Transcript #12 How and Why Harry Massey Made it His Mission in Life to Transform Health & Wellness

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  • 00:00:30 Meet NES Health CEO & Co-Founder Harry Massey
  • 00:05:30 Harry’s battle with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • 00:09:20 When a handful of doctors couldn’t give answers
  • 00:12:15 How a video game console sparked a grand idea
  • 00:16:30 Receiving the first healing reaction from Infoceuticals
  • 00:19:30 Focusing on faith when crushed by crisis after crisis
  • 00:24:30 How Harry’s story with NES paralleled the Hero’s Journey
  • 00:39:10 Holding onto the long term vision of the BioEnergetiX WellNES System
  • 00:41:30 Spelling out the mission of NES Health
  • 00:47:10 How biochemistry complements Bioenergetics
  • 00:49:40 Meet Myfanwy Marshall-Blackwell and her journey with NES Health

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

[00:00:30] Myfanwy Marshall Blackwell: Hi everybody. Thank you for joining us. I’m here today with Harry Massey, who’s the CEO and Co-Founder of NES Health, and the Founder of the BioEnergetiX WellNES System. We’re going to be talking about how it actually evolved, and how Harry came up with this vision and made it his mission in life while he was very ill with chronic fatigue syndrome, which was actually seven years of being bed ridden. Harry, I want to first start by asking you how you came up with this idea for BioEnergetiX when you were at your very lowest point actually? When you were actually in bed, and you didn’t know if there was going to be any way you’d ever get better, the doctors didn’t have any answers. So, can you begin by telling me what the vision was? What was that light bulb moment that came to you?

Harry: Well, Hi. It’s great to be here and I’m really excited to tell people really why, you know, why this mission got started. But yeah, I might just start if that’s okay by you, just to say what the vision and the mission is and ultimately you know, and also how we’re sort of going to go about that. So, our overall vision for BioEnergetiX, it’s really a lifetime mission to basically establish Bioenergetics as going beyond biochemistry, and you know, the reason I’m so passionate about that is … Which we’ll get into in a minute, is because I was healed using Bioenergetics after going through years and years and years of trying really the best thatbiochemistry had to offer, and really not getting very far.

In fact, it was worse than not getting very far, I was actually descending into an iller, and iller place over about a period of eight years. And yeah, it really wasn’t until I met this scientist called Professor Fraser and he introduced me to Bioenergetics. Then we turned that into a system, then my own health turned around, and that really sort of gave us the impetus for our current vision and mission, which is basically to simplify health really for everyone. So, that led to our overall vision if you like, which is to simplify health for humanity by establishing Bioenergetics as going beyond biochemistry. But if we really look to the sort of why, you know, why we’re doing it, it’s because when I was really, really sick I didn’t know what was wrong with me, and I also didn’t have any energy, so I really wasn’t able to do anything, or to contribute to society, and that really gave us our why, which is to liberate people to get to the root cause and restore the energy of life. And of course, when I was right in the middle of being ill, and trying to work out what on earth was wrong with me, and how to do that, you know, I didn’t necessarily have the answers. In fact, I didn’t have any answers at all, but what did occur to me, which is really the seed of this, is it was a crazy idea I’ll be honest, but I just had this idea that if it was possible to have something at home, some sort of system at home that could get to the root cause of what was wrong with you, and give you the information basically educate you on how you can get better, or how you know, I could have my energy restored. I thought well, that would be a great thing, and it would be a great thing for a number of reasons. One, I would get my health back, two you know, a bit of business might come out of it, and three, lots of other people would get their health back. You know, and all three of those would be great outcomes, and that’s basically the sort of mission I set myself at that time was to create this BioEnergetiX WellNES System and basically try and make it the most easy, effective, and educative type of health system that we possibly could for as many people as we could and you know, that was 14 years ago. Today, it speaks for itself, but I guess you want me to get into the exact moment that that was going on.

Myfanwy: Yes, please. I want you to take us back to that time when … Where a lot of people will be who are watching this, or the clients of the practitioners, you know? They’re actually relating to that time when you couldn’t find the answers, and there’s not a lot of hope, you know? But you somehow broke through, so can you tell me about that time when that light bulb moment happened, and how you put that into action?

[00:05:30] Harry: Well, absolutely. So yeah, just to give it some context. So, when I was 21, that’s basically when I first got diagnosed with having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and I basically descended. It was over about a year’s time, and originally I got a fever when I was out rock climbing in Chamonix, I spent two weeks bed ridden, my glands were up, and afterwards you know, I just never quite felt right when I went back to university the following year. And then I was sort of … I was basically yeah, I was basically sort of getting tired, and having all these glandular problems, and then I would do a lot of activity, and climbing, and then I’d feel exhausted again whereas before I was a very,

[00:09:20] : very high energy person where you see what I was doing. Doing our studies, I was doing all your normal hedonistic university partying that everyone does, and I was also doing an awful lot of rock climbing, which was really my key passion. I did a lot more climbing than I did studying because it was far more enjoyable. But yeah, anyway, during that last year I just started descending into illness, getting more and more ill not really knowing what was wrong with me, and then I took my first job that I had 20 sick days in the first two months, and just felt like death the whole time, so I had to leave that job, which you know, obviously wasn’t great. And then I thought, “Well, I’m sure I could exercise my way out of this.” So, I traveled off the Alps, and when I was in the Alps I just did tons of climbing. Unfortunately you know, I can’t tell you how exhausted I was while I was climbing the whole time and you know, I started sort of falling off a lot, and you know, and that type of thing because I was so tired. Unfortunately all of that fresh air, and exercise didn’t do me any good, and actually got me to the point where I couldn’t move out of a tent. I got stuck in a tent. It was around late, and then it took me a whole week to get out of that tent. I was just living off dried bananas and some water, and I managed to drive myself back to England sort of resting every 30 minutes on the highway, which you know, was pretty bad, and then a few days later I got back to England and that really was sort of the beginning of … I guess the beginning of the end of being really, really ill. And then for whatever reason I thought, “Well, I’ll do an MBA while I’m ill.” And you know, that was another two year struggle that just kept me iller for longer, and you know, this really is a story of where willpower and determination was not the right asset … It’s a double-edged sword having super strong willpower, which basically kept me ill for longer, and well it’s also a fundamental driver for what NES is today. We still have strong willpower, which has its other side, which can, you know, exhaust you and deplete you as well. But anyway, after a couple of years of that, in the second year of the MBA we basically couldn’t turn up to the university, and we did our exams in a wheelchair, you know, which obviously wasn’t great, and I think at the end of that year, actually it was after … Yeah, it was a year or two after that I just thought … I then studied nutrition because I was getting into the ideas of nutrition. During this period I’d been seeing a number of doctors, and none of these doctors really knew what was wrong with me like, they thought it was my head. What they couldn’t understand, they were like, “Well, you know, you’re doing some rock climbing, and then you’re doing absolutely you know, nothing,” so they just thought it was a mental illness because they didn’t understand-

Myfanwy: They couldn’t understand how you could do it.

Harry: They couldn’t understand the concept that you could actually feel like death, and exhausted, and do these things. You know, I was just saying that was really just pure will power that I was able to. But I did start having you know, a load of blood tests and they did start realizing something was wrong, but they didn’t know what to do at all. So, basically, you know, the NHS, which is the National Health Service in England, that sort of gave up on that one, and then I started looking into nutrition, and get into supplements, and eating the perfect diets, and all of that stuff, and lots of naturopathic techniques, which you know, I really, really got into over I guess the next two years. So,

[00:12:15] : this is three, four years into being ill. Just did everything you could possibly imagine from like, coffee … I was doing like, coffee enemas, and juicing, and the odd fasts, I was doing the full gambit that you possibly could. But unfortunately, was just so stressed, and my inflammation and energy systems were so off that even though I was doing the best that nutrition could offer, I just still wasn’t getting better. Well, in fact it was worse.

I was actually still getting worse and worse, and it was through doing all this studies. I started studying nutrition to get a diploma in nutrition, as I was nearing the end of that course, basically study course, I was like, well, you know, I wonder, wouldn’t it be good if there was some way of working out what was actually wrong, you know, I was thinking nutritionally, you know, how are people nutritionally deficient, all that type of stuff.

And what advice we could give people from the comfort of their own home because you know, it’s not very efficient to do hair tests, it’s not very efficient to do you know, blood tests, or stool tests, and they’re all pretty expensive. So, this sort of idea was quite clear in my head, well, wouldn’t it be great if there was some sort of system that could work out what was wrong with you just from the … I guess the touch of a button, or just put your hand on something, it could read you. And the reason I was thinking these ideas is because I can’t remember if it was the Xbox, I think it was pre Xbox actually, but-

Myfanwy: Technology was changing.

Harry: Yeah, one of the video consoles, we had video game consoles and that type of thing back 14, I guess 16, 17 years ago, and I just thought some you know, if you can have this video console type game machine, why on earth couldn’t you have a health system? At home, and you know, it could identify what you’re deficient at, you know, what’s wrong with you. You wouldn’t have to do all these silly tests, which going to get blood tests is not particularly pleasant, and then it could educate you on the best things you could do to get better. So, that was really the seed of it, and so I had the idea, obviously didn’t have a frigging clue how to do that, and I was very sick myself. And I guess just for clarity for people, you know, I wanted this thing because I wanted it for myself because I didn’t know what was wrong with me and I was still super sick, and I was sort of at my wits end with I guess everything else I’d already tried, or was doing, and it just didn’t quite feel like that was the answer. I think this was also the early days of cell phones, in a way you could pick up cell phones and could communicate information. So, I was also thinking of the idea of waves, and fields, and I was like, maybe the body is emitting fields, you know, maybe there’s something in that, and so I started basically asking around, and I asked like … an Integrative Functional Medicine doctor in England like, if he knew you know, anyone who might know anything about energy fields, or that type of stuff, whether this might be possible. And he happened you know. It was complete coincidence, although there’s no such thing as any of these coincidences, but you know, the universe always answers the quest I guess. When you’re on these journeys they’re going to be good for other people, like, the universe will normally … Not normally, in my experience always responds to it.

Myfanwy: Yeah.

[00:16:30] Harry: And yeah, he had actually been working with this professor, called Professor Fraser from Australia who had been making actually a cancer diagnostic machine together, and it was able to basically work out cancer in different parts of the body at all the different stages of cancer. However, through politics and other reasons that all sort of fell apart, but he had kept up a relationship with him, so he introduced me to him, and I rang him up, you know, I didn’t really have much confidence that we could pull this off, and obviously we had no energy, no health, we had no money, we definitely didn’t have any business, and I barely had any work experience because I was fired from my first job, I only did 20 days there. So, you know, competence wasn’t exactly high, but we did ring him, and we did tell him that idea and he was like, “Hmm, okay.” You know, and he sent me a paper on quantum biology, it didn’t mean a lot, but you know, I read it, uploaded it onto a site and I think it was another 18 months until that idea was still going through my head, and I sort of rang him again you know, I was like, “What do you think?” … I had this sort of concept of how we could read energy fields and get an analysis, and I was like, “Do you think this would work?” And he was like, “Yeah, no, I think that could.”

And that was enough for us to both basically fly to Los Angeles and we met. We basically both met in Los Angeles, and it’s sort of like meeting the mentor if you like, and Peter just became this incredible mentor to us and this great friend, and also we basically both helped each other immensely in different ways. Well, I basically got this first healing reaction from what today are now called the Infoceuticals, but back in those days you know, they weren’t what they are today, but he was basically making his remedies by what he called the magnetic vectors, but basically if you like, he’s imprinting instructions to get the body to respond. So, sort of like an electronic form of homeopathy in a way, and well actually, we just sort of had this great idea, or insight at the time because he was still thinking a little bit I guess, symptom homeopathic type sort of methodology, and I was like, “Peter, what if we just record the perfect information? Like, the information of how something is when it’s healthy, or how this energy, or information pathways when they’re working optimally, and if we give that information to the body like, wouldn’t that be better than trying to get the body to react against things?” And he was like, “Hmm, yes. Hmm, yeah, that’s a good idea.” You know, fortunately Peter was just the most amazing scientist, he had the ability to sort of take ideas like that and sort of run with it and do the experiments and get to the detail, that wasn’t my strong suit. Mine is sort of yeah, just through prodding and asking the questions, and you know, steering research.

Myfanwy: At that point when you met him, and when you were wanting to meet him and he became your mentor, what was it that he was telling you that became a quantum leap of consciousness for you? Like, what was it that made you think, “God, I’ve got to meet this man, and this could be the answer, and I’ve got to fly all the way to LA to see him. What was it in his teachings? What did he teach you?

Harry: All he’d seen was this paper on quantum biology, which I’d say didn’t make a lot of sense because I hadn’t studied enough biology and physics at that time to you know, really necessarily make sense of it. However, it was pretty obvious from it that this guy you know, he was either a lunatic, or he was a genius. One or the other, but it did seem

[00:19:30] : extremely well written, and well researched, and you know, I mean, honestly I was in a fairly desperate situation and you know, I was willing … What did I have to lose? I mean, honestly, you know, what did I have to lose? Like, you know, when you’re at rock bottom with no energy, no money, no this, and no that. Yeah, I mean, things couldn’t be any worse, and this was hope, you know. I think there’s this great quote, I don’t know who quoted it, but basically you know, we all have faith. Some of us have more faith in fear, and some of us have more faith in love, or you could say faith in hope, and one thing I did possess was I did possess faith in hope, and I was willing to give things a go, and you know, not let the fear that it’s going to be a waste of time, a waste of money, da-da-da-da, you know, I didn’t let that take over, so I think yeah. To answer that, it was
faith ultimately it was faith.

Myfanwy: There was a feeling about him, too, right? There must’ve been something when you spoke to him on the phone, there might’ve been something that made you have a knowing that this is something I have to follow because you know, you did travel a long way, and he did stand out to you compared to-

Harry: Well, I say it was 18 months actually, so it wasn’t instant, you know, he sent me that paper, and I read it and I sat on it for 18 months, but I still had that idea burning and burning for the next 18 months, but I just didn’t have any confidence. And then a few other people, or this or that were like, “Well, that’s probably a good idea,” this or that, not that anyone knew how we could do it, and then you know, it just percolates in your head 18 months later I was like, “Oh, I’m going to ring that guy back up and you know-“

Myfanwy: The time was right.

Harry: And the time, fortunately I did, and so fortunately he agreed to meet in person and we spent at least 10 days together, and boom, you know?

Myfanwy: So, when you were in LA you were also researching as well, making other contacts, too, weren’t you? In the well-being and health field, you were using that time to educate yourself.

Harry: Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, when we met, we basically decided America’s probably the place to get this going, and also it’s a bit nearer Australia, still very far away, so yeah, so we basically attempted to get it going in the States, and this is like an initial research period. But unfortunately for me. You just wouldn’t believe this really, but within three months of this meeting, or four months, my dad died, immigration decided you know, just basically kicked me out and sort of took away my tourist visa rights. So, when we were kicked out, yeah, we’d basically given someone access to our business account in the States. We had $100,000, they stole all of it unbelievably really, and when we’re out of the country, and all this sort of stuff happened, and then you know, how to describe it. It’s just like well, again, you know, like I say, it’s that faith thing. What do you focus on?

Myfanwy: You could give up at that point.

Harry: Yeah

Myfanwy: Anyone

Harry: You’re just in the middle of this horrendous crisis, yeah, you’ve been financially wiped out. I perhaps didn’t explain how we made that 100 grand

Myfanwy: Yeah, back track.

Harry: Yeah, we were basically selling some other sort of energetic medicine stuff on the internet, which is basically how we made a little bit of money at the time.

Myfanwy: From bed?

Harry: From bed, yeah.

Myfanwy: That’s amazing.

[00:24:30] Harry: But yeah, anyway, so we got completely wiped out sort of financially. We were back at home, you know, we’d made this big leap to get out from home and go to America, yeah, then we ended up back at mommy’s with dad dying, dad died. Yes, ouch, and anyway, basically the choice point obviously we’d made this choice point more recent, I guess five years ago that yeah, it’s a very significant choice point. It’s like, well, do you just let that suck you down and destroy you? Or does it make you stronger? What do you choose to do? And the choice for us was like, well, we’re going to make this frigging system, and we’re going to, you know, follow it through, I’m going to work with Peter and do it. So yeah, and that’s what we did.

Myfanwy: It’s like in the hero’s journey the tests and the allies and the enemies when the
character gets to that point where you think they’ve lost everything and you know

Harry: Crossing the threshold I think.

Myfanwy: Crossing the threshold.

Harry: Yeah, it’s the one we’re actually launching now, I guess for those of you listening you might be using our system. We have this hero’s journey, and life journey screen where you can basically see where you are on your life journey at that point that would’ve been what Joseph Campbell would call crossing the threshold where it’s like, that commitment to launch this. Well, I think that’s crossing, it could be a test, too. Lots of things are tests.

Myfanwy: Yeah, it sounds like the Murphy Test, before you even cross the threshold. Yeah, okay, so then after the launch, tell me about the launch and how that evolved, and were there any more hiccups along the way?

Harry: Yeah, well yeah absolutely. You know, as we started making it, oh my goodness. It was a sort of scientist who liked to be by himself, not a businessperson in the slightest. I wasn’t a businessperson at that point, but you know, I didn’t know anything. So, he had to say

Myfanwy: You didn’t get back to the job.

Harry: We were still trying to get our health back as well, and we managed to make this first piece of software, and this first system and the first sets of Infoceuticals, and to give it context, yeah, when you have no money when you’re a real guerrilla start up and like, no investor’s going to touch us because I was … It’s a crazy idea, and I was sick with no business experience, and I’m in U.K. and Peter’s in Australia, like no one’s going to touch this. So, basically we had to make all the first Infoceuticals actually on our stove. Like, we would buy minerals, boil the water, mix them up. We would print labels off a … I think it was a laser printer, I don’t think we could afford a laser printer, it was whatever the other type was. Anyway, just some rubbish printer to make labels, and then the hardware like, was very basic electronics, and we were basically taking plastic boxes that we could like, easily buy, and I was drilling holes and putting … Actually, I bought buttons like, just metal buttons from a clothes store as the contacts for the fingers, and things like that. It’s really, really homemade basic, and that’s how it started. And then of course there’s just a million software glitches where it all just, you know, very unhappy customers and all that type of stuff. However, people were getting results, and so you know, that saved the day because people were reporting all these incredible things happening to their health because people put up with all the you know, glitches and our operational deficiencies, and all the rest of it. Yeah, when stuff actually does what it’s meant to-

Myfanwy: Speak for themselves, yeah

Harry: Results speak for themselves, and then people forgive all the other idiocy, which I think is sort of how it should be. I don’t think it is unfortunately how a lot of company’s products are built, there’s some often marketing … You can get excellent marketing, and terrible products, but people buy them because of the excellent marketing. For us, I can tell you, we didn’t know anything about marketing for the first 12 years of the company all we were focused on was product, and making product better and make-

Myfanwy: You had your why clear, you knew what you were trying to achieve to help people.

Harry: Peter and me we were just incredibly passionate about what we’re doing. You just know, more than you know you’re onto something. It’s like Pandora’s box really. Each day we’d wake up excited of you know, what we were discovering, and what experiments we’d sort of say, and you know, we’d try all these Infoceuticals on ourselves, so we’d get all these incredible reactions. I’d get boils coming up on my arm, I would get … Or like, our stools would go green, or we’d get kidney aches. I mean, get all these incredible sort of things going on in our body, and then we would just refine all the Infoceuticals over time, so we’d sort of … We’d get sort of less reactions these days. We’ve basically smoothed out a lot of the sort of information pathways to make it sort of more power tool for the people in the early raw days they were a little bit too strong, but that of course put me and Peter over the moon because you know, you don’t generally take things that sort of have those effects. I mean, no supplement will do that, you know, maybe you could take a hardcore drug, like, I don’t know amphetamine and maybe something like that would do it, but obviously those chemicals are not very good for you. So, yeah, anyway, there we go. But it all worked out basically, I think the bugs did get sort of ironed out over time.

Myfanwy: Yeah. So, things were going well, and then there was a little bit of crisis again, is that right? With you approaching another ordeal.

Harry: Yeah, absolutely, you get a number of them in life and in business especially. Yeah, I’m sure we’ll have more to come. I mean, you know, well, no I don’t wish. It is life, and you know, crises, they always proceed transformation, or they don’t. But you know, the wonderful thing about a crisis is it brings what wasn’t working to light, and so you can transform it and bring yourself to another level, or of course you just let it crush you and you know, that can descend. But I would say even if you … You know, and I have let it crush me at times, obviously especially getting really ill in the first place, but you know, even if one of these things crushes you, I will say you can get back out of it, you know, the harder the lesson you know, the larger, more significant the transformation can be.

So you know, if people are listening don’t despair if you’re in that sort of absolute crushed debilitating, you can certainly crawl your way back out of it, and it doesn’t have to be as hard as well, you know, hopefully it’s not as hard as what happened to us. But sorry, I was going to tell you about yeah, the next big crush, right?

Myfanwy: Yeah, and the relapse because that’s another inspiring part of your story, isn’t it? How you got over that, and rebuilt yourself, and the company again. So, can you tell me about the next slump? The next little relapse that you had and the problems

Harry: Yeah, so the next seven, eight years, obviously there was lots of little tests and things, but generally the company was building, and products are improving, and we made our first film The Living Matrix, we started meeting with miHealth, and you know, all those types of things, which were all wonderful projects. And then, you know what, basically our mentor died. It’s a very similar pattern to how we were kicked out of the States, and lost our money, and all that sort of stuff. Basically, three or four things happened in a row in the same year that were pretty crushing. So, we basically let our European company be built up by some Dutch, and you know, through no fault of their own, it’s just they had all the passion for what we were doing, but unfortunately they over expanded, it’s probably our fault for allowing them to. They over expanded and the staff count tripled from seven to 21 people in a year, and unfortunately you know, their I guess, passionate and optimistic you know, I guess projections you know, didn’t match up to the staff count. And Europe… that’s not like the States, you basically can’t make people redundant particularly easily, where it takes a whole year to do so, and so basically in that we ended up losing millions of euros because the European company had over expanded. Peter died … He didn’t die through any relation to that situation.

Although he did amazing things with Infoceuticals, it’s that he didn’t sort of do the other part of the equation, which was sort of look after his healthy habits. He had a few unhealthy habits let’s just say, and so anyway, he ended up dying, and that obviously also had an effect on morale for sure in the company along with the losses at the time. And then we were in the middle of making a film called Choice Point and we were sort of yeah, anyway, we were sort of involved in that, and then our health also deteriorated, so we sort of had a massive crisis and ended up with

Myfanwy: The stress

Harry: Where yeah, it’s basically stress caused related Addison’s. Addison’s is basically when your adrenals basically don’t really function at all, and if you don’t take external causal you start vomiting, and going into a coma and all that type of stuff, and I started getting facial paralysis and vomiting and all that. Because I was so into what we were doing, I didn’t want to sort of recognize that until I got blood tested and this and that and realized what

Myfanwy: This was all going on behind the scenes

Harry: This was all going on behind the scenes, yeah, well, Miff

Myfanwy: I had no idea.

Harry: Yeah, Miff and me made a choice point during this year. Well, you know, it wasn’t an easy year, was it, Miff?

Myfanwy: Well, I had a few emails, but yeah, I didn’t see a lot of you.

Harry: No

Myfanwy: I had no idea all that was going on, so you were really suffering, and you had the loss of Peter to deal with. So, it was emotionally stressful I would imagine on top of the physical, and maybe those two inter-played.

Harry: Yeah, you know, well, and curious enough when you make a film like Choice Point it basically puts you into a major choice point, and then we also moved to the U.S. although we also go back and forth a bit because of all that entertainment that I was describing. But yeah, anyways, so that was the thing. Basically we went into a lot of debt, so we borrowed a load of money both from a bank, and from a generous individual, and well you know, it was looking like we weren’t going to be able to make payroll each month for a while, and then the accountants give you fairly dire things and basically we had to make a really hard decision, it was to pursue the Choice Point thing or NES, so we chose NES as the more important sort of company to pursue, and then it was like … We just basically decided well, we’re going to have to ignore these dire financial, you know, if I listen to that then you just continually chopping, and all of that, and it’s a similar thing. It’s like, well, instead let’s focus on growth, and you know, the positivity, and I have to say it’s really hard when you’re in the middle of … When you’re feeling like death, but that’s basically what we did, and fortunately the next few years we managed to turn it around, pay back all the debt.

Myfanwy: How did you turn it around? How did you rebuild?

Harry: In my head, so when you speak to financial people at the time it was always a drastic move, and cut, cut, cut, cut stuff, cut this, cut that, cut that, and then if you’re just cutting, cutting it’s basically like knifing yourself really, it’s like trying to catch a falling sword, you know? Just continually cutting yourself, and killing yourself, so basically I just decided well, no we’re going to turn around, we’re just going to basically work out you know … we’re going to expand sales, so you think you can’t go and hire a sales team because you haven’t got any money but it’s like, you just got to do it anyway and then you know

Myfanwy: It still comes.

Harry: Yeah, it’s hard, I have to say it’s very hard but you just sort of look it right in the eye, and yeah, it’s faith, you know? Yeah, it’s not easy. Anyone who’s had businesses running out of cash will appreciate it I’m sure. You just basically have to keep everyone else’s spirits up and as to your point, you didn’t know any of that was going on.

Myfanwy: No.

Harry: Working for the company at the time, and obviously you basically don’t want to spread and have people know stuff like that because that infects people’s minds, and that infects productivity-

Myfanwy: Stay on track.

Harry: Yeah, you just keep that one to yourself.

[00:39:10] Myfanwy: Yes, I do. So, the road back. Well, you’ve been building up as well on the road back in terms of the storyline of the hero story. You had technology catching up, you were able to launch BWS in the cloud, can you talk me through the next big leap?

Harry: Yeah, sure. You know, what’s sort of exciting to us, is we’ve always held onto this long term vision of BWS BioEnergetiX WellNES System, but the concept of yeah, having a system at people’s home … Because at the time the internet technology wasn’t really there, certainly mobile technology wasn’t there, but now basically you’re able to have software in the cloud, we’re able to pick stuff up from our cell phones, and also …

Basically over the years you know, you build up a number of like, timing always matches it so back 14, maybe it’s 16 years ago now, 17 years ago that first idea. It’s too early. Technology wasn’t there, our skillset absolutely wasn’t there. The universe and life is really interesting because things do have timing. Yeah, sometimes you can have a vision of where you want to go in the future, but you really have to think many, many, many years out and it can take years to get there, and if you’re able, and prepared to sort of you know, chip away at things, and wait for timing, you know, and of course you’ve been doing this for years, you’re going to be in the perfect place to make things happen, and you know they always say

Myfanwy: Perfect timing.

Harry: What do they say? Like, an overnight success is 10 years in the making, you know, sometimes 20 years in the making, and you know, NES is absolutely, absolutely like that, but yeah, it’s only now. Now, we’ve been able to put it in the cloud we’ve obviously learned how to make films, and productions, we’re able to create much better content to be able to put the content in

Myfanwy: In terms of education.

[00:41:30] Harry: Cloud, been able to build teams internationally and all that type of stuff, so yeah, it’s really now basically is the time that … It’s the time to get the Bioenergetics … Well, we only just finished the BioEnergetiX WellNES System in October 2017, people listening to this are in 2018. Yeah, so we only just finished it and obviously it’s going to keep iterating and improving, and fortunately because it’s in the cloud you know, we’re able to improve it really, really rapidly. And yeah, so now we’ll be able to bring BioEnergetiX globally, and if I go back I think I mentioned it right at the beginning, you know, sort of the mission of the company, is basically provide the easiest, and most effective, and educative health system for one billion people. Well, now we’re able to do that. Now, we sort of have it and now we’re able to scale it, which really helps sort of me, our why, which is we basically want to liberate people to get to the root cause, and restore their energy for life. So, that’s exactly … Basically we created a system that I would’ve wanted back 16, even longer than 16 I guess, when I was 21. Yeah, I guess back 20, 21 years ago like, if we’d had this system 20, 21 years ago I might’ve avoided six, seven, eight years of hell, and be on that, so that’s why, and obviously and going beyond that you know, where really this platform is going to basically help establish Bioenergetics as going
beyond biochemistry, because you know, biochemistry is absolutely amazing. Please don’t get me wrong on this, but it really is only 50% of the pitch, you know, chemistry has its limits, you know, it’s good. If you want the short bit of energy, have a cup of coffee, great, you know, caffeine has that sort of effect, or yeah, you’ve got some horrible infection, which you have meningitis, you want the antibiotic to wipe it out. But it doesn’t have so much to do with really getting to the root cause and restoring people’s energy, and sort of life purpose. Generally, that really you know, really Bioenergetics goes way, way beyond biochemistry. Because Bioenergetics is inclusive of biochemistry, but it also … it’s basically including … maybe I’ve never defined Bioenergetics, I know we did, but Bioenergetics-

Myfanwy: Yeah, I was going to come back to that.

Harry: Basically it’s the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems, and energy, all of the cells in your body are constantly exchanging energy with their environment generally within the blood, your body is exchanging energy with its environment, like you’re breathing oxygen in, you’re breathing out carbon dioxide, you’re eating food, you’re excreting food, and you do exercise, and you know, your thoughts are an exchanging energy as well. Biochemistry’s only a small part of that exchange of energy, there’s all those other sort of forms of energy, and you know, if we can help humanity to see that biochemistry’s only a part of the health picture, and there’s basically a more inclusive expansive philosophy, which is Bioenergetics, then that’s going to be a wonderful thing. Because for the company obviously you know, we aim to be the easiest, most effective, and educative health system for as many people as we can. That’s one side, but it goes way beyond our company like, it’s a re-examination of science, of-

Myfanwy: The bigger picture-

Harry: Of how healthcare is, you know, is done. It’s just as a general sort of philosophy of how we live our lives. Yeah, that’s our ultimate vision I guess beyond the pure company side. And so you know, that’s why I’m really, really passionate about this, and you know, we need an awful lot of help to spread the Bioenergetics mission because this isn’t something that just our company, or us can do like, you know, the message needs to spread. It needs to be spread basically so yeah, millions and millions of people can avoid all of that, all of the suffering. Because when they only have the option or knowledge of biochemistry, they’re not necessarily even realizing the impact of exercise, or their thoughts, or what they’re doing in their life journey, or of course you know, what we’re doing within the company of correcting people’s energy fields, and the information pathways.

And you know, we really want people just to have that. Just to have the choice. If people have the knowledge of what the other choices are, you know, they can choose what’s right for them, but you know, well, the more Bioenergetics knowledge is out there, and the more choices people have, you know, the better for humanity. So you know, if people want to help in that mission we in the company would love to hear from them and obviously if you want to spread some of our movies that say some of this information, or perhaps even this podcast might be great. That would be greatly appreciated.

[00:47:10] Myfanwy: So, yeah, just … That’s great. So, what I’m hearing as well, is that it’s just a much more holistic picture. It’s the bigger picture. You’re not saying one thing’s wrong, biochemistry it’s wrong, and Bioenergetics is the only way, it’s a complementary …

Harry: It’s an overall philosophy. So, Bioenergetics is basically the study of energy in living systems, and it’s just how you view the world. So you know, ultimately, when everything is boiled away everything is an energy exchange system, even biochemistry. So, we’ll just look at sugar in the cell, you know, sugar converts to ATP, which is basically an electron transfer mechanism. That’s just an energy exchange like, you get energy from sugars, it’s an energy exchange system. When you breathe in and out, you’re breathing in oxygen, you’re breathing out carbon dioxide. It’s an energy exchange system. You know, when us two here are communicating we have our thoughts are broadcasting, okay, we’re using Zoom, so there’s an energy exchange through Zoom and we’re hearing it, but it also works telepathically. You know, your heart when we’re looking at body field theory, your heart is generating a strong magnetic field that’s powering up the body field on your nervous system and is generating alpha and delta waves, it’s setting up a field outside of the nervous system for information to be carried on. All of these things are an energy exchange system including biochemistry. See, that’s why I say we basically want to, you know, we just want to bring Bioenergetics to the world and get that idea that it goes beyond biochemistry, it’s not saying … I’m absolutely not saying you don’t want to eat the right food, and diet, and you know, recognize the

[00:49:40] : importance of biochemistry because absolutely you do, but it’s only a piece of the puzzle and if you ignore the rest of the puzzle at your peril and you can basically shorten your journey back to health, or as we would say, like restoring your energy for life you know, you can short cut that if you have the full picture, you know? If you have the greater set of knowledge, and that’s really you know, well actually … Well, we could say something about … That’s sort of what your mission is, isn’t it Miff? Miff joined our company … Well, we’ve worked together for five years on and off.

Myfanwy: Maybe like six or seven now

Harry: Yeah.

Myfanwy: 2011 whatever that is, seven years.

Harry: 2011, and you know Miff’s thing is like, production, and educational content, and we basically built this … She actually wanted to do something called enlightened TV, but like, the platform, the BWS platform we basically building all these short pieces-

Myfanwy: It’s very enlightening.

Harry: To basically enlighten, and educate people you know, of an overall … Bioenergetics basically it’s an overall … I mean, scientifically it’s the study of energy, but it’s an overall life philosophy basically and that’s sort of how we view it, and that’s how we’re trying to educate people.

Myfanwy: And when you say overall philosophy, what I get from everything you do as well is that it’s so empowering that people maybe don’t realize how much power they’ve got to change their life, and to change their health, you know, to totally change the trajectory of their lives. So, that’s what you’re inspiring people with, that actually they’ve got more power than they realize, and also their body’s got more power to heal itself than we realize because there is all these other components that we don’t consider-

Harry: Yeah, we all have the power to heal ourselves pretty much.

Myfanwy: You pull it all together, you pull all the dots together. I think you join all the dots.

Harry: Well, some of the dots. There’s an awful lot of dots to go.

Myfanwy: A lot of them. But like, the emotional side, the you know, the mind, body connection, all of that, that’s what I personally love most about it all, and that like how your story, it is a story

Harry: If you just focus on-

Myfanwy: Determination.

Harry: If you just focus on one area, so if you just focus on I guess we’ll say biochem … Well, let’s take the other extreme. If you just focused on the emotional component, and your diet’s terrible and you never exercise, I’m sorry it’s only going to get so far, and what you really need to identify is where that weakest link is, and it’s all good. I mean, it’s all good. Life is healing, and health is a massive journey. So, if you want to focus on the nutrition part for a few months, great, you know, and then you might just carry on with that, but you’ve sort of learnt it and changed it into a habit, and then you might want to look at your life choices, and your emotional component, and you get so far with that and it’s like, okay, I’m doing that but not really exercising. Well, maybe you can start building that up. I think what’s great about the system

Myfanwy: I was just going to say, the system highlights this, doesn’t it?

Harry: It highlights it and it’s like well, yeah, you should actually be thinking about this more during this month. And it’s looking for what the weakest links causes are so you know where to focus. Over time basically going to build more AI basically more intelligence into the system so we can basically help prompt people at home and remind them of you know, what you should be focused on. Yeah, all that sort of stuff. Yeah, that AI-

Myfanwy: That’s very helpful. That’s motivating.

Harry: …get a dog walk today.

Myfanwy: Right.

Harry: Don’t know if it would be good for your emotions.

Myfanwy: My circulation and my bad back. Yeah, everything really, my eyes. That’s going to be really helpful.

Harry: It’s going to be good.

Myfanwy: So yeah, so basically the journey that you’ve been on really does follow that hero’s journey, right from you know, your world as it was where you were so ill right through to all the challenges, and the tests that you had, and all of the obstacles-

Harry: It’s ongoing.

Myfanwy: Yeah, but maybe it’s little hero’s journeys every so often, but in the end there is-

Harry: It’s all cyclical, like, I think … I mean, I think yeah, if you look at the hero’s journey it looks like it’s one thing, but I think in reality it’s probably more spiral like, but I think yeah, we’re definitely in a phase of yeah, bringing this out to the world absolutely. To bring it to that higher level I guess of changing societies and people I guess, philosophy. Yeah, it’s going to be many challenges you know, on the way with that, but that’s all good. That’s part of the journey isn’t it?

Myfanwy: Yeah, exactly. But yeah, you’re the inspiration to say that you can come through no matter what. So, what I was just going to say is that what’s amazing about your story as well, and the hero’s journey kind of format is that the ending of the story is the return with the elixir, and I always think that here you are with the actually-

Harry: I like that, yeah

Myfanwy: It’s the Infoceuticals, you’ve got these remedies, and they’re in water. It’s amazing, but also you know, it is so much bigger than that because like, that was the first story, and you had that Infoceutical as your reward, but you bring it back to the ordinary world. The story goes isn’t it that you bring the reward, you bring the answers back to the world and that’s what you’re doing even on a bigger scale now. That’s your next step. You’re getting it out through education-

Harry: Absolutely, and your steps

Myfanwy: Yeah, today was my first podcast.

Harry: Yeah, this is your first podcast, first of many.

Myfanwy: Out of my comfort zone, I have to say, and I just woke up.

Harry: You did immensely well.

Myfanwy: Thank you.

Harry: It’s brilliant.

Myfanwy: I’m glad I got out of my dressing gown that’s all I can say… 8:30 in the morning. I thought it was just audio. It’s been fantastic.

Harry: No, that’s great I’ve really enjoyed it, it’s been good. The first of many.

Myfanwy: God, you’re really pushing me now. So, thank you so much.

Harry: That’s what I do.

Myfanwy: Thank you for pushing me, too, Harry.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

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