Transcript: #109 Water Filters Explained with Igor Milevskiy

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  • 04:32 About Igor Milevskiy and Pure Effect Filters
  • 05:50 Water Contaminants
  • 07:21 Medications in the Water
  • 08:40 Chlorine and Fluoride and Their Health Impacts
  • 11:50 Bottled Water
  • 12:46 Contamination of Groundwater
  • 13:54 Reverse Osmosis Filters
  • 18:44 Distilled Water
  • 20:31 Gravity-Fed Filters
  • 21:54 Carbon Filters
  • 24:22 Radiation and Zeolite
  • 26:02 Pure Effect Water Filters
  • 33:01 Whole Home Filtration System
  • 35:17 Well Water
  • 37:59 Filtered Water
  • 45:48 Pure Effect Water Filter Models
  • 48:19 Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find me on But only go there if you want to live a long, healthy life and learn how to do that. You can find this video podcast on the Youtube channel, WendyLiveto110. I’ve got all kinds of other videos on there, the Modern Paleo Cooking Show and lots of other kinds of instructional videos and well over a hundred episodes of the Live to 110 Podcast. So definitely go there and subscribe.

Today, we have Igor Milevskiy on the podcast today. He is the designer of Pure Effect Filters. These are the water filters that I use myself and that I recommend. So, we’re going to be talking all about water filters. I get hundreds of questions every month about, “What kind of water should I drink?” “What kind of water filters do I use?” Should I drink in plastic or glass?” I got so many questions, so we’re going to be answering all those on the podcast today.

Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature. So please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on the show.

And I’m finally about to launch my new health program called Body Bio Rehab. I’m thrilled that it’s finally going to be launched on May 1st. That’s our target date. It may be a little bit delayed because there are always so many last minute details. We’re trying to make it just perfect. I‘m a perfectionist. So, I want it to be just right. This is the program I’ve been working on for months. It’s all about diet, supplementation, exercise, stress relief, improving your sleep and detoxification.

It’s a pretty comprehensive program and it’s a very good deal. It’s going to be $49 and you’re going to get access to all the different modules that teach you the very basics about health and also a basic supplement plan that everyone should be following that I give to my personal clients that I work with. And it’s going to be giving you a 30-day meal plan.

And this is a great jumping-off point to try the Paleo diet, and see if it works for you. It’s a program that I’ve been working on for a long time. It encompasses all of the information that I’ve learned over many, many years that I’ve been studying nutrition and health. And so, I just want to bring it to you in a nice, tiny, little package.

So go check that out at

Our guest today is Igor Milevskiy. He is the owner and head innovator at Pure Effect Filters. You can find these filters at the Live to 110 Store, at This is a U.S. family-based business which manufactures water filtration systems with some of the most necessary and sought-after features in water filtration.

Igor’s natural love for harmony and nature has driven him to understand chemistry and biology since his very early years. And he’s had about 19 years of experience in working with water, which has taught him that even the slightest dysbalance in your water can hurt organisms. And after seeing that there is really no single water filter that could address all of the issues and known problems with our water supplies, including radiation, fluoride, drug residues, chloramines, and disinfection byproducts, et cetera, Igor, together with his wife began to strive to create a water filtration system that met all of these needs.

And I found the same thing in my research. I just have not been able to find that water filter that does everything until I found Pure Effect Water Filters that was recommended to me by a friend. And these are the water filters that I use and that I’d always recommend to all my clients.

So, I want to have Igor come on the podcast and talk about some of the issues with water filtration and dispel some of the myths about certain filtrations and just really give us all the answers that I know all of you listeners are looking for. Water is a substance of life and we have to drink clean water, if you’re going to be healthy and live to 110.

Igor, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Igor Milevskiy: Thank you for having me, Wendy.

04:32 About Igor Milevskiy and Pure Effect Filters

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how got into designing water filters.

Igor Milevskiy: Okay. Well, I’ve always been into biology, nature. I love plants, animals, and I’ve had a lot of experience taking care of aquarium fish. Saltwater, freshwater, you name it. And one thing that it has taught me over the years is that if there’s something that’s slightly wrong or off with the water, the fish will get sick or they’ll die or they won’t breath. So, the first lesson in my life that I’ve learned in my life is that water is crucial to even the smallest organisms.

And then I carried that over to into taking care of my own water as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: Nineteen years of my life, which has brought me to this point. But definitely, water has been a major factor in my life. And I’ve studied that to find what’s wrong with it, and how to solve that.

Wendy Myers: So, when did you start Pure Effect Filters?

Igor Milevskiy: Pure Effect Filters, the company was created in 2009 and we launched the website in 2010.

Wendy Myers: Okay. And…

Igor Milevskiy: So five years now.

05:50 Importance of Water Filters and Water Contaminants

Wendy Myers: Okay. Why don’t you tell us a little bit about why we want a water filter? How toxic exactly is the water coming out of the tap?

Igor Milevskiy: I don’t want to scare your listeners, but we need to be aware of what we’re putting on our bodies; water being one of the most abundant substances. It’s pretty bad. The more you look, the more you find. And that’s certainly what my experience shows.

The water treatment centers do a good job with what they’re given. They’re not required to look for new and emerging contaminants like drug residues, or certain radioactive contaminants. There are new disinfection byproducts that are coming about like NDMA, which is a result of chloramine disinfection soap.

The water contains all types of chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, disinfection, disinfection byproducts. You have all those mixing together, creating potentially new and unknown chemicals. You have microorganisms that survive disinfection, like antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They disinfect the water so the bacteria become stronger to resist that.

So now, that’s another issue. It’s a pretty big menace. So definitely, water filter will solve that.

07:21 Medications in the Water

Wendy Myers: How do medications get in to the water?

Igor Milevskiy: Well, it’s created from people, when they go to the bathroom. It’s alsowhen people flush their pills into the toilets or when drug companies flush them illegally into the sewer system as well. Associated Press did a study on that. And they’ve tested water districts that supply 30 to 40 million people and they found there were traces of heart medication, anxiety medication, hormones. And of course, it’s highly diluted, but some medications are meant to work at very diluted concentrations. So this is definitely a problem.

Wendy Myers: I know, I guess there’s some people innocently making some lemonade. They’ve got all kinds of medications with their….

Igor Milevskiy: All of the sudden, they’re feeling strange, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It just blows my mind that people still drink tap water. I mean, I’ve done a lot of research on it, but it’s pretty easy information to get that there’s so many toxins in tap water. It’s just insane to drink it, absolutely insane.

Igor Milevskiy: Oh, yeah. Once you become aware, you realize this is not water. This is some kind of medical cocktail.

08:40 Chlorine and Fluoride and Their Health Impacts

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So why don’t we talk about the chlorine and fluoride that’s added to the water in most municipal water sources and how this impacts health.

Igor Milevskiy: Well, chlorine is a double-edged sword. In one aspect, it’s there to help, to prevent your water from growing algae and bacteria before it gets to you, so you can have nice, clean water. And then, the other aspect is that actually, it’s a disinfectant . It’s meant to kill bacteria.

One that I’ve read and researched is that this can potentially kill probiotics in your stomach because it doesn’t select the bad guys, it can also target the good guys, the good bacteria. That’s the double-edged sword aspect.

And also, it mixes with organic matter in the water like decaying leaves or some other things. And it creates byproducts, which are new types of chemicals like chloroform, trihalomethanes and others that also have been found to be not very good for your health. So, what are you going to do? You have to disinfect the water. But then, you have to deal with the consequences. So that’s chlorine and chloramine. Those are the problems with the disinfectants.

Fluoride is highly controversial as you may know. And there’s more and more credible research pointing to the fact that fluoride is not good for you. And I agree. It’s not, not the type that they’re putting in to the water.

There’s a natural form of fluoride called calcium fluoride, which is naturally occurring in nature. And that seems to be benign for the most part. However, when it comes to the synthetic fluorides that the districts add, those tend to be the ones that are of concern. There have been lots of studies by credible people, doctors, scientists that found that it inhibits certain enzymes in the body. Cholinesterase is one of them. It also affects the mind. There was a recent research by Harvard University showing that it lowers IQ.

Certainly, we would like to remove that out of the water, and we do. And the districts are starting to realize that in some places and starting to cut down the amounts that they’re adding and phasing it out entirely. So that’s a good thing.

Wendy Myers: That’s great. Yeah. And not to mention how these halogens, chlorine and fluorine, block the uptake of iodine into the thyroid and reduce thyroid function too.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. And I heard it also affects pineal gland, which is responsible for sleep and weight control and things like that. There are so much question marks and so much potential issues. You really have to careful. Even when you take a toothpaste that has fluoride in it, there’s a warning on the back that says to call the poison control center if you swallow it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: And that should be already a red flag for anybody whose concerned about that.

11:50 Bottled Water

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so, what do you think about bottled water, say, even the premium waters like Fiji, for example?

Igor Milevskiy: No matter how nice bottled water is, no matter how expensive, you don’t know exactly where’s it coming from or what is done to it. That’s number one. And number two is, most of the time it’s put on plastic bottles. So, the water can be perfect, it can be from a pristine spring. But once they put it on that plastic bottle –

And German studies have shown that there are thousands of petrochemicals and hormone disrupters that leach from the bottle plastic into that water. So, essentially, it’s incubating in that plastic for months or weeks, or however long it’s sitting in there, and then you’re drinking it. That’s my concern with plastic bottles. And also the waste, and the expense. It’s a lot cheaper to filter the water.

12:46 Contamination of Groundwater

Wendy Myers: Yeah. What about contamination of ground water, say, there’s lots of springs in the United States like Arrowhead and many other springs? Is there an issue with contamination of chemicals from companies that are dumping these chemicals in the groundwater and cannot seep into the aquifers?

Igor Milevskiy: That’s a very good point, actually. It’s certainly a possibility. You probably know if they’ve been caught or not if you’ve researched that. I know there’s a lot of dumping going on here in New York, where we are. There are companies that have dumped the contaminants into the Hudson river.

And so it happens. There are accidents, there are nuclear power plants that leak. There was a leak a few years ago in Pennsylvania. A nuclear power plant spilled thousands of gallons of radioactive water in the river there. So, we’ve messed up our nature and there’s definitely a possibility that this is going on.

13:54 Reverse Osmosis

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk a little bit about your filters, the Pure Effect Water Filters.

Igor Milevskiy: Sure.

Wendy Myers: These are the filters that I recommend to all my clients because I use them at home. I think they are amazing. I also supplement. I drink spring water as well from glass bottles. But I love the Pure Effect Water Filter as well. I drink that as well. So, how does your filters differ from other water filters in the market? Can you explain what advantages your systems have compared to the common filtration options. Let’s start with reverse osmosis.

Igor Milevskiy: Sure, that’s the most common one, I think. That’s usually what people go for when they really want to get a system. That’s usually what’s recommended. The problem is, based on my research and experience with the different systems is that, reverse osmosis was initially designed to create water for industrial purposes like pharmaceutical manufacturing or electronic manufacturing where de-ionized water, or water without any ions, no minerals, no electrolytes, just pure H2O was necessary, so there’s no interference. And so, that kind of passed on to drinking water.

The problem is it indiscriminately filters out the good stuff as well. So it’ll take out the minerals and electrolytes. What happens then is that your water now becomes acidic because it’s missing its natural buffers like calcium and sodium, for example. And acidic water is corrosive. It’ll react a lot more aggressively with things that come in contact with. So it’ll pick up plastic, it’ll pick up metals a lot easier. And so, there’s that aspect. And acidic water will also be less hydrating according to some research I’ve seen. It can potentially pull minerals out of the body as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I can speak to the poor hydration aspect firsthand because I bought a water filter, reverse osmosis, thinking I was getting the best water filter I could get, filtering out all the toxins out because it gets the toxins out.

Igor Milevskiy: Right.

Wendy Myers: But I would literally drink ten glasses a day and I was still thirsty. After a couple weeks with that, it just dawned on me, something is wrong here. I went and researched and found a lot of information that reverse osmosis water does not hydrate you as well.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. There’s a study done by World Health Organization Research in Czech Republic (it’s actually on our website, on the Frequently Asked Questions page. It’s question number two there) and basically, he’s saying that there have been a lot of neglect as to the nutritious aspect of water. It’s always been, “Going to take everything out, going to clear it out. Filter it. Purify it.” But we’ve forgotten to add things or keep the natural balance.

So our filters certainly factored that in. So they don’t remove those minerals and electrolytes.
In addition, reverse osmosis also tends to be wasteful. So especially if you’re living in California, if you want to conserve water overall, reverse osmosis will generally waste at least two times the amount of water it filters.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: So if you want to create one gallon, you’ve just wasted two. So, that’s also a negative aspect to the RO system.

There are a few other things as well. The membrane is very thin, and it can break. And you may not know it until you do a water test. And you may have impure water coming through because those membranes are very delicate.

So, those are the major aspects I’m not too happy with those types of systems.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because people only get them serviced maybe once a year. A lot of people probably lag and do it every 1.5 or 2 years. You might be drinking toxic water.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. I go on forums often and check what people write and what people are generally thinking and discussing. There was a person who had a reverse osmosis system and he used that to put that in his aquariums when he changed the water. And one day, he did the change, and the fish died. All of his fish died. He didn’t know what’s wrong until he checked the water and his membrane broke. So he was putting water that’s contaminated with disinfectants and other things.

So, until something like that happens, you may not know or you just have to do a test every day to make sure it’s not breaking through.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Oh, the poor fish.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah, what I can I say? You’ve got to use Pure Effect.

18:44 Distilled Water

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk about distilled water. This is the water that many people would drink to detox or what-not. Tell us about some potential issues with distilled water.

Igor Milevskiy: Distilled water is similar to reverse osmosis as far as it takes out the minerals because the minerals are too heavy. They don’t evaporate along with the water vapor during the distillation. However, some volatile chemicals do. There are certain VOC’s that are as light as air or lighter than air or water and they will rise with the vapor into the distilled chamber.

So, there’s the risk of having that and also the demineralization, which acidifies the water just like reverse osmosis.

And also, you’re wasting a lot of electricity. If you’re concerned about that, you’re wasting electricity. And if there’s no power, there’s no distillation. So, it’s not fully reliable in case of power outages as well.

Wendy Myers: Isn’t it hungry water? Can it rob minerals from your body because it has no minerals in it?

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. Water is always looking to find harmony. It’s looking to equalize. So, that’s why it will absorb things into itself until it reaches fulfillment, so to speak, in nature. And when it’s empty, it’s going to react. It becomes acidic. And as you know, acid or acidic things, they tend to corrode and to react with other things. So, water without minerals, I would certainly say that’s not natural water. And I don’t recommend that type of water for drinking.

20:31 Gravity-Fed Filters

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I don’t either, definitely not. So what about gravity-fed filters like the Berkeys and things like that? What are the issues with the gravity-fed filters?
Igor Milevskiy: Okay. Those systems, in my opinion, they’re good for emergencies where you have no water coming out of the faucet or when you have a lot of time and you can wait for that water to drip down and filter with the force of gravity.

The problem is they’re limited to how much water it can filter because they have a reservoir. And if you needed to make a big pot of soup and make some tea, you may not have enough or if you needed some filtered water quickly, you may not have it very quickly. You may have to wait an hour or two depending on the system you get.

But they’re good for emergencies. They’re good for situations where you need to pour water in externally where you don’t have water in a tap.

Wendy Myers: Do they get out metals, heavy metals, and other things that we want to remove from water?

Igor Milevskiy: I believe some of them do. I don’t think all of them do. It really depends on what type of cartridge they have in there. Some of them may just have carbon filter, which is usually not enough to remove the metals. Carbon is mainly for organic chemicals. If they have some heavy metal reduction media, then they will. So, it really depends on what’s in there.

21:54 Carbon Filters

Wendy Myers: Okay. Let’s talk about carbon filters. What are some of the issues with carbon filters? They don’t get out a lot chemicals and things like that, correct?

Igor Milevskiy: Well, it depends. There are different types of carbon. Some of them are very low grade and have different pore structures that are really not effective for chemicals like volatile organics and others. They have a really small molecular size, I should say. A coconut shell carbon would do better than a coal-based carbon. You have to look at the type of carbon that’s in the system.

If you’re just saying activated carbon, that can mean many different types of things. What type of activated carbon is it? If it’s coconut shell, it will remove volatile chemicals well. If it’s coal based, it may remove other things well. If it’s wood based, it may deal with chloramine better. So it really depends.

Our system has all three types, the three chamber units that we offer. They have all three types of carbon to catch the different range of chemical molecules out there. So we achieve the macro, meso, and micro pore structures. So big, smaller and tiny, to catch those molecules.

And also, it is catalytic grade, meaning that the carbon is especially processed to speed up the decomposition of chemicals when it comes in contact with them. So for example, chloramine, which is chlorine and ammonia, it’s a new type  well, it’s not new, but more often being used now as disinfection. Chloramine cannot be removed by regular carbons. It doesn’t matter if it’s coconut shell, wood-based, or coal-based. It needs to be catalytic carbon. It needs to be special grade. And all three of the carbons in our system are catalytic.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Yeah. I just have to say, I really love your filter. I think the water taste great coming out of it. And you seem like you really covered all your bases. When I was shopping around for a water filter, originally, many, many years ago, you’d find a filter and it would get out a lot of things, but then it wouldn’t do fluoride. And you get a filter and it wouldn’t filter heavy metals, but it do chemicals.

24:22 Radiation and Zeolite

Wendy: And yours also filters radiation as well, correct?

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah, wide spectrum. Both positive and negative charged ions. Yeah. It addresses those contaminants as well.

Wendy Myers: So, how did you decide to add a filtration system that filtered out radiation?

Igor Milevskiy: That idea came after Fukushima. I saw what happened in Japan. And I just so happened to come across a unique mineral that is called a Zeolite. I saw its properties and I saw its uses. They used it in Chernobyl. They used it in the Three Mile Island in the United States. They’re using it now in Fukushima.

It has a strong history of being very effective for removing, in particular, cesium and strontium radioisotopes and some others. We’ve secured a food grade especially processed zeolite that has been cleansed of all the impurities (it’s actually double cleansed) and we’ve put it into the system. So now, you have the power to filter out radiation out of your water in case it’s in there. In some places, it’s there, especially well water. It can contain different types of radioisotopes.

Wendy Myers: I love that. I have my clients take zeolite as well because I take it. It’s a wonderful way to grab on to metals and take them out of your body. I didn’t realize it also took out radioactive.

Igor Milevskiy: Yes, certain types of radiations, not all. So, it’s an amazing mineral, I’m sure you know. And it has that pore structure that allows it to catch many different things – pesticides as well. It’s just an amazing substance.

26:02 The Pure Effect Water Filter

Wendy Myers: So, what are some of the other components that you have on your water filters?

Igor Milevskiy: You mean as far as the media inside or technical features?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the medium inside. What is the medium and what does it filter out?

Igor Milevskiy: Okay. Well, I mentioned the three catalytic carbons, three different types. Those address all the different chemicals as far as the organic and synthetic chemicals. We also have the zeolite which takes out radiation and heavy metals. And we also have special, FluoroSorb media, which is a carbon and calcium based media, to absorb the fluoride.

We don’t use aluminum. There are some companies that use activated aluminum, which is basically an oxidized form of aluminum. So we don’t use that. And we also have some natural calcium in the system as well to neutralize any acids and gently raise pH.

Wendy Myers: And do you also have a revitalizer attached to it as well? Does that restructure the water?

Igor Milevskiy: Well, the restructuring happens as it passes through all this media. And so the water, naturally, as it passes through the Zeolite, through the KDF, through the calcium. it actually becomes revitalized because you’ve taken out the interfering chemicals.

You’ve added some negative electrons which come from the KDF55. That neutralizes the positive charge of the water, which is the oxidizing element. And you also added calcium which raises the pH. So, between all those factors combined, that’s what we mean by revitalization. So the water tastes real, it tastes awake, it tastes alive. As you mentioned, you’re enjoying the taste. That’s the result of all these things working in synergy.

Wendy Myers: And your filter also uses a KDF medium.

Igor Milevskiy: Yes.

Wendy Myers: Can you talk a little bit about what that is for? And it’s commonly thought that that can promote copper toxicity in the body. Many think that because KDF medium is made with a copper alloy, that that will cause it to leach copper into the body. Can you talk a little bit about that?

Igor Milevskiy: Sure. Yeah, I’ve certainly heard about that. I’ve seen people concerned about this. We actually went ahead and done an independent test to see the output water from our system versus the tap water. And the tap water naturally contained 0.03 mg/L of copper.

After passing through our system and the KDF, the result came to non-detectable. So there was actually less copper. There was no copper, after the water went through our system. So there’s no leaching. If there was leaching, the test would have showed that. The copper would have increased. And this was a highly sensitive test.

Also KDF works in a way that it shouldn’t leach any copper because it creates a connection with zinc and it’s bonded with zinc kind of like a magnet. And the very purpose of KDF is to remove copper. It’s like a magnet. When you combine those two elements together, it creates an electrochemical reaction. It works like a magnet and it actually pulls copper out of the water.

So, based on my research and based on the testing we’ve done, I have absolutely no concern about any copper leaching.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Yeah, good. That’s a big concern with people. I’ve had a few readers email me, “Doesn’t KDF leak copper?”

Igor Milevskiy: Well, that’s a valid concern because there’s copper in there, but it’s chemically bonded with zinc. We’ve done testing to confirm there’s no leaching. And in case your listeners would like some more reassurance on that, we’ve place the layer of zeolite after the KDF media. And as you know zeolite removes heavy metals.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: So, if there was any leaching or people are concerned about that, the Zeolite will pick that up after the KDF. There would be no copper leaching at all.

Wendy Myers: Because zeolites grabs copper as well, correct?

Igor Milevskiy: Exactly. Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so, can you talk about any other features of your water filter compared to other systems?

Igor Milevskiy: Okay. Well, water ionizers tend to be another big subject people are looking into. They’re very expensive and there are a lot of claims to fame that they’re doing magical things in restoring people’s health. And sure, that can be the case in some people. Personally, I think it’s because of the placebo effect.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, maybe they’re just drinking more water.

Igor Milevskiy: Yes, exactly. But those machines, they shouldn’t really be classified as filters although people do classify them that way. They have a very small filter typically inside. Their main purpose is to artificially alkalize the water meaning that there’s a reaction  I’m not an expert on ionizer, but I’ve learned a little bit. There’s a reaction that occurs with the metal plates inside and electricity. It generates and concentrates the ions, so it raises that alkaline pH forcefully.

And there have been some issues, there’s been some research showing that it’s actually not good for the health and that it can be worse, long term.

And as far as having a little filter, it’s not going to have enough filtration power to take out all this different contaminants like radiation, fluoride in many cases and others. If it does, it’s going to be very limited in capacity because most of the room in that system is taken on by the technology and the metal plates. Not to mention that sometimes, it’s a couple of thousand dollars for a unit.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. The price point makes no sense to me whatsoever because unless you have multiple filtration units going on, there is no point. The whole point of having a water machine is to filter out all these horrible chemicals and toxins and things that are interfering in our health.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. We had some naturopathic doctors call us and purchase our systems. They really had these ionizers and they said, “Oh, I’m looking for a good filter.” So, what they did, because they spent so much money, they connected our system, the output from our filter to the input of their ionizer. So, they’re cleaning the water with our unit….

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: …and then this ionizer because it’s not enough. And some people just entirely replace their ionizers after they have read some research online and they’re not feeling comfortable about that now anymore.

So yeah, they’re not very good filters and there are questionable signs behind these health effects.

33:01 Whole Home Filtration System

Wendy Myers: And so, can you talk a little bit about a whole home filtration system? This makes perfect sense to me. I know a lot of people  and this used to be myself  where they’ll be drinking this very healthy water, they have a water filtration system for their kitchen tap or what-not. But then they’re showering and bathing every day in this water that’s filled with toxic chemicals and fluoride and chlorine and it absorbs through your skin.

So, can you talk a little bit about the issues with that? And how people can benefit from a whole home filter?

Igor Milevskiy: Sure. That’s one thing that some people may oversee, overlook. When you’re in the bath, when you’re in the shower, the skin does absorb. I haven’t done the research how much. I’ve seen there’s been some studies and there’s been some other facts online that different parts of the skin absorb different quantities of contaminants.

Another thing is that the vapor. When you’re in the shower, the water’s hot, they are very warm. Some chemicals operate at that point, chlorine can turn into a gas and some other volatile chemicals can evaporate into the water and so you’re breathing that while you’re taking a shower, you’re breathing that while you’re doing the dishes because that steam or that water vapor’s going in your face. When the dishwasher is working, the vapor coming out of it, that steam is going to your home.

So certainly, that’s not a toxic free home if you don’t have those sources of water covered.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. If you’re breathing, if you smell chlorine, guess what? You’re breathing it in to your nose. I’ve gone to people’s homes and have taken a shower and what-not, the smell of chlorine just balls me over. It’s just so strong.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. It stays on your skin. It damages your hair. It dries your skin. That’s just chlorine. You also have other things that you can’t smell or taste that affect your hair and skin potentially negatively. And so, I’m not going to give and health advise, but who knows, maybe hair loss can happen more if you have those types of noxious chemicals on your skin.

35:17 Well Water

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk a little bit about well water. I have a lot of clients that they have their little well and they think that they have this pure, fresh water. But I find that a lot of them have manganese and iron toxicity and other heavy metals. Very, very toxic, very toxic levels from their well.

Can you talk a little bit about that? And why if anyone has a well, they need to get a well water filter that you provide?

Igor Milevskiy: Absolutely, yeah. Well water is typically more nutritious than city water because of all the microelements and the nutrients that are naturally occurring. However, there are contaminants that seep into that and get into that. Some of them are naturally occurring like radon or uranium and others are man-made. If you are living by a farm and you have pesticides and herbicides that are being used in the agricultural area, those can run off into the water and seep into the wells. If you’re living by a nuclear power plant, who knows what’s getting in there from that?

Water is dynamic. It’s a universal lubricant. It absorbs whatever it comes in contact with in our environment’s polluted. Although well water is more nutritious, generally, than city water, it is also open to contamination and also bacteria as well. Bacteria like E.coli and coliform bacteria tend to be prevalent in well waters.

So, our well water system is specifically designed to target the most common well water contaminants that I just mentioned. It doesn’t take out the good stuff. It doesn’t take out the minerals, the sodium, the electrolytes, the potassium, magnesium. But it protects you from the stuff that doesn’t belong.

Wendy Myers: And you listeners out there, if you’re drinking well water, then you really need to be concerned about potential iron toxicity, which causes a lot of inflammation in the body, manganese toxicity, which interferes in copper metabolism and that will cause metabolic issues and potentially weight gain issues down the road. You cannot have healthy copper regulation in your body if you have manganese toxicity. I see manganese toxicity with almost every single person that drinks from the well even if it’s filtered.
Igor Milevskiy: That’s interesting.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: Too much of a good thing is not good either.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, that’s something to be concerned about. If you’re drinking well water, it’s time to get a hair test just to see.

37:59 Filtered Water

Wendy: So, let’s talk about the little pitcher filters that people like to use like Brita and Pure filters that I know a lot of people are using thinking that, “Oh, they’re drinking filtered water.”

Igor Milevskiy: Right. That can be dangerous. Personally, I think they’re entry level filters. That’s the type of system you buy when all of a sudden you decide, “I need filtered water.” Why not? “I’ll spend 30 bucks or 40 bucks or 7get a pitcher.” Job’s done! I’m finished. Solution’s found.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: The problem is once you start to dig deeper and you become more educated about what’s in the water and the different materials used in the filters, in the basic filters, you realize they’re not doing much. They may just take out the chlorines and heavy metals. And they’re not taking out the fluoride. They’re not taking out the radiation. They may not take out the wide range of chemicals, the disinfection byproducts like the NDMA from chloramine.

So, they’re very basic entry level filters. I personally think the reason they’re dangerous is because once you get them, you think that now you can drink lots of clean water and you start drinking more. The problem is you can be drinking more water that’s still contaminated and doing yourself more harm in some cases.

So, I’d be careful about that. Certainly do research. But as an entry level filter, I guess it’s better than drinking out of the tap.

39:34 More on Pure Effect Filters

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Is there anything else that you want to share about your Pure Effect Filters?

Igor Milevskiy: Well, we’re always innovating. We’re always coming out with solutions that people seek and ask for. We’re always following what’s going on with water. This is, first and foremost, a passion for clean water and then a business.

And we don’t use any cheap parts. So, you may see that your system is very well-built, Wendy, that the components are solid quality. It’s designed to last. All the cartridges are manufactured in the U.S.A., the heart of the system. There are no inferior parts. So a lot of attention has gone into that as well.
We have a two-year warranty in our systems. And we’ll even help people beyond that reasonably because we take care of our customers. So, this is basically a product of love.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s a great product and I love all the information that you have on your website about clean water. And I’ve done so much research myself and I could tell you’ve just really covered all the bases especially with the radiation filter. I think that’s incredibly important.

I have a lot of clients that do hair analysis (especially on the West Coast) and they have a lot of uranium of their hair. A lot of practitioners think it’s from Fukushima fall out. And the hair test doesn’t test cesium or other radioactive metals. But a lot of my clients have strontium as well, which is somewhat radioactive. I think that’s a really important thing to filter out of the water.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. Strontium and uranium,yes. Strontium can be just a metal, but that’s the main one from my research that’s coming from Fukushima, the Strontium 90 and the Cesium 134, 137. Those are the ones the zeolite targets the most.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: So, that’s the best thing for that. And uranium is typically from well water. I found that there was a customer in New Hampshire recently who purchased our system because he had three times the EPA limit. He had 99 mg/L of uranium in his water.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. Yeah. So, he crossed his fingers and said, “I hope this system works.” And a couple of weeks later, after he purchased, I get another e-mail from him and he sends me an updated report from the water company that he used. It’s showing less than one. So the test, it couldn’t detect how low it was, so it just said less than one. So, it removed over 99% of that uranium for him, so we’re really happy about that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s amazing.

Igor Milevskiy: It’s real life example, a real life test.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s amazing what can be in water. People are just not thinking about the water they’re drinking. I think it’s so important that people really start researching their water. You can do research, you can look up at the internet and see what toxins are found in your tap water.

Each city has a database where they see what toxins are in the water. They have to publish it. Los Angeles, I think, has 30 different chemicals they have found in the water, but the city is just not doing anything about it.

Igor Milevskiy: They’re not required to. The law doesn’t obligate them to. And they don’t have the funds maybe. A lot of states are going broke and having budget problems. So, the infrastructure’s old, they don’t have money to invest into that. So, there are going to be issues.
So even if they weren’t new, they still have to disinfect. They still have to add chemicals into your water that are mandated just to process that water. So when it gets to you, it’s processed water. It’s not natural water.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Igor Milevskiy: So, the best way to handle that is to freshly filter that directly out of the tap.

Wendy Myers: I always tell clients that you just can’t be healthy, you can’t be healthy and you can’t recover your health if you were drinking toxic water day in and day out. If you’re going to restaurants that are using tap water in the soup, you really have to think about all the water sources that you’re ingesting.

Igor Milevskiy: And you can tell if you’ve been drinking good filtered water. When you go to restaurants, you have a sip of their table water (even some of the better restaurants), you could tell it’s not filtered. You could smell and taste those chemical aftertastes.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s why I don’t get iced tea or anything like that at restaurants because it’s made with tap water, toxic tap water. Even if they say it’s filtered, I still don’t trust it because I know it’s probably some crappy filter.

Igor Milevskiy: Who knows? Well yeah, I always say ‘no ice’ either. If somebody is going to serve me, I make it a point to say, “No ice“ because that definitely ruins the experience there. But we make a product that people, when they do a lot of research and they become aware and educated, they can appreciate this.

I think most people that aren’t aware, they may not understand it. But what you’re doing and what we’re doing is we’re trying to educate people. That’s why I have so much information on our site. That way, you don’t just buy filter, you understand what you’re buying and why.

I see a lot of companies just hide a lot of the stuff. They don’t explain all the different media they use. That always makes me wonder what’s in there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve had a lot of clients send me e-mails, “What do you think about this filter? What do you think about that filter?” and I go to the website, and then there’s really flashy website and there’s just no information about what it filters or any kind of test that are done on the water after it’s been filtered. They’re just really flashy, gimmicky marketed websites.

Wendy Myers: So that’s why I really appreciate your site. There’s just a wealth of information on there.

45:48 Pure Effect Water Filter Models

Wendy: But can you tell me all about the models of filters that you have? You’ve got models that are countertop ones, then you have under-sink ones, then you have the city whole system and the well water. Can you tell us a little bit about the different models?

Igor Milevskiy: Sure, we have a different range of system depending on the need. Our entry level filter is pretty comprehensive. It was featured on Fox News actually. This filter contains the KDF, the zeolite and catalytic carbon along with some natural calcium. It’s a very good basic filter. So if you’re not looking to filter fluoride (because some people think that fluoride’s good for you and you can’t change their mind) or if you don’t have fluoride in the water and you just want a very basic filter and you’re on a limited budget, this would be many times more effective than a pitcher or a little faucet mount filter. This uses our advanced technology in it. That’s $139 for that.

Now, we can go up and look at our more advanced system that has two chambers. And that one filters a much wider range of chemicals. It filters Giardia. It’s called our classic system. It filters cryptosporidium. It’s the cyst that survives disinfection.

And then, if you want to filter fluoride, that’s the next level. That’s system has three chambers. It has all the features that the other two have plus the fluoride removal. And that one has its whole chamber dedicated just to fluoride. Fluoride is pretty hard to remove and you need to do it right. You need to have enough media. You need to have the media placed in the right sequence. And also the flow rate has to be regulated.

So, our filters regulate the flow rate so that water’s not going through the system too fast. It has enough time to filter.

And so that’s our bestselling model. That’s called Pure Effect Ultra. And it filters all those contaminants and fluoride. It comes in both countertop and under-counter models/versions.

Wendy Myers: If any of the listeners want to get one of these filters, just click on the link below in the corresponding blog post. If you’re watching on Youtube, you can just click below in the description and you can learn more about the water filters.

48:19 Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today

Wendy: But Igor, I have a question I like to ask all of my guests, what do you think is the most pressing health issue on the world today?

Igor Milevskiy: It’s a good question. I think all health problems, with the exception of physical bruising and things like that, I think all health problems and diseases come from a lack of awareness about what you’re doing in your life, what you’re doing to your body. I think lack of awareness and lack of wisdom is the most pressing health issue if you put it globally like that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I totally agree with you. I think that a lot of people are wandering around out there and not questioning what they’re eating, not questioning what they’re drinking and just would think that miracles are going to happen with their health. And you have to inquire and read labels and read books on health if you plan on living a disease-free life.

Igor Milevskiy: Yeah. You have to be wise about what you are doing to yourself I think and pay attention to what you’re eating and drinking like you said and just do some research. There’s a lot people that claim to do good things and claim to have the best product. You really have to look into it yourself and understand what it’s made of and how it works.

And I think a lot of suffering comes from the also the mental aspect, a lot of fears, a lot of worries, a lot of false beliefs. So, remember, we’re body and mind. So I think that we have to watch what we put on our stomach, but also what we put into our mind, what we believe in and what we embrace.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Very good point, very good point.

Igor Milevskiy: I was big on that actually when I was into spiritual self-realization. So, that’s a big part of my principles as well.

Wendy Myers: Oh, I love it! Well, Igor, thank you for sharing that. And thank you so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it.

Igor Milevskiy: Well, thank you very much for that opportunity. It was nice sharing all this with you and your listeners.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much. And listeners, also, I forgot, if you want to also learn more about Pure Effect Water Filters, you can go to my store. I have all the filters on the store. Go to, and you will find all the models in the store to learn more about them.

And if you want to learn more about detoxification and the modern Paleo diet, my version of Paleo and how to heal your health conditions naturally, go check out my site, And you can follow me on Facebook and Twitter @iWillLiveto110 and also on the Youtube channel at WendyLiveto110. And of course, I’m on all of the social media, Instagram, Google + , Pinterest. I’m all over the place, you can’t shake me.

And thank you so much guys for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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