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Wendy Myers: Hello may name is Wendy Myers of Welcome to the Live to 110 podcast. My name is Wendy Myers and I am really excited to interview my friend Nick Pineault about the dangers of EMF. We’re going to be talking about the different sources of EMF, what you can do to protect your health and all the different effects that EMF have on your health, the symptoms that they can cause. I think a lot of people will be very surprised by this show.
We delve a little bit into bioenergetics and how electromagnetic fields that are emitted by computers and Wi-Fi, neuroelectrics smart meter and other types of EMF sources affect your body’s energy field.
We talk about the upcoming 5G cellular network and how that’s going to really throw a lot of people into a tailspin with their health causing chronic fatigue. Some people are very, very EMF sensitive especially women and people can become very, very ill. Medical doctors are not looking at EMF at all as an underlying root cause of their health issue.
If you guys that are really, really sick out there and they’re listening, pay attention because you want to use the tools and tricks that Nick talks about to protect yourself from EMF to see if your symptoms improve.
Nick Pineault is a health journalist who has published more than 1500 online articles through a daily newsletter called “Nick & Gen’s Healthy Life”. In 2017, he authored “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” an unconventional book, which combines common sense and humor to tackle the very serious topic of electromagnetic pollution and its effects on human health. You can learn more about Nick’s work at Definitely grab his book, “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” on Amazon. I highly, highly recommend it.
Nick, thank you so much for joining us on the show.
Nick Pineault: Thanks for having me, Wendy.
Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into the health field and you wanted to write a book about EMFs?
Nick Pineault: Sure. My name is Nick Pineault. I’m a health journalist from Montreal, Canada. You can maybe tell that from the accent although almost people think I’m French from France, but that’s different. It’s French Canadian from Quebec. I got into health, oh my god, 10 years ago just trying to build muscle at first. I’m a small guy, five foot four. I guess at the beginning of a complex about my body size so I wanted to get into body building so I started eating, can you imagine, 6000 calories at a point.
Wendy Myers: Wow.
Nick Pineault: Didn’t feel good at all. I thought it was part of the process. I gained mostly fats to be perfectly honest, got injured, did a lot of stupid stuff at the beginning, but it got me into hell because I didn’t feel good. I was drinking a lot of pasteurized milk. I was drinking a lot of orange juice for the calories and for the … just for the shear like, oh there’s carbs in there, I need carbs. My understanding was just so in surface and I listen to food matter, a documentary I think it went out in 2006 or ’07 or ’08 something like that. It talked about food quality and how our food supply is processed and what impacts that might have on the planet and on our human health.
It shocked me because these things I never heard from T.V. advertising. I believe that margarine was healthy at the time, that saturated fats cause heart attacks and all these nits, right. It got me into learning from other sources like beside the mainstream and as I guy with a background in communication got me very interested, okay, what else do I don’t know about like the truth about human health. It got me into this path where I started publishing my stuff online just for the heck of it because I felt like writing about it. I was so passionate.
Eventually, I built a following over the years and that’s the “Nick & Gen’s Healthy Life” I write every single day a daily column. I was more of a generalist, I learned a little bit about detox, a little bit about your work, a little bit about Bulletproof Radio and Dave Asprey and maybe intermittent fasting and a little bit about sleep. I didn’t feel really as … consider myself an expert in one topic. I knew a little bit about everything. I didn’t feel that good about that and I wanted to dive deeper into topic. EMFs just came, I don’t know, it came across my desk. I started consuming a lot of books, “Everyday Disconnect” is one that inspired me a lot. I realized, oh my god, this is ridiculous. All of these cellphones are tested and wow, maybe everyone is getting sick from this stuff. It’s unacceptable.
The more I dove into it and the more I realize that PG researchers, physicists, doctors and all these people with way more experience than me in health said the problem … like this is a huge issue. I’m like, okay, well, if these guys are saying it and putting their reputation on the line to say these things, there’s probably some truth to it unless they’re, I don’t know, delusional.
I dug a little bit deeper into research and I as I tend to do, I became obsessed. I’m like, okay, I got to dig deeper. What about this aspect and brain cancer and what this effect and this researcher says that, the other one says this and why are they not agreeing on things? How is it possible that in the same 2017 or 2016 when I was starting to do research from my book, how was it possible that PHG level researchers say EMFs from cellphones, from Bluetooth, from Wi-Fi they do nothing to human health. That’s one aspect. They say that Health Canada, the FCC, so many governmental agencies oh no, there’s nothing to be worried about.
On the other hand, you ask other researchers that are completely independent and they say, oh my god, we’re literally like on the verge of a health crisis and EMFs are huge causal factor. It doesn’t even need to be research further. I’m like, oh my god. There’s probably something to dig up there. The truth is it’s very complicated. The more I learned about EMFs the more I’m like, oh my god.
The only reason I’m able to digest this information is that I’m passionate about health and somewhat obsess about certain topics. The average person on the street will not be able to get into the topic because it will sound totally crazy. I thought, okay, I need to write a book that’s simpler than everything out there, that’s more down to earth and even add humor in there and make it digestible. This is what I put in “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs”. As the title entices, non-tinfoil is a risky case choice for a title because it can make it seem as if you’re kind of laughing about the entire matter, tinfoil hatters and what not.
It’s actually the opposite. It’s recognizing that most people think this is crazy talk, but when they get into it and like, oh, this one is non-tinfoil, right? They read the research and now they realize the same thing as I’ve realized in the last year, which is oh my god, there’s so much scientific data on that. How is it that we’re not told these things?
In the end, it’s becoming this topic almost … it’s almost laughable saying that there’s no effect because the data that’s independent and published like there are hundreds of studies showing that there is an effect. For example, one that I sight often is fertility. If you’re a man and you have a cellphone in your front pocket or even back pocket for that matter, there’s a strong link in the data proven over and over and over again that cellphone EMFs, microwave frequencies will reduce sperm count, sperm count motility increase DNA damage, and there’s 201 studies published or looked at in 10 meta-analysis between 2009 and 2017 that I’ve looked at in my book.
Two hundred and one studies that conclude the same thing, which is, EMFs do affect sperm count negatively. It’s ridiculous that people still say that it’s not a problem. That is why I publish a book and now I’m just trying to get like on your show and a lot of different shows to say, guys, I’m not saying it’s the number one factor for all disease, but let’s face it, it’s everywhere, it’s increasing and the independent scientist looking at the issue, they’re saying that the amount of evidence that this is making people sick is just overwhelming. On top of that, something even more concerning for me, Wendy, is doctors like Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt that you’re having on your summit, The Heavy Metal Summit, that I’m looking forward to.
Klinghardt is a pioneer in health. He’s seeing people with ALS, MS, fibro, Alzheimer’s, Stage four cancer, those sick people that I’ve been almost been told we cannot do anything for you, go home and wait until it’s the end of your life, which can be near.
On fertility, the medical system has failed these people. They’re so sick. What he sees is that most patients cannot get better if they are in this EMF environment that most people are in. For example, just having a Wi-Fi router at home is too much for the recovery ability. It makes me very concerned that maybe this is what’s happening for so many people with so many issues is just that they haven’t put the dots together yet.
Wendy Myers: Yes. I 100% agree with you and that’s why I wanted to do this very important podcast and have our very first one over Facebook Live as well. We’re going to start recording our Live to 110 podcast over Facebook Live because it really affects our body’s energy field. I work with your wife as a client, the detox, on my detox program. Then, I saw you again at a NES Health training at NES Health, N-E-S Health is a bioenergetics protocol and program. You and I were there training together and Dr. Mercola, Dr. Joe Mercola was there as well.
This is a program that teaches us about our body’s energy field and how things that interfere in our body’s energy field interfere in our body’s communication and energy flow in the body. EMFs dramatically impact, the waves, impact our body’s communication systems and that’s one of the reasons it dramatically impacts our health and causes cancers. I think it’s something a lot of researchers don’t have awareness off, and are not looking at. They just see EMFs and then perhaps the person gets cancer, they have increased rates of brilliant tumors. They see a correlation that maybe not like causation, a direct causation.
Why don’t you tell us a little about that and how EMFs impact our body’s energy field?
Nick Pineault: Sure. This is a tricky thing just like some people can have different effects from the same heavy metals, right, for an easy example that people can relate to from your work. You can get headaches from mercury, but you could get skin rashes or autoimmunity. It’s different. Every person will react in a different way because chemicals can literally affect every single cell.
The same thing can be said for EMFs. For EMFs, there’s going to be an acute localized response. For example, if you use a cellphone near your head, well, you’re exposing this region, your head, your parotid gland, your acoustic nerve and we’re seeing a huge increase in these cancers, so acoustic neuroma, parotid gland cancers, frontal lobe and even thyroid and neck related melanomas, they’re seeing an increase in Sweden. There’s a dark effect if you’re using an EMF emitting device such as cellphone directly near your body. That’s one effect that can be seen overtime.
If we’re talking about cancer, the research is still delaying some people say it’s controversial. If you look at one of the guys actually, one of the most credible researchers around EMFs and brain cancer, Lennart Hardell from Sweden, this is the guy who emitted the early warnings to the effect that Agent Orange in using the Vietnam War might be a carcinogen. Can you imagine this guy has been in the trenches for his entire life, probably 50 years as a researcher, a multiple PhD. He’s incredible and he’s saying that cellphone radiation should be a class one carcinogen.
It means same category as smoking and asbestos. The problem is that this effect, for example, brain cancer, it can have a latency period of 40 years, right, 50 years sometimes. It means that 50 years of cellphone use, after that you’ll get a problem. What I’m interested in is more like, okay, but what about the day-to-day? What about the effects on your wellness right now and literally the effect that it can have on any body system in your entire … the way your body functions? The body feel than everything else, just cell to cell communication.
When we look at the utter effects, well, for example, it will disrupt your pineal gland in melatonin production. That’s one aspect that, I think, is critical to talk about because for example, one researcher 2000 … it’s actually from January 2018, this research that came out from Iran, it’s [inaudible 00:15:27] the PhD researcher that’s well known in the EMF field. This guy has written a paper about why women with the breast cancer gene, BRCA1 and BRCA2 should avoid iPads at night. Why is that? That’s because it’s known that women with low melatonin levels, that’s the main sleep hormone inside your body, will have more or more prone to breast cancer and it’s complications and dying from it even.
What disrupts melatonin? You have light. If you look at this blue light device but also the EMFs, so the cellphone, whether it’s a cellphone here or it’s an iPad here or even a laptop on your lap that’s near your body, it will disrupt your melatonin production. On one hand, you will get less deep sleep, you’re slower to detox, for example, because this is what happens at night with the lymphatic system that actually cleans out your brain and sends all the toxins to your spinal fluid. There’s entire system that were discovered around 2015.
Can you imagine? It’s been only three years that they know that our brain detoxes. How crazy is that?
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Nick Pineault: You have that that’s happening at night. You have memory consolidation and it’s shown that people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, well, if they have sleep deprivation it just makes their entire case worst. Of course, your brain health depends on sleep. Then you have depression and anxiety, this happens as natural thing if you don’t sleep well. Sleep affects your entire health in such a perfect storm kind of manner when you have sleep deprivation that just this aspect alone, I think, is sufficient to look at the EMFs as something to avoid or at least try to reduce in your life because sleep is so critical. That’s one aspect of it.
Then, there’s overall symptoms that people who are said to be electrosensitive or EHS electro hypersensitive can experience. For example, one of the main that’s reported is fatigue. Of course, that’s vague, but overall, people who live near cellphone towers in multiple study after study, the closest you are to a cellphone tower the more people experience fatigue when you survey them. That’s an indication, let’s say, that they’re not in great shape if they live near these base station.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Can I say one thing? I’m looking right now at a massive cellphone tower downtown Los Angeles. I don’t want to show it to you guys.
Nick Pineault: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: It’s staring me right on the face. Can you see that?
Nick Pineault: That’s a cellphone tower?
Wendy Myers: That’s AT&T’s cellphone tower. That’s right on top of the AT&T building.
Nick Pineault: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: I just want to show that to you because I know it’s snapping me right now.
Nick Pineault: It could be.
Wendy Myers: I had my own experience of EMFs that just completely drained me. It took me a minute to figure it out, it took me some time to figure it out. I’m a very intelligent person. I know a lot about health and it still took me a minute to figure it out. I live in Malibu on a beach, there’s not very many cellphone towers or wireless internet, there’s not a big population there. I move from there and I was doing great. I felt fantastic, slept deep, amazing, I restored my health there and then I moved to Central Los Angeles, kind of 10 minutes from downtown. Where there’s a ton of EMFs and there’s a ton of cellphone towers and all kinds of things.
I had a lot more electromagnetic smog that I was dealing with. Within about six months, I was just zonked, I was exhausted. I wasn’t sleeping well. I wake up exhausted. I know there’s a lot of people out there that feel that way. They just wake up in the morning, they feel like death and they do coffee or stimulants or other things just anything to try to feel better. That’s why I want to do this show and bring some awareness to it because I felt NES.
I discovered NES Health and I started that and I started feeling better very, very quickly partly because that type of biogenergetic program protects your body from EMF. It can correct some of the issues that EMF can cause in your body. Then, I had to really start addressing EMFs in my home as well, EMF protection. Let’s talk a little bit about EMF protection.
Nick Pineault: Sure.
Wendy Myers: What are some of the things that you can do? What’s effective? What’s bogus? Tell us about some of the information surrounding EMF protection.
Nick Pineault: Sure. The number one thing to understand is that most sources of EMFs that are the worst, that are contributing to your worst exposure is actually what you purchase. The things that you pay a lot for. For example, your smart phone, iPads, your own computer or even a Wi-Fi router. You pay, I don’t know, like I pay around $60 per month, Virgin Mobile Wi-Fi router. It’s in the living room just there and it’s that stuff that exposes you at home with the highest levels. It’s not necessarily the cell phone tower, sometimes it is but rarely. Most of the time, it’s the stuff inside your own home that is the problem.
This is what’s hard to accept. At the same time, the good news is that you have the control over these devices. No one is telling you to put the phone near your head, no one is forcing you to have Wi-Fi. Of course, it’s convenient but there are solutions that you can apply.
For example, when it comes to cell phone, the number one thing to do is to create distance from your head or from your body, any part of your body, because let’s say I’m here near my ear, I am blasting my head. Instead, okay, I could be blasting my heart. Let’s say, I talk on my cell phone with ear buds but I put it in my shirt pocket. Not necessarily a better idea if you ask me. The goal is to create distance.
My gold rule is one foot from your body. If you’re talking on the cell phone, one foot from your body. You hold it in front of you and then you have these ear buds or a speaker phone. Right there, you reduce radiation by 80%. You will reduce the cancer risk and the long term stuff and also the acute effects. Some people report they talk for a couple of minutes and I feel dizzy, tingly or some people will get hearing effects. It’s hard to tell. Maybe it’s going to be fatigue for you. Maybe you don’t realize it but every time you have a cell phone call right afterwards, you have an energy dip, who knows.
For example, even one effect of just having a cell phone call for a couple minutes during the day is that your melatonin production at night will be lessened. That’s one study showing that. Just avoiding talking on the cell phone right next to your head is the number one step.
If you don’t talk on it, let’s say, you text or you just carry it around, it’s not better to carry it on your body. I see women going on a run, cell phone in the bra and I’m pretty sure it’s not on airplane mode because we don’t have the habit of doing that. Man in their front pockets or women for that matter. When you carry it on your body, hit airplane mode so that way, you remove the signal. Then, when you’re not carrying it, you can open it back and put it in front of you. Just do not stick it to your body.
Actually, if you look inside the fine print in your iPhone or Samsung or Google Pixel for that matter, there’s something that says, this device should be a little bit farther away from your body to stay within the guidelines. The guidelines that are completely broken and ridiculous but even to follow these broken guidelines, it needs to have a distance. It said in the fine print, which is ridiculous because I never read the fine print. No one does that. Just create distance with your device and you’re almost away there.
Another step is what about at night? A lot of people sleep with their cell phones in their hand, they fall asleep while looking at their cell phone, under the pillow is something I’ve seen quite a lot and even in teenagers or something like 30, 50% or more of teenagers that have it as if it’s their freaking teddy bear now.
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Nick Pineault: Even children. Do not do that. Airplane mode when you’re at night because again, your cell phone, even if it’s dark, the screen is black. You’re like, okay, I’m not Instagraming, I’m not Facebooking, it’s emitting nothing. No, it’s emitting constantly. Little pings of information to make sure that in case of a call, the cell phone tower knows that your cell phone is online. It’s always emitting unless you’re on airplane mode. At night, it’s especially important to put it on airplane mode. Just this one trick alone, I’ve said that to my mom a couple months ago.
She’s like, Nick, I don’t know what’s happening. She’s a cancer survivor from breast cancer. She’s really now attuned to her health. She was very worried. I cannot sleep since the past two weeks. I’m like, mom, by any chance do you have your cell phone near your head while you sleep? She’s like, well, yes. In fact, I just started using it as my alarm clock. I’m like, did you put it in airplane mode? No, I never thought about that. There you go. You just added a source that’s a sure far away to disrupt your sleep right next to your head but we don’t think about these things.
Wendy Myers: Right. Your alarm clock works in the airplane mode.
Nick Pineault: Sure.
Wendy Myers: Just FYI, because I use the same thing too but it’s in airplane mode.
Nick Pineault: Mine is always by my bedside, I have my sleep tracking app and everything else but airplane mode it is of course. If you put it on airplane mode, you also want to make sure because you can actually be in airplane mode but activate Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Just look at these icons, make sure that everything is turned off because a cell phone can be connected in so many different ways to the internet, you just don’t want any signals coming out there.
The number two source that’s the most harmful to your health usually is your Wi-Fi router. You talked about a cell phone tower that’s right in front of you, a Wi-Fi router is essentially a miniature version of that. It’s a miniature cell phone tower that you’re installing inside your home and that gives you signal throughout the house. If you can go on the internet at the other side of your apartment, it essentially means that your environment is blanketed with signals. You’re choosing to expose yourself inside your home. You’re creating a problem. That’s not necessarily … I’m not telling everyone okay, Wi-Fi needs to be avoided.
If you’re really sick, if you’re struggling with cancer, I would recommend not having Wi-Fi and going with a wire. That would be my number one advice for sure. It might be a little bit of a hard step to take for people that are, let’s say, they’re just getting into the topic. I won’t tell you to not have Wi-Fi but at least turn it off at night because why do you need Wi-Fi at night? Essentially, it’s just creating an electrosmog inside your bedroom and inside your entire home. It’s preventing you from having the best sleep you can.
You can actually use something called a Christmas light timer. You put your Wi-Fi router, you plug it in there and then you set it and forget it. You can, for example, set it at 10:00 P.M., it turns off and at 6:00 A.M. it turns on. You have eight hours of relief. The goal being can you have this environment that is lower in EMF and that resembles Mother Nature instead of this stressful L.A. downtown environment or even Montreal like I am right now. Just in my bedroom, even if I turn off my Wi-Fi, there are the neighbors.
Wendy Myers: Exactly.
Nick Pineault: It’s really far from perfect. Even as an author of a book, I realize, oh my god, my room is fairly high in EMFs. Just from my neighbors and just from probably cars passing down the street and people are on their cell phone is just like the overall environment. This, I have a hard time controlling, however, I’ll reduce my own sources as much as I can just like you try to eat as clean as you can. It’s just an extra step that you need to take.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. You read my mind when you said that even though you turn off your wireless router at night on a timer, you have all of the neighbors. It’s like, for instance, when I go to a new house that I moved into, I go to choose my wireless router name and there’s 30 or 40 other ones on top of that in range. They’re essentially negatively impacting your body’s energy field and your health. This is definitely something that if you’re not well, if you’re really tired or you have multiple health issues or cancer, you just can’t figure out what’s wrong, look at the EMF in your environment.
You may be one of those people. If you’re hypersensitive, you may have to go move out another country or go somewhere …. because you can’t control it all. You can control some but you can’t control it if you live in downtown L.A. or Montreal or a big metropolitan area where you’re just bombarded with a consulate.
Nick Pineault: It would be hard. I talked to a friend of yours, Dr. Joe Mercola, a couple days ago and he told me he’s working on an EMF sleeping bag. Look out for I don’t know when it’s going to come out. Maybe in one year, may be two, but eventually, it’s going to be a cheap way. Maybe, he told me 200 to $500 that is an investment but you’ll be able to essentially sleep in a zero EMF environment inside your bedroom without doing major overhaul of your house. It might be a solution.
In the meantime, it’s true that if you suffer from … here’s the thing, if you have an unexplained symptom, okay, of any kind, whether it’s anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, depression, fertility issues, even gut issues, hearing, tinnitus, there are so many ways that you could be sensitive to EMFs and you could have these symptoms. To verify this is the case, how do you feel when you get outside the city? How does it feel when you sleep at a friend’s house who lives in the countryside in top of a mountain near a lake? Like a pristine place with no Wi-Fi?
Look out for these changes in environment and changes in symptoms. When I tell people that they go by the beach for a week in vacation house and they’re in the middle nowhere and they say, oh, my god, I’m actually like … my brain is sharp as if I’m a 20 years old, they maybe just like a 60 year old talking. I’m like, well, you’re not forgetful. You’re very sensitive to these signals. The problem is that we’ve only been exposed to Wi-Fi, for what, like 15 years now, barely. To smart phones around 10, the way we use them with the internet and surfing and using them all the time maybe less than that.
It’s a new kind of exposure and it’s adding on top of the chemicals and everything else. To try to differentiate between the different exposures that it might be causing, just getting outside the environment for a while, if you feel very different, well, stay attuned. Stay very aware that when you’re going back into the city, you’ll see a different level of energy and different things.
For example, when I moved here, in this apartment where the Wi-Fi levels are fairly high from the neighbors, I noticed that my sleep isn’t so good. I’m like, what is happening? Is it my diet? Is it this? I tend to blame it on everything else.
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Nick Pineault: It seems easier, it’s true.
Wendy Myers: It’s lower [crosstalk 00:32:48] food. It seemed like a more obvious source of the problem.
Nick Pineault: It’s true. I’m like, okay, what did I do wrong? Did I overdo caffeine? I think I had a coffee after 2:00 P.M. and maybe I was over stimulated and this and that. I took the Cornet meter, I use a Cornet ED88T, that’s a good meter to start with under $200. I looked at the levels and I’m like, oh shoot. This is actually very high even though we don’t have sources inside the home. I’m like, oh, okay.
Now I’m thinking maybe I’ll, I don’t know, I’ll repaint the entire room with some shielding paint or something like that. There are solutions for sensitive people living in a city, Wendy. You got to go deeper. In that case, you got to talk to a building biologist. True, these are professionals that know way more than me when it comes to shielding and identifying the sources. They can do miracles. You can actually have a transparent film on your window that you will almost not see but that will shield the emissions from outside.
It might sound crazy but if you feel better, if you sleep better, if you sleep like a baby even downtown L.A., it’s useful. If you feel the difference, I think, it’s an essential investment for anyone who wants to stay healthy, to look into this. Unfortunately, the more I look into it for my own health, the more I realize how much it’s impacting me. It’s not just nocebo because sometimes most of the time I realize there’s an effect. I’m like, why do I feel off right now? I realize I forgot to turn off the Wi-Fi on my computer. I’m doing an interview and I’m losing my words and I have a slight brain fog. Then I turned it off and 15 minutes later I’m okay.
First, I got the symptom and after that I realized it was an EMF source. I am becoming very attuned because now I’m looking for it a little bit on …
Wendy Myers: I am too. I just spent a weekend in Malibu at a girlfriend’s house. She’s coming out in the middle of nowhere, we’re walking on the beach with some grounding, I slept amazing. I slept fantastic. Then, I came home last night, I was up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night. I realize, I’ve got to move out of Los Angeles Central, I’m too sensitive.
Nick Pineault: Yeah.
Wendy Myers: I want to go stay at a hotel, a lot of hotels, they have grounded wires in the walls and a lot of protection there. A lot of people’s cellphone may not work so great at hotel rooms. I sleep unbelievably well in hotel rooms because there’s so much protection from EMF and from dirty electricity in the walls.
Nick Pineault: Yeah. It’s mainly, yeah, dirty electricity and electrical field. This is something I learned from Mercola as well. Just the fact that most hotels, the way they’re built, their normal household wiring can have an effect. It’s a type of EMF called electrical field. Most people think that when you have electricity 120 volts running through a wire, it stays in the wire. Actually, it irradiates. There’s a field around that you cannot see but your body that is electric, your brain runs on electricity, your retina runs on electricity, your heart, everything runs on electricity. Even bacteria in your gut that we know are so key to your entire health and immune system, they communicate with low level electric shocks and even light emissions.
It’s crazy but your entire biology is bioelectric so everything can be affected by even just standard electricity. In hotel rooms, it’s all in metal tubing so there’s no electrical field, whereas, in the normal home you don’t have that most of the time. What I recommend as a very cheap way to cut down on these exposures at night and better your sleep even more is turning off the circuit breaker at night. It takes five seconds at the end of the night, of course, it means you cannot plug your cell phone in but it’s just one little thing you got to do. Maybe when you get to work, you’ll plug your cell phone, make sure it’s 100% and then you can be on your cell phone all day instead of working like I tend to do. Yeah, turn off the circuit breaker and it takes care of some of that.
I totally get you. Sometimes in the city, even I’m thinking here, if we want to build a house in a few years, I don’t know if it’s going to be in Montreal but if it is, I’m going to do something special because I don’t feel as good as when I go in the countryside. I feel transformed. When I go in just a vacation for a couple of days, I even remember when we met in Florida for the NAS training, I was walking on the beach, getting sun and my health was transformed in 10 days. Literally, I had better results in 10 days of eating restaurant food, eating probably too much sugar, I had wine.
Wendy Myers: Wine? You had wine?
Nick Pineault: I had wine. Yes. Yes. A few glasses here and there but still, all these things that maybe back at home I wouldn’t do or I would barely do. I did everything wrong and I felt way better. That’s crazy what I can manage. What kind of results you can manage in a low EMF environment and when doing these health practices especially grounding is just tremendous. It’s just incredible.
Wendy Myers: I’m really concerned about the coming of 5G. Right now, we’re on 4G cellular network. People want faster, they want faster downloads, they want to be able to utilize their cell phones and computers much better. It’s a consumer demand but there’s going to be a price to pay with the coming of 5G. Explain to us what 5G is. Is it implemented yet? What are some of the consequences about it?
Nick Pineault: Sure. In the history of developing cell phone service, we had, I don’t even know if we had 1G, probably back in the days of having a large cell phone plugged into your car with an antenna on top. If some people will remember ’96, around those days, my dad had one. It probably cost hundreds of dollars to have cell phone service. Eventually, we moved to 2G and 3G is what we know when we first had smart phones. You could get on the internet. This was around 2012 if I remember correctly.
Eventually, we came up with 4G or LTE. 4G is the fourth generation, LTE is the long-term evolution but these two different terms talk about the faster network. Eventually, we had all sorts of cell phone towers that were 3G at a certain speed. 4G meant that you can go sometimes up to three times the speed. 4G networks are faster and people are happier because there’s less phone call drops or connectivity problem when you add a bunch of new users in.
5G is way more than that. With 5G, they want to redesign the way our cellular networks function. First, they want to go higher speed of course because as you said, users want to download faster, they want to stream HD videos live like stream Netflix on their cell phones while they’re walking in the streets and watch a movie. I don’t know why. Then also enable stuff like autonomous cars. These cars need to be connected online with other cars so that they know how to avoid collisions and data gathering and it’s incredible the kind of internet that we need to enable this new technology.
That’s 5G. 5G is 10 to 1000 times 4G. It’s way faster. For example, you could be able to download an HD movie in a couple seconds. Boom. It’s done. You never wait. It’s exciting in that sense, however, there are a lot of downsides when it comes to the amount of radiation. Generally, when you go at faster speed, you have more radiation, it’s an unfortunate side effect. 5G will not only use faster speeds, it goes up in the frequency band. Normally, your cell phone right now is around 900 megahertz to 2.7 gigahertz. It’s called the microwave radiation signal. This is the frequency.
Now 5G will move to six gigahertz to 60 gigahertz. If you ever went through this TSA screening, where you hold your hand like that and they take a body image to make sure you don’t have a knife or something like that, the TSA in airports. This is a millimeter wave signal that is used. 5G will use the same frequency as that but there’s going to be way higher power. If right now you’re avoiding the airport scans because of this fear of radiation, it’s ridiculous because your cell phone will expose you to thousands if not millions of times these levels and beyond.
This is what’s coming. The problem with millimeter waves is that we don’t really know what they’re going to do because they haven’t been studied. There are barely any studies. One researcher from Israel is looking at the effects on skin ducts. The radiation seems to get in the surface of our skin but then it gets in the skin ducts and might have effect like allergic effect on the skin or even a more dehydrating effect on the retina and other mucous membrane. We don’t know what it’s going to do. Unfortunately, it’s a big experiment because right now, they’re rolling 5G and they’re justifying that by saying, well, 4G does nothing. Again, the meme or the myth that 4G and cell phones do nothing.
They say, well, if 4G does nothing, more doesn’t mean anything. It’s all good. It’s all good. The millimeter waves is one thing, it’s unproven and we don’t know what the effects are. I talked to an EMF engineer from U.K., Alasdair Phillips. He told me that the way 5G is built, the pulsing that they’re going to be using and the modulation, it’s going to be even more biologically active for human cells. He says that it’s been in the trenches for, I think, 35 years now as an engineer. He has a background in engineering and physics so he understands these things are the highest levels. He even developed EMF meters. He’s like a top level guy. He says, you know what Nick, EHS is going to be on the rise because of 5G. People are going to become even more sensitive.
There’s even another thing when it comes to 5G that’s concerning that you need to hear about and it’s the small cell technology. 5G, super high power. I talked about six gigahertz, 60 gigahertz. When you increase this frequency, you have very high power, very short distance. That’s an issue because let’s say, there is a cell phone tower five kilometer, it will not get to my cell phone here. What they do instead is that they’re going to install one miniature cell phone antenna every block. Every traffic light sign, for example, a light pole, there’s going to be a mini relay there so that way I’m connected to this antenna, I move a little bit, I walk for one block and now I’m connected to this other antenna.
The problem is that, again, you’re blanketing the environment with way more electrosmog because you’re multiplying the numbers of antenna. Probably times, I don’t know, thousands in downtown areas. Then, in residential areas, they want to put one antenna every three to 12 houses. Not only is this super ugly because you have a large antenna in the middle of nowhere every three to 12 houses but it exposes the house that’s in front of to even more radiation in unprecedented manner.
The problem is that eventually 5G will replace 4G and 3G but when 5G will come out, it’s not like everyone will have the newest technology so it will add up on top of everything that we have right now. It will just be another source of exposure. It’s just thickening this electrosmog that we’re exposed to. My best advice when it comes to 5G because it is just around the corner, downtown Austin, it’s being tested right now. They’re just doing tests. It’s just a couple of antennas. You go to look at these things and I think 10 to 12 U.S. cities where it’s tested, they’re testing it for the upcoming Olympics in South Korea. Why is that? It’s not because they’re evil, it’s that every country, every mayor of every town wants to be the first to have the latest technology because it’s prestigious, it’s cool, it’s cutting edge and they have not been informed about those potential health risks. That’s one thing I wanted to clarify.
If people knew, people would probably do otherwise. Then there’s industry pressure of course but still, if you learn about this information listening to this podcast, do your own research and then talk about it. It’s super important because it’s an ignorance that people are letting this happen. We’ll wake up tomorrow morning, everyone will be even more fatigued and they’re like, oh my god. What happened? Why did we allow this? You allowed this by saying nothing and oftentimes you say nothing because you don’t know.
What I can tell you is that for myself and for people I talk to and for health practitioners, it is becoming critical to take care of your own home and to may be either move if you think you’re getting sick in your environment or shield or remove Wi-Fi and start using wired or use your smart phone way less often. In my case, I love working in coffee shops but I’m starting to work more at home where it’s wired and it’s a calmer environment for me. I feel better. It’s hard for me because, I don’t know, I love working at Starbucks. I feel productive but I am exposed to Wi-Fi way more and the speed is getting higher. They’re having these routers in and I just don’t feel as good. I feel foggy.
You got to change your habits. It’s becoming critical that at night you sleep in a low EMF environment so that way when you get outside, maybe you’ll be able to manage and see the life. It will happen less and less I think.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. My big concern with the 5G is that it really is like a jackhammer to your pineal gland. We already have so many EMFs, different types acting upon our pineal gland that produces melatonin that facilitates sleep. I take liposomal melatonin every single night. I think there are just so many factors and so many habits that people have of looking at their cell phone before they go to bed or watching television and not protecting themselves from wireless internet. I think people that really are suffering from sleep deprivation or wake up tired because they’re not getting a restful restorative sleep, they probably should be taking not just melatonin in a pill which I think doesn’t really absorbed, liposomal melatonin.
I take MICROLIFE. It’s a product called SLEEP by MICROLIFE. I think it’s one of the best products out there but any liposomal melatonin is great. I think this is going to be even more important as 5G is rolled out because I’ve heard an analogy that right now, it’s four jackhammers are working on your pineal gland but when 5G comes out it’s going to be like 40 jackhammers that’s going to be 40 times as worst, roughly, as what the current EMF our pineal gland is producing.
Nick Pineault: Yeah. That’s among other thing, but as you mentioned, I mean sleep is the foundation of everything else. Even if your goal is your like, oh, I couldn’t care less about my health. I want to lose 10 pounds. How can you lose 10 pounds if you never sleep, if you don’t detox, if you don’t … like your blood sugar is all over the place after a bad sleep. You’ll get fatter with every bite. It’s pretty much like everything falls apart when you don’t have the sleep.
Yeah. The thing that pisses me off is really that it’s 5G is not studied for health effects before being rolled out. That’s unfortunate but with awareness and with protecting yourself so taking … you talked about supplements and I want to chime in maybe one thing that’s important to take is magnesium in this day and age. Especially getting your magnesium level tested whether it’s [inaudible 00:51:19], I don’t know how precise it is. Usually RBC, magnesium levels in blood could be great to have with your holistic practitioner. Making sure that your magnesium is sufficient or even high levels will help you mitigate the effects or the side effects of EMFs.
I could go into the science more but it’s a long story but magnesium will be key and also looking at things that are sources of glutathione, whether it’s liposomal glutathione or optimizing your diet to be sufficient and the antioxidants will help you also. Terra-cumin, resveratrol, there’s a lot of solutions and I’m actually working with a few practitioners to develop a course on that to help how practitioners tell their clients, okay, take this, take that or how to mitigate the effects. Because let’s face it, it’s very hard to avoid EMFs 100%. It’s impossible. Even if you’re in the countryside now, there are EMFs.
We’re going to have to be very, very keen on everything else in order to stay healthy while we spread the word and say to authorities in school districts and governments, well, this is unacceptable. We should do something about it. You know what? The good news is that in several countries, they are taking massive action and it’s working. Cyprus, the Island of Cyprus, the government has taken the bull by the horns and they’re doing T.V. ads to tell people not to put their cellphone near their heads. They’re taking precautionary measures to do that.
In France, they’ve just voted even more strict laws and among them would be smart phones completely banned from schools at the entrance. You’re going to have like a little place where people put their smartphones and then you get it back at the end of the entire school day.
Wendy Myers: How revolutionary.
Nick Pineault: Yeah. As if [inaudible 00:53:27], I mean it’s pretty much like, I don’t know if they’re going to put like smart phone detectors at the entrance. They’re going to scan you, you got two, three iPhones that you’re trying to smuggle in. It’s good. It’s good for education. It’s good for kids’ health, for their concentration. It’s such a huge distraction for adults. Who are we kidding? It’s the same for children. I mean, it’s ridiculous. When you have Candy Crush or you have mathematics, what do you think will happen?
Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.
Nick Pineault: Let’s be smart about it. It’s actually moving in the right direction. I see that happening, it’s just that there’s a lot of work that needs to be done. If you personally try anything we’ve talked about during this podcast and you feel better, well, tell it to your neighbor, tell it to your friends. It’s important to spread the word about the topic because it’s still considered totally crazy when it’s far from being crazy. It’s critical that people think or realize that it’s very serious.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Let’s talk about one of the best ways to protect yourself from EMF. It’s in a little cocoon, a faraday, is what they call it.
Nick Pineault: Yes.
Wendy Myers: It’s something that I’m using and it’s basically like a little mosquito net that goes over your bed and it has copper and silver threads in it that can shield you from all of your neighbors, wireless, and even your wireless router while you’re sleeping so that you can get a restorative sleep. I use the one from wireless-protection, I think it’s .org, or .net or .com, it’s one of those.
It’s a great one. There’s lots of products out there like that but it’s a little on the expensive side because it’s silver and copper threads and if that deflects the EMF. Are there are any products, Nick, that you like or that you recommend or use?
Nick Pineault: When it comes to these products, I haven’t tested bed canopies or some call them faraday cages. Faraday cages, the idea of having a cage that blocks EMFs. For example, your microwave oven as this kind of mesh, right? That’s a faraday cage. Essentially, it’s making sure that it’s not boiling your head while it’s cooking your hot potato, I don’t know.
Faraday cage, it’s a very good idea and this is what Dr. Mercola is working on is a miniature version of that where it will be kind of sleeping bag and it will close on your head but it will be all transparent so you can still breathe. It will not be like restrictive like that but it’s a good idea. I don’t have brands in mind for faraday cage but I would say if you’re very sick, looking at the bed canopy, if you have exposure from all these neighbors, it can be a lifesaver, literally.
If you have cancer, it might be, I don’t know, I don’t want to overextend myself but it might be one of the best expenses you can do compared to a bunch of different supplements. You probably need both, to be honest, but it’s important that you create this low EMF environment. I would love to test one. I actually never slept in one. Oh my god, I can only imagine. It’s so restorative. I slept at a friend’s house, Anthony DiClementi, a fellow health geek and he has this home where he doesn’t have Wi-Fi and the levels are extremely low and he has dirty electricity filters and oh my god did I sleep good. You remember your dreams, that’s one of the side effects what you can actually look for if you reduce EMFs in your life.
Okay, do I sleep better? Like how do I quantify that? If you recall your dreams, it’s actually a good sign that you’ve went a little bit deeper in the stage for REM sleep cycle. It’s a good sign that you get restorative sleep and then how do you feel in the morning when you wake up. If you feel like kind of groggy, drunk, foggy, well, it’s a good sign that you probably kind of turned and tossed even though most of the time we don’t remember it.
What else? There’s another solution that can … maybe the price is around the same if you want to shield your entire bedroom, but it would be hiring a building biologist and then you can paint every single wall of your bedroom with this special EMF paint, that’s called YShield or there’s probably a few brands. It will cost a couple hundred dollars for the entire operation and you can shield your window with … there are certain EMF blocking curtains or a kind of film, transparent film, that you can put there.
You do need to have a meter precise enough to make sure that you’ve done it the right way because the last thing you want to do is to pay all this money and you don’t have a way to verify that it’s working, right? Working with a professional building biologist, if you just type building biologist, you’ll find the website where you can find one in your area. There’s a few in every state. There’s a few in Montreal now across Canada. If you cannot find one, there are a lot that will do phone consults. They might help you do a survey of the environment or some of them will even lend you meters for a price so they can even ship the meters to you, you use them for two days and you ship them back. That’s even an opportunity where you don’t have to purchase like thousands of dollars’ worth of meters or anything like that.
I recommend trying to do that if you live in a city or if you’re very sick, that’s a great idea.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I’m going to be getting a meter when I go house shopping. When I’m going to move into a more permanent space.
Nick Pineault: Nice.
Wendy Myers: I’m going to be testing in the home to make sure there’s not some strange source of EMF that you can’t see or you’re not aware of. Some people can be really shocked. I’m talking to people that went house shopping to that very thing and were shocked at some of the homes or apartments they went into and found these massive sources of EMF from like electrical wire or whatever it was, a telephone pole right outside the house and just shrouding the bedroom in massive amounts of EMF that could lead to cancer.
There’s even a little boy at my daughter’s school, seven years old that has cancer. I can’t help but think that EMFs are a huge cause of childhood cancer. I can’t help but think that that child’s bedroom has a really high EMF level.
Nick Pineault: Chances are it’s happening. It’s hard to tell, well, CA might be chemical exposure and whatnot but usually, you know what is the worse is that EMFs combined with other toxins and multiply each other basically. The Ramazzini Foundation looked at rat studies and looked at how carcinogenic is like a certain substance is like aflatoxins [inaudible 01:00:38] or formaldehyde. When combined with certain types of EMFs it actually becomes a carcinogen.
Right now, a lot of researchers like Darius Leszczynski. He gave a lecture recently and the guy is a top researcher, just analyzing the EMF data and he says, I think that EMFs are a co-carcinogen. What does that mean? It means that maybe by itself it doesn’t give you cancer but maybe if you combine a Wi-Fi router with a brand new carpet full of formaldehyde and then you have mercury in your food and you have this and that and stress, now it becomes a perfect storm.
What changed in the last 15 years is EMFs, this is the new thing we’re exposed to. It’s not chemicals that expose in the exponential manner. It is Wi-Fi and smart phones and the EMFs and all sorts. This is what increased. At the same time, we’re seeing such a huge increase in chronic fatigue, in autism, in anxiety, this new generation of children is so anxious, it’s ridiculous like almost child out there has some kind of issue whether it’s behavioral or allergies and whatnot. It’s definitely a causal factor in all these things.
I believe in the researchers I’m following. Most of these kids, you remove EMFs and they get better. That’s also a sign initially that this is what caused it. This is a sign that it is a stressor to their body and that they recover faster when they get out of the environment. Usually kids are very attuned to this. You will see changes in behavior in no time if, for example, you just turn off Wi-Fi at night.
If you have a kid with ADHD, it might help. It might help them concentrate on their homework after a couple of days. It’s kind of crazy what you can see when you do that.
Wendy Myers: Talk to us a little bit about the meter that you mentioned.
Nick Pineault: Sure.
Wendy Myers: You mentioned an EMF meter that’s relatively inexpensive. Tell us about that and where someone can find that?
Nick Pineault: Sure. Let me pull it. Where is it? It’s here. I bought it from, it’s a Cornet. Let me take that. I bought it from a place called Safe Living Technologies. Safe Living Technologies is a company from Ontario, Canada and this is kind of small. You can see it’s actually smaller than some cell phones, I think now like the huge Samsungs. The Cornet ED88T, just Cornet 88 you’ll find it on for example. It’s a great place to purchase it. It’s $179. What is cool about this meter, well, it has a display so you can actually see like, okay, what the numbers are and you can see the readings overtime.
It’s going to get a little bit complicated but there’s a few great tutorials online for example Lloyd Burrell from ElectricSense, as one. It shows you how to take a reading. You can take the readings in three different kinds of EMFs. This is really what’s useful. For example, you can test out microwaves. Microwaves you can see, okay, I’m turning up the Wi-Fi is it making a difference? That’s one type of microwave. Or you can see, my cell phone is open and in another room, can I see a difference in this room. Or can I pick up other Wi-Fi from neighbors. You’ll see what the levels are.
In my book, I talk about what levels to aim for, if possible, during sleep and during the day difference. These are recommendations that I didn’t come up with. These are recommendations from EMF experts, building biologists and people that are studying environmental medicine.
Another type that you can you look at is magnetic fields. If you live near a high voltage power line and you’re kind of afraid, okay, is it kind of … am in the field of this huge power line. This would be a magnetic field. One study looked at women exposed to magnetic fields over four milligauss, if I remember correctly, this is a study from couple of weeks ago. They had tripled the miscarriage rates. It’s actually, if you’re pregnant, making sure you’re not living in a vicinity of a high voltage power line or even inside a home, let’s say you sleep right next to a circuit breaker panel right on the other wall. Or maybe you sleep and your neighbor has a huge motor, for example, a fridge could be a problem. The back of the fridge right next to your head but you don’t know it.
Having this meter around, you’ll see if there are anomaly. You’re just looking for like, okay, I’m reading here in my bedroom. It is normal? Okay. Then when you move around, I always bring that to the hotel room sometimes it’s very clean, sometimes I realize that the phone, it’s a cordless phone and it’s emitting like more than three cell phones and I turn it off and now it drops.
You can verify before and after. Also, if you’re very sensitive, this is something I shared in the recent interview, well, having that will make you kind of aware of what amount of EMFs is okay for you. If you realize, okay, well, in this room it’s one and I feel sick what if I’m in a room and it’s 0.2 and now I feel fine. Okay. The next time you go in a café and you see that it’s exposure of two volts per meter, for example, you’ll say, oh my god I need to take my coffee and maybe go sip it in the park instead.
You’ll change your habits because you’ll realize that it’s not just in your head. You’ll be able to quantify how much am I exposed to and what are the effects that I’m seeing. If you’re not seeing any effects, good for you but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do something about it, because it’s long-term stuff. It’s the same thing as someone saying, well, I feel fine, Wendy, so I’m totally fine eating arsenic and mercury in my food. I feel fine. Yes, okay, that’s okay but this is an acute effect. What about long-term? What about do you want to live to 110? With health, that’s a difference.
In the long run, you’re going to want to see these levels be at the minimum possible manageable in your everyday life. The fewer EMFs you can get exposed to, the better. That’s pretty simple.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Yeah. I think it’s really, really important to have some awareness around this. I’m so glad that we did this podcast where we’re able to do it as a Facebook Live today and just educate everyone on Facebook. Also, you wrote a book the “Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMF”. It’s a wealth of information about EMFs with so many studies backing up everything that you’re saying and you have a companion course also that’s coming out pretty soon. Can you talk to us about that course and when people can maybe expect to try that or to do the course?
Nick Pineault: Sure, I don’t know when this podcast is going to be posted after but for people who are listening live, it’s February 26 that you can go to the page. Wow, it’s the first time I shared that publicly, I’m excited. It’s called Electrosmog Rx. This is the world’s first EMF course for health practitioners. The difference between my book and everything I share for free is that I’ll go more in deep compare … like when it comes to, for example, module one is about, okay, what are EMFs and what are the sources? I’ll go in depth about like smart meters and cell phone towers and different exposures that as a practitioner, you need to ask about when you do a survey of people’s health.
For example, I’ll share with you what kind of questions you want to ask them. For example, do you have cordless phones at home? Do you use a microwave or do you have this or that and there are so many sources now that, as a practitioner, it would be easy to miss, right?
Another thing that I’ll add is the mechanisms. For example, what EMFs do when it comes to inflammation or calcium influx in the cells and explaining to you the research of Dr. Martin Powell that is one of the most definitive, I think, research in mechanisms around how EMFs affect our cells and what it means as far as your recommendations as a practitioner. For example, if people are very low in magnesium, you will see people that are more sensitive to EMFs.
If people are very sensitive to chemicals, usually, they will be more sensitive to EMFs. Or if people have neurological issues around glutamate, so they are very MSG sensitive for example, again, it feeds the same cycle, what’s called the NO/ONOO-cycle and that’s all part of what makes people sensitive to EMF.
I’ll share how to get clients out of the slump. It’s all explanatory but what are the best practices when it comes to what to tell clients, how to help them heal, the science and also the mechanism. It’s a little bit deeper for people that are really interested and however they might find that interesting but it is mainly for I would say anyone that has clients and that wants them to get better fast. It’s super important as a new factor in the health and disease.
Wendy Myers: I think that’s so important because anyone that’s working with clients and their client population, you know there’s a subset of people who are so sick and they’ve been to doctor after doctor after doctor and have not been able to figure out what’s wrong. They’ve tried all different types of protocols and all of these doctors are missing this very, very basic thing, EMF.
If you are not well, you have a love one that’s not well, you want to be looking at this and I think your course would be a wonderful resource for any practitioner of any type, a medical doctor, a naturopath or just a health coach, a wonderful resource in addition to their knowledge set. That’s really important work that you’re doing. Thank you so much for that.
Do you want to take any live questions? Are you looking at the Facebook page? Do you see anyone asking questions? For any of you guys, if you have questions for Nick, shoot, just let us know and we’re happy to answer them live over the air. Do you see any?
Nick Pineault: I’m trying to look. I don’t see any at least on my page. It is on your Wendy Myers page?
Wendy Myers: It is on my page. I’m not looking at that right now.
Nick Pineault: Okay.
Wendy Myers: It’s fine. People can leave comments on the blog post.
Nick Pineault: Sure.
Wendy Myers: We can answer those and leave comments on YouTube where this will be published eventually and they can answer or ask questions there as well.
Nick Pineault: Sure.
Wendy Myers: We’ll forward those to Nick as we get them. Nick, thank you so much for coming on the show. Why don’t you tell our listeners where they can find you and get your book and all that?
Nick Pineault: Sure. People can find me on simply and you’ll get a link. You’ll see the entire expose that I do around EMFs, which I don’t think people that have listened to this need more convincing but you get a link to the eBook and then there’s also “The Non-Tinfoil Guide to EMFs” is the title. Then the upcoming practitioner level course is called Electrosmog Rx.
Depending on when you listen to this starting February 26, 2018 you’ll go to Electrosmog Rx and you’ll be able to check it out.
Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Nick, thank you so much. Everyone, thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 podcast. You can learn more about me going to and I have tons of resources about hundreds of podcasts, all kinds of free resource about how to detox your body. This podcast about detoxing EMF will be on there eventually. I think it’s such an important topic. EMF is just affecting everyone to some degree. You have to know about it if you care about your health.
I have a free eGuide you guys can download, the top 10 tips to detox like a pro checklist. Just go to if you want to download that. If you like what you heard today, please go to the iTunes website and leave us a review on iTunes. It takes two seconds and it helps me reach more people and get the word out there to people who are trying to dramatically improve and upgrade their health.
Again, thank you so much for listening. My name is Wendy Myers. Nick, thanks so much for joining us today.
Nick Pineault: Thanks Wendy.