Transcript: #92 The SANE Solution to Shedding those Holiday Pounds with Jonathan Bailor

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  • 02:41 About Jonathan Bailor
  • 09:40 The SANE Principle
  • 13:46 The SANE Solution Program
  • 16:43 What Can You Expect in the SANE Solution Program
  • 23:18 The SANE Diet
  • 26:24 The Calorie Myth
  • 26:58 Signing Up for the SANE Solutions Program
  • 27:56 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World Today

Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. You can find me on or on the YouTube channel. You can see the video, the video podcast at WendyLiveto110.

Today, we’re going to be having Jonathan Bailor on the show. He’s been on the show a couple of times before. I love having him as a guest. He’s very, very knowledgeable. He spent over a decade researching fitness, exercise, nutrition, et cetera and weight loss. He’s going to be talking about his new program called the where people can learn how to eat healthy, how to lose weight. Especially in light of the holiday that has just passed, I’m sure a lot of you are looking to lose that holiday weight. So I think his monthly subscription program is an excellent way to go about learning how to be healthier and how to lose that holiday weight. So this is my mini-gift to you guys.

And if you like what you hear on today’s show, I would really appreciate it if you could give us a review on iTunes. Just go to iTunes, leave a review. It takes two minutes and it will help get me up into the search rankings so that more people can listen and learn all about health and nutrition, all about the message that I’m trying to spread out into the universe.

I also want to let some of you listeners know if you’re not aware of it of my Mineral Power program. You can find it at This is the program I’ve developed over the last few years. It’s a complete program all about diet, lifestyle, proper supplementation and detoxification. I think detox is one of the missing elements in a lot of people’s health regimes.

And if you are one of those people that are trying to lose weight and you struggled with it for many, many years, it’s most likely a hormonal issue. Diet does have something to do with it. Exercise certainly has something to do with it. But if you’ve been struggling for years to lose weight, you need to fix your adrenal glands and your thyroid or you’ll be spinning your wheels. And so my Mineral Power program really helps to heal the adrenal glands, heal the thyroid and heal the entire body. Many people tells us symptoms begin reversing, their brain fog goes away, they have more energy and they’re able to finally lose weight. So definitely go check that out at

02:41 About Jonathan Bailor

Jonathan Bailor, our guest, is a New York Times bestseller and author of the Calorie Myth, fantastic book on diet, nutrition and fitness and he’s here to talk about his program, SANE Solution and you can find it at

Jonathan, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Jonathan Bailor: Wendy, thank you so much for having me. It’s a pleasure to be back.

Wendy Myers: Well, first, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you came to write your New York Times bestselling book, The Calorie Myth.

Jonathan Bailor: I will give you the short version because it’s a long story. It actually dates back to when I was a little, little kid. I grew up in a very, very academic household. I had two college professor parents and I also had a much, much older, much more athletic brother who is ten years older than I am.

I was growing up in a very, very academic household. Our dinner conversations didn’t revolve around current events. They revolved around Nietzche versus Sartre and their different worldviews and crazy things like that. However, my brother was a very sealed football player and I was a geeky, little kid and continued to be a geeky, slightly older kid now and I wanted to be more like my brother.

I also had a healthy obsession with Superman. In fact, if you check out our site,, you can see some pictures of me that back up this obsession with Superman. So I wanted to be like my brother, I wanted to be a big football player, I wanted to be like Superman, so I started doing what most geeky, lanky kids do when they want to change their body and that’s read Muscle Magazines.

So I started to read all these Muscle Magazines. This was right when supplements really started to become bigger and more mainstream. So I got my parents to help subsidize hundreds and hundreds of dollars literally of pills, powders and potions. I tried just about everything out there that was legal.
So this includes things like the Prohormones that Mark McGwire, whoever that guy in the National Baseball League got in trouble with. It’s not steroid, but one step down. I tried all that stuff, got really sick, tried eating excessive amounts of calories. I was doing double shots of olive oil trying to get bigger. I was eating about 6000 calories per day. And in fact, I went so far as to become a personal trainer.

So I was a personal trainer at Bally Total Fitness in Columbus, Ohio. This is how I paid my way through college. And in that moment, I had a really, really profound and life-changing experience that has dictated my life subsequently, which is I’m consuming hundreds of dollars of just crazy, unproven pills, powders and potions, I’m consuming 6000 calories per day in an effort to get bigger, I am not getting bigger, I am just getting sick and sad and spending a heck of a lot of time in the bathroom and my clients were having the exact, opposite problems.

So my clients, I was about 18-21 at this time, my clients were predominantly moms and grandmothers. I did what I was taught and what everyone was taught, which was to put them on an approximately 1200-calorie diets and to have them do a lot of cardiovascular exercise.

And then I had this moment that I could not make sense that I could not make sense of it. I experienced cognitive dissonance, which is the formal term for it, which is I would be sitting down, a 19-year old kid, no formal college education, sitting down with a PhD executive of a company who was saying, “Jonathan, here’s my food journal. I’m getting 1200 calories per day, I’m doing exactly what you’re telling me and I am not getting smaller. I’m just getting sick and sad.” And then I looked at my food journal of 6000 calories per day, I was getting sick and sad and I wasn’t getting bigger.

So I had to say to myself, “It’s not because these people are stupid and lazy. It’s not because they’re not trying hard enough. It’s not because they’re not doing what I’m telling them. And at the same time, I’m eating five times more calories than they are and I’m not getting bigger. What’s going on? What is fundamentally different about the way my body is working, my naturally thin body versus people who were less fortunate?”

No one has asked that question before. To my knowledge, no one has formally said, “What makes naturally thin people naturally thin?”

So I said, “I can’t be a trainer anymore because I can’t do my job. I can’t even help myself let alone help other people.” So I stopped being a trainer and I started digging into my geekiness and my academic parents.

Wendy Myers: [Inaudible 00:07:08]

Jonathan Bailor: Yes, yes. I started on this long, long 10+ year academic journey of digging into the primary research – peer reviewed clinical trials, academic papers, things that you don’t even have access to unless you have access to university libraries and things like that. I worked with the top doctors at Harvard Medical School, John Hopkins, UCLA, blah-blah-blah because there’s not a lot of people that read academic journal articles. In fact, there was a study done that shows that most academic papers are read by an average of ten people – and that includes the authors.

Wendy Myers: I believe that.

Jonathan Bailor: I mean, it’s not like easy reading.

Wendy Myers: That’s one study that I believe.

Jonathan Bailor: It’s not easy reading. But what I ended up finding – and this took me in many different cool directions. This wasn’t necessarily reading nutrition papers or exercise papers (I did read those), but I also read papers in the area of neurobiology (so your brain impacts your body) and gastroenterology (your gut and digestive system) as well as endocrinology (your hormones) and then I’m seeing that those areas, which are traditionally not thought of – I know for your audience, they’re like, “Well, of course, they impact your body composition and your wellness,” but for most people, they’re just like, “No, it’s just nutrition and exercise.” There’s a bunch of other stuff going on here to explain what was going on in my body and what was going in the bodies of my clients.

So that all ended up turning into this book I independently published. This was just a passion project for me while I was a senior program manager at Microsoft. Again, I’m a geeky guy. I love technical things. I love solving technical problems. I independently published a book called The Smarter Science of Slim, which had over I think 1100 scientific references. The reference section or the bibliography was 88 pages long in 8 point font, so that ended up going bonkers on the Internet. People were like, “Holy molly!” because it was very different from what everyone else is saying and it was all backed up by clinical science – so not observational science, but hardcore real science.

And then Harper Collins picked it up. We made it better, turned it into a book called The Calorie Myth, which ended up becoming New York Times bestseller, translated in over 10 languages, which is awesome and then that spun off this wellness technology business we’re working on now called SANE Solution to help free people from calorie counting and old programs like Weight Watchers.

And it’s a lot of fun! It’s my full-time gig now. I’m no longer at Microsoft. That was an amazing job while I was there, but I’m not there anymore.

Wendy Myers: That’s great. I’m very glad to hear that because you need to be full-time in the health sphere. Microsoft is fine on its own. We need you.

09:40 The SANE Principle

Wendy Myers: So what your book is based on, the SANE concept, the SANE principles, can you tell us a little bit about that?

Jonathan Bailor: The simplest way to break down this 10+ year odyssey into the modern science of fat loss and robust health is moving from a paradigm of quantity to a paradigm of quality. So that’s it in two or three words, quality, not quantity. That is all you need to know!
The focus since the 1970s in institutions like the Weight Watchers, in institutions like the government’s Let’s Get Moving, basically everything mainstream just says, “Eat less, exercise more. Eat less, exercise more. Consume fewer calories, burn more of.” That’s a quantity focus. “Eat less food,” quantity, “do more exercise,” quantity.

Well, the modern science, a.k.a. science from after the 1960s shows that we need to focus on the quality of food we’re eating and in fact, eat more, but higher quality foods and eat less, but higher quality exercise.

Of course, that’s great. But what the heck is high quality food?

So, SANE is an acronym for the four factors that are scientifically proven to determine the quality of food.

We use SANE a bit like instead of using the word ‘healthy’. So if you asked ten people on the street, “What’s healthy?”, you’re going to get ten different answers.

But if you asked ten people who live the same lifestyle, “What is sane?”, there’s only one answer because we defined it and it’s based on scientific criteria about the satiety (that’s the S of how quickly and how long foods fill you up), aggression (that’s the A, the hormonal impact of foods), the N is nutrition (or how many essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids and fatty acids the food provides) and the E is efficiency (or how easily the body can metabolize these calories as energy and stored as fats).

So we just take foods and we stack rank them, “These are really inSANE and these are really SANE and the more of these you can eat, so you’re too full to eat these inSANE things, the healthier and slimmer you’ll be.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I like that you talk about the hormonal impact of the food because I think that’s one thing that many, many people, many, many weight loss programs and books are not cluing into, the hormonal impact of food. It’s so much more important of the caloric content of the food.

Jonathan Bailor: Hormonal impact, people still debate this. Wendy, you’re right, some of these debate is just – it’s cool because it’s becoming non-sensical. People are just like, “What?” I’m starting to see it especially on the Internet. Folks are just like – I mean, there is this Internet movement. Every four years, there’s a media story about this person who eats 800 calories of McDonald’s per day for 30 days and ends up losing weight. People are like, “See? It’s just about calorie quantity,” which is of course absurd.

One, I don’t think anyone is debating that calories exist. Of course, calories exist. If you only eat 800 calories of sugar per day, if that’s all you ate, you wouldn’t lose weight, but you’d also be killing yourself slowly. You can chop off your right leg to lose weight. That doesn’t mean it’s a good idea.

So no one’s debating whether or not rigorous caloric restriction can cause weight loss. Obviously, it can, but the question is, “Is it healthy?”

When it comes to hormone, there still seems to be some folks that don’t get this, but it’s super, super easy to overcome that. And we understand this. For example, if you take a person and you inject them with steroids, what are steroids? Steroids are supplemental hormones put into the body. We know that that changes the body. So there’s no debate as to whether or not changing the hormonal composition of your body will change your body. It absolutely will. It’s just that people don’t seem to make the connection that food impacts hormones, which it does, we know. That’s unambiguous too.
So if it’s unambiguous that hormones change your body and if it’s unambiguous that food changes your hormones, then it’s unambiguous that food changes your body, right?

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

13:46 The SANE Solution Program

Wendy Myers: And so why don’t we talk a little bit about that SANE Solutions program that you’ve developed. I think it’s really important you have a low cost program. I love that you designed this for people to go along with the SANE principles and the Calorie Myth book because people need to hand-holding. They need guidance, they need instruction and they need that on a continual basis.
And so why don’t you talk a little bit about the SANE Solution program and what people can expect when they join this type of program?

Jonathan Bailor: Our goal is to do for the food quality movement what Weight Watchers did for the calorie counting movement. So in the 1950s and ‘60s leading up until now actually, a lot of people believed that the only way that you can change your body and your health is by counting calories, which is of course absurd because no one even knew what a calorie was let alone count them prior to the obesity epidemic (but that’s a side note).

So Weight Watchers came along and said, “Hey! We’re not going to invent a new diet. There’s no such thing as the Weight Watchers diet. What we’re going to do is we’re going to provide a set of tools and resources and support for people who want to count calories to help them do that.”

And because of that, because it’s agnostic, Weight Watchers had great success historically (they’re not doing so well nowadays). In fact, they’ve actually grown – and most people don’t realize this – into a $1.5 billion company in over 28 countries with over I think 30,000 employees. So they’re doing quite well if you consider, for example, people think the Paleo movement is big. The Paleo movement is fabulous, but the Paleo movement is estimated to contain a total of about a million participants. Very different, right? Ninety-nine percent of the population is like, “You should count calories” and then there’s 1% of the people that talk about the other stuff on the Internet.

So what we want to do is we want to provide a similar and scientifically correct and modern technology-based agnostic system that whether or not you’re vegan, vegetarian, low carb, Paleo, Mediterranean, basically, if you at all believe that you’re better served in improving the quality of what you’re eating rather than just eating fewer calories of junk, then we want to provide you with the mobile apps, with the online e-learning, with the support, with the coaching that will support at via any way you want to take it.

So vegetarian, low carb, agnostic, whatever, the key is you need a set of tools and you need a set of support and you need a set of systems at e-learning that agnostically says, “You can count calories if you’d like or you can count over here and eat more, but smarter, increase the quality of the foods you’re eating. We’ve got a lot of data showing that this is going to help you a lot more than this.”
Wendy Myers: Yeah, I love that you call it agnostic because food very much is people’s religion. People get very, very passionate about the path that they’ve chosen to take with their diet.

16:43 What You Can Expect in the SANE Solution Program

Wendy Myers: But can you tell us a little bit about what someone can expect. I know you’ve got several different levels or packages. One of them is $14.99 a month. I mean, it’s so affordable. What can someone expect with that level.

Jonathan Bailor: The system itself, yeah, it’s a subscription-based similar to a Weight Watchers type program. So just for $14.95 a month, you can also do things like a 4-month or a 12-month package, which of course, you’re going to get a discount. So if you sign up for 12 months, it’s only $99.95, so it’s less. It’s something like ¢28.

To put that in perspective, if you go in Jenny Craig and you buy their food, the average cost is $17 is a day.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s expensive. I’ve had a couple of friends a long, long time ago that did it. The food is horrifying and really, really expensive.

My friend was eating these frozen sausage biscuits and heating them up in the microwave and many bagel chips. I’m, “What on earth are you eating?” And she was allowed two cups of vegetables a day. It’s just insane to me!

So let’s get SANE. What can people expect? I know you have so many resources on your website. You’ve got recipes. I know, I get your newsletter. You’ve got tons of recipes. You have all kinds of videos, et cetera. Is there exercise involved as well, exercise advice?

Jonathan Bailor: So the simplest way to think about it is a four piece system. So first, you’ve got to get educated. The reason so many people struggle with eating and exercises is because you’re never actually taught it in a holistic function. You just hear this sound bite and this sound bite.

What SANE is and what the modern science of eating and exercise shows is that it’s just Healthy 2.0. Just like you had been taught Healthy 1.0, you have to learn Healthy 2.0. So we provide step-by-step, interactive, really simple e-learning. So think five minutes a day, interactive, fun lessons. Everything is templatized, the multimedia. Just one step at a time, you can start to learn comprehensively what it means to live a Healthy 2.0 lifestyle and that will enable you to be successful long-term because you’re not dependent on some set of strict rules that you don’t really understand and you just follow blindly. So you’ve got to have online e-learning. That’s part of your program.

Then in addition to that, you need to be able to apply that and track how you’re doing in the real world. And the way most people do this today is with any one of the 240 iPhone calorie-counting apps that exists out there.

However, if counting calories is not the way to go, that’s not particularly useful. So counting calories in an effort to improve your health is a little bit like measuring people’s height to judge their intelligence. It’s not the right measure.

So what we had is actually new patented technology where we score the quality of your meals. So you take a photo with your phone, you quickly tag servings, we give you a simple red to green score and make it really easy for you to share that across all your social networks so that you can get support instantly. Of course, you can track that over time and the goal is to eat more, but smarter rather than just starve yourself harder. So of course, you’ve got mobile, very simple, tracking and then you’ve got to have support.

So in addition to social support, we have a wonderful support community that’s fully moderated. It’s really cool and gamified. You get points and badges. It’s got awesome reward loops. When I was at Microsoft, I had the good pleasure of working on the Nike+ Kinect training, so the integration with the FuelBand as well as the new XBox fitness offering. So I was fortunate enough to have a lot of formal experience with game design. So we do a lot of that to make this fun.

So you’ve got your e-learning. You’ve got your mobile, simple tracking. And then you have your fun support. And then of course, if you sign up for one of the 4-month or 12-month packages, you just get an extensive set of bonus – ebooks and videos and that’s also where you’re going to learn how to eccentric exercises. There’s a bunch of videos showing you how to do that.

Wendy Myers: I love that you’re doing this and providing this kind of program to people because it’s exactly something that I need to use with my clients who are trying to lose weight or they’re trying to eat healthy and they can’t really afford to hire me for $150 an hour to hold their hand through the whole process of learning and the education and the learning curve that it takes to learn how to eat healthy and live a healthy lifestyle.

So I really commend you for creating a program like this that’s very, very unique because it doesn’t exist! I’ve looked for it. I’ve looked for websites to get healthy meal plans and just a comprehensive type program like this and it doesn’t exist, not a quality one.

Jonathan Bailor: Thank you, Wendy. And it’s been a huge labor of love. We’ve had some amazing investors get involved. What you’re going to see launched here in December and January is over a million dollars of investment capital. It’s backed by quite a few patents.

And it’s real! I don’t know if we’re going to make Weight Watchers worried in January of this year, but I don’t think anyone ever thought that Under Armor would make Nike think twice or Lulu Lemon would make Nike think twice, but they took a much different approach to similar problem and sometimes, David beats Goliath. So that’s what we’re trying to do.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I really respect that because I really feel it’s almost unethical, the food that Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are pushing on people. I’m horrified. I’ve read every food label there is, looking on the Weight Watchers frozen dinners and it’s horrible, the food that they’re feeding these people and telling them that they’re going to be healthy eating these foods. They have gluten and preservatives and food additives and MSG, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So I hope you put them out of business.

Jonathan Bailor: Boy! And you are right. They do make the vast majority of their money not on the services they offer, not on the information they provide, but rather on the edible products that they sell. So at the end of the day – and they’re actually owned by food manufacturers. Most people don’t realize that. But Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers are both owned by food manufacturing companies. So rather than being weight loss or health companies, they’re actually processed food distributors. That is what they are.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s a system set up to drive people to purchase food. That’s all it is. It’s a support system nonetheless.

23:18 The SANE Diet

Wendy Myers: So why don’t we talk about the diet that you propose? What does the science show that’s the best diet, for instance, shedding holiday pounds, which people are very interested in right now?

Jonathan Bailor: Wendy, I am (and I know you are as well), sensitive about the word ‘diet’ because diet has this connotation of something that you do for a short period of time. It’s this temporary deviation from the way you normally eat.

And I like to compare a SANE lifestyle or SANE eating really more to something like being vegetarian or being kosher or being halal where it’s just the way you eat. It’s not something you do for a short period of time.

So when we talk about living a SANE lifestyle, all we’re talking about doing is saying, “Of the foods you already eat…” – so if you are a vegan and all you eat is vegan foods or if you’re kosher or you’re halal or you’re just mainstream, we say, “Take the foods you already like and figure out which are the most satisfying? Which are the least aggressive? Which are the most nutritious? And which are the least efficient? Eat more of those foods and less of foods that are going to poison your body.”

And to really make this simple, you can really break food down into the four SANEst food groups. The most SANE food group in the world, which is never debated by anybody, but is missed by almost everybody is non-starchy vegetables. So these are vegetables you could eat raw. You don’t have to eat them raw. For example, a lot of people think that potatoes are vegetables. They’re not. They’re starches.

So if you can’t eat it raw (you can’t eat a potato raw, you can’t eat corn raw), it’s not a vegetable, it’s a starch. So if you can’t eat it raw, that’s good. You don’t have to, but you could. Think green leafy vegetables, think mushrooms, asparagus, broccoli and stuff like that.

So you want non-starchy vegetables to be the vast majority of what you put on your mouth and put on your plate. Then you look at nutrient-dense proteins. So these are foods that get the majority of their calories from non-toxic sources of proteins. So generally, humanely raised animals, wild-caught seafoods, some low sugar sources of dairy and there are some protein type supplements, which can be used in the case of if you’re a vegan and there’s no other sources of proteins.

So you’ve got non-starchy vegetables, you have nutrient-dense sources of proteins and then you have whole food fats. So these are going to be foods where the most of their calories or their majority of their calories is from fat and they’re found directly in nature. Think nuts and seeds. Some are better than others. We can get into that if we have time. But generay pseaking, it’s found directly in nature and it gets most of its calories from fat. Eggs are also another good example of this.

And then finally, there’s low sugar fruits. Low sugar fruits are fruits which have less sugar than most other fruits, pretty simple. So think things like berries and citrus.

So we just say those are the four primary SANE food groups and we want you to eat those in that order and we want to eat so much of those foods that you’re too full for the most inSANE substances on the planet, which would be processed and unnatural starches, sweets, as well as unnatural fats such as trans fats and vegetable oils.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and that makes perfect sense to me.

26:24 The Calorie Myth

Wendy Myers: And you detail this a lot in the Calorie Myth as well?

Jonathan Bailor: Yes, the Calorie Myth in a lot of ways lays out the scientific framework that then SANE Solution puts into practice. The SANE Solution then provides the tools, the resources and the support to live the science that you’ll find in that 300-page book. Because a lot of folks read it and they say it’s great, “You just disproved everything I thought about nutrition and I can’t argue with you. What do I do now?” You want to tell them what to do now with SANE Solution.

26:58 Signing Up for the SANE Solutions Program

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So where could people go and sign up for the SANE Solutions program?

Jonathan Bailor: So just go to Just sign up for the free program. It’s just like most other online programs like Spotify or NetFlix. Free trial, free versions of everything, so you can check it out and see if you like it. And then if you like it, you can sign up for premium. That’s even free for 21 days. Check it out. And if you dig it, you can keep going, cancel at any time and we’re just here to try to make it healthier.

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much for being on the show, Jonathan. I really wanted to inform my listeners about this type of program. I think it’s affordable, I think it’s a very high quality program and I think you’re going to help thousands, hopefully if not millions of people with this type of program that you’re offering.

Jonathan Bailor: Well, thank you so much, Wendy. I really appreciate it. Yeah, just hop over to and please give the free plan a shot.

Wendy Myers: Okay, great!

27:56 The Most Pressing Health Issue in the World

Wendy Myers: And so I have a question I like to ask all my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today? I know, I threw you a curve ball there.

Jonathan Bailor: Oh, no. It’s great! I love this last. Hmmm… well, this is just the one that resonates most with me right at this very moment and that is folks not understanding how – when we start talking about weight loss, it used to be thought of as a vanity thing. Just to put this in perspective, McKinsey, a really famous consulting company just came out with a report where they looked at the global economic impact of armed conflict (so all violence), tobacco and obesity. Those numbers are armed conflict, $2.1 trillion. All forms of tobacco, economic burden, $2.1 trillion, obesity, $2 trillion.

So this isn’t about fitting into your bathing suit. I mean, it’s cool to fit in your bathing suit. Everyone likes that. I like liking the way I look, but this is not just something casual, “Uhhh… there are people who are obese. That’s unfortunate.” This is a big problem. It’s a major problem in the world. We can’t do the same thing over and over again and expect different results.

So the number one thing I see that frustrates me is the idea that being healthy is vain. It’s not vain. It’s socially responsible. We need to understand that, we need to do that.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Those numbers are shocking to me, but we know that obesity is going to break our healthcare system and we are one of the fattest countries in the world. It saddens me greatly.

So thank you for helping to try to contribute with your non-profit organization, and all the efforts that you do to try to make the world a slimmer place, slimmer and healthier.

Jonathan Bailor: Absolutely! Well, thank you, Wendy. It’s my pleasure.

Wendy Myers: And everyone, please go check out my website, I started this site to help you educate about Paleo nutrition and the importance of detox from heavy metals and chemicals and how to heal your health conditions naturally.

You can get my free weight loss book, Live to 110 by Weighting Less and pretty soon, you’re going to be able to get my Modern Paleo Diet Book and you can also get a free copy of my Mineral Power program. Lots of stuff, free stuff for you. Go to Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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