Transcript #1 Intro To Bioenergetics With Harry Massey & Wendy Myers

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  • 00:00 Introducing Harry Massey
  • 03:00 About Wendy Myers
  • 06:00 There’s Something to This
  • 07:30 What is Bioenergetics
  • 11:30 How NES Works
  • 16:00 Harry’s Story
  • 19:00 Bioenergetics Is Part of Your Solution
  • 24:00 Harry Meets Peter Fraser
  • 27:00 Harry’s Vision of a Home Wellness System
  • 30:00 Peter Fraser’s Story
  • 35:30 The Creation of NES Health
  • 38:30 Creating the First Scanners and Infoceuticals
  • 42:00 How the Podcast Can Help You On Your Journey
  • 47:00 The Upcoming NES Cloud-based System
  • 50:30 Making Getting Healthy More Simple
  • 55:00 About Infoceuticals
  • 1:07:30 Using Structured Water
  • 01:07:30 Upcoming Podcasts

Wendy: Hello and welcome to the Supercharge Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. My cohost is Harry Massey. We are going to be taking you on a journey on this podcast about how to supercharge your body so that you have abundant energy for life. One of the main ways to do that is with bioenergetics, a concept we’ll be exploring throughout this podcast.

Today, on the show, Harry and I will be talking about what is bioenergetics, the concept of the body’s human energetic field, Infoceuticals, a PEMF device called miHealth and other concepts related around bioenergetics to introduce you to this incredible, cutting edge field.

Harry’s latest project is Supercharge. You can watch that for free at which is a film that focuses on some of the exciting solutions to the problems in mainstream science and medicine relating to how energetic works in the body beyond just nutrition, in particular, circadian rhythms, light magnetism and water.

Harry: Welcome to my cohost who is Wendy Myers. She’s the founder of She also was able to recover herself from chronic fatigue and ended up becoming a detoxification guru, functional diagnostic nutritionist and a NES bioenergetic practitioner where she treats thousands of clients all across the world. Also, she’s based in Los Angeles.

Not only that, she’s the number one best-selling author of “Limitless Energy: How to Detox Metals and Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue”, which you should check out. She also uses her mineral analysis along with bioenergetic scans to able to design her custom mineral power detoxification firms and also our breakthrough bioenergetic programs for thousands of clients around the globe.

03:00 She’s extraordinarily passionate about the importance of detoxification and bioenergetics to live a long disease-free life of which we will be learning all on this podcast and also on the breakthrough bioenergetics blog, which you must check out. All right, over to you Wendy.

Wendy: Harry, I’m so excited to start on this journey with you and educate the world about bioenergetics. We are going to be hosting a podcast together. Sometimes, Harry will interview people. Sometimes, I will interview people. We’re going to have the most amazing speakers on this podcast. NES Health practitioners, NES Health trainers and people that are doing other types of bioenergetic medicine. Just to give you a well-rounded education.

The topics will range among anything that interferes in our body’s energetic field. First, why don’t we just start out in talking about why we wanted to do this podcast. Harry, just tell the audience why you wanted to start this podcast to educate people about bioenergetics.

Harry: I think bioenergetics, it’s not a very well understood topic. Yet, it is so fundamental. It really is going to be the future of medicine. What bioenergetics is, is actually the study of how energy works in living systems. If we look at the body beyond just the traditional biochemistry point of view, it gives us so many insights of how we can both improve our health and do things for ourselves. Also—maybe–working with coaches and practitioners to also enhance your health. Really, the motivation for me is to help people to get their health back.

Wendy: I’m right on the same page with you. I feel very fortunate that I met you and started on my own journey, my own NES program. I was really blown away by my results within such a fast amount of time compared to when you’re doing functional medicine or taking supplements. You usually have to wait quite a long time with the results. With NES Health, I started it just completely open slate. I didn’t have any positive connotations or negative connotations. I just tried it.

Within about 30 days, I had a lot of symptoms clear up. I increased my energy. I was sleeping a lot better. I had been waking up feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck. Just waking up exhausted. NES gave me a realization that it was EMF, electromagnetic fields, which was dramatically impacting my ability to sleep and dramatically impacting my body’s energetic field.

I was sleeping better and I woke up in better moods. I had my lower back pain resolved that I had been dealing with for quite some time and trying all different kinds of methodologies.

06:00 I just decided there’s something to this. There’s something profound to this. I immediately, to your benefaction, did the NES Health training — still further blown away by all the information that I learned there.

I just felt as I continued on my own personal journey with NES Health that I felt like I wanted to get the word out to more people. I felt almost morally obligated to do so, because I work with thousands of clients. Many of them were too sick to detox.

I have a detox program and write a lot about detox, but there’s so many people out there, they’re too sick to do that. We know they need to do that, but they’re too ill, so how do you help those people? NES provides a perfect answer. That’s why I wanted to embark on this journey with you and get the message out to thousands, if not millions of people about how effective bioenergetics can be in revolutionizing their health.

That’s my story, my introduction to NES Health.

We’re talking about NES Health.

We’re talking about bioenergetics.

What is bioenergetics?

07:30 Harry: What the word bioenergetics actually means, if we break it out– you’ve got bio for biology, which is in terms of life. Then you’ve got energetics, which is basically all about energy. The short version is bioenergetics is the study of energy in living systems. Conventionally, we don’t necessarily think of our bodies being this energy exchange system because we just think that in terms of biochemistry and little molecules going around the blood and creating everything that happens in life.

Actually, if you look at both your body and the cells that are contained in your body, continually, your cells are exchanging energy with the outside environment, i.e., in the wall of the water around them. Also, your body is exchanging energy. If we look at this from a macro point of view, we eat. That’s a source of energy. We’re continually breathing. We breathe in oxygen and we breathe out carbon dioxide.

We walk around and move and that’s an exchange of energy. We go outside and the sunlight hits us and charges us up. We might take our shoes off and walk on the ground and we get energy in from the earth. We drink water. We have 99% of the molecules in your body of water. Basically, it’s this continual energy exchange in the water of your body. We can get hot. We can get cold. We have all of these thoughts, all of our thoughts, energy.

Really, the crème de la crème of all of this is that all of these different energy exchanges create an overall body field if you like. They create an overall energy field. That’s definitely one of the subjects we’re going to look at quite a lot. When you have an energy field, you can both detect it, in other words, you can read it, but you can also correct it.

I guess that, in a nutshell, is what bioenergetics is all about. By looking at the body through this lens of energy instead of biochemistry, it allows a much broader viewpoint and aspect of how we can improve health. Instead of looking at exercise as this training thing, we can go, “Well, actually, how does it improve the exchange of energy?” A little insight into that might simply be …

Actually, if you move a lot, you just help energy exchange in your body, which is good for health. If you over train and exercise hard, that actually can restrict energy exchange. Similar with light. We’re used to thinking that plants do photosynthesis, but when you’re looking the body from an energy point, if you will, something happens to the light that goes through your skin and enters your body. Actually, when photons go into your body and it hits the water inside your cells, it actually converts it to electrons, which are also a source of energy for your mitochondria.

When we look at it from this broader point of view and we look at the biohacks, all of these other types of things that people do to increase their health.

We basically have, I guess, a fresher, more higher level perspective of how we can help to improve people’s health.

11:30 Wendy: What I loved about NES Health, the company that you founded with Dr. Peter Fraser about 15 years ago, what I loved learning from you and from the practitioner training is that our hearts and our brains imprint information and operating instructions on energy waves. That’s how our bodies primarily communicate. That’s what we’re talking about when we say beyond biochemistry.

We know in conventional medicine, and even functional medicine, which is an upgrade from conventional medicine is that they talk a lot about neurotransmitters, about hormones. All of these chemicals messengers that help to communicate in our bodies and our nerve transmissions and impulses.

A lot of the phenomena in our body cannot be explained with biochemistry alone. There are a lot of phenomena that cannot happen that quickly. As quickly as they happen. Coordinating when we’re running or just many different things in our body can’t be accounted for by the traditional model of biochemistry.

Not only that, but the energy that our body produces cannot be explained from the amount of energy the mitochondria produce. The mitochondria only produces small fraction of our body’s energy and the rest is explained with bioenergetics. That’s what we’re getting into today with this podcast is taking you on this journey to help you explore the ways in which our bodies work beyond which you already know.

Harry: Yeah, I think that’s absolutely true. I think it would be great just to look at a couple of those things that you just mentioned. One of them where you said biochemistry can’t really explain all of the majesty or the miracle of what happens in your body. Maybe we should just look at a few examples.

Generally, if you get super stressed or you get into some situation that you get angry like the conventional model is …

Your adrenal glands and your thyroid gland and your brain will produce a bunch of neuropeptides. They’ll also go and produce a bunch of hormones. Those molecules will go around your blood and give little messages to the cells and then your cells will react.
If you think that through logically, that would take minutes for your body to react. Yet, actually, what happens if you get to a situation where someone makes you angry, it’s like that. It’s actually instant. All of your cells suddenly react and you end up in a completely different state instantly. Biochemistry can’t really explain that. Yet, this idea of a body field that there’s information that is carried on the energy field and your cells also …

It’s true, they do have biochemistry receptors but they also have receptors for energy waves or, if you like, the energy field. It’s through those cell receptors that the body is able to react so quickly to something like that. That’s just a small example. In actual fact, when you really look down of what’s happening in the cell, there’s trillions of reactions happening every single second in your body of which biochemistry basically can’t orchestrate. However, an energy field and the information and the instructions that carried on the energy field can orchestrate that instantaneously.

Wendy: That is just the core foundation of what we’re going to be exploring on this podcast is the ways our body work beyond what we have been taught. What we’re taught in school.

What doctors are taught in medical schools and even what functional medicine doctors and practitioners are practicing. As many of you listeners may have learned is you’ve gone to doctor after doctor. You’ve gone to all kinds of functional medicine practitioners or even done detox programs for what have you and you’re still not feeling well. That’s why we’re doing this podcast is to help you. Both of our missions in life or life purpose is to help as many people as possible and help those who are not able to helped through traditional means. NES Health and bioenergetics provides that answer.

16:00 Harry: Maybe it’s a good example to share a bit of my story. Basically, when I was 21 and maybe I’ll tell the real depth of the story another time, but I just wanted to talk about the biochemistry aspects. When I was 21, I ended up with chronic fatigue syndrome. The first thing I did was go to conventional doctors. They didn’t know what to do.

Pretty quickly, within a year, I basically went down the whole functional medicine and nutritional type half where I was eating this absolutely perfect diet according to the nutritionist, although that’s debatable which we can get into another podcast. I’d love to do the diet talk on another podcast. An interesting subject.

Then basically, I was given all of these supplements and etc, etc, to correct everything. I did that for years and years, yet my health actually just kept tanking during that period. The long story short is I basically ended up completely bedridden. I was housebound for about eight years and I was bedridden for I think about four years of that. What I mean by that is like, well, I could get up and go to the toilet, but it was really exhausting to do it.

I would go back or sometimes I would make it to the kitchen and back to bed. I was basically being looked after by my mom and lost all my weight and all this sort of stuff.

Basically, it wasn’t how we came across these concepts of … Well, it wasn’t till we came across bioenergetics and I ended up meeting this Professor Fraser from Australia. Well, we ended up starting NES and doing the whole bioenergetics. That actually started to get my health back.

Biochemistry has a place, but as Wendy said, it’s just not as fast. Sometimes, you can be so toxic and so tired. You can take all the supplements you want.

Unfortunately, they don’t get absorbed and do what they do. If you can break through that, then actually, biochemistry can help you and start to work. I don’t want to say that biochemistry is rubbish, because it’s absolutely not.

Sometimes, when biochemistry is failing you, you basically need to switch tracks and do something else. I would even say that the bioenergetics, if you ever reach a crossroads and a ceiling in whatever you’re doing … Let’s say you did bioenergetics for X months and you reached the ceiling, then you should probably try something else. The body likes change.

19:00 Wendy: It’s a very good point you’re making because bioenergetics is not a magic bullet. If you are eating a terrible diet, and you’re not taking care of yourself, and you’re not maybe trying to do a little bit of detoxification through various means or not taking supplements. Bioenergetics is not going to be the whole answer and it certainly gets the body functioning. It gets the body producing energy better. It opens up detox pathways. It gets the body functioning at a higher state, but it’s not the whole answer. It doesn’t feed you nutrition. It’s absorbing nutrients better, but it’s not the magic bullet.

You have to be taking care of yourself in other ways. But if you’re already doing that, bioenergetics is going to take you to that next level. What I want to hear from you is a little bit more about your story. I would love to hear more about … You met Dr. Peter Fraser. Tell us what he was doing at the time and what was that meeting like and how did you guys go from there.

Harry: Sure. I think I was 26, 27. It simply started because I was stuck at home, and I had to ask my parents to go and take me to a different practitioner or nutritionist. They didn’t always want to do. They were pretty good and they did, but I did have to ask especially if I want to change doctors or whatever it was. I just had this thought that would be really incredible if instead of all of that, there was basically a way that you could workout what was wrong with you from home instead of going to visit practitioners in person.

It was simply because I couldn’t drive a car, so I was reliant on my parents and so I was just thinking about myself. It’s just funny how these things work. You have those ideas and those thoughts. Really, I was in absolutely no position to do anything about that. I was completely sick in bed. Honestly, the whole story is pretty much like a miracle.

I’ll tell you miracle number one. There’s many miracles on the way on the whole NES journey. Basically, what happened is I was the patient of a junior doctor of this senior doctor. I was having a vitamin C IVs at the time. Then the senior doctor who I couldn’t afford walked past, and I just said, “Do you know any research [inaudible 00:21:47 medicine?” I just sort of blurted that out. Then he just stops, looks at me and probably like … I don’t know. He’s basically the best alternative doctor in England. I was this 26 year old ill, frail looking thing with an IV.

He looks at me curiously, and he goes, “Well, yes, I do know someone. Why do you want to know?” I said, “Well, I just want to put some information up on a website and I’m just interested in the subject and if I could make something out of it. He said, “I tell you what. Ask my secretary for an appointment and I’ll talk to you for half an hour.”

Which was very good of him because he charged … Well, that’s probably nothing in dollars these days. It’s a long time ago. Yeah, 14, 15 years ago. It was 250 pounds an hour which was a lot, but he gave me half an hour for free and then told me about this Professor Fraser in Australia, which out of coincidence, he had been working with on a cancer diagnostic machine I think with another professor of the head of big oncology. Yeah, an oncology hospital in London, a physicist from Paris, another person from Australia, I can’t remember. That whole thing worked. He had managed to make a cancer diagnostic machine but there were internal politics. I think they’ve sold it to Johnson & Johnson who basically crushed it.

Wendy: Isn’t that what they do?

Harry: That is what they do.

Wendy: They buy the medical diagnostic testing business that they buy up these little amazing technologies.

Harry: Yeah, they buy it out of business.

Wendy: I have heard of that a lot.

24:00 Harry: They’re not buying us up. We could keep going. Basically, yeah. I was introduced to him. I was given this fax number. I wrote to him, and he just wrote back one line with this paper saying, “I don’t know why I’m sending you this.” Sent me a paper on quantum biology, which didn’t mean a damn thing to me. It was just all science language. I really couldn’t read it at all.

Then another year, a year and a half went by. This idea was still burning in my head. I wrote to him again. I said, “Look, I really think I can make this system.” We had a phone call, and I said sort of what I wanted to do. He agreed to meet and so we ended up meeting in Los Angeles. He was from Australia, so we both flew to there which was a massive ordeal. Probably, it was a massive ordeal for both of us and it was on complete faith. We really had no idea what was going to happen.

Fortunately, we really got on. Then it was like a 10 day trip and we basically yapped, yapped and talked. He basically made these which we now call Infoceuticals which are basically information imprinted into water. He basically gave me these first sets of Infoceuticals which I got a healing reaction from when I was with him. I knew there was something to what he was saying, but I didn’t really necessarily know what at that time.

His language was all about magnetic monopoles. It was all physics-based language which no one would understand now. You wouldn’t recognize where it came from today. It was a trip. The long story short was we basically agreed to go and make the system and have a go at it. We both went back to our different countries. He worked from Australia and I worked from England.

Then over about six or nine months, he decided to move to England which was pretty interesting because he had a partner but he didn’t want to tell his partner, because his partner was a mad person. He shipped all these boxes over to England secretly and then just took a business trip and he never went back.

Wendy: That’s how you have to leave some people.

Harry: Well, he left his house, dog, country, partner. It was pretty intense. We had this amazing 10 years of developing everything that’s here today.

27:00 Wendy: Before you even met Dr. Fraser, you had a vision of creating a home wellness system, is that correct, where people could get help from home. There’s so many people in that position that you are in where they are exhausted. They’re financially exhausted going from doctor to doctor and they’re dependent upon their spouse or their loved ones. They’re trapped. Is that why you came up with that? You didn’t really have any pre-cognition or …

Harry: It was pretty simple. I think at the time, I think there were X-boxes and PlayStations and video players. The internet was quite early on in 15 years back. I was thinking, “Oh, well, it will be some sort of set-top box like the video player or an X-box that will go in people’s homes and they’re going to find out what’s going on in their body and then it will tell them how the hell to get better.”

Obviously, that was the driving thing in my head was, “How on earth do I get better?” I wasn’t thinking of Infoceuticals or any of this stuff. I was thinking purely it would say you need to do X, Y and Z. I was really simply motivated because I just didn’t know how to get better. I think I was blissfully ignorant and naïve and young even though I was stupendously sick that we actually decided to give it a go.

I couldn’t describe the amount of energy I had. I would maybe have an hour or two a day in bed on a laptop where I could think a bit enough, but the rest of the time, I was completely foggy brained and just completely out of it. That was fortunately enough to start the whole thing. It did take me a year and a half, two years with Peter taking Infoceuticals to get a lot of my energy back to be able to build more of a real business.

I would say it’s like faith. It was very helpful for me to have a purpose and have this faith.

Fortunately, I’m one of these people that has faith that the future is going to be bigger than the past. You don’t have to be trapped in present circumstances. That was definitely a massive driver.

Wendy: Then Dr. Fraser also had a similar story where he had major chronic fatigue and he himself was looking for a way out of it. He could only work for a few hours a day. I learned about this in the book that you guys coauthored called, Decoding The Human Body Field, which is a fantastic read. A fantastically written about a pretty in depth subject, which is quantum physics and bioenergetics. I really admire how that was laid out so well. In that book, you guys relayed his story about how he also used bioenergetics to overcome his own chronic fatigue. Can you tell us a little about that?

30:30 Harry: Yeah, sure. I think he was 53 or 54 when I met him. Maybe I’ll give a bit of before history of that. In his 30s, he basically built … I think he basically built the first acupuncture college in Australia. Built that up and then the professors of Melbourne University wanted to change it into some sort of chemical system. They just didn’t like Chinese medicine, the ideas of chi, so he left in disgust and then ended up moving up to the East Coast of Australia. Then he basically ended up with chronic fatigue syndrome, probably for, who knows, partly from burnout and that emotional, sort of shock and that stress.

During those 10 years, it was also the beginning of him trying to map out the body field and basically go…he wanted to go beyond the Chinese meridian system and he was beginning to think about the concepts of information that might be running in this chi or running down the energy channels.

He started researching that. One of the things he did, which was pretty incredible, he managed to work out that he had a … I think it was a group of flaviviruses. Flavivirus is carried by birds. He started to try and made antidotes to that. One of the ways he did it is that he went around all these different flowers in Australia and basically matched. He basically would match all this bee pollen from different flowers to see if he can make an antidote.

That’s sort of like a homeopathic idea. That got ditched. What he ended up with is what we now call ETs which aren’t extraterrestrials. They stand for Energetic Terrains. Basically, he would basically take a digital version, which just means an information version of the meridians. Then he would match them against the virus that he had to create an antidote.

If you like, when a virus goes into a cell … That sounds really rude. It will basically de-tunes your DNA. Then your DNA replicates another virus, and the virus spreads in the body. What you really need to be able to do is to basically send an information message to your central DNA to say, “Look, stop doing that. Correct yourself and send out the correct repair proteins,” so you’re not putting out this bad message continually.

Long story short, how he cured himself is he was basically able to match up all of these meridian sets to the set of viruses that would basically re-tune the cell to undo the damage that these viral fragments had done. That would take him 10 or so years. I met him I guess five years after that.

Wendy: He was much better. It’s just amazing to me. This is a man who had a vast array of knowledge. He had knowledge of biochemistry. He had knowledge of homeopathy and acupuncture and herbs. He knew so much. He ran an acupuncture school for 14 years and he just took this vast array of knowledge and drive to simply scientifically prove the Chinese meridians.

As I read in the book, there’s all this anecdotal evidence, 5000 years of anecdotal evidence. We know that it works. We know that research acupuncture is a proven method of healing. He actually wanted to take it a step further. He want to scientifically approve it.

He did a phenomenal job and both you guys did a phenomenal job in taking his vast body of knowledge and research and putting it into a simple computer software system that can identify where your energetic blocks are in your body, and other issues in your body.

35:30 Create a simplified system to address these issues. Ensure to vastly improve your health and your energy production and information flow in your body. That’s the essence of NES. Let’s talk a little bit about NES. You guys formed. He moved to England and you began NES Health as a business.

Harry: Limited. Yeah.

Wendy: Which stands for, at the time, Neutri-Energetic Systems in case anybody who’s wondering. Tell us how that went about. He had these Infoceuticals that he created. We’ll be doing future podcasts what are Infoceuticals, what are Energetic Terrains and all of these concepts that we’re introducing that some of the listeners may not understand. We’re going to be systematically explaining all this stuff.

Many practitioners listening, you already know what the deal is, but we will be explaining these difficult concepts. Tell us the Infoceuticals that you guys created and how you came up with the software and how that all went about.

Harry: I’ll start with this system. It is pretty incredible actually from where it came from to where it is today. To make something really simple and easy for people to use, I can’t tell you how much complexity you have to go through to get there. When I met Peter, he was basically talking in a blend of physics concepts and Chinese medicine concepts and all this sort of stuff.

Obviously, they’re not really the language that people can necessarily understand. It’s taken us a lot of examining concepts and trying new things. Literally, we’ve been trying it clinically both for people and practitioners. I think it’s about 14 or 15 years if you’re listening in 2017, to get it to the simple [inaudible 00:37:26 out today. We met him. We decided to have a go at making this system. We did a few things. One of the first things we did was hire a coder to basically write the first set of software to see if it would work.

Wendy: Did it start with Dave Cort? Was he the one that you hired?

Harry: He was coder number three.

Wendy: Dave codes them currently.

Harry: He’s our CTO, but he’s been in the company I think 10 or 11 years now. He’s responsible for getting all the code organized. The first year or two, it was very scrappy to say the least. It is a true garage rags story. Neither me or Peter had money or no investors or anything like that.

Yeah, I’ll tell the story.

38:30 Basically, we got a coder. He basically wrote the first software. The first scanning devices, which is going to sound pretty outrageous, but we basically made plastic boxes. I didn’t know how to get things to do to scan from, so I bought these buttons from Marks & Spencer’s which is a store in Britain. We would wire them up underneath to the electronics and we would drill holes in these plastic bowls and glue them altogether.

The first, they looked like this. They’re absolutely awful. The amazing thing was it works and both me and Peter were just stunned. Obviously, we thought it was going to work, but you never know till you make something. It works, but there were millions of bugs in it and the software was pretty terrible. That doesn’t matter. When you’re trying to get something to go and it works, that [crosstalk 00:39:35.

Wendy: You have to start somewhere.

Harry: You have to start somewhere. I didn’t know what you want me to say on that, because there’s a lot to …

Wendy: My dad was a computer programmer. We have one of the very first Apple Macintosh computers. That was nothing like this little baby — this bad boy right here. Now, your software is so simple and so elegant.

Harry: It’s coming very soon. We got this little sensor that’s going in your phone. Everyone who’s listening to this, they’re going to … I don’t really want to put out a date, but let’s just say it’s during 2017 that they’re going to be able to go, “Ding.” Then get the scan. It started with this.

Wendy: That’s fantastic. Right now, when you do a scan, it almost looks like a computer mouse. In person with a practitioner or you can put your hand … Order this to be at home and then you put your hand on it and you do a scan that way. Very, very simple. Even more simple is like you said, you have your phone, you have a little thumb scanner that you would plug into the phone. Then do a scan right from your phone. Then you can do it anywhere.

41:00 Harry:  The original dream was to basically provide people the information and content to be able to get them better again. Maybe I should say this, which is why I’m also so excited about doing this podcast, because basically, that content, we will put in there so you can listen to it through your podcast.

Let’s say up on your scan it said you’ve got a lot of inflammation that is caused from allergies, etc. Boom, me and Wendy, we will record a podcast on allergies and inflammation. Or maybe one of us will record some great information expert. The relevant podcast will be exactly where you need it to the scan and you can listen to all the information you need from the world’s top health experts. Me and Wendy know a lot of world top health experts. There’s going to be a lot of guest appearances for sure.

42:00 Wendy: We’re just here to help you guys on your journey and help you figure out how you can get better. What I love about NES is that it’s so inexpensive.

Compared to what I’ve experienced with my clients going to doctor after doctor and functional medicine buying all these supplements, doing all this stuff and it’s still … Maybe getting some improvement, but still not being well.

Harry: You don’t really know what’s going on. It’s sort of like in a loop. I’ve experienced it myself. Even the last few months, I just thought … I’ve been doing what we’re doing. I’ll just go and have a closer look at the functional approach and I spent … Well, I did…I spent $5000 on blood tests. I shared the reports with you Wendy, didn’t I?

I’ve got all these reports and then there’s all these things on them. Then you ask what X, Y, Z means and then they’re like, “Well, we need to look deeper into this and do this test. Do that test.” “I’ve already just spent $5000.” I think I spent $7000.

Wendy: Then maybe it’s (crosstalk:43:05)

Harry: I’m just doing it for research purposes really. It’s sort of like this never ending loop. It takes you away. It really takes you away from the fundamentals of health, which what we’re trying to get to in bioenergetics. Yeah, it’s a damn sight easier to do through a scan. Long story short, all the blood tests. I’m just like, “Oh, screw that. I’ve gone back to my next wave [crosstalk 00:43:37.”

Wendy: Yeah. I’m the same way. I’m used to a lot of functional medicine test with clients. It’s still well — it’s fun to track your biomarkers and see how your bioenergetic program is helping improve your biomarkers. The issues is those things are expensive and they don’t get to the root cause of what the actual problem is.

Harry: Or at least not very quickly. They definitely indicate something. Really qualified people know how to read them all.

Wendy: Information is great. Information is fantastic. My point was is that …

Harry: Cheap and faster ways.

Wendy: A lot of people think, “Oh, maybe it’s parasites. Maybe that’s the problem. Oh, maybe it’s my genetics.” I’m not supplementing around my genetics. There’s problems with all of these tests. Genetic tests are not in real time. There’s epigenetics. Those genes that you have signaling can be turned on or off. It’s not in real time.

Harry: I love the epigenetics thing because it’s … There’s two great horrible facts about the genetic thing. One is genes only account for about 1% of the outcome and really 99% of it is environmental factors that affect your epigenetic expression. There’s no test for epigenetic expression. If there was, I’d go and get it done. Probably the closest is our own NES test. Maybe we could program that in one day. That’s one big problem. People take this advice.

Then the second problem is honestly, the research isn’t really there because the genetics stuff is so new. On 23 And Me of being around, five, six, seven years or so and there isn’t actually enough research yet to know properly what you should do. That’s the second problem. There always has to be a third problem, which I’ll think about [inaudible 00:45:42 something else.

Wendy: Yes. Here’s a thing. People want to hone down to their genetics with this very small level. With bioenergetics, we want to think higher level. What higher level approach can we take to have this trickle down effect to correct a lot of issues in the body? Even the software for NES Health does the same thing.

You start with higher level issues like are your cells grounded? Are EMFs interfering your body’s energetic field…and take steps toward resolving these higher level issues that can have trickle down effects on all of your health issues. Rather than narrowing down this microcosm like, “What supplement folate or what have you.” “What should I take for this MTFR mutation?” It doesn’t work very well. That’s the brilliance of bioenergetics.

47:00 Harry: You send yourself mad. How we built out the system … There’s a new screen that Wendy hasn’t seen for our cloud system. Basically, we bracket, as they say, from the highest level stuff down into three main levels. The first one is looking at your sources. At the source of energy. These are just the big, big things. It’s like diet. It’s going to scan you now. Are you eating a terrible diet, it’s going to tell you. Hydration. Massive effects.

Some people are just dehydrated, and if you just drink a bit more… they’re going to get a 30% boost in the energy just like that because they didn’t realized they are dehydrated. As a test for movement, are you doing enough movement each day? Really simple way to get more energy. Sleep. Me and Wendy, we probably work a bit too hard, but if we didn’t work so hard, we’d be perfect people who are getting lots of sleep. Are you sleeping enough?

Light exposure, grounding, etc. These sort of six fundamental things that if any of those are out, it’s going to have massive, massive effects. Then the second one as we look at the strength of your overall body field, i.e., how much energy do you have and, which organs are producing it or not producing it.

If your heart is weak and not producing a strong field, you’re going to feel weak emotionally. It’s not going to transfer information properly to the rest of the body, etc, etc. If your heart is not strong enough, that’s not good. Your brain, your liver, etc. We look at the main organ systems and how strong they are. Then the third level is we then look at the flow of energy, if you like, in your meridians and we can identify where any blockages are in the flow of energy. Basically, we’ll look at all those three, you just make massive increases in your energy and health.

We do have more detailed stuff that you can look at into the individual meridians. Truthfully, it’s more for information for interest. It doesn’t actually matter knowing some of that detail. It’s just we found over the years, just practitioners and clients. They like to know the detail, because it relates to what’s going on with them.

From the terms of actually getting better, it’s not that important. As you’d say, you can go more detailed again to things like the viruses and stuff like that. The really big stuff happens at the top. If you correct all the big stuff, your body’s environment completely changes and so viruses … The terrain and the cellular environment changes, the viruses aren’t really welcome in the cells anymore and that those issues often go away. We really try and focus on the big stuff and that pretty much always takes care of the small stuff.

Yeah, good point. Yeah, we’re not going to do a genetic screen. I don’t know why I just said that.

Wendy: No, we don’t want that.

50:30 Harry: It’s the opposite — trying to making health easier for people, which, to me, is a massive motivation of the podcast. We want to strip away the layers and make it as easy for you to get your health back as possible. Both me and Wendy have had a hell of a journey in getting our health back. I think if we knew what we know today, I think I would have cut off five or six years of being bedridden if I had known what I know today back at the beginning, but that’s some part of the fun.

Wendy: I really like what you said about the amount of information that you can see in a scan. There’s so much information and it takes one second. Less than a
second to get this information. We talked a little bit about how the scan is done. We do a scan, you can put your hand on the little mouse thing. This is not the actual device, but it looks similar.

You put your hand on that at home or with a practitioner in person and you do a scan. We see all this information in the software, which you can log into a client portal. You can see your scan real time. You can read information about it. Tremendous amount of information there to get about your health. What is the next step? What do people can do to address the issues in the scan? That’s a better way of saying that.

Harry: Basically, when you do a scan with a practitioner or a coach, the end result is it recommends four Infoceuticals. This one here, the camera can see it, it says EI-12 which stands for energetic integrator 12 which is actually the spleen shot meridian.

Wendy: There’s about 40 Infoceuticals, correct?

Harry: Yeah, there’s about 40 Infoceuticals for the bioenergetic wellness system. The one in the cloud, the full clinical practitioner, I think it’s about 70 for that. It will basically recommend that you have four Infoceuticals. It’s put them in the correct priority for healing. Also, there’s a little homework for you to do. It’s nice and easy homework. Basically, you’re given a login for your client portal and then you can go in there.

The easiest homework is we made free movies and probably the two relevant ones, most relevant when you’re beginning of the journey is to watch “Supercharged” and “The Living Matrix.” “Supercharge” will explain how you can get more energy. “The Living Matrix” will basically explain how

Infoceuticals work and the Body-Field work. Also, share a lot of other people’s stories who’ve used it to get better, which is really helpful to know.

Also, in your client portal, it will have all of your scan results and next to each scan result is a health file and that health file basically will have all of this incredible self-help and self-health content of all the types of things you can do to yourself. That’s also a part of what Wendy and me are going to basically be creating over time with the podcast.
We’re going to tackle each of these screens and subjects in more depth and then we will summarize all wisdom and you’ll also be able to read it both on the blog. It will also be reflected in the health files. Then if you follow the health files and take the Infoceuticals, you might look like me and Wendy.

Wendy: Very healthy.

Harry: Very healthy.

Wendy: Let’s talk about the Infoceuticals. You can use Infoceuticals and you can also use what’s called a miHealth which is a personal pulse electromagnetic field devices.

Harry: Crosstalk 00:54:27.

55:00 Wendy: That’s what a little miHealth looks like. It’s so cute. This is a revolutionary device. We’ll talk about that in a minute, but these are the two ways that you can address the issues in the scan. I’m sure a question everyone has, how are these made? We know that they are energetic remedies that they have energetic information and operating instructions imprinted on to them with a use of an imprinting machine. Tells us a little bit more exactly about what an Infoceutical is.

Harry: We’ve talked a bit about how energy works in the body and that the body produces an overall energy field. I think the next concept that we should introduce is this concept of information. A simple way of looking at information, like if you’re listening to music on a radio wave, the music is like information that’s carried on that energy. Exactly the same thing happens in the body.

As we mentioned earlier, you’ve got cellular receptors for biochemical molecules. You also have a cellular receptor for the energy field. What it really is, it’s a cellular receptor that’s picking up the information. Basically, it’s picking out the information that then instructs the cell with what to do.

These are called Infoceuticals. What we’re really talking about is imprinting the information that is able to be picked up by those cellular receptors so that your body basically then carries out those instructions. I think we should probably go back for a little bit of history to explain it.

200 years ago, the first person to really try out this idea was Samuel Hahnemann. What he discovered was that if he took a dilute substance of something that would create an effect in … For instance, if you ate nux vomica, you would basically throw up. He thought, “Well, if I do dilute nux vomica till there’s nothing left, there’ just an information imprint in this water and then drink that.” The body will recognize that signal and will correct the vomiting.

Basically, he would give it to the patients who are vomiting. He found, lo and behold, it worked up to a point. It works a lot better in those days than it does today. That’s partly because life has got so complicated with basically all these new environmental toxins and EMF. It’s basically suppressed the healing effect of the body. We’ve all ended up so toxic and our energy levels are so much lower than they were a couple of hundred years ago. The body doesn’t react as easily and as well to homeopathy as it once did. That’s partly it.

Then we’ll jump forwards. We’ll jump forward to about 30 years ago. There was a French scientist called Jacques Benveniste who wanted to prove that you could basically digitize a homeopathic signal information, which he did with a mast cell and then he would basically take the imprinted water, put it next to a mast cell and see if the mast cell would react. He found that it did. He tried to publish that paper in Nature and Nature refused.

There was a whole big argument. Nature eventually did published it and then Nature crushed him. Then the experiment was repeated and in three labs has been proven. Then more political pressure and then he committed suicide. We don’t really know if he committed suicide or whether he’s murdered, but he disappeared.

For listeners, that might sound a bit shocking, but basically, you have a very, very strong scientific community. Very, very strong pharmaceutical lobby and there’s no way in hell do they want water to be able to carry the message because that would compete with the drug and trillions of dollars. I would say that’s at least half the reason why it all got crushed. The other half is just pure skepticism. Also, scientists don’t like their own theories being thrown away. If water has a memory, that means a lot of science that had to be rewritten and that also wouldn’t be a popular idea.

Then another Frenchman took this up who’s the Nobel Prize winning Luc Montagnier. He basically took a virus, recorded the information of a virus, transmitted it electronically to another beaker where he had a number of base; raw genetic material is basically base pairs ACTH, isn’t it? He had this beaker with all the base pair material, transmitted the information into that and then …

Wendy: Is that on an energy wave? You said it was transmitted electrically.

Harry: Yeah, just through a wire.

Wendy: Okay, through a wire.

Harry: Electronically. He had a beaker and around the beaker was a coil. That basically imprinted the information of the water. Then this viral fragment was then produced out of the raw material of the base pairs and the information. It was basically able to construct the genetic fragment and I believe it was 99.8% the same as the original viral fragment, so that’s totally groundbreaking experiment about 10, 12 years ago. Around the same time as me. Well, maybe a bit off transmitting these.

What Peter did, from our point of view, we were like, “The homeopathic idea of getting your body to react against something, that’s not very particularly logical. Who cares about creating viruses? That’s not relevant.” What we wanted to do is basically create a healing response that would take people back to your optimal blueprint. Me and Peter were like, “Well …”

I think we record the information of healthy cells when they’re working properly. We would record the information of liver cells, heart cells, brain cells. Particular thoughts and emotions and etc, etc. We were basically trying to record the information of particular functions of the body, so when your body cells picked up the information, it would directly do what we intended rather than that homeopathic idea. It’s a very indirect idea. We’re trying to get the body to react against something and it may or may not happen. Say if you’re low in energy or very toxic, it probably won’t happen.

Wendy: That’s the foundation of what you did in the scan is you and Peter did thousands and thousands of exhaustive experiments to create this software scan or the software …

Harry: It’s all in tandem with the Infoceuticals. We also created thousands and thousands of Infoceuticals and informations. We continually test them on our cells and then some other people and with practitioners. It was a 14 year journey of refinement to get to what we have.

Wendy: On the software, what’s happening when you do a scan is your scan is being compared to a perfectly functioning healthy human being. Perfectly functioning
cells, perfectly functioning liver, perfectly functioning kidney, etc. It’s like this biofeedback system where when you do the scan, your bodies compared to that and then we can pin point where the areas where you maybe having problems.

01:03:30 Harry: It’s such an important point, because the whole of medicine is built on the opposite idea. Unfortunately, a lot of integrative functional medicine, alternative medicine is also built on this … When I say this opposite idea, everyone is looking at what’s the disease, what’s the virus, what’s the parasite, what’s the toxin.

All these negative, negative things and we’re just saying, “Well, I’m going to be blunt, but it’s completely backwards thinking.” Whereas what you want to be doing is saying, “Hey, look. This is what a healthy body is. This is how you achieve perfect health. How do we get there? Why don’t we compare you to that and then work out the best way to get you there?” That’s what matters.

We’ve only looked at everything in the positive. We’re not trying to do nosode therapy where we’re giving you dilute viruses or dilute toxins or any of that sort of stuff. We’re not testing against toxins or viruses. We’re saying, “This is how you could be when you’re working optimally.” All of the Infoceuticals, again, have that. Basically, we’ll help to trigger your body’s own healing response back to there and let’s do that.

Did I finish saying what an infoceutical was, we sort of almost got there. We almost got there. Basically, with Peter, we started recording all of that positive information. It’s sort of similar. It’s not so far off the Montagnier method. We use a slightly different method. We basically then got a 10,000 volt electrostatic charge, which really all it means is that we’ve got a very significant field present for them carrying the information.

Then we also use photons, we’re basically using both photons and a strong electromagnetic field. We’re able to carry the information that’s digitized in a computer basically into this imprinter device of which all our bottles go down there. They basically get zapped with light and electrostatic charge. Then around every single mineral that’s contained in the water …

Maybe it’s a little bit deeper, but basically, you have structured water or EZ water around every single mineral. Within that water, you are able to contain an imprint of information and that information, when you simply just … I’m quite thirsty, so I’m going to drink some now. I’ve got lovely bottled mineral water and my nice Infoceutical drops here and …

Wendy: You just drink it down. I put the drops directly in my mouth. That’s how I like to take it, because I’m super lazy.

Harry: We used to suck them out of the bottles. The thing is, we’re not really meant to say that, because in theory, you could get bacteria and then bacteria might grow in it, so do it the safe way, but yeah. Some people have just done it straight like that.

01:07:30 Wendy: Dr. Gerald Pollack helped in redesigning the formula and the EZ water, the structured water, which we now enjoy the Infoceuticals. We’re going to have him on the podcast talking about structured water, EZ water or EZ water rather and how information is imprinted onto water. Water can hold information much like a computer chip and that’s how the fundamental properties and how they heal our body is with this information imprinted on this water and held in this water. The operating instructions held in this water and then that’s transmitted into our body and that’s how it works.

Harry: Easy.

Wendy: Something like that. I think we have talked everybody’s ear off. Almost an hour and 10 minutes. I think we’re going to close for now. You guys can look forward to so many amazing guests coming on to the podcast in the future. Harry, do you have anyone in mind about who you’re going to interview?

Harry: Yeah, I have lots in mind. JP Sears, although that’s terribly [crosstalk 01:08:17.

Wendy: An expert in Infoceuticals.

Harry: [Crosstalk 01:08:20.

Wendy: He’s an expert in being ultra-spiritual.

Harry: [01:08:30 It would be good for the mind screen. We’ll definitely do Mikaela on some sort of [inaudible 01:08:30 bits and bobs. I’m sure we’ll interview a number of people that have been in our movie like [Bruce Lit 01:08:39 and [Lynne McTaggart 01:08:40, Ben Greenfield, Dave Asprey. We’re also going to just speak to a lot of people who actually are just using all this stuff on the ground. I also want to do loads of Q&A type session. If any of you got lots of questions, just send them to me and Wendy. I guess there will be an email thing at the bottom of the blog. I think every few episodes, we might just do a Q&A. I think that would be great.

Wendy: Yeah, that’s a great idea. We’ll have links at the bottom of the podcast blog post. You’ll be able to send questions for Q&A sessions that we’ll do. There will also be a link if you want to become a client and you want to try a NES Health Bioenergetic Program.

There will also be a link if you’re interested in becoming a practitioner in this revolutionary way to heal your health. Lots more fantastic information coming our way.

Thanks for joining us for the very first episode of the Supercharge Podcast.

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