.  How do you think this affects the safety of vaccines when the manufacturer has no liability?

April Renee: That’s how they get away with it.  I mean, they have the protection. And like I said, to them, it’s all about making money.  To them, it’s about keeping us sick, getting us sick and keeping us sick.

As I’ve said at the beginning of the show, it’s Sickness Incorporated. It’s a big business to them.  And because they fund the medical schools, and they write the text books that teach these medical doctors and we worship these medical doctors, they talk to us in this doctor jargon language that makes us so intimidated and stupid, we blindly trust them thinking they are so smart, then they must know what vaccines do.

Meanwhile, they’re just mistaught. If you start doing your homework, you realize they just don’t know this stuff.  The drug companies keep them from knowing the facts.  They make them think that the polio vaccine eradicated polio.  We’d all be dead if it wasn’t for the polio vaccine.  But then when you do your homework, you realize it was coming down because of better sanitation and nutrition, way before the introduction of the vaccinations.

So when you start doing your homework and doing true research, you realize that what we’re being told is not true.  Everything is a lie.

Wendy Myers: It’s amazing to me that in India right now, Bill Gates’ Foundation is spending millions vaccinating children against polio there.  There’s no point because it’s not the vaccination, it’s the sanitation there.  There’s been 50,000 cases of polio-induced paralysis.  They know it’s from the vaccines because it’s from the strain that it’s in the vaccine. And it’s just a complete waste of time.

April Renee: Exactly.  And even if someone is not vaccinated with the polio vaccine, if you’re around one of the children or one of the people that got the vaccine, they’re exposed because it is a live virus.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: It’ actually shedding.  So, I guess it’s the big business mentality and our babies are the ones suffering from their greediness.

And back to the family. I exposed the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, those are the ones that own the drug companies. We don’t ever hear about them.  You think Bill Gates is the richest person. You start doing your homework, they tell Bill Gates what to do. They control this world.  They’re the evil doers, I call them, because they want to just get everybody sick and keep this whole money-go-round-going, this sickness-money-go-round going. It’s just crazy if you look at what they’re getting away with.

I’m not going to be quiet until the job is done.  Even though it is an uphill battle, I know a lot of parents have heard the message and are waking up to the truth about vaccinations and are choosing to abstain, a lot of parents.  Even though the statistics — because the drug companies control those studies — show the high vaccinated population, there’s many people who abstain from vaccines.

47:15 Vaccines cause cancer and other diseases

Wendy Myers:  I found it really interesting earlier in the show, you talked about how you believed that vaccines are causing cancer and other diseases, can you explain that a little bit more?

April Renee: Well, even Congressman Burton uncovered this. He had hearings on the SB40, the Simian virus number 40, meaning the 40th monkey virus found that they’re finding in cancer tumors. So, it’s a witch’s brew, yeah.  Cancer is in every two and a half people right now, so almost every other person is going to be given the label of cancer.

In my husband’s CD and book (he’s written “What in the Cell Is Going On?”), he explains clearly, it 12,000 different labels, but it’s all the same disease.  It’s cellular malfunction from the vaccines primarily because all these witch’s brews is in our blood streams, even just the couple that we received as children, it’s in our body and it compromises. And then the things we eat, we breathe, and we drink, then there’s the pay day, it comes out in the form of cancer as well. They are finding SB40 in tumors.

He also explains, depending on your path of least resistance, your genetic weakness, the toxins accumulate usually in highly electrical — you know, the brain, the spinal cord, any way — they just slap a label on it. It’s all the same thing, it’s the cell malfunctioning because of all the toxicities and insufficiencies.

So these reverse anomalies, 4th stage terminal cancer, diabetes, arthritis, all these diseases can be reversed if you clean up the toxins, cleanse the body and then you give the body the nutrition and the things it needs to build.  You can’t give it a synthetic pharmaceutical laboratory-made drug and expect it to get well, you got to give it real nutrition.

I want to just share if we have a little bit of time a perfect example. My brother who is four years younger than me, just last month, I went to see my mom with my children in Willington, North Carolina and my mom says, “Your brother is in the hospital”.  I’m like, “What?”

So we drove over the next morning, two to three hours to where he lives, we got a hotel and he just got out of the hospital, he was in there because he was not able to think.  I mean literally, he couldn’t even tell the hospital emergency room, the doctors, his date of birth. His brain was overloaded with toxins.  He smokes menthol cigarettes, drinks a bunch, eats ham and cheese sandwiches and all that stuff.  Okay, so he cannot think.

I’m actually going there to really say goodbye to  my brother. He’s four years younger, 44 years old. My son who’s listening, he just did the cleanse with my husband and I, he gives his testimony. He tells  him how the cleanse helped him thinking and all that and says, “Uncle Shane, why don’t you just try it?”

So, Shane was desperate because they couldn’t find out anything.  They couldn’t find out why he is not able to function.  He couldn’t even talk on the phone with somebody.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. They don’t test for toxins unless it’s an acute toxicity.

April Renee: Right.  They have no way to testing for toxicity.  They did MRI, CAT scans, gave him a bill of health. Meanwhile, he can’t even give them his date of birth.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

April Renee: So I even asked him, when I saw him, he just got out of the hospital when we got there and I’m like, “Shane, what were your symptoms?” He looked to me like a deer in the headlights and says, “What do you mean?”  He couldn’t even answer my question of what his symptoms were when he went into the emergency room.

So I knew my brother was on his way out if he didn’t make a change.  So my son convinces him to try the cleanse.  We get up the next morning, we buy the juicer, we buy the organic vegetables juices (vegetables and carrots and cucumbers and all that). My kids are literally pulling out the vegetables from the bag and making his juice, he tasted it and said, “This isn’t bad. I can do this.”

So we take him back with us to my mom, put him under a 21 day deep cellular cleanse of my husband’s and he is perfectly back to normal.  He even told me yesterday, “I feel like a 20 year old again.”

Wendy Myers: Wow.  That’s great.

April Renee: It’s amazing! And you know what else?  Our scanner, my husband has cellular body scanners way beyond medical diagnosis, these are cellular, it showed that because his liver was so backed up with toxins, it was releasing ammonia, which was getting into his brain.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

April Renee: So as soon he started cleaning up the ammonia and cleaning up the toxins in his body and giving him the organic vegetable juices and hydrating him, everything started coming back.

And this is every disease process, including autism.  Gary has a little boy, Hunter in New York — well now, he’s not in New York anymore. He’s moved. But anyway, she just sent me a video a couple days of ago. It’s his sixth birthday party and he looks like a normal little boy.  He is in the second cleanse of my husband’s right now.

So, this is just story after story I could share with you on how the toxicities, overload of toxins and insufficiency is the cause of all diseases.  And the number one delivery of toxicity is going straight to the blood stream, bypassing the nose, your throat, the mouth to purge and going straight to the blood with all these toxins, straight to the blood stream 38 times by the time a baby is 18 months of age.  I mean, that’s the number one cause of all diseases, the vaccination.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It lays the groundwork that destroys your immune system and lays the groundwork for cancer and autoimmune diseases, which are the fastest rising sector of diseases in the world, in the U.S. as well.

April Renee: That’s right. We never heard about these diseases before.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.  It’s a whole new paradigm.

April Renee: They’re all new.

Wendy Myers:  They’re new diseases.  And guess what? We are also vaccinating at increasing rates.  It’s not a coincidence.

April Renee: Yup, yup.  So we just encourage everybody.  I know we kind of rocked your world a little bit with this information, I wish I would have had me listening to me before I chose to blindly hold my baby down. So be thankful that you are hearing this message. We just encourage people to go and do their homework.  My website is a great place to start. Do you mind, Wendy if I give them the website?

Wendy Myers: Please, please.

April Renee: So it’s And under the Educate link, you can get all the vaccine exemptions, the vaccine ingredients, the vaccine decline of diseases. That’s a great place to start.

And just do your homework.  There are other websites under my Resource link that are saying the same, exact thing and give you the other areas where you can just keep learning.  I encourage you to call us if you have questions.  We have a toll free number, 800-939-8227 that you can call at any time.

I live and breathe to do this and to help other children or other parents make decisions. So, please feel free to call and ask any questions.  Try to come to one of our presentations.

And watch the presentations on the website.  If you go to the very front page of, under the Lecture link, click on Lecture, about halfway down, you’ll see both the “Educate Before You Vaccinate” presentation that I did in London last year and then also the “What In The Cell Is Going On?” presentation with my husband.  I promise you it will really be simplistic. Once you watched that, you’ll see the cause of all diseases and the solution. There’s a solution. There’s a reversal of all these diseases, but not by going to a medical doctor.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and also listeners, if you’re interested in having April speak at your convention or other event, please be sure to seek her out and help her spread her message.

April, I have to say that I truly admire your work on this very contentious issue. I’m sure I might be getting some weird e-mails after the show. That’s okay. I’m sure you’re dealing with so much ignorance, fear, and resistance and fighting an absolute uphill battle on this issue.

And your opponent, the pharmaceutical companies, have so much money and power, it’s usually daunting. So I want to personally thank you for dedicating your life to this worthy cause and helping to save our children.

April Renee: Thank you. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: I really admire you.

April Renee: It’s really one life at a time, that’s my philosophy. Just share the information with people in the presentation because the presentation – right now, you’re hearing my heart as a mom. My presentation is very fact-based. I showed the congressional hearings, I show the research and their quotes. So there’s no refuting after you see the presentation.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I’m sold. I heard you on another podcast and I was like, “I have got to get her on the show.” Your message is so clear and so well presented.

April Renee: Thank you. Thank you. I can’t do it without people like you. Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Well, thank you so much April for being on the show. I really appreciate it.

April Renee: You’re very welcome. God bless you a lot sweet heart.

Wendy Myers: You too. Thank you.

April Renee: Bye bye.

Wendy Myers: And thank you to all the listeners out there for tuning in to the Live to 110 podcast. That is all for today.

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