Transcript #193 The Body’s Energetic Field Controls Health with Harry Massey

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  • 03:36 About Harry Massey
  • 19:59 The body’s energy field
  • 28:13 Interference
  • 35:22 Infoceuticals
  • 45:33 How infoceuticals work
  • 49:45 Developing the infoceuticals
  • 56:22 Supercharged
  • 01:03:11 Where to find Harry Massey

Wendy Myers: Hello, everyone. How are you? My name is Wendy Myers. I am your host for the Live to 110 Podcast. So only tune in today if you want to live a really long time, disease- and medication-free.

That’s my goal, to help to educate you about how to do just that. That’s my goal. I am 44. I do a lot of things. I go to great lengths to take care of myself and take pride in my health. And I want to inspire you to do the same.

Today, we have a very special guest. His name is Harry Massey. I just love him so much. I just think he’s such a boy genius. We’re going to be talking about bio-energetics and how this is a very cutting-edge—not so new, but very, very cutting-edge way to improve your health in ways that you never thought possible.

On today’s show, Harry is going to be talking about how our body’s energetic field dramatically impacts our body’s physical health, and also our ability to produce energy—very, very interesting conversation.

We’ll also be talking about infoceuticals, what those are exactly and how they improve your body’s ability to produce energy.

We’ll be talking about things that disrupt your body’s energetic field like EMF’s, electromagnetic fields. These are the things that cellphones emit and computers and cellphone towers and wireless Internet, all these stuff that we are surrounded by every day. And a lot of research is showing this dramatic impact, negatively, on our health. It’s something that we really need to be paying attention to.

More podcast on that coming up soon.

But before we get into all that, we have to do the disclaimer. Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature. So please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in anything we suggest today on the show.

And I have a new book coming out on Amazon. It’s available right now for pre-order. It’s called Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue. And that’s what this podcast is about! That’s what Harry’s big message is:

How do we get more energy? How do we increase energy in our body?

And it’s not by taking stimulants. It’s about reducing toxins. It’s about getting into the sun. It is about doing so many different things naturally to improve energy production in the body—and remove the blockages to energy production. And toxic metals are one of those blockages interfering in your mitochondria’s ability to produce ATP which is your energy (it’s what your body uses for energy).

So, go check it out at, Limitless Energy, #LimitlessEnergy.

03:36 About Harry Massey

Wendy Myers: Today’s guest, Harry Massey, his story is incredible, very inspirational for anyone dealing with long-term severe illness or overcoming other kinds of seriously challenging circumstances.

Just briefly, Harry was sick with serious chronic fatigue syndrome all through his twenties; four of those years, he was bedridden; for six years, completely house-bound.

Harry, being the extremely determined person he is, tried many different things in his recovery including nutrition, naturopathy, fasting, Gerson therapy and other biochemical approaches that you can think of.

He eventually fully recovered after discovering energy medicine and studying quantum biology.

After 10 years of illness, this is what Harry went on to do. He went on to be a successful entrepreneur and the CEO of NES Health, an energy medicine company he co-founded with Peter Frazer where they had created an energy field testing and treating device which is the highest selling in Germany and the home of that type of technology.

He became a published author, writing, Decoding the Human Body Field: the New Science of Information as Medicine.

He went on to make the award-winning film, The Living Matrix movie which educated people about how the body field can influence health. Then he went on to make the full-length documentary film, Choice Point, where he interviewed luminaries like Sir Richard Branson, Bishop Desmond Tutu and Barbara Marx Hubbard, exploring approaches to solving some of the world’s largest problems.

He has a new movie currently being made called Supercharged which looks at how top performers have been able to transform themselves from lethargy to having abundant energy for life.

You can go watch Harry’s movie at the I highly recommend it.

He basically went from bed-bound to conquering the world as the CEO of a world-wide bio-energetic company. He has come a long, long way. And I’m so thrilled to have him today on the podcast.

Harry, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Harry Massey: Hi, Wendy. It’s great to be on your podcast. I’m really looking forward to it.

Wendy Myers: So, why don’t you tell us your story in your own words and your struggle with chronic fatigue?

Harry Massey: Sure! Well, I was basically bed-bound for around 10 years between the age of 21 and 31. And basically, what happened, I was just finishing up university, and I ended up getting some sort of viral infection along with actually some emotional trauma. It was a bit of a cycle where I was a bit hedonistic and [over-passive].

And after about a year of this hedonistic and also getting some sort of viral infection, I was getting increasingly and increasingly tired until, really, at the end of that year, I was basically so exhausted that it didn’t matter, I could have a cup of coffee and it wouldn’t have any effect on me at all.

And by that point, I basically applied for a job in London. I’ve been fired from a job because I had too many sick days. I had 20 days off from the first two months. I thought to myself, “Well, that’s fine. I’ll stop taking any drugs. I’ll stop having coffee.” I used to smoke. I gave absolutely everything up. I go out to be out. I cured myself with fresh air and exercises, and basically, I’d just go rock-climbing and mountaineering.

I did that for a couple of months, but I did it in the most exhausted state you could possibly imagine.

And by the end of it—I remember this one period where I was exhausted after climbing up a mountain, I got into a tent in the end, and I couldn’t get out of the tent. I was in that tent for seven days. And all I had was a big bowl of water and some dried bananas. I just fed myself on dried bananas.

And then, eventually, I summoned up the energy to try and get back to England. I drove all the way back from Southern France (through Northern France back to England). But I had to stop every half an hour to basically fall asleep at the side of the highway and then get back in the car and get back home.

That really was the beginning of, I guess you would say, full chronic fatigue.

I really didn’t know what to do. I tried all sorts of different things. Obviously, the first thing you do is go to the doctor’s. They run all sorts of tests on you. They really didn’t know. This is the conventional NHS in England. They didn’t really have a clue what was wrong.

They knew that something was wrong with my immune system, but outside of that, they didn’t know.

I then tried all sorts of small alternative and nutritional approaches. I qualified as a nutritionist part-time while I was ill. But that didn’t really get me anywhere either.

I did something a bit extreme. I went and did a 30-day water fast. I really don’t recommend anyone does this, but I went off to South Africa because I’ve heard a number of people have been cured from chronic fatigue through fasting.

I was an extreme person, so I took it to an extreme level.

We went out there, and I lost about a third of my body weight.

But what was quite disgusting is I passed a bucketful of parasites which was lovely.

Wendy Myers: Well, I think a lot of people are crawling with parasites. They just try not to think about it.

Harry Massey: Yeah, it’s best not. It’s best not to think about it.

What’s interesting is they don’t come up on any sort of test. It’s only through fasting, and then on about week two of eating no food and all these colonics that they actually came out.

Anyway, I’ll fast-forward a few years. But imagine, I basically came back to England. After that, I basically came back to England in a wheelchair at that time. The first time I tried to go rural, I managed to drive myself back. This time, I came back in a wheelchair. And then, I was really fully bed-bound. I was on IV’s. My digestion wouldn’t work or anything.

So, to be honest, I made myself worse at that point.

I’ll progress forward a few years. But if you can imagine (or anyone who’s ill probably can imagine), really, when you’re lying in bed, you’re sort of staring at the ceiling, life is pretty dreary because you don’t really have much going on. All your friends are off blossoming in their early stages of careers and have forgotten about you and that type of stuff.

But after a few years, I came across this idea of vibrational medicine, energy medicine and subtle energy, which I didn’t really necessarily believe, but I was also pretty desperate in trying out all these other routes. I started to look into that a lot.

I was introduced to this by a scientist from Australia called Peter Frazer who settled the first college in Australia for acupuncture I think back 45 years ago now. I started corresponding with him. He basically sent me over this paper on quantum biology. I think I would’ve been 25 or 26 at that time. It didn’t make any sense. But because I really had nothing to do and I had very little energy, I basically put some information up on a website. I can’t remember if that website is still up. It’s probably still out there. It’s called

And then, I forgot about it for probably another year or year and a half.

I ended up having a bit of a crazy, crazy idea. When you have a lot of time to yourself, your imagination goes a bit crazy, which I think is one of the benefits of being ill and not having much of an input. Your creativity and imagination can go a bit wild. And I had basically ended up with this idea of creating a home wellness system really for this fundamental reason.

I couldn’t work out what was wrong with myself. I couldn’t go and travel to any practitioners and doctors. And this is way before the mobile Internet. This is before Google. This is before any of this technology era. Yahoo was the dominant search engine, and they only just started at the time.

But basically, I had this idea that if there was a way that you could work out what was wrong with you from the comfort of your own home, and it would give you the information you needed to get you better again, a) I might be able to get myself better, and b) it would be helpful to other people.

I was stupid and naïve enough to believe that I could give that a go from having no money and no energy and sick in bed.

So, I reached back to that scientist which is Prof. Frazer. I spoke to him on the phone. He said, “Well, possibly, you can do that. Maybe that will work.” But his maybe was enough for him to agree to meet in person.

So, I flew from England to meet him in L.A. He flew from Australia and we met in L.A. He was a lot older than me.

And I guess, for him, he really didn’t need to do this. So that was quite a big deal.

And for me, it was a very big deal because I really haven’t traveled anywhere since that South African adventure years before. It was a massive thing for me. I wasn’t really in any state to do it, but I did.

We ended up meeting in L.A. We just spent 10 days before we flew back.

Long story short, we hit it off and we decided to try and make this system. And what he had done that was really, really revolutionary is after he set up this Acupuncture College, he basically started researching and looking into the energy of the human body field in a much more detailed way than the Chinese medicine system. He put in another 25 years of research beyond when he left Melbourne University.

Wendy Myers: But wasn’t he trying to scientifically prove the Chinese meridians? Wasn’t that his original goal that he set out to accomplish?

Harry Massey: I don’t know that, maybe. It never came up in conversation.

Basically, what happened at Melbourne University is—I think you might be right—the other professors didn’t like what he was doing and didn’t like his research. They really wanted to change Chinese medicine into a standard pain response mechanism. You put a needle in, so it must be a neuropeptide response. It must be some sort of chemical messenger.

So, you’re right. Obviously, he was doing research to show how it was more field-based. They didn’t like that, so he basically have to leave the university and carry on on his own path.

He was such a broad thinker. He was an expert in homeopathy and natural healing methods—obviously, in Chinese medicine. He was a great researcher and scientist on top of that. So he was really trying to fuse physics with these sort of more traditional, ancient ideas which is where he started coming up with the original body field.

And then, basically, when I met him, because he had been working with these other physicists, he had everything in terms of physics. He would describe everything as magnetic monopoles and things like that. I was just like, “Peter, we can’t have a home wellness people and heal people with magnetic monopoles or analyze them like that. We need to look at the organ systems, the strength of the different parts of the body, and then how energy flows.”

So, from that, we came up with the concept that we have now which is the energetic drivers which look at the strength of the different fields in the body that are [freighted] by the organs, and then also at what we call energetic integrators which is sort of a hybrid of Chinese medicine and some of our own stuff, but it’s basically looking at how energy flows from one part of the body field to another.

The short version is, over the next year and a half or so, he basically gave me all sorts of different types of infoceuticals that I got these amazing, amazing healing reactions.

It wasn’t that I took something and was healed; it wasn’t like that. It was more like he would give me this antidote to a group of viruses, and I would get a 2- or 3-day fever in reaction. And then, that would go.

Or we would make another remedy like, for example, emotional stress release. And in those days and sort of in that condition, I was extremely tired but extremely wired. I was in a constant stress response. That ESL which stands for “emotional stress release,” we took that.

I was still tired, but the wired part and the stress part started to come down. And of course, when that starts to go away, you do actually start to heal. You get less, less tired over months. When you’ve had chronic fatigue for 10 or so years, it’s not a quick thing.

As I say, we started making all these different types of infoceuticals which are like these energetic drivers. [inaudible 00:19:11] gradually over a year and a half and over the years, these different layers of health which sort of un-peel.

Well, that’s half of it. And then, we also started working on this health analysis system where you could put your hand on a device. It’s coming out very soon (maybe by the time you hear this podcast). You can put your thumb on a little [bio-touch] connecting to your phone, and it will tell you the strength and how your energy is flowing and perhaps, more importantly, it will tell you which type of infoceutical that will help you the most in that moment.

19:59 The body’s energy field

Wendy Myers: So, let’s take a step back for anyone listening that doesn’t know how this system is approaching the body.

So, your company is called NES Health. And essentially, the goal of the device, the little scanner device, is to look at your body’s energy field. So let’s talk a little bit about our energy field and what that means.

What is that? And how does that determine our physical health?

Harry Massey: It’s probably good to look at it from a conventional medical avenue. In medicine, you have an ECG and you have EKG’s and you have things like MRI’s. An EKG, for instance, is basically picking up the magnetic fields coming out from your heart. An ECG, you can put over your brain and pick up your brain waves. And an MRI stands for “magnetic resonance.” If you go under an MRI device, you can get this full analysis.

All of those conventional medical things are actually picking up fields and electrical activity from the body.

The bit that medicine doesn’t necessarily correlate to is it hasn’t gone the step further and says, “Well, when you look at all these fields and the energy in the body, does that actually have some particular function in the body?”

Obviously, the Chinese knew this 5000 years ago. And with the work that Peter did, he basically ended up mapping that out much further. And ultimately, your body field actually acts as, if you like, a control system above the conventional biochemistry level.

Perhaps the simpler way of saying it is biochemistry is sort of like one side of the coin. But there’s also this electrical or energetic component to the body that has, I’d argue, more of an influence over your biochemistry. But I’m happy to split the difference and say, we’re half biochemistry and half electrical.

Wendy Myers: And so you have this energy field in your body. And from what I understand based on quantum physics, our heart and other parts of our body actually imprint information and operating instructions and send that to our cells and organs. And that’s one of the primary ways that our body communicates with different parts and sends messages.

Can you talk a little about that, and things that interfere in that energy field?

Harry Massey: Absolutely! You’ve gone a level deeper to the information aspect which is great.

So, when you’re looking at a body field, obviously it’s energy. But on top of that energy, you also have this concept, you also have information—and ultimately, it’s information that is triggering different healing responses and is controlling your body.

As an example, if we look at the nervous system, the nervous system is pretty fascinating. If you look at your spinal cord, it’s so thick. If you look at nerves coming out of it, it might be as thick as your little finger. And then, they change diameter, and they get thinner and thinner.

And then, they’re also not continuous. They also have little joints in the way of them—not joints, I can’t remember the word now. But basically, it’s a discontinuous nervous system which has different traveling speeds right across it.

You might say, “Well, why on earth does that matter?” If something is traveling at 5 m/s in a thicker part, but it’s only traveling 0.5 m/s in a smaller part, when you start to think of how you can coordinate movement, but perhaps more importantly, how you can communicate to all these trillions of cells in your body pretty much instantaneously, the nervous system doesn’t give a particularly model of how you can do that.

However, what it is able to do is it can set up a field. And as long as you have this field that is everywhere, information can basically transmit instantaneously across a field.

So, if you like, it’s not that information is traveling down the nervous system. It’s just the nervous system sets up the field, so information can jump instantaneously in the field outside the nervous system. That’s an example.

The example you gave was the heart. The heart emanates out at least 15 meters out from us. It has a very, very strong magnetic field with a particular impulse that it’s continually imprinting. And it’s also directly connected with a whole bunch of nerves to the brain. It is basically also able to transmit information right across to your cells.

When you’re looking at cells, we’re very used to this idea that a cell has little receptors, that it must be receiving chemical messengers. But it also has receptors which works [inaudible 00:25:49] (which is probably a more complicated discussion).

But if you just imagine that a cell has chemical receptors (which are a little bit slow because it takes a long time for a chemical to get from A to B. It has to be produced somewhere in your brain or a gland, flow all the way down to that cell, and then react), but the bit that’s more instantaneous is it also has energy and, if you like, information receptors that can act instantaneously. And if it didn’t, we really wouldn’t work properly.

Another way of looking at it is if I suddenly make you angry, Wendy—which is very hard)…

Wendy Myers: Very difficult to do.

Harry Massey: It’s very difficult. Well, I’ll let you laugh instead. So, if I made you laugh, your whole body instantly responds to that. It doesn’t respond 26 seconds later for a little bit of serotonin to reach to make your smile happen or all that sort of stuff.

It’s more easier to think when you’re angry. Your whole body tense up and the whole thing happens super fast. That’s more of an information energy rather than a chemical thing. We feel those emotions way before your cortisol arrives and all the chemical cascade from that. But obviously, that does happen too.

If you like the chemicals, it’s more of a longer term thing. The instant side is energy and information.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! And that’s why there’s a lot of phenomenon in medicine that are explicable with just the chemical messenger theory, that it’s hormones or neurotransmitters or enzymes that are conducting the whole symphony that is the body and its processes. It’s far more complicated than that.

And NES has a very brilliant, simple, elegant explanation for what’s happening physically in the body. And when you ensure that that information flow in the body is happening properly, then health is just a natural result.

28:13 Interference

Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about some of those things that interfere in the body’s energetic communication, pathways in the body, things that hamper or damage our body’s energy field and what implications that has for our health.

Harry Massey: That’s a really interesting question because everything is interconnected or, if you like—well, if you like, it’s a bit of a complicated word—holographic.

So, I guess the easiest one to say would be, as it’s Wendy, let’s say heavy metals, heavy metals naturally. Lead is a great field blocker. So if you have a lot of lead in your body, it’s totally going to distort the body field (and all sorts of other toxins do too).

But what’s perhaps more curious than that is you could have all these trauma and emotional shocks that might have happened earlier in your life that will also distort those information patterns.

And this is what I mean by holographic. Curiously enough, if you have a lot of those emotional trauma or distortions, that can actually attract more—it creates a pattern. It will attract more heavy metals and toxicity into you.

And it happens exactly the other way around. If you happened to have gotten exposed to a lot of toxins, you end up in these sorts of emotionally traumatic state as well. You can’t really say one necessarily causes or affects the other. All these things happen simultaneously.

Causation is a very dicey business in health. It’s very interconnected.

Wendy Myers: But I think it’s very, very interesting that, in NES, you look at a lot of emotional traumas that people have that you can see in the scan that you do (that you can do at home). And these emotional traumas have a profound effect on the body’s ability to transfer information or to communicate. And then, it can have a profound effect, a negative impact, on our health in causing cancer and some other things later in life.

And this is shown in the research! This is not NES. This is shown.

Harry Massey: No, exactly. If it’s distorting your operating system, by default, you’re not going to absorb things so well, your liver won’t detoxify so well. So you end up accumulating these things.

I can’t remember the research exactly, but I know there’s a webinar done by Niki Gratrix where she has detailed all of these incredible research that basically links all these emotional trauma in early life. I think they’re called “adverse childhood event.” That’s linked to your early childhood trauma to all these disease states later in life.

But before you worry too much about that in case you’ve had a lot of trauma, it can be reversed. You can get rid of trauma. The key to all these is shining a light on it.

So, perhaps if you’re having a scan with Wendy or with one of her—I don’t what you call them, coaches?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, coaches.

Harry Massey: …with one of Wendy’s coaches, you can basically identify what that trauma is.

And you may know it, but you may not want to say it. It can help to visualize it. And then, as you bring it into your consciousness, well a) you can talk about it, which is really helpful, but b) you can also correct the informational pattern that’s behind that.

And it’s amazing! It actually starts coming out in dreams. When you take things to release those patterns, you start dreaming. Dreams are basically how you do processing. And then, it basically dissipates.

When you take an unconscious pattern to a conscious state, you clear it. And then, you have these miraculous changes on your health, which isn’t really nesting. It’s basically your body’s own healing system—really, the body is basically a miraculous doctor—and this whole wonderful cascade of positive changes starts occurring.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I can testify that. I’ve been doing NES at this point for seven months (about seven months).

Harry Massey: I thought 14 years now.

Wendy Myers: I know! It’s like you’re so calm and zen, no negative emotions flowing anywhere.

But I was trying to think. I’ve been struggling with, the last year (prior to learning about NES) how am I going to detox my ex-husband. And I have found that as I’ve progressed on NES, that I’ve become lighter and lighter and lighter and lighter emotionally.

I handle stress so much better. My stress has actually increased, but I’m still really calm. I’m just handling it with grace and ease.

Harry Massey: Yeah, I think that’s the best sign.

Obviously, what happened to me as I was getting better, it turned into an accidental business because we created this system, and then obviously people wanted it, and here we are today. When you build and scale a business, that’s not necessarily un-stressful at times, but yeah, here we go.

But what I was going to say, did you take lots of brain holograms? What did you take to detox your husband?

Wendy Myers: You know what? Oh, gosh, I’ve only taken two brain holograms. And the brain holograms helped to release emotional trauma.

Harry Massey: Take a lot of Liberator. Have you taken a lot of that?

Wendy Myers: No, I took a lot of Chill.

Harry Massey: Okay! So, the next phase, take Liberator.

Wendy Myers: Liberator? Okay, yeah.

Harry Massey: Yeah, Liberator with brain holograms. And tell me your dreams.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, exactly. When I first started this, I had a lot of very, very vivid dreams, which a lot of people that start NES report. You’re just processing and filtering and sorting until your brain kind of releases stuff.

And I found, prior to that, a lot of people, they kind of stop dreaming. When they’re not sleeping well, they’re not healthy, they’re not functioning well, whatever is impacting them, they kind of stop dreaming or they don’t remember the dream more accurately.

Harry Massey: Yeah, it takes energy to dream. And if you don’t have enough, it [flats] out.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s one sign that maybe your body is not functioning so well.

35:22 Infoceuticals

Wendy Myers: So, you do the scan. You do it at home or with a practitioner or in-person. And it gives you a lot of information. You learn about the energetic blocks that you have on your meridians—just a tremendous amount of information, just a wealth of information (which we won’t get into so much).

And so to correct these issues that we discover on the scan, you take what are called infoceuticals. We’ve been talking about that a little bit. Why don’t we just tell people who have never heard of any of these what exactly are they.

Harry Massey: Yeah, we didn’t even say what it is, did we?

Wendy Myers: Yeah. What are they? What are infoceuticals.

Harry Massey: Sorry, I haven’t got one around.

Wendy Myers: Oh, I’ve got one right here. I’ve got one right here.

Harry Massey: Oh, there we go! That’s an infoceutical.

Wendy Myers: This is Chill.

Harry Massey: …which Wendy needs a lot of.

Wendy Myers: I do! Actually, forget it, I’m just going to drink some.

And so, that’s what I usually do, I just kind of down them.

Most people just put a few drops in water. But I tend to like to drink at least…

Harry Massey: Yeah, we had a few hardcore people just drink the whole thing.

Wendy Myers: …drink the whole bottle.

Anyway, I really love the Chill infoceutical. It does just that, it chills you out. It calms down your nervous system.

And some people need a lot (like myself, I need a lot). Other people that are more sensitive, not so much. Maybe nine drops is helpful for them. Everyone is a little different.

So, what are infoceuticals exactly.

Harry Massey: Basically, it’s in the name. It’s called an infoceutical because it’s an information-ceutical.

It’s really an advance on the idea of homeopathy. If we go back to 200 years ago, homeopathy semi works or it half works. Its methodology is you take something—if you ate a lot of Nux Vomica, it would make you vomit.

And the idea in homeopathy is if you could dilute that down, so it didn’t have the toxic chemical, but it still had the information or message (or, if you like, the memory), and then drank that, your body will basically react against that vomiting message and then healing the stomach and basically stop you vomiting.

And what we thought back 14 years ago is: “Well, that’s sort of a bit of an about face. Why couldn’t we give a message to the body that is exactly the polar opposite of that, and it was all in the positive and just say to the body, ‘Look, this is how a perfectly functioning liver is. This is the information for a perfectly functioning liver or a cell or a bit of heart tissue or brain tissue or an emotional state’ and just give that to the body?”

And so, basically, what Peter was able to do is basically code that. They were made in all sorts of different ways, but probably the easiest example would be we took different healthy tissue sets, and then we basically record the information of those or we digitized it. And then, we would then imprint that information just into a mineralized liquid.

And that idea can sound a little bit strange, but there’s basically all these research that there’s four types of water—you’ve got ice, vapor, liquid and then you also have this fourth phase which is EZ water or 4-phase water which has more structure in it.

Anyway, in short, when you have structured water, you’re basically able to record information on it very similarly to how you can record music onto a bit of magnetic tape. We end up with these 76 different types or sets of information imprinted into the EZ or structured water. And that ends up as an infoceutical.

Wendy Myers: Yes! It’s so interesting. It’s a concept I think is difficult for people to wrap their mind around, but there is a Nobel Prize winning doctor, Dr. Luc Montagnier who has done research on this and doing research on information being—like from being DNA in water, and from that water because it was similar…

Harry Massey: Well, he’s basically able to transmit the information of DNA electromagnetically to, basically, a beaker with water. They added a whole load of the base pair material within that beaker, and then re-created to 98% accuracy to say, “It’s basically the same gene that was in the initial flask.” It’s actually incredible.

Well, to put it in perspective, we basically have four sets of scientists:

We’ve got homeopathy originally which was Hahnemann who came up with the idea a bit;

Then we have this other French man, another scientist called Buenavista in the ‘70s who basically was proving that homeopathy could do something. He basically took the information and, in a sense, this positive form of homeopathy that we’re talking about. He basically took a mast cell and got the mast cell to react to an information allergen, i.e.

just recorded the information of an allergen, and then the mast cell would react in the same way whether the allergen was there or just this memory of the allergen was there. It would react in the same way.

There’s a huge hooha over that. But it was published in Nature I think on the second time after a year [inaudible 00:41:37]. There’s a whole load of politics, and he committed suicide or he was killed, who knows? But there was just a massive science hooha with that because the idea that homeopathy could work was just not wanted in Western medicine at all.

So, nobody really wanted to touch water research or memory of water in any way because, let alone your science career being ruined, people died as well;

And then, along came Francoise Montagnier. He got a Nobel Prize for discovering the AIDS virus. He took the Buenavista idea further. And as I’ve explained earlier, he basically was able to record the information of DNA and transmit it to another beaker, electromagnetically imprint and then re-create the DNA. There should be another Nobel Prize for that again. You can read up all about it online.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that water was creating enzymes just as if it was DNA.

Harry Massey: Well, they actually add the enzyme and the base pairs. But it was able to then structure to the shape of the original thing. If you just add all the original base pairs, it’s just a whole load of base pairs. It’s trillions long and it’s ninety-eight point something the same as the original which actually is mind-blowing. I mean, it’s mind-blowing to me even though we’re in this field.

And then, basically, when we met Peter, Peter has sort of taken that further clinically and he said, “Well, that’s all interesting, but can we use this to change epigenetic expression? How does cell healing happen?”

Ultimately, your DNA and RNA basically split apart, and it starts taking proteins out of its library, and it goes off and makes its repair proteins and repairs various parts of the body. If you have something wrong with an organ, you need to repair it. You need to create these repair proteins to do so well.

And what we said is: “Well, how can we get DNA to basically create the right epigenetic expression so it goes off and makes the correct repair proteins?”

To cut the long story short, that’s what Peter is able to do. He sort of took these three previous scientists’ work and jumped it on along another step further. We’ve got 14 years worth of clinical evidence and results from that. If you’re into reading the papers, I think we’ve got 14 different studies on our NES Health site. There’s a tab that says ‘Research’. I think it says ‘Research’.

Wendy Myers: Science, it says ‘Science’.

Harry Massey: Science. You know my website better than me.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I was on it the other day.

So, yeah, you explained that much further than I would have. Thank you for that.

The more I learn about NES, the more I am just absolutely dumbfounded at how Peter Frazer developed this. He spent at least 30 years just not intending to develop NES specifically, but just in his own intellectual curiosity, there’s so much research from so many different scientists that have gone onto NES.

Harry Massey: We have boxes and boxes and boxes on—I mean, it would fill up a huge living room of papers.

45:33 How infoceuticals work

Wendy Myers: So, the infoceuticals, when you take those, they elicit a change in your body. For instance, you said you can take something for your liver (you used that as an example).

So you take Liver Driver which helps to improve the energy levels in your liver. And so, you said that the information that was put into that infoceutical from a perfectly normal, healthy functioning liver. And then, explain the rest of what happens in that process and how that elicits a change in the body for the positive?

Harry Massey: Sure! I mean, it is as straightforward as you basically take 9 or 15 drops, you put them in a glass of water and then you literally just drink that glass of water. And then, the water is absorbed in your mouth and your gut. And that information that’s in that structured water ends up traveling around your body. And basically, that information is picked up.

As you’ve said, with Liver Driver, in this case, it’s picked up by all the cells in your liver, and they go, “Okay!” It’s basically providing a signal or an information message to all those cells, “Okay, this is how we’re meant to act and to be.”

And so when you have a disease, like if you have a diseased organ, basically, all those cells are repeating ad infinitum a wrong message. And even though people say your liver is completely re-grown every six months, all I can say is if you’ve had a liver problem for five years, well, my liver is still the same the sixth month because it’s basically on this loop where it’s epigenetically expressing the wrong—it’s not repairing itself. It does re-create a whole new set of liver cells, but it re-creates them in this bad pattern, this bad expression.

So, instead, it changes that message and says, “Please, please be like this. This is the blueprint of what you should create.” So when all the new cells are created, it ends up creating you a nice, fresh, new liver.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. Well, I’ve definitely been on Liver Driver a couple of times, enjoying my fresh, new liver. I’m trying not to abuse it too much.

And so when people say Liver Driver comes up in their scan, the scan basically will tell you your top priorities that your body needs to have addressed right now that’s present on that scan. And so you typically take about four infoceuticals to begin (max, six infoceuticals) at any given time. And you do about one scan a month. And so, when your Liver Driver comes up, then that’s when you take that Liver Driver infoceutical.

Why do you have to take that? Because somehow, there’s some interference with EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) or emotional trauma or stress or poor nutrition or toxic metals that prevented that information, operating instructions, getting to your liver to have it functioning properly. So by taking the infoceutical, you can bypass that until the body is functioning better on the NES program. But in the meantime, you can get your liver functioning better and the results just speak for themselves. The results are really phenomenal.

I know with myself, with you, and all the stories that I personally heard when I was at the NES training and the NES conference and all the 4500 practitioners around the world, the results really speak for themselves.

49:45 Developing the infoceuticals

Wendy Myers: So, you developed, over time, I’ve heard you say when we’ve talked, 2000 infoceuticals over the years. And now, it’s been whittled down to about 60. Can you talk a little bit about that process?

Harry Massey: Sure! Basically, it’s just part of the research process. For every bottle, there’s 20 literally that we threw away. Sometimes, we make an infoceutical—well, actually, most time we make an infoceutical, it would have a great effect. But sometimes, they might have some other slightly curious effect where you get too much of a detox reaction.

This is especially true in the early days. The 12 energetic integrators, they basically correct each energetic compartment. I probably won’t go into it too broadly. But basically, in their raw form, they were so powerful that we would get such strong reactions that we need to modify them and make them a bit more palatable for people.

So, I think there’s at least three or four sets of energetic integrators that preceded the current sort of really nice, lovely version. The same is true for all the other remedies. I’ve got all sorts of stories. You want stories?

Wendy Myers: I need some extra strength I think because I’m like drinking the bottles. But I’m having fantastic results. I know that you guys had to create infoceuticals that were, I guess what you could say, more consumer-friendly that doesn’t freak people out.

These infoceuticals, they start eliciting a change in your very, very quickly. I took lung driver, and I started coughing within a few hours and you start expelling stuff from your lungs that’s not supposed to be there.

And so you’ve had to make them more consumer-friendly. But some people that are really, really sensitive and really, really sick, just three drops can really…

Harry Massey: Yeah. Well, generally, the more sick you are, the more you’re going to react because you’re here and the blueprint is here, so it’s just going to want to take you to there, so you react more.

But you can slow it down. As you say, you can basically slow it down with taking less drops. And then there’s always ESL which basically calms everything down. So if you’re going too strong, you can just back off with that.

Personally—it’s a philosophical thing—I think it’s better just to go for it and get through all these detox reactions, get to the other side and get well. I have heard a lot of people that’s like, “Oh, I don’t want it because I have to be at work tomorrow. I have to do this.” It doesn’t matter. Just do it. If you cough a bit at work, so what?

If you want to be well, it’s better to make the commitment. There will be a few uncomfortable things, but it’s not so bad you can’t go about your daily life.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I’m definitely all for the bulldozer philosophy. Just bring it! Bring it on.

Harry Massey: Yeah, yeah. Just bring it.

Wendy Myers: You walk through that fire, you’re going to get…

Harry Massey: Although not with your heavy metals. Don’t go too strong.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! But even I know with you, you’re detoxing stuff. Even then, even then still, I will kind of bulldoze through stuff because I want these metals out.

Harry Massey: Yeah, I did another little fast recently.

Wendy Myers: And so just to make it clearer to the listeners, you’re not going to do NES and start dying in all these detox reactions and all these stuff. Everyone is different in how they react.

Harry Massey: Well, the result is actually you feel a lot better, so that’s the benefit.

Things like liver and kidney, if you have a very clogged up liver, that can be a bit strong. But there are all sorts of other ones—like all these emotional ones, brain ones, heart ones—that actually just make you feel really good.

And that is another approach. You can just go for the “I want to feel good.” That also has a cascading benefit. And so if you’re really sensitive or feeling overly emotional, just start there and don’t worry about detoxing the organs and do that a little bit. Do that a month or two down the line.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. That’s a very good approach to get people broken in so to speak. But
it’s one of those things where the basic goal of NES doing this type of bio-energetic program is increasing the energy in the body. And that’s what everybody wants.

So many people out there are desperate. They’re taking stimulants. They’re taking prescription Ritalin just to get out of bed or their Fentramin or they’re even doing crystal meth or cocaine. People are desperate to get energy and go to great lengths to do it. And everyone out there has known people that are doing this, drinking coffee all day long, whatever that looks like for other people. Their body’s energy…

Harry Massey: Yeah. Well, it’s pretty simple, health. It’s pretty simple. If you can increase your energy and reduce your stress and your information processing works properly, you end up activating your own healing system and you get better. It’s pretty simple.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. So, the goal of NES is to build up the body’s energy levels. This solves so many problems in the body.

Harry Massey: Build up energy, but also increase your ability to process information. If you’re wiser and less stressed, that’s all pretty good too.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes. We love that!

56:22 Supercharged

Wendy Myers: And so you actually made a film about increasing energy in the body and many, many different ways to do that called Supercharged. Can you tell us a little bit about that film and why you decided to make that film?

Harry Massey: That’s on the back of another two films. Well, we made this other film called The Living Matrix which was, basically, that one, we were just talking about the body field.

Anyway, we wanted to make another film that was really just focused on this concept of energy and how energy really works in the body and goes beyond the ideas of biochemistry.

It’s pretty fascinating. We’re really used to this idea of the cell. We’re very used to the idea that we completely live off sugars (or of course, if you’re [inaudible 00:57:17], sugars or fats). But in actual fact, [inaudible 00:57:23] he said, basically, about 40% of the energy comes from that glucose and fat and oxygen mechanism.

And I’ll just take it a little bit further. Ninety percent of even that mechanism actually comes from oxygen.

And so then we’re left with this other 60%. What’s this other 60%? It’s basically magnetism and light. And all of these basically works through water.

If we shut off the sun, imagine taking the sun away from the planet, I mean, obviously, plants would die, but we would all die too—and the same with this idea of grounding. We don’t really think that there are huge amounts of electrons from the earth. You also get energy out of earth’s magnetism.

So, we wanted to make this film just to explain about how, really, we’re going beyond biochemistry and what these other sources of energy are.

This is obviously especially useful. If you really learn energy—I mean, sometimes, this can happen. It certainly has in my real chronic fatigue phases. If you’re glucose metabolism isn’t working very well (you’ve got your adrenals low, you might not have enough blood glucose or sometimes it can all be too high and you might be prediabetic and the insulin isn’t getting glucose into cell), if that whole carbohydrate-glucose mechanism isn’t working properly, well actually, there are these other ways you can get energy just by going outside, swimming in sea water, getting all those electrons.

Or you can cheat a little bit, and you can go in saunas. Or you can really cheat and go in ozone tents where you’re just flooded with negative electrons. You just get a massive high. That huge rise in energy you get from that is just pure electrons. You’re basically living on pure electrons.

And just another weird fact: even in that carbohydrate-glucose mechanism, ultimately, in the whole ATP chain, if you break down—well, it’s basically an electron transfer chain. Ultimately, basically, all our energy comes from electrons whether it’s sequestered through foods.

Where plant food comes or glucose even comes from is basically the sun. The sun shines on the plants, photosynthesize and converts that into glucose. So, even your nice piece of fruit ultimately is sunlight energy. It’s basically a condensed source of electrons. You then have to eat it in sugar format.

We make these things just to give a broader point of view of how our bodies work because we can get a bit fixated on diet, which is important, but it’s not the only part of the story.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and that’s what I love about everything that I have learned from you, have learned from NES Health, have learned from all the three films that you have made that are impacting so many people and educating them and shining light on these different ideas that are so cutting-edge and giving us knowledge in a way to vastly improve our lives.

That’s what everybody wants. They want more energy, and they just don’t know how to do it, so they’re just grabbing for whatever to try to…

Harry Massey: And the thing with all these stuff is—I mean, it’s free to go outside. It’s free to walk in the sand (or if you’re not near a beach, you can walk barefoot). Especially when you’re in a really compromised state, it can take time to reverse type II diabetes or adrenal fatigue and all that stuff.

In the meantime, where are you going to get your energy from? Well, you can actually look at these free sources of energy that aren’t going to make you fat or whatever. It’ll give you more energy to be able to heal yourself. And then, as you do whatever (whether it’s NES or other types of healing programs), just that extra source of energy gives you the energy you need.

As we’ve said earlier, ultimately, your body is really the best doctor. If you can just rise up the energy enough to self-activate your own healing system, the body ends up doing the rest and it ends up expelling toxins and all these stuff especially if you follow what Wendy says.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! Well, thank you for that.

And I was going to say that a lot of people that are just reaching for carbs or sugar or coke or whatever…

Harry Massey: I’m quite looking for Wendy’s demo of coffee enemas.

Wendy Myers: Coffee enemas give you energy also!

And so I was saying that people are just reaching for whatever they know to give them energy, and there are so many other ways to accomplish what you want to get more energy.

01:03:11 Where to find Harry Massey

Wendy Myers: So Harry, thank you so much for coming on the show. Why don’t you tell us a little bit more about where we can find you and watch your films?

Harry Massey: Sure! So, the Supercharged movie is on And that movie (well, all our movies) are free. You just do the normal opt-in and watch it for free. And I promise, we don’t bombard you with lots of stuff because, I don’t know, we’re probably too busy to bombard you with lots of stuff. So, don’t worry, you just get to watch the film.

And also, with The Living Matrix, that’s

NES is, but you don’t need to go to that site. You’re probably better off going straight to Wendy’s which, I guess, you’re at

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes! Harry, thank you so much for coming on the show. I so appreciate it.

Harry Massey: Thank you very much.

Wendy Myers: And everyone, if you want to learn more about me, go to You can also check out my healing and detox program at Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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