Transcript #13 All About The Revolutionary MiHealth PEMF Handheld Device

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  • 00:00:30 Meeting NES Health’s Cyril Bourke
  • 00:01:00 Cyril’s critical accident and healing through energetic
  • 00:02:00 Why Cyril rebelled against traditional healthcare
  • 00:08:00 Understanding the power of the revolutionary miHealth
  • 00:11:00  How miHealth differs from traditional bio-feedback frequencies
  • 00:16:00 Understanding the human body field –what this means
  • 00:18:00 What’s the Zap Clinic, and what did Cyril see there?
  • 00:23:30 Removing shock conflict blockages in the brain to prevent disease
  • 00:26:30 How NES helped Wendy Myers get over a mental hurdle
  • 00:32:00 How Cyril calmed a 5,000 pound bull with the miHealth
  • 00:42:00 How to stop a cold in its tracks with the miHealth
  • 00:45:30 How ESR on miHealth helps regulate digestive functions
  • 00:50:30 Brain holograms and detoxing the mind of a negative past
  • 00:55:30 Using the Love Infoceutical for deeper connections
  • 01:10:30 Safety of miHealth PEMF studied in British Military Research Lab
  • 01:16:00 Astounding results while treating a veteran’s scar from war
  • 01:18:00 How Fat Met function allows the body to process fat faster

Harry Massey: Welcome to the SuperCharged podcast where we help you to enhance your energy, health and purpose.

Wendy: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning, is that a super hero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

Wendy: [00:00:30] Our guest today is Cyril Bourke. He became the CEO of NES Health in 2014. Cyril first became involved with the complimentary health industry after suffering a combination of long term chronic and acute illnesses. After exhausting his options available within the mainstream medical system, he found dramatic health improvements with bioenergetic medicine. This so impressed him that he changed his career from engineering to bioenergetic healthcare. Cyril now brings us understanding of science from industrial and electronic engineering to the leading edge of healthcare and delivers bioenergetic therapy and practitioner training with enthusiasm and passion. I’ve been to one of his courses, he’s an unbelievable teacher. Cyril is a SCENAR Institute recognized trainer from 2009-2014, as well as a NES Health practitioner and trainer. You can learn more about Cyril Bourke at neshealth. com, N-E-S Cyril, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Cyril Bourke: Good morning Wendy, it’s great to see you.

Wendy: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you got into bioenergetics.

Cyril: [00:02:00][00:03:30] Certainly. I guess at the very beginning, I had no interest in healthcare whatsoever. I was an engineer, I’d worked for various industries from the oil and gas industry to electronics industry and the military, and I was just living my life, et cetera. I had an accident. I guillotined two fingers and they were reassembled and they did a beautiful job, but unfortunately, from that point onwards, I started getting digestive tract failure and all sorts of metabolic process problems, in my large intestine and everything else went to pieces. At that time, I didn’t realize the link between energetics and the physical accident and the symptoms I was getting later. It took me about four years to really run out of options with the medical system and then realize what actually helped me was a treatment to my hand directly where the scarring was and where everything had been damaged. Within weeks, my digestive tract started to repair and Ulcerated Colitis and Crohn’s disease, and all these things resolved within about three weeks. I suddenly realized that, the gastroenterologists and the team that were supporting me really were very focused only on pharmacy and they had no concept or even acceptance that energetics, that had been observed for over 4,000 years by the Chinese and others, was actually the course, the problem with the damage on my hand. When my hand was treated specifically to connect that pathway in my hand, suddenly my digestive tract repaired. It opened an amazing new world for me. I actually ended up rebelling against the, should we say the traditional system because when I went to see the gastroenterologist, and said, “Look, you’ve been treating me for four years and you had no form of support other than just keep taking this pill.” When I provided him with the thing that resolved it for me, he didn’t want to know. The receptionist said, “Well, he’s got over 400 patients on that one drug. He’s never going to listen to anything else.” The penny dropped, as they say. I suddenly reapplied my engineering and technical background to healthcare and started studying and start providing it to others. I realized, just like me, lots of perfectly intelligent people, are pigeonholed into a system that actually may not be the most suitable all the time for them. That’s what happened. So, I ended up becoming a pain management therapist using bio- feedback and eventually, I became an NES practitioner. I actually was introduced to NES trained and suddenly found the combination was phenomenal and it was working so well in clinic, and it has been eight, nine years now. I’ve been involved with NES and bio-feedback in various manners, teaching as well as providing in clinic.

Wendy:  So, you developed a PEMF, a Post Electromagnetic Field device called miHealth.

This is a device used on a NES health bioenergetic program. It doesn’t have to be used on the program but it’s certainly complimentary. I use mine every single day. Can you tell us what exactly that is?

Cyril: Well, the miHealth, I was part of the team that put that together and it was quite a comprehensive team of professors, doctors, engineers and a whole mixture of people globally. Harry Massey put that team together and Peter Fraser’s work, one of the original creators of NES, basically, they put this team together to build a bio- feedback device. My experience was with the SCENARs, who you recognize, and that was a device that came out of Russia in about the late ’80s. That was an excellent starting point for bio-feedback. It had some really great results for what it was doing. But, we realized very quickly that there were ways of improving that type of technology. Instead of just a device that was mimicking the afferent and efferent nerve, we were able to apply additional information too. We were using the NES information, we realized we could apply global scaling information, so you have correcting frequencies, you could apply it via a PEMF, a post-electromagnetic field. The Russians I guess had found one portion of useful electrical therapy and what we did is we added more and more tools to it. So, it was a stepping stone, and rightly so, it was a significant one. They did a very good job. For the late 1980s, that was tremendous. Now, there’s more technologies and knowledge related to how the body interacts, and NES basically put it all together into one package. Even most recently, that one package is able to now do remote scanning globally. So, I was very, very lucky to be part of the team that developed the miHealth device. I actually had the honor of presenting it for the very first time in Dusseldorf in Germany when it was released to the European public. I actually was able to stand on stage and do the practicals and show the public what it was like and how to apply it and show what we have been doing in clinic during the research period so, I was very glad to be part of that process. It’s still evolving today, we’re still updating and evaluating how to make these technologies better and better. NES having been doing that for 15 years, continuously reinventing, researching and developing the latest technology for home and clinical use.

Wendy: [00:08:00] I know. Harry is always meeting with bioenergetic researchers around the world and trying to find people that are doing this unbelievable cutting edge research in bioenergetics, which I really think is the future of healthcare, it’s the future of medicine. As we know, conventional medicine is typically very, very behind the times when it comes to actually addressing the underlying root causes of people’s health issues. So, the miHealth device has three different functions, I want to talk about all of those in detail so that people understand the power that this device has. So, I’m going to hold one up here for anyone watching the video on YouTube. This little handheld device is my little pocket doctor. I use this thing every single day, I love it. I want to clarify what exactly this device does. So, you can use it on body where it’s actually touching your body, touching your skin in various ways. You can use it off body where you set it on a function and you can use it on your body or off your body rather. Use it to elicit an effect on your body while it’s actually not touching it. You can also use it to do a NES health scan. Let’s talk first about on body, or when it’s actually touching your skin with these two little electrodes. What exactly is it doing?

Cyril: Well, the first thing it’s doing is, it looks at the condition of the skin. It actually makes a reading and then it starts comparing that reading with everything around it. So, as you move the device, what happens is, it’s looking for real time asymmetry. Symmetry is where two things are the same and then asymmetry is when one area is different. It literally is fast enough to recognize where dermatomes and other areas literally are giving us a different reaction on the surface. It’s the electrical dynamics of the skin. They tend to always relate to an area where we can create a reaction, a response, a stimulation. You see high premier in the skin, which is like a pinking where the circulation picks up hormones in circulation are suddenly activated and the body is engaged in that area. It effectively puts that area of the body back on the maintenance list. Now, what’s wonderful about that is, if I draw that down your spine for example, or put it above your abdominal and do a spiral or so, what happens is, very quickly, within seconds it latches onto areas of the body. You’ve probably found this Wendy, where it feels like a magnet. It feels like it’s stuck straight to the body. Then, it’ll ignore another area completely. That really rapidly escalates the amount of change you get. You’re not wasting time anywhere that’s not needed. It literally will tell you where to go. It’ll stick to that area and allow you to stimulate that area. The bio-feedback is basically monitoring the condition, artery of the skin, and then changing elements

[00:11:00]of an algorithm and then fring new information back into the body. So, what sort of information is it putting in? Well, we’ve got the frequency of which it’s delivered, as in cycles per second and we have what we call global scaling. This is the first of the unique things about the miHealth device. It’s not functioning on what is the traditional tends or bio-feedback settings. It’s specifically set for global scaling. That was brought to us and we were educated by Milo Wolff and others related to how global scaling can support function, growth and deficiency of information transfer. That was originally worked out by the Russian military and then Milo Wolff joined the American Space Station and should I say, space agency work. Then, after about 10 years of being involved with America, he was able to start talking about what he’d been working with the Russians and global scanning was one of them. Peter Fraser and he spoke and shared understanding related to those. We ended up building it into the miHealth device. As far as I’m aware, there isn’t any other device in the world using global scanning frequencies. So, that’s one unique element. They provide efficiency points, where you get results where, you could be a very close frequency to it and not get the results. These were very, very precise frequencies that supported everything from cellular functions, to organs, to emotional states. So, these were the very exact frequencies that have been built into the miHealth device. That’s only the delivery rate.

Wendy: Let me just clarify one thing. So, in the global scaling ways, what we’re doing is delivering information to the body, like corrective information. A lot of people listening probably don’t have any idea what any of this stuff is. Just simply put, the miHealth device, depending on what setting you put it on, there’s about 200 different functions, it’s delivering correct operating instructions to your body and it’s doing that on energy waves, from these global scanner waves, correct?

Cyril: Yeah. We’re writing information over the top of these very efficient frequencies. So, you’ve got the frequency that delivers this so to speak, to the body and then you have information that you’ve put upon that frequency, a little bit like music upon a radio station. The music in this case in Peter Fraser’s body fluid information, where he specifically targeted and found patterns that supported natural function. Instead of providing, should we say poisons or toxins or agitation to the body, we’re actually providing the exact information that’s missing we do that because we do a scan. That takes us to what the miHealth can do plugged into our remote scanning or practitioner software. It can take an imprint of the body field, compare it to the patterns that Peter Fraser decoded, and then we’re able to work out which ones are missing or need supporting. We can then re-imprint the body with it, one, by putting it on the body itself through the electrodes, and you feel a little tingle, but actually, it’s quite nice. Actually, your information occasionally, when you’ve got discomfort, it’ll actually go in, reset the body’s functions, place Peter Fraser’s patterns on that signal, and at the same time, it’s delivering the bio-feedback, it’s also producing a PEMF simultaneously. We can disengage the electrodes by pressing one of the touch screen buttons on the miHealth and then it becomes a pure PEMF. So, the PEMF is the field that’s being developed by the device, and we can choose if we want just to have that element as well. So, we would maybe… I’ll give you an example. If you wanted to treat let’s say a large animal or a very nervous person or a child, sometimes, you might not want to apply the device directly onto the skin at that point. But, just being in proximity of the device, it’s starting to interact with their body field and that, that’s starting to provide corrective information. So, it gives much more flexibility for someone when they’re in clinic or at home. They don’t have to be on the body all the time, they can just place it on their desk or have it next to them. So, it gives great flexibility and it means you can treat anybody. You either touch them or you don’t, the device is still making great head-ways with corrective information.

Wendy: You said the device is interacting with the human body field. Can you just explain that a little bit for anyone that may not be familiar with bioenergetics?

Cyril: [00:16:00] Certainly. Well, everything produces a field. Even a single electron in space vibrating, produces a field of energy going out in every direction, and we are obviously a whole cluster of information patterns. Peter Fraser did a field analysis working out what energy do we generate. We obviously have organs individually and we have eyes, organs and skin and bones, et cetera. They have individual fields. But, when we push them all together, we have a body field, a whole body, a composite. Now, Peter was able to read that pattern and deduce which elements are functioning within it’s expected range within those radiated patterns. Others maybe have lower quality distortions, maybe even holes in those patterns and we were able to recognize those and then re-imprint them. Put that information back. So, the body field then has like a jigsaw puzzle. The missing pieces are placed back and suddenly you’ve got the whole picture, and in our case, the whole body field. That allows the body to escalate its own recovery, its own repairs. So, it’s using its own operating system.

Wendy:  That’s the beauty of NES. It’s that, NES bioenergetics is not treating the body so to speak. It’s just getting these energetic blockages out of the way and identifying them and clearing them so that the body can heal itself. It’s just so brilliant.

Cyril: [00:18:00] It’s remarkable. It really is remarkable. When you start any clinic, and I used it for eight years in clinic, it’s astounding what sorts of things go on. It’s non-invasive, it’s non-threatening, it’s very fast, to be honest, it’s very low cost. It’s an ideal tool. You can build a clinic entirely around the NES system or you can have it as an adjunct to anything else you’re doing. Chiropractors, vets, GPs, MDs, as well as homeopaths and dietitians, sports exercise people, and massage therapists, the range of people who are using NES is phenomenal because they all, should we say, adapt the process for their own client base.

Wendy: Yes. So, let’s talk a little bit about how you used to use it. You used to have the Zap house for many, many years. Can we talk about that and some of the things you saw when you were using it in your clinic?

Cyril: Oh gee! There are so many things that went on. Look, we were renowned, the Zap House was renowned for the speed of change because Zap to us, was actually fast energy transfer. That’s what it was. For many people, Zap was maybe having a shock or something of this nature, but as soon as they got in the place, they realized what it was about. It was about rapid changes. You’ve seen me on stage in master classes, how we treat, very dynamic to the point go for it. Often we’ll say, “Point to it, take your finger, point to the problem. Let’s go for it, because you can’t be as fast as that.” The NES scanning system only takes 10 seconds or so. It’s remarkably fast and with that, it applies an algorithm. So, we would bring a client in, have a chat with them about what they’re asking for, what they think we can provide for them, whether it’s pain relief or support with digestion or weight loss, or whatever their concern might be. We used to get patients with multiple sclerosis and all sorts of significant conditions. Now, we would apply the NES system to support their body field. We weren’t treating disease specifically, we were actually treating everybody in the same process. We would scan them, which involved them placing their hand either on a miHealth or one of our professional scanners, and in 10 seconds, we’ve got an imprint of their body field, which then the computer looks at through the Pro-Vision software. Right in front of them, on the screen, they could see what’s happening in each area. The areas we would look at would be like gross energy distortions, such as big field distortions, which are generally related to geopathic stress, living in air-conditioning and the WiFi world we live in and things of this nature. They all have an impact on how gross energies distort things with us. I’m talking about maybe polarity, where we’re holding much stronger charges than we were intended and our body believes that might be an injury. So, it then puts you in a detox state and eventually, you get into exhaustion because you’re

[00:23:30] continuously dealing with that high polarity state. So, grounding, it shows us grounding information. These are all indicators on the screen, instantly shown to the client. So, we can start talking to the about their lifestyle, whether they swim, whether they get in the sea, whether they ground themselves or if it’s simpler to use the NES infoceutical to discharge some of those positive gross energies, huge energies. The, the next layer would look at things related to energetic drivers, which are embryonic stages. These are patterns designed to support the growth patterns that originally would have been from a cystoblast all the way through to a child being born et cetera. In an adult, those same energies are used to maintain our health throughout our life. So, we’re able to recognize those embryonic steps and provide them as NES drivers. There again, infoceuticals that come in a little bottle, and straight away, we can recognize which ones are most suitable.

Let’s say you’ve got two areas, your heart and your lungs, and maybe they’ve got great energy individually. The next step is when you start running around and functioning during your day, are they connecting correctly? Are you getting more oxygen or more pumping when you demand it, when you start running up a hill? That coordination we refer to as integration, energetic integration. They run parallel with the concept of meridians. So, a meridian is see to be carrying energy from one place to another. Well, Peter actually found an awful lot more information in the body related to integrating energy. He put these into a whole section within the NES scan, good energetic integrators. Again, they’re infoceuticals so it can be provided to a client. Then we had an area looking at pathogens, we call them energetic terrains. This is where maybe you start getting out of proportion with fungi for example and viruses and things that may influence organs to not function in the way they should be. So, we were able to see those in the scan and then we were able to help the body by recognizing those with infoceuticals again. There’s another area called Energetic Stars, which, like a network, like a mini-internet in the body, which aren’t running in the same manner as the meridians or as we refer to them, the integrators, they’re still networking survival system in the body. So, Peter had found many categories of energetic terrain on different, should we say, volumes and qualities in the body. We were able to re-apply those. His crowning jewel really I believe were probably the brain holograms, one of the final works that he was involved in, where he was able to look at shock conflicts. Where, someone has an event occur in their life, whether it’s as a child or an adult or anywhere in between. We see those in the brain having an impact and effectively interrupting brain relay, so to speak, energetic pathways that eventually lead to chronic conditions and disease. Well, instead of treating the disease waiting for that to occur, NES is able to actually see where the blockages are in the brain and start supporting the relief and removal of those blockages with the infoceuticals.

Then suddenly, you get huge changes in emotional state and how people present themselves, how they think about things, and their levels of stress change. We basically support them through to a beautiful state of recovery instead of waiting for them to become ill and then deal with symptoms. The brain holograms are remarkable and I’ve used them with veterans and people who have suffered violent crimes, people who have come out of the penitentiaries who have had diabolical experiences within those systems. Often, they’re incapable of describing what’s happened, particularly some of the rape victims, et cetera. Where, they’ve been not willing to discuss and they haven’t settled down to how they’ll handle that in their lives. With the scanning system, we don’t have to ask them what’s happened, they don’t have to divulge anything. We can just ask them to relax, have a think about the things they want to change or remove or deal with and then we get them to put their hand on the miHealth scanner and within 10 seconds, we’ve got a body field and that body field pattern, we can relate to the infoceuticals and start using the priority system to decide how we’re going to support them. Over the space of several weeks, they’ll see changes in these energy disturbances using the infoceuticals. So, the scan interacting with the miHealth from deciding infoceutical usage and from the first page of the scan, we can directly imprint body fluid information with the miHealth as well.

Wendy: That’s why I absolutely love the NES Health system. For me personally, I felt like miHealth was in place. I’d been working for years and years and years on my health, my diet, exercise and segmentation and rest and I had reached all miHealth goals health-wise, physically wise, but mentally, I just wasn’t there. I had been divorced recently, maybe a year before finding NES and I wasn’t dealing with stress very well. I was having some issues with sleep and I just felt frustrated and angry in time, just dealing with life. I didn’t really know how to go about addressing it because I’d had all these years of talk therapy and I just didn’t want to go back there. I felt like I had been there and done that. NES helped me go from here to

[00:26:30] here. It helped me just go over that hurdle mentally and deal with a lot of mental stuff I had with such little effort, just following the protocols, doing the miHealth and taking the infoceuticals. It was really remarkable.

Cyril:  Yeah, it is. As soon as someone starts using the infoceuticals, when someone’s inquiring, they often say, “Well, I want to test them for myself. I want to see they work and all this.” That’s absolutely fine, I absolutely encourage that. Then, days later, people say, “Oh my God! They changed my life. They’ve done this, they’ve done this, I’m feeling all this energy, I’m feeling this change.” You suddenly go from someone inquiring, skeptical, not really sure, to “Holy Ghost! This has really changed my life.” That’s the most common thing people come back with, and we quite enjoy that process of exploration for them.

Wendy:  Yeah, and so, when you deal with the scan, you start with the NES health scan and then on that scan you see the ER. So, they’re called the Energetic Rejuvenators.

When you’re looking at the miHealth, there’s about 70 ERs in the miHealth. So, tell us what those are exactly and the 70 different ERs and how they elicit change in the body.

Cyril:  Well, if I went down the whole list, we’d be here all day.

Wendy: No, just general.

Cyril:  Effectively, what’s happened is, we’ve been able to put together composites. So,

[00:32:00] they’ve all got numbers and the reason they’ve got numbers is because we had to give them a code because a single word didn’t actually successfully encompass what really each function was. We’ve put them on the menu so they’ve got one area word so to speak, like heart, lung, foot, ankle, knee, et cetera, which might be the physical location. But in fact, within them, some of them have got one, some have got two, some of them have got three integrators, that’s information patterns running and operating like a meridian. So, they’ve got pattern information, opening up areas related to that physical tissue area, some of them have got brain holograms in there, so, the brain elements that interact with that physical tissue, some of them have got several brain holograms and several integrators in there.

What’s happened is, we’ve stacked information on top of each other and we operate in what we call procession. So, your field frequency changes. It might go from a low frequency to a medium frequency to a high frequency. That’ll be stepping from one global scaling frequency to the other, to be as efficient as possible in delivering the information. Then, each one individually will have its own special patterns for maybe the area of the body were targeting that’s come from the scan as well as the integrators linking them together, as well maybe brain hologram information. Each one is a masterpiece of informational layering within the device. You can apply, as I said, directly on the body with the electrodes or we can have it radiating from a pattern if it’s just on the desk in front of you or in your pocket for example. In fact, a really good example of the off body is one of our international riders, who does event riding. So, he does show jumping, cross- country and dressage literally at top level. He’s obviously nervous and anxious sometimes before going in the arena even though he’s a full-time professional. So, to calm himself, he’ll run the miHealth and he’ll put it in is pocket. So, he’ll calm but the horse responds to it too. So, the two of them will calm down. So, on a three day event for example, a horse may be health leather, running across the countryside, jumping huge house size jumps and speeding through the countryside and really having a full excitement and I guess locking the animal into parasympathetic, where it’s fleeing almost. It’s running through its natural cycle of running and jumping, and achieving huge cross-country events. Now, for that same animal to be calmed down so much the following day to do dressage, where it would literally step individual steps in a perfect pattern for its marking, it involves a completely different emotional set for that animal and the rider. So, within that discipline, literally, they’re able to calm the animals down and monitor the type of stresses that are going on, get the most perfect relaxed state, allowing the animal to concentrate and not be distracted by audiences and things like this. The rider also goes through that same process. We’ve got riders who are scanning the animal, with the Animal WellNES System. So, we’ve got two software groups. We’ve got the animal system and you’ve got the human system. So, the rider and the animal are scanned together and then they load patterns into the device so that they’re supporting both simultaneously during the event. This is leading edge. It doesn’t exist anywhere else, where this type of technology is being used in a totally non- invasive way. One of the YouTube [videos] that you may have seen is me treating a bull in Michigan.

Wendy: I have seen that one.

Cyril: I get so much mail and so much comments about it because in real time, it’s easy to find it. It’s just on YouTube and it’s called Calming a Bull with miHealth, that’s M-I health. You’ll see a 5,000 pound bull, it’s about seven feet to its head, in fact, its over seven feet and it had a reputation for really hurting vets and wrecking things for the farmers.

Wendy: But didn’t it break one of the vets collar bones? Was it, it kicked them?

Cyril: It’s the cheek bone and his collar bone, yes. So, they flew me to Chicago and they drove me across three states to get me to this bull. Around a minute, you see the animal go from swinging its head like a steam hammer trying to kill me effectively, it would have, to a minute later, I’ve got my hands behind his ears and its muzzle is in my hand, it’s drooling, its relaxed, its so calm, and the farmers were just knocked away. They just couldn’t believe that it could calm down. It was as if we had shot it with a tranquilizer. What we’ve done is, take the stress out of the animal, make it much safer for anybody to handle it, much better for the animal and we were trying to work with it for a sperm mobility, actually for breeding stock. So, to start looking at how we can improve its body field patterns and to get better mobility for perm, et cetera, for straws to be sent overseas for breeding. So, there was a structured plan in place. We were able to do that because the miHealth was such a non-invasive and immediate change for the animal, which is a fantastic tool to work with.

Wendy: When I was at the training with you, part of our training was that you guys had brought in this animal zoo, so that we could see how to work with the animals. I love this because I used miHealth, the NES health program and my miHealth on my dogs. Both my dogs, one of them was really quite sick and the other one had a swollen saliva gland that the vet to do surgery on and remove. I was able to resolve all my health issues for my own pets and save thousands of dollars in pet bills as a result and help them to feel better. So, when we were doing the training in Memphis, there was a llama. You used the miHealth on one of the llamas and you put it on, I don’t know what setting you had, maybe chill or something, and the llama just melted. It started to lay down on the ground. Within 30 seconds, it got really relaxed, and it’s just a beautiful thing to see, how quickly the miHealth device elicits a response in human and animals.

Cyril: It is. In fact, in that case, that llama was surrounded by maybe 30 or 40 people and it still just went, “Ah! I just want to lie down now,” which was wonderful. But, we had bulls, we had a llama, we had a zebra, the first time I treated a zebra there, so many different animals. They all had the same response to some degree or other, even the chicken and everybody else, everything we had there just responded beautifully.Wendy:  I missed you treating the chicken. I know there were rabbits, there’s every kind of animal there that you can conceivably treat with the miHealth and with NES health.

Cyril: With the off body settings, yes you can. We’ve done experiments here with laying and things of this nature where we put infoceuticals into their water. We recently had some keets, which are guinea fowl, juvenile guinea fowls. They’re normally very, very flighty. They’re a game bird, which means they’ll do the very best to run away, jump in a tree, hide. They’re not like chickens where they can come up and they want to interact with you. The keets are very much just run and hide straight away. Innately, that’s what they are. We’ve been able to change some of their behavior so they’re not as flighty, not as likely to hurt themselves, so, going in and out of pens. They’re actually free every day. We open the door in the morning and they all go off and then they come back again, which is quite remarkable for a game bird.

Wendy: They want their miHealth treatments.

Cyril: Well, they’re certainly getting some reaction from it. So, it does make things easier from that point of view. We don’t know the limits of the technology. What we do know is that it harmonizes function, it harmonizes stress, which are the first things you need to start getting recovery. Because, the device isn’t healing you, the device is allowing you to heal yourself. That’s vital to realize. So, virtually anything can be supported with this technology, because we are not treating anything. We are supporting the body’s natural function and the body then gets on with its own recovery, which means, you can apply it to anything and see changes in anything.

It’s all controlled by the body itself, which is wonderful.

Wendy: Let’s go on to some of the functions that miHealth does that you can use when you use one at home. I’m just going to demonstrate a [inaudible 00:37:31] that people watch in the videos. So, I have it on the retina setting. This came up in my last scan, it’s an ER setting, it’s ER 53. My retina keeps coming up for some reason, consistently on my scans, probably because I’m blind as a bat. So, I just put on the retina setting and I’m just waving it around my eyes for two minutes. That’s all you do, that’s like a treatment that you do. So, talk to us a little about that.

Cyril: The retina setting isn’t just for the retina. What’s happening is, it’s linking together some of the knowledge related to meridians, pathways, et cetera. Within the scan, we can see how the liver is supporting the eye. So, it’s actually using the pathways of the liver meridian. It’s also treating the eye locally, it’s also treating the liver locally. So, it’s doing a whole series of things. Where I mentioned about composites, where there are layers of information in the device, that’s what we’re getting benefit out of, layering it for targeted support. The reason you would have chosen that is because, the scan is actually showing that’s the area that you’re going to get most benefit to support. If it just said liver, then you’d be probably working across your side and working on the liver area of it. So, we’re relying on the scan to give you the best direction to use the device. As you say, that comes up on ERs. In this case, you’re treating off body, but you could use the reciprocals as well, as in the reciprocal to your head and face might be your chest or your abdominal. If you think of them as cavities, you’ve got the cranial, the thoracic and the abdominal cavity. So, if you were to treat the abdominal cavity for example, you’re going to get a response in this area here as well. It’s an extensional reflexology. I’ve had so many wonderful results in clinic, where we just treated the hand of the patient-

Wendy: Or the feet.

Cyril: Or the feet, yeah. We didn’t need to even run to the area they were pointing at because it just had the great result. In fact, most recently, I did demonstration in a pet shop, where the owner of the pet shop had a headache, etcetera. Before putting the device anywhere on someone, I always tend to take them by the hand and put the device in their hand and just rub their hands so they get a sensation of it. I say in training, this is so that they get familiar with the sensation. But if you treat a hand and there’s something they’re uncomfortable with, they can close their hand or they can move the hand away. That means they’re in charge so to speak and we’re not superimposing it. Now, I do that to make them comfortable before maybe putting it on the back of their neck or somewhere like this. With this lady, I just treated her hand and I was only there maybe 20 seconds and she jumped up out of the chair. She swore at me in surprise and she said, “My headache’s gone. How did you do that? It was too much. It was too incredible. How did it happen?” What really she was seeing was, we had treated the reflex in her hand, the device immediately stuck around the base of the thumb area and released her shoulders and neck, and the headache went away. She was so surprised it only took a few seconds. She was thinking she’d have to treat the head and try and help it progress bit by bit because she’d had it for quite a while. But no, it was so fast. She was in surprise and she jumped up and really was shocked at how quickly it changed things. So, we’re using just a simple treatment on the hand because the whole body field is like a holographic approach, it’s the same information all over the body. That’s why, with the scanning system, we can put it on the hand or we could put it on a child’s abdominal, you can put it virtually anywhere on the body and it’ll see the same pattern and then analyze it for treatment.

Wendy: [00:42:00] I had a really interesting experience like that as well where I had developed a cold and I was pretty much, that feeling you get when you’re going to get sick. I’d been sick for most of the afternoon and I’m like, “Here we go, I’m going to get a cold in the next couple of days.” My nose was running also very profusely. I put it on CFI, which is Cold Flu Immunity, and just one of the immune settings on the miHealth, and I put it on my feet. I was actually doing a training with Debbie Hart, who’s a master trainer. She told me to put it underneath my feet, to work on these reflexology points, this hologram that’s on the bottom of my feet that’s reflective of our meridians in our body. So, I put it on my feet. Within 20 minutes, my cold was completely gone and my nose had stopped running. I’ve heard this story, over, and over, and over. Can you explain that phenomenon?

Cyril: Well, you’re conscious of the type of symptoms that were coming up, et cetera. Ordinarily, we tend to have a fairly slow process of sleeping longer, feeling tired and maybe feeling like we’ve got low energy for the next day or so, or two days, where drainage occurs and the body is putting energy into sinuses and mucus and things of this nature. We’re accustomed to going through that cycle. With the miHealth device, basically, it was escalating that process. So, it was done in a few hours instead of a few days. Sometimes a cold that might go on for several weeks can be brought down to a couple of days the miHealth device. So, it speeds the whole process up. We’re supporting the body to work out what it wants to do, then fulfill that process as quick as possible. We haven’t hidden the cycle, we haven’t hidden the process, we haven’t used a drug to prevent that process. We’ve actually the body to do it as fast as it could. It rest everything, it was happy with the results, so, we didn’t perpetuate the problem and it finished its drainage as quick as it wanted to and it was done. So, that’s effectively how we see it. We’re not hiding those processes, we’re actually forcing the body to get on with it as quick as possible. That’s where that makes it very convenient for lifestyle events.

Wendy: There’s also a folder on the miHealth called Mind. There’s different settings in here and one’s called ESR Emotional Stress Release, inner peace and mental clarity, sleep, liberator for trauma, help release trauma, chill and love. I use these settings constantly and can you talk a little bit, maybe say about ESR and what that does?

Cyril Bourke: Absolutely. The principle of working with the mind, and it’s been recognized for centuries, in fact, the Austrian doctor Herring 1800-1880, he made up a series of things called Herrings Laws of Cure. One of them the primary one was that the body heals from the mind, the emotions, the inner most organs. So, if you want to change the stress in an organ, you’ve actually got to literally try and address the emotion that’s being driven and that’s normally charged from the mind. That mind folder is very helpful for supporting recovery very fast. [00:45:30] We tend to look at it maybe in three different layers. Now, ESR is an acronym for Emotional Stress Relief. When we’re in superficial stress, let’s say you’ve come to visit the clinic, you didn’t know which way to go, you’re on the wrong side of the road, you’ve just driven over the flower bed and now you’ve parked and you feel like, “Oh gosh! What have I just done?” You’ve got superficial stress. You may have arrived late because you didn’t know your way to the clinic, for example. Now, they’re all superficial. You know you’re stressed, you know what’s happening and very soon, you’ll forget about it and you’ll calm down again. What’s happening in your body? That simple emotional event causes the digestive tract to start changing function as if you’re going into a fight or flight. You’re in an anxious state. Is somebody going to come out and complain about the fact that you drove on the pavement or on the flowers or is somebody going to question your timing or whatever? You’ve got this level of anxiety but, it’s superficial. It reacts with the gut. Now, we’re only designed to ever go into that state for maybe 15 minutes. Nature only wanted you to have a tiger full out of the tree and then you either pounce on the tiger or the tiger pounces on you. Whatever it is, 15 minutes and it’s all over, it’s finished. Now, we live our lives like that, where the alarm clock goes off, we check our emails, we’re in the traffic, we want to get to work, we’ve got a meeting, we’ve constantly got tigers falling all around us. So, we don’t just get a 15 minutes again, we actually get a whole day, in fact, a whole week or a whole month or a whole year of tigers, and we don’t go back into the resting cycle. So, the infoceutical for ESR actually tries to bring it back into a resting state within the digestive tract. So, the ESR is actually supporting the superficial stress that normally interrupts with our digestive tract and that’s that purpose.

Now, the next level of stress is the chill infoceutical. That one is looking at not cold and flu, we don’t mean chill in that manner. We actually mean about cool, chill, relax, et cetera.

Wendy: That one keeps coming up for me. I have no idea why but the chill setting is coming up for me, maybe because I need to chill out and relax.

Cyril: Maybe you’re not relaxing and chilling enough. It’s most common, and don’t take this personally, but it normally comes with addictive behaviors. What happens is, you may come out of superficial stress but actually build up a more permanent set of stresses, habit related. Where, you want to get here, you want to do that, you’ve got to do this. Eventually, you create a stress level in all the organs related to getting something done. Long term, it can distort the function of organs so that people become addicted effectively. They become addicted to the adrenaline, they get addicted to the side effects of distorting that organ function. Some of it might be smoking, some of it might be trying to get more endorphins, gambling, sex addicts, adrenaline junkies. There are people who want to get out there and do it. So, your drive that you’re constantly applying to what you do, could be you feeding off, like distorting an organ energy through that. Maybe that’s why it’s saying, “Come on, just chill, just relax because long-term, that’s going to be much better for you.” So, that’s the chill infoceuticals and it’s both in the miHealth device, that people can have at miHealth and turn it on, and they can have it in a liquid form in the infoceuticals. In fact, chill I believe is one of the feel good infoceuticals, which can be provided to people just easily across practitioners counter. So, a very, very effective one. Of course, whenever you’re calming an organ down, sometime you might sense some of the energies that have been involved in that organ, keeping it activated. So, sometimes people sense some of the events or arguments or situations that may have brought it into a stressed state. They often recognize that on the way of relaxing as well. It comes out of the body almost like a mist of energy and understanding. So, it’s worth recognizing that. So, you’ve got two levels there. You’ve got superficial and then you’ve got much deeper, and you’ve got the liberator, which is there to help the brain holograms. So, you’ve got four brain holograms, their infoceuticals with specific functions within the brain and then you

[00:50:30] can combine their usage with the liberator to really detox the mind of things that have been ingrained into it long term. These often are what our parents taught us, our school teachers, events that might have happened, bullying in the classroom, something that may be so ingrained that it affects our behavior all of our life, and we forget or don’t realize why it’s occurred. This is an incredible infoceutical because, often, for women for example, when they take that one, they may go from a sense of feeling suppressed, unappreciated, unloved, the things that don’t sit well with the female psyche, and they can go from those senses to elation.

Feeling suddenly wonderful relief, it’s just a fantastic place to put the mind so to be. What it does is, it reduces those deep stresses that occur over life so to speak. It almost has a personality change where people feel wonderful as a result of no longer having those blockages affecting them.

Wendy: I had an interesting experience with liberator. It came up on my scan and I started taking it. I had a situation where I had a boyfriend and I wanted to break up with him. But, I just couldn’t seem to quite muster the courage to do that or just take care of it, cut the cake already. I started taking liberator and within a few days, I called him and I did it. I was out of town at the time and I called him and I was finally able to do that. I attribute that to liberator, making that change.

Cyril: It does make things much clearer. It takes some of the stress out of you and makes you see things clearer, which is wonderful. It’s interesting, the male mind tends to react slightly differently to liberator. They tend to analyze maybe some of the sources of stress. They might be upset because of a step-father or an employer or the way their mother used to speak to them and go, “Oh, now I know why it’s happening like this.” For a male mind, that means sometimes they have to mull over that, be a bit melancholic or get past it, where a female tends to go straight to the happiness at the end, which is wonderful. We often used to say, “Don’t give it to a married couple the same week.” Because, she feels fabulous and just wants to jump into bed and everything’s wonderful and he wants to blame somebody. So, you just be careful with that one. In moderation, they’re fabulous, they really do work wonderfully and people feel so different. It changes and saves lives those infoceuticals, they’re incredible.

Wendy: I gave two bottles to my girlfriend, she kind of wasn’t ready to do the whole program. I gave two bottles of liberator to her. She had a loved one, her boyfriend, who she loved very much, pass away from colon cancer last year. She just can’t let it go. She just can’t get over it. She doesn’t want to date and she just can’t seem to process it. So, I gave her two bottles of liberator to help with that and I’m very interested to see the results of that.

Cyril: Have you heard back yet or not yet?

Wendy: She just started taking them a few days ago. So, I’m kind of waiting and watching.

Cyril: Wonderful. Often, it’ll come out during the sleep cycle, when you’re sleeping, often your mind will start dreaming, imagining, acting out components, et cetera. Part of that is the detox of the brain and the organs, the stress elements. So, it can be really quite an interesting period when people take those. Now, those three

[00:55:30] infoceuticals, ESR, Chill and Liberator, are shall we say, the wide range of response within those emotional ones. But subsections of it, are the love infoceutical and peace. They’re about subtler calming processes. The energy or the sense you get when you’re doing yoga are relaxing or meditating, that’s where the peace one comes in. That’s a wonderful one just to round things off and relax et cetera. Now, the love one, the love one isn’t the Hollywood wave upon wave of ecstasy thing. It’s actually about connection. It’s about people connecting, understanding, patience, tolerance and it’s a wonderful one to help people and animals. If you have a dog or so, whereas my Max is underneath the desk here, he wants to be with me all the time. Now, as a result, if I leave him for the day, when I come back, he desperately wants to be with me again, he wants to go for a walk, he wants to sit on my lap so to speak, he’s a Rottweiler Kelpie cross, which means he’s way too big to sit on my lap. But, he thinks he’s a lap dog and he wants to have that connection. We see it with horses, we see it with humans and it’s about wanting that connection. They want to really feel part of the pack, feel part of a combining group and connecting to people. Now, we had a physiotherapist who came to one of our training. She was a very junior physio and she didn’t feel quite comfortable with her role transitioning from university to practice, clinical practice. She was still trying to get comfortable with that. Working in her first job, she was part of a much bigger practice than maybe she thought she was going to be in and there were a lot of experienced physios. She felt like she was almost a nuisance. She didn’t feel like she knew what she was doing. She was still finding her feet in her role. She was very uncomfortable with how she felt actually. We had sent out the love infoceutical over the Valentine’s period. We’d sent all the practitioners an extra bottle of love as a promotional event, caring for them over that Valentine’s period. This physio was asked to take over a role, which she didn’t feel she could do. She was asked to manage a project and she was quite distressed about the idea. In fact, she went out to the car and really didn’t feel right, wasn’t sure how she was going to approach it and really didn’t want to do this role. In the car, she had the envelope from NES and she had the love infoceutical. She told us, she literally popped the top off the and started swigging. That’s what she did and she felt a bit better. She thought, “Okay, let’s go back in.” She went back in from the car park, and they gave her a clip board and put her at the head of the table with all these extra physios. She started going through the clipboard and started going through what they were going to try and do. Very quickly, she realized that everybody in the room was trying to help her and the people that she felt were maybe not helping her in the past or not connecting with her, suddenly, she realized they were there for her.

They were ready to support her in this role. She realized that the problem wasn’t them, it was her feeling blocked on connection. The moment she took the love infoceutical, she suddenly was more available to connect with them, she felt their responses in a different manner. Suddenly, she realized that it had changed her and that had changed the room, which was wonderful. She was able to share that experience in the training.

Wendy: I love that story because I think that a lot of people today have trouble connecting with people. In our internet world and being on social media, I think people are losing that sense of connection and having trouble engaging with other people. When I go to health conferences or any kind of other conference that I go to, I do the love setting on the miHealth so that I’m able to connect with people on a deeper level. It’s weird how it works, it’s strange how it does that but it does. It does elicit this response and it’s really quite profound.

Cyril: It is, it is. I don’t even know if we should or shouldn’t be doing it but we turn it on, put it in our pocket and then people want to connect with us. So, it’s cutting edge sensationally.

Wendy: Yeah. There’s another folder on here. So, we’ll go over the folder just so you guys know what the miHealth does. There’s all kinds of stuff that it does. So, there is the physical folder, it has things like chronic balance, acute balance, muscles, joints nerve, bone, after sport and myofascial. So, I’ll use this folder typically, say if I get a stiff neck. I’m able to release my neck muscles within just a few minutes and release … Say if I just don’t have time to go get a massage or do whatever it is I need to do to take care of myself or stretch or what not, I can just the miHealth on it for a few minutes. I’ll do like a little, a series of different settings. But when you purchase a miHealth device, you get a PDF that has all these different protocols for various issues. That beeping you hear is of miHealth. It’s just profound. So, let’s go over the physical folder and what we use that for.

Cyril: Sure. I’ve put mine out there if you can see it. It’s a touch screen so you literally just choose an item off it. Physical rejuvenation, chronic and acute, they’re all broad forms of kick-starting function effectively. They go from different angles so to speak. Chronic and acute is fairly easy to understand. One is where things have been there and for along period of time, you tend to get different problems related to stiffness and flashing of tissue and things. Where, an acute situation tends to be more to do with inflammation, they maybe more predominant to that point. We’ve got muscles, which obviously, the word describes it to some degree. You’re able to flash muscles. If let’s say you hurt a bicep from weight lifting or something, you could put it in there. You could support the joints, which is the next one down. If you strained a muscle, you probably overloaded the joints as well. It’s looking at supporting each of those. We tend to suggest not to use just one setting. Let’s say you thought you’d hurt your elbow, there’s no point just treating the joint. You would treat with muscle and you might treat with nerve and you might treat with after sport. After sport is one of the settings that is designed to have a composite looking at trauma and physical inflammation, and the combinations that occur after sport. But, if you fell over something in the garden, that also could be treated as a sport because it’s a physical impact, it’s acute, it’s just happened. The fact that you didn’t get any points for it doesn’t mean it’s not a sport, from our point of view. So, we’ve got other areas, bone for example, bio-cell. Bio cell helps support the functions of cells generally, the mitochondria and moving toxins in and out of cells and flushing cells, so that’s highly effective. The myofascial is very useful for supporting, should we say things like atrophy. If you’ve had a patient in a wheelchair for a long time or on crutches, you start seeing the muscles start
reducing, muscle tone reduce. With this, it tries to restart that connection and help rebuild those muscles applied directly to them. So, there’s a whole series within the physical, designed to provide different aspects of physical recovery. We have the energy folder. Again, there’s an energy folder there with a list. In there, we’ve got recharge and energy, we’ve got matrix carrier. Matrix carrier is the phrase we use for the way information patterns are connected together. We think of the whole body field as being a matrix and the matrix carrier is the way we communicate backwards and forwards around that area, around the body. So, it’s like reconnecting pockets of information. We’ve got male and female and they’re there to support the endocrine cycles. They’re not injecting a hormone, but what they’re doing is help balancing those processes. The endocrine system is a closed loop. If something’s not coming up or being provided in the manner it needs to for the body, if we support the entire endocrine system, then normally, the body will step in and start providing what’s missing or lacking at that point.

Wendy: I’m going to do that one right now.

Cyril: In fact, it was the male version of that used on that bull in Michigan. The reason, the logic behind that was that the Grumpy Old Man Syndrome, when hormones are out of place for men, they tend to get grumpy, don’t they? This bull was more than grumpy, it was down right miserable. So, by providing that male field, it started to balance its endocrine responses, started to not be as jumpy aggressive, it seemed to be more calm. As you’ll see in the video, it literally in a minute, was drooling, relaxed, parasympathetic, it was about as absolute as you could get related to immediate and absolute change for an animal of that type. It was obvious it was quite remarkable. Then, we’ve got general rejuvenation in here, which goes through a whole sequence of areas of the body that tries to detox and recover in a broad spectrum. There’s also what we call the Chinese Cycle. On a 24 hour timer, we’ve got all the different sections of the Chinese clock. I’ll just put it in here and if I start running it, the first one, this time of day, is hot. Let me just see if I can show you that. It’ll move through the segments over the next 24 hours. So, we go from segment to segment, supporting each different organ. You don’t have to run it all in one go. You could do when you wake up in the morning, to lunch time and then the following day you might do lunch time through to the afternoon, and the third day you might do the evening all through to the morning. So, you don’t have to do it all in one day. There may be certain times of the day that people feel they need more support, they might be having trouble on their sleeping cycle and feel maybe they’re going to run it in the evening to help with their organs. There’s many different ways they can use that. That’s under the energy folder.

Wendy: I was going to say, there’s the protection folder. I love the protection folder. I think this is so important in this day and age of EMF. We’re constantly bombarded with electromagnetic fields or electromagnetic frequencies and we have to protect ourselves from this. Talk about EMFs and how they impact our body’s energy field and why it’s so important to address these issues if we plan to be healthy.

Cyril: Look, 200 years ago, we didn’t have the type of fields in our living world that we do now. This is why homeopathy was so successful 200, 250 years ago. Because, when it was manufactured, made by a practitioner and provided to a client, there was no extra energies floating around from power cables and overhead power lines and WiFi and smart devices. So, the resonant energy of those weak homeopathy treatments was able to survive long enough to have an impact on the person. In the world we’re in now, they get wiped out very fast, if not by the time you get across the car park, because of the amount of energy that’s going around that overrides them. So, we realized that, in every way, we have to find ways of supporting the body in that new environment that we haven’t evolved to. Now, we’re using information patterns in our body field and they use very, very tiny energy fields. Our WiFi’s putting out huge energies, our phones, our every electrical device is producing a field that’s interacting and our body is seeing that as a new environment and is having an impact on how we function and how we rest. Of course, resting cycles are vital for our detoxing. So, the distortions that are characterized by each of these areas, for example, microwave radiation and computer radiation, cellphone, et cetera, they have a very distinct footprint.

Peter Fraser was able to recognize how those footprints disturb the body field. So, we’re able to provide what is effectively the antidote. It’s a reversal of those distortions. I used to get it with my laptop where, my fingers used to go bright red and they’d itch if I spent many hours on my laptop. By putting on EMF, I can actually bring that back to normal and not have all that itching and sensation. So long term, it’s got to have an impact on my health and my hands, et cetera. It’s the same for each of these. We’ve got air travel, we’ve got radiation from cellphones, radios, computers, from infra-red, microwaves, they all have their own footprint that Peter could see in the scan and is there to help the body repair the damage of those fields. It’s a dynamic. The body is constantly dealing with it and constantly trying to support itself within our new environment, and this is trying to supercharge that change and reset those damaged fields.

Wendy: Computer radiation always comes up for me, because like most of us, we’re chained to our computers with our work or what have you. I have to do a lot of work and when I’m working, I put on the computer radiation setting to counteract how the computers EMFs are negatively impacting my body’s energetic field.

Cyril: [01:10:30] Yeah. It’s something worth knowing because that miHealth has got PEMFs coming out of it and often, without knowing, they could think, “Oh well gee! We’re just adding another PEMF problem.” But actually, not. What’s happening is, the miHealth device produces such a low PEMF, it’s thousands of times less than your mobile phone or your WiFi, and the pattern is specifically designed to support the body field. So, it’s very low energy. In fact, the British military research lab, it’s on the south of England, where Sarah Turner, the researcher for NES, took the device to try and have them check the PEMF values. They could not read the field coming off the miHealth. So, from electromagnetic field point of view, it is so low it doesn’t exist as far as our modern world goes. But actually, from a biological point of view, it’s there, we see response and we get great results from it, which is perfect. So, it’s operating at such a low level it’s actually doing the right thing for the body field. It’s not adding extra stress and it’s re-imprinting patterns to dislodge the damage that’s done by these gross magnetic energies. So, it’s worked brilliantly as you know.

Wendy: That’s why it shows in the research. Completely independent of NES or bioenergetics, massive amounts of research that show that microwaves, cellphones and cellphone towers and the like, cause cancers and leukemia and all kinds of different health issues. Why is that? It’s because these microwaves or EMFs dramatically impact our body. How they’re doing that and causing cancers and causing other kinds of health issues, is by impacting and affecting our body’s energetic field.

Cyril: Yep, that’s how we communicate around our body. If our mind is stressed all the time, it’s just adding to the distortion. So, using the device simultaneously has a huge impact. I can’t understate enough the use of the infoceuticals with that because one is providing an electrical field with information patterns and the other is providing it in a salt-water solution, which is what you and I are made of with salt-water. As soon as we provide the infoceutical, we can also support in that plane as well. You’ve got EMF as an infoceutical specifically for that as well. So, you can combine those two to get the very best result.

Wendy: There’s also a folder called Wellbeing. This is a lot of different things and it’s got the immune ETs, which help the immune system, CFIs, the Cold Flu Immunity and there’s a bunch more here. Let’s go down the row and explain what these are.

Cyril: You’ve got the immune ETs, ET is one of NES acronyms, Energetic Terrains. They’re whole groups of pathogens that affect the body, in fact footprints that pathogens leave behind, and then we’re clearing that, should we say, that inflammation or debris. So, the ET range is built into the miHealth device. Then, you’ve got the cold and flu, which is what you spoke about earlier where it dramatically escalated your rate of recovery, so, it was hours instead of days. That alone can really change people’s lives when they wake up on a Monday morning and they go, “Gee! I just can’t make it to work.” If you were to turn your miHealth on and treat your hands for example while you’re making breakfast, you’d be off to work without any hesitation of feeling much better about it. We’ve got the food one here, which is looking at distortions that come from food, based often on preservatives and toxins and materials that find their way into our food. It also makes it easier to metabolize using the food settings here. Digestion, now, not many people realize this but vitamins, minerals and all of the things we want out of our nutrition, all of what we take in, are based on electromagnetic footprints. We take in these valances and use them. Our gut is an electromagnetic conversion device. It takes those fields and then puts them in catalyst and turns them into all sorts of things that we then turn into physical function. So, digestion responds beautifully to resetting and making our digestive tract more efficient. The digestive tract is one of the core elements of our immune system. So, it’s a very important area to work with. We’ve got head, skin and memory, these are all components of the body that are supported with the device here. If you have a headache, if you’re feeling foggy headed, can’t concentrate, things of this nature, that’s an ideal setting of the head. Skin isn’t just the skin externally. It’s actually all the epithelial layers as well. They’re the internal systems. So, this one, in the training and the materials you get, let’s you understand that the skin of your lungs for example, and your digestive tract and anywhere basically, the ear, nose and throat areas, they’re all epithelial skins, and you get great results supporting those with this as well. You’ve got memory, which helps smooth out memory functions. I remember in training, we had a client who

[01:16:00] had a very large scar from a war in Africa. He was treated with memory on the scar. The most interesting thing occurred, literally, there was like an energetic burst from his scar. Both the practitioner, myself, most of the room and very much so the patient, all recognized this striking event. He said it felt like the shrapnel that went through his side suddenly came alive again. It was the memory of the event locked into the cells of the scar. It was a very predominant scar on his side. Within minutes, we started seeing the scarring definition started to reduce. So, with the memory in this case, we are able to unlock memories within that cellular area, which suddenly meant that the physical tissue started to soften, become more functional and that has to have a huge impact on the organs below that area. That is something that we found literally in practice, releasing energy from cells with memory. If you look at cesarean scars and things of this nature, there’s a huge amount of emotion built into that scar because of the traumatic way in which it’s placed there during birth, the anxious mother and the strange environment of the hospital and all the rest it. So, by using memory, you can start softening those areas and getting really great changes related to cesarean scars and other scars that may have maybe a traumatic starting point. We’ve got the anti aging, which is there to help with hormonal functions and other rejuvenation processes throughout the body. We’ve got the hearing, to try and help with function of the ear. It’s actually

[01:18:00] not just the ear itself. It’s actually helping with the way the brain integrates with those tools. So, we are often opening up connection to the mind. Then, we’ve got fat. That’s to do with fat metabolizing. It’s not a magic wand, it’s not liposuction so to speak, but what it’s going to do is basically allow fats to be processed easier and faster, which is going to take stress off the liver and other areas of the body, et cetera.

Wendy: Admittedly, I use that setting a lot. Just trying to help my body lose fat. I do use that setting a lot.

Cyril Bourke: I look forward to the feedback on that.

Wendy: Yeah.

Cyril: Super. Now, these are only a few of the folders. We’ve got transformations as well. In the scan, in the mind area, you’ve got the chakras laid down. We can actually see what chakra points are open, what’s happening in the area, which ones maybe would benefit by further support. Within the transformations of the device, you can actually run either a cycle that runs from one to the other over a period or you can target one in particular. If in the scan you feel there’s something that you really want to work on, for example love, contentment, honesty, charisma, tolerance, willpower, trust, all of those characteristics, we can support and really get the best results for ourselves. This one has been very popular with people who like to find a space for themselves and calm down, maybe sit in the garden, have a cup of tea, read a book, have this one running by side. It’s where you can have reflection for yourself. It’s not one we encourage when you may be busy doing something during the day. It’s one where you actually need to prepare and really bring on those energies in a really positive way for yourself so to speak. It’s probably worth mentioning that any of these functions, when you do a scan with your client, if they’re doing a remote scan, so, they can have a scan at home and they can plug themselves in and the practitioner can see the scan, they can discuss it and then you can have a dedicated folder. The practitioner can literally tick a few boxes and then that folder will be sent directly to the client’s miHealth. It might say maybe the name of their child, it might say Charlie, Henry or Mary. In that folder will be eight settings that will be perfectly set up for that person. In fact, you can add up to 20 folders. So, they might have three horses, two dogs and a cat and a zebra as well as members of the family. So, human and animal all together in the same device.

Wendy: Yeah. I have myself, my daughter Winter, my dog Wizard and my dog Jezebel, all have their own little folders and their in miHealth. So, I can very easily just treat them, boom, boom, boom. I go to their eight settings based on the NES scans to just quickly treat them.

Cyril: Yeah, it really makes it easy. So, in that way, even though the client might have all the settings on here, you’ve packaged them in one folder, so, it’s their application for that month. So, they just hit that one button and they don’t have to get confused about going anywhere else on the device. Just as you pointed out, it has over 200 functions. It really is jam packed with information. But, none of them are wrong either. So, you could randomly go through and enjoy any of them, because the body field will only take up the information patterns that are relevant. If it doesn’t have a hole in the jigsaw puzzle, it won’t take on the new pieces. So, it’s wonderful from that point of view. You can’t overdose on it, you can’t poison yourself with it, you can only support as the body is willing to support.

Wendy: Well Cyril, thank you so much for reviewing all the different functions of miHealth and giving us some information about what it does. It’s such a revolutionary device that you helped to develop. I only can encourage people to get one and try a NES Health scan, try a NES Health program and get a miHealth and just see the results for yourself.

Cyril: Absolutely. miHealth is a result of over 35 years of research by professor Fraser, Harry Massey and the team. I was just really honored to be part of the final delivery and putting together elements of it at the end. But, this a world team that put this together and it’s quite remarkable.

Wendy: Thank you so much for listening. I only hope that you will try a bioenergetic NES health program for yourself and see what it can do for you. I hope you enjoyed today’s show. I absolutely am so passionate about bioenergetics. I wanted to bring you some shows about this and also let you know, I’m starting on a completely new podcast completely devoted to bioenergetics and increasing energy levels in your body called SuperCharged. I’ll be hosting that with Harry Massey, who’s a really good friend of mine and the CEO of So, you can look forward to that. That will be on my website on [] and on iTunes, just search for SuperCharged. You can find me on and on []. Thank you so much for listening. Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.

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