Transcript #203 Harnessing The Power Of Intuition With Laura Powers

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  • 02:47 About Laura Powers
  • 10:14 Intuition
  • 13:38 Empaths, intuitives and psychics
  • 16:39 The impact of EMF’s among empaths, intuitives and psychics
  • 21:17 Eating poorly and personal boundaries
  • 29:34 Tapping into your intuition
  • 31:54 Experience of intuition
  • 35:17 The Healing Powers Podcast
  • 39:32 Most pressing health issue in the world today
  • 43:09 Where to find Laura Powers

Wendy Myers: Hello, welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers.
I’m so thrilled today to have my friend, Laura Powers, on the show. It’s going to be a little bit different take on this show today. We’re going to be talking about intuition, harnessing the power of your intuition, and even being psychic, and the kind of diet that you should be eating to connect to your intuition, and how to tap into your intuition—a lot of really interesting topics today on the show.

But before we begin, please keep in mind that this program is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please keep in mind this show is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in anything that we talk today about on the show.

I am so thrilled that my little book baby is all done. I have written a book, and it’s called Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue.

This is something that myself have struggled with, and pretty much every single one of my clients has struggled with.

And I wanted to write a book illuminating the toxic metals that poison our mitochondria, that prevent nutrients from being taken into our mitochondria, so that we can make the energy that our body is capable of.

I also want to discuss the topic of bioenergetics in the book. And I actually just, at the very last second, created a chapter on bioenergetics because the more I learn about how our bodies actually function.

There’s actually a biological and chemical aspect of our body (and toxic metals interfere in that), but there’s also an energetic component of our body. And this is why EMF’s, electromagnetic fields, impact our bodies so much. They interfere in our bodies’ energetic and electrical functioning.

And so, I wanted to talk in the book about bioenergetics and what that is, and how we can tap in and corrects our body’s energy flow in the body, and how we can use bioenergetics to increase the energy levels in our body in a way that conventional and even functional medicine fails.

So, check that out on Amazon. It’s called Limitless Energy: How to Detox Toxic Metals to End Exhaustion and Chronic Fatigue.

02:47 About Laura Powers

Wendy Myers: Our guest today is Laura Powers. She is a celebrity psychic and has been featured by Buzz Feed, NBC, Motherboard Magazine by Vice and many other media outlets.

She is a clairvoyant, a psychic medium. She’s a writer and actor, a model, producer, singer and speaker who helps others receive guidance and communicate with loved ones.

Ever since she was a child, Laura has seen and sensed ghosts and spirits. And she has learned how to manage those experiences using this ability to connect with the angelic and other realms. She now uses her experience communicating with angels, spirits and other energy beings to help her clients better understand and change their lives.

She’s the author of six books and travels to see clients, speak and teach others about their own gifts in the psychic and spiritual realm.

You can learn more about Laura over at

Laura, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Laura Powers: Thanks for having me.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about your background and how you got into doing the work that you do?

Laura Powers: Yeah. So, I started out not wanting to be a psychic. I think that’s pretty rare that someone grows up and is like, “Yeah, I want to be a psychic medium.”

I have a background in performance. I was always very creative. And then, as I got older, I kind of got the message that that wasn’t a great thing to do, practicality-wise, which I now disagree with. But at the time, I went into kind of a more traditional work. I got in a PoliSci. I worked in Higher Education. I worked at the President’s Office at the University of Colorado. I did outreach and education. And I was an appointed official.

I had a very different background—not typical in terms of a psychic in that way.

But I actually went down that path and lived my life very much in the way that is how you’re supposed to live your life. I got married, I had a house, I got my master’s degree, I had a good job.

And then, fast-forward several years, I was in a really bad place in my life. I was physically sick. I was overweight. I was diagnosed as depressed. I later had a couple of other diagnoses—Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome. I was on sleeping pills, 50 lbs. overweight, unemployed.

Pretty much everything was horrible.

And at the time, I was really lost. I went to lots of doctors, trying to get help healing. And then, there was also just this feeling of being off track and just feeling lost. This is also happening during the recession. I had a contract position that ended. And right when it ended was the recession. And so I wasn’t finding another job.

So, I went to a psychic because I was lost. And she said to me, “Well, when you shut out your information, your psychic information, you shut out what you needed to know too.”

And of course, I never told her that I had gotten anything. I never thought of myself that way. But I had experienced challenging things that I later identified were psychic. I basically said, “I don’t want to hear that. I want to see that.”

And I shut it down.

And then, when I did that, I also caused problems in my body. So I was really looking for help healing. And it was through this psychic piece that I understood that these were connected.

And then, I went into this incredible healing journey. I started going to natural healers and nutritionists, just figuring out what was going on with my body and how to heal it. When I was using just the traditional medicinal doctors, I wasn’t having any success.

And through that process, I also started getting psychic development training. So, for me, my entry into the psychic and spiritual world is very connected with my physical health. And when I was physically sick was when I was psychically shut down. And now that I’m healthier is also when I’m very psychically and spiritually aware and open.

Wendy Myers: That’s very interesting. Maybe a few years ago, I would have thought of like a psychic, and be like, “Hmmm… I don’t know. I don’t think so.” But I’ve met a handful of people (and people that I know very, very well) that have very strong, intuitive sense, psychic abilities. They term themselves “sensitives.” They’re people that they know what’s happening before it happens. I’ve seen many, many examples of it. And they’re also people that tend to be ill. They tend to have health issues.

And so, I thought this would make a really interesting conversation because I’ve started trying to tap more into my intuition. And for me, that’s come with doing a NES BioEnergetic Program. And I feel like it’s helped me tap into being much more intuitive. And that’s been an interesting path for me.

Laura Powers: Yeah, I think it’s so important. And I’m glad to be on your show to talk about this because a lot of people tend to think of like, “Oh, the health realm. That’s totally separate. This psychic world is woo-woo.”

But I’ve heard so many people—I mean, I’ve heard Tim Ferriss talk about like he just had a bad feeling about the food, and then so he didn’t want to eat it. We all have something. And if we honor and listen to it—and we may not know what it is, but sometimes, it’s just a gut feeling; sometimes, for other people, it comes in in different ways. But when we honor that, everything gets better. If we’re blocked, whether that’s intuitively or physically, it affects the other.

And empaths are people that are psychic or sensitive—in particular, extra sensitive—because we’re basically getting information oftentimes through energy, through the spiritual realm. And if we take something in, it’s coming in through physical sources too.

So, if there’s a physical toxin, we’re probably absorbing it more than a non-empathic, non-sensitive person.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And it’s interesting you say that because I’ve tested three people that feel like they’re psychics or they’re sensitives, and they’re incredibly toxic.

Laura Powers: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Incredibly toxic! I feel like they do. They just absorb everything. And whatever gets into their body, they just hold onto it. They feel everything.

And I thought that was really, really interesting. For me, that correlation, I found really, really interesting.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. It was fascinating for me to work with you before to get my hair test results. I cannot eat how a lot of other people eat and feel okay. If I eat how a standard American eats, I am going to be extremely sick.

And I know many people will take many years, and then they’ll start to have health problems. But I’m talking about like I feel sick right away and have like major health problems if I even eat a little bit of something that just isn’t great for most people.

And I know that when we had looked at the results of my hair test, I also had like high metal toxins. I had I think uranium, really high things. And I’m very careful with what I put in my body. I continue to figure things out more and more

So, yeah, if you’re struggling with a lot of chronic health problems, and you feel like you’re toxic and you’re eating very well, it very well could be that you are very empathic, very energetically sensitive and learning how to have some energy tools can help you physically as well.

10:14 Intuition

Wendy Myers: And let’s talk a little bit about, your thoughts on intuition. I mean, everyone has the capacity to tap into their intuition and to use that to their advantage and to their benefit. Can you talk a little bit about that, about how people can tap into that more successfully?

Laura Powers: Yeah, it’s so interesting because I’m learning more and more about how much of this is in our body. And so, this is part of why it’s very important for us in terms of our intuition to clean up our diet and to be healthy, so that we can pay better attention. But basically, you can check in.

And there are two main places where a lot of psychic information comes in. And one of them is the mind, what we think of as the Third Eye. That’s the clairvoyant center where we see information in the spiritual realm.

And then, there is the throat chakra and the ears, so psychically hearing and speaking our truth.

And then, the other aspect is what we think of as the gut.

And there are medical aspects to this. This is what I love.

The second highest place of neurons in the body aside from the brain is the gut. So if you’re eating stuff that is unhealthy, you’re not going to be feeling good in the gut. You’re going to literally be affecting neurons. And you’re not going to be able to pick up on information as well.

So, as you clean up your diet, you’re able to tap into that more.

But the big thing I do is pay attention to how you feel in different environments, how you feel when you’re around certain people in your body. You may not think of it as an intuitive information, but it is. It’s not analytical; it’s paying attention to feelings and emotions and senses.

Wendy Myers: Yeah! Because when you’re around other people, you’re around negative people, they actually have an energetic feel. Studies, research studies, from Heart Math—and these are scientifically valid studies—have shown that our heart casts off an energetic field 10 ft. all around us. And when you’re around negative people, you can feel that and you just want to get away from them.

I’m really much more tapped into that and wanting to only hang around other people that lift you up and their energy brings you up rather than brings you down. I think a lot of people are very good at ignoring that and ignoring “Take this job” or “Don’t take this job” or “Be with this person, this relationship” or “Get married” or “Don’t get married.” People are thinking with their brain instead of their intuition.

Laura Powers: Right! And I think in a good, balanced system, you’re using both because critical thought is important. I’m not saying not to use that, but what’s happening right now is they feel like we’re in an out-balanced system in which the analytical critical thinking part is, in many cases, the only part that people are using.

I think that’s only half of the situation, half of the equation. And if you learn to tap into both, you’re going to be the best. So, in many cases, since people are sort of overboard on over-analysis and critical thought, there is even more work that needs to be done on the sort of intuitive sensing aspect.

13:38 Empaths, intuitives and psychics

Wendy Myers: And so, let’s talk about why do you think empaths and intuitive, psychic people need to be really, really careful with their diets and even toxins? Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had one friend of mine, she’s a very, very sensitive person. She’s had about 150 vaccines in her life because she travels all over world. And she also was just so sensitive she could barely function. She just feel people’s negative energy.

I just really felt for her because she was incredibly toxic and had been working on her health for like 30 years and still was having pain syndromes. I found that people that tend to be really sensitive intuitively can be more susceptible to pain syndromes as well.

Can you talk a little bit about toxins and being very sensitive and intuitive?

Laura Powers: Yeah, it’s a really big thing, again, just stressing that something that other people might be able to eat or drink and have no problem with or breathe in, whatever, wherever that toxin is coming from, as someone who is empathic or psychic sensitive, even a little bit of that can actually sometimes be crippling for that person.

I had an experience recently. I eat very well. In fact, I lived with a personal trainer for a while and he’s like, “You eat better than any trainer anybody I know” and I’m like, “I know! I have to. If I don’t, I start to feel sick.”

And I was traveling. I was actually at South By Southwest in Austin. And generally speaking, I’m very good about drinking spring water or really good reverse osmosis purified water. But occasionally, if I was at a restaurant, I might have like a tap water with some herbal tea or lemon or something. And I started to feel sick—and I mean sick almost like the flu or food poisoning (except the symptoms were not like the flu, but just in terms of how badly I felt).

It was bad. I tuned in psychically, and I got that it was basically from chlorine in fluoride in the water. And I’m talking like one or two glasses over a day. So it’s not like there was that much that I was consuming.

But then when I started to look into what’s in chlorine and fluoride, it made me understand more why my body was reacting.

And so, it might have taken other people many, many glasses to feel anything at all. And even a little bit for me was starting to be overwhelming.

And I think what happens with empaths or psychic people is that they take in, and they’ve been, for years, absorbing these toxins. And they get to where, suddenly, anything is kind of running that cup over. And then, you have to try to clear it out.

And I think I’m still going through that process of trying to clear everything that I’ve absorbed for years and years in my life.

16:39 The impact of EMF’s among empaths, intuitives and psychics

Wendy Myers: And so can we talk a little bit about EMF because it seems like electromagnetic fields would definitely have a big impact on one who is a sensitive. There are some people that definitely more sensitive to EMFs than other people. EMFs are emitted by cell phone towers and our phones and our computers and the wireless Internet and your neighbor’s wireless Internet that we’re all bombarded with every day.

Can you talk a little bit about that?

Laura Powers: Yeah, I mean I do believe that that’s another area that psychics can be very interactive by. And basically, as a psychic, and anyone really, is being impacted by all the waves that are in the air. But empaths and psychics sometimes have stronger sort of receptors I think for those. And that’s how we receive information.

I really do believe that, at some point, there are going to be devices or technology that shows how psychics work. I get images. And that’s coming from somewhere. It’s not just magically. There’s got to be some kind of wave or something that I’m picking up on. So I think we just receive those better.

So, if our receptors are stronger, then yeah, we’re going to be more negatively impacted on a health level as well.

Wendy Myers: And it’s interesting how—I’ve been studying bioenergetics a lot lately. And the study of bioenergetics shows that information travels on energy waves. And they’ve shown this on some of the Heart Math studies that people have done. There’s a movie called The Living Matrix that kind of shows us where they’ll have one person sitting in a room, and their loved one sitting in another room, and that person is praying for them, sending them healing messages and healing information. And then, that person gets better.

I’m not explaining that very well. There’s a movie. Watch the movie, The Living Matrix. They talk about the actual scientific studies that these healing messages could only have been sent to them on energy waves. It’s a kind of how when you pray for someone, they receive the information—or you think well of someone or whatever, they get better. They receive that information on energy waves. And it’s based on quantum physics.

Laura Powers: Right! Everything’s connected by this invisible energetic field or something like that. I think we’re still just learning—again, from a scientific perspective—how that all works.

Another great aspect of that is messages in the water. So if you’ve ever looked into that—are you familiar, Wendy, with that?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely yeah.

Laura Powers: So, if you’re listening and you haven’t, it’s this scientist who started to look at images of water crystals. People would meditate with certain words or intentions and the water crystals would change, the physical matter would change with thought and intentions.

So, I think it’s really import for people to understand that. That has a supreme impact on our health and our bodies.

If we’re giving unloving thoughts and messages to our bodies, then our bodies are receiving that. And if you’re an empath or a sensitive, again, even a little bit of negative thought or feeling can be extremely toxic.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I mean that’s one of the ways that I try to heal my body. I have hurt my lower back, and I’d spent a couple of years just really being negative and going to bed every night. “Why is this happening to me? I can’t work out. I can’t maintain the weight that I want. I can’t do this. Why is this happening to me?” just this really negative messages of being really hard on myself.

And then, I made a decision to start going to bed and imagining anti-inflammatory compounds and other things going to my slip disc to make them better. It’s such a better frame of mind to be in than being hard on yourself. I want to send myself love and healing messages, “I’m going to get better” and I’m envisioning myself exercising as much as I want to or what-have-you. And they’re very, very powerful.

Laura Powers: They are! And this kind of thing works. It is limitless basically in terms of physical time and space. So this is great. I mean many of my clients are over the phone. And you can do this on yourself by sending positive messages and energy to yourself, to other people, to the world.

I know there’s a lot of intense stuff happening in the world right now. You can literally send energy and positive messages out there that way. So, there are so many practical applications to this.

21:17 Eating poorly and personal boundaries

Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk a little bit about what eating poorly says about your own personal boundaries. I know a lot of people will medicate themselves with food and have issues around food. Can you talk a little bit about the boundary issues when it comes to people’s diets?

Laura Powers: Yeah, this is something that is so fascinating to me. When I had the worst personal boundaries in my life (like I was in a toxic marriage, for example), I was eating food that was really bad for me. In many cases, I didn’t know that it was bad for me. It took me a while to figure out, “Oh, for me, wheat,” meaning like gluten (not meat with an M, but wheat with a W), “is very toxic for me. I’m very sugar sensitive. I was eating things that many people eat all the time and just was getting sicker and sicker.

So, the reason that this is important is there’s the coping aspect that you talked about, but also, if you have poor boundaries in one area, you probably have poor boundaries in another. So if you are eating things that are bad for your health, that means you have a poor boundary in terms of health, you’re allowing toxic things into your life, then that almost always translates or relates to the same in other life areas.

So, it could be finances. It could be romantic relationships, et cetera, relationship with parents or friends.

And so, it’s a strange thing that you can work on one to infect the other.

So, if you are having a hard time eating well, then working on having better boundaries and really clearing out toxic people in your life might be a good way to approach the food or vice versa. So whichever one you’re really struggling with, sometimes approaching it from the other side can be a good tactic.

Wendy Myers: Oh, yes, honey. That’s what I did. I got rid of all the toxic people. I got rid of the toxic husband.

Well, first, I got rid of toxic friends—one thing at a time. I just thought, “Oh, is this person adding to my life or are they draining me, draining my energy, bringing me down, judging me?” One by one, x, x, x, x.

I was busy chopping away for a while. And then my marriage was not ideal and, I’m like, “He has to go! He’s just not in line with where I envision my life.” You create more and more boundaries. And you just start loving yourself more.

And you’re able to transfer that into eating better.

I was eating better and taking care of myself better. You just get more and more discipline and awareness around it.

Laura Powers: Right! And I want to bring up a study that I read about where they addicted a rat to cocaine. And this rat was like in a cage by himself. And then, yeah, this rat was addicted to cocaine. And he chose it, meaning he didn’t have to have the cocaine, but he chose to have it because what else is the rat going to do? He’s by himself in the cage.

And then, they put him in a rat paradise. There were other rats and tunnels they could run through. And then, the rats didn’t want the cocaine.

So, if you’re reaching for addictive food, toxic food, it’s almost always a sign that there’s other big problems in your life.

So, many times, people are looking at the addictive pattern as the problem when, really, you need to look deeper to see, “Why is it that I’m trying to cope? What is it that I’m not facing?” And if you can deal with that, then everything else gets better, including your addictions and your health.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you have to nourish yourself in other ways. Start with the relationships, whatever your 911 is where you know you need to begin. You can start in your marriage maybe. A lot of women know, they know, if they’re with a man, if he’s the one or not. You know, you just know.

And you also know if this is just not working, you’ve tried everything, and it’s just draining you. I had my first husband very judgmental of my body, always making comments about what I ate. It was just a horrible, horrible situation to be in. I ended up leaving him. And I felt much, much better of course after that. And I made better choices the next time.

Laura Powers: Oh, very much, I completely relate to that. When I got together with my ex-husband, I was very much healthier. And I think, gradually, I just got worse and worse. And I had not made that connection for myself that there was one.

And one of the big aspects of that was physical weight. So I want to bring that up for people. If you feel like you’re doing everything right on a health level in terms of diet and nutrition to lose weight, and you’re not, it’s probably because there’s something energetically toxic in your environment—a relationship, a toxic job could be another source of this.

So, in my case, I was exercising. I was counting my calories. I was doing everything “right”, so that I should have been losing weight. But I had gained 50 lbs. And this has not been something that I had ever struggled with before.

And as soon as I left my ex-husband, the weight just started to drop off pretty much effortlessly.

I mean, I did start to change my diet after that. But the weight started to go even before I made any dietary changes.

So I don’t think it was just the diet.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I do believe that women (or anyone) will put on weight to protect themselves energetically from negativity. With my second husband, I gained a lot of weight. It’s never been an issue for me. I was always very, very thin. I was always between 120 and 140 lbs. my entire life. And here I was with him, I gained 30 lbs. within the first year of being with him.

It’s one of those things where my friend who was a sensitive, he kind of helped me realize that I was doing all this stuff to try to lose weight, but I was insulating myself from his negative energy and anger and judgment of me in various ways.

But when I left him, same thing, I was able to lose weight.

Laura Powers: Yeah, funny how that works. Yes, it’s literally an energetic barrier. So yes, there’s a physical barrier as well, but that’s the main thing. Your soul, your spirit is housed in the middle of your body for the most part. And so when you’re around something toxic, that’s the body’s way of protecting you.

And that’s the other bad thing. Sometimes, you’re in a toxic environment, you create this barrier to protect yourself.

And then, on top of that, women make it worse because then they’re feeling badly about their body, sending negative mental messages and emotional messages to their body. And that’s creating an even more toxic environment. So it’s kind of a compounding situation.

Because we live in a society in which people’s bodies aren’t accepted how they are, we have a lot of ideas, negative ideas about how things should be, if you’re struggling with this, first of all, just have forgiveness for yourself. Love who you are, and then just love your body and ask your body, “What is my body trying to tell me right now? What is it that I’m around that is toxic that I need to release?” And that’s going to be a lot more effective than just getting frustrated.

And I understand the frustration part. When you’re trying to figure it out, a lot of times, you don’t know. It’s like, wow, hindsight is 20/20. When I left my husband and then all that happened, it was like, “Oh, yeah, of course.”

But yeah, getting this information was so important because most people aren’t thinking, “Oh relationship toxicity equals weight gain.” And it often does.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yeah, absolutely. I know there are probably a lot of people having some aha moments right now. I know there are so many women, so many of my clients coming to me that are doing everything right. They’re working out five days a week, and they’re eating perfect. And they just don’t understand why they’re not losing weight. And it’s just not that simple. There is so much more involved than just diet and exercise—a lot more to it.

29:34 Tapping into your intuition

Wendy Myers: So, you teach classes and write books helping people to tap into their intuition, tap into their psychic abilities? Are there any tips that you can give us about how to do that and how to foster that?

Laura Powers: Yes! So, the first thing I’d share is just to start to pay attention to different impressions that you get.

I want to share a little bit about different psychic abilities. So there’s a couple that we’ve already talked about.

One is being empathic which means you feel energies from outside your body, in your body.

Another one is just gut instinct. And a lot of people are familiar with. It’s where you just have this feeling. You don’t know why. Don’t go there or “I should go there” or whatever. So, those are a couple.

Another one is clairvoyance. This one is probably less common. But a lot of people have it and don’t realize it.

Clairvoyance means psychic seeing. That means you’re a seer. And that can mean you see things in the physical plane, but it can also mean that you see things in your mind’s eye. It’s as if you’re doing a meditation, some of those images that you’re seeing may be clairvoyant images. They’re being given to you by something.

So there’s what we create with our mind, but then also, we’re given information by our angels and spirit guides—sometimes through images.

There’s our thoughts. Some people are telepathic. And that means they receive information through their thoughts.

And I’d encourage everybody who’s listening here to not assume that their thoughts are originating from them. I know that that sounds very strange, but there are ghosts, there are other people that you might be picking up on their thoughts and intentions. There are things called “entities.”

And so, all of these things can create what appear to be thoughts for us or seem like thoughts. So that’s one thing to pay attention to.

Then dreams. So there are many different ways that this information can come through. And I think it’s important just to start to pay attention, do research, how are these gifts coming and being for other people.

And then, what is unique to you? Do you, right before something bad happens, notice patterns? Do you feel it in your gut? Do you have a headache? Just noticing what’s happening in your body and in your head, in your mind are going to start to give you insight in terms of how you receive information through patterns.

31:54 Experience of intuition

Wendy Myers: And so, can you give us some examples of some things that have occurred in your life that were just really, really interesting or shocking to you?

Laura Powers: Oh, yeah. I’ll give you one that’s a very extreme example.

So, when I was younger, I went to nightclubs a lot. And there was a particular nightclub that I went to a lot. I would go almost every Tuesday night. I would see all my friends and have a great time and dance.

And one night in particular, I was on my way down, and I really wanted to go. I’d been working and had a long day. It just sounded really fun. But on my way down, I got a really bad sore throat all of a sudden.

And it was strange because, all of a sudden, there’s this really intense sore throat. But I really, in my head, I was like, “No, I want to go. This will be fun.” And I just kind of pushed through it.

I went to the nightclub. And at first, it was really fun. I was having a great time. But then my friend who was watching my jacket didn’t watch my jacket, and my jacket got stolen. And in my jacket were my car keys, and then my car got stolen. And my car was my company car, so I got investigated at work. And in my car was my checkbook, and they forged fraudulent checks for like a year.

Wendy Myers: Oh, no!

Laura Powers: And so, basically, in retrospect, that sore throat was like, “Ooh, danger… listen, listen.” The throat and the ear chakras are connected, it was like, “Listen, this is dangerous.” That clenched throat feeling comes up a lot of times from fear.

So, that’s a very clear example of like, “Oops, I didn’t listen, bad things happen.”

And I’m not trying to play up fear like, “Oh, you have to listen or horrible things happen. But your intuition, your body is trying to share with you information that’s going to protect you. And when you pay attention, things just go better.

Now, the challenge is my head—I hadn’t learned yet to listen to intuition. So there was like no reason for me not to go. It sounded fun. I always had a good time when I went out. And so it’s if we can honor that and not have to explain why. The truth is, you won’t know the outcome of that other choice unless you make it.

Does that make sense?

Wendy Myers: Yes. I know every time I have not listened to my gut, I’ve always regretted it. I’ve known as a woman I probably have more intuitive sense than your average guy. And so, I’ve tried to be aware of that and listen to that. But every time I kind of go against it, I always regret it, I found.

Laura Powers: Yeah, it is. And it is so hard because, again, we are so trained to be analytical and logical. And when we don’t have all the information in terms of what would be the outcome of option A or option B, we often just then go by the critical .

And that’s why think learning about your intuition and just noticing patterns—because that was a big lesson for me, that particular experience I was just explaining to you because it showed me a really clear example of what happens when I don’t listen.

And so, even though it was “bad,” a lot of bad things in terms of the results for me, I don’t regret it in the sense that it showed me very clearly that it’s better to listen.

35:17 The Healing Powers Podcast

Wendy Myers: And so you have written a number of books and you also host a number of podcasts. You have a lot of stuff going on. Can you tell us about your podcasts, some of the ones you’re doing?

Laura Powers: Yeah, absolutely. So, I started my first podcast which is called Healing Powers Podcast just to share with people the kinds of stuff that helped me on my health journey. I left my husband, I went to healers, and all of a sudden, this whole new world opened up for me. And I felt like it was hard for me to find this information in the beginning, and so I wanted other people to have more access to what I had learned and who I had connected with.

And so, that’s why I started that. It was really about sharing and teaching. And through the process of podcasting, I learned how awesome it is. It gave me a reason to talk to incredible healers and speakers and authors and teachers.

And I’ve loved it.

And so, after a few years, I started another podcast; and then several more. So I now host podcasts on design, on business and empowerment and mobile living, on the entertainment industry for writers (since I’m a writer) and for music (because I’m also a singer and a songwriter).

So, yeah, just google “Laura Powers Podcast” or you can find them on my website .

But yeah, I think this brings up another point too which is that I think that people that are creative are also very intuitive and vice versa. A lot of times, we’re receiving information through our psychic abilities. And if you’re if you’re not feeling creative, like if you feel like you’re just not a creative person or you feel creatively blocked, it could be that you’re also blocked in terms of your intuitive or psychic abilities as well.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And it’s really interesting. I’ve heard so many stories of people talking about they got a digital download whether it’s a scientific breakthrough or—I know a colleague of mine, he felt like it was just this digital download, and he just came up with this unbelievable scientific breakthrough where he lasers stem cells to make them work properly. And it just kind of came to him.

Or other people, they had a digital download and they wrote their book in three days. That was just phenomenal.

There are a lot of things like this happening that are hard to believe, but they’re happening. And they’re happening for a reason.

I’m much more paying attention to these things lately because, like I said, with my own bioenergetic program that I’m doing called NES, I really feel like I’m just feeling more connected to the world and really tuning in more to my own intuitive abilities. I feel a lot more open and freer and happier because of it.

Laura Powers: Yeah, I do believe that—I mean, a lot of people aren’t aware of this, but Einstein would get these kind of downloads—I mean, one of the most brilliant thinkers in the last century I think.

And a lot of people are getting this. And from my perspective as a psychic, I look at it a little differently. But this idea of a muse is very old, that there are these muses, these beings that give us inspiration and insight.

And from my perspective, that’s very much how it is, that we are constantly getting information from angels or spirit guides that are sharing information with us. And part of this is for their support as well. There’s these beings, these muses, these spirits on the other side that are looking for people that are incarnated to partner with.

And that’s why when you get that kind of download or you get that flash of insight or inspiration, it’s important to act on it. What happens is if you don’t, they may go find someone else who’s going to follow through. And so, I’ve learned that if I get one of these, I have to record it, write it down, somehow get it from here into the physical being. Otherwise, it might go away.

And that’s happened many times where if like, “Oh, yeah! I’m in the middle of something. I’ll just do it later,” and then it’s gone. In a way, it wasn’t mine because I didn’t accept it, and it moved on.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

39:32 Most pressing health issue in the world today

Wendy Myers: So, tell our listeners what you think is the most pressing health issue in the world today. It’s a question I like to ask all of my guests.

Laura Powers: Wow! Well, I would say the biggest as a whole is not paying attention to our bodies. In many cases, we are eating foods or drinking water or breathing in air, whatever (there’s just so many different ways it can come in), things that are very toxic to us.

And it’s challenging because, in many cases, these are the societally accepted norms. And so we’re just like, “Well, that’s okay.”

And when you don’t pay attention to your body, we don’t pay attention to what’s good for you, that has implications in many other areas. Obviously, we want to be healthy, but it may also affect your romantic relationships, your money, what you can have and accept in the world.

And then, also, it’s affecting our ability to think critically. I know I’m talking a lot about intuition, but we need that critical thinking ability too. And a lot of these things, like having too much sugar, having too many chemicals like fluoride, these are literally making us dumber as a people, so that we can’t out-think the problems that we have as well.

And that includes intuition because all those things numb and shut down our psychic abilities also. We can’t get these flashes of insight. And we can’t think out of it either.

So, I think the toxins as a whole as well as just paying attention to what our bodies are telling us and not trying to just numb it out when things aren’t working, “Oh, what is the pill that I can take that can to make me feel better?” instead of like, “Why am I in pain? What is this trying to tell me?”

Wendy Myers: I think here in the United States, I think we have a huge problem with numbing ourselves with food and medications. It’s huge because it’s so easy to do. I mean, you can check out, you can watch Netflix all day long and just eat yourself into oblivion and have this little party in your mouth, but at the same time, numb yourself with sugar or the glueomorphines and gluten. And I’ve done this for years myself as well.

And then, you can take pain medications or do drugs or smoke marijuana or alcohol or diet pills. There are a lot of ways in which people numb themselves, whether they’re aware or not—sex addiction or different addictions people have. It’s very easy for people to numb themselves in different ways because they’re trying to insulate themselves from all this negativity that they can perceive about themselves and the world around them.

Laura Powers: Yeah, I agree. And not only is it easy to do, it’s hard not to do it because it’s so prevalent and it’s so accepted.

I was actually at an event recently. It was fascinating to me because everyone was challenging me and my choices because I don’t eat the norm. And I was like, “Yeah. But now, I’m healthy,” and then I wasn’t, so when I ate that stuff—and you might seem like you’re fine.

Like I said, I’m very sensitive. I don’t expect everybody to eat the way that I do. But I will ask everybody to honor that if something is not feeling good in their body, that there is no right or wrong. It just is. Your body is set up for you specifically. And to try to fight against what it’s telling you is, well, it’s fruitless. It will only lead to frustration.

43:09 Where to find Laura Powers

Wendy Myers: Well, tell the listeners where they can find you and learn more about you.

Laura Powers: Yes, so my podcast, Healing Powers Podcast, is on iTunes and my website. And for my psychic stuff and health and wellness, it’s on my website,

You can also find me on Amazon. I have six books on metaphysical health, spiritual and angelic realm. And then, I have videos, and cetera, as well.

So yeah, lots of ways to connect with me.

Wendy Myers: And so, can clients work with you? Can somebody connect with you? And in what ways do you work with people?

Laura Powers: Yes. So, most of my clients are over the phone. You can go to the Services page of my website which again is and get information about working with me. Basically, you can just book right there, and then contact me to schedule.

And I do sessions anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour. I’m very fast. I’ll share that, I’ve had several people say, “Wow! You got as much in 15 minutes as other people might get in an hour.” So, just to look at it from that perspective—

I do travel. In the next month, I’ll be in Denver and L.A., New Orleans and Houston as an example. So, also check my schedule for if I might be coming to a city near you.

Wendy Myers: Laura, thank you so much for coming on the show. That was really, really interesting. And I really love to do shows like this. Sometimes, we’ll do shows on detoxification and stuff with lots of scientific research behind it. But we do have to attend to our spiritual realm, to our intuitive realm. And I’m talking much more about bioenergetics and our body’s energy field and things that negatively impact that because it dramatically impacts our physical health.

And I’m so interested in it that I’m starting a new podcast called Breakthrough BioEnergetics. Very, very interesting, cutting-edge topics on that podcast for you guys.

So, is there anything else you want to tell the listeners or anything maybe we haven’t covered that you want to share with them?

Laura Powers: Yeah, I’m just getting a little message from the angels right now to mention them again. Angels are not religious beings, they’re just energetic beings that are here to help us. And they’re here for all of us. But they do honor our free will, so unless we invite them and open that door, they may give us guidance, but they’re not necessarily going to have permission to step in and intervene and start to shift things for us.

So, I encourage everybody listening to ask your angels in and ask them for help just mentally. They hear our thoughts, and that’s all you need to do. And I always tell people, if you’re a skeptic, no problem. What’s the worst that can happen? There’s no danger to this process. And you just might be surprised at the signs or messages that received them in the world. You might find feathers or start to see really crazy number sequences.

And if you want to learn more about them specifically, my book, Angels: How to Understand, Recognize and Receive Their Guidance, it’s all about how angels communicate with us and how we can connect with them.

Wendy Myers: Great! Very, very interesting.

And so, listeners, if you want to learn more about me, you can go to You can also learn about my healing and detox program at

Thank you so much for tuning in to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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