Transcript: #38 Heal Diabetes Naturally with Nutritional Balancing with Kristen Harper

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  • 06:20 Why is diabetes such a big health problem?
  • 08:48 Causes of diabetes
  • 13:38 Little known Causes of Diabetes
  • 18:45 What is nutritional balancing?
  • 20:53 Hair Mineral Analysis Reveals Diabetes
  • 25:21 How does a nutritional balancing program heal diabetes?
  • 27:42 Reducing medication
  • 31:08 How long do people need to be in the Nutritional Balancing Program?
  • 35:19 The most pressing health issues today: Addiction
  • 40:42 About Kristen Harper

Wendy Myers: Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. I’m your host, Wendy Myers. Today I’m going to be interviewing Kristen Harper, a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner about how a Nutritional Balancing program can help heal diabetes and help people get off their medication, which I’m sure is the goal of most people that are on diabetic medications. One in every four Americans age 60 or above has diabetes. This is just staggering, costing millions of lives and billions of dollars in healthcare costs. All types of diabetes, type 2 and 1, respond really well to Nutritional Balancing. So I wanted to let all you listeners know that there are other options in healing diabetes. So today we’re going to tell you how.

I have a little disclaimer, please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 podcast is solely informational in nature, so please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment I suggest on the show. And for any of you guys that have not done so already, please go to my website and download my free weight loss guide it’s called the Live to 110 by Weighing Less eGuide and it’s absolutely free, just sign-up for it on the home page where it says “Join the Live to 110 Community”. It’s a 34-page basic weight loss guide filled with tips about diet and exercises, reducing cravings, and how to reduce stress. And it will definitely help you get started on your path to weight loss. It’s really a primer for my book, When Diet and Exercise Are Not Enough, a step by step plan to eliminate your roadblocks to weight loss which will be available, hopefully, in the spring of 2014. Haha. It’s coming along really slow.

So everyone, let’s get started with the show today. I have feeling this is going to be a long one because there’s a lot to talk about on the subject of diabetes. Kristen Harper is a fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioner like myself and she has a special interest in healing diabetes with this program. Her practice is located in Lake Havasu, Arizona though she consults with the clients all over the world. You can find her website at Hi Kristen, how are you?

Kristen Harper: Good. How are you, Wendy?

Wendy Myers: I’m great. Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and why you decided to become a Nutritional Balancing practitioner?

Kristen Harper: Yes. I am the owner of Perfect Health Consulting Services, LLC. I am located in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. I’m a Nutritional Balancing and Lifestyle Coach and we provide hair mineral analysis and Nutritional Balancing programs designed to balance body chemistry naturally without the use of medication. We do provide services worldwide and the reason I’m so passionate about Nutritional Balancing science is because I’ve had health issues since I was a child. I had temper tantrums as a child. I had unrelenting fatigue. That was actually one of my most concerning symptoms. I had unrelenting fatigue day after day even after a good night’s sleep, I was so tired the next day and this went on from, like, elementary school, junior high, high school, even up to college.  I was extremely tired, and I had low blood sugar, muscle aches, irritability before meals. Since then I focused my attention on conventional medicine. I didn’t get the answers from doctors because I go to really good doctors that would tell me that I’m normal and everything’s okay but I knew something was wrong with me. And when I had tests done, the tests would show normal.

So I left conventional medicine behind just because I wasn’t getting answers. I got very very frustrated. Then I got into trying herbs, I saw a naturopathic doctor, I saw a nutritionist, I tried various diet supplements, and I saw other holistic practitioners as well and I just wasn’t getting answers, and my health was not getting any better. So, I was determined to find an answer. I did a lot of research on the internet and finally at the age of 22 years old, I came across Dr. Lawrence Wilson’s website which is and I recommend everyone to check out his website. He has over 30 years of hair mineral analysis and Nutritional Balancing experience and he has over 800 articles. I admire Dr. Wilson with all my heart. He has completely changed my life. I called him up when I was 22 and told him my symptoms on the phone. I told him I had this unrelenting fatigue. He told me immediately on the phone that I had adrenal exhaustion. I was so impressed with him when he gave an answer right away but my entire life no other doctors could tell me what was wrong with me. So, I got on the Nutritional Balancing program and I overcame adrenal exhaustion and I’m extremely passionate about it. I feel like I need to spread the word about Nutritional Balancing.

Wendy Myers: I agree and that’s why I’m doing this podcast and having fellow Nutritional Balancing practitioners on the show like yourself because it is an amazing program. It just works whether you have diabetes or fatigue or adrenal fatigue, whatever the case maybe. It really does help to heal your entire body and any health symptoms or health conditions that you happen to have.

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. It’s all about balancing minerals all over the body.

6:20 Why is diabetes such a big health problem?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and Dr. Wilson’s website is a wealth of information. I frequently go to it when I’m writing a blog post and I’m looking for answers. I always find the right answers on his site. I’ll be searching all over the Internet and then it’ll finally dawn on me that I need to look on his site. Whether it be about water, or a health condition, he just has the underlying answers. He just gets straight to the point of the answers that I’m personally looking for. For you listeners out there, it’s an amazing website so definitely go take a look at But let’s get back on the show. Why do you think diabetes is such a huge health problem today?

Kristen Harper: The reason I wanted to talk about diabetes is it’s a very serious health condition, it’s very common and costly like you talked about. And it’s very serious because diabetics are prone to a variety of complications, anything from fibrotic myophathy, to kidney failure, blindness, sores that will not heal, high blood pressure and more. It’s very common also because it’s costing the lives of millions each year,  and it’s causing the nations billions of dollars in medical care and disability. And in Dr. Wilson’s diabetes article, he said that 1 out of 4 Americans at the age of 60 or above have diabetes. Just yesterday I pulled out some facts in United Health Care. These were so shocking. It states here that 1 of 3 adult Americans is living with pre-diabetes or diabetes, and then it also says if current obesity trends continue, half of all adult Americans could have pre-diabetes or diabetes by 2020 and by the year 2030, diabetes will be the 7th   leading cause of death in the world. It says here that nearly 347 million are affected by diabetes worldwide. Already in 2013, diabetes has caused United States an estimated 211 billion dollars. And it says here that if the current trend continues diabetes will account for an estimated 10% of total health care spending or almost 500 billion dollars a year.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Kristen Harper: It’s just shocking.

8:48 Causes of diabetes

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s a huge huge problem. People need more answers and solutions than they’re getting when they go to their doctor. And doctors do save lives, diabetic medication do saves lives. But they just manage the disease. No one’s talking about healing it when it can be done. So, why do you think more and more people are developing diabetes?

Kristen Harper: Okay. I would have to say that the most important cause, especially for type 2 diabetes, is overeating carbohydrates. So overeating anything from starches, sweets, sugars, fruits, dried beans, starchy vegetables like potatoes. What happens is when you overeat on carbohydrates, your body will actually secrete more insulin and when you have excessive insulin in your body that will in time deplete your pancreas and other glands. Also, overeating carbohydrates will deplete minerals from the body such as zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese and others as well. Also, when you overeat on carbohydrates, that will elevate your blood sugar. I agree with you too, Wendy. As far as doctors go, there are quite a few diabetics that would focus on conventional medicine and they’re on medications or insulin, and the doctor’s not even teaching them about nutrition.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kristen Harper: And the most important is focusing on nutrition.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think it’s kind of a pessimistic approach because I think there’s a lot of physicians that they just don’t believe that their clients or patients are going to do the lifestyle or diet changes that they need to address the problem, so they immediately start them on medication. I had the same problem with my father. He started on the little pills that you get when he was first diagnosed with diabetes about 15 years ago. So he did the pills for many many years and of course you eventually and inevitably always graduate to insulin shots and then more insulin. And finally, he was taking so much insulin, I think about 500 units a day, some crazy amount enough that would kill a horse, because the medications don’t work forever. They are not a panacea. So, it’s definitely prudent for people to try figure out another way to address this disease. So why do you think western medicine is doing such a lousy job in managing this disease?

Kristen Harper: Western medical doctors are recommending the glucose-lowering medications. In Nutritional Balancing, we feel that they’re extremely dangerous. They do have side effects. One side effect would be like even having a heart attack. And they are temporary fixers. They are not addressing the underlying cause of diabetes. Some of these medications can affect digestion, can deplete minerals from the body including zinc and as you mentioned earlier, as far as medication, they stop working because when they do some of them will burn out yourself nutritionally and then the medication stops working and then that is when insulin is needed. And then insulin replacement therapy is also recommended from doctors. In Nutritional Balancing, we don’t like it because we feel it’s not natural to take insulin from outside of the body.

Insulin slowly damages the body and is not preventing the complications of diabetes as well. I want to talk to you about the standard diabetic diet. That’s the diet recommended by the doctors as well as American Diabetic Association. They recommended this diet and to me the diet is just horrendous because it’s not strict enough. In the Nutritional Balancing we recommend a lot of cooked vegetables, like 7 to 9 cups per day, because you need the mineral content. Most people are deficient in minerals and it’s low in high quality food like raw cheese, and raw yogurt. It allows fruit which is one of the worst foods for diabetics because what fruit does cause blood sugar problems. It also allows for eating refined carbohydrates with no sugar but the problem with refined carbohydrates is they go to the refining process and minerals are kicked out so these foods are depleted of minerals. So I definitely feel that the medical approach definitely has shortcomings.

13:38 Little known Causes of Diabetes

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I think what also people don’t realize is many diabetics probably notice when they start taking the insulin injections they start gaining weight and they get heavier, heavier, and heavier and then they require more and more insulin. It’s a vicious cycle. I saw it with my father, I see it with my aunts and uncles. It just further deteriorates their already broken metabolism because insulin is the hormone that instructs your body to store fat. So what you do is you start storing fat and it just creates more problems. It’s not a long term answer, though it does save life in the short-term. Absolutely.

So, what are some of the causes of diabetes that some people may not be aware of? We know about the carbohydrates but what are some other causes that are not so commonly talked about?

Kristen Harper: Okay, there are type 1, type 2, and type 3 diabetes. We talked about type 2 and now for type 1, it’s usually caused from chronic infection of the pancreas. So, what happens is that this infection can actually stop or reduce insulin production and that in time will elevate blood sugar. And this infection responds poorly to drugs as well as many natural methods, and this infection doesn’t necessarily show up on blood tests or other tests. It could show up on a hair test. It actually shows an infection pattern, maybe not on the initial test but on later tests. So, definitely, chronic infection is one cause.

Then another cause for type 3 diabetes is an iron toxicity problem. Iron is a mineral we need in our body. That is very important but what happens is if we have too much iron in our body, if we have iron overload, it becomes very deadly and toxic. If you have excessive iron in the body it will actually replace zinc in the pancreas which will then cause blood sugar to rise and iron toxicity accumulates in the kidneys, the arteries, it can cause cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.

This is the common question I’ve had clients ask me before, “Where did I get all this excessive iron from?” There are quite a few sources out there but I’ll just go over 2 now. One common source is white flour. White flour goes through a refining process where all the minerals are taken out but it’s enriched with iron. The problem is there’s too much iron – way more than what is helpful. So that can actually accumulate too much in the body. And then also red meat. Individuals that are eating too much red meat or especially beef, can also be a cause of iron toxicity as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, we’re not saying, “Don’t eat red meat.”  Just don’t eat too much. Haha. You’d get too much of a good thing.

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. On a Nutritional Balancing program, we recommend maybe lamb a couple times a week. You just don’t want to overdo it. You definitely want to stay away from white flour. It’s not helpful at all.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. It gives anyone whose facing metabolic issues a one, two punch with the carbs and excess toxic iron. Are there any other causes that you wanted to address?

Kristen Harper: Yeah, there are so many out there. I’ll just go over a few others. Another one would be you have too many toxic metals in your body. It could be anything from lead, mercury, cadmium. The toxic metals can interfere with vital minerals in our body that can affect blood sugar. And many people are toxic today.

Also another big one that is not talked about much is dehydration. The problem with diabetics is not only do they love their carbohydrates, they love their sugars, but they also love their coffee. What happens with coffee is when you drink coffee; it actually dehydrates the body, in time that will elevate blood sugar. So it’s really important that diabetics stay away from alcohol, coffee and sugar because these will dehydrate the body and in time will elevate blood sugar.

Also, stress can be another cause. Diabetics are known to really push themselves and when you push yourself too much, what happens is your adrenal glands will secrete more sugar which in time your body will start secreting more insulin. When you have excessive insulin in the body, that will deplete the pancreas as well as minerals from the body.

And the last cause I’ll just bring up right now is what you talked about earlier; it’s having excessive weight. That’s a problem as well because that will make your pancreas work harder to supply the body with insulin.

18:45 What is Nutritional Balancing?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and our poor little pancreas, or any organ for that matter, has a finite biological life. So whatever organ you have – your liver, your pancreas, they only have so much life in them. I don’t know that life span is, 70 years or whatnot. If you overexercise it, if you abuse it – your liver by drinking, your pancreas by the carbs. If those are abused over, over, and over, it reduces their little individual organ life spans. And it shortens yours in the process.

So, why don’t you tell the listener’s exactly what Nutritional Balancing is? And what can be expected on this kind of program.

Kristen Harper: Yeah. I like to make it very simple. I break down the Nutritional Balancing clients into two components. First, you have hair mineral analysis done which tests for 21  minerals and toxic metals. The Nutritional Balancing program is designed to balance body chemistry naturally without the use of medication. The Nutritional Balancing program is a five-step program, so it includes diet recommendation, supplement recommendation, lifestyle, detoxification, and meditation as well. And what’s really unique about Nutritional Balancing is it’s completely different from drug medicine as well as chelation hormone therapy, homeopathy because they’re all focused usually on a part of the body or symptoms, and then they’ll recommend a medication or remedy to correct that problem. But in Nutritional Balancing we don’t do that, we don’t focus on symptoms or a part of the body. What we do is we balance body chemistry and we do that by balancing the minerals and the cells of the body and we balance the oxidation rate on the hair test as well as the mineral ratios on the hair test. Then in time that will actually enhance the body’s vitality. And then the body will be able to release symptoms in its own natural order and timing without the use of a medication.

20:53 Hair Mineral Analysis Reveals Diabetes

Wendy Myers:  Yeah, and so the basis of a Nutritional Balancing program is the hair mineral analysis. So, what does someone’s hair mineral analysis reveal when someone has diabetes? How exactly is that detected on the analysis?

Kristen Harper: Okay. So, as far as diet’s concerned, hair mineral analysis is not a direct test for diabetes but it can indicate trends or tendencies that could result in the health condition. So some of the indicators of diabetes on a hair test, the first one, is the low sodium-potassium ratio. That is actually one of the most important ratios on a hair test. It’s called the vitality ratio and it tells us a lot about body chemistry. So, if it’s low, it’s an indicator that someone has liver, kidney, pancreas, and blood sugar stress and then if it’s less than one, that’s actually considered a diabetic trend.

And some other indicators also would be a very unbalanced oxidation rate on a hair test. Oxidation rate is how the body converts the food you eat into energy. So if it’s extremely slow or extremely fast, which is not ideal at all, that will actually decrease energy in the body drastically and that can eventually contribute to diabetes and other serious health conditions as well.

There’s quite a few others too: a presence of toxic metals on a hair test. Toxic metals such as cadmium, lead, arsenic, aluminum, iron, any toxic metal in the body can actually interfere with vital minerals in the body, which these vital minerals are essential for glucose metabolism. And they can show up elevated on the hair test. Also, the toxic metals can be low on a hair test as well. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have any toxic metals in your body. It can actually be an indicator that you have plenty in your body but they are hidden in your body tissues presently.

And then also another mineral ratio is the calcium-magnesium ratio. If it’s greater than 9.5, which is the blood sugar lifestyle ratio, that is an indicator that someone is overeating on carbohydrates so that is not good.

Wendy Myers: Haha. That was me on my first hair test. I don’t remember what my exact number was but it was really high. The number was telling me I was eating far too many carbohydrates than my body could handle for my body chemistry.

Kristen Harper: Right? It’s really common, isn’t it?

Wendy Myers: Oh yeah. There are lots of little delectable things with too much sugar in them that affect blood sugar that we like to munch on.

Kristen Harper: Right, right. It’s actually very useful because then we can tell the clients that they need to reduce their carbohydrates especially if they are diabetic so that’s very essential. Also, if you have any low levels of zinc, manganese and even chromium, that can also be an indicator as well because these minerals are essential for proper glucose metabolism.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve heard that you can actually detect pre-diabetes or diabetes far earlier than what will show, for instance, on a test at your doctor’s office. So, what I like about Nutritional Balancing is that you can detect health issues before they get out of control, before you start becoming symptomatic, before your blood sugar goes over 125 which is the cut-off mark for, if you’re over 125, you are diabetic. Between 80 and 125,or whatever it is, I think if it’s over 120 you’re considered pre-diabetic. I forgot the exact cut-off numbers but on a hair mineral analysis, you can actually see that prior to someone actually developing diabetes and you can head it off of at the curve.

Kristen Harper: Yeah, that’s what’s so beautiful about it. So what Nutritional Balancing and what hair mineral analysis does is if you have a health condition now, even diabetes, we can correct the mineral imbalance by the hair test and then reverse those conditions. But let’s say you don’t even have a symptom now or even a health condition now, we can still correct the imbalances so that we can prevent you from having any health condition in the future which is beautiful.

25:21 How does a Nutritional Balancing Program heal diabetes?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s what I love about it. That’s one of the reasons I’m doing the program. I’m trying to prevent cancer. My father was also a diabetic and when you are diabetic you can’t heal from surgeries, you can’t heal from injuries, or you can’t even heal from a cut on your leg or your toe. So when he had surgery to remove his cancerous tumor in his esophagus, he could not heal from the surgery. So for me I’m trying to prevent diabetes, prevent cancer, prevent any kind of potential health issue that I may be subject to in the future by mineralizing my body and detoxifying from heavy metals. So I love the program. I’m sold. How does Nutritional Balancing program help someone heal from diabetes?

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. I’m going to talk about type 1, type 2 and type 3.

Wendy Myers: Can you explain type 3? I think that’s a form of diabetes most people aren’t familiar with.

Kristen Harper: Yeah, absolutely. So with type 3 that’s usually caused from iron toxicity in the body. You have too much iron and so what’s really beautiful about our Nutritional Balancing program is we have detoxification protocols which are merely infrared sauna sessions which consist of red heat lamps and then also coffee enemas. The sauna sessions will remove over two dozen toxic metals, hundreds of toxic chemicals from the body, as well as infections. Sauna sessions can actually remove that excessive iron from the body and also the coffee enemas can do the same. That’s how Nutritional Balancing can help type 3 diabetes.

For type 1, since their problem is due to an infection of the pancreas, what we can do on Nutritional Balancing Program is we can balance their body chemistry. We do that by supplementation, recommendation, and we can balance the minerals in the cells of the body. And then in time that’s going to enhance their body’s vitality that will in time bring out the infection so that the infection can be eliminated quickly from the body.

27:42 Reducing Medication

Wendy Myers: Hasn’t the infection already destroyed a lot of the cells that make insulin? Will it just help them be able to reduce their medication? I’m assuming they’re not going to be able to get off their medication completely.

Kristen Harper: Right, right. Well, actually we’ve had really great success with Nutritional Balancing. It’s really amazing because we can help them reduce their medications and actually get off of them completely. What’s really cool about Nutritional Balancing, it’s very common, is the program can actually lower their blood sugar just a few days at times and even sometimes up to 1 to 2 weeks. What we usually tell clients though is we tell them, “Don’t just stop your medications right away. Wait until you’ve been on the program for a little while. Wait until you start seeing some positive results, when you start seeing your blood sugar drop. Then what you want to do is you want to work with your doctor and see if you can come up with a plan to reduce your need for medications and the goal eventually is to get off of them completely.

Wendy Myers: So even the type 1 diabetes can get off their medications?

Kristen Harper: In time we’ve had success with type 1, type 2, as well as type 3.

Wendy Myers: Oh wow, that’s impressive! I didn’t realize that that’s why I keep asking the question. Haha

Kristen Harper: Yeah. We have definitely helped pretty much a lot of diabetics. So, here’s the key: for type 2 diabetes they need to work with their doctor and try to come up with a plan to get off their medications very quickly actually because these diabetic oral medications are very unhelpful and they can actually stimulate the pancreas and in time it actually wears out the pancreas. For the most part, all the diabetics will definitely see improvement on the program but it really depends on how well they’re following the program because a lot of diabetics, they like their sugar, their carbohydrates, or coffee. I tell my clients all the time, to see the best result, you need to follow the program as closely as possible and it’s recommended to do hair tests every 3 to 4 months if possible.

Wendy Myers: I can see why diabetics or a lot of people with low energy are attracted to sugar and carbs and caffeine because they’re looking for this artificial energy-boost that they are not getting because they are so fatigued.

Kristen Harper: Right, absolutely. And as far as insulin goes too Wendy, they don’t want to get off their insulin right away because that can be actually dangerous.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Kristen Harper: So, they just need to make sure that they stay on their Nutritional Balancing program for a while and make sure that they’re monitoring their blood sugar and then eventually the need for insulin will slowly decrease in time.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I think if people are really paying attention to their body or they’re in touch with their body, they will able to tell when it’s time to reduce it because the insulin lowers their blood sugar and after taking too much, they’ll start having low blood sugar episodes – the shakiness, headaches, and insomnia and things like that. So you think that they’ll kind of know when it’s time to start reducing a little bit – with their doctor’s  guidance and permission of course.

Kristen Harper: Exactly. It’s definitely possible for them to get well. They just have to be very committed to the program.

31:08 How long do people need to be in the Nutritional Balancing Program?

Wendy Myers: So, how long does someone need to be on the program to hneal their metabolism? As someone with diabetes has a pretty damaged metabolism. So how long would they need to be on a program like Nutritional Balancing?

Kristen Harper: Well, for the most part, we recommend a minimum of at least a year, but it’s highly recommended to do it for 3 years because it takes a good 3 years to remove the bulk of toxic metals from the body. And then, let’s say that after 3 years we still recommend diet and lifestyle recommendation pretty much for the rest of your life. You should still be eating very healthy so you can prevent any health condition in the future. So it’s not really about the program. It is a way of life. You should be eating healthy for the rest of your life and taking care of yourself, making sure in reducing stress, getting enough sleep every night. Something that you really need to do for the rest of your life is find a lifestyle change.

Wendy Myers: I agree because it’s great when you start a program like this you get instruction on your diet, the supplements that you should be taking, how to detox, how to slow down and sleep more and meditate and things like that. But these are things you do need to continue. Like you said, it takes 3 years to get the bulk of toxic metals out, but you still need to do an infrared sauna a couple times a week to detox all the new things that you’re ingesting because you ingest these metals from the air and food and water. It’s inescapable. That’s why everyone has heavy metal toxicity and  industrial chemical toxicity so you need to stay on somewhat of the detox program even after you’ve, so to speak, finished a Nutritional Balancing program.

Kristen Harper: Absolutely, because, like you said, there’s toxins all around. That’s very scary.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I know one doesn’t need to live in fear, they just should have a sensible life-long detox regimen. And as far as the supplements, they’re on this program, that’s mainly minerals and people are going to continue to need minerals for the rest of their life because our food’s deficient, our soil’s deficient. Even if you eat a perfect organic diet, they’re still depleted, they’re still growing on farms with depleted soil. So what I like about the program is it teaches you what you need to know to live a healthy lifestyle the rest of your life.

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. One of the best ways to replenish minerals to the body for a lifetime are sea plants like kelp. It contains 20 to 30 trace minerals so consuming kelp will provide you with minerals, as well as eating sea salt. It contains a lot of minerals as well. You want to stay away from table salt because it has aluminum and goes through the refining process. The minerals have actually been taken out. But also cooked vegetables are crucial for the rest of your life. Consuming 7 to 9 cups of cooked vegetables daily will provide minerals as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s a lot of veggies. Haha. You don’t have room for much else after you eat 7 to 9 cups.

Kristen Harper: Haha. It takes time to get used to it. Haha

Wendy Myers: Yeah, but that’s what you want, even on a Paleo diet or whatever kind of diet you’re doing. It should be mainly vegetables.

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. They need to be cooked as well, because we need to break down those tough fibers so we’re able to absorb the minerals.

Wendy Myers: What do you think about these diets that a lot of people are advocating – 100% raw food vegan diet to cure diabetes in 30 days? What do you think about those diets?

Kristen Harper: We don’t like raw food diets. They’re very yin. There’s Yin and Yang in Chinese terminology and they’re very yin. When you cook your food it’s warm and balances yin-yang energy so we don’t like raw diets whatsoever and it’s hard for digestion as well. So definitely cook. You’re going to have more Yang energy.

35:19 The most pressing health issues today

Wendy Myers: Yeah. When I hear about these diets, the raw food vegan diets, there are actually some studies going on right now at the Tree of Life Institute where they are trying to prove that raw-food vegan diet cures diabetes in 30 days, people totally get off their medications in 30 days. But I think it’s akin to almost a starvation diet where if someone fasts for a long time, voila, their blood sugar goes down and normalizes because they’re starving themselves. And I think the same that can be said for a raw vegan diet that they’re not getting the tons of minerals they need from meat. Meat is very mineral-rich among other nutrition that we need.

And when they eat raw vegetables, it’s just going right through them so they’re not getting a lot of nutrition that people are led to believe on raw-food vegan diets. It’s not surprising to me that their blood sugar is going down but I think on a long-term basis, that’s going to cause severe nutrition deficiencies, that it’s going to cause its own whole set of health problems. So I just I wanted to clear up any questions people might have had about that because that is being touted heavily as a natural treatment for diabetes.

I have a question I like to ask to all of my guests. What do you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today?

Kristen Harper: Okay. I feel it is addiction actually. Addictions are unhealthy attachments that are causing so much intense suffering physically, mentally, emotionally and there’s a variety of addictions out there. It can range anything from having an eating disorder, alcoholism, drug abuse, exercise addiction, sex addiction and much more. And I have some stats here which are pretty shocking as well, that there’s millions in the world suffering from alcoholism, millions of users using hard drugs, millions using marijuana, there’s over a billion individuals smoking cigarettes, there’s millions suffering from eating disorders worldwide and there’s a stat here that says that nearly half of Americans personally know someone with an eating disorder.

The reason I like to bring up addiction, I’m very passionate about talking about this condition, because I actually suffered with an addiction. It’s many years ago, I had an eating disorder for 9 years. I actually have an article on addictions that individuals can check out on my website and I also have a video as well talking about addictions. I break down causes of addictions. There’s actually two categories. The first is biochemical factors. That can be a cause of addiction because if you have any imbalances going on in your body, that can cause intense craving, can cause addiction. For example, let’s say, you’re an anorexic. You could actually have a zinc deficiency because when you have low zinc in your body, that causes a loss of appetite.

So, another example, if you have sweet cravings, that could be cause from low blood sugar or weak adrenal glands. But there’s a second cause I like to talk about and I feel is not being talked about enough in society, is lack of spiritual enlightenment and my definition is when you have too much energy in your mind that can cause intense suffering that can cause bad habits, depression and much more. There’s a lot of individuals out there that are in this hypnotic state. They don’t even realize it that they have compulsive thoughts going on all the time, and that actually can cause addiction. That was the cause of my eating disorder that I had for 9 years. I didn’t even realize it; I tried everything to get well. I went to support groups, I saw a counselor, went to a treatment center, I read addiction books, saw a nutritionist. I did everything to get well. Nothing was helping me. What helped me to overcome my addiction was through quieting the mind through meditation. And I feel like this is not being talked about enough. We need to spread the word.

Wendy Myers: Yeah I agree. I think that’s a huge problem. People are just going, going, going, and their minds are racing, racing, racing and this can be caused by metals too. What I do love about Nutritional Balancing is it teaches people how to quiet their mind and detoxes them from heavy metals that are also causing these racing thoughts and leads people to try to just shut up their minds by drinking, doing drugs or whatever their addiction may be.

Kristen Harper: Yeah, absolutely, so Nutritional Balancing can actually address those causes. It can address any biochemical factors that are causing your addictions through eating the proper foods, through supplementation, through lifestyle, as well as detoxification. Then, as far as the lack of spiritual enlightenment, having too much energy in the mind, we’ve added that meditation-observation exercise that will address the second cause of addictions as well which is beautiful.

40:42 About Kristen Harper

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree. I love the whole program. So, can you tell the listeners a little bit more about you and where they can find you, and what you’re up to?

Kristen Harper: Absolutely. I’m certified in Nutritional Balancing science; I’m a nutritional balancing and lifestyle coach, and I’m the owner of Perfect Health Consulting Services. We are located in Lake Havasu City, Arizona. Like I mentioned earlier, hair analysis actually tests for 21 nutritive and toxic minerals. So what’s beautiful is we can correct any mineral imbalances that are going on, and then we can correct those imbalances through a Nutritional Balancing program so that we can reverse any health conditions and if you don’t have any health conditions presently or no symptoms, we can still correct imbalances so that we can prevent you from having any health conditions in the future. We do work with clients worldwide.

So basically, how this works is you would just mail in your hair samples to us. We send the hair sample down to our laboratory in Phoenix. It’s called Analytical Research Labs. It is one of two laboratories that we recommend because they do no wash hair samples. Most laboratories do, which can actually skew the mineral readings on the hair test. Then what will happen is the laboratory will mail myself, the practitioner, the hair test. And then Nutritional Balancing program will be designed to balance body chemistry. We are always available for questions as well. We don’t charge at the time for questions. Throughout your healing process, anytime you have questions, you can email us, you can call us. We can even set something up in Skype as well.

And I recommend you to check out my website. It’s The last part is S-E-R-V-I-C-E-S. com and when you go to my website, I have a health articles page. I recommend you check that out. I have articles that I’ve written there. I also have audio, video, and then I have links to all my social media accounts. We’re on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ as well as YouTube. And then we also have a monthly newsletter that you can sign up for as well.

Wendy Myers: Oh, I need to sign up for that. Haha. Well, Kristen thank you so much for coming on the show and I’m thrilled that you came on to help give some people a few more answers about how they could approach their diabetes, or be thinking about it in terms of healing it rather than just managing with medications. So thank you for taking the time to shed some light on this issue.

Kristen Harper: Thanks for the opportunity, Wendy. I really appreciate you as well because you are really getting the word out there, educating as many people as possible. This is what we need in the world to change the world. It’s all about education.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I agree. That’s why I started the podcast. I love learning and I love teaching everything I’ve learned to you listeners. So everyone thanks for tuning in and remember the time to be thinking about your health is while you still enjoy it. So, thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast.

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