Health Transformation Webinar Session 6

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Organic vs. Conventional Produce

I felt it really important to go over eating organic food in our little lecture today on detox because you’re missing the boat on detoxing if you retox eating pesticides every day. It kind of defeats the purpose!

When you eat organic, you avoid ingesting hundreds of pesticides known to cause disease. These pesticides, like Monsanto’s Roundup, used on GMO crops, work by chelating (or removing) minerals out of weeds and preventing mineral absorption, effectively killing the weeds. They also do this in your body, very slowly killing you.

You are also exposing yourself to chemical fertilizers, chemical solvents, irradiated foods (microwaved to kill bacteria), and GMO‘s (genetically modified organisms). Conventional Animals are fed antibiotics contributing to antibiotic resistance. Animals fed GMO’s have a lower nutrient profile, lowered immunity, lowered infertility or complete infertility in themselves or their offspring, and have damaged organs, but many simply die. Your fate is not much different when you ingest GMO’s. Perhaps GMO’s have something to do with the fact that almost fifty percent of US citizens get cancer and a vast majority have chronic health problems by the time they’re sixty. We don’t know since the FDA allowed big biotechs to begin selling them to you in the late 1990′s with no safety testing. Don’t let big business do an experiment on you for their profit. Read labels and get informed. Shop at farmer’s markets. Get hip and grow your own vegetables. Albeit, conventional nonorganic veggies and fruit are better than no veggies at all!

Organic produce is a huge topic in nutrition these days. But one thing I should point out is that it is nothing new. The food your grandparents ate was organic – they just didn’t call it that. Because or food supply is so overrun with inferior, nutrient depleted produce and genetically modified fruit and vegetables, we need to consider eating organic food to protect our health. This step is imperative if you plan on living to 110.

Importance of Detoxing

Ecological changes are occurring at a faster rate than our bodies are able to adapt. -We are now faced with a situation where inadequacies or uncertainties centering around the manufacturing, use, storage, and disposal of toxic chemicals, have resulted in an overwhelming number of environmentally induced illnesses. These illnesses include cancers of almost every organ system of the body, liver disease, pulmonary damage, nervous system disease, immune system damage, reproductive and fertility impairment, and kidney dysfunction.

Scientific evidence shows that thousands of drugs, food additives, pesticides, and other pollutants remain stored in the body long after exposure. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, everyone has 700 chemicals on average in our bodies, while babies have 70 on average. When these toxins are not excreted from our body, they accumulate in our fat tissue and do ongoing damage.

We are constantly bombarded with chemicals in our air, food, and water. No matter how healthy you eat or take care of yourself, you CANNOT achieve true health unless you purge heavy metals and environmental chemicals from your body. If you don’t make an effort to detox these chemicals, they will inevitably manifest as a disease or chronic health condition depending upon your genetic susceptibility. Detoxification should be considered a life-long process.

The Nutritional Balancing Program

It is equally important to get the correct levels of minerals in your body because if you have deficiencies, your body will accumulate heavy metals to do the jobs that minerals should be doing. What makes this problem even worse is that our food is quite nutrient-deficient.  The more nutrient-deficient we become, the more we accumulate toxins in our bodies and the harder it is for our bodies to remove them. One of the best ways to remineralize your body and aid in detoxing these heavy metals is with a Nutritional Balancing Program.

Minerals like zinc, calcium, etc. and heavy metals like lead, aluminum, mercury, and others inhabit the same places in your body and can do the same jobs. For instance, if you don’t have enough zinc, your body will be forced to accumulate and repair your blood vessels with cadmium, which doesn’t do the job as good because it’s brittle, but it does work.

Nutritional Balancing can help remineralize your body and help you detox safely. The first step in a Nutritional Balancing Program is to do a Hair Mineral Analysis. A piece of your hair is cut and sent off to a lab to be analyzed.

The Nutritional Balancing Program includes:

  • Nutritional Assessment through hair mineral analysis.
  • Based on your hair test results, you will be given supplements to balance your minerals, which serve to detox heavy metals and chemicals. Nutritional supplements will also be given to you’re your specific health conditions. The supplements are $100 or more per month.
  • You are given and a diet of natural whole foods, including animal protein, tailored specifically to your metabolic rate, which is slow, fast, or mixed (aka normal).
  • Detox Strategie, which we’ll discuss in a minute.
  • And lifestyle modification recommendations to reduce stress, including lots of SLEEP!

For the program to be effective, you will need to do hair mineral retests every 3-4 months (or every 6 months) and change your supplements and diet accordingly until you are in balance. This can take 2-3 years. The first test and consultation costs $175-250, depending upon the practitioner. Retests are $150.

On this program toxic metals and chemicals are removed naturally and safely; cells can make more energy and symptoms start disappearing. I’m not going to lie – this process takes time. Unfortunately it can take a long time to remineralize the body – even years. It can also take years to remove all the heavy metals and chemicals from the body using the supplements and detox methods we will discuss in a moment. Due to the time and dedication it takes, it’s not for everyone. It is only for those truly committed to their health.

If you want more information you can see my blog post Nutritional Balancing with Hair mineral Analysis on and can also visit I use Nikki Moses of to do my hair tests. She is an amazingly knowledgeable practitioner in Los Angeles, but you can use her no matter where you live in the world. I will be receiving my certification in this protocol by the end of summer 2013, so I’ll be available to provide you with this invaluable service very soon.

I’ve been on the program for a year and have had such amazing results with my health that I put my daughter on the program! I also had to get certified to help bring this program to as many people as possible. Once you know and provide the exact nutrients your whole body needs, in the exact combinations to properly balance your body chemistry, your body starts to heal itself. It makes so much sense. When you heal the entire body, you improve or eliminate almost any health condition that you may have.

Infrared Saunas

One of the detox protocols used with Nutritional Balancing Science are Infrared saunas. Infrared saunas have so many health benefits, including weight loss, detoxification, pain relief, etc. If you’re having trouble losing weight, have a lack of energy, are sick, or suffering from a chronic disease or condition, especially cancer, toxin accumulation is contributing to the problem. Infrared sauna therapy is one of the safest and most powerful ways to eliminate toxins and increase your overall health. 

Infrared saunas can be either near or far infrared saunas. Most you see at spas or health practitioner’s offices are far infrared. These are great, but many think that near infrared saunas are much better for you because many far infrared saunas can emit too many EMFs or electromagnetic fields – the kind our cell phones and other electronic equipment emit. They’re not so good for us.

You can even make a near infrared bulb sauna at home for $200 using red infrared sauna bulbs you can get at any hardware store. Simply install three or more bulbs in a tiny room, tent, or small bathroom.  Place a heater in the room to heat the room up to 110 degrees plus. And you have a homemade sauna! I use a sauna lamp on any body parts that are hurting or injured as the rays are very good at tissue healing. I have directions on how to make a home sauna on my blog post Infrared Saunas, as well as listings of reputable manufacturers and how to find a sauna in your area.

Infrared Saunas differ from regular saunas because they penetrate deeper. The rays in an infrared sauna penetrate 1.5 inches into your skin, detoxing the cells in its path. About 15-20% of the sweat you produce are toxins compared to only 5% in a regular sauna. This makes your time in an infrared sauna much more effectively spent compared to a regular dry sauna.

One great way I use the sauna is when I have a cold, flu, or infection. The sauna induces a fever by increasing your body temperature by three degrees. What happens when you have a fever? You kill bacteria and viruses! Sauna use shortens the length of a cold or prevents it from developing in the first place.

Another important use for the sauna is in killing cancer cells – even ones that you don’t even know you have. Sauna use should be mandatory for anyone with cancer. Even if one is very ill, the temperature of the sauna can be reduced to 110 or 120 degrees and still be effective. The sauna will help to reduce a cancer patient’s toxic load while killing cancer cells. It also aids in reducing nausea and negative side effects of chemo. Cancer cells don’t tolerate heat well and die as a result.

I like to think of the sauna as a form of cancer prevention. It is important to note that everyone develops cancer cells. But if you have a strong immune system and are not too toxic, your body is able to kill them. When your body is overloaded with toxins, so much so that the immune system is overloaded or weakened by a poor diet, this is when these mutant cells are able to grow into a tumor. Hopefully, it’s caught in time. Regular sauna use may prevent this from happening!

Coffee Enemas

Another detox tactic used with Nutritional Balancing Science are Coffee Enemas. Don’t freak out! Everyone is hesitant at first, but then really begin to love them. But they’re not for everyone. I have to say that Coffee Enemas are invaluable if you have constipation, any kind of pain (as they reduce pain), cancer, or are looking to detox heavy metals.

Coffee enemas are one of the best ways of cleansing the liver, the colon, and speeding up detoxification processes in the body. All toxins must be processed by your liver – a near impossible job in our toxic world. Coffee enemas provide a means for your liver to ‘dump’ its toxic load of chemicals, excess estrogens, and heavy metals into the intestines for elimination. They are especially crucial if you have a chronic illness.

Coffee enemas have been used as a healing remedy for the last 100 years. They are particularly well known as part of the cancer treatment protocol with Gerson Therapy. As many cancers are fueled by estrogen, coffee enemas aid the liver in metabolizing estrogen, reducing estrogen levels. The enemas aid the body in detoxing chemicals and heavy metals that are the underlying cause of cancer and most disease. Additionally, coffee enemas can help to relieve pain, nausea, general nervous tension and depression.

Coffee enemas are superior to plain water enemas, as they provide so many more benefits. The theobromine, theophylline, and caffeine in the coffee travel via the rich capillary bed of the rectum into the portal veins, which lead directly to the liver. These substances dilate blood vessels and open up the bile ducts allowing the liver to release bile, which contains toxins.

Doctors at the University of Minnesota showed that coffee administered rectally also stimulates an enzyme system in the liver, which increases glutathione, the master antioxidant in the body, by 600%-700% above normal activity levels. This antioxidant reacts with free radicals (which cause cell damage) in the bloodstream and makes them inert. These neutralized substances become dissolved in the bile, are released through the bile flow from the liver and gallbladder, and are excreted through the intestinal tract. While holding the coffee enema in the colon for 10-15 minutes, the body’s entire blood supply passes through the liver 4-5 times, carrying poisons picked up from the tissues. So the enema acts as a form of dialysis of the blood.

I’ve heard of some people being opposed to coffee enemas claiming that they wash out the probiotics in your colon. However, you only take in two cups of water into your very large colon. The enemas do not fill or wash out the entire colon and so I can’t see why some would think this. Colonics done at a practitioner’s office are a different story. These do fill the entire colon and I would avoid them for this reason. These can also subject you to infections if the equipment is not cleaned properly. This happened to a friend of mine! He was sick for three weeks. Coffee enemas are done at home in the privacy of your own home. Much better!! You can read more about coffee enemas and get instructions on how to perform one on my blog post Coffee Enemas.


Juices are a great way to detox from heavy metals and a ton of other chemicals and poisons with no side effects or harmful complications.

Thousands of people have healed themselves from cancer and other deadly diseases with this simple, time-honored remedy. Hundreds of scientific studies have been published on the health benefits of fresh raw vegetable juices.

The absorption rate of juice is 99%, whereas even the best human digestive system in the world is only able to absorb 40% of nutrients from food. Therefore, juices can recharge and rejuvenate quickly. When we eat food, energy is required to digest (digestion is the number one zapper of energy) and less than 40% of the nutrients can be assimilated. The digestive system has virtually no work to do in digesting juices. They get absorbed in 20-25 minutes, providing the body with a concentrated amount of nutrients.

Why not just buy juice in the stores? Juices in stores have been processed and pasteurized, destroying all the enzymes and many vitamins and phytonutrients. Most are merely a source of sugar. In freshly extracted juice, the natural sugars are balanced with enzymes, minerals, and other nutrients, which turn them into energy for the body. However, juices in the stores do contain nutrients and are better than not drinking juice at all.

You can get too much of a good thing. I recommend only 10-12 ounces of carrot juice or green vegetable juice a day. More than that will give the body too much sugar and throw it out of balance. And NO fruit juice! This has way too much sugar and should be enjoyed only occasionally.

Why Your Doctor is Limited in his Ability to Treat Your Health Conditions

Today’s medical system is symptom based. You’re usually only offered surgery or medication to treat your condition. When you have a headache, you get a pain medication. When this doesn’t work, you’re given a different medication. It is a rare, brilliant doctor that recommends detox or alternative care (like biofeedback or acupuncture for headaches, etc.) It is not a holistic system, which seeks to find if your headache is caused by poor nutrition or dysregulation of a major body system. You go to a different doctor for each different body system. Care is piecemeal, and therefore largely ineffective. This is laughable in many other disciplines of medicine. Our current system manages diseases (poorly with medications), rather than prevents them. Prevention is largely ignored.

Most mainstream medical doctors, holistic doctors and even naturopaths do not understand that most disease is the result of heavy metal and environmental pollution in combination with mineral and vitamin deficiencies. If they did, they would not waste the people’s money on expensive tests and drugs that make things worse. When you get sick, one of the first things you should do is detox your body and see if treatment is still required. In some cases it will be.

Medications do nothing to get rid of the underlying cause of disease, much less bring a cure. In fact, by adding one more chemical to an already overwhelmed body, they usher in new symptoms and disease. Physicians are programmed to practice drug-driven medicine where every symptom dictates a drug or surgery. This lends itself to myopia – not seeing the most obvious cause of disease and using safer, natural methods to treat their patients. Medicated patients get sicker quicker. Don’t get me wrong. Modern medicine and medications absolutely save lives. However, our country is grossly overmedicated in a medical system largely controlled by Big Pharma.

Valuable treatment time is wasted in vain with needless medication, surgeries, herbs (especially Ayurvedic and Chinese herbs, which contain toxic metals), symptomatic vitamin and mineral therapy (for instance prescribing iron for low iron), all sorts of diets, and even chelation. People simply need help to gently and safely remove toxic metals and chemicals from their body. Nutritional balancing, with the help of infrared sauna therapy and coffee enemas, are one of the very few methods I am aware of that accomplishes this all the time, without fail.

But don’t get me wrong: Doctors save lives. Medications save lives. If I’m in a car accident, Western medical trauma care is the best in the world. Surgery is necessary for many conditions. I’m not anti-medicine. I’m against using medication or surgery as a first line of treatment. Natural healing methods are often far more effective and address the root cause of the problem. This simply makes more sense to me.

Taking Responsibility for Your Health

With the current state of our medical system and the sad takeover of our medical system with Obamacare, we are losing control of our health care. With Obamacare, fifty oversight boards have been created that will make decisions over whether you receive care or not for your medical condition. It’s frightening to think about.

Now, more than ever, you must begin educating yourself about your particular health conditions and see your doctor or any other health care practitioner as mere consultants, not someone who’s advice you follow blindly. Following someone’s health care advice without question rarely has good outcomes. In many instances, doctors are only legally allowed to offer you medications or surgery for your health conditions or they could lose their medical license or face malpractice suits. Many are not knowledgeable about nutrition or alternative medicine or therapies. It is up to you to learn about these areas of health.

Searches on the internet can be very confusing and overwhelming, as it’s often difficult to find correct information. I know! I’m always researching! Most sites are traditional medical websites with all the typical western medical solutions or are funded by big Pharma to steer you towards medication for treatment. For this reason, I wanted to give you a list of credible websites where you can find correct medical and health information without bias and find the true cures and relief for your health conditions and symptoms. Some of the best sites I have found are:

Certainly, there are other great websites, but these cover a lot of ground and I find I keep going to them again and again because of the stellar information they contain.


  1. Try an Infrared Sauna
  2. Try to drink a juice twice a week. Remember we need to be drinking carrot juice or green juice.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey to discover the basic foundations of diet and detox that you need in place to experience optimum health. All of the dietary recommendations in this webinar series are principles of the Live to 110™ Diet. They are all basic paleo diet principles, modified a bit to accommodate individual differences and our modern environmental problems (like pollution). My goal and hope with this webinar series is to arm you with the knowledge you need to prevent disease and disability and live a long, healthy life – hopefully to 110. The best time to work on your health is while you still have it!

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