Transcript #252 How to Detox Heavy Metals From Your Mitochondria and End Fatigue with Wendy Myers

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Wendy Myers: Hello everyone, my name is Wendy Myers of Thank you so much for joining me for today’s podcast. Today’s a little bit different podcast that we’re doing. It’s a Facebook Live broadcast that I did. I had a lot of great information. It was a live Q & A with a large audience on Facebook. I thought it’d be great to republish it as a podcast, because it has so much great information about why you want to detox your mitochondria, why people are so tired today, and how you can use my mitochondria detox supplement line to help detox metals that cause fatigue.

Wendy Myers: We go into a lot of different reasons why heavy metals cause fatigue. This is something that I speak about a lot. We’re asked to speak on all kinds of online summits, on other people’s podcasts, and recently I got word that Dave Asprey is actually taking my activated silica that’s part of my mitochondria detox. He was taking it to detox Cesium. I speak about this all over the place, but I thought I need to publish this on my own podcast so that you guys can benefit from this information and learn more.

Wendy Myers: So today, we’re going to be talking about the toxic metals that cause fatigue: arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium and Cesium. I go into a little bit about each of those metals and why they cause Chronic Fatigue, and specifically how they affect mitochondrial functioning. For any of you guys that don’t know, your mitochondria are your little cells’ powerhouses. They are the little organelles inside your cells that make our energy. They’re really the gift of life. They are responsible for so many of the health issues that people have when the mitochondria aren’t functioning properly, when they have metals interfering in enzymes transporting nutrients into the cells, if people don’t have adequate nutrients, if they don’t have enough mitochondria, if the receptors aren’t working properly. There’s a lot of different things that can affect mitochondrial functioning, and they’re really the key to health.

Wendy Myers: So if you have any kind of chronic illness or fatigue, or any kind of disease, or even autism spectrum disorder, you need to have properly mitochondrial functioning to recover from illness or to improve any kind of diagnosis or health issue that you have. The reason so many people are tired today and they’re reaching for coffee, they’re reaching for carbs, they’re reaching for sugar, they’re reaching for anything that will give them that quick hit of energy. The missing key that most people are not thinking about is heavy metals that are interfering in mitochondrial functioning.

Wendy Myers: That’s why I’m really passionate about this message and getting the information out there that it’s not enough to just eat a healthy diet. It’s not enough to just take mitochondrial boosting supplements. You have to get rid of metals that are interfering in their function in various ways. That’s why I created my Mitochondria Detox. You can learn more at I also have an amazing checklist, a top 10 tips of detox, like a pro checklist that you can download at as well. So definitely check that out if you want to learn more. But my top 10 tips that I’ve kind of distilled down, working with thousands of clients over the years, these are easy things that you can do at home to start detoxing your body and get your body detoxing better.

Wendy Myers: So now stay tuned for the Facebook Live that we have right now. The audio quality is not so amazing, but the information is great, and it’ll answer all the questions that you have about mitochondria, metals that interfere in their function, and all about my mitochondria detox supplement that helps detox metals that cause fatigue. Enjoy!

Wendy Myers: So everyone, thanks again for joining me. So let’s talk a little bit about what we’re going to discuss on today’s Facebook Live. We’re going to talk about what are mitochondria, if you don’t know already, how heavy metals damage energy, the energy factories in our cells, and how repairing your mitochondria can improve your health. We’re also going to be talking about how to remove metals from yourselves and reverse mitochondrial damage. And the number one thing that you can do to restore cellular energy.

Wendy Myers: So let’s talk today about what are mitochondria. So mitochondria are little organelles in our cells. They’re little energy factories. They require a number of nutrients to function. They require magnesium, they require zinc, they require boron, they require riboflavin, which is a B vitamin, and a number other nutrients that many people are deficient in. So number one, people may not make enough energy because of nutrient and mineral deficiencies. So the mitochondria take all these different nutrients and produce ATP, which is the energy currency of our bodies in our cells.

Wendy Myers: So what I have found just in my research is that working with thousands of clients that the number one complaint people had was fatigue. They had low energy levels, or they have chronic fatigue. Or they might have even been in bed, unable to even work because they’re so chronically tired. That was my number one complaint also when I was struggling with some health issues, which led me down the path of becoming a health practitioner and starting I was very, very tired, and didn’t have the energy that I had in the past, and trying to figure out what was going on, what’s my path back to health?

Wendy Myers: So I personally believe that mitochondrial dysfunction is at the root cause of most diseases today, because it takes energy to sleep, ironically. Sleep is a very energy intensive process. You need energy for your immune system to heal, you need energy to heal your body for your immune system to function [inaudible 00:06:25]. You need energy to detox, you need energy for all the regenerative processes that are happening when you’re sleeping. So if you’re not sleeping, you’re not able to heal your body. You’re not able to heal from disease, you’re not able to fight disease, fight infections. So energy is obviously incredibly important. If you’re not making enough, you can’t … You’re going to be more susceptible to disease, more susceptible to infection, more susceptible to autoimmune issues. Then it’s this domino effect that just goes downhill.

Wendy Myers: So the priority you need to have in your health is restoring mitochondrial functioning. You do that with giving yourself proper nutrients, minerals, magnesium, zinc, boron, B vitamins and with detoxing metals that interfere in mitochondrial functioning. We’re going to go through every single metal and the ways in which they, in particular, damage mitochondrial functioning.

Wendy Myers: So number one, I’ll go over an overview of the metals that cause fatigue or interfere in mitochondrial functioning. So there’s aluminum, there’s arsenic, tin, thallium, Cesium, mercury, and lead. So we’ll go over each one of those individually. So the first one is aluminum. So aluminum is something that’s found in so many different products. It’s found in underarm deodorant that people are using every day. It’s an anti-caking agent in salt and sugar and flour, it is found in the air that we breathe. I personally believe it’s released in chem trails, it’s released into our environment. There’s aluminum being released from factories. People are cooking with aluminum foil, drinking from aluminum cans. There’s a lot of different ways that aluminum enters our body. It’s also in water, again water as well.

Wendy Myers: Aluminum, what that does is it poisons enzymes that transport nutrients into the mitochondria. So, detoxification, it’s missing key that a lot of people are not aware of, which is why I’m here, I’m trying to educate people about that missing element in their health regime, which is detoxification. Because a lot of people are taking nutrients to restore mitochondrial function. That’s really hot right now is taking PQQ or NAD or a lot of the different nutrients, mitochondrial restorative supplements that are being sold on the market today.

Wendy Myers: But the problem, is if you … And that missing element is that if you have aluminum, arsenic, Cesium and thallium in your body, which you’re going to have one or more, all of the above in sufficient amounts to impair mitochondrial functioning, those poisoned enzymes that transport nutrients into your mitochondria. So it doesn’t matter if you’re supplementing these things. They’re not being able to get into your mitochondria and utilize to produce ATP. So that’s why it’s very important to remove these metals from your body to restore energy production in your body.

Wendy Myers: So the next one is arsenic. So arsenic is found in water. A lot of people, it’s a contaminate in their drinking water, their municipal water, the city water they have, their well water. It’s also found in conventional chickens, conventional eggs because arsenic is in the chicken feed that chickens are fed routinely around the world. Chicken farmers like this feed that contains arsenic because it makes the chickens grow 50% faster. So they grow much, much faster, and farmers are paid by the weights of their chickens. So the chickens grow faster, they weigh more, and they’re making more money. The chicken meat also looks really, really healthy. The arsenic makes it look really pink.

Wendy Myers: That’s what it’s doing to you also. It fattens you up, because arsenic actually poisons enzymes, it transports fat out of fat cells. So if you’ve been eating a lot of this conventional chicken, or chicken that’s sold at fast food places, you end up accumulating a lot of arsenic. That will prevent weight loss in the future. That was one of the issues, the roadblocks that I had when I was trying to lose weight is I had eaten so much conventional chicken at Pollo Loco and other types of conventional chicken and eggs, when I thought I was eating really, really healthy. That caused health problems for me down the road, after I accumulated so much arsenic to the point where it was interfering in my metabolic function, which is what a lot of these metals do.

Wendy Myers: So arsenic is also going to be found in rices. So different types of rice. I generally avoid rice from India and from China, because those types of rices are going to have much more toxins in them because the environment there is more toxic. The soil has more metals in them. So typically I buy rice from California. So that typically is going to have a lot less toxins in it than say rice grown in the south United States. There’s an arsenic-based pesticide that was used in a lot of the soils in the south US. So I avoid rice grown in those areas. I also avoid brown rice, because brown rice, the bran that’s where the rice stores toxins. So you want to eat white rice. I know that goes against conventional wisdom, because brown rice is more nutritious, but it’s not really that much more nutritious. There’s not so much nutrition in rice that you want to be motivated to eat the bran. That’s where the rice will harbor toxins. So I generally recommend white rice for that reason, if you tolerate.

Wendy Myers: So there’s aluminum, arsenic, then there’s tin. Tin also is found in water. It’s found in the air. It is found in … A lot of people that have worked in factories can be exposed to tin. Tin can also be in mercury and [inaudible 00:12:32] fillings as well. So what tin does, so if you have your little mitochondria, and you envision the membrane of the mitochondria, you have to have a certain charge on the outside of that membrane for it to function properly. So tin dispels that charge from the membrane. That’s how it handicaps the mitochondria from functioning properly. So there’s a lot of clients that have severe Chronic Fatigue. Tin is going to be a big culprit in that, really handicapping the mitochondria.

Wendy Myers: Then there is thallium. Thallium is something that many detox experts are not talking at, not touching on. There’s not a lot of information about it on the internet. But thallium is in all of the air that we breathe. It’s released into our environment from smog, from combustion engines. It’s in our petroleum deposits. It’s naturally occurring in our petroleum deposits. Then when we burn the oil and the gas from our cars, thallium is released into the air. Thallium, again, also poisons enzymes that transport nutrients into mitochondria. Definitely interferes in digestion and absorption of nutrients. It interferes in your brain functioning. It causes brain fog. It also interferes in potassium metabolism. It’s one of the reasons people have low potassium on their hair mineral analysis. So thallium interferes in potassium, it block potassium channels in the body, and a big, big culprit in Chronic Fatigue as well.

Wendy Myers: Then there is Cesium. Cesium is being unleashed into our environment from the Fukishima nuclear disaster in Japan. Cesium also does the same thing. It interferes in potassium channels and metabolism in the body. It also is a big factor in Chronic Fatigue as well. A lot of people coming up with Cesium on their urine challenge test. I did as well. Especially if you’re eating a lot of fish or you live in the Pacific, you know, Washington, Oregon, California, finding a lot of clients have Cesium on their tests. So we don’t see this in a hair mineral analysis, but we see it in the urine. So Cesium, big factor as well in Chronic Fatigue as well, and just low-grade fatigue of course.

Wendy Myers: So then there’s also mercury. Mercury interferes in mitochondrial function in a number of different ways. So does lead. Lead will actually surround, if you look in a microscope, the special kind that’s really, really small figures or items, the lead will actually completely surround the mitochondria, completely choking it off. So it just cannot function whatsoever. Nothing’s going in or out of the mitochondria. So lead’s a huge factor in fatigue. I’ve had a number of clients who are very, very lead toxic that really are sleeping 12 hours a day. I call them leadheads. They can’t function. They can’t work, very, very ill. So lead, big factor in fatigue as well.

Wendy Myers: So how do you remove these metals from your body to restore mitochondrial functioning? Because this was such a big problem in my client population, I’m sure many other health practitioners and physicians’ client population as well, I delved further into this issue. What’s causing all this fatigue? What is causing all this impairment in the body? I also met with a colleague, Dr. Bruce Jones who’s a medical doctor, who I am working very closely with to launch The Detox Institute, which hopefully will be launching next year some time. We’ve been working for years on some courses for medical doctors and health practitioners, and anyone who wants to take the course.

Wendy Myers: We have two courses we’re going to launch about how to read a hair mineral analysis and how to detox the body, and really a lot of incredible information. I cannot wait to bring to you guys. So that’s going to be next year, and just keep your eyes glued to the newsletter. You can join if you’re not signed up for the newsletter already. We’ll be sure to announce the launching and opening of the school, the institute when it comes out in 2019.

Wendy Myers: So because of what I had learned over the past couple of years with mitochondrial dis-functioning, I came up with a product formula called The Mitochondria Detox. You can go to and learn more about it. It’s specific set of supplements that is targeted to remove the metals that cause fatigue. So first there’s the activated silica. It’s a product that is a silica that is specifically formulated to bind onto arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium and Cesium. It grabs onto them, also get some iron as well. Grabs onto those and will remove them from tissue storage sites. So it will mobilize all of these tissues, and then you take a product called CitriCleanse. That’s the second product in The Mitochondria Detox. That is a binder. It’s a modified citrus pectin that will absorb all the metals that activated silica has mobilized and latched onto.

Wendy Myers: But the modified citrus pectin, the CitriCleanse also will absorb all different kinds of chemicals and other metals as well, so it’s a very well-rounded, very effective, simple, relatively inexpensive way to detox your body, because it gets so many different chemicals, dozens of metals, and it’s one of the most effective binders around that’s also very, very safe and gentle. There’s other very effective binders out there. There’s activated charcoal, but the problem with it is it works very, very well, but it’s indiscriminate. It also absorbs all kinds of minerals and nutrients that you don’t want it to absorb, while the modified citrus pectin does not absorb minerals.

Wendy Myers: So it’s much, much more practical in that sense, but you can get your detox. You can get the response that you’re looking for with removing metals without also removing the nutrients that your body needs. That’s very hard to strip the body of minerals and then replace those. It’s not so simple. There’s a lot of nutrients and minerals the body takes from food, and takes certain building blocks and creates certain types of minerals, certain forms of minerals that the body uses. So those aren’t just so easily replaced simply by supplementing. So you want to be careful about taking supplements and binders that strip your body of a lot of nutrients, because it’s going to be hard to restore that.

Wendy Myers: So The Mitochondria Detox is very, very effective. So I highly recommend that anyone listening, if you want to restore energy production in your body to just try it. It’s something that I recommend to all of my clients, anyone that’s on my detox program, the Myers Detox Protocol, it’s the first thing i have them start on when they’re starting their program, their protocol, where they do testing, they do hair mineral analysis. We see what metals they have, what mineral deficiencies they have. We design a custom supplement protocol for them to restore their minerals, to remove the exact metals that we find on their test. We’ll go over their health history and make other recommendations as well. Certain supplements work for them, do an inventory with supplements that they have, maybe that they’re taking too much of or what they can maybe stop spending money on, and give them a whole program with diet, and supplements. and detox protocols and lifestyle changes. It’s very holistic detox program.

Wendy Myers: But that’s not practical for everyone though. So that’s why I designed The Mitochondria Detox for anyone that maybe wanted to start a detox and is thinking about detox, but they’re not willing to commit to a whole program or working with a practitioner. Maybe they don’t have time or the money or the motivation to do that. With The Mitochondria Detox, they can do something very simple, very easy, relatively inexpensive, and very, very effective. So that’s …

Wendy Myers: Relatively inexpensive and very, very effective. That’s why I developed it so it’s kind of the beginning stepping stone to start detoxing your body.

Wendy Myers: I’m going to take questions from you guys. Every week I’m here answering all of your questions about detoxification and educating you about a different aspect of detox, a different heavy metal, talking about detox supplements, talking about the symptoms and different heavy metal toxification and the symptoms different people can experience when they have different heavy metal toxicities. I just want to educate you guys, that’s my main goal, that’s why I started my website is just to educate you guys, warn you guys about maybe something that you’re missing in your health regime. For me personally, when I was trying to restore my health I didn’t have any major health issues. I don’t have this amazing story of recovery or major, major illness, but I had, like a lot of you guys, I just didn’t really feel very well. I didn’t feel like myself. I was tired. I was brain fogged in my late 30s. I was having trouble losing weight.

Wendy Myers: I had a thyroid dysfunction, I had low hormones, low libido, I wasn’t sleeping well. I just didn’t feel good. I just felt like crap all of the time, like a lot of you guys, but I didn’t have any major health diagnoses or anything. But I very, very worried about myself and I was very worried about my health if it continued to decline. I felt like I was at a precipice, I was at a certain point of my life where I needed to really take control of my health and do it quickly. I knew there was a slippery slope, that my dad had esophageal cancer and I saw so many of my other family members they had diabetes or they had other health issues.

Wendy Myers: I just did not want that to be me. I refused to let that be me. I wanted to make better choices, so I was eating better, I was eating amazing, I was taking amazing supplements, very expensive ones. I was exercising three times a week. I didn’t have a stressful life. I was really focusing on distressing. I was going to bed at a reasonable hour every night, but waking up and having trouble sleeping. I was doing everything right and really was doing it full-time and I still didn’t feel well.

Wendy Myers: In the course of my own healing journey I discovered heavy metal detoxification. I became so passionate about it because it was so effective for me. The more I read about it, the more I researched, the more I realized this is it, this is the issue that I need to really grab onto and educate myself about, make it the focal point of my website and educate people about this, and be the alarm bell. That’s why I’m so passionate about being here every week teaching you guys.

Wendy Myers: Let’s get to the question without further adieu. Elga, “Wendy, thank you for doing these Facebook Lives.” You’re so welcome.

Wendy Myers: Stan, “I suffer from major mitochondrial dysfunction, ridiculous bad levels of heavy metals, toxins down in my labs. I see a veteran’s hospital integrative medical doctor, new position hired by the VA.” Very impressive, I’m very happy to hear that. You’re going to see this doctor July 12th with 70 pages of labs to work on. Wow that’s a lot.

Wendy Myers: What I found in working with my colleague Doctor Bruce Jones, he’s an Australian doctor, 35 years experience in seeing patients in clinical practice, what he found, he had his own heavy metal crisis and then started major depression, and decided to quit medicine because of it. He was having a hard time functioning. He discovered he was very mercury, very lead toxic and detoxed himself and then felt much, much better. He realized looking back that a lot of his patients actually suffered from heavy metal toxicity and the symptoms of that. It wasn’t just these mysterious diagnoses. The medications he was giving them weren’t working. I kind of had a crisis where he just wasn’t happy with his work, wasn’t feeling satisfied with the results he was getting giving medication.

Wendy Myers: What I found also in working with clients is they go to a doctor, after doctor, after doctor, after doctor and are not getting relieved from their health issues or reversal of their health issues. What Doctor Bruce has found, Doctor Bruce Jones, is that heavy metals are a big underlying root cause of many people’s health issues. Where you stand you really want to be thinking about heavy metal detoxification, which you already are, but focusing on that before you do all kinds of other things with your diagnosis, and with your lab work, and things like that. Getting rid of heavy metals play a big role in reversing a lot of the metabolic issues and symptoms that people are suffering when they’re seeking help from a medical doctor. That’s great that you are seeing an integrative medical doctor at the VA. Really happy to hear that. Focus on detoxification. Lots of information on about that. The simplest thing you can do though is the mitochondria detox and

Wendy Myers: Raymond, thank you so much for joining us. Hello to you too.

Wendy Myers: Mike, hello, “I have a son with autism. Looking forward to this.” My daughter also had an autism diagnosis at one point and I detox a massive amount of aluminum from her. Children with autism or developmental delays, or speech delays typically can have aluminum as an underlying root cause of their developmental delays, so detoxification is a very, very important part of that recovery process or improving the symptoms that children with autism or developmental delays have.

Wendy Myers: Deborah, “Love, love, love this. I’ve studied this in my psychology course.” That’s fantastic. Deborah, you need energy to grow hair. Yes you do, you need a lot of energy to grow hair.

Wendy Myers: Stan, so you had avoidance, sleep, infrared sauna are my top three protocols followed by key supplements. That’s great.

Wendy Myers: Lois, “Thank you for this. I have lead toxicity, working with a doctor. I’ve been using PectaSol C and BioSol consistently for a year and a half,” that’s fantastic. “DMSA for three months before re-testing. My blood level was the same so I’m discouraged.” Don’t be discouraged. This is very, very common. Just because your blood level is the same doesn’t mean that nothing came out. If you’re very, very lead toxic one test is showing the amount of lead that’s coming out of your body at the time of that test. Chances are you have a lot more lead where that came from and when we are taking supplements like DMSA and other nutrients, you are continuing to remove lead from your bones, from other tissue storage sites. It’s primarily in the bones, so that’s going to continue to come out on subsequent tests that you’re doing. You don’t want to think, “Oh my blood level stayed the same.” No, you removed lead and there’s still more where that came from. Don’t be discouraged by that whatsoever. Know that lead is removed by PectaSol C, it’s not removed by BioSol, BioSol removes other metals. The DMSA also removes lead, but one of the most effective things for lead is EDTA.

Wendy Myers: I give clients a supplement called [Chelatox 00:29:04]. It’s an EDTA suppository, very, very effective, take it three times a week and that’s probably one of the most effective things you can take for lead. DMSA works as well, but DMSA does not work orally, so the way that you are taking it, the method of consumption is key. DMSA and EDTA do not work orally very well at all. You need to be thinking about the form that you’re taking. You might leave a comment about the form of DMSA that you’re taking Lois.

Wendy Myers: Jennifer, you have chronic insomnia. I’m sorry to hear that. There’s a lot of metals that are very, very stimulating that can promote insomnia. Mineral deficiency can also promote insomnia. Usually the first thing you want to do when you have insomnia is number one take magnesium before you go to bed, maybe take a little calcium if it’s warranted. It’s not for everyone, but it could be very effective to relax the body.Zinc is also a relaxing mineral, so that could be a nice combo before bed. Also, taking folic acid that contains a ton of minerals. I take [Olagotto 00:30:13] and that can have a very calming effect on the entire nervous system. That’s really, really, really key. You can also take Ocean’s Alive Marine Phytoplankton. That also has all the trace minerals in it. You need that to calm the nervous system. Then you want to remove certain metals that are very, very stimulating.

Wendy Myers: If you go on my article it’s called “The Toxic Metals: Sources and Symptoms Guide” on that article, I’ll have one of the admins leave a link to that article on the comments. There you can do a search for insomnia, you can do Command+F and do a search of any symptom that you have, say it’s hair loss, or headaches, or migraines, or insomnia. You can see all the metals that promote that health issue. Then you do testing to find out if you have any of these stimulating metals that could be contributing to insomnia or stimulating your brain or your mind’s going, going, going but your body’s exhausted. You have a tired, but wired feeling. Many people suffer from that as well when they’re metal toxic. It’s just a process to find out what is in particular contributing to
your insomnia.

Wendy Myers: I wrote an e-Guide on this called “The Ultimate Sleep Guide” which are the top tips that I have to promote sleep. You can download that on Look on the side bar, you’ll see “The Ultimate Sleep Guide”. You can click on that and download that. I have all the tips and tricks to help you with sleep.

Wendy Myers: Deborah, “All of these are in our water.” Many people get different toxic metals in their water, whether it’s in their well water, well water almost certainly has metals or toxins in it, or too much sodium. There’s usually always a problem with well water one form or another. But many people are drinking filtered water, which is great, or bottled water, bottled spring water, but they’re showering in toxic water. You can absorb a gallon of water in a 10 minute shower. If you do not enjoy a whole house water filter, of which many people aren’t able to afford, or they’re not aware that they need one, you can be absorbing a lot of toxins of chlorine, of fluoride, and parasites, and metals, and medications, and just all kinds of garbage when you’re taking a shower. That can be a big problem. So yes, a lot of metals we get in water. It’s one of the most obvious sources of toxicity that people are experiencing.

Wendy Myers: Next question. Cheryl, hello, how are you? Thank you for joining us.

Wendy Myers: Sherry, “So what about gadolinium, it’s never addressed?” Gadolinium is one of those metals people typically only get it from medical testing. We do see that on urine metals tests that we do, but not every client does those, so I don’t really see a lot of gadolinium toxicity. Unfortunately, it’s given to people before they do MRIs and other medical tests and it can make some people very, very ill if they’re just not able to detox it for whatever reason. It can be very, very debilitating to them. At some point I will write an article about gadolinium and then do a Facebook Live about it, but it’s one of those things that it can be absorbed with modified citrus pectin and with activated charcoal if you do have known gadolinium toxicity.

Wendy Myers: Brannan, “Is Organic India a good brand even though it’s from India? I drink their teas?” Organic India is a very good brand, it’s organic. But the problem is organic doesn’t mean metal free. Organic means pesticide free even though it could still have pesticides on it. Some organic pesticides are used in organic farming, are very, very toxic to humans. They can also have heavy metals. Unfortunately, organic does not mean metal free. It’s not tested for metals at all. They can’t really test any of the food for metals because it would all have metals, all the supplements would have metals because it’s in the soil. It’s just a matter of unfortunately our food supply is very, very toxic, so food supplements, teas do have metals in them. That’s why it’s really important to just have a detox regimen, make detox part of your lifestyle because we’re always exposed to toxins in our environment in the air, food, and water, and in your team. Brennan, the Organic India I do believe a lot of their source of their materials is from India.

Wendy Myers: I’ve had this conversation before, but these companies that make a lot of different products they source the ingredients from different places. Some of the ingredients for one product could be from the U.S., some of the ingredients could be from India. You really need to call the manufacturer and ask some questions, what is the source of your tea, where are you getting it, or read on the label. So I’m not able to answer that question. I don’t know what tea you’re drinking, but I would call the manufacturer just to double check yourself.

Wendy Myers: Raymond, “Hi Wendy, if you could recommend only one or two best supplements to take to help mitochondrial function what would they be?” Go to The two supplements I recommend are activated silica and my CitriCleanse which is a colon-stabilized silica and a modified citrus pectin. They are the two best products on the market to remove toxic metals that cause fatigue by interfering in mitochondrial dysfunction.

Wendy Myers: Next functions, Raymond, “Can NES help with mitochondrial function?” Yes. NES Health, it’s called NES N-E-S Health, is a bioenergetic program that I recommend to clients that are number one, super sensitive to supplements, don’t tolerate supplements, have major, major health issues, multiple health diagnosis, chronic fatigue, people dealing with a lot of emotional stuff, anxiety, and really anyone looking to improve their health. I had profound changes on it. I’ve talked a lot about NES Health. I’ll do a Facebook Live about it at some point, but lots of information on our website

It’s a revolutionary program that identifies energetic blocks in your body and clears them and works energetically on the energetic level in your body, and has profound effects on your emotional well being, your physical health, and your energy levels, and certainly improves mitochondrial function as well.

Wendy Myers: Brannen, “To increase cell hydration would you use distilled water for 30 minutes and in 30 minutes of electrolyte rich water for only 1 day? What is electrolyte water or coconut water, Quinton, isotonic sea water? Thanks.” I think you might be overcomplicating things a little bit. I think for me I just keep it simple with water, is I drink spring water, I also drink water from my Pure Effects filter. I love the Pure Effects filters because … you go on my website and learn more about those, put in Pure Effects. You can also type in what type of water should I drink. One of my top articles on my website is “What Kind of Water Should I Drink” because there’s a lot of questions people have about water. There are so many different choices and people are confused, so I spent weeks, and weeks, and weeks researching this article and have done just weeks of research following this, talking to different health professionals around the world who are experts in water.

Wendy Myers: The conclusion that I’ve come to is that I primary drink spring water and I put a product in it called Crystal Energy. This is a Patrick Flanagan product and it’s such a huge difference in your level of hydration. I couldn’t believe it because many times I would find that I’d drink water, spring water, high quality water and then I’d feel like I have to go to the bathroom quickly. I felt like I was losing a lot of the water. When you put the Crystal Energy, it’s in a gold bottle, gold label, you get it on Amazon. I don’t sell it. I have no affiliation with the company, it’s just a product that I use. I don’t ever go without it because I can tell the difference when I don’t use it and then when I use it. There’s a huge difference. I feel my level of hydration in my sensation to want to urinate. I feel like I have much better hydration when I use it than when I don’t. It’s a big, big, big difference.

Wendy Myers: That’s what I’d recommend, just keep it simple, either do a Pure Effects filter or other similar type very thorough filtration process with your water or use bottled spring water and add the Crystal Energy to it. That’s going to be the best thing that you can do to maximize hydration. You can add salt water to it or the Quinton water to it as well. I certainly do that from time to time, but I found the Crystal Energy and just mineral supplementation in general helps you to hold onto the water. If you don’t have enough minerals in your body your body’s just going to release the water, it won’t hold onto it, so minerals are a very important component of being hydrated as well. Coconut water is great for getting electrolytes. I’d definitely listen to my body when it’s craving coconut water because I know I’m craving electrolytes. I definitely drink coconut water after I get out of my infrared sauna, very important part of my routine there. But I don’t buy electrolyte water. I think a lot of that can be just marketing, so I don’t go out of my way to buy electrolyte water, just prefer Mother Nature, getting that in coconut water or adding minerals like ConcenTrace, Trace by Activation Products, or just sea salt.

Wendy Myers: Deborah, “Please tell me again was is the company for the hair mineral testing company?” We have a program called the Myers Detox Protocol where we do a hair mineral analysis from Trace Elements International, or TEI. You can just get the hair test by itself if you like. You go to You can order just a hair mineral analysis if you like and you could type in hair mineral analysis and get just the test without an interpretation or a consult. I don’t recommend that because you’re not going to be able to interpret it yourself. It took years for me to learn how to read a hair mineral analysis and interpret it. What I find is that laypeople go get a hair mineral analysis, they get the results back, and they see that there’s no metals coming out or there’s very, very low metals and they think, “Oh I’m fine, I don’t have any metal toxicity.” It’s really because they don’t know how to read the hair test, but you can definitely do that and start there, and just see what the results say for themselves. People can always get an interpretation with one of our Myers Detox Protocol practitioners. If you just want to get the hair test you can certainly do that, you have that option on our store at

Wendy Myers: Brannen, “The main goal is to get water into the cell. So.

Wendy Myers: So Brandon. “The main goal is to get water into the cell. So this will hydrate cells and start the detox process.” Yes. Absolutely. You have to have adequate hydration for detoxification. The best way I’ve found is with the Crystal Energy. Love, love love. And also, doing infrared saunas increases [inaudible 00:42:20] water, so it’s the fourth phase of water. And that really facilitates detoxification as well. So doing infrared saunas increases that type of water in your body, which is really important for detox.

Wendy Myers: So Celeste. “Thank you, Wendy. I have a question about a possible symptom of heavy metal toxicity. Have you seen any patient who has an orange discoloration on the upper eyelids?” So, you know, I have not seen that before. I don’t know off the top of my head what that would be from. So I’m really, really sorry. I have not heard that symptom before. Usually symptoms like that, I would go to our medical director, Dr. Bruce Jones, and ask him if he’s ever seen anything like that because he has 35 years of practicing physician. But, unfortunately, I’m not able to answer any questions regarding that because I’m not familiar with what would cause that.

Wendy Myers: So Elsa. “Would you suggest the ionic foot baths as part of the detox program?” They do strip the body of minerals, and most practitioners suggest supplementing while using such equipment, which is a good recommendation doing any detoxification protocol.

Wendy Myers: “In light of your discussion on the danger of stripping minerals, is this safe?” So yes. I recommend the ionic foot baths, as well, for clients as an option they can use as a detox protocol while they’re doing my Myers Detox Protocol. I only recommend the Ion Cleanse by AMD. I think that’s a medical grade ionic foot bath. We have those in the store at Very, very effective. The company has lots of studies showing their effectiveness. Because the toxins aren’t coming out in the water so much. The ionic foot baths increase the urinary output of metals two to three days following a session. So that’s really where the magic happens. And so yes, you want to take minerals no matter what. No matter what you’re doing, you want to take minerals, the macro-minerals, magnesium, zinc, selenium, other minerals, and then trace minerals as well. But yeah. So always a good idea to take those if you’re doing any kind of detox program.

Wendy Myers: So Raymond. “I’ve heard Dr. Jack Cruz talk about sunrise being good for mitochondria. I’ve been trying to drag myself up at 5:30 AM for this. Is there anything to this, do you think?” So yes. So the mitochondria work, for the most part, with bio photons where the sunlight, the far infrared rays from the sun, charge up the bio photons, the inner mitochondria. And it’s one of the ways that they function. So yes. I don’t know if you have to get up at 5:30 AM for that. That certainly helps set your  circadian rhythms so that you sleep better at night, and you just have general better function in that regard. But I don’t think it’s necessary to get up at sunrise. Just any morning light is really good. I wake every morning and try to go for a walk as early as I can and get some sunlight in the morning to help charge up my mitochondria and set my circadian rhythms how it’s supposed to be. And very, very good advice. But yeah. It also helps he mitochondria, as well, naturally.

Wendy Myers: So Jane. “I am struggling with chronic cystitis, a very, very frustrating symptom. Keeps coming back every day. I have some temporary relief from apple cider vinegar, but it comes back every several hours. I’ve done detox with charcoal for six to seven week in the middle of having my mercury removed, but have had blood in the toilet for three days after pooing, so stopped the charcoal. I wonder if my kidneys are under too much pressure from the mercury. What can I do to help this?”

Wendy Myers: So the best thing I can advise for you is an amazing tea. It’s called Prostasan. And it’s something that I actually had a bladder infection that was just not resolving no matter what I did. It was driving me nuts. It’s a very, very uncomfortable feeling. So I feel for you in having that chronic cystitis. So nickel toxicity can cause chronic cystitis or interstitial cystitis as autoimmune version of that. But the best thing is a product you get on Amazon called Prostasan. And when I took that, all my symptoms resolved in one day after drinking the tea once. It’s unbelievable. So anyone with kidney issues, bladder issues, bladder infections, even prostate issues, anything on urinary tract issues, Prostasan is amazing. So I’m going to put the name of that in the comments. And you get it on Amazon. It’s just a tea that you drink. So it’s called Prostasan. So I had a tip from a friend of mine that told me to use that, and I was just so happy. And I recommend it now to everybody. And there are herbs from the Amazon. You just brew them in water. And amazing elixir.

Wendy Myers: So Ed. “Wendy is focused and following the right path. Thanks, Wendy. You’re the best.” Thank you, Ed. Thank you for the compliment.

Wendy Myers: So Jennifer. “Thank you so very much. I’m so grateful for your help. I’m with you every Tuesday.” Thank you so much for joining us every week, Jennifer.

Wendy Myers: And so Mike. “I purchased both The Myers Detox and Mitochondrial Detox. Should I do them together or one after the other?” So The Mitochondria Detox is great because it starts with a binder, the CitriCleanse, modified citrus pectin. So that’s where you want to start with any detox program. So you want to start taking binders that absorbing all kinds of toxins, especially if you’re sensitive to supplements or have trouble with detoxification in the past, just to abinder. And so that’s a great way to start. And then, it takes a few weeks to start The Myers Detox Protocol. You got to send in your hair test. And it takes a few weeks to get that back. And then we get a [inaudible 00:48:28] appointment with a practitioner.

Wendy Myers: So you can be doing The Mitochondria Detox while you’re waiting for your appointment and your test results. And so for every person on The Myers Detox Protocol, we recommend The Mitochondria Detox, that’s automatic, with your protocol because it’s so effective. And so you’re on the right track, Mike. So thanks so much for doing our programs and doing The Mitochondria Detox. So that’s kind of an in general how you want to do those in order and in conjunction with each other.

Wendy Myers: So Stan. “Calling for sourcing for any organic product is important.” Yes. And if a company isn’t respectful or capable of full disclosure, that tells you all you need to know. So yeah. Sadly, a lot of companies either don’t or can’t afford to do third party testing of their products and tell you if they have chemicals or metals in them. So there’s a lot of companies that do do third party testing that will tell you if they have metals in them or have different problems with their products. And they test them because they want to proved a quality product to the consumer. But many companies do not. So just know your product and know your source. Call the companies. Call the supplement manufacturers to find out what is in the product you’re taking and spending your money on.

Wendy Myers: So Elda. “NES is amazing.” NES is our bio-energetic program. We have hundreds and hundred of clients on NES cell. I love it. I think it’s an amazing program, an amazing protocol. Highly recommend. Some people just rave about it. They have amazing results from it. Like Sterling Hill of Unbelievable results. She was just completely blow away by how much it helped her with her health. As she’s a genetics expert, and she’s helped so many people with her health. And she was very, very, very sick. And she started NES Health, and just, her life turned around within weeks. She said she just felt better than she’d ever felt. Her anxiety reduced. She could start eating greens again. She was just, I guess, not reacting anymore. She was going out of the house. She was able to start working more hours. She just had an unbelievable result with NES health.

Wendy Myers: And other people don’t. Some people are just like, “Eh. I don’t feel anything.” I find the people that are healthier tend to not have as far to go in improving themselves, so NES Health doesn’t really have the results for someone as it does if they are more ill. I have amazing results with it, which is why I offer it on, and it’s certainly something I use for clients if they’re too sick to detox, they’re just not able to detox, or they’ve tried detox, or they know they have heavy metal toxicity and they can’t tolerate supplements. I start them on NES Heath and get them stabilized, get them to a point where they are functioning, they are taking supplements, they’re tolerating more foods, and then, we can get them to the point where they can actually start detoxing and removing the metals because they can handle it now.

Wendy Myers: So many people are frustrated because they just can’t do anything. They can’t take medications. They can’t do a detox. They can’t do foot spa. They can’t do supplements. What do you do with those people? So for those people, I’ve been looking for years for something like NES Health to help them. So that’s primarily what I use NES for.

Wendy Myers: So Stan. “Pure Effect’s filters.” Okay. I’ll look that one up. So you can find Pure Effect’s filters on my website. Just type in, “What kind of water should I drink?” or “Whole house water filter,” or “Water filters,” and you’ll find them on the site. That’s what I recommend. They’re amazing because they get everything out of the water. They get uranium. They get radiation. They get all the chlorine and fluoride that affects your thyroid. They get all the chemicals. They get parasites. They just remove everything out of the water, where other types of water filters fall short and don’t have all the different stages of filtration methods that are required to remove all the toxins out of the water. So it’s my favorite brand.

Wendy Myers: So lots of questions, you guys. Thank you so much for your interest.

Wendy Myers: So Felicia. “Hello. What do you recommend for people trying to detox with SIBO.” So small intestinal bowel overgrowth. “I’m taking activated charcoal. My brain fog cleared up so much. But I’m worried about taking all my minerals and nutrients. Thank you for all that you do.”

Wendy Myers: So I’ve been telling people for a while that if they’re taking my CitriCleanse, modified citrus pectin, to avoid taking it if you have SIBO, or small intestinal bowel overgrowth. However, that’s incorrect because I just interviewed Dr. Isaac Eliaz on the podcast. And he was talking about how you actually do not need to avoid modified citrus pectin if you have SIBO, or small intestinal bowel overgrowth. It’s an overgrowth of the good bacteria in your small intestine. So you can still take CitriCleanse if you have SIBO. So if people [inaudible 00:53:42] you can stop taking the charcoal, the activated charcoal, and switch to the modified citrus pectin so that you don’t have to worry about it absorbing minerals and other nutrients.

Wendy Myers: So Tina. “I’m really curious about NES. So after you get the scan, how much do the supplements cost afterward?” So you typically are recommended four infoceuticals that cost about $32 each, so it’s about $130 a month, roughly, to do the NES health program. So also, “I have severe adrenal fatigue and I’ve been told not to try to detox until I get my adrenals under control,” That’s not correct, “Because they’re not able to help carry out the toxins at this time.” So the adrenals don’t carry out toxins. You take binders. You take chelators. You do coffee enemas. Another protocol is to remove the toxins. So you don’t have to have perfectly functioning adrenal glands. You actually have to get the toxins out of your body to restore metabolic function in various ways to your body. So it’s not correct.

Wendy Myers: So, “My hair mineral test didn’t show I had many metals to get rid of. Is that because of my adrenals?” So you don’t have metals shown on your hair test because you’re tired. Your body doesn’t have the energy that it needs to push metals out of the body. So it doesn’t mean you don’t have metals. When you don’t have metals on a hair test, that means you actually area very, very toxic because you don’t have … there are certain nutrients you don’t have, or energy, or genetic issues. There is something interfering in your body’s ability to detox. That’s why nothing is showing. So it’s exact opposite.

Wendy Myers: My healthiest clients have tons of metals coming out on their test. All the like health celebrities that I’ve tested, or people that are professional athletes, people that are really young, people whose bodies are functioning at a high level have lots of metals coming out. And they’re not more toxic, their bodies are just able to push them out because they have the resources, the raw materials, or the energy to do so. So it’s actually the exact opposite. So whenever I see someone with no metals coming out, I think they’re in trouble. They’re actually quite toxic. So for you, you do actually need to get on a detox program. I don’t worry about the adrenals, or people that have chronic fatigue, or low hormones. That’s a sign they actually need to be doing a detox program.

Wendy Myers: So Debra. “Can you talk about how to best detox from gadolinium contrast from frequent MRIs?” So the best thing that you can do is take binders to take things like modified citrus pectin, my CitriCleanse, or activated charcoal. That’s the best thing to do. I actually haven’t wrote an article on that, but I really have researched in depth on the specific nutrients and supplements that detox gadolinium. But doing a binder is the best thing that you can do at this time.

Wendy Myers: So Leslie. “What does of CitriCleanse or pectin [inaudible 00:56:40] should one take for mercury detox or chronic Lyme?” So generally, you want to take 10 to 15 grams per day. So that’s 1 to 3 scoops per day in divided doses, at least twice per day, typically. Do one does to start to see how you react and see how our bowels react. Some people get lose bowels from it. Most people do not. So, generally, about 10 to 15 grams per day is the dose.

Wendy Myers: So Alicia. “I was using The Myers Detox cocktail. One week in.” So that’s a cocktail with different supplements to detox mercury, lead, cadmium, and other metals. “And I had to stop because of severe joint pain.” Any insight? So for some people, they start having detox symptoms when they start taking detox supplements or doing a detox program. Severe joint pain can be cadmium coming out of the joints. But it can just be an overall increase in inflammation that’s causing that. You could be having a reaction to one of the supplements, so it’s not related to detox. It can be just a reaction where you’re having a food sensitivity to an ingredient or one of the supplements.

Wendy Myers: So it’s hard to kind of pinpoint what the problem is without kind ofisolating the product by taking on product at a time for two days and seeing if that causes the joint pain. So usually, it’s best to work with a practitioner to figure out what might be causing that. But, generally, if you’re having a flair up or a very, very uncomfortable symptom you can’t tolerate, you want to stop what it is that you’re doing because that’s not really normal. If it’s something that’s tolerable, that you’re still able to function with that symptom, you can just push through it, so to speak, like you mentioned. I definitely will push through certain symptoms.

Wendy Myers: But it can be hard unless you’re working with a practitioner to see what symptoms are something you should push through and which are things that you should stop all your supplements immediately because you’re not ready to detox at that time or it appears you’re having a reaction. So it’s hard for me to pinpoint that just kind of doing the Facebook Live. But that’s generally what we do is try to figure out what’s going on and what’s potentially caused the symptoms. And then, start slow. Maybe you just need to start with a binder. Take a binder like my CitriCleanse for a little while, and be pulling a lot of toxins out of your body. Binding, binding, binding. You’re absorbing, absorbing, absorbing. And then, after you’ve done that for a few months, then maybe you start back on some natural chelators and detox supplements.

Wendy Myers: So Stan. “I’m positive for three mycotoxins with foods as the main culprits. I have a Great Plains Lab outlining this for me.” So typically, for mycotoxins, I really like liposomal, zeolites like CytoDetox. Really like that. You can also take modified citrus pectin. But for mycotoxins, I like the CytoDetox drop.

Wendy Myers: So everyone, we have a few more questions here, but I’ve gone over the hour. I’m starting to lose my voice a little bit. So I’m going to have to save all of your questions for next week. Again, thanks for joining me, and I’ll talk to you guys next week. I’m sorry if I talked to fast. I just get really excited doing these. So I apologize if I’m talking to fast going through these. But talk to you guys soon.

Wendy Myers: If you want to tune into these Facebook Lives that we have periodically, you can join my email list by going to And you can also tune into our Facebook page at

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