Transcript: #85 Structured Water with Patrick Durkin

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  • 03:38 About Patrick Durkin and sacred structured water
  • 07:46 What is sacred structured water?
  • 13:03 Benefits
  • 19:13 Discovering sacred structured water
  • 22:55 A closer look at structured water devices
  • 25:54 Filtration
  • 27:33 Memories of water
  • 29:41 Clearing memories from water
  • 31:02 Body water pH
  • 32:58 Oneness
  • 35:29 Where to find Patrick Durkin

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and you can find this video podcast on my website, and on my YouTube channel, WendyLiveto110. Go there and subscribe. Today, we have on Patrick Durkin of the and we’re going to be talking about structured water. He was so kind to send me a structured water device like this. I love it! It’s basically something where you pour water into. I take my spring water and pour it through this device several times. It energizes the water and it gives it a structure that gives us lots of health benefits in our body.

So we’re going to be talking all about it, what structured water is and how you can incorporate it into your life and your health regimen. But before we get started, please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on this show.

So Patrick is a master of change and flow in a world where change is the only constant and new trends are starting all the time. When a movement is emerging and gathering steam, his role is to notice it and tell others about it. As a financial adviser, he used his skills to extraordinary profits in a very short time, becoming a millionaire by age 31. However, it was unfulfilling and he created deeper meaning in wanting to help others. This drew Patrick to leave the financial industry and put his skills to use in helping humanity solve problems.

In 2008, he began an odyssey to understand water and offer a compelling alternative to plastic water bottles, stymieing the massive waste they produce while creating better hydration solutions. Through this journey, Patrick founded the Wellness Enterprise to teach others about the properties of water that matter most with health, hydration and spiritual fulfillment. His comprehensive knowledge of all things drinking water led people to refer to him as the ‘water hero’. Sorry, that was a little tongue twister there.

So Patrick, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Patrick Durkin: Oh Wendy, I’m thrilled to be with you and to have the opportunity to talk about how this can help people live to 110 and to hear about your experience with drinking structured water actually. It’s great to be with you today.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you know what? I love the structured water. I have to say I didn’t really know a whole lot about it before I met you and I was on your website, looking around and learning. I feel an energetic difference in the water completely honesty. There’s something to it. There’s something different about it and I feel better drinking the water.

When I took my first sip of water, there was a noticeable difference in the quality of the water. I really, really was pleasantly surprise because I really feel that water is the foundation of health. People have to drink clean, pure water if they ever have the hopes of being healthy. My clients that drink just plain, old filtered tap water, poorly filtered water, their help doesn’t improve as much as drinking clean water. So it’s incredibly important.

03:38 About Patrick Durkin and sacred structured water

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell us a little bit about how you got into structured water and a little bit about yourself?

Patrick Durkin: Well, sure. I’d be happy to. You’ve already spoken my bio, some early success I had in my career, but the truth is, while I was making all that money and buying a big house and driving a fancy car, my health fell apart. And it was a guide. I had irritable bowel syndrome. A doctor will tell you that you just take a pill for that every day for the rest of your life and you’ll be fine. That wasn’t satisfying for me. I wasn’t okay with that advice. So I wanted to find out how I was living that was incongruent with my body and discover what it is that would have me be balanced and healthy.

And I have proven for anybody out there with their irritable bowel that you can 100% get rid of it because I have done that. I encourage you to find your own way to health and know your own truth through that. So I was experiencing making lots of money and ill health, I started to follow my passion and curiosity for things water-related. And eventually, it came to the point where my mom was one of my customers as a financial adviser and she said, “Hey, Patrick, what’s going on with this plastic bottle project you’ve got going in your community? You seem so much more passionate about that than you do managing my body.”

That’s when I knew my days were numbered. Four months later, I was out of the financial industry and had chosen to just learn everything that I could about water. In fact, so much so that I don’t even use the word ‘learn’ anymore because I’ve remembered so much about our oneness through this journey that I’ve discovered the scientific proof of our oneness and that everything in the universe is present in every cell. And so knowing this, there’s nothing to learn. There’s merely things to remember. So I’ve remembered the power of water. And the more that I researched and studied and allowed and just welcome and invite the information, the more I come to understand and experiment, expand my awareness about sacred structured water.

Now, again, old habits die hard, so ‘learn’ still starts to come out of my mouth from time to time, but you can only correct it when it does. So as I looked at different waters, I was focused on the chemistry of water. I talked to people about filtration technology and removing toxins and alkaline water. And then I found structured water. And when I did, the first thing I did was run away from it for six months.

The reason I ran away from it is it’s a device that’s so different than the current things that are out there as a starting point. If somebody uses one of these, they buy it once and it lasts forever. Most businesses these days like recurring revenue and passive income and that’s certainly something that I wanted in this new career that I was launching and how was I going to have passive income if I sold something to people once?

Having the luxury of some savings, I was able to go down the rabbit hole and learn more about it. And as I learned more about it – oh, there I am, learning again. As I remembered more about it, I came to understand that structured water is completely different than any kind of regular water. So let me clear as we go forward with the rest of this interview that when we’re talking about water in this interview, we’re talking about what I refer to as sacred structured water.

07:46 What is sacred structured water?

Wendy Myers: What is it? What is it?

Patrick Durkin: Well, sacred structured water is the voice of the divine, carrying the resonance of oneness. It’s a living being. What that means is that all water resonates with the environment around it. And what most people are drinking is something that they pull out of their tap or something that they buy in a plastic bottle and any of that is resonating with the energy of being pushed through long, straight pipes, which is not something that enlivens or invigorates water or the energy of being in a plastic bottle and being transported and being sold for profit. All of that is in the memory of water.

So sacred structured water – and we use the word ‘sacred’ because the water goes through sacred geometry as it passes through our devices. When it first encounters the hexagon inside of the device and then it encounters the resonance of the icosahedron, the dodecahedron and finally, it comes out steaming in a double vortex, its vibration has been raised to the resonance of creation energy.

So for people that are used to talking about the chemistry of water, this is probably a pretty new concept and it certainly was for me when I encountered it for the first. It’s really very simple. Sacred structured water is water that’s resonant with, carrying the vibration of creation energy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I like to think of it as drinking from a stream, alive water that has been bubbling over rocks and coming from the earth and water that mimics what is found more in nature, the energy of the water that’s found in nature that has this double vortex helixes that you talk about in them. There’s a huge, huge difference between that and what you’re pulling out of the tap that’s going through pipes.

Patrick Durkin: Yeah, I found an analogy recently that works pretty well for assisting people with understanding this. So the way I like to think about it is just compared to experiences. So on the one hand, picture for a second watching the evening news. You sit down, you turn on the headlines, you hear about all the atrocities that are happening. I think I don’t want to go too far in creating the energy of that, but I think people know what I’m talking about. It tends to leave people feeling fearful, feeling scared, feeling like they’re not doing enough, feeling like humanity is at war with one another.

And then compare that experience with, on the other hand, going for a walk in nature. So you put your shoes on, you feel the sunshine on your face, you listen to the wind rustling the leaves, you go for your walk, maybe you see some moss on a rock and you touch it and you notice as you’re on a walk like that what happens with your thoughts, what happens inside your head.
Oftentimes, years ago, I used to go for walks when I was troubled about some issue rather than just for the pure enjoyment and delight of nature. I would noticed that as I walked, things lightened up and my perspective changed and I came to understand things more deeply and more easily.

So that resonance is the resonance of creation and the other one is a chaotic resonance. It’s a man-made, force-fed, chaotic resonance. So if we look at sacred geometry as the carrying patterns, it’s like a vibrational pattern that carries the voice of water, sacred geometry is very natural and it’s all around. So we just don’t realize it. But if you look at a pine cone, you’re looking at sacred geometry, like in the spine of the bristles. If you look at a seashell on the beach, you’re looking at sacred geometry. If you take a photo of a galaxy, you could see the fingerprints, the resonance, the harmonics of sacred geometry.

So if we’re looking for where is the fingerprint of the Creator, where does creation come from and how does it create, it does so with sacred geometry. And so when we are immersing ourselves in that resonance of the time – drinking it, showering it, giving it to our plants, gardening with it, sharing with our friends and neighbors – we get that good feeling that we’re talking about, Wendy. We get it just from the water that we’re drinking.

And so, we can bring that kind of divine feeling to ourselves simply through the water that we drink.

13:03 Benefits

Wendy Myers: Well, what are some of the benefits of structured water, the improvement in how people feel when they are drinking this type of water?

Patrick Durkin: Well, there’s so many and it’s going to be unique to each person, but it’s going to start with just as a reminder here. If you’re infusing yourself with the energy of creation, you are aligning with who you really are and what you’re meant to be. And so when you’re doing that, what kind of benefits might you experience? Well, it could start with great health. When I shifted from my 31-year old ‘got to make money’, competitive, ‘the world is about how much money can I make and how fast’ to being connected with nature, eating in a healthy way, drinking and immersing myself in water in a healthy way, it was an enormous shift and my health completely shifted.

A lot of people experience clarity of mind while drinking structured water. And the easiest way to know that you’ve experienced that is to immerse yourself in it for a while and then think that it’s not that important. So you’ll go away for a weekend without your device and that’s when you know. You go out of town and you don’t take your showering device with you and you shower in water and you watch your skin dry up and turn red, that’s when you know. So those are some other things that people experienced.

I think emotional stability has been a big one for a lot of people. So when you feel your body with sacred structured water, it takes on a different vibration. That vibration is not congruent, it doesn’t match with lower vibration energies. So things like anger or jealousy or frustration or that type of emotional experience, they don’t resonate easily with people who drink sacred, structured water. The more you drink the water and the more you come to understand that water is a living being and that it’s supporting you in your life, the more your perspective opens to being infinite and to connecting to the oneness that is our experience when we allow ourselves awareness of it.

The base level concerns that we have such as, “Do I weight the amount that I want to weight? How does this health concern… or that health concern?”, it kind of disappears into the background and what emerges is a brilliant radiance and just an overall sense of well-being, which I think ultimately is what we want.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I really identify with you talking about energy and the energy of water because the more I learn about health and the more I become more spiritual and what-not, I find that everything is energy. Everything is an energy exchange and the preservation of positive energy.

And all of our cells – even I am taking anatomy and biology right now – all of our cells run on energy. That’s electrons, protons and neutrons. Everything is energy. So it makes sense to me to put water in your body that resonates with a positive, healthy energy.

Patrick Durkin: Yeah, that’s absolutely right. And one of the things that’s great about the science of structured water is that there are technologies that have been around for a couple of hundred years and look at electrophoton imaging to see the interaction between light and electrons and that we can measure the amount of that type of energy as present in any kind or organism. So that can be the water or it can be your body.

And so what we’ve shown is that first off, passing water through one of our structuring devices increases the energy by up to 83%. And second, once we put that into our bodies, if you take anybody who drinks their first cup of 12 ounces of sacred structured water, we’ve seen a minimum increase of 10% in their energy field. So we can literally know for sure that people’s energy, the amount of vitality that they have in their body is increasing.

Now, not everybody is sensitive to that. And so some of our customers in their first sip feel the difference like you say you noticed something right away (and that’s really normal). And I just got off a Skype call about an hour ago with a customer from Israel and she has one of our portable devices and she set this appointment so she could buy one of our whole house devices. She said, “Patrick, I cannot talk about what this does with any of my friends because the only thing I could say to them is, ‘I know in my knowing, in my soul that this is the right thing for us.’”

We had a hearty laugh about that because that to me is the only thing that matters. If you know in your soul that it’s the right thing for you, tell other people. And if they want to know more, let that be their truth. But just stand in your truth of knowing that is just what you need. And that is what sacred structured water is.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

19:13 Discovering the sacred structured water

Wendy Myers: So how did you develop this device? Who – I don’t want to say the ‘inventor’. Who discovered structured water?

Patrick Durkin: Well, structured water has always been here. So the ancients drank structured water and then we forgot about it for a while and we got busy with polluting water and then we’ve seen an evolution in the last 100 years starting with Viktor Shauberger who was a naturalist who lived in – I think it was Austria. He was in the logging industry and he had logs that were getting jammed as they went downstream when they were going through straight sections.

He recognized that if he got them spinning, that the jam would be relieved. And in fact 95% of the jam would go away. And so the observations about structured water had been increasing since that time. And now, we have an enormous number of scientist all over the world that are working with sacred structured water in different ways, which is great because the more scientists that are involved, the more proof that we see that makes it easier for those of us who have been conditioned to be science-minded to accept this new truth.

Russian scientists in particular are very advanced with regard to water. At the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, they did an experiment where they used magnetism that was about as strong as a human thought in the form of light. They shone that into water, getting water ready for a fish hatch and then they put the fish in and they lived there and then they gave birth. What happened was the species of fish changed in that birth. And it wasn’t a change that was seen in one fish, it was in every fish that was born. They had speckles, they had great spots on them and lines on them, which had never occurred in the species before. That is the information that they put in to the water. And so when you start seeing stuff like that coming out from leading institutions, it makes it a lot easier to understand the truth of this.

Patrick Durkin: There are quite a few ways to structure water now and it can get confusing for people if they don’t know which type makes the real difference. That’s why I speak of it is ‘sacred structured water’. It’s to remind people of the sacred geometry that must be present to generate the energy of creation.

So you can structure water by praying over it. You can structure it with your words. It’s going to be influenced by every environment that it’s in. But if you want it to resonate with the energy of creation, you have to structure it with the vibratory signature of creation, which is the sacred geometry.

22:55 A closer look at the devices

Wendy Myers: So how many types of filters do you have? I have the portable handheld device right here. What other device do you offer?

Patrick Durkin: Well, that portable one is our most popular. That’s because of a couple of thing. It’s the most versatile and it’s the least expensive, which is a nice combination. So you can have a portable device and use it at home and when you’re on the go. Everybody leaves the house sooner or later, so it’s really important to have the portal when you leave home because once you get used to drinking sacred structured water, you don’t want to go back.

So in addition to the portable, we have a shower device, a sink device, a whole house device. And then there are garden and commercial devices as well. We don’t necessarily feature the gardening commercial. That’s our frontline presentations for people because most people get to know it through their personal experience, but those are certainly available for anybody that’s looking for them.

So what we find is that if somebody owns a home or lives in a single family house, then the whole house device and the portable is the appropriate choice for everything for life. Now, one of the most wonderful things about these devices is that you buy them once and they last forever as we’ve mentioned before. They come with a lifetime warranty. And so once we hook up a whole house device, you’ll notice that some of the mineral build-up in some of your appliances may release, some of the calcium build-up on faucets, bathroom fixtures, that might release also and that your entire home, that the pipes will all fill with the structured water and it will create a radiance around your home.

So you might notice animals being more attracted to your home. You might notice people being nicer to one another in your home. You might just notice a glowing brilliance to all aspects of life. And this is something that emerges in the months after installing a whole house device. If you travel more, if you live in an apartment or a condo, you’re not quite as permanent as somebody who would have a whole house device, then we have the sink and shower devices. They’re really easy to install. Even saying the word ‘installation’ makes it sound like a bigger deal than it is. It’s like screwing it on and screwing it off. It’s really, really simple. And so people who have apartments and condos tend to get like a sink and shower device combined with the portable. And then that’s roughly equivalent to the whole house.

25:54 Filtration

Wendy Myers: And does this remove chlorine and fluoride and other things like that? Does it work like a typical water filter?

Patrick Durkin: Yeah, I think the first thing that we should do is separate the word filters.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Patrick Durkin: People really understand. It’s a perfect question. So a filter adds or removes something from water. As I have shifted to an understanding of life from a oneness perspective and wanting to be away from or not focused on a separation perspective, what I’ve noticed is that I don’t want to remove things from my life anymore because removal implies that I’m trying to take a part of myself and get rid of it. That’s what traditional filtration is built on. It’s the concept of removal. So if you want to have traditional filtration, a filter, combined with this, you may and it’s not going to hurt the structuring device. It can come before or after the structuring device. There’s no problem with the combination. But it’s worth investigating whether having one of these devices is sufficient for you and you feel comfortable.

What I tell people is live with this for 30 days by itself and see how you feel. And then if you still have a concern, go ahead and buy a filter and spend your money on that if that’s a choice that you want to make. But what happens in our device is the memory of water is what’s affected.

27:33 Memories of water

Patrick Durkin: Let’s take a minute and just look at memory for a second if that’s okay with you.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Patrick Durkin: Because it’s been proven that water has memory. It is commonly believed that we have memory in our brains, but that’s in fact never been proven. We don’t have memory in our brains and the way that that was shown was Karl Pribran, the neuroscientist and current professor in Georgetown and professor emeritus in Stanford and Yale (I think are the other two, definitely Stanford), he did experiments.

Now, unfortunately, he did animal testing, which is always hard to talk about because I can’t help but think about what that means. The important part here is to share the results since the tests have already been done. He cut out portions of rat’s brains and then show that they could do activities that were based on their memory. And so he showed that if he took every part of the brain out at different times, the rats still had memory no matter what part was taken out.

So our memories are not actually in our brains. They’re in the water molecules. And when we drink sacred structure water, we clear away, we open up to a greater access to all of that information. This is why you can go to bed at night thinking about a problem and wake up in the morning and have a solution for it. It’s because you put your thinking mind to sleep for the night and the rest of you can go to work and organize a solution and present it to you when you wake up. I don’t know if that’s other people’s experience, but that happens for me all the time. Out of apparently nowhere, I know something that I never studied before and I have a solution that came to me simply by focusing on it.

29:41 Clearing memories off water

Patrick Durkin: Okay, so back to the difference with the toxins and structure. So when you pour the water through one of our devices you clear the memory of all those toxins that are in the water. They are not physically removed. If you feel any physical removal, then get a traditional filter as a partner with this.

But know that the vibratory signature of those toxins, the raw vibrating part that would actually have it be harmful for you, that part is cleared. You could say that the energy is alchemically transmuted in the process of structuring the water. I’m somebody who used to speak in public about people removing toxins from their water and now, I drink from taps all over the country. I don’t have a traditional filter in my home and I don’t ask or want for one anywhere that I go. Each person will find their own way with it, but when you drink the sacred structured water, you are drinking water that is safe for you in a way that traditional water filtration will never make water safe.

31:02 Body water pH

Wendy Myers: And can it change the body’s pH at all, the structured water?

Patrick Durkin: Well, here’s the most interesting thing, I had two years of personally drinking alkaline water. Alkaline water is high pH water, so it raises the body’s pH. My body responded and experienced improvements from it. It made a difference from my health.

But the surprise was that when I stopped drinking that water and I didn’t do anything to keep up raising my pH, but I simply started drinking water, which is neutral from a pH perspective, my acidity problems went completely away and haven’t returned. So there’s more to the acid-alkaline balance equation than we commonly think. And what happens is when we drink sacred, structured water and we fill our bodies with this creation energy, there’s a divine intelligence to that. That intelligence is monitoring the body. It doesn’t need a man-made solution.

So the structured water will remove toxins that are very acidic from your body and take them out and that will by itself work to neutralize more than just alkalize you. So I think the best way to deal with the pH situation is if you can have something that alchemically transmutes that. So it just becomes an issue that you’re not monitoring anymore because you’re balanced and you’re healthy, you don’t have the acid reflux, the upset stomach that I’m sure many people are still dealing with. I certainly knew about seven or eight years of that myself.

32:58 Oneness

Wendy Myers: Is there anything else you want to add about structured water and tell the listeners?

Patrick Durkin: I could add about things about structured water all day long. You know, what I want to really share with people that they probably won’t hear anywhere else is that I think the biggest problem that we have with our health in the world today is misalignment with who we really are. When we connect to the oneness that is our experience, but undetectable for some of us, we connect to the infiniteness that is available in life. The things that we’re struggling against, they shift.

And so if you’re dealing with something, a difficulty in your life right now and you’re pursuing it and you put a lot of attention into correcting some sort of situation, that’s kind of fighting against the energy. It’s like if we want to do something about war, then rather than having war and peace, which are polarities of one another, if we can have discussions about oneness and discussions about making the connection between ourselves palpable, then war and peace kind of can disappear into the background and replaced by something different.

So the invitation to experience sacred structured water and to interact with it is going to shift everything in your life in a way that might seem unknowable. It’s okay if it seems unknowable because we have a money back guarantee and we also have a lifetime warranty. And in our offer, we are also paying for shipping. So try it and experience it. You’ll be delighted. And if you’re not, engage with me because its’ my passion that you be delighted. And if you’re somehow not even after we explore it, then no problem, you just return the device and you can move on to whatever solution is best for you.

35:29 Where to find Patrick Durkin

Wendy Myers: And so how can the listeners learn more about structured water, about you, about the devices, et cetera?

Patrick Durkin: Well, I think you’ll be providing a link hopefully and that will make it easy. Everybody is welcome to go to the Everything is there on our page. The connection to everything that we’re doing at the Wellness Enterprise is through the So one place and you’ll be able to connect with us on social media and all the different venues that everybody connects these days.

Wendy Myers: Well Patrick, thank you so much for coming on this show. I really appreciate. I love that talked about structured water, sacred structured water. I really enjoy my device and I’m just really thrilled that I had the opportunity to be able to have found your website and had you come on the podcast and discover it for myself because I felt like it was something that was really missing in my healthcare regime. So I’m just very thankful for you bringing this information to my audience.

Patrick Durkin: Well, we’re thankful that you found us, Wendy. And one of the things that anybody that comes to us through you will receive if they make a purchase is we have a course called ‘Water Magic 101’. It’s 30 days of support to support them to immerse themselves in the water. So we don’t just want to tell people about it. If they’re going to make a purchase, then we want to really support them to have that immersion experience. We’re so glad you’re having that and that we’ve had the opportunity to connect. Thank you, Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much, Patrick and stay tuned. Listeners, if you want to learn all about detoxification and all about natural healing and health and the Modern Paleo Diet, go to my website, You can also learn all about my healing and detox program, Mineral Power. You definitely should check that out. And everyone, thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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