Transcript #21 The Emerging Science Of Water with Keith Coley

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00:01:30 Brief history of homeopathy and the memory of water
00:02:30 Big pharma’s mission to destroy homeopathy
00:04:15 Why the high-end homeopathic research stems from Russia
00:05:50 Al Konovalov’s homeopathic experimentation of water
00:10:15 The Earth’s electromagnetic movement
00:11:30 Experimenting with water to create NES Health Infoceuticals
00:14:00 Jacques Beneviste and Luc Mantagnier’s study of imprinting water
00:18:25 Water as the link between the Field and our body
00:24:20 Research of Gerald Pollack and the Fourth Phase of Water
00:26:10 What’s a GDV device?
00:29:00 The unfortunate thing about science
00:32:15 The mission of mapping out the Human Body-Field

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have  studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life. So, welcome to today’s Super Charge podcast. Today is a slightly unusual day, because actually I’m going to proxy myself and transfer my energy and brain into Keith. Which actually, you should also listen to another podcast that me and Keith are doing, where we’re actually interviewing Keith to see if he actually is able to transfer forth energy. But that’s the discussion of another podcast.

Keith: It is.

Harry: But in today’s podcast Keith is going to interview us, we’re basically going to have a discussion about, basically about the memory of water, a lot of the science, some of the science that’s come out Russia and all that type of stuff, because its quite a common sort of set of inquiries that we get through email that we thought we would answer today. So, well I’m going to hand it over to Keith who’s probably going to hand back to me so this will be fun.

Keith: I will, I’ll hand it back in a couple of different, in a couple of ways. But yeah, we’ve had a lot of discussions going on amongst the practitioners concerning imprinting. Like how do we imprint? How does that work? How does water hold information? How do we hold information? So we were speaking today, yesterday I guess Harry about, the new things that you’ve discovered with the study of water and memory and imprinting. So, what was, we mentioned some things coming out of Russia, you just said a minute ago, so what’s the new stuff? What’s the new word on the street?

Harry: [00:01:30] What’s the new stuff? What I think, as we’re getting into the new stuff, I’ll give it a tiny bit of old stuff too. So a lot of this field basically came out of the field of homeopathy. You know when homeopathy was invented two hundred and thirty odd years ago by Samuel Hahnemann, he also noticed all of these effects, and actually homeopathy, became one of the most sort of dominant, healing paradigm during the 18th century. It was used by you know the royal families and presidents and sort of, all of the elite, actually. Until about 110 years ago, until the sort of the dominant buyouts of the biochemistry industrial conflicts came along and they didn’t like the idea of homeopathy and that was the end of it.

[00:02:30] Now, Hahnemann actually, he did originally prove homeopathy with what he called provings, but basically he would test out all of his dilutions on lots of patients at the time. And then they’d make absolutely meticulous notes on what would happen. And I can’t quite remember the name, it was something called the Completist… no, you know what I can’t remember the name. Anyway, it created this great, I think it was Homeopathic Materia, that was it, and he ended up writing this huge sort of book of all the provings and you know that was basically the sort of foundation of homeopathy. And as I say then,basically the sort of, it got mostly destroyed and poo-poo’d although I have to say the English are still great fans of homeopathy, probably because the royal families are all great fans of homeopathy, so you can get homeopathy pretty commonly, in England at least. And, anyway, so let’s get into the topic of serious research. Now, if you go on the net, it’s horrible because the pharmaceutical industry and companies, they’ve basically been on a hundred year mission to destroy it, because it competes against very, very profitable drugs, so, you know they sponsored all sorts of stuff, that you sort of would basically say, what a load of rubbish. But if you dig deeper, there are also a lot of studies that are not so heavily funded so they don’t necessarily get up the rankings because they don’t have the PR machine behind the rankings. But there’s also an awful lot of studies that prove it out nicely.

[00:04:15] But to your question, what’s a little bit more, I guess I’ll say unusual to what people don’t necessarily know about the high end of I guess the real technical research in homeopathy. The Russians didn’t basically have this problem because they, there was a very large amount of Russian scientists that existed, that still exist today but they were funded by the government in the cold war. They didn’t have the big farmer sort of monopolies influencing their research. So they were much freer to work out really how to actually heal people, you know what true, true science is. This is true across the whole of the space of energy medicine and that’s probably a topic of another podcast. But today we’ll just talk about water. So one of these scientists who was called professor, I might pronounce his name wrong, but Al Konovalov, that’s with a bit of an English accent.

Keith: That’s what I would have done.

Harry[00:05:50]  Yeah. What he wants to know, well he was like, well, if homeopathy is true when we dilute a chemical or substance down to basically, end up diluting it down to ten to the power of minus twenty, which is, basically means you diluted logarithmically twenty times over. Somewhat basically means there’s no molecule left whatsoever in a particular sample. And what he found, he basically ran this experiment, he had distilled water that’s being homeopathically diluted from the original substance. He would, he would use this basically a laser scattering technique. So you basically shine a laser in the very, into the distilled water and then you’re looking with a very, very high pad microscope at the water. Oh that’s Keith’s phone.

Keith: I tried to mute it but it didn’t work

Harry: Easy-peasy. Phones, phones, do things to the memory of water, but we’ll get into that. And what he found was that there, basically there’s nano-clusters of water molecules that are in that dilution. And what we mean by a nano-cluster, basically you get a stable molecule. You basically get a stable set of molecules. There’s hundreds of millions of molecules along of H2O, all connected. I know yeah, it’s pretty amazing. And they’re all just sort of sitting there in their little, in their little clusters in their little bubbles in the distilled water. So you might say well, won’t that happen anyway, with distilled water? Answer is no, if you just take purely distilled water, no. And then another really, really interesting fact is if do this in a faraday cage, so if you do this in a faraday cage, this phenomena also doesn’t exist, you basically get no nano-clusters formed. And so you know you might ask, why again, the short version is, basically it only works in a weak, sorry it only works in an EMF field. And what’s really interesting with the fact that it doesn’t work when it’s in a faraday cage, well the reason that’s basically happening is because the faraday cage is sheltering you from the earth’s magnetic field. And so, unless there’s some magnetic field, i.e. there’s a source of energy, the nano-clusters basically, well they don’t have the energy to form from the original molecule. So if you like, you have the original chemical that you’re basically diluting, that has a particular message or form. Now if you dilute, and dilute and dilute, in the presence of an electromagnetic field, that electromagnetic field is basically able to follow and carry on the imprint of that chemical into all of these, into these molecules or what we call in our coherent domain, nano-clusters that end up hundreds of millions of molecules long

Harry: So that’s just absolutely…

Keith: And the earth field is a strong enough field, that’s what’s producing that weak force that allows that to happen?

Harry: It is so, and we’ll get into the stability question in a minute, so he found that these nano-clusters were basically stable for days and often weeks. They weren’t necessarily stable for months or years, which we’ll get into in a minute, but basically yeah the short answer of that is if you use a higher electromagnetic field and well, basically if you’re looking at stability it’s a question of the energy that’s put in and also the medium. So that he was just using distilled water, which we’ll get into in a minute because that’s another technical question.

Keith: [00:10:15] So you mentioned a second ago about the earths magnetic field being shielded by the faraday cage so, therefore that linking of hundreds of millions of a line didn’t happen. So you’re saying then that the Earth’s electromagnetic movement is that weak force that allows this linking of a chain to happen?

Harry: [00:11:30] Yeah, absolutely. So the earth’s magnetic field is basically strong enough to allow homeopathic to exist, and again if you’re looking in the body it’s strong enough for things to happen there. However, some interesting aspects to that, obviously in a man-made environment we’re often really, we are interfering, we’re shielding, we’re totally interrupting Earth’s magnetic field. In his experiments, and this I think is why homeopathy actually worked quite well in the 18th century, because there weren’t all of these non-native EMF’s, so the Earth’s magnetic field in itself wasn’t disrupting a homeopathic remedy or medicine, something, at least that would sort of hold up. And then in our own experiments where we’ve basically been making imprints and looking at the types of solutions, well we found distilled water is basically not particularly stable, and again this is, trying to pronounce his name right, Al Konovalov, didn’t, yeah he found these nano-clusters would basically last for hours and days, and in our own experiments when we were working how to make Infoceuticals, so we tried distilled water and we found basically it was a very weak imprint and not very stable and it would disappear which sort of follows what he found. So, basically, if you use a lot of minerals, because minerals basically contain, they have electrophysical, sort of, they basically heighten the ability of a solution to hold charge, and the if you’re looking at those nanoclusters they heighten the ability of those nano-clusters to stay stable. So basically yeah, if you add minerals, and you also put more charge in. So, in terms of Infoceuticals what we do is we basically, we didn’t use Earth’s weak magnetic field, we used 10,000 volt, very strong electromagnetic field. And that basically makes a strong imprint that lasts, you know, well, as far as we can see it seems to be stable for you know, it is stable for multi-years. I don’t know if it’s stable for twenty years, but its definitely stable for five or so years, so that, you know that.

Keith: A huge improvement. And that made a massive improvement in the stability then, all those things you just mentioned.

Harry: Oh, yeah yeah.

Keith: Which can then withstand the EMF’s of current 2018 at this point.

Harry: [00:14:00] Yeah. And I think the other fascinating thing in this sort of work when you’re looking at that because you need an EMF field to create these nano-clusters. Also in homeopathy, you’re basically taking an imprint from an original chemical that’s then repeated in this long string. However, you know what we’re doing is basically if you like it’s like a form of electronic homepathial weak or imprinting where we’re not using a substance, we’re basically imprinting our own message that we want to imprint. You know, there’s a number of other researchers that we sort of go on the back of. The original, which I think I’ve talked about on another podcast, but is Jacques Benveniste who is looking at antibodies and was basically doing electronic copies of antibodies and finding that he could imprint those and then the moss cell would basically react as though an original antibody, but it’s just an electronic copy. And then, in a similar sort of vibe, Luc Montagnier, who’s known, well actually, he also got a Nobel Prize for discovering aids, he took that idea on further and also he was a barologist, so more interested in that, and this is pretty fascinating but he would basically take an imprint of a virus, transfer it to another beaker, and then he found if you added the actual base pair chemicals, because those nano-clusters could exist from the imprint, and then you add the chemicals. The chemicals would basically slot into the right place in the nano-cluster. And then recreate the original virus to 99.98% accuracy, sorry similarity, you know which is pretty, it’s pretty amazing. But obviously, from our point of view it’s like well, we don’t want to give viruses, we don’t want to give antibodies or anything like that. What really matters is giving healthy information so you know what, why don’t we just record the information of how different parts of the body are when they’re working optimally, and then you imprint back when you present that to the body. The body then acts on it in a positive manner so you can just get rid of the reactionary, indirect ideas in homeopathy and barology and all those sorts of fields that… Thanks for doing the research, but yeah, it’s not, may as well do it in a more direct way.

Keith: No, I understand that, that makes a lot of sense.

Harry: [00:18:25] Cool, cool. So what else was I going to say? Yeah and I guess another thing would be, just looking at the mechanisms within the body of how that’s working. If we’re looking inside a cell. So, a cell is basically full of gel-like water, which basically is surrounding different proteins. Surrounding different genes. Now you know, when a gene expresses or when it decides to create a new protein to go and repair part of the cell or part of the body, and the only thing touching the gene or those proteins is structured water. This is actually also another Russian piece of research, I can’t remember the name of this researcher but I’ll probably look it up. He found basically that, they found that it’s these water molecules next to the proteins or next to the genes were actually physically, mechanically nudging the genes and you know, moving them, to get them to do what they were doing. And then you’re like yeah, no, well it is amazing, like the most, our bodies are 99% water. Our cells are all full of this structured water and we just think that it doesn’t, that it’s not alive. Now the bulk of water really isn’t particularly alive and exciting, but this structured water, this structured water is. Because you just really need two things to do something. You need energy. You know, where does it get the energy from? Well it’s getting energy basically from ambient heat and light. So you know you have a, it’s not free energy it’s basically coming in from infrared and heat. So that’s providing the full strip to do something, and then, so that energy needs to be directed which is the information part. And that’s basically the field, and probably I’ve said it on another podcast, but you know the field is the governing force of the particle and this is probably the literally easy ways to see it. So that information field, it’s directly governing where those water molecules are going to be and what they’re going to do. So it’s basically mechanically directing them. You know I love this sort of, like the gel like form of water because basically it’s really the physical link between the Body-Field and fields, and what we’re all sort of very commonly aware of in this sort of biochemical, molecular, normal physiology of how we think of the body. But it’s the water surrounding it that is really the link between the field and I guess our normal physical bodies. Ponder that for a minute. That’s a big one.

Keith: Yeah that’s huge. That’s very big.

Harry: It is, yeah. It’s good. So yeah. Well I guess the next bit, is the other bit I just sort of wanted to mention was yeah how that can work if you’re looking at the brain. So I mean the brain, the brain again, the brain is mostly water. It’s basically filling in all of our ventricles are full of water. And we have obviously synapses firing and setting up the field. Now, if you sort of take with what we’ve been saying earlier by the research from Al Konovalov, you know if you’re imagining inside your brain, inside the water inside your brain, it’s also full of all of these hundreds of millions of molecules long, need a long enough water, they see these nano-clusters, which basically represent information. Now, now, yeah so if you’re looking at that, it starts to ask the question, well, is that actually how memory in the brain is working? Basically we’ve totally ignored the water component inside, you know inside our sort of ideas of intelligence and memory, yet water molecules are the most dominant, the most dominant component of the brain. And it’s looking pretty, you know there’s a lot of other ideas of you know, of like, do all brains actually record memory or is it just recording into the structure of space? And is our brain some sort of great receiver antennae? My thought on that. Again, water is the link between these field ideas and the sort of, I guess the traditional viewpoint of the brain and neurons. And so if you look at these nano-clusters, we know its information, it’s memory and water. That likely is basically connected or is actually our memories. And again, because they’re a bit like antennae water. Water can basically act as this sort of medium between the field and our physical bodies. It’s quite likely these nano-clusters are basically like, like antennae, and really we’re basically you know, well we’re recording information, i.e. memory, those, and then they’re also acting like antennae back out to the universe.

Keith: And a reception, as well.

Harry: Yeah basically like a receiver and a transmitter. So you know if people listening in are sort of used to the ideas of manifestation or perhaps on a more practical level, when you know who’s ringing on the phone, that sort of experience, psychic, psychic phenomena, basically these water molecules in your brain that are basically those receivers and transmitters. And that’s pretty encouraging because a lot of times people think, well goodness me, like I know I could be this great manifest, well people think they can’t be this great manifester, because they think their brains are set and you know I would have to regrow all those neurons and some other awareness. Well, partly, partly true, I mean, but it also opens up the possibility that’s much more easy to rewrite and reform water molecules or nano-clusters within your brain. And, you know, I don’t now. Do you experience that anyone? I know I’ve experienced them, I’ve definitely experienced different periods of life where I’ve been able to change my brain from months of one state to another state in months and the most amazing things happen. I definitely wasn’t, you know, it would have been way too slow to be growing new tissue. But the idea of re-writing the memory the water in your brain, more plausible.

Keith: Thank you. I mean that would be…

Harry: Probably instantaneous.

Keith: Absolutely. Which, there’s no restriction whatsoever.

Harry: Yeah, yeah.

Keith: [00:24:20] So you mentioned, this Russian researcher. So the clusters, that’s a huge part of I guess the breakthrough research, the more modern understanding of things. Were there any other pieces that you’ve picked up from that research that you found interesting.

Harry: God, there’s all sorts. There’s many areas in the research, so one researcher we didn’t mention is Gerald Pollack out of Seattle University.

Keith: Oh wow.

Harry: [00:26:10] So you know he was looking at the, he was basically looking at the structure of water and what he calls the fourth phase of water. Different, fairly different, but in that he’s basically looking at how the structure in water is also acting as a bit of an engine to basically push blood through your tight capillaries because there’s millions, there’s basically millions of miles of veins going through your body. And some of your tiny little capillaries, a red blood cell is bigger than the capillary and it has to sort of squish down and get pushed through. Well it doesn’t work from the heart that’s the point, like the heart is not strong enough to do that. So you need a, basically you need another force that’s carrying in the actual veins and it’s this idea of structured water where, you know, light and heat is able to come in and basically, you know, propel things because there’s a force behind it. So yeah, he’s done a lot of experiments showing how that can work through the some natheon pipes and things like that, so it’s pretty interesting in the water world. What else is interesting in the water world? Yeah, I think that Russia’s probably the most interesting, well, um, there’s also Korotkov who’s used the piece of equipment called a gas discharge. You’ll see that you can basically see the energy of water.

Keith: Is it called a GDV device?

Harry: Uh, GDV device. So Gas Discharge Visualization, that’s it. And, with that you can basically see how healthy or how energetic water samples are and how structured they are. And also if they’re you know, going to affect you beneficially or not. So that’s one thing.

Keith: So, here’s a question I have that’s always, now I think I know the answer possibly, but I’d like to hear your thoughts on it. So we talk about these things that the Western medical community and the scientific community, have just, what have they done with the idea that, hey by the way, your heart can’t really account for all of the ability for blood to move through the capillaries. Through the millions of miles of veins. We don’t have the heart as the main impetus for that happening. What have they been doing with that lack of understanding. Do they just kind of not talk about it or… I mean to talk about there being another force that moves all of this through the veins, we know that, are they willing so far to look at these other ideas to explain what they haven’t been able to?

Harry: Generally not, no. I think…

Keith: Just don’t talk about it.

Harry: Well I think a few things happen. So yeah, everything just slows down. So, a whole load of ideas are put forward, the heart pumps blood around is, I don’t know how long that ideas been around. Probably 200 plus years, maybe longer. I’m sure it’s a very, very ancient idea. And, it’s written in every textbook so it’s going to be taught over and over again to every scientist, and every, you know, and every medical student. And, you know, to go against that- not good. Then if you add that in to the water end, again, water science is well, there’s bulk water, it’s a liquid, it’s a solid, it’s a vapor.

Keith: Right.

Harry: [00:29:00] That’s sort of like, standard science. So then, if you’re then, sort of going against the water dogma and against heart pump dogma, and against you know, there’s probably a lot of different dogmas, that’s many, many battlefields. And most, you know, pretty much every scientist is a specialist in a particular field. And so, you know, they know their field, and if some idea over here is going against their field and they don’t understand that field, they’re not really interested they’re just going to say no because they’re an expert in their area.

Keith: Yup.

Harry: And you know that’s the unfortunate thing about science. And you know you can see it in, even just the structure of university. There’s a physics department, biology department, a chemistry department, oh and the med school is over there on another campus as well. They’re not all co-mingling, exchanging ideas. I mean, wouldn’t that be great if they all had lunch together, but that doesn’t happen.

Keith: If they could eat with one another it would be fantastic. Then they could actually take these ideas on and have no ego about and then say, hey, how can we create…

Harry: Yeah, and then you add in money to the equation. And it’s not necessarily evil it’s just how it is. It’s just, you know, research at university, obviously they need, they need their projects, their research financed, they can only get financing from certain sources, which means, they can only, they’re only going to do certain projects. And if a project is going to, you know, upset the sponsor or this or that, I mean it’s not going to happen. It’s not going to happen they don’t go there so, yeah, so there’s always a reason to stay, you know, within the status quo. I mean that’s just the stability of, well, you could call it stable, things are stable until…

Keith: Status quo.

Harry: Until, I guess until too much force will be the, you know, until people really realize that and everything becomes unstable. It’s def- I mean, Gerald Pollack heruns a water conference. Now he’s got a department in Seattle University, he has to run his water conference in Bulgaria. Mostly because most of the open scientists are some from Italy, some from Russia, around Europe, you know, more of them over there. And he can’t run it in his university because…The other professors would just, you know, kick, kick him out. And actually he, and they did try and, they did try and kick him out and he really had to fight the last few years to sort of keep his professorship there. So that’s, yeah, and his is a very, present, real world example of what happens in science. But, you know, it’s also, but it’s also, you know these things are also an opportunity, and obviously people with open minds who, and they don’t care about the dogma, it’s all good. I mean, the information is all there. There’s a great book, there’s a great book called, you know I’ve got it on my table right here.

Keith: Yeah let’s see it.

Harry: Good coincidence. The Emerging Science of Water.

Keith: Oh wow.

Harry: By…

Keith: Hold that right there for a second.

Harry: Is that clear?

Keith: Alright, I’m going to get the book, I’m going to get the book. Can I get it on

Harry: Looks like it’s backwards through here.

Keith: Oh no, it’s good on my end.

Harry: [00:32:15] Okay, cool. Can you get it on, yeah I bought it on Amazon.There you go. So yeah that’s a good place to go. But, actually let’s talk a little bit more about the idea of science, because, you know, something that’s sort of really, well that we’re really passionate about is the overall mission of decoding, of basically decoding Human Body-Field. Because we started down this journey 14 years ago, we were basically mapping out, I’ll call them QED fields, but it’s basically a quantum electric dynamic field, but basically the pure information end of the control systems of the body. But I guess more recently we’ve sort of been thinking about, we’ve been thinking about, you know what other fields are there in the body and how useful could they be. And there’s a whole variety of them. Like, you know, voice contains an awful lot of information. ECG is another brilliant example of that. So again, the Russians have discovered that ECG contains, you can do different health diagnosis. Also the Chinese do Chinese Pulse Diagnosis and you can discover 27 different patterns. That’s not, you can’t go to your doctor and have an ECG and be told, these 27 patterns. But you should be able to. You should. And so, this I can tell people about. So yeah our next sensor, is basically going to include ECG, but we’re going to be interpreting all these other patterns and also applying machine learning to discover new patterns in ECG that western medicine totally, totally ignores. So that’s pretty exciting. Did I mention voice?

Keith: Just briefly to say…

Harry: Yeah okay, I mean again there’s an awful lot of information in voice.

Keith: Is that also what Russians experiment as well?

Harry: No, the voice stuffs more European actually. Because there’s more on voice. And then, I, yeah, actually what, when you’re going back to the Russians so Korotkov who also wrote that book, who did the GDV stuff, yeah he was basically looking at, basically photon emissions out of our fingertips and how they correspond to different organs and meridians and that type of stuff.

Keith: Really.

Harry: So yeah, we’re looking at that because they’re basically the next, the next sort of evolution of our BWS, basically look at all of these different sources of information from the body, which obviously just, well it just carries on to increase the accuracy and our ability to make really good recommendations on how to get people better. And obviously we can track and have that much better. What’s going on people say, yeah that’s quite exciting, well nothing to do with water research, but who cares?

Keith: Yeah I mean the more information we have, then the more accurate our diagnosis is.

Harry: Yeah, yeah.

Keith: Right. And there’s no end to information.

Harry: There is, there is no end, but it’s all a little bit different. It’s like the photon stuff is very, it gives these patterns but it, and it can fluctuate, but it, you know, if you change something, which is great if you want to see what’s happening if you place a remedy it will change, all that. So you can see what happens to the sort of the field, but if you want to see more long, you know, and under sort of a deeper structure change, ECG’s a bit better you know because it’s more sort of connected to the nervous system, heart, blah blah blah. Saying that’s a better indicator of a deeper level of change and not just a little fluctuation. And our method which is basically Quantum Resonance Technology, that’s really good at getting a snapshot of what to do across, you know, very broad, broad picture. And voice again, voices is actually, you can get a little stable patterns out of voice. But of course emotions change in voice, within probably second, I don’t know about second seconds, but probably in the area of 15-20 seconds you might be a little bit different emotionally but underlying things will be similar. So, you know, they all give different sort of forms of information and some are, some are more dynamic and less repeatable and some are sort of more, yeah, more, they may not be as accurate a snapshot of that second but it’s more of an underlying indication. If you sort of layer all of those on top of each other, actually I’m quite excited about it.

Keith: Yes.

Harry: But, it’s doing interesting things to my brain. Trying to think how to, unify all that. But it will get worked out.

Keith: Your own very special unified field theory.

Harry: Good luck, yeah, the field, the field analysis unified field theory. Yeah, probably not the same as a proper unified field theory.

Keith: Your own unified field theory.

Harry: Unified health field theory.

Keith: Exactly. Yeah yeah yeah. Add it. Add another one. Yeah that’s right.

Harry: Cool, cool.

Keith: No, that’s fantastic information. And it really gets me thinking because of the whole entire body is mostly water. And so when we’re talking about the brain, you know, really I would think you could include the entire body in that.

Harry: Oh, absolutely, absolutely. Yeah I was just taking that as an example.

Keith: It’s amazing to think of how much information we hold inside of us.

Harry: Well it is, and I think just to come back to the idea of water is the sort of physical antennae or link, and it’s basically this link between the field and, well and, the life of proteins you know. Because basically your body is, well another view of the body is your basically you know you’re full of moving proteins, and if proteins aren’t moving, you’re dead. But all of these proteins are sitting inside and surrounded by water and it’s water nudging them. Well how the hell does it, how the hell is it nudging them? Well, and, you know if you’re looking at a field, like people saying, well can a field move a protein, or can a field move something, well no. It’s harder because fields are more solid but fields can move water molecules because it’s just that, and especially it’s the medium and the message. And especially when there’s a source of energy, I mean, again, the energy basically comes from ambient infrared energy. So yeah if you have the energy and you have the information acting through water, it can do these physical, mechanical things and start moving proteins and kind of getting these other things to happen in the body. I mean there’s a gazillion PhD’s that need to be sort of totally looked through with all of that. At least, yeah, sort of early indications are looking at it. That is part of the picture of what’s going on.

Keith: Sounds like we’re on the right path to making new discoveries and things to give us a deeper understanding of how we work. We’ve had such gaps in all of it, and it sound like we’re, at least some people in the world are studying what these gaps are without preconceived notions and prejudice, which is fantastic. That’s how you get new discoveries to be open.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.

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