Transcript: #2 Nutritional Balancing with Hair Mineral Analysis with Nikki Moses

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  • 10:06 Nutritional Balancing and depression
  • 15:04 Nutritional Balancing and the thyroid
  • 20:21 Nutritional Balancing for detox
  • 22:30 Aluminum toxicity
  • 28:27 Cadmium toxicity
  • 37:45 The Nutritional balancing program explained
  • 44:08 Infrared saunas
  • 48:04 Coffee enemas

Wendy Myers: Good afternoon everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. You were just listening to the band Everyday Animals. That song is called “Insane” from their new album “Under The Tyranny Of Good Weather”. It’s fantastic. Definitely go check it out.

My name is Wendy Myers. I’m a health and nutrition coach. And I started my website™ to educate people about how to get healthy, how to lose weight, and how to treat your health conditions naturally without medication. But also to warn people about the health risks of heavy metals and industrial chemicals that are so prevalent in today’s toxic world. My passion for nutrition and health really was born out of the death of my father from, actually, his treatment of esophageal cancer. He didn’t die from the cancer, he died from the treatment. Having placed so much faith in the modern medical establishment, I saw how bad modern medicine had become. My father’s treatment in the form of 10 medications and surgeries for various illnesses spanning a whole decade only saw him get sicker and sicker from these treatments. So my goal in Liveto110 is to help you avoid the same fate.

So just for a little disclaimer, keep in mind that this program is not intended to treat or cure any disease or health condition because that would be illegal. Live to 110™ radio is solely informational in nature. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in any treatment I suggest on the show.

Now, last week’s show was fantastic. If you are all confused about nutrition and keep reading about different diets and wonder why it’s so confusing, check out last week’s show. It’s called “Why is nutrition so confusing“? You gotta listen in the show archive.

Next week I’m interviewing Evan Brand of about the paleo diet and ancestral health and fitness. So if you’ve ever been wondering about what all the fuss is about over the paleo diet, listen on Monday April 15. Or, you can just finish your taxes. But I think our show is going to be a lot more fun.

So now for today’s show on nutritional balancing with hair mineral analysis. We have Nikki Moses of on the air. Hello Nikki.

Nikki Moses: Hi Wendy, hello everyone.

Wendy Myers: Hi. She’s a nutritional consultant located in Glendale California. She’s an expert in nutritional balancing science having used it for — she’s go many years of experience successfully using hair mineral analysis to view a person’s unique body chemistry and determine the exact combination of nutrients that are needed to bring the balance into the body so that it can heal itself — really from any kind of health condition. Now, this is really one of my favorite subjects so I had to share it with you because I’ve been doing this program for about a year. I’m currently training how to do it because I’m just so into it. Over the course of the year and suggesting it to pretty much every single one of my clients, and friends, and family members, I decided that I had to train in it because it just had such a broad application to heal any kind of health condition because it heals the entire the body. And I know from my own experience, so many of my health issues have resolved while being on this program. I’m detoxing from heavy metals and chemicals, my thyroid condition and adrenal fatigue are healing. And I feel fantastic so I just wanted to inform everyone out there how great it is. I urge everyone to try it. So Nikki, can you tell us a little bit about what is nutritional balancing science?

Nikki Moses: Yeah. It is a whole body approach like you just mentioned. We use a hair analysis. The technology really is in the hair analysis itself. A lot of people do hair testing. About 40 years of research was done by a few doctors into how the minerals deposit in the hair and how they relate to imbalances and other conditions, disease trends, anything that’s going wrong in the body. And of course, the hair testing was correlated with other medical results. You know, watching people as they progress and seeing how the various readings on the hair test reflect health problems that they currently had or things they will develop in the future. And we’ve done over hundreds of thousands of hair testing in about 40 years of research.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Nikki Moses: Yeah. It is quite extensive. And so they came up with this system and learned how to evaluate what is showing up on a hair test. Many doctors will use a hair test for the purpose of finding toxic metals. For example, they do know that that is something useful and something commonly known in the medical community that you can use a hair sample for toxic metals. But they didn’t know how to read the rest of the test. If calcium is high in the hair, for example, it’s very easy to think that a person has too much calcium in their body. When in fact what’s happening is they’re losing calcium where it should be and it’s depositing excessively in the hair and that happens for various different metabolic reasons. So, with nutritional balancing we’re looking at the whole body chemistry. The hair test is an amazing tool when you know how to read it and to learn what the system is struggling with and why it’s not balancing itself. The moment a person has symptoms, you’re really looking at years worth of stress. Because the body is supposed to be balancing itself, it’s supposed to take care of these things so that you don’t have symptoms. So, with nutritional balancing, we’re trying to figure out what’s going on with the whole body chemistry as a system. And it’s really a system approach which is very unique. I find in nutritional healing, because in most different methods when you go see a health practitioner, if you have a stomachache they give you something for your stomach. If you have tired adrenals, they give you something for your adrenals. Nutritional Balancing really taps into the body chemistry as a whole and allows us to know exactly what nutrients each individual needs. It’s different for everybody to jumpstart the body and allow it to heal itself. And it does use the hair test. I find it to be — it’s just fascinating as a science.

Wendy Myers: So how do you discover nutritional balancing science?

Nikki Moses: Well, it was through my own health journey. I actually was very unhealthy from a very young age. As a baby, I was hospitalized multiple times. And I had a lot of problems with infections. I had chronic recurring infections my whole life. I was put through the medical systems so of course I was on antibiotics four to six times a year. Sometimes the course of antibiotics would last a few months or longer. And by the time I was in my late teens, I was suffering all kinds of health problems. And antibiotics weren’t working anymore. I had chronic infections all over my body and I started to get chronic fatigue, and I became sensitive to chemicals and would have breathing problems. It just got worse and worse. So I began my journey of trying everything natural I could find after I realized the doctors weren’t going to be able to help me. And I did look for systems of healing. I did see practitioners all over the country. I even went to Mexico. I tried all kinds of things on my journey to get healthy and everything I tried I studied like crazy. So I started to develop a vast knowledge but nothing was working to fix me. I would get a little improvement here or there. Some things I did I got a lot worse and I actually had an acquaintance email me an article about adrenal burnout written by one of the researchers of nutritional balancing science, Dr. Wilson. And I read this article and realized this was a completely different take on everything and that this guy knew what he was talking about. So I went on to his website, read everything I could possibly find on the subject and wound up talking to him and training under him directly. And he started giving me his clients actually. He gave me quite a number of them and I got a crash course in all of it learning directly under him, how they deliver it and of course, doing the Nutritional Balancing course corrected my health. It was amazing. It was the only thing that worked for me. I knew I had to do this to help other people because they were suffering.

Wendy Myers: So, you said you have a bunch of health problems that resolved on this program. What kind of health problems can nutritional balancing help with?

Nikki Moses: Really, almost anything because it enhances the body’s ability to heal itself. There’s quite a concept that’s developed — they think through failures in the medical and nutritional world and in healing different conditions that people think the body can’t heal itself. That it needs a drug or it needs something to do the job that the body can’t do. And the truth is, the body really is extremely intelligent, it knows everything that’s wrong. It knows it more thoroughly than any testing is going to show. And it happens that the healing power you give the body is the exact combination of nutrients it needs. It does start to heal itself and pretty much anything can be healed. There are few things that nutritional balancing can’t help. Obviously if you’ve lost a finger or a limb or something the body may have real trouble regrowing that. There are certain kinds of nerve damage that are hard to reverse. But I have had clients with almost any kind of condition come to me and get improvement or complete relief from their condition just using nutritional balancing.

10:06  Nutritional Balancing and Depression

Wendy Myers: Oh wow! So how about depression?

Nikki Moses: Yeah. That’s the other thing. There are emotional factors as well. The body chemistry has a lot to do with emotion. Toxic metals is a big component of what we’re going to be talking about. They create emotional imbalances as well. Some of them create anxiety, some create psychosis, some create depression and the imbalances in the body also create those emotions. If the adrenals are really tired and the person is very tired, they are going to get depressed eventually. Because that’s the body’s way of telling you to slow down. Saying, I don’t have the energy to do all of these things, I want you depressed, I want you lying on a sofa doing nothing and it’s the body signaling you to slow down. So when you build the energy systems, the depression starts to ease. So it’s all very interrelated with emotional problems as well.

Wendy Myers: I definitely know that from my own personal experience my mood has improved so much. My depression has absolutely lifted. And I just keep feeling better and better and better. You know, emotionally and physically on the program. So it’s just great in that regard.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, exactly. That’s the typical experience for a lot of people. Many people come to me for anxiety, for example, a very common problem today. And you have to work on all of the components of the toxic metals and the various organs and glands involved. It does work tremendously well.

Wendy Myers: So the company that does the hair test is called Analytical Research Laboratories?

Nikki Moses: Right.

Wendy Myers: So why does Analytical Research Laboratories have more accurate results than other companies that do hair mineral analysis? I was talking to people before I committed to doing it. I heard several doctors and another health practitioner tell me that the results weren’t that accurate. But I think that’s more due to other testing companies just are not doing it very well. So how do these labs do it differently?

Nikki Moses: Yes. Well, what was historically done for hair testing was the hair sample is taken, it was sent to the lab, and the lab would use various solvents to clean the hair. Then they would test the hair sample for its mineral content. What the researchers here behind nutritional balancing found was that that solvent, any type of solvent you use to wash the hair at the lab was removing some of the nutrient minerals. Things like calcium, sodium, potassium that we needed to see what is really going on with the body chemistry. It doesn’t seem to affect toxic metals. Those are fairly accurate at any labs that you use but it did affect the nutrient minerals depending on what solvent they use and how long they wash it with the solvent. Different analysis of these minerals would come out of the hair. And so what they do at Analytical Research Labs is they don’t wash the sample. You wash your hair with regular shampoo, you send it in. They do not use any solvents and that way the mineral readings are actually quite accurate and they tested it to see how accurate it is, and the readings come out very consistent because they are not using the solvents. So when you’re looking at hair testing for nutritional purposes — not toxic metals — you want to use a lab that does not wash the hair sample. There is one other lab that has started after Analytical Research Lab started that also now knows not to wash the samples. So there are two labs and only two labs that you will find that don’t wash the samples.

Wendy Myers: Exactly how accurate is nutritional balancing science?

Nikki Moses: Well I’ve found it to be very accurate. Because of the way the lab — of course not washing the hair sample — which helps a lot, and the research that went into it is extensive and very thorough. So it tends to get great results because of that accuracy. It’s not a diagnostic tool where you can look at a hair test, confirm someone has cancer for example, or confirm that they are diabetic, but when you’re looking at the trends and you’re looking at what is needed to correct the body chemistry, you really do see it. You can see trends towards diabetes, which is nice. Because it’s not only what you have now, it’s what you’re going to have in five years.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Nikki Moses: So it’s very accurate when looking at disease trends in the body. And so you get a very good picture of the total body chemistry. I find in that regard it’s more accurate than blood test when looking at the whole body.

15:04  Nutritional Balancing and the Thyroid

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I really like that you can see your thyroid function and your adrenal function because that’s just personally my two problems, but they are also epidemic in our society. When I went for testing with my medical doctor, my naturopathic doctor, my test results there exactly matched the test results with the hair test. Which I was happy about because the hair test is only $200 to $250. So that was kind of a bargain compared to all the money I was spending on testing with my doctor.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, exactly. It is very accurate for the thyroid. It shows things that blood tests don’t show. And I find it even more valuable in that regards. What we’re looking at with this test is indicators for thyroid but we’re also looking at how well these thyroid hormones are being used by the cell. People think that their thyroid hormone is just floating around and we have to have enough of them. So if we don’t have enough, we’ll take a thyroid medication for example. But what’s not being taken into account by most doctors is the fact that those hormones actually have to be used by the cells. I have many clients who come to me with perfectly normal thyroid hormone levels in the blood based on their blood test. But they have almost every symptom of low thyroid. And what we can see on the hair test is fascinatingly in that we can see the utilization of those hormones within the cell. And we can work on correcting that so that those low thyroid symptoms go away. And we don’t do it by adding thyroid hormones. We do it by correcting why those hormones aren’t being used properly by the cell. So you can restore thyroid, which we work on doing, but you also restore the utilization of hormones properly in the body and that’s something that the blood serum test they just can’t show.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so — you know — the hair mineral analysis test. It shows all the different heavy metals that you can have toxicity with. So why is it important to detox these heavy metals?

Nikki Moses: Toxic metals definitely interfere with the body’s functioning. And you mentioned your father with cancer. Toxic metals are a known cause for cancer. They get inside the cells, they interfere with the cell’s ability to naturally function and the cells will alter their behavior and become aberrant in the sense and can flip into a cancer cell. The toxic metals also interfere with almost every other function in the body depending on what toxic metal it is. And in today’s society, of course, we don’t have just one toxic metal. We have multiple toxic metals that we are all exposed to. And we don’t even know — nobody knows all of the negative effects when you start combining toxic metals. So really, almost any condition you can think of could be either caused or exacerbated by one or more toxic metals. So it’s a huge impact on our body. We absolutely store these. I test a lot of babies for example — I’m talking, you know, three-month, four-month-old babies.

Wendy Myers: No.

Nikki Moses: Yeah and they’re full of this stuff.

Wendy Myers: Oh God.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, they’re getting it from their mother as well because the baby’s bodies are growing in the womb. Everybody today was born with toxic metals. You can’t escape it. I have not tested a single person who is free from large amounts of toxic metals. Its epidemic and you know its everywhere.

Wendy Myers: That is really scary. I mean that is kinda why I am focusing on detoxification because it’s really the underlying cause of disease.

Nikki Moses: It is a major underlying cause of disease, absolutely. And you’re dealing with not only toxic metals but thousands of toxic chemicals that have been being used for decades. And the problem is still here. I know they’ve outlawed certain things but there are still thousands of these things in everything. Every product we use, the air we breathe, the food, the water, you can’t escape it today. And so it is a major problem and one of the key aspects of getting well is building up the body’s energy system and building that — its nutrient status so that it can get rid of these things. But one of the really interesting things that I don’t think a lot of people talk about, which I found very interesting with nutritional balancing science, is it’s very focused on the idea that when you’re nutrient deficient, when you don’t have enough of the right minerals and vitamins, you’re body will absorb more toxic metals. So it actually increases toxicity with the nutrient deficiency. And the body will even use toxic metals to adapt to things. They will use them as spare parts. So if you don’t have enough of the nutrient mineral, your body will absorb more of the toxic metal because it can use it in various building sites in the body. For example the body will use cadmium to build its blood vessels if it doesn’t have enough zinc. Zinc, of course, is a very important nutrient mineral. Cadmium is an extraordinarily toxic metal but the body doesn’t want to leave holes in your blood vessel. Cadmium is similar enough in its structure to zinc that it can be used there. And so the body is now building its blood vessels with cadmium. If cadmium doesn’t work as well, it works about 60% as well as zinc would in those situations but at least it’s something. You know the body has to cope with not having enough zinc. So it will do that and that’s the fascinating component in nutritional balancing science. The recognition that these toxic metals are also being used as spare parts in the body and you can’t just rip them all out. It doesn’t work. You have to replace the nutrient mineral and get the body to release those toxins. And once you have enough nutrient minerals in the body it’s very protective against toxic stress because there is no way we can avoid all of this today in our current environment.

20:21  Nutritional Balancing for Detox

Wendy Myers: So how does nutritional balancing science compared to other methods of detox?

Nikki Moses: Well, I guess I covered some of that just now with that concept, right? Where you don’t want to lose toxins out all of a sudden. Another thing toxic metals do is they support our energy system. Many of these metals are stimulants and they prop up a tired body and they keep us going. And all of us today are living on toxic stress to a degree and that toxic stimulant quality of these metals. So if you go in for an exam, It’s very popular today in the medical community – which I’m glad they’re starting to tune into this – but their solution is heavy chelation and they use chelating drugs to pull toxic metals out of the body and while that can be helpful to a degree, what happens is it overstrips the body of some of these metals that the body is using and a person can completely crash and get very fatigued. I think you mentioned to me that you had someone that you knew who had this happen to them.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I had a friend that had to chelate mercury from having like 150 different vaccinations traveling all over the place. They had to do mercury chelation. I’m sure it was just hell.

Nikki Moses: Yes, and it can leave a person exhausted afterwards because the body was using those. Again, you have to look at the body as a very intelligent system. It wants to get rid of toxic metals. It doesn’t want them in there. It knows what’s suppose to be there and knows what isn’t and it knows better than anybody else. If you work with the body’s intelligence and allow it to remove these things at its own pace that it is much better for your long-term health and it avoids a lot of the damage and pitfalls and dangers with some of the other methods. For example, mercury is antimicrobial. That is why they use it in so many things including dental fillings. It prevents the growth of bacteria. So what happens is — your body is smart — if you have a little low grade infection somewhere it could even put mercury on purpose in the area to keep the infection from proliferating and if you go in there and just rip off all that mercury before the body is ready to deal with that infection and next thing you know you have a raging bacterial infection because the body wasn’t ready yet to take care of it. So when you do nutritional balancing you’re bypassing those pitfalls because you’re feeding the body, you’re letting it handle things in a sequence it knows that it needs to and I find that it actually detoxifies more deeply than any other method I’ve ever encountered. And yet it does it safely.

Wendy Myers: So what are some of the more problematic toxic heavy metals that are in our environment?

Nikki Moses: Well, pretty much everybody today has toxic aluminum, toxic cadmium, which I mentioned, and arsenic.

Wendy Myers: I was detoxing those. You know, I’m very happy I had a huge rise of them on my test.

Nikki Moses: Yes you did. And that’s one of the things that is fun to see on hair tests is you have to think of the hair as the trash can for the body and the hair is where the body puts toxins or toxic metals once you’re trying to get rid of them. So when you mention your hair test rise of some toxic metals your body was actually pushing them out of other tissues where they were causing trouble and was getting rid of them and pushing them out into the hair so you’ll see these metals go up on the hair test. When you do future hair tests, you know the person is now getting rid of this stuff. It’s really fun to see and yeah you’ve gotten rid of some of these very common toxic metals. Nickel is another one, lead, mercury even toxic forms of minerals that we feel or think of as being nutrients like iron and copper. Your body needs those in good form, but we get a lot of them in toxic form and all of these cause a wide variety of negative symptoms.

22:30  Aluminum Toxicity

Wendy Myers: Yeah and so what is it aluminum does to us? I know aluminum is in so many products. People are going to restaurants and are eating food that’s cooked in aluminum pots and they use aluminum foil to cook, and drinking from aluminum soda cans. What is aluminum doing to our society?

Nikki Moses: It’s very damaging and it has a lot of effects on the nervous system. You hear a lot of talk about Alzheimer’s being linked to aluminum toxicity — things like memory loss, confusion and other neurological disorders. It causes other problems too, things like headaches and colitis, and inflammation in the colon. It causes kidney damage and it can pretty much affect any system in the body. And with aluminum in the antiperspirant deodorants we use I think that’s one of the biggest problem sources today. We are in our society, today, expected not to smell bad — ever. So we feel the pressure to use these products, but they’re killing us.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I have that expectation too, sadly.

Nikki Moses: Yes.

Wendy Myers: I don’t want stinky people near me, but you know people don’t have to use these deodorants, but they work really well with the aluminum in them.

Nikki Moses: Right, but the aluminum works because it’s absorbing into the skin and impairing the sweat glands and it doesn’t just stop there, it doesn’t just stay in those sweat glands and maybe sweat it our later that night, right? The whole body absorbs it. It moves into the blood, it moves into the lymphatic system and we have so many toxins today that our bodies are overloaded. They can’t get it out as fast as it’s coming in and so the body winds up storing them or they just get stuck in places.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I have read that. Most breast cancer tumors are full of aluminum.

Nikki Moses: That’s interesting and I believe that because it’s right near where you’re rubbing on the deodorant.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, so it’s a big problem. Aluminum also is used heavily when you’re eating restaurant food. They use a lot of aluminum cookware and unfortunately they add aluminum to salt to keep it from caking together so it flows more easily.

Wendy Myers: In flour too.

Nikki Moses: Exactly. It’s everywhere. Unfortunately, it’s everywhere and it does cause a variety of health problems.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s why it’s good to cut out the flour, or cut out the regular table salt, to limit this source of aluminum intake.

Nikki Moses: Exactly. You do your best to avoid obvious sources of these and society, fortunately, is becoming more and more aware so more products are available that are free from these particular toxic metals. And then with the other minerals you build up your body’s energy systems and you build up the nutrient status of the body so that it protects you from the exposure you can’t avoid.

Wendy Myers: And that’s what is so great about this program. Because, for me, no matter how hard I try to avoid bad food or toxic foods, or no matter what you do you still ingest these things no matter how hard you try. So no matter what you do or how healthy you eat or exercise or take care of yourself you have to have some sort of detox plan in place.

Nikki Moses: Absolutely. Yeah, you can’t live in a bubble and I see people try sometimes and it’s very stressful. Every single thing they eat. And they can’t go anywhere, you sit in a movie and the air that you are breathing in holds the hair spray of the person in front of you and you’re breathing in toxins. You can’t isolate yourself from the world entirely and so you do have to build up your body systems so that it can detoxify against all these things. When you build up your body’s energy and strength it can fight infection, it can clear up chemicals, it can clear up metals, it can rebuild tissues, it can heal from injuries and you know all of those systems are supported and so this is a very important component of it. A lot of people think they can just do a two-week cleanse and they’re gonna remove a bunch of metals and that’s all they have to do, but the truth is when you focus on building up all of your systems the body it is going to be constantly cleaning itself and then you don’t have to worry so much about all of your exposures.

28:27  Cadmium toxicity

Wendy Myers: What do you think about cadmium? Because you had mentioned a few times that cadmium is really a big problem with the companies dumping cadmium in our environment. So what is that doing to us?

Nikki Moses: Well, it contributes to a lot of different symptoms including cardiovascular disease, it hardens arteries, and as I mentioned, cadmium will be used instead of zinc and the problem is it is more brittle and it’s not as flexible. So, the arteries become harder and more susceptible to damage because of that. And so the body then puts cholesterol plaques onto the arteries to protect them knowing that they’re weak, and so it leads to a whole cascade of problems in the blood vessels of the body which then can lead to all kinds of other more serious symptoms like high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke — all of those problems. But in addition to that, cadmium is a known cause of cancer. It also contributes to blood sugar problems like hypoglycemia and diabetes. Osteoporosis is another big one and kidney failure is another big one.

Wendy Myers: I mean it sounds like it’s one of the major contributors to the major health conditions that are going on in the United States, heart disease being number one and diabetes coming up in the top 5.

Nikki Moses: It is, and one of the reasons that is the case is because we are so zinc deficient today. Our food is very deficient in zinc and so the body actually absorbs even more cadmium than it would otherwise. It’s trying to cope with not having enough zinc, but of course then it leads to all of these problems. A big source of cadmium is smoking and a lot of people don’t know that, but they are poisoning themselves with cadmium when they smoke cigarettes and you will see it. I’ll see a smoker’s hair test and I see it. Their cadmium levels are always higher.

Wendy Myers: Oh wow.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. So even second-hand smokers are getting exposed to it.

Wendy Myers: So given our toxic world, why do you think that people are getting poor results from being treated by their physicians? I have been to a lot of doctors. You know just trying to diagnose typical ailments here and there and I’ve never had a doctor even mention heavy metals or chemical toxicity.

Nikki Moses: Yes. It’s unfortunate. The problem with doctors is their training. It’s really not their fault. They go to medical school and they are learning a bunch of information for seven years about how to save life and they are taught based on the drug and surgery paradigm. That’s what they’re taught and it’s very funny. I have asked multiple medical doctors how much nutrition training they got in college and it ranges from about 30 minutes to maybe up to an hour.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Nikki Moses: And I’ve heard that from multiple doctors including…

Wendy Myers: It’s just crazy.

Nikki Moses: It’s crazy, yes.

Wendy Myers: Everything you eat is what your body is built upon.

Nikki Moses: Right.

Wendy Myers: Which affects your health so much. But, you know, maybe that’s the scope of nutritionists and health coaches.

Nikki Moses: It should be the scope of doctors too, but you’re right. It’s hard to know how to bring someone to surgery and think of an emergency room doctor. All the things they have to know to fix on an emergency basis and then to know about everything that is involved with nutrition. They can learn a lot more than they do — absolutely — and they should. It would be something they’ve have to spend a little more time getting educated on, but you’re talking about prevention versus acute care, right? So when you’re looking at prevent you have to look at removing toxic metals getting people healthy. If someone had just been poisoned with the toxic metals the doctors know about that and they do know what to do about that and they will give you something to chelate out the toxic metal so that you don’t die from it, for example, but that’s about the extent of it unfortunately.

So it’s a big problem. It is, and like I said, more doctors are becoming aware of it. Especially doctors who start to lean towards an alternative direction, but their solution right now for the most part, unfortunately, is using chelating drugs — not quite as effective and dangerous in some ways.

Wendy Myers: I was reading on that with chelation that it doesn’t get out metals nearly like deep enough. It doesn’t go as deep as nutritional balancing science.

Nikki Moses: That’s right. And part of that is because the body won’t let it because it knows it needs some of these toxins. So, you can only pull out with chelation some of the more surface toxins. If they dug it deep into tissues they would still be used by a part of the body and usually the body won’t let them go.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. That’s why that is the genius of nutritional balancing is that you have to flood your body with minerals in order for it to let this stuff go. I know there have been some clients of mine that are on this program, working with you, that are only on the supplements — the minerals selenium, zinc and the calcium/magnesium and a few others — just doing that alone without doing any of the other detox protocols. We’ll talk about them in a second. They are just doing the mineralization and they are having huge detox symptoms and detoxification of metals.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. It’s actually quite amazing to me. I’ve been surprised by this program multiple times at how effective it is when it seems so simple. The truth is the formulas are what are so important and knowing what to give each person. Zinc all by itself could be excellent for one person and very damaging for somebody else and I think that’s one of the problems with a lot of approaches. We talked about mineral balancing and there is that word ‘balancing’ again. It’s not just balancing the body chemistry. It’s balancing what nutrients you give a person to not create a chain reaction and negative effects. You can give someone a nutrient mineral and you get too much of it or it’s isolated when it should be combined with other things. You can create a chain reaction of negative effects in the person’s body because when a body is out of balance, which is everybody, I would not take any person off the street — they’re not in balance such as is happening today. So we take a body like that and you give it a whole bunch of nutrients — just a random basket of nutrients – and it can create a chain reaction of negative effects. Now, if you have somebody extraordinary healthy and you do that generally you’re okay, but people need to know that that’s one of the failures I had. One of the things I went through personally when seeing other practitioners while I was trying to heal my body was the fact that I was given nutrients that for somebody else would be just fine, but for me it created a negative chain reaction that in some cases were dramatic, it was very — what I went through was very difficult because of that and that cost me four years in my healing.

Wendy Myers: Wow. Yeah, so many clients come to me and they show up with a bag full of supplements they are taking and they don’t realize that you can’t just randomly supplement. You know maybe taking a basic vitamin supplement is fine, but you know when people are supplementing random minerals… So many people are on calcium for instance and it’s just really interesting to me how — if you take one mineral it very much affects another mineral which affects another mineral and that’s why you need to do nutritional balancing.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, otherwise you don’t know what chain reaction you are creating and you don’t know if what you’re doing is right for you and when you get it just right, that’s when the magic starts to happen. Like you said, people can’t just take some supplements and all of a sudden the body is starting to dump it and really it’s just minerals, it’s just vitamins, it’s not even mega doses, they’re not super high doses. It’s getting that balance just right to shift the body because it’s really the body that’s using the metal and you have to feed it just right and it wants to do it. It’s like if you’ve been sitting in a room and you haven’t been able to move for 20 years and you have been watching all this junk and garbage and dirt pile up around you and all of a sudden you get the energy and someone hands you a broom and some garbage bags, you know what you’re gonna do. You’re gonna dive in and to do it, right?

Wendy Myers: And the bodies are dying for nutrients and energy.

Nikki Moses: Yup. The body wants that. It really is so eager to get this stuff out. It just hasn’t been able to feed it properly and it goes to town and the stuff just starts coming out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and I thought it was really interesting how I recently…. how I originally had my fifth hair test done and I just have been having this voracious sugar craving because I’m detoxing a lot of metals. It takes a lot of energy and my body is just like “give me energy, give me sugar.” So, you put me on supplemental chromium. But I thought it was interesting that if you take chromium it reduces your zinc levels, which will reduce something else. I had to increase my zinc in order to accommodate the chromium.

Nikki Moses: Yes, that’s right. You have to counterbalance chromium with zinc or you will alter multiple chain reactions of levels in the body. So you’re right. Now, if we have to give you chromium, I have to give you extra zinc and correct the balance to compensate for it.

Wendy Myers: Yes. I am very happily gobbling up all my pills.

Nikki Moses: Oh good.

37:45 The Nutritional balancing Program Explained

Wendy Myers: And so what exactly is involved — just tell everyone what’s involved on a nutritional balancing program? Now, you mentioned supplements and you also have to do infrared saunas and some other detox protocols like perhaps coffee enemas. Can you explain why each of these components are important for detox?

Nikki Moses: Yeah. Well, the supplements I think we’ve talked about enough of that here. But in general you need to have the right combination of vitamins and minerals to allow the body to do the job of detoxification. It needs to feed all of those systems that are involved in removing toxic metals. It takes nutrients to remove toxic metals because the enzymes and the systems that are involved in moving all those things around have to be built by the body and have to be supported. So that’s one component and then of course you need to allow the body to replace the toxic metals that are being used as spare parts with the correct nutrients which the supplements help to provide. The supplements also are designed to increase energy production within the cell. And that’s a very important component of this because really the body needs energy to do anything it does. And so when you increase the energy systems and the capacity of the body to make energy within every cell, suddenly a lot more work can get done. So the supplements are crucial here because we’re dealing with that very tricky balance of combinations of nutrients. It’s nearly impossible to do that with food alone. You don’t know what’s in food. And broccoli from one farm is going to have different nutrients than broccoli from another farm and it’s very hard to get those doses that are required and in the right quantity to really bring out change. So that’s the supplement component of it.

Wendy Myers: I would like to add a little about the supplements. Correct me if I’m wrong, but it seems like every client that I’ve brought to you is taking calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, kelp for iodine for their thyroid, fish oil and a digestive aid called GB-3, is that correct? It’s kind of like most people should have this basic supplement regimen.

Nikki Moses: Yes. There are some things everybody needs. And calcium and magnesium and proper combinations are absolutely essential today. We don’t get enough in our food and when the body is out of balance it loses calcium and magnesium. It either is urinating out too much or it’s losing it into other tissues where it’s not suppose to go. So everybody needs about 750 mg of calcium per day and about 450 mg of magnesium. Those can go up and down a little bit and be just fine, but that’s the ratio that I usually start people on. Some people do have trouble absorbing magnesium and they can get diarrhea or loose stool from it in which case they have to reduce the amount but yes everybody gets calcium and magnesium, everybody gets a digestive aid called GB-3. The one that I usually find most people need is something that contains ox bile and pancreatic enzymes.

Wendy Myers: And that’s the GB-3.

Nikki Moses: That’s GB-3 — exactly. You can find other sources of these nutrients as well.

Wendy Myers: I know, but for so long I was taking digestive enzymes thinking they were good for me.

Nikki Moses: Right, yeah and they can help but you do need things like the bile. Most people’s bile production is diminished and it’s essential for digestion if you do want a digestive aid. Digestion takes a tremendous amount of energy and it requires a lot of nutrients to build all the enzymes. Most people, by the time they have any symptom, have impaired digestion. So it is important to supplement with a digestive aid. And then fish oil is important for EPA/DHA. So, about 1000 mg total of fish oil per day is usually needed unless the person is eating some healthy forms of fish. Unfortunately, fish today is very toxic. That’s another big source of all of these metals.

Wendy Myers: I know. I love my sushi.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. It’s too bad because fish is otherwise such a healthy food but our water is polluted. And it’s not just the oceans, it’s all freshwater, too, that have been polluted by industrial contamination.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s really sad. I know I was really bad on my last hair test. I have been eating a lot of fish since my husband kept bringing it home for dinner. I was eating mahi-mahi, all these big predatory fish that accumulate the metals a lot and my mercury went up so high. I was kind of shocked.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. And it’s funny. People can’t hide that from me. I know when they’re eating fish because you know and the hair test is evidence…

Wendy Myers: In spite of my sushi addiction.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, it’s evidence. I mean it’s very obvious. So people will tell you fish aren’t the problem, but just look a few hair tests then you’ll see it. The more fish people eat the higher that reading goes. It’s unfortunate, but there are small fish like sardines and anchovies that are fine and very healthy and so if you’re eating a few cans of sardines, for example, a week you don’t need to supplement fish oil. There’s enough there.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. Salmon is another good generally healthier form of fish and fish oil. So yeah, vitamin D, I’m not sure if you mentioned that. A vitamin D is important. Almost everybody today is deficient for one reason or another. So I usually for adults recommend about 5000 IU vitamin D everyday even if they’re getting sunshine. The sun, for whatever reason, doesn’t seem to be working as well as it used to for vitamin D production. Another one you mentioned, iodine, which I use some from kelp, sometimes a low dose B vitamin. Now, not everybody needs B vitamins but most of us do. So you’re much better off doing a hair test and see exactly what you need. But if you’re not going to do that, take a low dose B vitamin within a multi vitamin. Do not take iron unless you know you absolutely need it.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, that’s usually what people would need. Although zinc sometimes I have to combine properly with other minerals.

44:08 Infrared Saunas

Wendy Myers: And so the sauna is a really important part of the program. Can you explain that?

Nikki Moses: Yes. They are an optional procedure. People come into nutritional balancing, they looked at everything and they think, “oh my goodness I can’t do all of that.”

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Nikki Moses: So it is an optional procedure but it’s fantastic. Saunas, in general, when you’re sweating you are releasing toxins through the skin. The skin is one of our elimination organs. The body is designed to push toxins out of the skin and of course when you’re sweating it does a lot more of that and the saunas at the gym are nice. They will work but I don’t know if any of you listening are using one of those saunas. As soon as you walk in you feel like you can’t even breathe.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you can’t stay in that long.

Nikki Moses: No, you can’t stay in very long – 10 to 15 minutes at the most — because of the way that it’s heating the body. The rocks heat the air which heat your skin, which heats the next layer and it goes in that way. They have come out with infrared saunas now. Far infrared saunas have been around for a while and they were the first entrance into that technology and they’re great. They actually do work very well and then Dr. Wilson who has website that you actually mentioned a moment ago, He came up with using infrared bulbs. That is a red bulb that you might see in the kitchen used to heat up food, for example, on a counter. They’re great for heating the body. And what happens is that the heat from those lamps emit infrared heat. It doesn’t heat the air very much. It heats the body and it penetrates very deeply and so it’s a much more pleasant sauna experience because the air you’re breathing doesn’t get over maybe 120 degrees compared to 180 or higher in these other kinds of saunas.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love it because I use the infrared sauna. It’s so much nicer because you can keep it between 120 or 140 and you’re not dying but you’re still getting the benefit. Like 15% to 20% of your sweat is actually toxins.

Nikki Moses: It can be. Yes, it can be. Absolutely. Yeah, and it’s very effective for that but there are other benefits to the saunas including immune system benefits. Even potential benefit in fighting cancer cells. It increases circulation through the body so there is a quite an array of benefit to using one of these saunas and that’s why it is an optional and highly recommended procedure for most of my clients because it does so much, including, of course, helping with detoxification.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’ve read that cancer cells don’t tolerate the heat well at all. So you can actually, you know, assist your cancer or tumor in shrinking.

Nikki Moses: You can and the other component of that that I found most interesting is a concept called heat shock proteins. These are little proteins that the body makes when it is heated up. Now, they make these proteins under other kinds of stress, too, but they first discovered them when applying heat. These proteins are little scavengers so they hunt out trouble including cancer cells and they work to get rid of them. So those little proteins will work to repair damaged tissue, work to remove toxins, work to remove infections and even cancer cells. And that’s one of the big benefits to doing the saunas, as you’re heating the body so you create these heat shock proteins and those little guys go to work fixing all kinds of problems.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love it too because whenever I have a flu or cold you can go into the sauna and kind of induce a fever or a faux fever to kill the bacteria.

Nikki Moses: That’s right. Yeah, fever is a natural function of the body for many reasons when fighting an infection. Unfortunately, adults are not really strong enough often to get a fever. If you notice, children run fevers all the time and that’s because their immune systems are actually stronger. When the body runs a temperature, the viruses do not replicate well at higher temperatures. But also, the heat shock proteins are created. Certain calciums are mobilized better within the immune system when the body temperature is higher. So, yes the saunas are wonderful to help with infection as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s why I just love it that you guys use it on this program and actually is how I discovered nutritional balancing science — when researching a blog about infrared saunas.

Nikki Moses: Oh, that’s interesting.

Wendy Myers: And I just felt thankful that led me to you guys.

Nikki Moses: Yeah.

48:04 Coffee Enemas

Wendy Myers: So another thing that I’m really into — that’s definitely the part of the program — that I discovered on the nutritional balancing science program is coffee enemas.

Nikki Moses: Right.

Wendy Myers: Can you kind of dispel some people’s fears or obvious objections to doing coffee enemas?

Nikki Moses: Yeah. Again, it’s another optional procedure, but every client I can convince to do them are so relieved once they started and try it. There’s a lot of confusion out there about enemas. And people of course just with that topic alone can make them cringe because a person can see that they’re going to have to do it, but it’s a very simple procedure. It’s extremely safe, we’ve been doing this with thousands and thousands and thousands of people and have not encounter problems with it. And really what you’re doing is more of a coffee implant. It’s about two cups of liquid and you use organic or good coffee and you insert it and you hold if for 15 minutes. You release it and what it does in the body is it stimulates the liver to dump toxins, and it also stimulates the gallbladder and so the body, actually, everytime you do a coffee enema, is getting a little bit of a cleanse. The liver is cleaning itself and the cells additionally respond to the coffee by dumping toxins as well. There are certain things that are triggered in the cells that cause them to do this. So it’s really a whole body cleanse, though a very gentle way of cleansing the whole system. So we do recommend them because they speed progress along quite nicely. Also when you’re on the program, in general, you’re going to be dumping a lot of toxins and sometimes the coffee enema helps you deal with not having so many symptoms from all of the detoxification. We’ve had people do them for years. I did them for years and there are some worries when you talk about coffee enemas about dependency. I did not experience that. I’ve not had any client experience that and the enemas can help to tone your bowel and function better on its own. So…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it’s a really good relief if have constipation or IBS issues too.

Nikki Moses: Absolutely. Yeah, if you’re constipated and you’re not going everyday and you do a daily coffee enema, for example, you are cleaning out the bowel on daily basis as well as cleaning the whole system. So it’s very safe, very effective and you know it is something I do recommend to almost everybody. There are a few conditions where it might be difficult if you have damage to that part of the body, but other than that it’s pretty much universally helpful.

Wendy Myers: And so I just wanna make it clear to the audience that these are coffee enemas that you do at home. They’re not done with a practitioner where you can possibly risk infection at a colon hydrotherapy place. You do it at home with your own sterilized enema bucket and they are very, very safe.

Nikki Moses: Exactly. And it’s nice you have privacy. You don’t have to worry about being in an awkward situation. I find that with most of my clients who love them, they never want to stop actually and it is interesting. I’ve had, you know, as people get older they have gone in for colonoscopies and my clients who have been doing regular coffee enemas always get a glowing rave review from the doctor afterwards. Their colons are usually immaculate.

Wendy Myers: Oh wow.

Nikki Moses: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: And so we’ve covered all of what nutritional balancing science is. So how much does the cost?

Nikki Moses: Well, any practitioner you go to, of course, is going to have different fees. The hair testing for me… what I charge is $240, which includes an initial visit, it includes multiple follow ups and the lab fees itself. So it depends on where you go or how much service they’re going to give you with the hair test itself. And so price is what varies sometimes up to as much as $500 but generally it’s very low cost.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I mean compared to go to the doctor. Like when I first went to my doctor for a diagnosis, trying to forget what was wrong with me. I spent you know $1000 with just my copay on all the different tests that she did.

Nikki Moses: Exactly. Yes.

Wendy Myers: I didn’t come away with a program to heal myself. It was like she just didn’t have any kind of program to help me except hormone replacement therapy which I was not going to do. But I think the program is so great because I think it’s so reasonably cost. It’s cost effective.

Nikki Moses: It is very cost effective. I remember how much I was spending on nutritional programs on myself before I started doing this and I was spending at times up to $3000 a month for a practitioner.

Wendy Myers: Wow.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, it’s very expensive and I have a lot of people who come to me who have been on other protocols and doing other testing and when they find out the rates and how low cost it really is, they’re actually quite relieved. It’s an added expense to someone who has never done anything nutritional before.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Nikki Moses: It’s something that would be a new expense but when you talk about all the copays and insurance and all the problems, the costs that are going to be incurred later in life either in direct medical costs or the cost associated with disability and inability to work if you get hit with an illness, which is what happened to me, I couldn’t work for four years I was so ill.

Wendy Myers: Oh gosh.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. I watched my father go through the same thing at one time for about two years. Someone else had to run his business and it was very tough time. So you have to add those costs when you are looking at a lifetime of health and for so small an investment. For example, $240 now and to know all the things that you could do to avoid all of that. It’s absolutely very cost effective.

Wendy Myers: And so how much do subsequent hair tests cost after the initial one?

Nikki Moses: Well, most people charge anywhere from about $135 and up to maybe $175 for the repeat test and that includes a full analysis and consultation.

Wendy Myers: Okay.

Nikki Moses: Yeah. You do periodically want to recheck because the whole idea is you’re going to be correcting body chemistry. You’re going to be shifting it in different directions and moving it towards an optimum, but you have to then retest and see where the body is after anywhere from three to six months so that you can then make sure you still have them on the correct nutrients because they’re going to change over time and you’re constantly steering the body and towards its ideal but it will go through all kinds swings on its way. So you do want to do the retest every three to six months as you go along. They can be spread out even longer. Of course, that is a component to the program.

Wendy Myers: And I think those supplements are really reasonably price too because I’ve definitely been into supplements for many years and some of them can get really pricey. But I think the Endomet supplements that are used on the program are very reasonable.

Nikki Moses: They are and they’re very high quality. They are very careful about what they use too — the chelated minerals, for example — they use protein chelates. They used some very complicated systems for developing these things and they keep the prices reasonable. And really you’re not on a lot of stuff.

Wendy Myers: Like $200 a month which is not nearly what I was spending prior to getting on the program.

Nikki Moses: It’s very targeted. It’s very direct so it makes a lot simpler and affordable for the people, too.

Wendy Myers: Yeah and like I said, it’s streamlined, because I spent several years studying different supplements. It can be overwhelming because there are so many different things that you’ve read about it. Gosh! I should be taking that! The program just totally streamlines everything so you don’t have to think about anything.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, that’s the good point. It is a huge value — every week there is some new article that comes out about some supplement or nutrient you should take.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I remember when I came into your office. I had a bag of like 20 or 30 supplements I was taking and your mouth was gaping open.

Nikki Moses: Exactly! I remember that. Yeah most people come to me with their bag and you know they are full. They’re on this and that. So it’s a problem and that’s one of the problems with not doing a whole body approach. When you’re not doing a system approach to healing, you are just thinking about choosing and guessing and taking one supplement for one symptom and another for another symptom and the next thing you know your kitchen is full of this stuff.

Wendy Myers: And so you know, I live in Los Angeles. You’re in Los Angeles, too, in the Glendale area. I know people can definitely come to you and have appointments at your home, but most of your clients are over the phone. So I’m sure a lot of people are wondering if can they do this from anywhere in the world?

Nikki Moses: Yeah, that’s the beauty of hair sampling and doing a hair test is that the hair is very stable. You can cut a sample and stick it in an envelope and mail it anywhere in the world and have it arrive safe and sound and ready to be tested. So I do work with people from all over the world, really. I focus mostly on the United States and Canada. I have clients all over the country and, yes, it’s very easy to work with someone at a distance with it. You just fill out the forms and it’s not very hard to cut a hair sample. You pop that off in the mail and you can receive all of your reports through your email or mail. And then, of course, consultations can be done many ways, including by phone, so really there’s no reason not to do it because of location. And the supplements get mailed to you so everything can be done by mail.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I love that when you mentioned that you had a family of 12 from Syria that were all doing hair testing.

Nikki Moses: I do, I do. It was fascinating to me. They’re still continuing with it in the middle of a civil war. I actually get emails from them. They order their supplements. They’re living on jarred food and canned food and with all they’re dealing with they’re still taking their supplements. And they tell me that they’re the only ones who are on the program there, but they are the only ones who are staying healthy through this conflict and not getting sick and not having all kinds of other problems due to the stress they are under.

Wendy Myers: Wow, that’s really compelling.

Nikki Moses: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: It’s surprising they’re still getting their supplements.

Nikki Moses: Very — yeah, it’s very touching when I hear from them and actually it’s quite amazing.

Wendy Myers: So you know thank you so much for being on the show. I just — I thought it was really important to tell people about this incredible program.

Nikki Moses: It was my pleasure. Thanks for having me.

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much. It was really, really interesting and so if all you guys out there are interested in doing a nutritional balancing program please definitely contact Nikki Moses on I’ve seen lots of physicians and healthcare practitioners and I’ve just been really blown away by how much Nikki knows about supplements and about health conditions and how to resolve them and the underlying cause of them. I’ve just been really, really impressed so I just really urge you guys, you know, if you are interested. If you want to check it out and get help and you’re tired of feeling fatigued and tired and the doctors don’t know what’s wrong with you, I definitely urge you to check it out and get healthy.

Nikki Moses: Thank you, Wendy. Thanks for having me and…

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much. It was nice talking to you.

Nikki Moses: Yeah, likewise. Anybody who wants to, you can check out the website, You can email me from the website as well if you have questions and the phone number is also there.

Wendy Myers: Okay great. Well, thank you, Nikki. Thank you so much.

Nikki Moses: You’re welcome, Wendy. I’ll talk to you soon. Okay.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Bye-bye.

Nikki Moses: Bye-bye.


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