Transcript #540 Vibrotactile Technology for Weight Loss, Pain and Amazing Skin With Sterling Hill

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#540 Vibrotactile Technology for Weight Loss, Pain and Amazing Skin

with Sterling Hill



Sterling Hill

I’ve gotten labs before, Super Patch, labs after. I no longer have my platelets. I no longer have bacterial overloads. My D-dimer is perfect. My C-reactive protein is perfect. These are things I couldn’t get rid of because of all these toxins mast cells, so I could hardly take any supplements. This has been a life changer for me.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Sterling, thanks so much for joining us. 


Sterling Hill

Hi. Nice to see you, Wendy. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Hi. So, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the health industry? 


Sterling Hill

Years ago, Right before making the age of 25, I got in a very serious car accident where I fractured C3 through C7, fractured my lumbar, and my spinal cord doesn’t go like this anymore, it clings on my left inner carotid, and that’s caused issues because I have more pain and that’s a connective tissue disease, of course, and so I went through several carotid dissections and I ended up on hospice. I just knew that the only thing that I could do is reach out to the alternative health community. I didn’t want to shorten my years and then also destroy my heart, my organs and my mitochondria with narcotics. So I have to go through this route. I developed a mast cell on top of it after all the surgeries and the repairs and then refusing to get the titanium. I knew I wouldn’t make it with titanium because the other surgeries just did a lot of damage to my pathways detoxing as well and a lot of organ damage and the only route for me was going alternative. And here I am today. I am narcotic-free, Because of its mechanical issues, I still have some issues, but it’s nothing that I can’t handle. I live on a lot of property, I take care of my five fur angels, I have four grandchildren, I can run circles around teenagers now.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I’ve known you for a long time, it’s been going on maybe 15 years now. And I know the health struggles that you have had and continue to have as a result of this, the residual effects of this car accident and other things. But I was really surprised when you came to me and you told me about this new product you’re using called Super Patch that completely was a game changer. And I totally trust you because you’re a genetics expert. You are the founder of and you’ve written, I mean, just volumes about genetics and how they work. You’re not messing around, when it comes to health and how to address health. And so when you told me about this patch, I was like, “okay, I’ve heard of some other patches before.” and I didn’t get too excited about those, but when you told me about the results with Super Patch, I was like, okay, you have my attention. So why don’t you tell us a little bit about Super Patch and what it is exactly. 


Sterling Hill

Super Patch uses vibrotactile technology, a sensation, a braille pattern. It doesn’t use any drugs or anything. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Okay. So you said it’s a braille pattern. So it has kind of a bumps. It’s a pattern on a patch and you put it on your skin. 


Sterling Hill

And it uses the PAS 1 gene and this gene is electric and magnetic and it works on your ion channels. So it directly works with calcium ion channels that are impacted by and other types of…. also allows potassium and sodium ions to pass through and do their magic, and there’s also an interaction between PAS on collagen type 2, which was important for me with I’m having more fair. PAS1 protein can also be found in the nerve receptors of the skin cells where this technology then what it does is it kind oF wherever you put the patch at, for instance, I have here and it’ll go up absolutely drug-free supplement-free and it can talk to you as a protein and in the nerve receptors and rise up to this brain stem here. And it can recalibrate your brain waves to normal activities, sometimes in seconds, the PAS or the protein is actually found throughout the body and is crucial for life. The inventor Jay Dhaliwal looked at the brainwaves of 250,000 individuals. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Oh, so can you repeat that? What’s his name? What’s the founder’s name again?


Jay Dhaliwal. so Jay was a software engineer and his mother had EMS (Eosinophilia-myalgia Syndrome) and she had been dealing with it for over 40 years, 25 years in a wheelchair. So he started looking at these brainwaves and we’re not saying it cured EMS because we cannot make this disease claims, but after doing these patches. For several months out, her EMS labs came back normal and the good thing about these patches is as long as it’s not a mechanical issue like mine, they can become accumulative over time. When he looked at these 250 individuals and was able to identify the signaling of healthy people versus unhealthy people. That’s how it happened. Vibrotactile technology is contact-based technology. And every different Super Patch is a distinct, rigid pattern that sends a unique neural signal. When the pattern touches the skin, it triggers a sensation and sends the information to the brain and the nervous system processes that information, leading to all sorts of wellness benefits.


It’s like words that come out of your mouth. Patterns can also be harmful or good. Many people talk about the connection between the gut and the brain, but they fail to understand that there is also a connection between the skin and the brain. Have we talked about the aura, bio-field, soul? PAS means pressure and it’s electric. This protein, this gene, is electric and magnetic. This protein actually is your aura or your bio-field or your soul, whichever you feel comfortable talking about. I like to say soul. Right now, with all this positive, I am getting a 5G and other forms of radiation we’re having. We are having holes penetrated through our aura, bio-field, a. k. a. soul. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, and that’s really interesting. I know you’re an absolute, you’re an expert on EMF and 5G. And we are absolutely being pummeled. We’re absolutely being pummeled with EMF every single day. These negative frequencies interfere in our natural bio-field and brain waves and have devastating health effects that are, this EMF’s is increasing our environment. It has increased over time. And we’re seeing dramatic effects, across the board with our physical health. so, it’s interesting. I find it very interesting. The conversation that you’re having. Around the patches and what they’re doing and how they’re working on the body. Tell us more about this technology, because you mentioned that, in the patches, they have this technology that the founders of this technology won a Nobel prize for.


Sterling Hill

A group of doctors in 2021 won the Nobel prize, discovering how it works. Actually, Yale University has developed a glove that goes on the hand of the people with Parkinson’s and all it has is the Braille on the tips of the fingers. And these people with Parkinson’s lay in a bed for 2 hours in the morning, and then they get up and they don’t have all the shakes and the tremors. Now, the next day, when they wake up, they start to shake and tremor again, they have to put the glove back on. That one is FDA-approved. These are actually FDA registered, and the reason it didn’t FDA approve, he didn’t want to wait another 20 years for these to come out in the FDA register and you don’t want to compete with Yale anyway, they’re going to bring you out and do the best. Right? But it’s amazing how this technology works and there’s no nanotech. There’s no drugs. There’s no supplements on these. It’s just medical-grade hypoallergenic adhesive that goes on to the skin and the Braille sometimes takes about 24 hours, takes around 24 hours to wear it down. So if you’re wearing them for more than 24 hours, they’re actually not working. You don’t want to trap the skin for that long either because you start to sweat and detox under the skin and you’ll get nasty things on your skin. So you want to change them every 24 hours. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. I found that too, when I’d wear the patches, if I wore them too long, trying to get the most use out of them, I would start getting kind of like a little rash and redness under the skin. And you don’t want that. So I think you do have to take them off, change them, move them around different places and things like that. Super interesting technology, there’s braille on the skin that is in the super patches. Change your brainwaves. They send new information to your brain and body to elicit certain changes. And so let’s go over what some of those benefits are. So the main patch that people wear, it’s called the liberty patch. What are the kinds of benefits of this patch?


Sterling Hill

Studies have shown that these Vibrotactile patterns can improve the balance by 31% and strength by 18%. He has studies on all of his patches.. It can improve people’s balance by 31%. I mean, I’ve actually done this with people. they’ll come into my house and I’ll tell them to put their arms straight down and I’ll just bend them over real easily and then not even within seconds of putting on this patch. I do it and I can’t move them and then I take it off and then I tip them over again within seconds I’ll put it back on. Actually, we also have proof of this. It’s in Jay’s research where they have put somebody under an MRI machine. And they see part of those metabolism on the brain, then they pull them out. They put this patch on them within minutes to the MRI. They’re perfect metabolism in the brain. 100%. Okay, just by sending a signal to your brain. With braille technology, believe it or not, this is amazing. It’s also worth noting that the Liberty Super Patch, it’s FDA registered and it’s made in the USA. It’s been reported to provide other benefits, such as more energy, better recovery, and reduced fall risk. And, like I said, under the MRI, the glucose metabolism, we watch people all the time, Wendy. We know for a fact that putting the cell phone up to your head for more than 15 minutes causes poor glucose metabolism in the brain for up to 2 weeks.


Dr Wendy Myers

And that’s important. When you think of your brain that is using 20% or more of your energy, what you’re eating, what you’re getting from the sunlight and energetically, you don’t want anything compromising your brain glucose, your cellular metabolism, cause your brain’s not going to function as well. No wonder your brain fogged and exhausted, not sleeping, etc. And so I just see so much promise, for these patches and having such simple solutions. I’m like everybody else. I like really simple, super effective solutions, highest return on investment, whatever I’m doing. And so all you do is, just peel this patch off and you’re going to put it on my arm.. Like you had it on your arm, that’s all you do. Or you can put it on your back. I put it on my back too, so it’s not, kind of in the way or annoying me or getting wet.


Sterling Hill

I like to change them up. Sometimes I have ’em across my stomach. If I know I’m not gonna be going out, running around too much, and I’m laying around the house, I’ll put ’em across my stomach or back, or my legs. I like to change them up. ’cause you detox through the skin and you don’t wanna keep them in the same spot all the time. Especially if you’re trying to detox something there. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Yes. And so the Liberty patch that helps with balance. I think, so this is kind of like a base patch. Correct? you need to wear this one. This is kind of like the foundational patch and then you need to wear this. It is the foundation. I get some of the most difficult cases, the people that are at the near end and what we did that is with a few people, children and young adults with autism. Is that we actually had to put peace and defend on them first, before we could bring in the liberty. The liberty was a little too happy for them at first, but a couple of months after wearing the piece and defend, we could put the liberty on them. Not all. Not all children and young adults with autism, but here are quite a few that, and if you think about it, what. That’s really traumatic. These kids have been traumatized. So that would make sense that we’d have to put peace on them first and then defend for proper blood flow. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Yes. And yeah, you mentioned this peace patch. So I have this peace patch as well and It does what it says. It makes you feel more peaceful. It’s exactly the label. 


Sterling Hill

The Liberty patch. So does that help with immunity or what else? Are there any other benefits to the Liberty patch? 


Sterling Hill

I’d go more for that, but Liberty, just like I had a friend, and he was holding up his glass and he was like this and he forgets.. And I said, “What’s going on with you?” And he told me he was having tremors. He didn’t know what was going on. And so I had them in my hearse and we were out at a picnic table in town, sitting down talking. And I just put 1 on his arm, 1 of the Liberty patches and a few minutes later, he’s doing this and I said, “Do you notice your hands aren’t shaking anymore?” And he was like, the happiest person, realizing that Liberty did that for him. That’s amazing. We can’t make any disease claim, so I’m not going to tell you what disease he had, but I’m going to say that his gate is unsteadiness. It was improved. Tremendously within a few minutes.


Dr Wendy Myers

Yeah, so this helps with neurological stuff like just maybe it seems like it helps with neuropathy or anything where you’re having trouble with communicating brain communication with your body. 


Sterling Hill

Yeah, that way it is. This is one way we can have people that have some severe pain.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Okay. Okay. Yeah, let’s talk about that So let’s talk about freedom. So you just held up the freedom. I have a story about the freedom patch. I had my brother’s wife over at the house and she was in a ton of pain. They just drove eight hours and she had a hip replacement and she just has a lot. Deals with a lot of pain constantly. I put the Liberty patch and the freedom patch on her and she was almost crying. She was like, I haven’t been out of pain in an entire year and she didn’t feel any pain because of the freedom patch and she was completely blown away. She owns a massage school and has all kinds of people working on her, massaging her and doing all this stuff but the liberty and the freedom got her out of pain. It definitely got her attention. 


Sterling Hill

Yeah, it does get attention. For me myself, you see, I have one right here right now when I was a little kid, I used to climb trees and I plopped out of one. I broke all this up in here and, as we get older, sometimes we start to feel that inflammation from where we had broken bones or fractures or something. The other day I was weeding and carrying that heavy weed eater with your hand and stuff and I woke up this morning. Oh, boy, I couldn’t feel my fingers and I put this here and now look, it’s just wonderful. Now, sometimes I’ll move the wrong way and hear a pop in my neck. This girl ain’t getting any titanium anytime soon.


Okay. And so later on, I said, “oh, I’m going to sweat him off right now. I’m still doing your work. There’s a lot of work here.” later on, I just put one. Because it was hurting down this way. I popped it. So I put one back here right before bed. And then I put one over my shoulder. Now with freedom, you want to get as close to the pain as you can all the other ones. You can put it anywhere. I actually had my sister, she was limping and I’m like, “What’s happening?” She said my knee was up and now it hurts and I said, “wait a minute.” And I put a freedom patch right above her knee. Cause you don’t want to put it on the knee. You’ll bend the braille or ruin it. And for a minute, she said, “I feel better now.” We’ve had people with some complex issues. We had a man who had cut his finger with an exacto knife. He was a car detailer, and he was moving a car seat and an exacto knife under a car seat. not a good thing, but it happened. He had to get tendon surgery. they were actually getting ready to cut his nerve. He had been laying in bed with his hand up like this. And For a year and a half while his fiancée was working 3 jobs, they found us and it was about 8 days into wearing. He would put freedom right? Right here. They put freedom right here on both sides and about 8 days into wearing them. He called up his boss and said, “I’m better. I’m ready to go back to work.” I just have some atrophy, but now he’s able to do physical therapy to work on the atrophy now. But he’s able to work now, so his. Fiancée doesn’t have to work 3 jobs anymore and We have stories like that all the time. We have another lady. She had endometrial surgery. And the scar tissue, she had 19 surgeries, I believe. Endometrial surgeries, I guess they didn’t catch it fast enough and it went to her other organs. But, during the COVID lockdown, she was used to going and getting red light therapy after the surgery because she’d hit filled nerve pain. she wasn’t allowed to go in and get the red light therapy and she didn’t have red lights up around. So she was a couple of years prisoner in her own home. And at first, she put on the patches and she was like, “no, I don’t see there was” we were like, “give it some time, give it some time.” So about a week later, she went back into using them after about 10 days of wearing them. She was able to sleep with a sheet over her stomach again. She was able to wear underwear and pants again. She actually got on an airplane and flew to Orlando from California to meet Jay. and she was actually having to lay in the house, women dressed in that. They would touch her belly. Isn’t that amazing? 


Dr Wendy Myers

Oh, wow. Yeah. I mean, I know you’ve told me so many stories over the last year since you introduced me to the patch. I’ve heard so many stories like we’ve had so many conversations and, it’s just really, it blows my mind. I mean, it sounds really unbelievable, but these are all true stories. like I said, I saw it with my brother’s wife and. I just heard almost, not instantly, but just very quickly, a few minutes, out of pain or dramatic reduction in pain, just blown away. Let’s talk a little bit. I like this patch. Let’s talk about defend and what this can do. 


Sterling Hill

Dr. Susan, good friend of mine, Susan Clinton, She left allopathic medicine years ago, a stay at home mom, and she started looking under the microscope at people’s blood and saw that blood was clumping a lot. All these people had clumped blood. She could see, she said, everybody has Lyme disease, everybody. And, the more clumped blood, the more low blood clumping, the more it’s ticking. It’s pretty bad, the worse. These pathogens, these anaerobes, these bacteria cannot get out of the body. the defend patch, we have scientific proof that it literally, when you put it on the skin, Susan is seeing it. She has a dark field microscope. She does it on her own on herself. She doesn’t do it on other people, but she’ll look at her blood under the microscope and it’s clumping. And then 20 to 30 minutes after putting on a defend patch. She takes her blood, puts it back under the dark field microscope and the red blood cells are unclogged and the white blood cells and everything’s just moving and it’s just so amazing how this technology works. It’s unbelievable now, with my past history of micro plotting, I believe when I had the 24 units of blood many years ago, with all this stuff that was going on that I got everybody’s toxins. Right? Because they don’t test for everything. And I got their toxins, and all their other stuff. that they had, and I never felt right after the blood transfusion. It was 24. Units of blood, probably from 24 different people. This was many years ago. And then I developed serious blood clotting issues from it. And, actually I wear 3 of them, because I just have so many issues. I wear 3 of them and your immune system starts working when the blood’s unclogging. Dr. Susan can look under the microscope and she can see. Oh, wow. Look, there’s a, let’s grab in that baby. right there, she can identify the different pathogens in people’s blood because she’s a doctor. And it’s just so amazing how these benefits so many people. I’ve gotten labs before, Super Patch, labs after. I no longer have my platelets. I no longer have bacterial overloads. My D-dimer is perfect. My C-reactive protein is perfect. These are things I couldn’t get rid of because of all these toxins mast cells, so I could hardly take any supplements. This has been a life changer for me.

Dr Wendy Myers

Okay, I’m going to, I have my different patch right here. I’m going to put mine on right now because I just got off a plane from Mexico. I was in Mexico for the weekend, getting some, my, some medical equipment, this Equiscope that I own. And so I feel like there’s probably some cooties on the plane and I’m dealing with some mold in my house as well. So I think I’m going to give my immune system an extra little boost, with the defend patch, So let’s talk about ignite. I have to say this, I’m a little shallow on this, but this is my favorite patch. So let’s talk about what an ignite does for your metabolism. 


Sterling Hill

Basically what the ignite does is that it raises your metabolic 25%. Now, when Jay, the owner, is talking about the inventor of these, when he’s talking about this, he says, You can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. huh. Don’t eat whatever you want. It’s toxic. Okay? Eat good food and still lose weight. 


Dr Wendy Myers

yeah, and that’s for me. I like to do whatever I can. I’m doing a 10-day fast right now. I just started today. And so I just need to do it like a total. I feel like I need to do a complete reboot right now. And so I’m adding the ignite to that as well. It’s going to speed up my metabolism and not that I’m eating anything, but, I think it’s just, I really have this patch a lot. I think it’s really effective. I’ve worn it before. I had a period where I wasn’t wearing the patches because I just moved and it’s just been really chaotic and whatnot. So I didn’t have my patches with me and I was just kicking myself. I didn’t bring them on my move. And so let’s talk about the REM patch.


Sterling Hill

The REM patch. Now that’s the only one you only want to wear for 12 hours. You want to put it on an hour or two before bedtime and then take it off when you wake up. So don’t wear it more than 12 hours. And it takes about 12 days to start for you to see the benefits. Okay. It takes about 12 days. Now me, It’s the first time I used it and I had five dreams back to back. They were white, fluffy, funny. And then they, one of them, I woke up in the middle of it and I’m like, “Oh, let me go back to sleep and get back to that dream.” You ever have those dreams you want to get back to? 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. And I think so many people today have trouble with sleep. I mean I’m just blown away when I tell people what my sleep regimen is. It’s all these things and equipment and mats and supplements and all kinds of things and the REM is part of that. The REM patches, before I went on, before I moved, the REM was for sure part of that. And, I, it’s just amazing to me when I, like I said, when I tell people when I do go to sleep, that because so many people have trouble with sleep, even those that are trying really hard, I still struggle with sleep.


Sterling Hill

Sometimes it depends on the stress we’re under that we bring with us to sleep too. Like me, I don’t like to eat after 5 o’clock. I only like to have water after 5 p.m. And I have a mattress because of the neck injury and a little bed thing that goes up and down. And actually, that mattress was the first mattress I could lay flat on my back since 1994. I love this mattress. But those things that I have, I have my Harmony on, I have my REM patch on, I have a scalar pyramid that puts an alpha and beta in my bedroom to relax You all the things that we go through to get proper sleep. and I make sure the wifi is plooop. No blue light. That’s the worst thing people can do is do blue light while they’re sleeping while they’re getting ready to go to bed. That’s horrible. 


Dr Wendy Myers

It’s like everyone’s doing it. Everyone’s just on their phone on Instagram just until they go to sleep, which is horrible. but I love the REM patch. This is such an easy thing to do and super effective. You got to get that REM sleep, that rapid eye movement sleep. To get that deep restorative sleep, so that’s going to facilitate that. And then let’s talk about the focus patch. Can you talk about that one? Cause I think again, we’ve all had trouble with our brain waves and focusing and concentration. We all need that, for our best performance, optimal performance. 


Sterling Hill

Yeah. I’m waiting for my other pack of focus to get here. I love it so much because I’m in the middle of moving and phone calls, interviews, work, bills, this and moving is stressful in itself and I’m doing 20 things at once. And sometimes I’ll get there and I’ll get stuck and I’ll be like, oh, and when I have that focus, it’s like. All right, no, this has got to go in this order. That’s got to get in that order. I have more clarity, more executive decisions on what I should do first and second and third. Then, without the patch, as we age we develop toxins, and different things go on in the brain. We’re living in a toxic world right now. We can do the best we can, but we still, if we’re not. Yeah, I hate to say it. If we’re not using these things we’re in trouble and I’m not going to go and take Adderall. That’s just. That stuff is horrible in my opinion. I would rather use braille technology where Jay took Brainwaves of people who had ADHD and brain waves of people who didn’t. And he was able to get the signature and put it in braille and put it on the skin. And hey, It works. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Yeah. Fantastic. It really does. It’s really fascinating. It continues to fascinate me how well these patches work. And then we also have one called Lumi. So this one is the one I actually didn’t know about because this one, I guess apparently just came out before I bought this last batch of my super patches. So tell us what Lumi does. This one I’m very interested in. So tell us what it does. 


Sterling Hill

It actually helps your skin glow. Actually, it does more than that. We have a doctor who is a surgeon. She was at the Super Patch launch and she was showing her findings with Lumi and some of the other patches. Defend and liberty were really in piece were really important for me was key because we have endothelial skin and epithelial skin. What she notices, a lot of her patients that had severe gut disorders and stuff, they got better, got motility with Lumi because the skin isn’t only on the outside guys. When Susan interviews with her, I’ll let her show you my picture. I dropped a ceramic coffee cup mug. On my ceramic tile, and I went to grab it before it fell, but it went back up and it cut my wrist. And I was like, “oh, no, it’s 11 at night. I’ll go to urgent care if I need a stitch, but I will not go to an emergency room.” I was doing butterfly stitches there. And I put on Lumi, and it was like.  The before and after pictures, and I mean, I cut my wrist where I needed stitches and I don’t even have a scar here anymore. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Do you think it would help with existing scars? 


Sterling Hill

Yeah, and what I have noticed is, marfan is the one that runs my family. Guys, my mother had 3 brain aneurysms from marfan, so it’s pretty serious in our family. I had these just crazy amounts of stretch marks, and I can remember my OB GYN telling me, “Oh, you’re not using lotion I told you to put on your belly.” And I’m like, “you don’t understand what we did. No, we had marfan in the family.” And I’m like, Jack Ritter, that’s how he died. The actor, and they discovered it after he died, it’s in his family. I noticed that I have probably been wearing it every day for 3 months now. I have about a 40%decrease and then I even have a friend of mine. Who has a son, a 36 year old son of autism is nonverbal, wears diapers. And he got an ingrown hair on his head, and it caused a big cyst to happen. He brought him to the dermatologist because he was worried it was getting too big. He didn’t want to get infected. And the dermatologist said, because he’s nonverbal autism and stuff, I don’t want to traumatize him. It’s not infected. Keep an eye on it. It gets infected. We’ll do something, but I don’t want to traumatize him. He got the Lumi, and He called me up and he said, you’re not going to believe this. I just put one on him and that lump is down by about 40% in 2 weeks about after I put me on him. That lump that ingrown hair was. Boom, it was amazing. I just see the benefits for the skin to glow too. We’ve had a couple of seniors show before and after pictures. Of them putting on the Lumi and 20 minutes later, their wrinkles are lifted. They have a shot. I’m a grandmother. I’m actually a senior now. Okay. And, with everything I’ve been through, you gotta look.


Dr Wendy Myers
Yeah, I was gonna say, Sterling, like you look a lot different. You look younger, like tan and younger than you did on previous episodes where I’ve had you on. I see a marked improvement in your skin and your overall health. And you telling me about all your just because you’re a personal friend about all your trials and tribulations with your health It’s just amazing the amount of dramatic improvement. I see in your very serious health issues And then this improvement in your skin and all the different genetic issues I know that you’re battling with and just You With all of your knowledge of health and everything that you have done, how you’ve turned to these patches as the solution to sell all this stuff that you’ve been dealing with. And it’s just such an easy thing to do.


Sterling Hill

Because I don’t have good connective tissue and stuff. I’m not saying that this is going to cure Marfans because we cannot make any plans, but knowing that this works on type, on collagen 2 receptors. They all wear it. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Yeah, I’m gonna be buying that as soon as we get off the podcast. I wish I had known about it because I could have made you know, maybe spoke to my experience with it. But what about liver spots or any kind of spots on the skin. Do you think it helps with that at all? 


Sterling Hill

I don’t really have a lot of spots on the skin to know with me, but I know that a lot of people have, older people that we’ve met, say that they see some lightening going on as they’re wearing it because it’s so new. It’s only been out for about 4 months. Maybe that, but they’re starting to see lightening of the skin. Is it amazing how you can take a brain wave? Here’s this person with liver spots. Their brain waves look like this. And here’s this person without liver spots. Their brain waves look like this. And let’s put it on Braille and let’s see if it works. He puts these all through studies. He spent 6 million dollars on studies. And guys, the NFL is even using Victory and Freedom. The NFL right now, NFL football players are using Victory and Freedom. 


Dr Wendy Myers

That’s amazing. Who are some other sports teams or doctors or other people that are using the super patch?


Sterling Hill

I know there’s a professional soccer player that uses it. they like, they love the victory and the freedom the victories for athletic performance, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to be an athlete to use it. For instance, because I’ve got 5 acres out there, I’ve got to get on a mower. And then I’ve got a big yard. I’ve got a mountain. Then I’ve got to go all around the property all around my trees with this big old heavy weed eater. yeah, I put on that victory. I get boom, I can mow a lawn twice as fast with the victory on, so you don’t have to be an athlete to use it. It’s just, it’s going to give you that extra. Actually people who exercise love to put on the victory too, because they see, they get more power with it, we’ve seen that people have said that they, They don’t feel as much like the gas builds up either. When they wear the victory now, we don’t have any studies on that, but that’s what they say. Now, I, myself, I know myself, I don’t feel as much likely to build up on a hard day out in the sun in the country, working on a lot of property. But now, as far as doctors go, one of my best friends is a doctor and he just opened up his functional clinic. Here in Louisiana he’s one of the top doctors in Louisiana. And because of the way things are going, he’s going straight to functional medicine as many doctors are right now, and he just opened up his clinic while he was a doctor on Wednesdays, he would have a clinic. And he started putting patches on these patients for different things. And, his patients with the unsteady gait and the trembling and stuff, they were like, give them, maybe a week’s worth of liberty. Let’s say. And then they’d be like, oh, I’m all better. And then a couple of days after they ran out to Liberty, they’re like, calling him back up. “I need some more Liberty patches.” He sees that the people see they’re getting better than they want to stop. Now, they do become accumulative over time. If it isn’t something mechanical, these work on the vagal nerve response, fight or flight. The joy and the peace is really good. Peace: Dr. Toker, the colorectal surgeon. She said with peace. She said, you wouldn’t believe how adrenals affect people’s gut function. And when she puts the piece on them, it kind of calms down what’s going on. arrive in their gut function. Adrenals are huge on gut function. I know this myself. I had adrenal issues with all the stuff I’ve been through. No trauma, and I wear peace on a daily basis. Peace and joy are liberty, defend, lumi, peace and joy are my top ones that I wear. I, those are the ones I cannot do without all the other ones . I add in for whatever, if I have a little pain, I’ll add in freedom or if I had something big, I have to focus on my Sunday classes that I teach to doctors.


I teach, Different genetics and stuff like that and epigenetics of what’s going on. I wear that focus. 


Dr Wendy Myers

I just put the peace and joy on my chest. I’m like, why not? Why not? I just add a little peace and joy, and just bring my stress levels down and I’ve got peace there and joy here. And so you, when we were talking before the show, you were talking about a new, another new patch that’s out that helps with “male performance”, which I think is going to be very interesting for the men and women listening. Tell us about that one. 


Sterling Hill

So a friend of mine in the company sent me 3 packs of the “rocket”. I’m a single woman. So  I asked my married friend’s husband and say, “you want to try some rocket?” I mean, their wife is like “why is he coming after me?” So I have one single friend, my friend in New Orleans, and I sent him a pack of “rocket”. And, they say that people under 40, just when they wear rocket up to 4 on average for 4 different patches, change it every 24 hours 1 patch and then 24 hours later another 4 times you do that. They are a bit more bigger and then, and then they say between 40 and 60 about 12 days to 14 days. And then over 60, they say the whole 28-day pack, change them every 24 hours. My friend that i’m talking about. He’s 64. We grew up together. We’re childhood friends. It was so funny.  I predict where he i like. “It works for me.” He said, it works. It works, 


Dr. Wendy Myers

I hear you channeling him. “It works”. 


Sterling Hill

Oh my God. Yeah. he is a 36 year old with autism, single dad, and, a lot of stress also, a lot of stress that, that can affect it, and, but for it to work so fast on him, I think it’s because he tries to eat as clean as he can and do a lot of meditation and praying too.


Dr Wendy Myers

yes. And so that’s great. I mean. I love these drug-free, simple interventions and they’re not that expensive either. I think each bag comes with 28 patches. They’re still $60, correct? 


Sterling Hill

This is how it works. Okay. So when you’re a first-time customer, you can go to my site, and you can order the first time, you’ll get 25% off. After that, for a one-time $50 fee, you can become an associate. You don’t have to sell them guys. You don’t have to get people under you and say, “Hey, I wanna sell you a super patch”. You can just get that $50 associate fee after that and you get a free pack. A 28-day pack of Liberty valued $60 retail. And then, For example, a freedom on top of that, which is 11.50. so that’s 71.50 for that 50. And for that whole year, you can get 25% off all your patches. Then they’ve got other people who want to try for the whole family. Other practitioners may want to go in. Looking at how these work, they can buy these bundle packages like you got, they have a wonderful package. It’s an army package and, It has 2 and 3 of 20 days of all the patches, except for Lumi and rocket or so new. They have not put them into the packages. Yeah. Any of the bundle packages have changed that yet. But, that’s how you can do that. And then the following year after that day, you buy that $50 thing. They only charge you 25 dollars a year to keep that 25% off. I think that’s a much better deal. Go in like a customer. And get 25% off, get as many as you want at 25% off that you want to try and they all have a 30-day money-back guarantee for anybody who wants to return them that are not satisfied. That Liberty has been found to work on 100% of the people. 100% of the time. All the other ones have been found to work on 95% of the people, 95% of the time and all his studies, he will not put out a batch without a study. And he spent 6M dollars on studies alone, not only on the development of these, but on studies alone, $6M. 


Dr Wendy Myers

Fantastic.  Yeah. And then they, the proof is in the pudding. I mean, there’s so many stories of people, having dramatic improvements, with these patches. And so, you said go to buy them, go to And that’s, your link. That’s your personal link because that’s your website, the, like the genetic mutation. So  go check that out. And like I signed up as an associate so that I could, get my percentage off and I went crazy and I bought. I think I bought 2, 000 worth, but I bought a bunch and then I sent some to my business partner as well. I wanted him to try those and, and yeah, and so I’m definitely, I’m going to get it when we get off the recording here, I’m going to go get some Lumi and I’m definitely interested in anything that has to do with skin or collagen. Definitely interested in that, especially in menopause, I’m going to be 52 this year. I’m looking at whatever I can do to optimize collagen. I have an estrogen patch I’m using, taking collagen, in my food, and eating animal protein. And now, I want to add this patch as well. I do all kinds of other things too, definitely interested in the Lumi patch as well. So again, everyone go to get your patches, try them out for yourself. There’s a money-back guarantee. So Sterling, anything else you want to tell people about the patches?


Sterling Hill

This guys, it’s so important, especially when you have these ultra-sensitive people out there that can’t do anything. I just feel these are so important. Now, Dr. Susan and I, and a few of our other colleagues that do this as a business, because I mean, I actually own my patches for myself now, because so many people bought on to me and bought on to me…


That my patches pay for myself now, but, When we see, like, all the improvement, we have a few of us that have gotten together and we have these weekly meetings. We have nightly meetings and then we have to advance for the practitioner. We have an advanced course that I teach on Sundays.


I will not be teaching it for the next 3 Sundays because I’m in the middle of moving. And that’s my only day that I can pack to get ready to move my only day off. I think it’s great. You provide a lot of training and support for people, for anyone that wants to learn about this or maybe want to think about adding it to their business, what they’re doing, their health studio or clinic, or if they want to start, if they have new business opportunity or what have you.


something you want to, this is a, it’s called an MLM type, marketing structure and, that doesn’t turn me off at all. I think there’s a lot of really amazing products. that are sold like this and I’m happy to, introduce these to people, when I know that they really work and I’ve seen them for, working for myself and my family and so I have, no problem with that.


Some people get turned off by that, but there’s just, I think it’s a really popular. structure for a business because it really works and people are really motivated to, get these products out there if they can also, help make themselves some income as well. Honestly, I hate multi-level, but this was the first one I saw where it’s unilateral, where I don’t have to worry about balancing those trees and those legs and this and that.


I can just throw them under. Oh, here’s my friend and They don’t make a lot of money. Two people just signed up under me, so I’m going to put it under my friend so and I don’t have to So juggling all this stuff, I just, so I just put people under people to help them out with people that can’t afford the patches every month that are 16 times, especially our seniors that have been buying these things for pain and for stability and balance and focus.


because that’s what happens when you’re a senior or the women that are seniors. We don’t push people. if you call us up and you say, hey, yeah, start sending me to the meetings. Hey, yeah, these are amazing. I do want to sell them and we’ll send you to the meetings and stuff, but we’re not going to sit there and harass you.


Hey, come on. Yeah, you got to just start. This is a business. No, I’d say 75 percent of the people that are. Or under me, just buy these when they want to, you Wendy, they just buy them when they want to. They don’t go and, Start this as a business, and I don’t call them up and push them either, so I’d say 75% just buy under whoever I place them under to help them buy their patches and help them and I just keep on placing people under people under people so eventually their patches get paid for. Yeah, that’s fantastic. That’s great. Yeah, I know you’re very charitable and you just see your work for so long.


I’ve seen you on social media and you just give and give and help people until it hurts. you just really, want to help people and see people get better. And that’s very clear. And I, like I said, you got my attention when you were like freaking out about the super you texting Wendy, you got to see these patches.


I cannot even believe it. you say that you couldn’t believe how your, how much your health had dramatically improved. You cannot compare them to any other patch out there. These are the only patches like them in the world. Braille technology is under there. Actually, Jay embedded his finger on the top of the badge so nobody could break the braille code that it took him millions of dollars.


And to look at the brain, where’s the 250, 000 healthy people and unhealthy people. And, they’re not like the other patches. You don’t have to place them on meridians. there’s no stuff on there. There’s no photon nano lighter or anything like that. It’s just real for the skin guys.


Okay. Super easy. again, Sterling, thanks so much for coming on the show, guys, if you want to get these patches for yourself, go to mthfrsupport. superpatch. com, check them out. I’m going to go get my Lumie right now. Everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Meyers. Thanks for tuning in to the Meyers Detox podcast, where I love doing these shows to give you these tips and clues, little things that I’m doing, things that I’ve vetted.


that you can use to dramatically improve your life, high return on investment, easy to do, super, super effective. That’s what I’m all about. That’s how I approach my health when I’m making my choices for things I do for my health. so thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you guys next week. 



The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guest qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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