Transcript #465 How to Tap Into Your Brain’s Highest Potential with Dr. Patrick Porter


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  1. Patrick Porter joins the show to talk about how you can tap into your brain’s unlimited potential. There is so many things working against your brain performing at its best, from stress to EMF, to poor sleep and diet. If these factors are not addressed, they can eventually lead to serious health complications including chronic fatigue and even dementia. Luckily there’s things we can do to get out brain running at peak performance! Patrick has dedicated his life to researching and developing an incredible device called BrainTap that has been proven to dramatically improve people’s sleep, stress, energy levels, brain function, sports performance and much more. If you’re looking for an easily solution to improve your brain, make sure to tune into this episode!
  2. Find out why Patrick developed BrainTap.
  3. Learn about what differentiates BrainTap from most meditation apps.
  4. Learn about BrainTap’s incredible health benefits.
  5. Find out what drew Patrick to working on this technology.
  6. Learn more about the technology behind BrainTap and how it harnesses sound, light, and frequencies to improve the brain.
  7. Learn about how BrainTap helps to reduce stress, and why it is so important to do so.
  8. Find out some of the awesome ways you can incorporate BrainTap into your daily routines.
  9. Learn about some of the unexpected benefits people have reported while using BrainTap.
  10. Learn about some of the studies BrainTap has undergone, and how it is changing the health and wellness industry.
  11. Find out how EMF is affecting our brain health and how BrainTap works to counteract its dangerous effects.
  12. Learn about some of the exciting developments for BrainTap.
  13. Find out about some of the programs BrainTap has to help with detoxification.
  14. Read Patrick’s final words on BrainTap and its benefits.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Hello everyone; I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. So today, we’ve got a great show, and every week I bring you experts from around the world to help to level your health, upgrade your mental health, and help you learn more about detoxification as well. And today, we’re going to be talking about, with Patrick Porter, how to tap into your brain’s unlimited potential. So many people today have disorganized brains, they have a lot of stress, they’re bombarded with EMF, they’re not getting enough sleep, their diets are less than subpar, and so there are a lot of things working against proper brain function. This is everyone’s worst fear. If their brains aren’t working, they may move into dementia, or they are not able to learn as well as they can to memorize facts as well as they could, learn about health, or they’re in school or in work, they’re just not able to perform at the level that they know that they’re capable of.

  And so Patrick Porter has been studying this for his entire life, and he has an amazing device called the BrainTap. There’s an app that you can download for free, that BrainTap app, and you can start using some of the programs there. But the magic happens with these different lights and sounds emitted by a headset that he developed that you can use in tandem with all the different programs in the app. So, we talk about how BrainTap can dramatically improve your sleep, energy levels, and even your sports performance and reduce your stress levels. There are many different benefits to this technology. This is a very interesting show if you want to learn how to improve your brain.

  And I know you guys are listening to this podcast, you want to know how to detox your body, like what metals you have, what toxins are affecting your body and your brain, and how to detox, and that’s why you’re listening to this show. So I created a quiz at It takes two seconds to take based on some lifestyle questions, so lifestyle factors in your life, what your relative body burden level of toxins are. And after you take the quiz and get your results, you get a free video series on how to detox your body, the do’s and don’ts of detox, what supplements you need to detox, how long does it take to detox, and all about heavy metals testing, lots of really good info after you take the quiz at

  Our guest today, Dr. Patrick Porter, he’s a Ph.D., and he’s an award-winning author, speaker, and the founder of BrainTap. And it’s the leader in technology-enhanced meditation. Dr. Porter pioneered the use of brainwave entrainment to improve mental clarity, sleep, and energy and remains at the forefront of scientific research. He founded BrainTap with the goal of making his technology accessible to everyone. BrainTap offers over 2000 original audio sessions in 12 languages and serves a worldwide user base with its mobile app and headset. Dr. Porter has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, People, Entrepreneur, Inc, and on ABC, NBC, and CBS as an expert in brain health and Wellness. And in 2020, Dr. Porter received the IAF and a Lifetime Achievement Award. You can learn more about Patrick and his work at Patrick, thanks so much for coming to the show.

Dr. Patrick Porter: Hey, it’s great to be here. Thank you.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah, so we’re going to be talking about your BrainTap technology. So, how did you develop this technology?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, it’s kind of a lifelong pursuit, even when I did it at 26 years old because my dad was what’s called a Silva Method instructor, and he taught us how to do meditation using technology, the technology of sound, they call it the silver sound. And so that kind of started my journey at 12 years old, and I created my very first session at that time. And then I got into psychology, and then I started a franchise company, and I needed a piece of equipment that I could use in my company. And so I invented this to help people to, first of all, get rid of pain, but now we know it helps in a lot of different ways than that.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so, how does this differ from, say like, meditation apps?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, the biggest difference is meditation apps take effort. Only 5% of people that start meditating actually continue meditating, which I think is a sad statistic. And what we do is with the protocol, the light, sound vibration protocol, the listener of BrainTap simply needs to relax back. You can sit in a chair. If you want to get in the full lotus position or something, you can do that. But most people just lay down in their bed or on a comfortable chair, put the equipment on, and they’re going to go to the same brain state as someone who’s been a practicing meditator for 20 to 30 years.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Wow, yeah. And what are some of the other benefits? So we know there are a lot of benefits to meditation, but what are some of the benefits that we get from BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, the reason it was actually created was pain control. This was before opioids made their hit on the market; this was in the ’80s, and people were looking for solutions to pain. And we know that if we can lower a brain wave called beta, which is where the anxiety and stress reside, you can increase your capacity to handle pain and even eliminate it. I personally went through pain-free surgery without any anesthetic. So there are ways to do it. That’s one. So, we have a pain-free lifestyle series. There are over 47 different ones, so I’m not going to mention them all. I’ll just mention a few of the big ones. Weight loss is a big one. When they featured us in People magazine, we helped over 100 people take half their weight off and keep it off for more than five years. We could have given them more, but that’s all we sent them because when you get your nervous system back online, which is what meditation does, you actually increase your metabolism.

And now we have technology that can actually measure it. We also work a lot with addictions because that was my background before I got into this. I wrote the programs for DUIs for the state of Arizona. So, when we’re looking at addiction, we can help people to, first of all, get into a physiological state where they’re not so stressed out about whether it’d be giving up cocaine, cigarettes, whatever it might be, whatever the addiction is, we can help with that because it’s all a mindset and it’s about training the brain to think differently. And then, of course, the main thing we find with BrainTap is people think better, sleep better, and then perform better. Those are the key things that most people report back. But then you can be very specific if you want, and you can improve your golf game. I’m producing a program right now for the Northwestern Women’s Hockey Team, which we helped make it to the final four last year. So, we do a lot of things out there, from sports to self-improvement.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And I’ve seen you in a lot of biohacking conferences; there’s like all kinds of biohackers coming up to your booth to try to do some brain tapping.

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yes. Yeah. I think that people because what we’re doing is we’re actually imitating a cycle of sleep. We can liken the physiological effect of a 20-minute BrainTap session to a four-hour power nap. But instead of waking up groggy, we’re going to wake you up in the proper brainwave state so you have the energy. We call it digital coffee because you’ll hopefully wake up, and it’ll be calm energy. And you’ll be able to just start your day without having to kick-start it with caffeine.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so, what drew you to this area to help people with biohacking their brain and brain tapping their brains?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, it happened to me first. I was held back in second grade. I always thought Sister Barbara just wanted me in her class for an extra year. But I wasn’t stupid, I wouldn’t say that, and I could learn, but I didn’t have any patience. I wanted to be an artist, so all I did was daydream and do my art. And then my dad actually taught me to do it for sports first. And then I noticed because I was building my concentration and focus on something I liked to do, it crossed over into school, and I thought, “Wow.”

My first book was called Awaken the Genius because I believe every person out there has genius potential. I just got to find out what that is. And that’s what happened to me. I found out that I could flip the switch in my brain and be Patrick, the learner, and then I could still flip the switch back and be Patrick, the artist. I didn’t have to be one or the other. And when you’re eight or nine years old, you can’t really discern that, so I was struggling a little bit. So, we got first into this for helping people with accelerated learning, and then it went into addictions like weight loss and stopping smoking and alcohol and things of that nature.

Dr. Wendy Myers: So, what other conditions and situations can sound healing and binaural beats and isochronic tones, and phantom beats help with. And what are these exactly, and how do they relate to brain tapping?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Right. Well, one thing is that some people would say we’re sound, and some people say we’re light, and some people say we’re frequency. The reality is we’re light, sound, and frequency. So, anything that you find stresses you out, or you don’t perform at your peak because you haven’t practiced or rehearsed it because of stress. If stress makes your problem worse, then we can probably help it. When people say, “Will BrainTap help?” Then I say, “Well, do you find that you don’t sleep as well if you’re a little stressed out? Well, then we could probably help because we’re going to offload that stress, and you can sleep in the night.” These sounds work because our ears actually process 25,000 pieces of information every second.

If you and I were in a restaurant and having dinner and just having a great conversation and then somebody two tables over said, “Biohacking,” because you and I both know what that means, we would hear that word, we wouldn’t hear the rest of their conversation, but we’d hear that word, or if it’s a sports team in the area or something like that, we would hear that because our reticular activating system is always listening. Now, most of the noise just kind of filters out. It’s kind of like living next to a paper mill, unfortunately. If you’ve ever been near one, they smell, and you might be. I remember a friend of mine lived near one. I said, “How can you stand it? Then he goes, “I don’t even smell it.” Because the nervous system is really good at identifying what could be a danger.

But then, as soon as it’s not a danger anymore, it kind of puts it in the safe category, and you don’t recognize it. So, what we did with these sounds was we needed to create a very specific rhythm and cadence to these sounds. And you can’t listen to the same one more than three times in a row. Some people do these on YouTube, and they go, “These binaural beats don’t work.” Yeah, because you’re listening to the same binaural beat. There’s a reason we have over 2000 sessions because we need to train the brain in all these different areas. So, for instance, a binaural beat is, this is just one example, it’s not the complete answer, but we’d put 300 hertz in one ear and 310 in the other ear. Your brain would actually hear a phantom sound of 10 hertz.

This 10 hertz the brain would then identify. And because we have what they’re called mirror neurons in the brain and we have cilia on the brain that’s like hair follicles, that’s always measuring the frequency of the world around us. For instance, just use lighting as an example because it’s easier. When somebody takes a bath with a candle or meditates with a candle, They don’t realize what they’re doing is meditating to 10-hertz frequency because all fires burn at 10 cycles. So, there’s a flickering to that light, and that’s what makes us relaxed and calm, whether we’re looking at a campfire or a candle and the brain matches that frequency. So we can do it with light, but we can also do it with sound.

The sound was easier because back before 1985, there were really no commercially available LEDs, so we couldn’t do this before that. And then, the microprocessor came out; we used to build these in our back office before we went into production. And so when we’re building them, we’re actually imitating a candle. But we noticed that if we had sound with the light, we could guide the brain into any brainwave state we wanted by taking them into deep delta for deep sleep with sound. And then remember I was telling you about the two ears and how they hear different tones. The isochronic tone is another one that we use; that’s a mono sound. So when you think about the earth itself, you go near the ocean, you can see the ocean, and it’s relaxing, but you hear the ocean, that ocean is actually an isochronic tone generator; it’s creating a B frequency.

So those waves, as they crash against the shore, your brain starts to slow down and starts to get into that rhythm. That also happens to the 10-hertz frequency. So it’s not uncommon to notice that all of the places we find pleasurable or relaxing are 10-hertz frequencies or theta frequencies, like the mountaintops. When people look at a guru meditating in the mountains, they go, why is that? Because the mountain resonates with a frequency, and that’s a tone that you can, If we had the device to hear it, we could hear it.

But just light frequencies where everybody, if they’re watching a video here, we’re only seeing a very small percentage of the electromagnetic frequency, there’s an infinite number each way that we don’t see. So we don’t know what’s there or not there. The same is true with our hearing. That’s why they have dog whistles. You don’t hear anything but the dogs go crazy because they have hearing capacity. But the reality is that our brain has the capacity for 20 decibels below and above as a minimum of what we can actually hear, and it still processes that information. So, it’s kind of like a bleed-through. We’re hearing our siblings’ stereo in the other room, we can’t really make it out, but we know they’re playing some music over there, and that’s the way the brain waves work.

So, all of these sounds work because this tells our body and physiology what to do. So, when we talk about moving our nervous system, if we walk outside and it’s cold, our body is going to start to shiver to warm up. If we walk outside and it’s hot, it’s going to start to sweat and cool us down. That’s just one example of how the nervous system makes adjustments. We’re also making these quantum adjustments based on light, sound, and vibration all the time. And it’s actually changing the way our genes, how we show up as an individual; our environment will have an effect on that.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah, and I think people today they’re so stressed out that they need different ways to biohack their brains and their nervous system to reduce stress and calm themselves down.

Dr. Patrick Porter: I think most people don’t realize that if you don’t do something to eliminate stress, going to sleep for a lot of people doesn’t eliminate stress. They start chewing their teeth and wearing down their enamel and grinding their teeth, or they might wake up, and their muscles are cramped or tight because they were still flexing and that stress energy was still in their body. So, we need to get rid of that stress and what we call it is a sympathetic escape. So, the body doesn’t know what to do, so it starts going inside, almost like you see somebody in the fetal position or something; that would be the maximum result. But a lot of people, they just, especially what’s happened over the last three years here, we’re getting hit every day by some propaganda. it’s basically how you perceive it.

Because a threat to one person might be a pleasurable experience. Somebody might hear the information today, “Hey, you just got fired,” and they go, “This is great; I can go start the business that I always wanted to.” And then another person goes, “No, what am I going to do?” So, the stressful event can be the same, but people can treat it differently. So, what we teach is that when we have periods of intense stress, we need to have periods of intense relaxation, and that’s something you have to work on, or you just naturally begin to do it. Like let’s say you go to the gym and work out; that’s a great way to work out stress. But then, how do you get rid of the stress of working out? Because there’s stress in doing that. We know that if you take time to do a 10 or 20-minute BrainTap session afterward, as they do at Kansas City Sport, the professional soccer team, you have the capacity to build more neuroplasticity.

So you get the double benefit of exercise, you get the physical effects, the muscles, and things like that, but you also get the mental because you’re getting that neuroplasticity. And really, our capacity to do work causes our brains to become so big. It wasn’t just because we stood, I mean, part of it is because we stood up, and our distributor system had to kick in, which takes a lot of effort. That’s why as we age, we tend to not have the balance that we need. But that’s also a brainwave called SMR, and that’s the brainwave under stress that gets damaged. That’s why people under stress will say, “That was a senior moment or something.” It wasn’t a senior moment. It was that your SMR brainwave went down, and you couldn’t retrieve the information through the hippocampus to give you that information.

The brain had the information, but you forgot where to find it, or you didn’t have the energy for the brain to do the work. A lot of times it’s the energy because of many factors, mostly food. If you don’t have the right diet, the brain uses the first 25% of all resources, whether it be nutrition, oxygen, or all these things. So, we need to get the brain the right information in the form of energy and nutrients.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And Is there any advice you can give people or new users of the BrainTap to help them to integrate a lifelong meditation practice that really provides tangible value to their everyday lives?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yeah, I would say the first thing is first thing in the morning; there’s a saying that we love here. It’s “Win the morning, win the day.” And so when you think about that, what we mean by that is most people wake up in the morning, and their brain is dysregulated. Now, you might be wondering, how do I know if my brain’s dysregulated? Do you run to the coffee pot? I mean, you don’t walk; you run to the coffee pot to wake up because you just slept all night. Why do you need coffee to wake up? Because your brain is dysregulated. It’s not bringing you back into beta consciousness, which is what we need. We need all the different brain waves at one time. So first thing in the morning, do an AM program. We call it SMR training, or we call it Just Wake Up. We have an app that’s called Wake Up.

And that app, or that bundle, I should say in our app, is designed to wake up that brain wave frequency that will help you focus, concentrate, be resilient, and commit. In fact, some of those titles are just that in the morning, you can do a different one every day and that’s going to start training your brain to wake up. A lot of people they’re not looking forward to their day, unfortunately. When I had my clinics, 92% of people that came in for therapy didn’t like their job. I hope that’s not the case because that’s a sad number because you’re spending 1/3 of your time at least doing your job, so you want to be doing something you love and appreciate and bring back that enjoyment. Now, most people don’t know that in the middle of the day, your temperature drops two degrees.

This happens every day at two o’clock, no matter where you’re in the world. This is part of the cyclic relationship we have with the sun. The light and frequency of the sun literally tell our bodies what to do. When you think about vitamin D, it’s not vitamin D, it’s a hormone, and it’s made through light. Of course, you can take it synthetically, the real deal is our body makes its own, and the same with melatonin. If you don’t get to sleep before 12:00, you’re not going to make as much melatonin. So, two hours before 12:00, every hour is worth two hours if you wait till after 12:00 to make melatonin. So most of the melatonin is made between 10:00 and 2:00 if you don’t get to sleep.

So, all these things are triggered, so to get the practice in the middle of the day, you do the reboot that way, you get two mornings. And whether you do it right when you get home from work because you know you don’t want to carry over, let’s say you’re stressed out about your job, or something happened there, you really want your relationships at home to be the best. So you do a reboot, whether that’s in the middle of the afternoon or right when you get home from work, you say, “Hey, I’m going to take my 20 minutes. I’m going to reboot?” And people that do that go, “Wow, I have such a better home life.” Because you don’t just crawl to the rocking chair or whatever, to the easy chair, turn on the TV and pass out, you can now go have fun with your family or go have your life because work is about building the life you want, not work.

Work is the means to get you there. And then the easiest, I would say, 90% of our users, their default is if they can’t do it during the day, are they just put it on at night and go to sleep. And it’s going to help you get that deep sleep that you need. And especially if you have any of these biohacking devices like the Oura Ring, Biostrap, WHOOP, and all these different gadgets that can measure your REM sleep because that sleep is so important. If somebody were to ask me, you should measure one thing, which should be sleep. Because if you don’t get at least two hours of REM sleep and one hour of what they call level four sleep, delta sleep, then you’re not detoxing the brain. That’s the only time the brain detoxes. So that’s really important. And then everything else works better.

If we have a good night’s sleep, we feel like we can take on the world. But sleep starts first thing in the morning; that’s why I said the AM. So if somebody’s out there having trouble with sleeping, I would encourage you to first do. We have a session; the beneficial program work you’re talking about is the 21-day journey quick start that we have. And if they just follow that, they don’t. Once you finish those 21 days, your brain is going to be now ready for any session we have on the platform. You could do even the 40-minute journeys that we have.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Wow. And I think that for so many people today, sleep is such an energy-intensive process, and people, even if they have their eyes closed for eight hours, it doesn’t mean they had a restorative sleep. You have to do everything you can to make sure you get as much out of your sleep as possible. And so, doing the BrainTap sounds like a perfect way to do that.

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yeah, because most people don’t have a good sleep routine. They go right from the 10 o’clock news to bed. I would say skip the news altogether after six o’clock. And I don’t usually choose to watch it very often at all, but I always tell people, if you’re too happy, just turn on the news. You’ll start to get a little depressed. You’ll balance out there.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. And so, can you share with us some of the other kinds of unexpected benefits people have reported using BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, I think one of the fun ones if you’re into UFC fighting and MMA fighting was when Corey Anderson was on ESPN, and he knocked his guy out in 47 seconds, and they asked him, they said, “When did you know we were going to win?” And he said, “Well, I was in the locker room listening to my BrainTap, and I was listening to Step Into the Spotlight, and I saw myself knock him out at 47 seconds.” So that was kind of coincidental and kind of amazing. It was great he said it on ESPN, which is always good. And then I think that Carol Hooper, who’s one of the ones we feature on social media, she’s now kept off 125 pounds for over 18 years. And so, one thing is that I tell people it’s not always what you’re eating; it’s what’s eating you. And if you can change your mindset or your relationship is another way to think about it between yourself and food, then once you take the weight off, you don’t have to go through that diet cycle again.

That’s a big thing. I know that the holidays are the time people are packing on the pounds, but if you could control that, the average American gains five pounds during the holidays and never takes it off; that’s how 10 years later, they’re 50 pounds overweight. They just haven’t done that, so I think if you just do a little thinking about it. Also, I think one of the things is that Seminole College now has a BrainTap wing at the university because we donated BrainTap equipment and their whole sports teams use it because we helped their golf team win the national championship two years in a row. And they found out that those girls had the highest GPA in the school.

And we know that if your brain’s working better without stress, you’re going to learn better. So I think learning is one of the biggest things. We had a group in Pikeville, Kentucky, that we did a research project with; they were all C students. One of the things, they had to be C students, and they did not want to go to college. So if we said, “What are you going to do in college?” They said, “I’m not attending.” And this was a coal mining area in Virginia.

So Dr. Sanders, when he was interviewing them, we picked out people that had no concept of college. We spent four hours with them, and they did the BrainTap four different times. The next year, 59 out of 60 of them in the study finished their freshman year of college.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Wow.

Dr. Patrick Porter: And I think the main reason is that it works so well, and I outlined that in the Awaken the Genius book, but the reason that’s so important, it doesn’t take a lot to teach these kids. So often, people are learning what to think. They wake in the morning, “What should I think?” They turn on the news, “This is what I should think.” No, we need to teach people how to think. And that’s the big thing I think BrainTap does is we’re going to teach people how to think.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And so this isn’t a form of biohacking? Where we are hacking into our biology. So how is doing biohacking like BrainTap going to change the health and wellness industry?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, I think it’s changing already because a lot of people change their physiology, and that changes your psychology. We all know people that were very negative, and then they started lifting weights and eating healthy, and they became positive people. But the reality is if you can go from the top down and from down up, which means do them both, I believe there are three waves to wellness. And the first wave is nutrition. You cannot think about diet. Unless you’re like one of these X-men or something where you can transform junk into healthy foods, you gotta eat well. You’ve got to move and breathe. So obviously, you’re not moving and breathing when you’re doing BrainTap, but you’re breathing, you’re doing breathing exercises because I’m guiding you through a lot of those. We’re also stimulating the nervous system using lights out of vibration. So we call this brain fitness.

One of the studies that we just published that we’re going to present to NIH next year, we were accepted for our concussion study. Where we took every student in a school in Michigan that had a concussion for the year. These were cheerleaders, football players, whatever. 50% of them did BrainTap at the end of their treatment. So, they all got the same treatment, so nobody didn’t get treatment. But a year later, after using the BrainTap, so a year later we tested everyone, and what we found out was the group that used BrainTap had between 30 and 70% neurological improvement across the board over the group that didn’t use BrainTap. So we call this brain fitness because we can train the brain to return back to its resilience state because the most unprescribed nutrient on earth is light.

And if people aren’t getting the right amount of light, then there are going to be problems. And also, as we get older, it’s an unfortunate reality that our brain gets dysregulated. Meaning that the frontal lobe, which is what separates us from other animals, allows us to think, and they call it executive thinking; as we age, those have a mismatch in voltage. So just to give you an idea, they should be 10.1 volts across this frontal lobe. Let’s say one’s 10.1 and one’s 10. They won’t communicate, which means your memory is going to fail. You’re going to rapidly spiral from dementia to Alzheimer’s because this communication is so important.

Our memories aren’t stored in one place. They’re stored in at least six to eight different places in the brain, and that’s why when you think of a memory, different areas of the brain light up. And that’s this area of the brain called the hippocampus, which atrophies; they say it can shrink three-quarters of an inch during stressful periods. So if you think about what we’re going to do for health, if you don’t have your brain, what does the rest of it matter? And a lot of people are focusing on it from a nutritional standpoint, which I think is very important. But the reality is if you’re stressed, if you’re anxious, if you’re worrying, your digestive system is offline.

That’s why a lot of people don’t realize that stress is more fattening than chocolate. In one stressful event, your liver produces as much sugar as a candy bar. So, we need to get that stress under control. And a lot of people don’t realize they’re insulin resistant because their foot’s always on the gas, and then they mash down the break at the same time, so now the car doesn’t know what to do. They’re doing this all the time, and they don’t realize why they’re so stressed out and worried. And it’s basically a regulation issue. But once you learn to let go, the nice thing with BrainTap is you don’t have to do anything. I tell people, press play to change.

You just press play, close your eyes, kick back, and then you’re in the right physiological state. Of course, we’re using words, affirmations, and guided imagery. We call it thought experiments because we’re not teaching people what to think; we’re teaching them how to think. There are little exercises like Einstein would do. He called them thought experiments when he saw himself on that light ray going through the universe. We do little thought experiments. So, instead of me telling you just as an example, telling you that you’re rich, you have abundance, whatever, that’s an affirmation that a lot of people use. But the problem is if you don’t believe it, the brain basically puts up resistance to it.

But if I say, what would it be like if you had everything you needed and whatever you needed showed up in your life on time, on schedule, and you had infinite abundance, how would you know that physically? How would you taste it? See it here? And so we’re asking. What happens is people get into the experience because that’s the way the brain works through questions. It doesn’t work through statements. Statements engage the left brain and then that critical factor, that judgment, and there’s no one on earth that doesn’t have judgment. I mean, it’d be impossible.

And that’s why the Benedictine monk said, “Give me a child till they’re seven, and I’ll give you a Catholic for life.” Because we get conditioned, we get programmed by mothers, fathers, teachers, preachers, brothers, sisters, all these people. They’re all adding in. And at some point, we say, “Stop. I’m going to figure this out for myself.” But sometimes, we’ve let the programming seep in. That’s why if you’ve ever been in a relationship and your significant other says, “You’re acting just like your father, you’re acting just like your mother,” you got the program, and we learn from our parents. So it makes sense.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yes. And so another form of stress is EMF or electromagnetic fields. Can you talk about that and how that’s affecting the brain and the brain waves?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yeah. When you think about EMS, the easiest way to think about it is we are used to earth frequencies. So if you and I were on a spaceship and we were flying toward the earth, we could measure the frequency of the earth from 0.05 to 100. These are earth frequencies. Now, our brain also has an invoked potential of 0.5 to 100, which means our brain is literally almost like a homing pigeon telling us where we live. That’s why 90% of people live near water. Now, just to give an example, when the tsunami hit Thailand, the scientists were going, “Where are all the animals? Whereas all the birds?” Well, they were in tune, and they left. The people were no longer in tune with their environment, so they actually showed pictures of kids running out toward the wave. So obviously, we never saw them again.

Now, we put up a tower. 3G was bad enough, but now we got 5G. 50 million pulses per second. Now to you, on a conscious level, you would just hear, hmmm, but your brain is actually trying to figure out what that 50 million pulses per second means. Because guess what? The sun is a radio frequency generator. Our sun is generating frequencies. Some are healthy, and some are not. That’s why we get burnt, and we go outside, and we have to cover up, but we’re used to those frequencies. These bodies, over 200,000 years ago, have been experiencing the earth’s frequencies and the sun’s frequencies. Now we put these poles; it looks like every three-quarter of a mile now, they’re everywhere, and they’re blanketing our planet with these frequencies.

Now, 20% of the people are EMF compromised, which means it overdrives the system. Think of your nervous systems like a series of highways and byways, but they’re information-carrying, but now you’re overriding that. All the cars on the highway get removed because of this new, you don’t even know what it is because you can’t figure out what this 50 million pulse is, but your body is still trying to figure it out. So the body then says, “Well, we need to shut down because something’s wrong. This can’t be right. We’ve never experienced this before in the history of time.” And so the brain starts shutting down.

I’m actually on the board with DeBaun’s group called Radiation Nation, and they use BrainTap as their first line of defense because the first thing that happens is the brain dysregulates because the brain does like an unsolved problem. And if you ever went to dinner with my wife and they misspelled something on the chalkboard, she wouldn’t be able to eat until, If it’s in her eye line, she’d have to get up and change that because it just bugs her. Well, everyone’s brain has that to some degree, but some are worse than others. So, if your brain is trying to figure that out and it can’t, it’s impossible. We don’t know what that is. We’ve never experienced it before.

So then what happens is the body starts to adapt. Now, one of the things I like, some people out there might know Clinton Ober, who wrote the book, Earthing; he’s a friend of mine. And we did some experiments because most people are running around with three volts of energy moving through their system; it should be zero. And so what we would do is we would show them standing by a tower, they could get up to six volts, which means that’s all energy that’s just disrupting the whole system. But as soon as they stepped outside barefoot, it all went away. Because our bodies are designed to take all that, whether it’s EMF, electromagnetic smog, or all the negative stuff.

Just us here doing this podcast, we’re sitting in front of a lot of electromagnetic smog. But if you’re wearing the right devices, I’m wearing a little thing here that breaks that up. It’s got frequencies in it that counteract that. I also have a little pyramid sitting here that counteracts it. So, there is technology out there now that all we need to do is break up that field, so we’re not getting a direct hit of 50 million pulses per second. So, if we can slow it down, we have to build things into our field. And some people might think that’s spooky, but the reality is that quantum physics has been around forever; that’s why we’re here doing this today.

This is a demonstration of quantum physics. I’m not really on your screen, but I appear to be, and you’re not really on my screen, but you appear to be, and we can have this conversation over distance. And think about if we could take this back to the 1800s, they’d think we were witches; there’s no way. And who knows where we’re going to be 100 years from now. But right now, nobody’s even testing for this, or the people that are testing for like Debaun and about a million other health practitioners, but the people are making the rules.

This is the same frequency, by the way, if you do the research that the Germans use for crowd control. They would turn these back on the crowds and make them sick. They’re putting them in every home. I feel sorry for these people that have their homes right underneath one of these towers. There’s actually Robert Kennedy Jr; he had a report that showed people living around these towers have cancer at some accelerated amount. It’s just crazy. But nobody’s really looking at that. It’s like, “It wasn’t that. It can’t be that,” because you can’t see the electromagnetic smog. But our bodies feel it.

Dr. Wendy Myers: And it affects our sleep and our mood and our brain function, our brain wave, our stress level, it’s terrible. But I’m so happy that there are programs on the BrainTap to help to counteract that. That’s amazing. And so, are there any other exciting developments coming down the line for BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, our biggest development is our neuro check, how we can measure the nervous system. And we’re adding now; we just added inflammation markers. Because everything is energy and frequency, we can actually like the Biostrap or the Oura ring, and these things, except ours, gather nine bits of information from the heart; there’s only two, and ours is a lot more money. It’s $6,000, so it’s not an inexpensive thing. But we can measure somebody’s nervousness, and at our biohacking events, they especially love to see metrics and what’s happening, so we can do a measurement with them and show them how their body is regulating right now. And by the way, at Dave Asbury’s event, when we were there, we’ve never seen so many people doing so well. And their brains still needed some repair on a lot of them, but their bodies and their nervous systems. There’s one that I posted with Danica Patrick that said even high-performing brains can improve. She had the highest-performing brain we’ve ever studied, whether it be a professional athlete or-

Dr. Wendy Myers: Wow. And she’s a race car driver, right?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yes. She was a race car driver. Well, I did some research after that, and according to physics, you shouldn’t be able to drive 200 miles an hour because we can’t process that information, but these people do. That’s why not everybody can be a Formula One race car driver. You have to have the brain for it. Just like not everybody can fly a Black Hawk helicopter, people are suited for different neurological needs and accomplishments.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Do you have any programs that help with detoxification?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Yeah, we have a whole section. If they put in detox, they’ll see there’s a 21-day and a five-week detox program that people can listen to to help them stay on their detox. The most popular is the three-day one because most people do a three-day liver clean, and that seems to be the most popular that we’ve seen. And it just basically keeps you focused on whatever your provider has told you to need to be done. It’s not specific to any provider, but when we detox, we also have to detox our negative thoughts. So, if we can get those thoughts, the toxins come in many forms, so we want to get rid of those negative toxic thoughts and help you to clean out your body as well as your brain.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah, fantastic. Well, Patrick, thank you so much for coming to the show. Is there anything that we left out that you wanted to mention about BrainTap?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, I think that the main thing is we have over 3000 clinics out there that are using it right now. We bring on anywhere between 30 to 40 new clinics every month, and we want to support you as an end user as well. So it doesn’t have to be a clinic. A lot of people think because of all the research we’ve done, you have to be a clinic to use it. No, we probably have the most researched under $1,000 all-in package of anyone on Earth because we’ve been doing it so long. And now that people understand that we can change brain function and we can improve our physiology by changing our psychology, there’s a big change there. We’re at the forefront now of using energy medicine, and I think that even our study in Brazil, which showed we beat out opioids in three different studies on fibromyalgia, and they’re calling it a digital drug because they did them in the same way you would do a drug study.

But we won all three of them. Usually, in a drug study, they say only one passes, and the other two fail, but they get the drug through because they use the study that worked. People understand now that your own brain, or what we like to say, your internal pharmacy is the most powerful pharmacy; it’s not the one in the corner drugstore. We can change our thoughts, our attitudes, and our beliefs by changing the way that we access our brains and get them to work with us instead of against us.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Okay, fantastic. And so, where can people get their own BrainTap device?

Dr. Patrick Porter: Well, if they go to, they can sign up and get a free copy of my book Thrive In Overdrive. They can also get 15 days free on the app so they can try out some of the things I said, and there’s no credit card necessary. Just go there, and download it. If you like it, then you’re going to get an email just to buy the headset. And right now, if you get in, then we just got done with our sales, but there’ll be sales through the holidays, so they should get on there and do that.

Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah, fantastic. Well, Patrick, thanks so much for coming to the show. And everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Thanks so much for tuning in to this week’s podcast. I’d love to bring you experts from around the world on how to upgrade your health and your mental health as well as your brain capacity. So, thanks for tuning in, and I’ll talk to you guys next week.