Transcript #535 Why Conventional Supplements Don’t Work as Well as Plant Phytochemicals with Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

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#535 Why Conventional Supplements Don’t Work as Well as Plant Phytochemicals

with Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert



Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

The medical systems don’t have all the answers. The local Native Americans taught him about herbal medicine. I branched off on my own and eventually went to a different college, a holistic college, where I learned to recognize and dive into the scientific literature presenting years of studies on botanicals and alternative medicines. Everything was evidence-based and coincided with the indigenous peoples’ knowledge about botanical medicines. Then, there were the successes of the clients following these well-established protocols.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Hello everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox Podcast. Today, we have a fantastic show. We have Mary Esther and Gilbert on the show. Mary has 40 years of experience in studying nutrition, and she’s going to be sharing her knowledge with us about the problems with conventional supplements, the problems with absorption, the problems with taking supplements without their cofactors, and how you can avoid all of this stuff by taking supplements with plant phytochemicals in them with high absorption, with all of the negative ions, and the energetic components that are in plants, the enzymes in plants that we need, and it’s not enough. We need more than that. We’re going to dive deep on all of these topics related to supplements on the show today. And our guest, Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert, is a nutrition science, physiology, and alternative medicine researcher and writer. She teaches the essential connection between understanding and applying complete and biologically correct, perpetual cellular nourishment, and mastering one’s health. So, for over four decades, she has effectively researched and developed evidence-based nutritional protocols founded upon nutrition science physiology and holistic, whole health nutrition. She draws upon scientific research from the fields of biophysics, biophotonics and bioenergy work, as well as teaching proven techniques for releasing emotional trauma and subconscious blockages in the body’s energy flow through its meridians. Clients, students, readerships, membership and audiences have learned how to successfully transform their health implementing her True Health Mastery system, the result of over 40 years of ongoing research of nutritional therapies and their healing energy frequencies critical for thriving without disease.


You can learn her work, books, courses and membership program at 


Mary, thanks so much for joining us!


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Thank you very much for having me here, Wendy. I’m really honored and happy to be here. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. So, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into taking care of people’s health and teaching people about health.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Okay. It started back in the 70s when I decided to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, who was an MD and discovered that the medical systems don’t have all the answers, and the local Native Americans taught him all about herbal medicine.


I suppose I will take care of that. I decided to go to college as a clinical dietician and throughout the curriculum, I realized they were not teaching how to heal the body using any kind of the botanicals in the plant kingdom. I branched off on my own and eventually went to a different college, a holistic college, and I learned how to recognize and dive into the scientific literature that presented years and years of studies on botanicals and alternative medicines. That’s the branch I took off on, and I’ve been on that road ever since, healing my clients and everything evidence-based, of course, and coinciding with the indigenous peoples of the world and their knowledge about botanical medicines. And then, plus, we have the successes of the clients because of following these well-established protocols.


So, that’s where I am now. After having retired from my practice 13 years ago, I moved to Arizona and I have been just writing articles and teaching, and I’m currently going to be launching my new True Health Mastery Institute online.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Okay, fantastic. Yeah, so it’s further educating people all about health. And so I wanted to do a deep dive today with you about the liver because I think people don’t realize how much trouble their livers are in. There’s a hundred million people in the U.S. alone with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the liver does so many different functions of the body that I can’t stress enough that people really need to be thinking about taking care of their liver and giving it the nutrients that they need and the nutrients, more importantly, they need for proper detoxification.


So, why don’t we do a deep dive on the liver’s roles? What are some of the liver’s functions? And then we’ll get into the detox pathways as well. Nutrients in it to support those.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert 

Sure, the liver is the place where the body stores the toxins. And so if your diet isn’t healthy, if you’re not on a daily basis eating foods that help your body eliminate a lot of toxins, then it’s going to be stored in the liver.


The liver produces enzymes and it aids in helping with digestion, helping to store fats, and get a lot of fats out of the bloodstream. So, we’ve got a lot of functions in the liver that are an actual aid to the digestive process. So, it’s actually an accessory organ, not inside the digestive system, but it aids in distributing and utilizing, not just fats but also sugars.


So it helps the pancreas. The liver helps the pancreas take sugar out of the bloodstream and store it if there’s too much sugar in the bloodstream, then it forms triglycerides and the liver helps the pancreas take that out of the bloodstream and store it in the form of body fat, whether it’s in the liver or outside of the body, anywhere in the body we have different types of fatty cells, including in the brain and the spinal cord, but also, in the bloodstream, they’re circulating all the time, arriving at various body system cell receptor sites to be able to utilize for energy or to build new cell structures.


So all of these fats need to be directed and controlled. The gallbladder has to do with digesting fats. However, the excess is always stored in the liver. So also we’ve got different plant chemicals that help in this process as well to help remove those toxins. So we’ve got the nerve cells, the brain cell tissues, the like I said, the spinal cord, the blood and the blood vessels, the lymph vessels, the nodes, the fluids. Those have to all circulate all of these different toxins out of the body. And so with the phytonutrient compounds, it will bind to a lot of these toxic chemicals to help them be eliminated through the five organs.


Dr. Wendy Myers

One thing, to eat a healthy diet, but people definitely need to optimize detoxification by taking specific nutrients that support the liver. But first, let’s go through some of the detox pathways. So can you talk about phase one and go into that in detail and some of the nutrients we need for that?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

There are various phases. Phase one would be in the process of digestion and the food particles that are small enough to fit through the cell membranes and enter the bloodstream will be circulating. And of course, the DNA is the detection system and it operates with the nervous system, the hormonal system and the immune system. So they all communicate with each other to make sure that these things are distributed properly. So yeah, there are so many different pathways that need to be expressed through our cells that eventually will produce a cleansed system, a clean system, for the circulatory system to distribute all these nutrients.


And to have the molecules that will bind to toxic chemicals arrive at these cell receptor sites. It’s all happening at the cell receptor sites, and the DNA within every cell will not allow certain substances through the cell membrane. So it has to be compatible, as the scientists call it. It has to be detected by the cell. And if it’s not detected by the cell, then it will repel it. And so these particles get circulated all over the system and they start creating damage and inflammatory reactions and all of that.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Can you talk about some of the nutrients that are optimal for phase one detox?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Okay. If you’re taking in a whole food complex and you’re going to have purified water and the electrolyte components of the water so that it conducts electrical charges. to carry out the enzymatic actions that will stimulate all of these cellular processes. So we do need to have live enzyme active food to accomplish that.


And then if you are taking in a wide variety of different plant foods, you’re going to have a huge array of phytochemical compounds that are so compatible with our bodies. Our DNA reads those compounds and allows them inside the universe of your cells where true health happens or disease processes happen. And we’ve got to have the nutrient compounds in the plant foods. And of course, the other food groups also, proteins and whole food carbohydrates, have their role as well as far as repair and regenerating and creating energy. But the phytonutrient compounds are extremely important because they are detoxifying. They are antimicrobial, antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antifungal, and they are very independent as far as not always needing the immune system to detect the immune system and mobilize the immune system to get rid of toxins.


But they work on their own really because they do a sweeping cleansing action throughout the body. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Are you saying we need live plant foods versus cooking like we need, I personally we need both, but are you saying we need live foods like sprouts and things like that to get that give us live enzymes?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Sprouts are one of the many different types of raw foods, but my nutritional synergy system that I developed over the years, When I was in college and I was looking at all the different food systems and the government guidelines, they were so inadequate. I was learning more and more about what the body truly needs.


And so it requires so much more. So the more variety of foods you eat, such as fruits and berries, all the different berries, different varieties of roots, they all contain those enzymes, leafy greens. all the super greens and the super vegetables, the broccoli, the brassicas, things like that and asparagus. The whole array of different kinds of vegetables. They all have their unique compounds. Some of them have very similar compounds, but when you have a plant that has its unique combination of compounds, then it’s going to act a little bit differently. So it’s all very beneficial for the detoxing and cleansing process.


And yes, once you cook something over 120°, the boiling point is 212°F, right? But 120° is the temperature at which the enzymes are destroyed. Those enzymes are the biocatalysts for every single body system, for every single biochemical reaction that happens in our cells.


And we’ve got multiple trillions of cells doing even more multiple trillions of biochemical processes every moment. Whenever I ask audiences, how many cells do you think the body has, they’ll say, Oh, a million, no, it’s multiple trillions and they’re always active and they’re always communicating and detecting. So without enzymes from these foods, our bodies, who are living tissues, they contain enzymes also, and our digestive system must have enzymes to break down those gigantic molecules of food down to the point where the micronutrients can enter the cell membranes and do the repair work and regenerative work at the cellular level.


Trying to get a simplistic view of the body is difficult. You can’t get around science, It just does so many things. And to try to fix  a health issue, as minor as it might be, still requires the huge array of the different vitamins and mineral compounds in the right atomic structures. They have to be electrical. so if you cook a food, then it loses that electricity. Those electrolytes become inert. And, so the body has to compensate by dipping into its own body stores, its own electrolyte, stores, since we’re living beings, we’re really electrical beings at the quantum energy, light energy frequency level. So that has to be kept active and alive too, so that it can fire those enzymes to keep them going, to keep all these processes going, including the detoxification.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, and that’s the biggest problem I have with some of the proponents of the carnivore diet or low carbohydrate diets where they’re eating very little fruits or vegetables or eliminating fruits for weight loss and things like that. When we have the bricks, minerals in tree fruits and the enzymes and the antioxidants that are so important for health and in many ways, could you discuss your thoughts on the low carb and or carnivore diets?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes. Okay. our bodies are made out of protein other than water and nutrients, some sugars and some fats, but mostly every single thing that every single structure, every single cell, and every single fluid, everything in the body requires protein. So when we eat protein, especially the animal derived proteins, they’re considered a complete protein because they contain all eight or nine, depending on your age, amino acids that the body needs to build new tissues at the microcell level. So when we digest meats or any foods from the animal origin kingdom, then we have to digest them all the way to the point where they become amino acids so that the body can rebuild and choose what it needs to rebuild. It could be a nerve cell, it could be, the different cells, and then if you go higher in the hierarchy, it can be, regenerating the tissues at an organ or, even a skeletal structure or nourishing the DNA in the immune system has its own DNA as well.


And so all of that is made out of protein. So we do require the meat kingdom, the animal derived origin kingdom, however, our bodies are such that, if we take in only the meat, then we don’t have the energy required to utilize like in the carbohydrates, the energy that it takes to break those down.


The body has to break those down and eliminate the nitrogen compound, part of the molecule. to create a new carbohydrate and that’s a very low, slow and long process. and so a person can have some real blood sugar issues. It has to wait for it to break down so that you have a sugar, glucose molecule available to fuel the cell energy cycle or to fuel the brain, our brain utilizes glucose for its fuel. And that process is very slow and very tedious and can lead to a lot of different side effects. So if you’re taking in that very important food group, the animal protein, so that we can have those amino acids, Then you also need to complement that with a whole food carbohydrate.


And I say whole food because the long chain carbohydrate molecule requires a lot longer to break down than it does a simple sugar, that’s in a fruit, it’s just a two-step process to become, the blood glucose when you eat a fruit. But when you’re taking in what we call starches then it takes a little longer to break those down.


Those actually are much better stabilizing forces if you need long-term energy. If you’re studying or if you require a lot of mental work, during your day, then a complex carbohydrate will help sustain the needs of the brain to function over a period of time. But, if you become hungry, usually it’s because it’s missing one of these components, whether you need an amino acid and your body’s breaking down its own body proteins to complete one of the multiple trillions of processes in the body. So that’s why you have to maintain the amino acid intake or the protein intake to have all those amino acids available to complete all those processes. But the carbohydrates will fuel those processes. And then you’ve got the phytonutrient compounds that also help fuel every single process. So if a person eliminates the plant kingdom, then they are going to feel tired and fatigued and they’re going to be in an inflammatory state, which means pain and inflammation, all these different inflammatory reactions that happen when these, the plant kingdom is missing in the diet. You have to have all three, you have to put those all together and of course stay hydrated, and, even take whole food supplements, organic, if you can find them. I do have certain supplements I do recommend when you have to fill the gaps because people don’t always either… either they don’t have time to eat properly or they don’t think they really need it or they just want to get by and they just don’t want to be bothered, So there’s different phases, different levels of concern for one’s health.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes. Any diet that tells you not to eat fruit, run for the hills because that’s just the most ridiculous health advice. And it’s amazing how many diets say to not eat fruit. it’s just, or personal trainers and things like that. If people are trying to lose weight, they’re like, “Oh, eliminate all those carbs and you’re going to lose weight faster.” I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that from a multitude of different trainers and it’s just ridiculous, you need fruit and complex carbohydrates, et cetera, and all the nutrients within.


And so, let’s talk about supplements. So you’re an expert on supplements. There’s a lot of different problems with detox supplements with multivitamins. And I think one of the biggest problems is the forms and the absorbability. So the bodies’ ability to absorb and utilize these nutrients.


Can you talk about that general issue today with the problems with just the garbage out there in the supplement industry?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

They’re getting better. When I first started studying this industry back in the 70s. The synthetic, or, shortened, or I should say partitioned version of vitamin, a lot of people were coming forward, the doctors and scientists were proclaiming that, Oh, this synthetic vitamin that we created in the laboratory is just as good.


So when you look at these things in the form of a schematic diagram, or even if you can imagine the holographic. Perspective of what an actual vitamin complex is made out of in a plant and how it is, working in the plant’s system. Then you understand that there’s so much more than just a few molecules that you put together and sometimes the Scientists have actually extracted part of these B complexes, every vitamin by the way is a complex in itself, so when scientists have, in the past, extracted, partitioned I should say, part of that molecule, Then it only does part of the, part of the, the effect right in the body. the body has to dip into its own stores to try to utilize that. And that means breaking down body proteins in order to fulfill the needs of the vitamins that’s present there. Otherwise, it’ll just break it down into carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and whatnot.


So when you want a B complex, you want the whole food and you want the raw food. You want the light energy frequencies circulating at the atomic quantum energy level. You want the enzymes that are sparked by the electrolytes, the electricity that is in the plant. And so all of that is so much more immediately affected. The body can utilize that immediately for so many things as it deems necessary. So taking a certain vitamin or a certain food and thinking it’s going to make a beeline, say for the eyes or the bones, it doesn’t work that way. It requires a synergistic amount of different types of nutrients coming together in that live energy active form in order to work in the body.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Talk to us about the problems with multivitamins, So many of the multivitamins that people take I personally think are more harmful and inflammatory and problematic than they are health-promoting. Can you talk a little bit about that?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes, there’s very few supplements out there that are made from whole foods and are organically grown ingredients. The enzyme factor is often missing because they have to process them in somewhat heated environments. They don’t heat those to the point of destroying the nutrients, but they also have to, to dehydrate, the plant materials. So they’re missing that water electrical component. Even the best, organic whole food supplements out there. if you want to take a supplement, then look for the organic and look for one that has, Literally, the full spectrum of plant substances, the different types of foods and the different types of fungi, and just all these different supermicro foods that they put in supplements nowadays, or that you can buy separately, in a bottle.


Why waste a lot of money on all these individual nutrients and try to put them all together when you can have a whole food, organic? supplement, it could be a powder form, it could be a liquid form, it could be a capsule or tablet, but that’s just a supplement because you don’t have the same exact holographic electrical quality as you do in whole organically grown food.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I think that another problem is, many times people are taking supplements. They’re not taking the cofactors needed to absorb that nutrient like for instance taking vitamin D. They’re taking that and then there it’s not really the forms our body needs and they’re not getting the magnesium and the D they’re not getting the K and taking all these synthetic supplements that just aren’t performing how they desire. And then, “Why are my vitamin D levels not going up?”  It’s not a big surprise. 


Let’s dive a little bit deeper into the multivitamins and why those aren’t working. Can you talk about the cofactors a little bit and why certain nutrients aren’t going to absorb unless they have the cofactors that help them to absorb?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes, we’re talking about the enzymes and the electrical orbitals of the atomic structures of the foods. Again, that’s another disadvantage of supplements. They don’t have those live, electrical holographic types of function. So when you have a coenzyme, it’s actually the vitamin complex that’s aiding the formulation of various enzymes that the body needs to carry out all these multiple trillions of biochemical processes.


And so when we have a cofactor, it’s the same thing with the minerals. They also have their array of, countless enzymes that, or electrical systems in the cell structures that need to carry out this energy that requires it to function, to move the cell, to move energy, to move information, to move, all these biochemicals so that the cells can, do their functions.


So everything happens at the cell level and has to be a live enzyme, active energy, active environment within every one of our trillion of cells in order to work at the macro scale.


Dr. Wendy Myers

And you’ve been studying it, nutrition and diet and supplements for over 40 years. In your opinion, do people need to take supplements? Are we not getting everything that we need from food?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

It’s not often that someone will pay attention to their diet that closely and to only take in organic foods. Organic foods are higher in minerals and higher in those phytochemicals that are so important. So yes, I would say that if you find an organic food that contains some of the digestive enzymes. And of course, they’re not going to be as effective as an energy active whole food, like the tropical fruits are very active, in, proteolytic enzymes that break down things like scar tissue and reduce inflammation and carry out all these other processes. But, if you have a supplement that is organic and it’s got at least a hundred different plant substances in it, then you’re going to have a more effective supplement than if you have a bargain brand version of it and also the other ingredients, pay attention to the other ingredients. If the other ingredients outnumber the amount of nutrient factors in a supplement, then you don’t want to take that supplement at all. A lot of these other ingredients still in this day and time have a potential allergenic or, health damaging effect. So it depends on the responsibility of the corporation that’s manufacturing the different supplements. So I would suggest tO ask the questions and call the toll free numbers, go to the company’s website and really investigate where the plant substances come from, where they’re grown. That makes a lot of differences as well as their effectiveness as well.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I think people, they just don’t realize that the supplements they’re taking can be more problematic for them. I think you have to be very discerning and really question what it is you’re taking and why you’re taking it.


Is this really a health-promoting product? Because supplements are very expensive. And I have largely moved away from a lot of supplements into more, whole food based products like spirulina and other things. And I wanted you to also talk about a specific product called DNA drops that are really interesting.


I take these as well. I’ve been taking them for a number of months and have been extremely impressed with how much better I feel. feel taking them, my energy levels and things like that. So talk about what DNA drops are exactly and how they’re superior to other nutritional supplements.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Okay, this is great because I have been examining supplements for several decades now, and I’ve seen how the industry has grown and improved somewhat. Some companies who care, have really gone a long way trying to produce more whole food material. When I came across the APLGO Company, I was invited to go to New York to meet the owners and the executives who were just trying to enter the United States. They’d already established themselves in about 60 other nations throughout the world. And they always wanted to be in the United States, so we helped them get through the red tape of trying to establish a company in the United States, and having been very familiar with the FDA laws and the guidelines and all that kind of thing, we really did a lot of help in trying to get them established here. When they introduced the technology to me, because I had said, okay, fine, I’ll go. But I’ve already used a lot of these botanicals in my practice. I even grew a lot of them on my property. And I knew what they did. I used to mix my own formulations for my clients. So I knew what they did. I knew the science behind them. And I said, okay, so there were a lot of supplements out there. That actually killed the enzymes and definitely destroyed the electrical components of a living cell. And so I said, why is this so different? But when they explain the technology, which actually maintains that electrical conductivity in the plant material, that’s what impressed me the most. There’s no other supplement in the whole world that I have found so far. And I’m always looking to understand how alive and how viable the nutrients are. So that means the enzymes are active and their whole food components, all the phytonutrient compounds. That is easily entered, our cell membranes, by the way, in our DNA recognize immediately as a hundred percent utilizable. So that’s what impressed me the most. And the more I found out about it, you’ve got to, you’ve got to look at the ethics of a company and you have to look at their attitude and actually how long they’d been in practice and thousands of testimonials all over the world that were already coming through.


So I said, “Alright, I’ll give it a try.” I started out as an associate. But not being a salesperson, I always beeline every time I’ve endorsed a company, which is very few so far in my 45 year career. I, just decided to always just go to the product and even put my clients on some of these products, And when I saw the results of my clients, through the years and other products, I had already retired by the time I found this company. So I decided to wholeheartedly endorse it like I always have before. And that’s when I decided to write the book because this was too important to look for the associate to not understand their own nutritional physiology, let alone try to sell the product to their clientele or their patients or whatnot or even share it with their family and friends or whatever, but this is what got me interested is that technology that simulates an electrical storm actually, in this gigantic vat that they put all the very carefully preserved plant materials, no preservatives, by the way, but they just, are careful when they harvest the plant materials to maintain their optimal viability. When they place these plant materials in this gigantic vat, they simulate an electrical storm, and that means they bombard the already energy active molecules in the plants with even more antioxidant negatively charged particles.


If you’ve ever been in an electrical storm or after an electrical storm, you notice how the air is very ionized. It smells fresh and clean because of the negatively charged particles in the air. So they managed to take a hold of the science behind it, which was actually created by a group of scientists that trusted this company with their formulation. So they were able to transfer all that knowledge to the company. And, that’s how they’ve been able to manufacture these viable drops. They’re so tiny. People think, how can they work? They’re so tiny. That’s the point where the body has to break down food anyway to that micro nutrient component in order to enter our cell membranes to do that fabulous work in the cells, right?


it was already there and the fact that it’s so absorbable because of the plant materials that are already active and they’re easily entering through the cell membrane when a person. It puts the drop in their mouth, it dissolves, and it enters the mucosal cell membranes and enters the bloodstream immediately. And of course, the immune system and all the communication systems allow it to enter all the cells as they arrive at the different sites in the body to do any kind of repair work because the DNA in those plants are so compatible. And I’ve done a lot of research and I’ve done a lot of presentations on the fact that our DNA reads the DNA of plant and that’s why we’re so compatible with plants and that’s why we need them so much to splice out segments of DNA that are in the plants that our DNA recognizes and is able to splice it into our own DNA in damaged areas of our DNA. So that’s what’s very impressive about this particular technology in that, develops these particular products.


Dr. Wendy Myers

And so when someone’s taking the lozenge, it’s amazing that it just starts absorbing right away so that you don’t have to go through your digestive system. Like typically, when you’re taking a capsule, it’s got to go in and digest. It absorbs right away into your bloodstream. Like you said, super high absorbability. Really pleasurable to take because they use like beet sugar, correct? They’re using natural plant sugars to sweeten them.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert
Yes. It’s all organic and it’s all certified at the highest levels and so it’s a very clean product. So yeah, absolutely.


Dr. Wendy Myers

And diabetic safe. These are not going to raise your blood sugar levels or anything like that. and so just for my own personal testimony, I started taking them. I definitely was so impressed at how much better I felt so quickly. definitely reduced my inflammation levels. I just felt I had more energy. I just felt really good. A lot of times you’re taking supplements. You don’t really feel anything, probably because they’re not really absorbing or not very high quality. But with the DNA drops, I definitely felt a reduction of my inflammation, a less pain in my lower back, which I was having at the time when I first started taking them really, high quality supplements.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes. when a person is in a state of inflammation, And the body’s producing all these stress chemicals and perpetuating that problem, but you need something that comes along and repairs it right where the problem is. So it goes right into the cells and repairs any DNA that’s the problem and then when you repair the cell at the DNA level, then obviously it’s repairing the tissues at the micro level. So then the pain goes away because the problem is not there anymore, it’s been repaired. And that’s what nutrients do, and this is why they are so immediately effective, because they go right in, the DNA says I need this sequence of genes to splice into my own damaged area in my DNA. And so that’s what happened with that repair cut and splice process. This is not something unique to the drops. This is something the body does when it ingests the right types of foods. So the drops are the next best thing to a raw food because it has the enzymes, because it has all these active components and the electrical. That is so important. When you’ve got the electrolytes, the negatively charged particles at work constantly, then that’s what the body needs to finish the repair work.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Let’s talk about one of the DNA drops. There’s 18 in total, and the company is making more of those, and I’ve been taking all 18 of them, personally, but one of the DNA drops is called HPR, which, stands for hēpar, which is the Greek word for liver.


So what are the key ingredients in HPR that are so important for liver support and detoxification? 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Great. Yeah. go into my book and I will tell you exactly what this particular formulation has. And, this would be really fun. I really love sharing all the research I ever did with these products.


Hēpar which means liver, like you said, contains seven botanicals. In the manufacturing process, the membranes are thinned out to the point that by this electrical storm stimulation, the membranes of the plant cells become thinned out. So all of the plant cell components get released into the system. And these plant cell components are, the, the little organs or organelles inside the, the cells. That will manufacture all the different energy components like new proteins and new carbohydrates, sugars that are small chain carbohydrates that will be released into the blood to help, energize this, that, and the other, or, and just continue working inside the cell to energize the cell’s needs. But, we have all of these different components inside the cells that are at work for us, too. So we don’t have to worry about all the digestive processes to try to extract all of those, very, compatible and, very necessary components that our own cells can identify with. Our cells are almost identical to plant cells, we have the same protein manufacturing sites, the energy producing sites, and ones that package and produce various proteins. Plants have those exact same processes. We are so compatible with plants. And so, that’s why these ingredients were chosen to help cleanse the liver to go into those micro circulatory pathways in the liver and really do a detoxing, cleansing, repairing action there. So the ingredients in hēpar are artichoke (leaf part), avocado, and dandelion root.  Notice how the company will be using mostly roots and leaves, rather than some of the less potent parts of the plant. So they go after the nutrient density of these plants. So dandelion root, milk thistle seeds are also where the DNA is contained in the plant. And the peach and raisins and turmeric root. So these are the basic components that have been chosen to help cleanse the liver. So let’s go over the artichoke very quickly. Aside from the obvious vitamins and minerals in these plants and by the way, these Plants are grown by one company and they are overseen from the soil quality, nutrient density in the soil and the life that is in the soil that’s very necessary for healthy plants. And they oversee the growth and production of every one of their ingredients. and they harvest them at the right time. There’s a harvest time that optimizes the nutrient density of these plants. So they know when to harvest all these different plants. So anyhow, we’ve got the vitamins and minerals, there’s so much scientific data out there on all botanicals, really. And you can’t go into the scientific databases and not find what science has come up with, a certain plant. They’ve been studying plants for a very long time. so whenever I’ve extracted information. It was always in the peer reviewed studies because they’ve already gathered all the best, most credible, research studies. We know that the science is already there and it’s already well documented and then of course, a lot of my clients have experienced the same plus all the other people who are taking the drops throughout the world in the United States. They all are experiencing the health benefits from these plants. And, yeah, so we have to talk about the ingredients and we have to talk about what happens at the cell level. Beyond that, the FDA will swoop down and close down any company. Okay. So we have to be careful now to act like doctors, like we’re going to be prescribing, the artichoke to heal, or, all those verbs or, terms that the medical industrial complex declares has owned and no one else can use. Otherwise they’ll be shut down. So it’s really not a friendly place. We have to be very careful when we’re in the nutritional supplement industry, especially when something is so effective and people are reporting the health transformation, so that’s one thing we have to say in the nurse category at the fell level.


So having said that, I’ll go ahead and tell you a little bit more about the artichoke. So it’s been shown to reduce cholesterol in the blood, and it has a positive effect on the liver. so it helps increase bile flow, so that you can remove obstructions in the bile flow when you’re digesting fat. It’s used for great skin clarification,, eczema, and psoriasis, and sometimes when you have a toxic liver, then it’s going to be, one of the detox organs is the skin. So you’re going to have a lot of health issues. Where the skin cells don’t replicate properly and they start piling up and causing psoriasis and eczema. Or if you have an abundance of, the pimples, so thus your skin trying to eliminate all these different toxins. So if you keep your blood and your liver clean, then your skin will be beautiful too. So it’s all about how your body uses fat. And, keeps the liver and the gallbladder clean, as far as the globe, artichoke is concerned.


The next one is the avocado, and it’s high in vitamin E, which is a very good antioxidant. In other words, it neutralizes all of these synthetic toxins or all these stress chemicals. so that they can be broken down and eliminated out of the body safely and not damage any of our cells. So vitamin E is extremely important for bringing in more oxygen into the blood circulatory system.


Your viewers probably already know this. This is old knowledge. But, as far as the phytonutrient compounds that are in avocado, Then, it helps utilize these vitamins, they’ve got, the enzyme action in the avocado will help utilize fats more effectively. and when you have a lot of the wrong types of fats in the body, then it’s going to clog all of these different circulatory pathways and all the illuminated organs and the bloodstream.


to prevent any kind of blockages and to prevent, therefore, heart hardening of the arteries or strokes, or heart attacks and things like that. keeping the blood vessels flexible and pliable so that we can withstand the force of increased blood pressure. Especially if you’re exercising, then, avocado is very well known for, helping improve the quality of your blood vessels and keeping all these different synthetics from clogging up the circulatory systems.


Dandelion root that’s always been known to help cleanse the liver. And it’s those vital nutrient compounds that actually adhere to any of those synthetics that help take it out of the circulatory system. So basically, we’re talking about the wrong types of fats that may be being eaten like fried foods or what they call trans fats. so those are the ones that stick to the artery. Those are the ones that cause the damage to the cell level and they clog the system. So these phytonutrient compounds have been known to bind molecularly to these synthetics to carry them out of the body. So that’s why the liver is so important to keep those things in place. Those pathways clear in the liver system as well. There’s literally 25, 000, phytochemical compounds that have been found in the plant kingdom. And I list a lot of these in my database in this very book because they’re too vast to list on these monographs in the book. And then we’ve got the milk thistle seed, which has the ingredients or the DNA that when the plant is grown, then the whole plant knows what to do. It’s got the DNA instructions to protect itself from the elements and from invasive organisms. And it keeps the plant healthy if they’re grown in nutrient rich soil. The milk thistle seed is very important and contains that information that is transferred to our own DNA to help protect the liver. And it’s been known to treat various forms of liver diseases. Now, I’m not saying that the plants, the product itself will treat liver disease.


That’s not something that we can safely say when we’re representing a company. But, as far as science goes there’s no question as to why so many of these scientific studies have shown. This is effective for any kind of liver problem, and that includes, like necrosis or liver cell death, anything like scarring of the liver, alcohol, cirrhosis, hepatitis, different types of inflammation because of viruses that settle in the liver. So these will help break all those down and help the immune system eliminate them effectively and help them be regenerated. The tissues of the liver can be regenerated without the disruptions of the DNA.


So it’s anti inflammatory, it helps the immune system, anti viral, anti tumor. So many of these phytochemical compounds in these plants have been shown to destroy tumors directly. So yeah, all these different phytonutrient compounds that are in these plants are remarkable. So then we have the peach, with this normal amount for vitamins and minerals that help detoxify the body and help move things along quickly in the circulatory system so that nutrients can arrive at all the different cell membranes. But this has been shown to help the functioning of the stomach and the pancreas. And, just every single metabolic process in the body, it’s quite a superfood. You wouldn’t think so. It’s just a normal food you buy at the grocery store all the time, but it’s actually quite good. So then we’ve got another substance that’s common in things like pears and apples called pectin. That’s been known to help reduce the high density lipoprotein. So that the low density lipoprotein could do its job of sweeping out the cholesterol levels in the blood and regulating your cholesterol levels. And it’s also known to reduce inflammation. and I’m just picking out things that apply because these plants are pan systemic.


They not only address the detoxification pathways in the body, but they have other nutrient compounds that do other things in other body systems. But in this case, it was chosen or it’s ability to do all these things here. And then we’ve got the raisins. It’s a very good cleansing and anti-inflammatory and if it’s been hydrated, like the raisin..  notice, they didn’t choose the grape. The grape is, has its place, of course, it’s very cleansing and all that, but the raisin is highly concentrated in those nutrient compounds that actually help reduce things like developing cardiovascular disease and helping with the low density lipoprotein and the cholesterol and it’s been shown to reduce the risk of diabetes, and you wouldn’t think so because it’s very sweet, but glucose is immediately utilizable, and so it’s a very diabetic safe fruit, it’s almost very diabetic safe. Because of the sugar that’s so needed by every cell in the body for its energy production. Okay, then we’ve got the turmeric root. The turmeric root is one of those foods that have been researched for many years. And there’s an overwhelming amount of scientific data on the turmeric root. And it’s a very known anti-inflammatory. It’ll clean out the liver. It improves digestion, helps your body regulate the way your body utilizes fats, reduces the adverse consequences of obesity, and is used for skin problems. It’ll help cleanse and detoxify at the micro circulatory level, which is right underneath the skin. And then, all kinds of different things, used for osteoarthritis and all these cardiovascular system problems, reducing psychological stress. So therefore it works on the endocardial system. I can go on and on. It’s just a, couple of pages on this very thing, but it’s basically another anti-inflammatory, very, contributory with its own unique phytochemicals that help with the detoxification processes in the body. And that’s pretty much it.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, it’s amazing because I crave a lot of those foods so much. My liver is my weak point, genetically and for other reasons. And I think a lot of people struggle with their liver health and liver function as well. And it’s just amazing to me that list of foods, how I actually crave them because my body is wanting those for various reasons. And so let’s talk about another DNA drop called MLS. So that’s the multispectrum of nutrients, like the overall, maybe the broad spectrum multivitamin, if you will. And it was specifically designed to aid in gut health, which again, a lot of people struggle with. So can you talk a little bit about the ingredients in MLS?


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

The MLS has the artichoke leaf as well and the dandelion. but it has other things in it too that actually address the whole system and I call it the pansystemic drop because it will, it has so many different plants in it and literally just at least 300 or more different phytochemical compounds in all the plants altogether that really work really well in synergy to keep every single cell in every single body system operating or functioning optimally. And so that means it’s providing all of the ingredients that the body needs to cleanse and detoxify, regenerate new cells and tissues, and to duplicate DNA because our cells are constantly duplicating themselves, and we have to transfer that precious genetic code intact into the newly forming cell. And that’s where a lot of the health problems come in because the DNA gets degraded over time when a person does not have a huge array of nutrients to choose from, in the different foods. We can’t go out and buy all these different foods. There’s just so many, right? And we would be overeating the fibers. And, it would be much better to just extract the DNA components from the plants and all the other, energy producing, protective, organs within the cells of these plants so that our bodies can immediately use them for our own cells. So that’s what the drops are so great about. And so the MLS is, it’s called multispectrum for a reason. It addresses every single need of every single body system, including the detoxification process, but gives the hepar drop a huge boost in order to truly really clean the house and really do a lot of the repair work and reduce the inflammation, because of the damage to cells, at the microcell level. So this is what I love about the MLS. When someone asks me, which should I start with? I always suggest the MLS. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

This is good. I like this. This is like the meat, the detail that I think of, cause my audience, they’re pretty advanced. So I think this detail is like, it’s really good.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

And that’s exactly why I wrote the book, because people weren’t going to know where to look for this information. A lot of people might know how to extract information from scientific studies, but a lot of people don’t. And so it’s a good review for many, and also it’s a big eye opener for the rest of us.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Can you tell us the name of your book that you wrote and where people can get it? 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes. It’s called Potent Superfoods for Lifelong True Health. It’s at my website, under books by Mary Esther, click on that and all the books I’ve written. You scroll down a bit, it’s a green cover. So it’s, down at the bottom, one of the latest books I’ve written. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

That sounds great. For any of you guys listening that want to do a super deep dive on nutrition, obviously, Mary is incredibly knowledgeable. and decades of experience, so it seems like a perfect reference and anyone listening that they need that kind of desk reference, for nutrients and what they do. It sounds like a great resource for that too. 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Absolutely. There’s a lot of information at my website and also at my Youtube channel. If you type in Mary Esther Gilbert on the Youtube search box, my channel comes right up. So I provide a lot of educational material and those who want even more education. That’s why I’m opening up the TrueHealth Mastery Institute, where there is only $12.97 a month they get a lot of perks. If you click on the tab at my website, that describes what the perks are and being a member, then they will get a true education as they progress. through a lot of the information that I’ll be teaching there over time. And it’s always, you can always go back  to the private library for members only. I stopped doing one on one consultations because I wanted to reach a much larger segment of the population because people are dying out there and they need to know why these nutrients are so life saving and so life changing.


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes, and I think so many people are dealing with malnutrition that even people that are eating seemingly fairly healthy diets, I imagine that’s something that’s important to keep in mind, is really important, because people, when they are eating healthy diets or what they think are healthy diets when they really get down to it, there, they can be very, nutritionally deficient even if they’re eating, organic food, and they’re maybe not eating enough variety, or just they have digestive issues, or there’s just something going on. where they’re not getting all of the nutrients they need and it causes them to eat more food and have briefings and just causes a multitude of different health issues when you have nutrient deficiencies.


So let’s go back to that. The MLS. So this MLS DNA drop, and you guys want to learn more about these on a deep dive, you can go to you can see all the different drops, the DNA drops company sells and what they have in them and you can purchase them as well. but let’s go into the MLS, the multi spectrum and what that has in it. 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

So we’ve gone over the artichoke leaf and we’ve gone over the dandelion root. And so let’s go over the other ones. The next one would be the carnation seeds. and so they smell an awful lot like cloves, but they’re actually a different plant than the cloves. But, they’re very similar. They must be in the same family or something. But, yeah, the clove seeds are very spicy. Very important. To include, they help with the respiratory system. So they help facilitate better breathing, oxygen delivery, and oxygen are another detoxification element that has to be in the body.


That’s why exercise is so important. Not only does it increase the circulation, but it increases the oxygen intake so that it can help destroy a lot of the free radicals and break up a lot of these synthetics in there too. So a lot of these synthetics are tight bonds. And the only thing that can break the loose would be the, the charge that’s necessary of the oxygen molecule in the whole food form or through exercise when you’re inhaling through the air. So it was quite a complex chemistry involving oxygen. But, so many of these foods contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen molecules, which helps to oxygenate the body as well. So that’s also an important thing for moving things through and eliminating toxins. So this is known as a warming spice and improves the digestive process and anything that improves the digestive process improves the breaking down of the molecules of foods so that you can utilize them at the microcell level. It also strengthens the stomach, meaning the functions of the peristaltic actions and the secretion of the hydrochloric acid and the various enzymes that are being broken down. That process requires energy. So that’s what they mean by strengthening the stomach and liver functions. That means that it helps its liver do its job, to move things through and prevent a lot of these toxins from being stored. And it’s also been shown to be a great antibacterial. It’s one of the strongest antibacterial foods in the world. and, it’s been shown to inhibit various kinds of very stubborn bacteria that even hospitals and antibiotics have been known to have trouble eliminating in the body. so it’s a great antifungal, and it’s been tested against liver, breast, and colon cancer and, very strong antitumor activity. So it has all these different classifications called phenolic compounds, where they are antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-yeast, anti-inflammatory. They have all these different, organic acids that help complete a lot of the biochemical processes at the cell level. and so it’s just amazing food. So it helps detoxify against aluminum and lead and helps against the fats in the body that can become rancid or oxidized. So it helps maintain, or help prevent that problem. And it also can, Reduce all of these cells that are circulating in the body. Your body produces stress. The immune system sometimes doesn’t, if it’s not, if your body’s not nourished, the immune system isn’t always up to the job of recognizing what it should eliminate and what it shouldn’t. The clove has been shown to help the body determine or the immune system determine what to get rid of and what to not to get rid of. So it’s great, free radical scavenging, actions. So yeah, it helps the body reduce the stress chemicals for body producers like, reactive oxygen species or the whole array of different types of species that the body generates under severe stress. It helps regulate that. Yeah, and this is just skimming the surface. If you really want to get the book, then you can, I list hundreds of scientific references to back up everything that’s asserted here in the book. But this has a pretty good summarization, that’s what the monographs are for. They’re to summarize the science and of course the, those scientific references are there as well.


Dr. Wendy Myers

And then let’s talk about SLD. So this is one of my very favorite DNA drops, because this is going to help reduce inflammation, which causes pain. And this for me, is a big one, because I think as I got into menopause, Yeah, I just have more pain, more muscle pulls, less ability to repair. It’s super annoying. And the SLD, I really noticed a big difference in my pain levels just from pulling a muscle or lower back issues or just stuff that just pops up. The SLD really helped to reduce the inflammation. So talk a little bit more about it. What is in the SLD DNA drops? 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yeah, it seems to be replacing the MSM methylsulfonylmethane supplements out there that were out there for decades. And I used to take that and it would help, increase my flexibility, having been in the martial arts and different sports over the years, and never had any injury or problems, people half my age would retire early from martial arts because. They were too stiff. They didn’t know how to replenish those microchairs in their muscles and all of that. The MSM was helping. However, the SLD contains the sulfur compound. That’s one of the components in those MSM supplements. And also it’s an active form of SL, of sulfur. So it’s going to be even more effective too, sulfur is not, considered to be, an essential mineral. However, it’s on the periodic table of the elements. And it’s actually utilized in every single one of our cells in the body. So I think it should be considered an essential mineral because without it, a lot of things will dry up, and a lot of inflammation, problems would crop up as well. So these particular plants in the slide in the SLD drop, contain, not just the sulfur, but a lot of the different biochemical compounds that contain sulfur in them. So they’re very great for reducing inflammation and cleansing, the environment of the cell and to, to actually increase the flexibility and pliability of all the tissues. So that makes you less prone to injury. People get easily injured if they’re in a state of inflammation and their cells are drying up and they’re just not flexible because they’re dehydrated in a state of dehydration all the time. Water is very important to complete this process. to make sure you’re flexible and not prone to injuries. So yeah, and of course, protein, we’re all made of protein. We have to have those animal derived protein sources in addition to everything else to maintain those tissues so that if they do break or tear at the micro level, then they’ll be easily repaired. So yeah, it’s all, like I said, it works all in synergy and it works all together. Okay, so the balsam pear fruit is the first one on the list. Yeah, of course, the vitamins and minerals that are present are always necessary. This has been a folk remedy in China for over 2,000 years and the Chinese have recorded all of their knowledge and their materia medica, which are over 5000 years old and they’re still maintaining and adding more and more knowledge all the time to their system. Anyhow, it’s been around for a very long time. Anti Inflammatory, anti hyperglycemic. It helps control blood sugar, it aids the pancreas and its functions, and it’s a diuretic. if you take in the, plant itself, all by itself, and you’re going to be able to, get rid of the excess fluids in the body, that’s not something that I advocate because if you’re balancing your mineral intake and all of your nutrient intake and you’re drinking water and you’re exercising, getting plenty of sleep, your water balance is always going to be, perfect all the time. You don’t have to worry about being dehydrated, you don’t have to worry about being overly bloated. And your cells will allow water to flow in and out of the cell as it should be rather than pooling up around the cells, which forms edema or swelling, of the tissues. So your water regulation is very important. And therefore, with water regulation, your kidneys are going to be optimally functioning as well. They’re the ones that are necessary for all the water balance in your cells. All right. So it’s been known also to relieve cough and constipation. And it’s got all these phenolic acids, these huge arrays of phytonutrient compounds that have been known to prevent the degenerative process that puts one at risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers.


So the polyphenols are extremely important. It’s anti-inflammatory. All the compounds in there that help aid the anti-inflammatory reaction and neutralize them and because they do the repair process. You’re not going to have inflammation if you’re, if your cells are functioning properly and anything that happens to even damage them in the least is going to be repaired and acted upon immediately rather than having it cascade to the point where you feel the pain, kind of thing. So yeah, pears are extremely important for anti-inflammatory, diabetes, heart disease and they aid in fat digestion. So they bind to all these bile acids in the intestines to help reduce the risk of colorectal cancers and other intestinal issues, surrounding the intake of the wrong types of fast fried foods, like I mentioned earlier and, so it’s been, tested against all these different types of cancers as well. And we’ve got the ginger root, ginger, like turmeric, they’re in the same family and it’s been studied extensively by science over the years as well. And so it’s also very important for alleviating any kind of, like peptic ulcers, repairing the tissues in the stomach, preventing parasites, strengthening the blood vessels and reducing the risk of blood clots. So it aids the immune system so that if there is damage. Then, the repair work is done as quickly as possible, and the clot is dissolved before it breaks off and causes obstructions in the circulatory system, which could lead to a stroke or a heart attack, kind of thing. it’s a very good preventative route, and, All these different phytonutrient compounds, of course, it’s high in choline, which is a precursor to the neurological functions of the brain and the nervous system, muscle movement, brain functions. So it’s been known to help reduce the pain or build the tissues of the tendons and the bones and the aorta too, because that large vessel also contains silica, liver, hair, skin, nails, all those things. So, ginger is very good for that. I’m trying to gear it so that it’s applicable to the MLS, but really the MLS, like I said, it’s pancystemic. And if you go into the scientific literature, you’ll see that the ginger root really addresses just about every body system as well. That’s why it took a lot of time. to summarize it in this book. So then we’ve got the grapple plant root. Okay. So this comes from South Africa and it’s been used for fevers and arthritis, meaning if it’s used for arthritis and obviously it has anti inflammatory components. Okay. And it’s used for anything having to do with digestive disorders, skin problems. It’s even an appetite stimulant. So it, an appetite stimulant would be to create the environment in the stomach so that there’s no damage in the tissues. And then, the cells will produce enough chloric acid and all the other enzymes to help break down the food properly. Or the enzymes themselves are a digestive aid, that kind of thing. So yeah, the grapple plant root is very important, reduces pain, any kind of, pro inflammatory biolockers. If a person is in a state of inflammation and they go to the doctor and they have blood work done, then they can detect things like cytokine, the ROS factors, and all these other different things. It’s a C REACT approach. All these inflammatory markers. This will actually heal the processes so that there is no inflammation. There’s no inflammatory reactions in the body. So that’s the key, a lot of doctors have been very perplexed when my clients go back to them and they are healed, and the doctors say, keep doing what you’re doing. Even though I’m used to providing, stacks and stacks of, scientific data, rarely did a doctor ever stop to read them. They just don’t, didn’t want to be bothered. They might be different nowadays. It’s been 13 years since I’ve been in practice. But, I would always try to educate the medical people. And I think they’re starting to get on board, they’re starting to get the message. But anyhow, this is another one of the superfoods, anti diabetic, anti epileptic. And these are all the phytonutrient compounds that act on the nervous system to calm down these reactions, and even repair the mechanisms that cause these types of reactions in the body. It’s an analgesic, so it’s been used to reduce pain and of course while it’s reducing the pain as an analgesic, it will go in and repair the problem so that you don’t have any pain anymore. I know I’m repeating myself, but this is, this comes up all the time in, these very enzyme active anti-inflammatory plants and they each have their own array of phytonutrient compounds that act in synergy together to address different kinds of inflammatory reactions in the body. And of course, the green tea leaf has been around for a very long time. Everyone knows that the green tea leaf is antioxidant. It’s very good for when you’re taking in, after a meal, it helps digest the fat, then breaks down, helps break down the carbohydrates. All these nutrient compounds in the green tea are very good for digestion, helps prevent liver toxicity because of those nutrient compounds, and helps build strong blood vessels. It contains the flavonoids, which your body converts to bioflavonoids. all these flavonols and phenolic acids act in synergy as great antioxidants. So it’ll prevent the cholesterol from building up in the blood, preventing the narrowing of the arteries, atherosclerosis, and, helps aid and oxygenate the heart and the brain. Slows the aging process because aging is all about the degenerative process. So when your body is, When you’ve returned your cells to a more youthful state, then of course your aging is going to be slowed down. So it’s an antiviral, which helps prevent the formation of new abnormal blood vessels that form in tumors. So a cancer will start following its own blood network and its own blood vessels. These phytonutrients help the immune system determine that it’s not a cell. It’s not, does not belong in the body. It’s a foreign cell and, together they work together to, just disassemble, they go right in, break open that cell, and go right inside where the DNA is replicating that damaged, confused, very horrific DNA. And it starts breaking those things down so that it cannot replicate itself and eventually it dies off. So that’s what’s so great about these phytonutrient compounds in these plants. So then we’ve got the licorice root, it’s used, also been used in traditional, indigenous cultures for centuries, being recorded dating back to 2100 BC. So it’s been used to eliminate phlegm and relieve coughing. So it has a very specific enzyme action that acts on the phlegm that forms. In the respiratory system, and so it’s because of the different tetraploid compounds and 300 different flavonoids that are in there that are known to help break this stuff down.


It’s antiviral, antimicrobial. And so it helps the immune system, in other words, it goes in and repairs any kind of misinformation that’s been forming at the DNA level in the immune cells. So it helps to correct those, increase the body’s resistance to infectious diseases and to recognize what doesn’t belong in the body to help eliminate them.


These are great components like glycerin, and different variations of that molecule. It’s got antiviral process, properties, all these different compounds that I list here. I’ve developed a phytochemical database in the book as well, so that if you see a compound and you want to look it up, it’s in the database section.


So when I was gathering the book together, I noticed that different phytonutrient databases all over the internet were in different places. They didn’t contain all of them. So what I did was I swept the internet and I just gathered as many of these phytonutrients as possible to put them in the book and, especially the ones that were shown in the scientific literature for these botanicals.


So they’re all in there and you’ll be able to tell exactly what these phytochemical compounds do. Thank you. All right, so it’s been known to, to disable the herpes simplex virus type one, and the rotavirus, keep it from replicating and actually viruses have a lot of things in common.


Once the DNA cannot be infiltrated in the body, if the, at the RNA level it’s disabled, then it’s not going to be able to infiltrate the body and establish itself in the body. This is, really important, a product as, or rather the licorice root is known for that. And of course, the size has gone so far, it’s gone a long way.


But there’s still so much work to be done in the scientific community to go further and test further what all of these different compounds do in these plants. But this was what I was able to pull out in the peer review studies, which is pretty thorough and what’s out there today so far. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes. And it’s amazing, like I mentioned, when I started taking the DNA drops, I felt so much better. I felt like I said, an increase in energy and there, there’s so many different compounds. There, like I said, there’s 18 different DNA drops. there’s one that I take, it’s called a PWR kind of power for women’s hormones. one it’s BTY for beauty. It’s got a lot of different nutrients in there to improve beauty. There’s one called AIR for air that’s helping with breathing, oxygen exchange, and your lungs. One called Relax RLX that has different components I take at bedtime or if I feel stressed to help relax you. There’s one NRM that’s for blood sugar control and facilitates weight loss. And there’s ones for the brain, that’s BRN. There’s so many different ones that are fantastic. So I really encourage you guys to go to and learn all the different ones. I actually bought about a three month supply. I bought all 18 of them and, just, wanting to get the best deal possible. So I bought a lot at one point. If you sign up as a prime customer, you get 20% off a lot of the different nutrients and 20 – 50% off, like 16 different types of the DNA drops. So that’s preferable. That’s a preferable choice and you also have opportunities to share these with your family and friends as well. And if you guys have any questions or any concerns you wanna learn a lot more about the DNA drops, you can contact Mark Axelson at [email protected]. And his number is 435-531-2554 but Mary, I wanted to thank you so much for coming on the show. You’re so knowledgeable. About health and nutrition, and it just, for me, gives me a lot of peace of mind with someone that’s got decades of experience. So the depth and breadth of the research that you’ve clearly done that you back the DNA drops and you take these personally yourself and recommend them in your courses. I’m sure. It just gives me a lot of peace of mind. This is the right choice. And it’s the choice that I’m making for my, the majority of my nutrition, the supplements that I take. I take spirulina and detox products, and my own supplement line as well. But these are what I’m taking right now for, to meet my nutritional needs based on what I’ve seen and how I felt and the other testimonials that I’ve seen as well.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Absolutely. My pleasure. And I love talking about this. I don’t know how much I know until the questions start coming and then it just spills out, all this knowledge very deep in the brain just comes out. It’s always triggered, but, yeah, I do a pretty thorough job of going over every drop every month on the company’s Zoom calls. And I always post the documentation that I create for the customers and a lot of medical people out there who want to share these products. It’s the most effective one I’ve ever found. It’s the most live product that I’ve ever found, which is so important that we need to have those live components in everything we put into our body. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yes. And that’s why, like I said, I’m taking them. And so you have more educational videos about the DNA drops on your website, correct? So what is your website? Where can people go to see those videos? Yes. 


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Yes, it’s  and on the left side, the, all the links are on the panel at the left and it says APLGO, just click on that one and it’ll take you to all the PDFs that I’ve been producing for almost a year now, maybe almost two years now. But all the videos that have ever been done on all the products that I’ve been, on the line with them, are there as well. I just found them on the internet. there’s not really one place to gather them. I’m, I seem to be the only one that has gathered them all in one place. So you’ll get a real education, and you can download those PDFs and form your own booklet if you’d like. But, if you want, an even thorough investigation, your own, investigation on, all of the tackles and these drops there, it’s pretty thorough in my book, True Health 5, totally superfoods for life, lifelong true health. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. Fantastic. Yeah. And the company that sells this, they are APLGO but go just check out, go to that link and then you’ll go straight to a page on the APLGO website where you can learn all about the DNA drops and purchase them. If you want to get Mary’s book, you want to take some of her courses and do a deep dive on nutrition. Go to holistic choices. com. So Mary, thanks so much for joining us.


Mary Esther Miranda Gilbert

Thank you. Wendy. Have a great day, everyone. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

And everyone. Thanks for tuning in. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And every week, I’m just so privileged and thrilled that you guys are tuning in every week. The Myers Detox podcas, it got up to number 23 in alternative health and it’s been in the top 30s recently, and it consistently is for the most part in the top fifties of the alternative health podcasts. And I’m just so pleased. The whole point of me doing this is I want to teach people about health. I want to teach you guys, all of those little tips and tricks to help to upgrade your health. And if you just learn just one or two things from each show, it just makes me really happy. So thanks for tuning in and I’ll see you guys very soon. See you next week. 



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.


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