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Top Takeaways
- As a child Inna was always the sick, but experienced the height of her sickness after she graduated college, with symptoms like severe fatigue, ache, digestive issues, migraines, and PMS.
- After seeing many doctors she finally went to an endocrinologist who diagnosed her with Hashimoto’s.
- The doctors said there was nothing they could do about the diagnosis, and that she would have to wait and see what happens. This is when Inna started her health journey and discovered the field of nutrition and functional medicine.
- Inna began seeing a naturopathic doctor who tested her for organic acids and used hair test mineral analysis, and stool testing, to find that she had heavy metals like copper and mercury, candida, parasites, bacterial infections, and low adrenals.
- Inna began to address these issues with diet change, cleansing and saw her antibodies supported body drop and her thyroid numbers get better
- Any stressful event, including childbirth, can lead to thyroid issues, hyperthyroidism, and Hashimoto’s
- In an autoimmune disorder like Hashimoto’s you need to get to the bottom of why the immune system became and began to attack the thyroid.
- Inna likes looking at the big pillars of what causes autoimmune disorders, which are infections like candida, SIBO, parasites, bacteria, viruses like epstenbar, and toxins that clog the liver and affect the immune system.
- A lot of people with Hashimoto’s and autoimmune disease can be affected by gluten, dairy, corn, and soy, which can cause something called molecular mimicry, where, if there is any type of relationship between that food and an organ, the body can become confused and while it attacks the food, it can also attack the organ.
- Small stressors from your past, like rejection and shaming, can build up overtime and tell your body it is not safe, creating a high cortisol response that affects the immune system.
- Mercury that deposits in the thyroid, hypothalamus, and pituitary, interferes with the delicate feedback loop that produces hormones, is a big underlying route cause of thyroid dysfunction.
- If you develop sensitivity to mercury, your immune system is going to go in and destroy thyroid tissue trying to get at the mercury.
- If someone has high amounts of copper in their body, copper will be antagonistic to zinc and selenium, which are two essential minerals in the conversion of T4 to T3.
- To test for copper toxicity, Inna uses hair test mineral analysis, and for mercury, because HTMAs may not detect mercury, uses the Quicksilver Scientific Tri-Test, that looks for mercury in the red blood cells, urine, and hair.
- Inna recommends detoxing these metals first by reestablishing the proper minerals in the body, and then using binders with humic acid, fulvic acid, and clays, taking glutathione, bitters, and vitamin c, and taking an intestinal metal detox (IMD).
- Other huge ways to aid in detox is reducing stress and cortisol levels by meditation, mindfulness, journaling, getting adequate sleep, drinking enough water, saunas, colonics, coffee enemas, and exercise.
- To detox her own body, Inna addressed her gut first to clean out the toxins at the top, and then did metal protocols, repeating the steps to make sure she had good gut health before continuing her detox protocols.
- Inna has an upcoming summit called Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit where she explores all the topics discussed on the podcast in depth including the thyroid, and all of the underlying things that cause the immune system to become confused.
- Sarah Valentine and Peter Oscborne are discussing trigger foods, Evan Brand is discussing candida, Dr. Seth Osgood is talking about SIBO as triggers, Chris Shade, the founder of Quicksilver Scientific, is discussing in the depth the effect of mercury on the thyroid and how people can detoxify it. Dr. Keesha Ewers is talking about the effects of trauma, and Dr. Eva Detko and Kyrin Dunston are discussing emotional toxicity and psychological aspects of Hashimoto’s.
- To learn more about Inna and her work go to
- To listen to Inna’s Health Mystery Solved Podcast go to
- Click Here to join the free Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit!
Wendy Myers: Hello. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast, where we explore all topics related to detox, detox supplements, detox protocols, and health issues whose primary, underlying cause if heavy metal toxicity. Today we’re talking about Hashimoto’s. This is Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. It’s an autoimmune condition promoted by mercury. We’re going to be talking about that and how heavy metals cause Hashimoto’s and affect thyroid function with Inna Topiler. She was the host of the Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit, where she interviewed dozens of experts around the world about Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, and everything under the sun about the underlying root cause of this health condition that is plaguing so many people, and why there is such an increase in this autoimmune condition.
Wendy Myers: We’re going to be covering things like how copper toxicity impacts thyroid function and promotes candida infections. We’ll also talk about all the causative factors that promote Hashimoto’s and the most important ones to address first in your treatment protocol. We’ll be talking about so many other things, like exactly how mercury impacts thyroid function and why it lowers thyroid hormone production, promotes hypothyroidism, and causes all the whole host of symptoms that come along with low thyroid function and Hashimoto’s.
Wendy Myers: I know so many of you guys listening to the show are concerned about heavy metals. Did you know that heavy metals are virtually everywhere, that toxic metals are found in the food that we eat and the air that we breathe. Even on a strict, organic diet, we’re still exposed to pesticides and herbicides. Heavy metals are in cleaning agents. They’re in plastics and aluminum cans, chicken, even baby food. Even Consumers Reports did testing on 50 different foods and found that 68% of the tested samples had very, very high levels of arsenic, cadmium, and lead. So, my point is that heavy metals are everywhere, and they are also in your body. We ingest them in the air, food, and water.
Wendy Myers: I created a quiz, called the Heavy Metals Quiz, to help you kind of get an idea of the level of heavy metals you have in your body and what steps to take next to address these. A lot of people know they need to detox, but aren’t really sure about what they should do first, and the second step, and the third step. So, I created a free video series, after you take this quiz, to help you understand what to do next. Just go to, and learn for yourself.
Wendy Myers: Our guest today, Inna Topiler Mooney, is a certified clinical nutritionist practicing a functional medicine approach to health. She holds a masters degree in human nutrition and is certified with the ACN, CBNS, and AADP. Inna has been featured in various publications, such as Fitness, Elle, and the New York Times, and is often referred by medical doctors who seek here help not only in New York, but nationally and internationally. She is the founder of Complete Nutrition and Wellness, an integrative nutrition practice, and the host of the Health Mysteries Solved Podcast. Inna is also the co-founder of Pregnaceuticals, a prenatal nutrition line.
Wendy Myers: She completed a masters program in human nutrition and became certified as a nutrition specialist by the American College of Nutrition. Since starting her practice in 2006, she has helped thousands of patients all over the globe get to the root of their underlying health issues and reclaim their health. You can learn more about Inna and her work at, also at You can also learn about her upcoming Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit at Inna, thanks so much for joining the show.
Inna Topiler M: Of course. Thanks so much for having me.
Wendy Myers: So, tell us a little bit about yourself, and your journey, and your ordeal with Hashimoto’s, and how you overcame it.
Inna Topiler M: Absolutely. So, my ordeal and journey really started early on. I was never a super healthy kid. I was the one that was always sick. I always had a cold, or the flu, or a sore throat, or something. I actually grew up in Lithuania, and I remember when I was little, my mom would chase after me with shots of penicillin, because that’s what they did. You got sick, you got antibiotics. It’s just what we knew then. Then fast forward, I get sick a lot. Then in high school I’d be tired a lot. But a lot of the issues really culminated when I graduated college and then moved to New York City for my full time job. That’s when I started to feel really fatigued. I have terrible acne. I had digestive issues. I had migraines. I had PMS.
Inna Topiler M: I mean, my life was really upside down. I was at the point where I should be having the time of my life. You know, I was working in the city. I had a glamorous job, and yet I wanted to come home at 5:00 and go to bed. And so that’s when I started to see doctors. I was a very good patient. I saw a primary. I did everything they said. We ran all the tests, vials and vials of blood. Nothing showed up. Then I went to the specialist, and it was very disjointed. I saw a gastroenterologist for my digestion. They said I had IBS and I had to deal with it. Then I saw a dermatologist for my acne. They gave me antibiotics, which then just gave me a yeast infection, which I had to see a gynecologist for. Then finally I saw an endocrinologist, and they said, “You know what? We found something. You have Hashimoto’s.”
Inna Topiler M: So, I was so excited. I always tell the story, and people look at me, and they’re like, “You were excited? Why were you excited?” But I’ve been dealing for years, going to all these different doctors, and everyone’s saying, “We don’t know what’s wrong with you. Maybe it’s in your head. Maybe it’s this. Maybe it’s that.” So, finally I had a diagnosis, so it was really exciting to me, but unfortunately I was told that my thyroid was sort of fine, and there’s really nothing we could do, and that we would just wait, and watch, and see. Then one day when your immune system destroys your thyroid is when you’d get on medication forever.
Inna Topiler M: I was working on Wall Street at the time. I was not in a health field. We’re going back 20 years. But even not being in the field, I just knew something just didn’t sound right about this. How could there be nothing I can do? How can I not be proactive and do anything? You know? So, that’s really where my journey began of really figuring out what was underlying all of that. That’s when I found the field of nutrition and functional medicine and just completely fell in love with it. I started seeing a naturopathic doctor. We did a lot of tests, similar to the tests that I do now and I know you do, with hair analysis testing, organic acids, and stool testing. All the other times when I’d be seeing doctors and they were finding nothing wrong, but doing these tests I had heavy metals. I had copper. I had mercury. Which makes sense, because I had 16 amalgam fillings at the time.
Wendy Myers: Wow. Yeah.
Inna Topiler M: Yeah. I had candida. I had parasites. I had bacterial infections. My adrenals were in the gutter. And my thyroid actually really wasn’t fine. I mean, it was fine by very conventional standards, but my TSH was above three. I was still within range, but it was in the high fours. My T3 … For everyone watching, those are the thyroid hormones. My T4 and T3 were lower than where they need to be, and I just didn’t feel well. So, it all made so much sense. Even though I had all these things that were sort of, quote unquote, wrong with me, I again was excited, because now there was something we could do. I started to really explore all of my immune triggers, because with Hashimoto’s what I learned, and I think where the confusion is with that, is that, yes, your immune system attacks your thyroid, but it’s the immune system’s fault. Right?
Inna Topiler M: It’s not the thyroids fault that it’s being attacked, so we want to support the thyroid. We want to do what we need for it, but it’s really figuring out what it is that got the immune system confused in the first place. For me I had all these triggers, the digestive stuff, all the infections, the metals. I had Epstein-Barr. I had so many deficiencies. So, I started to address them one at a time. There was a lot. I’m not going to lie. It took a little bit of time. It wasn’t overnight, but with removing certain foods, and doing cleansing, and really supporting my body I started to feel better and better. I watched my antibodies drop and my thyroid numbers get better.
Inna Topiler M: Now, of course because I had Hashimoto’s for a while and it wasn’t supported, my thyroid was not in the best place, so I did have to go on medicine. Interestingly enough with that, I was very much, because I started studying nutrition at that point, at that point I was already changing my career, and I thought, “Okay. Well, I want to do everything naturally. I’m not going to go on medication, because that’s what the doctors were telling me. I’m kind of going to do my own thing.” But it turned out, after a couple of years, that because my thyroid was somewhat destroyed, a little bit of medication was necessary. Once I sort got over myself and really supported my thyroid, I also noticed a really big shift in how I felt. I’m on a very small dose, but I feel like I was doing myself a disservice by not going on and being stubborn that I’m only going to do it naturally. Of course natural’s wonderful, but I think there’s a time and place.
Inna Topiler M: I’ve had it in remission. Again, things happen, and I think for people that have autoimmunity life happens, so when I had a baby, postpartum I had a flare up. That’s common. Even though I did all the right stuff, it can happen. I’ve switched medications, and I’ve gone from natural to synthetic. I’ve had some antibody flare ups. So, I’m not going to say that it’s been complete just easy from then on. It is something that I do have to kind of work on all the time, but I feel so much better. It’s a completely, completely different life now than 20 years ago.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think that’s a really common thing that after a woman has a child, which is a very stressful event on the body, that women typically can go into having thyroid issues, hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, and things like that, but that can be the case with any stressful event. Say you have an illness or death of a loved one, any kind of stressor can be that final straw that broke the camel’s back to push you into whatever your weak link is and cause your glands, or adrenals, or hormones, or whatever to take a nosedive. Let’s talk a little bit about why you want to address the thyroid and Hashimoto’s from a whole body perspective. It’s not just about, “Oh. I have low thyroid function or Hashimoto’s. Let’s take thyroid medication and just treat the thyroid.” Why do we need to be looking at the body as a whole system?
Inna Topiler M: That’s a great question. Yes. I mean, we do have to support the thyroid, but as I was saying before, the immune system got confused and attacked the thyroid. So, if we don’t get to the bottom of what confused the immune system, then it’s going to keep attacking it. Then you’re going to probably need more and more thyroid medication and more and more support, because the thyroid is going to get destroyed, and there’s going to be continuous inflammation. When I look at autoimmunity, and of course everyone has kind of different ways that they look at it, but for me I think it’s really about looking at kind of the big pillars. So, it’s infection, and those can be anything. It could be a gut infection, so things like candida, or SIBO, or parasites, or bacteria, but also viruses. Epstein-Barr is a big one, but there’s so many other viruses that can play a role too.
Inna Topiler M: Then toxins play a role, because when your liver’s clogged, it’s really hard for the immune system to be able to do what it needs to do, because there’s energy going to all of these other places. So, metals are big, big triggers, but then other toxins from the environment, our food, our water. And then specific food triggers. A lot of people with Hashimoto’s and autoimmunity have issues with gluten, but it’s not always just gluten. It could be dairy. It could be corn. It could be soy. There’s ways to test for those things, or to experiment, or look at genetics. But these foods, there’s something called molecular mimicry, where if your body doesn’t like something, say a food, if there’s any type of relationship between that food and your organs, then the body can get confused, and as it attacks the food, it can actually then accidentally attack the organs, because it thinks that it’s the same thing. That can happen with infections as well.
Inna Topiler M: Then, like you mentioned, stress is another real … it’s just such a biggie. A lot of people forget that stress isn’t just emotional. It could be physical too. So, one of the biggest things is blood sugar. If we are not eating right and eating consistently, balancing our meals, then we can have blood sugar dysregulation. That’s one of the biggest stressors on the body, on top of everything else we have with our family, and financial, and everything else. These infections are also stressors. The toxins are stressors. All of these triggers are sort of intermingled. And then there’s a big mind/body piece too. This is something that I’ve been getting more and more into that I think sometimes people forget. Because we want to look at the science and the nitty-gritty for sure, but if we have certain traumas …
Inna Topiler M: Sometimes they’re not even really big traumas, like the capital T traumas as we call it, like abuse, but even like the lowercase T traumas. Someone maybe telling you that you did something wrong, which can cause almost like a shaming in the body, or a teacher maybe saying something when you were younger, that you didn’t get the answer right. I mean, these things can cause these smaller traumas that then get our body in a state where we may have fear or not feel safe. Rejection is another big thing. Raise your hand, right, if you’ve been at school, in elementary school, and you wanted to go sit at a table with someone, and they said, “Sorry. You can’t sit here.”
Inna Topiler M: That’s happened to many of us. You know, and it’s not a huge deal. We think, “Okay. It’s just whatever, something that happened in grade school,” but to our body being rejected really is very stressful, because if you think back to sort of caveman times, if you were rejected, if you were outcast let’s say out of your tribe, and you were outside, then you didn’t have protection. So, you could have then been eaten by a tiger or a bear, and that tells the body it’s not safe. Then those feelings of not feeling safe then creates a high cortisol response, which then is going to affect the immune system.
Wendy Myers: You mentioned heavy metals as a trigger of Hashimoto’s or just heavy metals in general. I personally believe that mercury, which deposits in the thyroid, deposits in the hypothalamus, deposits in the pituitary, and really interferes in that delicate feedback loop for the body to produce hormones, so tell it, “Hey. It’s time to produce more or less thyroid hormone,” is a big underlying root cause of thyroid dysfunction. Also, if you develop a sensitivity to mercury, your immune system’s going to go on and try to destroy thyroid tissue trying to get at that mercury. Can you talk a little bit more about metals and why they’re such big triggers of Hashimoto’s?
Inna Topiler M: Yeah. Absolutely. I agree with everything you’re saying about mercury. The other thing too is that when you have mercury, there’s often going to be dysbiosis as well. So, there’s going to be candida, and some people say that candida might almost be there to sort of protect your body against the mercury. So, then that gives the immune system another trigger of dealing with the infection. The other metal that I find related is copper. This is something that I often see in hair analysis. If someone has high copper, copper is going to be antagonistic to zinc and selenium, and those minerals are really important in the conversion of T4 to T3. Oftentimes when we have Hashimoto’s, not in every case of course, but in a lot of cases I see low T3. T3 is really the active hormone, and so that’s what our thyroid needs to function. That’s what our cells need. So, when you have high copper, in addition to the toxicity issues, you’re actually having these mineral deficiencies that then aren’t allowing your thyroid to function the way that it’s really supposed to.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Minerals, so important in improving thyroid function and giving the nutrients that it needs to make thyroid hormones. You have to have minerals like zinc and selenium. How would one go about testing for mercury and copper? What kind of tests do you like and use?
Inna Topiler M: Great. For copper, I like doing a hair analysis. I think that that shows copper really well. For mercury, you can’t see both types of mercury in the hair analysis, so I do like to use it, but it’s just not an end all be all. There’s also some people who are what we call non-excreters. What that means is that they may have metals, but sometimes if their immune system is very weak or their body’s overburdened by so many different things, that their body might not even realize that the metals are there, because the hair is showing what you’re excreting. If you’re not excreting it and if it’s so deeply sequestered inside the tissues, the body doesn’t even know. So, sometimes it can be a little bit deceiving. If we see it right away, obviously it’s not a false positive. It’s there. But if we don’t see it, sometimes it’ll show up on the next test, once we start to kind of move things around a little bit. But copper typically shows up.
Inna Topiler M: I like the Quicksilver Scientific test. They have a test called the Tri-Test. What that does is that looks at mercury in the red blood cell, in the urine, and in the hair. When you combine that together, then you can see a little bit of a bigger picture of what’s happening. I actually personally did that test. I knew I had mercury, just because of all of my history. My hair test didn’t show that much. When I did the Tri-Test, my mercury was through the roof. I did some chelation, and I also started doing a few other protocols. What was interesting was the mercury actually kept going up, because there was even more in my body. Then when I did my hair test after that, then it really showed up. It was kind of below in the white, and then it got all the way into the red. There’s the pink area, and then the red is on top of that. Those are the two tests that I like for it.
Wendy Myers: Everyone has heavy metals. Statistically it’s impossible to avoid mercury. So, once someone kind of has this awareness that they have mercury and other metals in their body, what are some ways that you like to go about detoxing them naturally?
Inna Topiler M: Great. Detox is so, so important. I personally did chelation, but I don’t know if I would recommend it. This was a long time ago, and I’ve been studying this more. I think doing a little bit more of a natural approach would be better. Binders are going to be big, so anything with humic acid, folic acid, with any kind of clays I think are great. I like for people to first kind of start to loosen up the metals, before really going after it. We want to make sure the detoxification pathways are open. I like to first look at what minerals are missing, and we can see that in the hair test. So, put in the zinc, and the selenium, and the proper B vitamins, and kind of get things moving, and then do the binders. Glutathione is also very, very important, and I often do an organic acid test. If I see a deficiency in glutathione, it doesn’t always mean that there is mercury metals, but oftentimes there is a link that something could be going on there. So, supporting with glutathione.
Inna Topiler M: I like a lot of the products by Quicksilver Scientific. They’re the lab that does the Tri-Test. They have a silica product called IMD, which is intestinal metal detox. What that does is it doesn’t necessarily kind of pull the metals out of all the tissues, but it helps to kind of gently pull them and dump them, so it goes to the gut. Then the silica product kind of binds it up, almost like a mop. Then we want to make sure that we have good bile flow, because bile is a really good binder, but if that’s not flowing well, then things are going to be kind of stagnant. Then you absorb stuff in. That’s something that did happen to me. I realized that I was reabsorbing things, because I wasn’t binding them properly. Having the binders, but also doing things like bitters. Quicksilver actually has a product called BitterX that I like a lot, and there’s other products on the market that do that.
Inna Topiler M: Then they actually have something new that they’ve recently come out with, called the Push Catch Detox. That is a combination. It’s two products. One is called Liver Sauce, and one is called Ultra Binder. Basically, that has a combination of the antioxidants and the binders. So, what you do is you take that, and that helps to kind of start to pull stuff. Then you do the binders, which absorb everything. There’s a little bit of IMD in there. Depending on how much mercury someone has, that may be enough, if it’s not too much, and they can do that for a couple of months. If someone has a lot, then I typically recommend doing that along with extra glutathione, and vitamin C, and the IMD, which is that intestinal metal detox. Those are my favorites, and I’ve seen them work really, really well.
Wendy Myers: What are some additional things that you can recommend that people do, so that they’re kind of expediting this whole detox process as quickly as possible? Because I know so many people think, “Well, how long is this going to take? How long does it take to detox?” People want a quick fix today, and they want it to be easy, and they want it to not be too expensive and take too much time. What are your thoughts on the whole detox process and how to do it most effectively?
Inna Topiler M: That’s a good question. I agree with you. People do want things to be quick. The thing is with metals we do want to be careful about not pushing too much, because we want to make sure that the body’s able to handle it. I think that people should expect that it’d take at least a couple of months. I know there’s cleanses out there that says you can do it in two weeks or three weeks, but I just don’t think it’s really enough time, just honestly, to get it all out. But there’s things you could do to expedite it. So, in addition to those supplements, the binders, and the bile support, first of all, we want to be mindful of our stress. When our cortisol is up, things really don’t work right. Because if we think, when stress is high, our body’s in fight or flight, so it’s trying to outrun the tiger. Right? It doesn’t want to get eaten. So, detoxifying metals is really not a priority. Supporting the immune system is not priority. Fighting cancer is not a priority.
Inna Topiler M: Doing anything they can to keep stress down and using things like meditation, mindfulness, journaling, getting adequate sleep, obviously drinking enough water. But then there’s also other things, like saunas, which are wonderful. Colonics and coffee enemas can be really great as well to help to expedite stuff, and then just moving the body. It’s nice to kind of do a little bit of movement and then do a sauna afterwards to kind of just help get some of those toxins out.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, in your recovery from Hashimoto’s and going into remission, how important was detoxification in that process?
Inna Topiler M: For me it was huge. For me I had so much mercury it took me … Now, again, this was a while ago. Some of these products weren’t available them. But I would say it took me about two years. I actually did chelation, but it was very tough on my body. I’m not against it when it’s needed, and as long as you’re followed by a practitioner that really knows what they’re doing, it can work. But I’m not going to lie. It was tough. The first chelation treatment I had, I walked out of there, and it felt like I was dragging a 25 pound weight behind me. I had a lot of brain fog. And I did all the support. I had the glutathione, and my diet was good, but there was just a lot coming out. So, I needed to go a little bit slower.
Inna Topiler M: Once I started that Quicksilver protocol with those products, it was much easier, and my body responded much better. But it was a lot of detoxification. I had so many different pathways that just were not working. I also had cooper in addition to mercury, so I had to do a lot different steps. It was very big for me. Then on top of that, because I had so much dysbiosis and intestinal infections, I had to work on cleansing that. I think, and you were saying, people want to kind of do everything at once, and I know it’s convenient, but we do have to take it one step at a time.
Inna Topiler M: The way that I did it is that I addressed the gut first, just to clean out at least the stuff that was at the top, the candida, the parasites, the bacteria. Then I did the metal protocol. Then that can sometimes flare some of the digestive stuff, so then I went back and did some more, and I did some antimicrobial herbs, so things like oregano, and garlic, and grapefruit seed extract, and barberry to kill some of the bugs, clove, which is really good as an antiparasitic. I kind of did gut, then more of the liver metal stuff, and then back to fut. I had to kind of pulse it, so that my body was able to properly excrete everything as I was doing it.
Wendy Myers: You have an upcoming summit called Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit, where you explore all these topics we talked about today in depth. What kind of things would someone expect to learn? Tell us about some of the speakers you have on the summit as well.
Inna Topiler M: Sure. The way that I approach the summit is sort of similar to what we’re talking about here. It’s really looking at all the trigger of the immune system. Yes. We talk about thyroid, but even more so we talk about all of the underlying things that cause the immune system to become confused. There’s a lot on food. We have Sarah Ballantyne and Peter Osborne talking about different foods, like gluten, and dairy, and other foods that can be triggers. Again, it’s not for everyone, but in the talks they explain the test that people can do and how they can evaluate and see where their triggers are and if the foods are the triggers.
Inna Topiler M: Then we have Evan Brand talking about Candida, Dr. Seth Osgood talking about SIBO as triggers. We also have Chris Shade, who is actually the founder of Quicksilver. He, interestingly enough … I worked with him directly over 10 years ago to do some of my detoxification. On the interview he pulled out my file. I’m like, “You still have that?” It was from years ago with like the red line going across for high mercury. So, I have him getting really in depth about the mercury and its effect on thyroid, and exactly what people can do and the protocols they can do to help to detoxify it.
Inna Topiler M: Then we have a lot on the mind/body, because, again, I think it’s just so important. Dr. Keesha Ewers is talking about trauma, some of the things that I was telling you about. We have Dr. Eva Detko talking about emotional toxicity, Kyrin Dunston talking about some of the more psycho-spiritual aspects of Hashimoto’s. We have to also remember that because your thyroid’s in the throat, that’s the fifth chakra, so there’s a lot that has to do with self-expression. So, really addressing it from all angles. There’s a lot of nitty-gritty science, but also some of the emotions and the mind/body. I think when you put them together, you’re really then viewing it from a truly whole mind/body perspective.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. That sounds amazing. That’s an absolute must for anyone who’s dealing with thyroid issues and Hashimoto’s Autoimmune Thyroiditis. You need to really be your own patient, be your best advocate, because even if you’re working with a medical doctor or a functional medical doctor, they only have so much time to advise you, and there’s so many different components, so many different kind of road blocks to recovery that you need to learn about and employ when it comes to food, and supplements, and detoxification, and so many of the things that you listed. I implore you, join the summit. It’s totally free. Where do we join it?
Inna Topiler M: Absolutely. They can go online to I know that you’re going to post the link in the show notes as well, so they’ll find all the information there. All people have to do is they click on the link. They enter their name and email. What’s nice is there’s three talks that they can see right away, as soon as they register. Then when the summit airs on July 15th, all of the other talks are opened up. There’s five talks a day, so there’s tons and tons of really valuable information. If people want to see the talks sooner, there’s ways that they can do that as well. That’s all going to be in the link.
Wendy Myers: Fabulous. So, July 15 to July I guess 22, 2019, you’re going to have the Overcoming Hashimoto’s Summit. Join that. It’s totally free. Where do we learn more about you and the type of work that you do as well?
Inna Topiler M: Sure. I’m a clinician nutritionist, and my website is Complete Nutrition and Wellness. I also have a podcast, which I was really excited to interview you for as well, which is Health Mysteries Solved. My sort of mission there is because I had so many mysterious illness, and really wasn’t told what it was all about, and I had to figure it out on my own, I didn’t want other people to deal with that. So, on the podcast I discuss a lot of cases that sort of seem mysterious, but really if you take the more functional approach, there are answers. I just really want people to know that they’re not alone, and there’s ways to figure stuff out, and that the answers are out there.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. You have to be your own advocate. You have to go on Dr. Google and find websites and podcasts where you can learn about all the natural approaches and address the underlying root causes of your health issues. It’s the only way to go. I would never trust any one single person with major health decisions, in my personal opinion. Inna, thanks so much for coming on the show. Any parting thoughts or anything that you want to discuss that we left out in our conversation about Hashimoto’s?
Inna Topiler M: I think another thing that’s really important is mindset. I talk a lot about that with my clients and on the summit as well. You know, for a lot of people dealing with this it’s a chronic issue, and so there’s typically a lot of roadblocks. By the time people are diagnosed, they’re already so frustrated. It’s a very frustrating thing. I remember it. I was there. I think that we really want to be mindful of the fact that we can heal, and there’s a lot that we can do. Sometimes, even if it’s hard to see it right now, because you may feel like you’re here and you want to go there, just knowing that healing is possible and having that mindset is really going to create a lot of big shifts.
Inna Topiler M: I always ask people, “Do you think you can heal?” If they say, “Yes,” great, but if they say, “No,” then that’s something we really want to look at, because if you really don’t feel like healing can happen, obviously that’s going to be a block. It’s almost going to be like a self-fulfilling prophecy. I think people can do things like journaling and really kind of looking at what are some of the underlying beliefs? What have they been told by doctors, or by other caretakers, or maybe even parents about healing? Because a lot of the time there’s sort of cultural things that go along with it. I think the more people educate themselves, the more they see that there are answers, the easier it is to then shift. Mindset is so important.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, everyone, thanks so much for listening today. Thanks, Inna, for coming on the show. I really appreciate everyone listening every week to the Myers Detox Podcast. We’ve been on the air almost five years. It’s really amazing. We’re coming up on number 300 podcast, which is I can’t believe it. I wanted to do this podcast to illustrate to you guys all the different health issues that can be caused by heavy metal toxicity, and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis is absolutely one of those that’s going to be exacerbate by mercury, copper, and other metals as well. Inna, thanks so much for showing us the light about Hashimoto’s and some underlying root causes.
Inna Topiler M: Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me and for the work that you do. I mean, this podcast is just so eye opening to so many people. It’s just the information you provide is really great. So, thank you for doing the work that you do.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s my pleasure every day. I am so happy every day I wake up and get to do what I do. It’s just such a pleasure to serve all you guys listening. Thanks for listening, and I’ll talk to you guys next week.