3 Easy Detox Smoothie Recipes
Trying to eat healthy on the go can be a real challenge, especially when most people agree that eating a whole food diet is the optimal choice for nutrition. If you don’t have time to spend hours in the kitchen, the next best thing is … READ MORE

7 Toxic Beauty Products You Never Knew You Were Using
Cleaning up your diet can make a huge difference in how you look and feel. Eating high-quality, organic meat and vegetables does wonders for your skin, supports your organs, and provides your body the clean fuel to keep you going. However, if you’re not extending … READ MORE

Six Causes of Abdominal Bloat and How to Manage Them
We all know the feeling of being bloated. Whether you’re on your way out for a night on the town or sitting around the house, having a distended stomach that feels like it’s a balloon about to pop is just about the most un-sexy thing … READ MORE

Top 10 Most Toxic Foods (That We Eat Anyway)
Is the food you eat toxic? If you live in the US and shop at most grocery stores, the answer is probably yes. READ MORE

Radiant Skin Diet: Yummy Recipes for a Glowing Complexion
Trying to get radiant skin? If you’ve been spending hundreds of dollars on lotions and creams and still don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror, it’s time to stop blaming your beauty products and start taking a look at your diet. … READ MORE

7 Ways to Support Emotional Trauma Release
Can doing a detox help relieve emotional trauma? Or support emotional release? As a society, we’re dealing with more stress and trauma than we have in a long time. While techniques like therapy and other forms of counseling can be incredibly helpful, adding in a … READ MORE

Why You Need A Brain Detox And How To Do It
When was the last time you supported your body’s natural detox process of your brain? At this point, pretty much everyone is familiar with the concept of “cleansing”. You eat a certain way, take specific supplements, and support the natural removal of toxins from your … READ MORE

Alzheimer’s and Dementia: 6 Steps to Protect Your Brain
Alzheimer’s is a progressive neurological disease that impairs memory, thinking, and behavior. As one of the fastest-growing conditions among the elderly, it’s estimated that 44 million people have Alzheimer’s worldwide, with 5.5 million in the United States alone[1]. Although there’s been a lot of energy … READ MORE

6 Ways to Reset Your Vagus Nerve for Detox
There’s been a lot of talk about the vagus nerve recently, especially as people are trying to find ways to relax and deal with the stress of the last 16 months. Understanding vagal tone and how it can impact your health, digestion, mood, and detoxification … READ MORE

Mitochondria Function Explained: How Mitochondria Work
There’s been a lot of buzz about mitochondria lately and the importance of keeping these microscopic cell parts healthy and happy. However, when you ask the average person what a mitochondrion is and how it functions, you’ll likely hear crickets. In this article, you’ll learn: … READ MORE

Detoxing Can Help You Feel Better and Look Younger — In Just 30 Seconds a Day
Do you struggle with weight gain? Fatigue? Brain fog? Trouble sleeping? If so, you probably need to detox. You’re exposed to environmental toxins 24/7 — every single day — and they’re quietly building up in your body, sapping your energy and making you fat, sick, … READ MORE

Air Pollution Is Making You Sick. Here’s How to Protect Yourself
In the modern world, air pollution is nearly impossible to avoid. According to recent research, many places across the U.S. have air pollution that exceeds federal limits[1]. If you live in a city or near a factory — or you commute to work on a … READ MORE

Glyphosate and Your Gut – Are You Safe?
Glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide in the United States, and its use continues to grow as farmers push to extend their production yield. You’ve likely heard of glyphosate, but if you’re like most people, you may have only heard soundbites here and there … READ MORE