Transcript: #80 Why we Need Magnetism for Detox and Health with Dr. Dean Bonlie

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  • 02:37 About Dr. Dean Bonlie
  • 25:59 Magnetico Sleeping Pads
  • 27:47 Side Effects of Magnetism
  • 29:26 Primal Sleeping
  • 32:06 Oxygen Availability
  • 35:40 Weight Loss
  • 38:37 EMF’s
  • 42:21 Other magnetic pads
  • 45:45 The most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 47:01 Contact Dr. Bonlie

Wendy Myers: Thank you for tuning in to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on You can also find this video podcast on my YouTube channel, wendyLiveto110 and on the blog post at

Today, we’re going to be talking to Dr. Dean Bonlie about the benefits of magnetism and how you really should be including it in your health regime.

I got my Magnetico Sleeping Pad that Dr. Bonlie invented and I’ve been sleeping on it for a few weeks and I cannot tell you how much better I feel. I have more energy, more mental clarity. I’ve started to detox a little bit because it aids detox.

I’m just so thrilled about the future benefits that I’m going to receive from these Magnetico Sleeping Pads and I wanted to bring him on the show and talk about all the benefits of magnetism and why you should probably be getting a Magnetico Sleeping Pad.

But first, we have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest on this show.

I first heard about Magnetic Sleeping Pads at the Bulletproof Biohackers Conference. Dr. Jack Kruse is a neurosurgeon that was talking about the importance of magnetism and how our mitochondria and even oxygen work via magnetism.

If we aren’t properly magnetizing our bodies, especially in light of all the EMF’s that we encounter every day (the cellphone radiation, use of cellphones, putting it up to our ears and all the electromagnetic fields) that disrupt our cells’ energy fields and magnetism, we’re going to suffering a lot of health issues from that, one of them being weight gain.

There are so many health issues that are negatively impacted by not properly magnetizing our body. So I immediately order a Magnetico Sleeping Pad on the advice of Dr. Jack Kruse. I’m so glad that I did. I was really, really excited to bring this information and share it with my listeners today.

02:37 About Dr. Dean Bonlie

Wendy Myers: Dr. Bonlie graduated with honors from Loma Linda University. During the last 17 years, he has studied magnetism as it relates to health. He has devoted all his energy and focus to this arena. His scientific theory on the effect of magnetism on living tissue has made him a widely accepted authority in this field.

He’s now recognized as an expert researcher, inventor, consultant and lecturer on biomagnetism, the Academy of Magnetic Therapy. In the past, Dr. Bonlie has been the president of the North American Academy of Magnetic Therapy and he has taught courses in magnetic treatment for the integrated medicine post-doctoral degree offered by Capital University in Washington D.C.

He also developed a course in magnetic therapy for the International College of Neuropathy in California. And Dr. Bonlie regularly lectures at medical conferences and appears on many radio and television interviews. Dr. Bonlie invented the Magnetico Sleeping Pad, which I’ve been using every night. This basically imitates the earth’s magnetic field and reduces the harmful effects of EMF.

Taking his knowledge of magnetism to the next level, Dr. Bonlie then developed and patented a high-strength clinical treatment magnet called the ‘magnetic molecular energizer’ – sounds good to me. And this device is now operational in several advanced magnetic research institute clinics in the U.S.
Phrase III studies for FDA approval are currently underway and the primary types of conditions being treated are neurological and orthopedic, but pilot studies are showing potential cardiology applications as well. This high energy treatment is safe and non-invasive while achieving results not previously thought possible. You can find more information on Dr. Bonlie’s website for the Advanced Magnetic Research Institute.

So, Dr. Bonlie, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Glad to be here. Let’s have a little fun today and talk about magnetism.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Yes! So why don’t you tell us your story. How did you end up studying magnetism?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Well, I was at a scientific lecture in this lecture from the University. It was talking about the decline in the earth’s magnetic field. I thought, “Well, that’s interesting.” He said we should be replacing the earth’s magnetic fields back to what it used to be.

He didn’t know exactly what it used to be, but I went down to the general library and started reading everything on magnetism. The earth’s magnetism, to my amazement, the earth’s magnetic field just at the time of the Babylonian empire (which is about 4000 years ago) was 2.78 gauss. Now, gauss is the measurement of magnetic field. We’re down to half a gauss now.

Now, what I’ve learned in studying what they had in the library was that the earth’s magnetic field is depreciating at the rate of about 5% per hundred years. And so, we’ve depreciated down now to only half a gauss from 2.78.

Now, I talked to one of the geologist that was working out in the dinosaur beds and I thought, “Well, let’s see what the magnetic field was in the time of the dinosaurs. They were huge.” He said, “They were about 300 gauss then.”

How could they tell that? It’s by the study hysteresis. Hysteresis is where they take a sample of the rock (or whatever they’re sampling) and they check the alignment in the magnetic crystals in that rock and they have it with a man-made piece of rock so they could check and compare. And so they looked in the microscope at the magnetic crystals and they can say, “Oh, they’re aligned enough to have a magnetic field of 300 gauss or 10 gauss or whatever…” So anyhow, that’s an established practice in the scientific community. So, we’ve lost a lot of our magnetic field.

The other thing that I really learned that was shocking was that every about 600,000 years, the earth had a reversal of its magnetic field. As a matter of fact, we’re getting close to that now because in ‘05, NASA said that we’ll be down to zero magnetism within 700 years. And so, they stated the same things I did apparently and made that decision. That was an announcement made over the radio at that time. So I thought, “Well, that’s interesting.” About that time, Dr. Valerie Hunt, a researcher over at UCLA thought what will happen if we took away all the magnetic field. Are we dependent on it?

Now, the reason she did that is because in the early ‘80s, these five countries of the world got together and did core sampling down into the [inaudible 00:08:13], the major rivers of the earth. They could go down the bedrock and the sediments were of course layering in all those years. And when they got back the bedrock, get this, they’ve gone through many, many magnetic reverses. As a matter of fact, nine of them.

Wendy Myers: Oh, wow!

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And at the time, there was a magnetic reversal, there was a die out of the [inaudible 00:08:45] which are very primitive source type of life. Well, they died off then, but why did they die off? It must’ve been the magnetic reversal. So Dr. Hunt thought, “Well, let’s see if that’s true.”

So she had the Physics department make her by a 7 x 7 x 7 cage of metal. That’s a metal that’s boxed out over magnetic fields. She put two young volunteers in there. She had them all wired up with EKGs, ECGs and electrocardiographs, everything – potentiometers.

A few minutes, they begin to sob uncontrollably. She said, “What’s wrong with you guys?” They said, “We feel like we’re falling apart.” The next thing she noticed, they were losing the feeling in their feet. And then they lost their ability to move their feet. This crept up the body. When it got to the heart, all the alarms went off.

But there was something interesting also in that experiment. They were trying to suck energy off the adjoining person. So they became very extremely positive and negative right where they’re touching the other person next to them. So we do get energy off other people apparently. And this experiment was halted of course when their heart began to get in trouble, the heart muscle got in trouble.

So I talked to Dr. Hunt about this experiment. She said, “Well, if we would’ve kept them going much longer, they would’ve been vegetables.” So I thought, “That’s interesting.” You see what really happens. Where is the cut-off point? We’re down to a half a gauss now, let’s go down to two-tenths of a gauss. That’ll be like 60% more loss of what we have now.

And so they put mice, young mice in a new cage again. They were young mice, they’re adolescents, so they were jumping around. You could put your hand and they’d be jumping all over the place. In 15 minutes, they went into slow motion. You could go in and roll them over and they could hardly get up.
That’s how dependent we are on magnetism. There is still some magnetism, but down to 20% of what we have now.

In the first 24 hours, one of them died. The others compensated by eating huge amounts of food and they became just literally round. They were so obese and would’ve died if we had left them even longer. So this is a big deal, folks. Magnetism is something you have to have for life. With that, I thought, “Well, how can we enhance the earth’s magnetic field?” Obviously, five-tenths is not near as good as 2.75 in the early Babylonian empire. So we made the first unidirection magnetic pad. The magnetic field just went the same direction as the earth, no reversing in it. And from that, it goes out.

We tried it on a little guy who was really crippled up with arthritis. In three months, his arthritis is gone. He thought we were miracle workers. I have had arthritis in the spine for many, many years. So I tried it on myself. In 3 ½ months, my arthritis is all gone.

Wendy Myers: I can tell. I feel so much better I can’t even tell you. I have more energy, more mental clarity. I can’t even speak to how much better I feel. I’m so excited about what’s going to happen in three months.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: So with that, we started the company and started selling the magnetic pad. That was back in the 1990. So this business has been going on for a long time. We’re now at 24 years doing this. We did a lot of research.

Now, at the time, we didn’t know how magnetism was affecting the human body. We just knew it was good for us. And so I started studying quantum physics and I found a formula called the Larmor Formula.

The Larmor Formula simply says you put a hydrogen atom in a magnetic field and as you increase the magnetic field, you increase the orbital velocity of the valence electrons going around the nucleus of the atom. And as it’s going around faster, it’s [inaudible 00:13:30], so the charge goes up and consequently, it is attracted and repelled from other atoms and protons and electrons that are of different intensity. So the formula says the atoms go in procession [inaudible 00:13:47].

So it’s like heating a solution to make a chemical reaction happen. You’re increasing the molecular activity. And not only that, you have more vibration in the molecular structure, but you have higher charged electrons, so they’re far more chemically active.

Wendy Myers: Therefore, you have more energy.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Yeah, I was feeling kind of bad about this because I lectured on this at several medical meetings and I got blasted by QuackWatch.

Wendy Myers: Everybody gets blasted there.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And they quoted a physicist saying that it was all a bunch of hooey.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And I was sitting in my office one day and then I got this call from this fellow. He starts asking me a lot of questions on Quantum Physics. I answered him and then I finally said, “Who are you anyhow?” He says, “I’m head of the U.S. Fusion program.” I said, “Why are you calling me then?” He says, “Because we’re calling to congratulate you. We’ve just come to the same conclusion as your theory.”

So after that, I don’t pay any attention to the naysayers.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and QuackWatch. They’re a bunch of quacks over there at QuackWatch running that site.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: That’s right. So anyhow, from then on, we went on to the magnetic pads and sold them to the public. We were noticing a lot of really interesting things that are happening.

And then I got involved in frequencies. Having read Robert O. Becker’s book on the meridian systems of the body and how we were affected and so forth, I studied acupuncture and other related meridian energy systems of the body, along with Dr. Becker (and I have sat and talked to him), I came up with a little theory of how our body actually is working. It’s mostly Dr. Becker’s, but some of it is mine, so it’s his.

It’s simply that your brain has 80% of its cells that are astrocytes. Their primary function is to convert chemical energy to electrical energy. And this electrical energy then flows out to the periphery of the body.

Now, it has two functions. The first function is to resonate the different tissues of the body so that –
What is resonance? Well, we’ll explain that by when an opera singer hit the right note, he can break a wine glass out to pieces, but his frequency is a harmonic of the frequency of the chords in the glass. And so there’s so much energy released that the glass just explodes.

And so anyhow, our body is made so that it can happen. It goes through the whole series of frequency from about 7.5 hertz down to below 1 hertz and back up every 90 minutes to two hours all night long while you sleep.

The purpose is to resonate all the different tissues in the body so that you have a great burst of energy in healing because the DNA then will make a lot more RNA and the RNA makes a lot more new tissue.
And not only that, the mitochondria of the cell then is operating – in other words, it’s enhanced. And so it makes a lot more ATP. And we’ve proven this at John Hopkins University. And so we have a lot more ATP, which is the catalyst to all the chemical reactions in the body. Well then, all your chemistry starts working better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And one of the chemical reactions that’s very important here, that is the sodium-potassium pump of the cell wall. This is the mechanism that the cell has to charge up the cell walls so that oxygen is drawn in and waste products are pushed out because of the difference in charge.

This little chemical reaction is called the sodium-potassium pump is up-rigged. In other words, it’s working much harder and much more efficiently when you have more ATP to run that. And guess what? That leads to detoxification.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: What we learned is that once we get above 100 millivolts in difference in the cell wall, toxin will start flooding out into the interstitial space and then into the bloodstream. So this is why this is such a wonderful thing for detoxification.

Now, that’s one of the major things that this does, detoxification because probably one of the best uses is chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

They found all of these people who’ve had a lot of amalgam fillings (they call them silver fillings and amalgam fillings). And according to the EPA standards, if you have more than four of these things, you’re at a toxic level for three hours after you’ve chewed anything. So that body is absorbing all of that mercury into the body.

And if you’re under stress, then your cells will be picking it up. When you’re under stress, you’re not resonating the mitochondria, so you’re not making enough ATP, so the sodium-potassium pump is not working very well, so you have a little charge on the cell wall. So it will kill some channels, open up and bring in toxic metals.

Well, they’re supposed to bring in calcium and magnesium, but they aren’t discriminatory. They’re bringing in toxic metals too because they’re positively charged too. That’s how we get full of toxins in our body. No stress, you don’t get toxins. If you’re under stress, you get them.

This mechanism we have, they keep cell respiration going to keep the cells alive. But there’s a secondary mechanism that we’re not meant to be using, only under extreme conditions. But now, these people aren’t getting enough rest, they’re overstressed and so these backup mechanism, opening up the calcium channel and bringing in calcium into our cells is happening quite often.

This really happens a lot in the brain and in the heart because these two organs are stressed the most. So we load up with toxic metals in the linings of our arteries and in our heart muscle and in our brain cells.

And guess what happens when they get in our brain cells? These toxic metals affect the mitochondria in the brain cells, so they’re not putting out as much electricity than they did before. And without electricity, you’re not resonating the tissues of the body and consequently, more opening of the calcium channels are bringing in more toxins and what-have-you.

To our amazement, when we first started treating chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia – we were recording how many fillings they have. Most of the people had ten or more fillings at one time in their life. And by the way, your brain cells aren’t dividing. We have some that are dividing that are stem cells, but most of the brain cells aren’t dividing. Consequently, they’re building up more and more. They’re the same ones you had when you were nine years old. And so they’re building up all these toxins all through the years. It gets to the point where the mitochondria in the cell aren’t working and the chemical reactions that make electricity are inhibited.

And so we treated these people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. It was like magic for them. We had so much mercury came out in the blood stream. We had to give them DMSA, which is a binding agent for mercury or we give them chlorella (both of them do work), so that they would get rid of the mercury as it came out and not just deposit somewhere else in the body.

I’ll give you a little story. This lady walked into my office. She said, “I need a miracle, Dr. Bonlie.” I said, “What’s wrong.” She says, “I have chronic fatigue, firbromyalgia. I’m allergic to several foods. I have to take all of my chemicals out of the house because I’m allergic to them all.” She says, “My life stinks. I’ve lost my husband over this. I lost my job. I’m on welfare.” She says, “I don’t know why I’m talking to you. I have no money.”

I said, “Well, how many fillings did you have?” She said, “I had 23.” She says, “When this all started. I went to 14 different doctors and they all told me I was crazy. The last three were alternative doctors. The first one told me to get my fillings out and I got worse. The next told me I needed more vitamins and minerals. I still didn’t get any better. And the last one, a chelation doctor, he put a needle in my arm and gave me EDTA chelation and didn’t help at all” and she said, “Here I am.” I said, “Well, unfortunately, nobody knew what they were doing. All we need to do is put you on the strongest magnetic pad and give you DMSA. I had a lot of DMSA capsules. I give her enough to last her for a couple of months.”

She looked at me and she said, “You are crazy, aren’t you? You’re going to give me all these stuff?” I said, “Yeah, and you’re going to pay me when you get well.” And then she walked out the door. In three months from the day the treatment started, she was all happy, her face was glowing. I said, “What’s going on?” She says, “I need some more of those pills.” She says, “Life is great!” I said, “Well, how is that?” She’s like, “I’ve got a new boyfriend. He’s a lot better than that last husband of mine.”

Wendy Myers: …who left her.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And she says, “I’m not allergic to anything anymore.” And so I checked with her again another year later. She was just doing wonderful. She’s doing very, very well. She was a real estate salesman. Her sales were way up.

Anyhow, that gives you a little idea of what’s possible, getting the mercury out of the brain. The mercury is the cause for a lot of diseases we’ve discovered – not only fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, but for MS and Parkinson’s. It seems to be a major, major part of the problem. We didn’t learn that until we started treating these people with a much stronger magnetic field. They got nauseated in about two hours of treatment. And when we tested their blood, they had huge toxic levels of mercury in their blood. And so all we had to do is give them DMSA and there was no toxicity in their body.

So these are some of the things I’ve learned. We’ve learned also that when we treat the large device (now we’re talking about the 10,000 pound electromagnetic device) for treating the heart, we need to give them…

Wendy Myers: That’s the new one you just invented?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Yes, this is another thing that I’ve invented, this device. By the way, we’re close on having that approved. We’re just putting in our application this month. We’re getting that approved for yeast and lower back pain because we found that it is very efficacious in the healing of the disc in the back. We’re restoring these people to normal activity. So anyhow, that’s kind of a fast rundown.

Wendy Myers: Yeah!

25:59 the Magnetico Sleeping Pads

Wendy Myers: Well, how about we talk about how your sleeping pads come in different sizes or strengths? They come in the 5 gauss and the 10 gauss and the 20 gauss. But I read on your site that you just said that the magnetic field of the earth is about .5 gauss. So why do you make them so much stronger than the earth’s own gauss?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: That started out with – oh, it must’ve been eight years when we just made them in five gauss, which is ten times the earth’s magnetic field. And then there were feedback from the patients that some of them were – like with arthritis, they were only getting partially well, same with chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

We did a study at the University of Virginia on fibromyalgia. They compared our magnetic pads with [inaudible 00:26:58]. They were our main competitor that day. It was a double blind placebo-controlled study. And by the way, we came out with only 32.4% reduction in pain. They came out a little better than the placebo.

Wendy Myers: You put them out of business.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And so they recommended that we make them stronger because people with thinner mattresses had better success than people with thicker ones. So that’s why we made the 10 gauss one and the 20 gauss one. We found that with 20 gauss, we could eliminate the fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue and arthritis. So that’s how it all came about.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

27:47 Side effects of Magnetism

Wendy Myers: So can you get OD on magnetism? Can you get too much?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: The only thing that will happen is that you’ll need less sleep. In about six hours, you’re ready to go if you’re the strongest one because you’ve enhanced the chemistry in the brain and the body [inaudible 00:28:08] and the body says, “Oh, you know, I don’t need any more of this.”

The other thing that you have to watch out is the detoxification. If you’ve had a lot of fillings, you have the mercury coming out of the cells. Even though you’ve had EDTA chelation and all the other types of chelation, it’ll still be coming on to the brain like everything because that other kind of chelation doesn’t take it out of the brain.

Wendy Myers: No, it doesn’t.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And so, this is the only thing that works, bringing it out of the brain. So if you’re going to have problem with that, you’ll know because in the morning, you’ll wake up with a headache and a stiff neck. It’s the mercury that’s eliminated from the body. So if you take DMSA or if you take large doses of chlorella, then you eliminate that problem.

Wendy Myers: What about Zeolite?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Zeolite is more for organic toxins.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Oh, yeah.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: They’re for your [inaudible 00:29:15] and things like that, pesticides.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the fillings are inorganic mercury.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Yeah, we’re talking about inorganic, which is mercury and lead and nickel and things like that.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

29:26 Primal Sleeping

Wendy Myers: So in the whole history of mankind, humans slept on the earth usually in caves which have more magnetism, I’m sure. That’s why it makes so much sense to me. The problem today is there’s people sleeping in high-rise buildings or they’re in their home and they’re sleeping probably a few feet off the earth. Can you explain why this is a big problem and really contributing to so many health issues?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: We were interested in that, so we took a magnetometer, a very sophisticated one. They were very accurate. We went into a high rise and then we took the difference. The further up in the high rise you bring them – actually, pretty well, the whole high rise had significantly less magnetic field in the middle of the rooms in the high rise. The columns in the middle that were holding it up add a lot more magnetism.

So what was happening, the earth magnetic field was drawn to the rebar in the concrete pillars that hold it up. And so it was drawn over there and not coming down through the rooms. And so these poor girls in the middle of the room were in deficient magnetic field and very stressed. People in the corner offices against the wall, which has rebars in the walls that there’s cement to, they were getting more magnetism.

So the executives are getting all the good stuff and the secretaries in the middle were laboring under a stressful condition. As a matter of fact, some of the big office buildings, they went all the way down to 0.25 gauss, which is a very stressful level of the room – 0.25, that’s very low. Anyhow, that’s why these poor girls are really stressed out at the end of the day, not just from the work overload, but from the lack of magnetism.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and it just makes so much sense to me that for millions of years, men slept on the ground and enjoyed extra magnetism. That’s how our bodies have evolved to work, the mitochondria and oxygen via magnetism. So it makes so much sense to me to sleep, re-create that magnetism by sleeping on a Magnetico Sleeping Pad so that your body can enjoy the health benefits it was meant to enjoy.

32:06 Magnetism and oxygen availability

Dr. Dean Bonlie: And let’s talk about that increased oxygen. There’s two ways. We did a study with 88 people independently. They found that under exercise, the people in a magnetic field had 23% advantage over when there was no magnetic field. In other words, there’s 23% more oxygen available through the body under exercise.

The other thing we found, the red blood cells are picking up more oxygen because the mechanism in the red blood cells were stronger because again, the higher charge on the valence electrons inside of the red blood cells were grabbing more oxygen as they went through [inaudible 00:32:57].

And then plus the fact that every cell had a higher differential in charge, so the oxygen was drawn in much easier, so much more readily. And so they had a lot more oxygen in the cells because of the higher charge in the cell walls.

So that’s why when they did tests on the Canadian Decathlon team, if they laid on the magnetic pad for half an hour before they did their event, they actually got 10% higher points in the event if they used the magnetic pad. And that’s how Donovan Bailey won the gold medal.

So another example of this, the coach is so impressed that he told one of his people he was coaching running for Mr. Canada, “You need to get on one of these things because you’ll be preparing for the North American championships in just six weeks.” And so he came in and said, “I don’t believe in this. I’m a physicist, I don’t believe in this.” He says, “But my coach says I have to use it.” So he used it.

In six weeks, in six weeks, he increased his reps (that’s how many times he could lift a weight or whatever) by 41%. He lost six pounds of fat and gained six pounds of muscle. But that wasn’t the big deal. He came in second in North America in the championships.

He came in to see me afterwards, he said, “Dr. Bonlie, I got to thank you.” He said, “It used to be hell being in this business because without pain, there’s no gain. He’d overdo it in order to get muscles to grow. He says, “You’ve eliminated 80% of my post-exercise hardness.”

Why is that? Because overnight, all the chemistry is working so much better that he grew those muscle tissue overnight. He didn’t have all that inflammation carrying over into the morning; inflammation, of course, causing the pain.

We tried this on a couple of [inaudible 00:35:05] quarterbacks in the NFL, which really get beat up on Sunday. They both came back to tell me the same thing. He says, “We can go back out and practice the next morning feeling just great because we’re not all swollen stiff and bruising as bad.” As a matter of fact, one of them had been losing all of his games. He got on there and he won all of his games for the rest of the season. That gives you an idea of how important it is. Anyhow, you have more questions.

35:40 Magnetism and Losing Weight

Wendy Myers: Yes! You know what? I have said I’m really looking forward to getting back in shape with my Magnetico Sleeping Pad because I believe that after talking to Dr. Jack Kruse and a lot of things that I’ve read about electromagnetic fields that we’re exposed to everyday that disrupt our body’s energy fields and magnetism promotes weight gain.

One thing I’ve noticed is that over the past few years, I’m just not able to lose weight like I used to. I eat a healthy diet. I exercise regularly. I detox. I do everything right and I still have a really difficult time losing weight. I really feel like the missing piece of the puzzle was the magnetism, magnetizing my body.

So can you explain a little bit about how the Magnetico Sleeping Pad aids weight loss?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: We don’t sell it as a weight loss device.

Wendy Myers: No, mm-hmmm…

Dr. Dean Bonlie: …because there are two things going on here. Your metabolism will pick up, which will cause you to burn more. Remember, we talked about the chemical reactions being enhanced? That’s your metabolism. That will burn up more fat.

But the other side of the coin is your digestive tract will be more efficient, so it will take up more nutrition than it did before too. So you got to not start eating more because you’re exercising more, but you got to eat what you ate before and you burn them out. And then you lose weight.

This turned out to be a very big benefit for people with digestive problems because the reason for that is usually, the digestive glands are getting old and tired. So in enhancing the chemistry in them, we started making more digestive juices. And so digestion is much faster and much more efficient. So that’s just another one of the benefits.

You see, this is something that affects everything in the body. The only thing it doesn’t affect is infections. Studies are showing there’s more immune cells to fight the infections, but it doesn’t stop people from getting contaminated by the virus.

I’m talking to my son who is a physician. He said it reduces his chances of getting a cold or flu from his patients by at least two-thirds.

Wendy Myers: Oh, wow!

Dr. Dean Bonlie: …because he has a better immune system. He’s even making little magnetic pads for his babies. There’s even one in their little crib.

38:37 EMF’s and Magnetism

Wendy Myers: So what about EMF’s. EMF’s are a huge, huge problem today in our society. We are constantly surrounded by wireless radiation. So how does sleeping on the Magnetic Sleeping Pad counteract the issue of EMF’s in our society today?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: It doesn’t block them out because EMF’s will go right through magnetic field. They just bend the path of the EMF as they go through. That’s all that happens. But how it helps, because we have people with electrical sensitivity call and wanted our help, yes, we helped a lot of people with electrical sensitivity.

How it works is remember, we talked about that, we explained electricity for the body and we called it the ‘vitality’ or the ‘chi’. Now, if you have your brain working more efficiently because again, we see the chemistry in the brain were converting electrical energy to chemical energy gets more efficient and we’re putting out a higher voltage to the body, so the signals going out to the periphery of the body were much stronger. So these incoming signals, they don’t have much effect because we’re making a stronger signal. And that’s why it works.

And we [recording error 00:40:02] chi system, meridian system that I worked out with Dr. Becker [inaudible 00:40:11]. He found that first, they flowed out on the Schwann cells, which [inaudible 00:40:16] holds the myelin sheath [inaudible 00:40:20]. So it flows out on these Schwann cells, which are semiconducting to the periphery of the body to resonate the tissues and flows back to the fascia and goes to what we call the meridians in Chinese medicine.

The dura mater of the spinal cord is its outer sheath that covers the spinal cord back up to the brain. That current is then recharged with a higher voltage and goes back out again. That’s the system.

Now, riding on that resonance frequency that way is the message frequencies from the brain to the tissue telling it what to do. Each cell needs instruction to repair properly. They don’t just innately do it on their own. So you have a message system in and a resonance system all going through this vitality system, the chi system or whatever you want to call it.

And now, on the way back, the cells of the brain – we call it ‘biofeedback’. There’s all these biofeedback devices now trying to read what the cells are saying to the brain telling the brain where it needs help. This is our marvelous system that we have to maintain good health in our body. Now, if our brain isn’t putting out a strong enough signal, all these system gets overridden by these EMFs coming in our health deteriorates.

And so, that’s why it’s so important to have a good, strong signal coming from your brain and good chemistry going on your brain. You need to clean your brain out so you have a good strong signal coming through your brain.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, love it. Love it, love it. You are so good explaining everything very, very clearly. I really appreciate that.

42:21 Other magnetic pads available on the market

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about some other issues with your competitors, these magnetic pads maybe coming from China or via other manufacturers. What are some of the problems with those? I think people will be naturally tempted to buy a cheaper brand or what-not. So what are some of the issues that people have with the cheaper magnetic sleeping pads?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Yeah, the reason why, first of all, ours is patented. But they do not put enough magnets in. So there’s a space between their magnets that allows the magnetic field to completely loop around to the other side of the magnet. So they’re exposing the body to a bipolar field. That is not natural to the body, so the body goes into an emergency response.

If we go back to the original formula here, the Larmor formula, it is a direction formula so you could slow down the valence electrons going around the atoms and they’ll lose their charge and so you’ll inhibit chemical reactions. And this happens in the cells in a reverse field.

And then you get not enough ATP being produced by the mitochondria, so the charge in the cell wall drops and they start getting [inaudible 00:43:41] out of the cell. And that thing is the brain through biofeedback will send more and more electricity to that area and more blood to that area.

It’s the exact, same effect as acupuncture. As a matter of fact, Dr. Solis tested this. He invented the [inaudible 00:43:57] stimulator, which is a type of acupuncture device. He found [inaudible 00:44:09] acupuncture point on the hand here and throw a magnet on it had exactly the same hormonal effects when the same thing when [inaudible 00:44:19] a needle in there or [inaudible 00:44:21]. They’re the same thing.

And the reason for it, they both created an emergency. The emergency was a 43% increase of endorphins, which is the feel-good hormone – not the feel-good hormone, but the natural pain killing hormone that’s very much related to actually morphine. And then the serotonin had a 50% increase. All of these things is to reduce pain, which is okay in the short-term. But long-term, you’re in trouble because you’re putting the body to an emergency response.

As a matter of fact, when I used to lecture to the American Academy of Magnetic Therapy, a lot of people came up to me after and said, “That’s why I can’t get up in the morning anymore. I’ve been using this bipolar field magnetic pad.”

And by the way, all of those are on top the mattress because they don’t have enough power to go through the mattress. It’s only been stimulated to the point where their body is just saying, “I’m tired” and your adrenals are depleted. This is the problem they have. That’s why they can’t get out of bed in the morning.

Anyhow, nature always is best. So if you do simulate nature, it’s always going to work better. Anything other than nature, you’re going to pay for it.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

45:45 The most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: Well, Dr. Bonlie, what do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today? It’s something I like to ask all my guests. I have a feeling I know what you’re going to say. I just want your opinion.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: I’m going to shock you. It’s stress – plain, old stress. See, if there’s no stress, you don’t get toxins into the cell. If there’s no stress, you don’t overuse your brain. You have a reserve of vitality. So, stress.

Next is toxins. That’s number two, toxins. Number three is EMF’s. See, the toxins don’t go into the cells unless the cell has already been stressed.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, I absolutely agree with you.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: It makes it pretty simple, doesn’t it?

Wendy Myers: Yes, it does. Yeah, it makes so much sense. I mean, that’s one thing I talk about on the podcast all the time and my mineral power program. It’s all about reducing stress, getting rid of toxins out of the body, resting, proper nutrition and avoiding as many toxins as you can and EMF’s.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: That’s right.

47:01 Contact Dr. Bonlie

Wendy Myers: Well, Dr. Bonlie, thank you so much for coming on the show. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Did you have any closing thoughts or anything else you want to tell the audience or where they can find you?

Dr. Dean Bonlie: They could call me at 1-800-265-1119. We’ll try and help you out with your problems. Not everybody needs a magnetic pad I suppose. If you’re young and just a kid, maybe you don’t. By the way, we’ve found students on magnetic pads get their grades. So it’s something for mothers if their kids are not doing well.

By the way, we’ve also done two little studies on autism. Using a detox along with the magnetic pad dramatically enhances the function of these kids. In just two months, they jump on a whole level of progress from medium function to higher function and what-have-you. So again, because they’re taking the toxins out of the brain, the brain starts working better.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I’m really excited because my daughter was diagnosed on the autism spectrum at one point. She’s doing so much better. I have her on my mineral power program and she’s been detoxing. But now, she and I are sleeping on the Magnetico Sleeping Pad. I’m really, really excited to see increasing improving by magnetizing her body.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: You might want to give her something to bind the metals as they come out because that’ll be more efficient, okay?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. I’m planning to do that. I’m going to talk to you about that after the show.

Dr. Dean Bonlie: Alright!

Wendy Myers: Well, thank you so much for coming on the show, Dr. Bonlie. That was incredible. I know the listeners are going to get so much benefit out of that.

And guys, if you want to find a Magnetico Sleeping Pad, you can look in the Live to 110 Store. You can also just look on podcast #80 on the website. There’ll be links there where you can purchase a Magnetico Sleeping Pad.

And again, thank you, everyone so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast. And please go and give me a review on iTunes if you liked what you heard today and would love to help me get my message out by getting those high ratings on the podcast. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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