Transcript #448 The Dangers of Uranium Toxicity: How to Detect and Detox it! with Wendy Myers


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  1. Find out what’s in store for this Myers Detox Podcast where I talk about uranium toxicity and why you must detox uranium from your body. I discuss its top signs and symptoms, where you can be exposed to uranium, how to test for it, and the best techniques for detoxing it! So many great topics covered on today’s podcast, so tune in and find out if you might be uranium toxic, and most importantly, what to do about it!
  2. Learn more about uranium and why it is becoming a growing issue.
  3. Find out how I became exposed to uranium and what my hair tests showed for levels.
  4. Learn about the primary sources of uranium, why it is becoming released, how it’s going into our water supplies.
  5. Find out all of the common signs and symptoms of uranium toxicity, including chronic diseases.
  6. Learn about some of the dos and don’ts of testing for uranium, and the top supplements and products you can take to detox it.
  7. Learn more about HTMAs, why you should take one, and how they provided me a lot of insight into my own health issues, including my uranium toxicity.


Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. How are you doing? I’m Wendy Myers of And today, I’m going to be talking about uranium toxicity, and this is something that a lot of people are really largely unaware of. I was unaware of it, even though I’ve been detoxing for years. And it was brought into my awareness as I’ve researched heavy metals and something you need to know about. So today, we’re going to cover how you’re exposed to uranium, how uranium gets into your water, drinking water, and shower water. Symptoms of uranium toxicity, health conditions caused by uranium, and symptoms and how to detect uranium toxicity. What’s the best testing? And how to detox uranium and how I detox my uranium. And we’re going to go over some of my hair tests, some of my HTMAs or hair mineral analysis, and review some of the studies also supporting all of this information.

Wendy Myers: So I’m really excited about this because I’ve wanted to do an article about uranium toxicity for a long time and talk about it. I just haven’t got around to it. And it’s a growing issue that a lot of people aren’t really aware of. So I’m going to share my screen. I am publishing an article here, which you guys can see. So if you want to learn more about this, do a deep dive and look at all of the research supporting what I’m saying today. You can certainly do that. You can see all of the research documented in this blog post. So just go to This is a growing issue because there are around 40 trillion tons of uranium in the Earth’s crust. It’s everywhere. And for most of human history that uranium didn’t pose a problem. It wasn’t a danger. It was locked away in solid rock. And it did not harm people’s bodies. But all of that changed in 1909. So what happened in 1909? A German chemist named Fritz Haber developed the world’s first chemical fertilizer.

Wendy Myers: The trouble is that these chemical fertilizers trigger an oxidation reaction that releases uranium from rocks. So rocks that are in the soil, in fields, where you’re growing corn and other vegetables. And this chemical fertilizer etches that uranium, and then it gets into the food and our water supplies. And the abuse of fertilizers has allowed this uranium to seep into our food, air, and water. And as a result, uranium toxicity is on the rise. And in fact, it’s something that I regularly see with clients that I test and work with here in California. It’s also prevalent in just the southwest United States and general. Arizona, Nevada, Utah. I’ll see clients that have uranium. But if you’ve lived in that area at any point, if you’ve lived in California or the southwest United States, you probably have some level of uranium in your body. And you guys can check out my HTMA here, my hair mineral analysis, that I want to show you guys.

Wendy Myers: Let me show you my screen. This is the hair test that I did way back in 2016. Actually, I’m going to show you this earlier one. It’s one from December of 2015. And so, as you can see, I had a lot of metals back then, but I had uranium. This U right here is uranium. And it was 0.0243. You can see it high up here in this pink range. And I had a significant level of uranium and mercury because I used to eat a lot of sushi, which I don’t do anymore. I miss it so much. But because of this, I had really high levels of uranium because I’ve lived in California for 30 years. So I’ve been showering in water that contains uranium. Even though I drank bottled water my entire life, my whole life, I drank Evian and other bottled waters. That’s just what I did. So I didn’t get it for my drinking water. And then, if you look at this next test that I have here, this is nine months later, in 2016, you can see my uranium level went up even higher.

Wendy Myers: I was detoxing uranium at this time. And when this happened, when my uranium went all the way up here, I lost about a fifth of my hair, and I was really worried. I thought I had cancer, or I had some thyroid issue. I thought I had some really serious health issues. And putting two and two together, when I did my hair test, I realized I had this huge uranium dump and that uranium causes hair loss. And I see this with a lot of my clients as well. So what I want to go over right now is that many don’t realize they’re drinking water or showering daily in water that contains uranium and builds up over time. And uranium causes diabetes, blood sugar control issues, hair loss, and even cancers. So today, we’re going to go over all of these common and overlooked symptoms of uranium toxicity and how to find out if you have uranium toxicity and detox strategies. How to get it out of your body.

Wendy Myers: So let’s go over how we’re exposed. So there are two types of uranium. There’s natural uranium that’s just in the Earth’s crust, and there’s depleted uranium from nuclear weapons. And so they have an identical chemical effect on the body and can be equally as dangerous. But depleted uranium is the waste product of uranium enrichment in nuclear reactors. And it’s basically what’s left over when the highly radioactive isotopes of uranium are removed. And the primary source of this uranium exposure is well water. A lot of wells have uranium toxicity. We get it through modern-day manufacturing and nuclear energy, and that just makes its way into our water. In fact, when scientists from the University of Nebraska took 275,000 groundwater samples for evaluation, they discovered that many Americans live about a kilometer from uranium-polluted wells. And what’s more, this study found that almost two million people in California and the Midwest live on aquifer sites, which have up to 180 times a safe level of uranium.

Wendy Myers: But California and the Midwest aren’t the only territories in the United States with high levels of uranium. According to the EPA, water sources across the US exceed the maximum contamination limit for uranium. And so my HTMA showed really high uranium, and I detoxed it, and then more came out. I had many hair tests that had high levels of uranium. And I lived here in California for 30 years, and it just kept building up and building up, and it has to come out at some point. And I really think that for a lot of people, one of the underlying root causes of diabetes and trouble losing weight or resistant weight loss and weight gain can be uranium toxicity. A lot of people don’t realize that. So how does this uranium get into our water, drinking water, and shower water? So the majority of uranium is in a solid form in soils and sediments in rocks, things like that. However, when these structures are exposed to minerals, like nitrates found in fertilizers, it creates this oxidation reaction that frees the uranium.

Wendy Myers: And for millions of years, this uranium was just in the soils, totally safe, inaccessible, unable to get into our bodies. But with these chemical fertilizers, like miracle growth and other chemical fertilizers, these high amounts of nitrates lead to high amounts of freed uranium. And when it becomes freed, it becomes water-soluble and leeches into our water supply. And so I want to show you this article about uranium-contaminated water in California. So uranium-contaminated water in California wells, two million people were affected. And so this article is just talking about how 275,000 groundwater samples were evaluated. And 78% of the pollution comes from the nitrates in these chemical fertilizers and animal waste. Animal waste has a lot of nitrates as well. And it also talks about war-torn areas where they’re shooting artillery that has uranium-containing shells in war zones. That uranium gets into the local areas, poisoning the people living there and potentially poisoning the soldiers in combat and whatnot.

Wendy Myers: And, a really interesting article here. There’s a link to it in my article. So that’s why drinking water is a primary source of exposure to uranium for many people. And it’s just one of the many reasons why it’s so vital to have a reliable water filter system installed in your home. I recommend pH Prescription water filters. They’ve got under-sink water filters; they have a whole house water filter so you can filter your shower water. And pretty soon, they’re going to have a shower head called the DermaShower that filters heavy metals. Most filters, most shower filters, don’t filter heavy metals. They’ll get some fluoride and chloride, which is great, but that’s why I’ve never recommended a shower head. Because I just really haven’t found one that met my standards. But when pH Prescriptions come out with the DermaShower, I’ll have more information about that. It’s really inexpensive and solves a big problem. I think many people don’t realize their water is a source of contamination for them.

Wendy Myers: And so also keep in mind that uranium can stick to plant roots. So foods grown in uranium root soils can also present a problem, a source of toxicity. So you always want to wash your vegetables, especially root vegetables, like potatoes and radishes, because those can have uranium in them. And so some other sources of exposure are nuclear power plants, nuclear bombs tests, occupational exposure, like uranium mining and refining, medical use of nuclear material, and being in the military. Exposure to anti-tank weapons, tank armor, ammunition rounds, and manufacturing facilities of uranium as well. And the food is grown in soil that’s high in uranium. So knowing all of this, it’s not hard to see how we’re exposed to uranium in our daily lives, often without realizing it. So you want to do an HTMA to test for uranium and other heavy metals. And right now, I’ll give you guys a link here. We are doing a special right now for anyone that wants to learn if they have uranium toxicity. A hair mineral analysis is only $76. Really, really simple.

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk about some symptoms of uranium toxicity. So uranium toxicity can present with a wide range of symptoms due to the fact that uranium can lodge into various tissues in your body. So, in general, once uranium enters your body, the kidneys are the main target for the organs for its toxic effects. But uranium can also deposit in the bones, in the brain, in your lymph, in your lungs, and in your reproductive organs as well. Furthermore, uranium can bind to human DNA and trigger mutations that create protein replication errors. And this can lead to a host of issues in the body. And like all toxic substances, the adverse health effects of uranium on the human body depend on the root of exposure. So in most cases, uranium is deposited in the kidney and bones but can also be in the lymph, brain, reproductive organs, and lungs. So I want to show you this study here about undiagnosed illness and radioactive warfare.

Wendy Myers: So I wanted to show this to you. This is a really illuminating study about the toxic effects of uranium. And this study is basically going over the nuclear weapons race and the problem of uranium fallout in war-torn areas, how the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima in Japan was a uranium bomb. There’s a lot of contamination there. Just a lot of issues. And based on this, they found a lot of different health issues that were the results of uranium toxicity. So one of them is cancer, anxiety, behavioral disorders, birth defects, chronic fatigue, chronic neurological conditions, depression, diabetes, poor blood sugar regulation, elevated blood pressure, fibromyalgia, Gulf War Syndrome, hair loss, kidney damage, leukemia, lymphoma, reactive airway disease, renal dysfunction, thyroid cancers, vision degradation, bone deterioration, and weight gain resulting from diabetes and poor blood sugar regulation. So as you can see, I mean, this study is very, very illuminating. Very, very comprehensive. And there’s a link to this in my article on uranium toxicity if you guys want to check that out, so let’s go over a couple of things here.

Wendy Myers: So reproductive issues. So one of the targets for uranium toxicity is your reproductive system. So research shows that uranium exposure may impact the health of your reproductive system by decreasing fertility, creating toxicity in the embryo and fetus, and halting the normal growth and development of the growing child. In one animal study, pregnant mice were exposed to uranium and then compared to a control group in the growth and development of their fetuses. And the researchers noted several disturbing abnormalities in the fetuses of mice exposed to uranium. The livers of the fetuses in the test group for uranium toxicity were bulkier and darker in appearance. The heads of the fetuses in the test group were larger. In one case, the fetus didn’t have fingers. The weight and the size of the fetuses were larger than the controls. And irregularities were noted in the cerebral cortex of the brains of the test groups. And what’s more, the placenta weight was lower in the test group compared to the control. So the placenta feeds all the nutrients and oxygen to the fetus.

Wendy Myers: And then lung disease. There’s been several studies on lung disease in uranium miners. Uranium miners had more lung cancer. They had more pneumoconiosis, which is a disease of the lungs characterized by coughing and fibrosis. They had more emphysema. Behavioral and neurological disorders are common. So this study here shows the long and short-term effects of depleted uranium exposure on open field behavior and brain lipid oxidation in rats. And what this study found was that circulating uranium can rapidly enter your brain and can cause inverse neurological effects on your brain and central nervous system. And this study conducted on rats found that levels of uranium were cleared within 30 days, but the brain levels remained elevated. And this suggests that it may be more difficult to clear uranium from your central nervous system. And these rats also experienced impaired memory, difficulty walking, and decreased grip strength. And there was another study that showed that rats exposed to uranium experienced difficulties with movement and working memory. And they continued to show signs of decreased working memory for six days following the exposure.

Wendy Myers: And the effects of uranium toxicity on the brain are still not a hundred percent understood. However, research suggests that uranium affects catecholamine levels. So specifically dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. And these neurotransmitters are responsible for a range of neurological functions, including preparing for fight or flight, learning, memory, sleep, mood, and movement as well. So we’re going to talk about how to detect uranium toxicity. And there are several methods for detecting uranium toxicity. So you can look at hair, you can look at hair mineral analysis. You can look at the blood. You can look at urine analyses. And while all methods are viable, from my experience, uranium is most readily seen in a hair mineral analysis. So I’m trying to show you guys my hair test again. So you guys can see this.

Wendy Myers: So if you look at my old hair test here, this is December 2015. You can see the uranium here, so the U was really, really high. And so, if we look at the test as a whole, very elevated. I don’t see these levels in a lot of clients. I had been detoxing for several years at this point. So my body was really prime for detoxification. I was releasing a lot of toxic metals. You can see mercury here. But very, very high levels here. And then fast forward nine months later. So if we look at my uranium, you can see it went even higher. So the last test it was 0.0243, this one it raised even more. And it’s been higher on hair tests before. And when this large dump of uranium happened, a fifth of my hair fell out, and it was very, very stressful. And I just did some detective work. I did a hair test immediately and found that I was dumping a ton of uranium. And it really gave me a lot of peace of mind because I realized what the issue was.

Wendy Myers: And I’ve had a lot of clients with high uranium that almost always have hair loss that couples a uranium dump. You’re not always losing hair when you just have the presence of it. It seems to be when the uranium’s coming out of your body that you do lose hair, which is interesting. And so hair tests, I find, are the most accurate because urine is a common test used for heavy metals, but uranium doesn’t always show in the urine, even when you have it. And blood analysis or the issue with blood analysis is that most uranium will be cleared from circulation and sequestered into your tissues after the initial exposure. So you’re not going to see it in blood. If the test you even do shows uranium. I mean, most blood tests are just looking at the big four, mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. So most blood tests don’t look at uranium. And so, hair testing is the way to go. And that is the most accurate way to see uranium levels in your tissues.

Wendy Myers: And also using a hair analysis can also provide insight into levels of other toxic metals in your body and provide a roadmap for detoxing as well. And if people do have uranium, I really strongly encourage people to do a household water test. You’ve got to figure out what the sources of uranium are. You’re not always going to know, but if it’s your tap water or shower water that’s the source of uranium, you’ve got to get some sort of a filter on there so that you prevent the influx of it into your body. The only alternative is to just work on continually monitoring and detoxing uranium from your body. So let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about how we detox uranium. So the most effective way is to use an agent or a mobilizing agent that will go under your cells, grab the uranium, and try to remove it from your body. And so citrus pectin is the most effective thing to use. Or it’s one of the really good effective things to use. Citrus pectin is a polysaccharide, and it’s a powerful antagonist for uranium.

Wendy Myers: Research shows that citrus pectin can decrease levels of heavy metals on average 74% without side effects. And so, this is my binder here at CitriCleanse. This is a very powerful citrus pectin that you can use to reduce uranium levels. And this contains grapefruit citrus pectin. And then there are zeolites. Zeolites are minerals that contain a microporous structure, making them ideal for capturing and removing heavy metals. And they’re really well known to be potent absorption materials, assisting in clearing away compounds like uranium. My favorite product is Cytodetox. This is by my friend, Dr. Pompa. This is in my store at Just search for zeolite or Cytodetox, and that will come up. That’s a great one. And also, if you’re wondering why the CitriCleanse binder, the CitriCleanse binder here is the other thing that I recommend. When doing any kind of detox, you need to take a binder. The number one mistake people make is not taking a binder.

Wendy Myers: Whether you’re doing coffee enemas or infrared saunas, or any type of detox program, whatever nutrient you’re taking to get rid of heavy metals, you have to take a binder, or you’re going to suffer needlessly. You’ll suffer side effects like headaches, nausea, brain fog, fatigue, or things like that. Because these metals get pulled out of cells. They start floating around in the bloodstream. They can deposit and redistribute somewhere else. So to avoid that, you need to be using a binder. And the next thing you want to use for uranium is EDTA. So EDTA is a really powerful tool for binding onto uranium. And if I have a client that’s really toxic in uranium, I’m going to be using EDTA. So EDTA is an amino acid, and it’s been used for decades to combat heavy metal poisoning. And it clears lead from the blood. It gets manganese. It gets a lot of other metals. It’s really effective at removing uranium. And I like this. KeLATOX suppositories. These are fantastic for removing uranium.

Wendy Myers: I also like Dr. Chris Shade’s EDTA liposomal. It’s an oral supplement you take orally. It’s a little spoonful. And this also has a little bit of lipoic acid in it, which is great. But you have to take a lot of this. EDTA doesn’t absorb orally very well, so this is put into a liposomal form. But it still doesn’t work as well as a suppository. So the suppositories are about three times as effective for the dollar amount you’re spending. You have to do a KeLATOX suppository every other day. And so that’s about three a week. That’s the equivalent of doing an IV EDTA chelation session. And so there is the equivalent in the amount of EDTA they remove, but this is much, much less expensive to do just three suppositories as opposed to one IV chelation session of EDTA IV. So this is what I take. This is what I give my client. This is also amazing for cadmium toxicity if anyone has cadmium. So that’s what I like. This is what I give to people.

Wendy Myers: And then glutathione. Glutathione is really important. It’s one of the most essential antioxidant compounds in your body. It’s your master antioxidant for detox. And uranium binds the glutathione, eliminating this from your system. And so I recommend, for glutathione, the main thing I recommend is my daily detox supplement. This is a fermented broccoli sprouts formula. And the fermented broccoli sprouts are really, really high in natural glutathione. But this has a lot of other liver support herbs in it and alkalizing greens. It’s real; it’s all organic. It’s fantastic. And so that’s glutathione. You don’t have to take glutathione by itself. You don’t have to take a glutathione supplement. Most of them are garbage. You need to eat foods enriched in glutathione. Foods that support glutathione production. Things like coffee enemas increase glutathione. But if you want to, you can take a glutathione product. I really like Chris Shades’ liposomal glutathione. Some people react to this. Some people just cannot handle straight glutathione.

Wendy Myers: So, for many clients, I give them NAC, which is a precursor to making glutathione. Hair Encapsulations makes a really nice one here. So that’s really good stuff there as well. So pulling it all together, uranium toxicity doesn’t make the headlines. It’s not very sexy. I’m trying to make detox sexy here. Okay? But this heavy metal is more pervasive than people think. And so health conditions like kidney disease, lung disease, reproductive issues, and neurological disorders can all result from toxic levels of uranium, including diabetes. People don’t realize diabetes is a disease of toxicity. Yes, it can be due to carbs. Yes, it’s overeating. But what makes it, so your body isn’t able to process carbohydrates? What is causing the blood sugar in your bloodstream to not be able to enter the cells? It’s not just overeating carbohydrates. There are so many different toxins that affect pancreatic function that affect different aspects of blood sugar control. And I believe diabetes to be a disease of toxicity, not necessarily lifestyle and diet.

Wendy Myers: Those are contributors. You can’t eat sugar all day long and expect some miracle to happen with your health. But toxins play a huge role in people living a relatively healthy lifestyle and still developing the disease. Not to mention, there’s a long list of potential health concerns, cancers, high blood pressure, or chronic fatigue that are associated with uranium. So I just encourage you guys, if this has piqued your interest, if you live in California or the southwest United States, or you have done it any time, maybe it’s time to check your mineral levels, your uranium levels using a hair mineral analysis. So I’m going to give you a little link here to get a hair mineral analysis. It was only $76. This is the lowest price anywhere on the internet. You can’t find a cheaper price for a hair analysis. It’s an amazing price for a functional diagnostic test like this that can give you so much information about your mineral levels and about your toxicity levels.

Wendy Myers: And I’ll show you guys my hair test again, just to give you an idea, a little preview of what this looks like. So if you look at this hair test. So this is my hair mineral analysis from 2015, and I was very stressed at this time. I think I had just gotten divorced. I was on a very, very stressed date. This was before; I think I got divorced or right after. And very stressed out, and you can see my iron levels here were very high. I was dumping toxic iron from my body. I was dumping toxic cobalt from my body in the CO you can see here. I was dumping uranium. I had mercury toxicity that was coming out as well. And you can also see your mineral levels. This can guide your mineral supplementation, including sodium, potassium, copper, zinc, selenium, boron, and other minerals. It can give you a clue about what minerals you need to focus on.

Wendy Myers: And I also was, you can see the BA here, my barium was dumping really, really high. I don’t know where I picked that up, but it was coming out of me. It was pouring out of me. And also some toxic strontium. Many of us pick up toxic strontium. It can be from nuclear fallout. Fukushima is spewing a ton of toxic radioactive strontium into the environment. Some people think that strontium spraying is happening in our environment to control the weather pattern. So I picked this up somewhere. It was coming out of my body. And also tin, the SN, I had it coming out as well. So just a lot going on. And for me, doing a hair mineral analysis has given me huge clues into my health and a lot of insight into how I should detox, guiding my detox, supplements, and my mineral supplements as well. Gives me insight into how well I’m doing and how well my body is detoxing. And this has really given me a tremendous amount of information.

Wendy Myers: And today, I feel amazing. I feel fantastic. When I wake up in the morning, I am happy and excited to start my day. I am in a good mood. My mind is very, very clear. I don’t know if you guys watched any of my old videos on YouTube. It’s like night and day with the energy and the vitality, the brain, the clarity of thought, and how I speak is much different compared to what it was seven years ago, eight years ago, when I first started Myers Detox. And I just, I feel I have a lot of energy. I sleep really well. I just feel great. And I could not say that seven, eight years ago. I started my detox about 10 years ago.

Wendy Myers: But I started feeling better within a few months of taking minerals and working on my health. But really, it’s just over time, I’ve learned more and more about different metals, how to detox them, adding some bioenergetics, adding EMF protection in there, and doing things like that have resulted in how good I feel today. So that’s why I have to teach you guys this stuff. I’m so happy that I finally got around to doing a uranium toxicity article, and we’re going to go, of course, through all the metals. There have been articles I’ve been wanting to write. So excited. There are so many things I want to report to you guys and tell you how to detox it and test for it. But only so many hours of the day. So guys, thanks so much for tuning in, and I’ll talk to you soon.