Transcript #534 BioQuantum skincare that raises your frequency: Awaken the Gene Code of Human Evolution with Jewels Arnes

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#534 BioQuantum skincare that raises your frequency: Awaken the Gene Code of Human Evolution

with Jewels Arnes



Jewels Arnes

I know that seems a little bit out there, but if you really sit and think about it, if our body is holding the frequency of 963, do we really need anything else? I mean, that’s the advanced human. That’s where I see us going. How long it’ll take us to get there, I don’t know, but I’m pretty determined to experience at least another 50 percent of our potential.


When we start to turn on that frequency, the cell already knows. That there’s an intelligence there, and it also knows that it has the ability to hold that frequency. Then we get to actively participate in that frequency consciously.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today, we’ve got a really interesting show. We’ve got Jewels Arnes on the show, and she’s going to be talking about BioQuantum skincare, using skincare that has frequencies infused into it, that not only dramatically improve the health and the appearance of your skin, but also your physical body, raising your consciousness as well. So our guest today, Jewels, started her walk with spirit at the age of 16, when she had a chance encounter with a woman that saw her gift as a seer. And through the synergy of connecting with her soul family, she was revealed a method to transform cellular intelligence. With over 30 years in vibrational healing and multiple accreditations, Jewels developed her superpower of tracing energy patterns to find the beliefs or programs that keep us in the cycle of aging and disease. So she created DECU, and DMT codes and BioQuantum delivery systems as a pathway to shifting from molecular to frequency, from the physical to energetic. These cutting-edge methods lead us to finding the true power of becoming BioQuantum. And you can learn more about Jewels and her really interesting beauty care and supplement product line at And if you go to that link, You get 22% off all of the products on her website.


Jewels, thank you so much for coming on the show. 


Jewels Arnes

Thank you. I’m so happy to be here. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, so why don’t you tell me a little bit about yourself and how you got into the BioQuantum space and the beauty product space?


Jewels Arnes

I feel like it’s been a journey getting here, but really, I started studying energy and tracing energy, reading energy, using energy for healing at the age of 16. I think a lot of people can understand what it would be like to follow the breadcrumbs. And I really feel like that’s what my life has been, not really knowing exactly where I was going. I just always took the little hints and did the next right step, which led me to being here. In 2015, a friend of mine passed away, and that’s really probably when the biggest shift happened for me. Because I started really connecting to frequency patterns that were at a much higher level than I was before that, and a lot of it was just our connection and the ability to trace energy at those higher levels. Through that, I actually started channeling information, which brought in the ORMUS, which we’ll talk about. Scalar frequency, How to code frequency, How to keep it at a quantum level at the frequency of 963, and then how to put all of that into a product. So, I don’t know if you want more detail than that, but there definitely is a fun story behind the skincare itself.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

It’s really interesting because, for me, I love taking care of my skin and using high-quality beauty products. At this point in my life, I only want to use frequency-infused beauty products because they’re going to be so much more powerful than any moisturizer. Moisturizing is important, but also any kind of active you can use, which are great topical actives that perform and do different positive things. But why not use frequencies as well to add infinite amounts of benefits? So, I want to talk about the specific frequencies that you use in your products. Let’s talk about DMT verse. What is that, exactly? And why do you put it into a serum? You have this serum right here, called the DMT 963 Scalar Blend. What is that, exactly?


Jewels Arnes

So, that’s our essential oil blend. We have the DMT, and then we actually have some others: oxytocin, melatonin, and dopamine. We also have one for melatonin. The way you could see DMT is that we’re using it on a frequency level. The frequency of DMT, I’m talking about the actual chemical of DMT that people reach when they do psychedelics. But you can measure that it’s 963. So, 963 Hertz is the frequency of DMT. What’s really interesting is that it’s also the measured frequency of the source, or whatever word you want to put there. What we’re finding is that frequency, and all frequencies, have an intelligence. So, we’re really tapping into what that intelligence is, and how we can learn to hold consciousness in that intelligence. Your cells are also conscious. This is all being backed up by science now, which is really exciting that consciousness isn’t just in the mind; your body is actually conscious. When we start to bring in these frequencies, and all of our products hold the frequency of 963, it’s not just that one oil; all of them are holding the frequency of 963. What it’s doing is activating that frequency that’s already inside of you, because you already are that frequency of source, if you will. It’s helping your body remember that it’s a unique being that has the ability to hold that frequency. So, if your body is holding a frequency of 963, right now, the average human is vibrating at 7.5 Hertz. That’s a huge difference in frequency. What I’m finding is that the higher our frequency gets, not just in what we’re feeling but the actual physical form, is when we start to break leaving cycles of ancient disease, we start to break out of the looping cycles of all the illusions that we’ve agreed to, and we don’t even know that we’re doing it.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I’ve actually listened to frequency imprinted music and other things at 963 Hertz, because that is the universal consciousness or when you’re trying to get into a different state, or maybe you’re wanting to pray or connect with source or God, that’s the frequency that you want to use. I found that really interesting. I recognized that immediately when I saw your products that you’re infusing the 963, which is really interesting.


Jewels Arnes

I love that you’re doing that. Yes, you’re applying a product, but the technology behind it, you’ll see on all of our products, we have a little symbol, and that symbol represents scalar technology, which is how we’re delivering the quantum frequency into the products. The idea is to take the way the cells are working now. So, right now, all the cells of your body are searching its environment, right? So, it’s asking, “Am I safe? Do I need this?” It’s always looking into its environment in order to function well. What scalar technology does is it actually shifts that, I call it turning it inside out, and it starts to turn on that frequency of 963 in the DNA, because the DNA is actually encoded, but a lot of people are talking about the other 90% of our DNA that we’re not using. So, whether you want to call them dormant codes or whatever you want to see junk DNA as, a lot of times that you’ll hear. But when we start to turn on that frequency, the cell already knows that there’s an intelligence there, and it also knows it has the ability to hold that frequency. Then we get to actively participate in that frequency consciously.


So, when we start to turn that frequency on at a cellular level, our body literally starts to function differently because it’s not looking in its environment to find out what it is or what it should be doing. It’s actually tuning to the intelligence of that frequency. And you can see it turning on that sun. It’s just shining. It’s not looking on the other side to be told what to do or to see if it’s safe. It’s just holding that frequency.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and this is how everything on the planet works. You have the DMT blend that with a 962 scalar. And when you’re using any essential oil, they all resonate at different frequencies. That’s one of the ways in which they work. For example, rose essential oil has the highest frequency of any essential oil. It’s at 400+ Herts, I believe. So, it’s interesting that you imprinted this essential oil with the 963. And then let’s talk about what ORMUS is. So, you have another product that has ORMUS in it, the ORMUS activator. So, what is ORMUS exactly?


Jewels Arnes

ORMUS stands for Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements or Unidentified Substance. It’s an element that’s been put into a spin state, so it’s always moving. Normally, if you were to look at an element under a microscope, you would be able to identify it as copper or gold. With ORMUS, because it’s always spinning and in that state, you’ll actually see it under the microscope, but then it goes away, and then it comes back because it’s orbiting. They could even say it’s a fifth-dimensional element because it is moving out of what we can see, but it’s not actually going anywhere; it’s just shifting dimensions, if you will. What they’re finding is that it’s advancing consciousness, extending telomere length, and partially reversing aging. What we’re using it for is that we’re also adding this intelligence or this frequency to it. Once that happens and you’re ingesting something or putting it on your skin, you can use it either way, you’re bringing an element that’s both form and spirit, or an element that’s already multidimensional or quantum, into your body, onto your skin, into your cells. So, you’re reminding your body, “Oh, I’m actually this too.” And then we’re coding it with this intelligence to remember that, oh, you can identify in your environment, or you can identify in this intelligence or the frequency of 963. And the body already knows that’s where it’s supposed to be. So, it starts to pull back on all the distortion and the illusions that it’s holding and starts to move back into its innate being.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

On this podcast, we talk a lot about bioenergetics and energy medicine, and using frequencies in different ways to impart different results that people want in their health. How this works is essentially by resonance when you introduce a certain frequency to your body, your cells will then resonate at that same frequency. It picks up on those frequencies, and that imparts a physical change to our physical being as well. I think it’s much easier to introduce certain frequencies to our body, which then sends messages to our physical body to make the physical changes that we’re looking to make, like anti-aging or you can have a more relaxed nervous system or whatever it is that you’re looking to do, reduce stress. You can accomplish that using frequencies like that. And why not use that in your beauty care as well?


Jewels Arnes

I think the biggest part is that most people are experiencing their life through their five senses, but then we have this whole other part of us that isn’t about the physical seeing, hearing, touching, all of those different things.


And when we start to introduce a frequency, we really amplify that other 90%. So, however, we experience that is going to be what you’re really most passionate about, right? For some people, it’s going to be advancing their physical body. For some people, it’s going to be advancing consciousness.


For some people, it’s going to be, “I just want to feel happy,” but whatever it is, when we’re adding frequency, we’re starting to attune to those subtle energies that open us up to the other 90% of our potential. And that’s really where happiness is. Everything is just so dense, right?


It’s like dense this, dense that. And so it opens us up to this other magical place where we start to see just how powerful we are. And for me, that’s everything, is when we start to feel empowered within our own body, within our happiness, whatever it is that you want to put there, we start to open up to a whole new way of living.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Tell me a little bit about ORMUS. So you have the scalar 33 ORMUS activator. And so what are some of the changes or benefits or things that people will feel? Once they’re using this.


Jewels Arnes

So, just some physical things are helping scars diminish. If you have something that’s actually actively open, it helps heal it a lot faster. But what I also love is that you can think about your skin. A lot of people are doing things to treat the skin, so they’re doing lasers and peels and all of these different things, and, yeah, they get results, but in the long run, they’re actually damaging the cells. If you really think about it, it’s like, why are we damaging ourselves in order to get results? What we want to do is heal ourselves, remind ourselves of what they are when they’re in perfect form. And that’s what ORMUS really does more on a physical level is that it speeds up healing, but it’s also raising the frequency of our cells, of course, and it’s putting them into what I call a higher spin state, which is also going to reduce the wrinkles and give more of that youthful glow and all of that. More on a conscious level, it does raise your frequency. And if you play with it, I always say it has its own intelligence, and the more you can be subtle about what it’s telling you, then you can start to have a lot of fun with it. Like I put it in my water every day. I’ll do a couple of drops before I work out just to boost my energy and my frequency.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I’m going to put this in my water right now, because I know the ORMUS activator. So, you obviously are going to put this on your skin, correct? But you can put it in your water as well.


Jewels Arnes

Yeah, I just started playing with it, so we just got this, it’s called the Quantum Body Cream. And so we’re using it to spin the cells at a higher frequency. What I’ve been doing is just on different areas of my body that I want to reshape. I’m putting the ORMUS on. First, I just put a couple of drops of ORMUS and rub it, and then I’m putting the body cream on over it. I’ve only been doing it for four days now, but maybe I’m just imagining things. I’m like “Oh my God! It’s doing something.” but it really is starting to tighten my skin, which is really amazing.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, and we all want that. That’s exactly what I am looking for. I’m trying all kinds of different things, I’m doing the collagen and doing the colostrum and just all kinds of little things. But for me, frequency is where it’s at. We have to tend to our physical body, of course. We have to give our skin the nutrients it needs. But if you really want to see results, you do need to incorporate some sort of different frequency mechanisms. Like, I have a My Health device, and I do the skin setting and anti-aging settings on that. That’s part of the NES Health system. I do anti-aging frequencies on my Rife device. I do collagen and silica on my Rife. It sends frequencies through plasma to my body, and I use frequency skin care as well, so I can’t get enough of it. And so you also have another thing here called the Scalar 33 Serum. And so what is in that?


Jewels Arnes

So, it has this technology in it that, when it’s absorbed into your skin, first of all, it’s pulling on moisture from the environment. So, if there’s moisture in the air, it’s actually pulling that into your skin. And then it’s creating these little tiny spheres that layer in between the layers of your skin. So, it’s holding moisture in the different layers of your skin. And it does a lot of other great things too, but that’s like the highlight product. It’s just amazing. I feel like I should have studied it a little bit more before getting on. I’m just going to be super honest. I use it every day. I actually gave it to my daughter because she has acne, and it’s helping with her scars. It’s helping with acne. So, it’s also very healing in a lot of ways, but then just adding quantum technology to it… Honestly, I feel like once you add quantum technology to a product, it doesn’t even matter what the product is at that point, because it’s just, it’s what you’re saying. If we’re going to use a product, we definitely need to be using it on a frequency level because the biggest part of us is frequency.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

It’s exactly how our body works. That’s why the future of medicine is energy medicine. And that’s why I talk about frequencies and energy so much now on this podcast, because it’s a huge component of what I do for my health, for beauty, for anti-aging, and longevity. And so, I’m just trying to introduce this concept to the audience here, just for anyone that may not be familiar with these concepts. What exactly is BioQuantum?


Jewels Arnes

BioQuantum is our trademark name. So first of all, it’s working with the quantum system, obviously on a biology level, and really what we’re doing is we’re advancing the way that our body is functioning more into a quantum level. Like we said before, your body is already multidimensional, but you’re having the experience of your body in density because we’re observing through consciousness that’s held in the frequency of, if you want to say, a third-dimensional consciousness, fourth-dimensional consciousness, however you want to see it. But there is another level where our body is already held in that frequency of 963, and whether you want to see it on a dimensional level, on a frequency level, it’s all the same. But when we’re consistently adding these frequencies to our body, it starts to identify that frequency over the frequency that we’re experiencing it consciously. And what I find really interesting is that the more that we’re doing this, and I don’t know if you’re having this experience or not yet, but that our consciousness almost starts to catch up with our body. It’s like our body is starting to vibrate higher than what we’re vibrating at. And then we start to have the experience of the intelligence that’s held there. And then we start to unravel. I call it the way that our DNA is functioning right now is very distorted. But a big part of that distortion is only because we’re agreeing to the illusion of what we’ve created, but there’s so much more. So, BioQuantum to me is turning on that other 90% and actually experiencing it consciously because it’s one thing to have it turned on because it’s already turned on. We’re just not experiencing it consciously.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And then you also have this interesting card here. So it’s like this copper-looking card. And it’s got some writing on the back. So what exactly is this doing? I find this really interesting.


Jewels Arnes

So those are our DMT codes. Everything we do is around coding. We have the evolution technology that’s delivering the frequency of 963. And then we have 12 DMT codes. Each of those codes is doing something. It’s basically working on the distortion of the DNA and the way consciousness is held in it. Each one of those little things is doing something. So, one of them, let’s say 932, could be helping you fall asleep. So it’s delivering a specific frequency that’s helping you fall asleep. And there’s one for anti-aging, and different things. But I have it actually in the back of my phone. I stick it in a little thing here. So it’s an EMF protector. You can bring it to restaurants and tap it on your water and structure your water before you drink it. You can use it on your food. It’s just raising basically whatever you are putting it on, it’s going to work on that quantum level to raise the frequency to 963.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, fantastic. And so, are there any other uses for it? Like, how should you sleep with it under your pillow, or should you have it on your body? Are there any other specific instructions for using it?


Jewels Arnes

Yeah, so on the back, you’ll have one for pain, and I have people that literally will stick it in their bra and wear them everywhere they go. So, a lot of people will use quantum technology in that way. This is no different. If you have pain in your body, put it on that part of your body. So, whether you actually do the codes or not, you don’t necessarily have to, but it is nice because I see it like a “you go” system. I call it “yougoing” instead of Googling. So, you’re basically just pressing on specific codes, and you’re turning on that frequency on a cellular level because the codes are connected to the DNA. It’s working very much on a cellular level. So, if you’re in pain and you do the DMT codes for pain, you’re turning on that frequency in the DNA. And that’s what that other symbol is doing, working specifically with the DNA. So, it’s, “Okay, what do I need to know? Or what do I need to experience?” You can just put in the code by using it, turning it on, and then you have the experience of it consciously.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Do you have to do anything specifically or just need to hold the card or have it near your body? 


Jewels Arnes

Yes. So we were having a lot of fun with this at a convention. People would come over, and we would ask, “What are you wanting to experience?” And a lot of them were like, “Oh my gosh, there’s just so much going on. I just feel really scattered.” So they needed to feel a little more grounded. So we would give them the card and have them pick the one they were most attracted to and put their thumb on it for a minute. It was like, doing this now, I can feel it shifting my body because I’ve done it so much, but you feel the shift, right? And then once the shift is there, you have the choice. “Okay, I can go back to the experience I just left, or I can stay here. Now that you know what it feels like, you just go and experience that.” So that was one way. And a lot of times, people would do it and then they’d end up coming back. “Everything just changed for me.” And they’re like, “I was trying to figure out what changed. And then I remember they did the card.” So it’s really subtle, but it’s also, if you pay attention, it’s not so subtle. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

People are more sensitive than others. There are some people that they’re like, “There’s 20% of the planet are hypersensitive people.”


And there are other people maybe not as in touch with their body from trauma, or they can be very disconnected physically from their body. And these might be the people that don’t feel frequencies as much or don’t feel a shift. Because I work with a lot of patients, and I do energy medicine with them and bioenergetic modalities, and not everyone feels a shift in their body.


That doesn’t mean it isn’t working. It just means maybe you’re not as sensitive or in tune with different energetic modalities compared to a highly sensitive person.


Jewels Arnes

I love that you say that, and I also feel like the more that somebody is willing to hang out there, the more they start to sensitize to the energy and to the frequency because I feel like that’s part of what the frequency is doing. And just like anything else, if we focus on that, then it’s going to start to get, it’s just like working out. At the beginning, you may have absolutely no muscle, and then the more you go and the more you experience it, the stronger you get. And I feel like what we’re talking about is what I call intuitive powers. It’s our intuition, and not everybody feels, right? Some people just have knowledge, and other people see it. Other people hear it. So when we say feel, I like to open it up to whatever way that you receive energy or information that’s not through the intellect.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, absolutely. Yeah. And I think that when you’re using any kind of frequency-based modality, sometimes the effects can be felt immediately, but some people have to do things for a little while before they notice a big change, a different state. Using any kind of energy-based products, like a month prior, they can see a big change. I just want to warn people, sometimes the effects are subtle and cumulative.


Jewels Arnes

Totally agree. We launched a supplement last year. It’s a BioQuantum supplement that’s working on delivering frequency to the cells.


And that’s what we’re finding. Usually, it’s for people that aren’t attuned to frequency. It usually takes about three months for them to really feel that frequency in their body and to start getting the benefits from it. So, I understand that. I think that’s a valid point.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, let’s talk a bit about biohacking advanced humans. So, what is, in your opinion, the new form of the advanced human? What is coming for us in the next few decades? I feel really excited because there is this ascension happening on the planet, and there’s a lot more people tuning into their intuition and using energy medicine and frequency-based things to really move from the physical plane of just addressing the skin physically or addressing the body physically with supplements and things like that, and really looking at frequency to dramatically upgrade your health. What are your thoughts on that?


Jewels Arnes

So, I’ll just go into my personal experience and say that we really are going to shift everything. I’ve been on this path for a really long time, but I started heavily shifting everything into that frequency of 963 about a year and a half ago. Before that, I was doing different things through frequency. I actually have another skincare line that’s still doing that. And I decided, okay, I’m going to do True Diagnostics. Tell me your tests. I did the whole panel. I had it sent back to me. I had the results and I was like, okay, that’s pretty good. I’m happy with that, not even thinking anything of it. My business partner wanted to do it, and I was like, wow, I just did it. It hasn’t even been, I think it has been like eight months or something, so it hasn’t really been that long, but I’ll do it again. Let’s do it. So we do it again. My telomere length went from 37 years old to 19 years old in under 10 months.


And also my pace of aging went down like over, it was like a couple of months. So when I saw that, I immediately tapped into this place of what is the quantum field? And it’s no space, no time. It’s the ability to exist beyond the observation of timelines, and we have our concept of what that would be consciously, but our body’s going to do it before we understand what’s happening. That is the advanced human, is that we’re literally going to turn on a frequency in our body to where our body knows that it is existing beyond the third dimension or timelines. And that to me is pretty solid proof that we’re going to do it.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, because you’re the only person I’ve had on the show that has better skin than I do. Yeah, and your skin is just glowing. You look absolutely gorgeous. So, I just started using these products, and I’m so excited to start seeing some of the benefits and results from using them. I want your skin.


Jewels Arnes

Thank you.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Tell me more about the telomere test that you’re doing because that’s something I haven’t done any aging tests yet. I would be very interested in doing that.


Jewels Arnes

So, True Diagnostics is the one that I gravitated towards because it has its own lab, so they’re not sending your blood out anywhere, but it’s really easy. You just put a couple of drops of your blood on this thing, you turn it in, and it comes back with your telomere length, your pace of aging, your biological age compared to your chronological age. It will say how strong your mitochondria is. I’m trying to remember what else. But so there’s a big test that’s $500 and then there’s smaller tests, that’s $300. And I, for me, I’m going to keep doing it. So right now, I’m doing this whole journey around DMT where I’m actually nomading right now. I’m out doing some work through the energy of the land and doing some different things, bringing that looping cycle of our bodies needing minerals and all of this stuff. And I know that seems a bit out there. But if you really sit and think about it, if our body is holding the frequency of 963, do we really need anything else? That’s the advanced human. That’s where I see us going. How long it’ll take us to get there, I don’t know, but I’m pretty determined to experience at least another 50 percent of our potential.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I am there right with you because I see a lot of friends, colleagues, and practitioners using just frequencies to get all of their nutrients. So it makes sense to me when using this kind of universal consciousness frequency, maybe you can even bypass that.


Jewels Arnes

When I tap into my quantum body and I’ve had the experience of it just at a very advanced level, I’ve had some pretty crazy things happen. But what I find is that it’s true. There’s no need for even air at that point. And if you really think about it, you could go, “Oh, that’s just so beyond I can’t even,” but if you just sit back and if everything is vibrating at 963 and you’re holding consciousness there, you’re having the experience of that frequency. Nothing is separate. Everything is that frequency. And so why would we need to have another frequency in order to become whole? It does make a lot of sense if we just see it in that way. I’m ready. I’m all in.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and I think that definitely over the next few decades, we’re going to, I believe, move into more of an age of peace, like an Age of Aquarius, and people are going to be ascending to higher consciousnesses. Some people, faster than others. But yeah, there are people on this planet that are vibrating at a very high consciousness level, the breatharians. And there are a lot of very special beings on the planet that are imparting new information to the planet and also, I feel, don’t have the same physical requirements as other people because they’re employing frequency-based technologies like this. I’m actually flying tomorrow to see a dear friend of mine, Dr. Michael Rankin, and he wears a necklace that has all the frequencies for your vitamins and minerals, so he doesn’t take supplements anymore. Yeah. And that’s just one example of new technologies out there that you can use to move beyond that physical plane of your body and a way of thinking beyond. That physical plane and having to address everything physically with diet, nutrients, and exercise, and there are other ways or easier ways you can go about tending to your body and your health and your consciousness and your beauty.


Jewels Arnes

I love that, I’d be curious to see. So, I’m going to have to sit in that, see my mind wants to connect to that and be like, “Oh, what else could we do with that?” Because what I love about tapping into the world of frequency is it doesn’t even matter what it is; everything is possible because we release the density of everything, and such a big part of us is frequency. And if we start to focus on that, we really start to tap into what we would think is impossible as possible. And these are just the little stepping stones of getting there because what we’re about to open up to in the next 10, I honestly don’t think it’s going to take that long, but let’s just say 10 to 20 years, we’re going to look back at this interview and go, “Oh yeah, they were tapping in, but this is what it really is.” And that’s what’s really exciting.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes. Why don’t you tell us what your website is and where we can try your bioquantum products.


Jewels Arnes

You’ll go to, and we’ll have the products that we talked about here today there. So, just for quick reference, you’ll also receive 22 percent off your first order. And then there are some different ways that you can go to the YouTube channel, to our Instagram, and tap in these areas. It is a lot of information that can be a little overwhelming. And so, it’s fun to just sit in the frequency and feel into other ways that you can play in that space.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, fantastic. So, everyone, thanks so much for tuning in to the Meyers Detox Podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Meyers, and I love bringing you experts from around the world to teach you how to upgrade your health in so many different ways. And I know a lot of you guys tuning into this were thinking, “Oh, I’m going to be talking about, I know so many of you tuning into this thought I was going to be talking about like a new skincare line,” but we talked; we went way above that realm, just the physical skin realm. So thanks for tuning into the show. Thank you, and I’ll see you next week.



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein if you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.

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