Transcript #546 The Path to Connecting to Your True Self With Elaine Glass

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#546 The Path to Connecting to Your True Self 

with Elaine Glass



Dr. Wendy Myers

Hello everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Meyers. Welcome to the Meyers Detox podcast. And today I have my friend Elaine Glass on the show, and she’s going to be talking about finding the path to your true self, to your true purpose. And she’s written a fantastic new book called Get Quiet. In that book, she talks about the seven paths to your true self— the seven labyrinth paths, and how to get to the center of your labyrinth. She’s also going to be talking about what her unique method of energy healing is, talking about really getting quiet, focusing on meditation, and drowning out all the noise to really connect with your true self and your true purpose, and tells us her story of doing that as well as a single mom. 


Our guest, Elaine Glass has over 15 years of transforming lives with her healing presence. She’s coached countless people to unlock their truest selves, finding purpose, peace, and self-empowerment. At one point, she found herself at a personal crossroads: a newly single mother, burned out, fearful, alone, she’d live the next decade in search of her own healing and her truth. And her mission today is to guide people in connecting with their soul’s calling, to bring lasting love, joy, and vitality. She travels the world sharing her holistic healing techniques, energy, medicine methodologies, and spiritual guidance. She resides currently in Paradise Valley, Arizona, where she welcomes people from around the world in her personal retreats. You can learn more about her at, and you can get her book on Amazon,  it’s called Get Quiet


Elaine, thank you so much for coming on the show. 


Elaine Glass 

Thanks so much for having me, Wendy. I’m super excited to be here. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

I met you at a kind of a mastermind with—is he your husband now? 


Elaine Glass



Dr. Wendy Myers

Your fiance. So tell us a little bit about your background, and your fiance, and how you got on your personal journey. 


Elaine Glass

Right now, I am an author—which I’m thrilled to say that that is who I am and what I’m doing these days. I’m also proud to say that I’ve done a lot of things in my life. I’ve had a lot of different identities, and I love welcoming in new identities throughout my life. I want to gather as many as I possibly can. So right now I’m an author, I am a certified master life coach as well, and an international speaker. And in my past life, like many moons ago, I was a dental hygienist and I sat with over (get this) 40,000 patients one-on-one. And I would say that was my life class, that was in my early twenties and thirties. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Wow, that’s a lot of patients. That’s a lot of dental patients, for sure. And you are engaged to Michael Fishman, and he’s amazing, I think he’s a really great guy. Glad that I met you through him so we could do this podcast. And so, you have recently written a book. Can you tell us a little bit about that? It’s called Get Quiet, and I love that title because I think getting quiet is something that’s really hard for people to do, but so necessary. Tell us a little bit about the genesis of your writing this book. 


Elaine Glass

I’ve always written, I’ve kept a diary since I was 16 years old, and that has really been my quiet time. That’s how I process the world. Journaling has just been like my therapy, so I never knew that those journal entries and the insights that I’ve always kept would now be a published book. And so what happened was I was in a really dark moment. I was going through a very difficult divorce, I had two small children at the time, and I needed to get healthy. I needed to get healthy quick for my kids and I didn’t know how. I just wanted someone to knock on the door and say, hey, I’ve got all the answers, but nobody came, so I had to save myself. My kids were suffering, I was suffering, we were all going through a really difficult loss. And this was the moment that I said, “I need to get healthy—mind, body, and soul—how am I going to do that?” And this is how I began writing about my journey to that. It took me a decade to really get the whole work of getting the Get Quiet way together, but I’m sharing this now in a book ’cause I don’t want it to take anyone a decade.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I know there’s a huge learning curve when you’re trying to figure out all this stuff on your own with the journey to healing, which is mind, body, and spirit, so it’s nice when you can take advice from someone or get insight from someone that’s had a rough road. But tell us your personal journey with even detoxification in your healing journey. 


Elaine Glass

I realized early on that I was carrying and holding so much and that can be the need for a major detox. So not only do we detox, I believe, in our bodies, but we have to detox in the mental, emotional, and we have to detox in spirit. It’s a whole combination of these three things going on. But it’s interesting because it did start with the body in a lot of ways. I actually went and got some testing done and found out that I have suboptimal detox pathways. Genetically. And that really hit me hard because I thought, oh that’s the reason why everything is not working. Well, that was just one part! 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Welcome to the club of people with bad detox genetics.


Elaine Glass

Yes, but I didn’t want to be at the effect of that. In fact, I had one doctor who said, oh my God, Elaine, they’re so bad that you actually need to go live on a deserted Island in Hawaii, somewhere. Live off the land, like that would be your best environment! And I was like, what? I don’t think so! It scared me and those wake-up calls just scare you. And as you know because you’re the expert, we’re living in very toxic environmental times. And so it’s just this battle of trying to help my body detox, and then as my body was detoxing, I was doing the things that I was prescribed to do. 


I also noticed that as I was detoxing chemicals—mold, yeast, all these things that had built up, heavy metals from dentistry—that I was also detoxing my mind. Healing mental emotional aspects of certain generational patterning. Anger, resentment, jealousy, all those things. The body started to detox, mind emotional stuff started to detox, and then I was able to get to the sweet stuff. And this is where Get Quiet really started. Was me getting into a soul connection. Because when we are weighed heavy down with all of these chemicals, with all these mental emotional issues, and unhealed trauma, we can’t get to the good stuff. We can’t access the quiet and our soul’s voice. And so once I was able to get detoxed and access my soul’s voice, that’s when my life really started to take off. 


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Dr. Wendy Myers

That really resonates with me because I think there’s a lot of people, including myself when I was not feeling so great, I was very toxic. And years and years of just abusing the body through food and alcohol and whatnot, that you almost are not able to be in touch with your creator… Your pineal gland is so toxic, or calcified with fluoride, or whatever the case may be, that you’re almost cut off from your spirituality or talking with God or however you want to label that. Or your connection to the universe. And I felt very much cut off from a spiritual side I think because I was so toxic, and brain fog. And you’re just so preoccupied with trying to feel better that spirituality takes a backseat, it’s just not a priority. 


Elaine Glass

A hundred percent. And you actually forget to have those dialogues with God. And that’s really where the good stuff is but we’re so bogged down, we’re weighed so heavy down that we can’t even access that. It’s like a tuning fork—there’s no connection. There’s just too much in the way. And so one day I found a retreat center, and I was led there by a guy at a coffee shop who I had the presence to stop and talk with for a moment. And he said. “I’m a recovering addict, and I go and walk this labyrinth at this retreat center, and maybe that will help you.” So I was like, okay. I was so desperate at that time. I was like, whatever it takes just to get some relief from the grief and disappointment and difficulties of being a single mom.


So I started walking this labyrinth, and if some of the listeners haven’t walked one yet, what a labyrinth is it’s an ancient contemplative meditative walking—a walking meditation. And it really symbolizes your body going to the center of this labyrinth and meeting the soul, and being able to make that connection that we were just talking about. And so it ended up being half a mile away from my house. I couldn’t believe it, it was there all along. And I started walking this labyrinth. And it’s funny because I heard a lot of messages there. It was like it was so quiet, I could finally hear myself. It was so loud before, and there it was quiet enough to hear. 


And I heard a lot of messages at the beginning, but there was one that I think you’d be really interested in. This was about six months after walking the labyrinth pretty regularly. I heard, “Don’t take your thyroid medicine, Elaine.” And I was like, what? I was in the medical field, I know you take your medicine every day. You don’t miss a dose, you take it at a certain time—I was that person. “No, no, no, don’t take your medicine.” So I didn’t take my medicine, and I felt so good. I was like, what the heck is going on? I had taken that medicine for 10 years. And what I was doing, and I didn’t even realize it—every canful was causing me physical depression, mental depression, and so many other symptoms that I didn’t even realize. And had I not gotten quiet, had I not taken the time to tune in and hear my soul’s voice, and hear God say, do not take your medicine, who knows? 


Anyway, what ended up happening was there were so many (as you know) excipients that are just binders and coloring and fillers in all of our medications, that my body was just sensitive to it all. And I ended up going to a compounding pharmacist, they tweaked it so that it was a lot cleaner. And a lot less medication too. So these are things that happen when we tune in and we get quiet and we find quiet places—our life changes. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, because I feel like we have spirit guides. We have angel or spirit guides or whatever we want, looking over us. And it’s really you’d have to get quiet to hear their messages. I’ve read that God speaks to us through our feelings. And we get messages like we think that they are our own thoughts, but really we have people and angels or God guiding us. But we do, we have to trust and surrender and listen to that. And it does require shutting up and getting quiet to hear those messages. It’s been there all along, but it’s just a matter of I think so many of us, we do go through that labyrinth to get in touch with that spiritual side of ourselves… Everyone’s journey looks different, everyone’s ready at different times to surrender and accept that, and some people never get there when people have a lot of resistance. Also, I think I certainly had lots of resistance to God, accepting God or believing in God and surrendering to that side of myself.


Elaine Glass

It is confronting sometimes. People say I don’t want to get quiet cause it’s scary, cause it feels isolating. And really what’s happening is we are actually, for the first time maybe ever, being with ourselves, being with the energy of ourselves. And that is grand. Think about if you’re like this huge giant oak tree, and you’re standing next to it. That is grand. And when we get quiet, we get present to our greatness, to our grandness, and that can be off-putting. But once you just settle in and take it little bit by little bit… And that’s what the book is about. 


Get Quiet is about taking each step little bit by little bit and getting used to and embracing your grandness. This is what life’s all about. Not going on autopilot, but really digging down deep to the core of who we are and saying yes to our soul’s calling, like I know you have. Because I know that when I wasn’t saying yes to my soul’s calling, I know that those 40,000 patients that weren’t saying yes to their soul’s calling and the hundreds of people I’ve coached, they’re not well. They’re not well physically, they’re not well mental emotionally, and they’re not living their best life. I’ve had to learn that lesson so that is my message. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

What are some of the tools that people could use to get quiet? Because I know there’s meditation, but I know I resisted that for a long time because I just felt like I wasn’t doing it right, I just couldn’t quiet my mind. What are some of the tools that you suggest for people? 


Elaine Glass

The main tool is to find a labyrinth near you because that is a secret portal that very few people know about. And they’re all over the country. There’s over 5,000 labyrinths, and they’re tucked in very interesting places like hospitals and schools and churches, and on private properties. And literally, I think like thousands of years ago, they used these labyrinths because they knew it was a portal to some other realm. It’s fascinating what happens energetically within you, that shifts when you walk. So go to, find a labyrinth. There’s also one in the book, I have one that you can trace with your finger. So all of this helps. That’s the first step. Just find a quiet place. Before I found a labyrinth, I used my closet. When my kids were little, I’m like, “I’m going in my closet, I’m just gonna make a little cocoon there.” Wherever you can find some peace and quiet 


Dr. Wendy Myers

And are these like energy vortexes? 


Elaine Glass

They are. They really are. And when you first enter a labyrinth, you will feel your spirit guides. They will take you by the hand lovingly and show you the way to your soul again. Because I feel like we have lost the connection to our souls. We know our bodies, we can see our bodies, but we’ve lost this connection to our soul. So the first path of the labyrinth is about nurturing your body. Not beating your body up, not talking badly to your body about your body. Nurturing your body. Especially as women, we sometimes have lost our femininity because of all of life’s demands and begin to fuse more of our masculine energy. So instead of pounding on weights and things like that, which of course there’s a time and place for lifting weights, but maybe it’s just swimming and dancing in your pool or taking nightly walks. Just gentle appreciation for the physical body. 


That’s what I started to do to try to heal myself. I just started simply getting off my couch and taking those first few steps. That’s the first tool. The second path is all about cleaning and clearing our environment. How much stuff are we holding that’s weighing us down in our environments? Think about that alone, and getting back in control of our environment. That creates so much lightness. And again, this is all about lightening up so we can get to the lightest part of ourselves and that’s our soul. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

You mentioned in your book Get Quiet, that there are seven labyrinth paths. Can you elaborate on that a little bit for the audience? 


Elaine Glass: Yes. The first one was nurture the body. The energy point there is our abdomen where all creation begins, and especially with women, the womb area. The second path is cleaning and clearing our environment. The third path is cleaning and clearing our mind, which is the outermost circle of the labyrinth. It’s the longest path, and there’s a reason for that. Because it’s the most difficult, as we know—the mind. And how do we get so present, spontaneous presence, to the point that we can almost have no mind? That’s the good stuff. After that, it’s all about cleaning and clearing emotions, which is in the hip area. I got a big sense that we carry most of our emotions in our hips. 


And so cleaning and clearing out emotions, getting rest and receiving. And the next path after that would be grounding. And not just grounding to the earth, but grounding to the heavens as well. That’s a really fun chapter in the book, to understand this new way of grounding. And then the next path after that is now you’re beginning to dream again. So many of my clients come to me, and they don’t have dreams. They’ve helped everybody else, they’ve helped their husbands, their wives, they’ve helped the people they’ve worked for, they’ve helped their kids. They’ve helped everyone live out their dreams, but they have forgotten about their own. So this is an exciting path because now you’re dreaming again. And you’re being able to connect to that muse, to God, whatever it is you want to call it, that’s saying, “This is why you’re here.” And this is where huge ideation begins. 


The next path after that is intuition kicks in. So many of my clients say “I’ve never had intuition. I don’t even know what it is. I don’t think I have it. I think I’ve lost it if I did have it.” We always have it. And this is the path where you really get it back, where it’s coming in big time and coloring all the details of your dreams. And then the last path is you get to the center, you get to the center of the labyrinth, and you get to the center of yourself. And you finally connect to what we were talking about, to that still wise voice. 


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Dr. Wendy: I love that part about dreams. There’s a lot of people I know that don’t have dreams or they just forgot that they can have goals. It doesn’t matter how old you are, I think people have to live their life very intentional because you create your life. You create your reality. And I think people have to be very intentional and get clear on who they are and what it is that they want or what they want to create in their life, and to never give up on dreams that you have. I still have so many goals, it’s so crazy, dreams, and things I want to accomplish. I just caution people too, if you don’t have dreams or goals, you need to do some work to sit down, to figure out what that is. Write it down and stay focused on it. 


Elaine Glass: And the key word is focus. We are completely distracted, me included. And I think the thing that I feel so proud about is to have a book because that proved to me that I could focus. That I could implement the habits I needed to focus, that I would say no to the world’s noise and everything that would take me away from writing. And so whatever it is that you want, want it so bad. You should want it so bad because there’s so much that will take you off course. You will self-sabotage. I self-sabotaged myself many times. I wanted to give up many times. You will want to give up many times. There will be so many things that will want to take you off course, so you really need to want this so bad for yourself. And not just for yourself, but like I wanted this work for the world. And I know that we all have a soul’s calling that’s trying to find us, and we cannot find it in the distraction and the noise. It will not come to us. It won’t be able to find us. That’s how energy works. 


Dr. Wendy Myers: I think you have to really embody that word, NO. Hell, no! No, I don’t have time. No, I’m not giving you this or doing this for you, or no to the social media and all these things that we do get distracted by. I think the world asks a lot of us, and it’s really difficult to have a boundary, especially for women, around their husband or their kids or their friends. And making that space for yourself first and everyone else is second, and then you have to say no to a lot of things. People that you want to please or you want to help or whatever the case may be. I think people have a bigger capacity to give and to love when they’re able to take care of themselves first and make themselves a priority, which is so hard for many women.


Elaine Glass: Absolutely. This has been our conditioning. And we can help everybody else, we can help heal everybody else, but now how do we turn all of that inward and toward ourselves? And there is a process to do that so that you feel empowered actually by doing that. There’s a reason why when you’re on an airplane, and they say to put your oxygen mask on yourself before your kids. Like this is basic stuff, but we just seem to not be able to do it. And so we have to flip the script. We have to literally flip the script. And it’s easy to do when you actually begin to see your life moving forward in exciting and new ways. Then you just can’t stop, and everyone’s going to be second. But there is this priority. Like for me, my priority is God first, myself second and others third. And when you live in these types of paradigms, then your life will work for you.


Dr. Wendy Myers: Yeah. When you trust and you surrender to, I guess, the universe or source or God or Jesus or whatever label you want to put on that, I think I find myself much happier, much more in flow. But it all has come from being very intentional and writing down what I want, what I want to accomplish, even in every aspect of my life. 


Elaine Glass 



Dr. Wendy Myers

Can you talk about that? About how to get the results out of life that you want and how to go about that.


Elaine Glass

It’s about literally waking up to the truth of your life. That’s the first step. I think most of us literally have one addiction. And it’s a personality addiction, and that is looking away at the truth of our lives. So it’s waking up to the truth of our lives—I believe that’s spirituality very simply said. And that’s the first step, waking up to the truth. No more lies to yourself, no more betraying yourself. Those days have got to be over. I was lying to myself in that marriage I was in that I was being dishonored, disrespected. I felt like a nanny in my own home, but I kept making up lies like, oh, he’ll change or, oh, it’ll be okay, oh, it’s not so bad. Until it got really bad.


So waking up to the truth of your life, I would say that’s the first thing to change your life. Being present. Life is trying to give us messages and trying to give us lessons all the time, but we’re just not awake to all that happening. And there’s so much magic. There’s so much magic in that. It was funny. A funny story is I was totally saying no to these messages, and I had heard so many. Like “Elaine, you’re a healer. Elaine, you’re gonna write a book one day.” All these messages. And I was like no, it’s not for me, I’m not smart enough, I don’t deserve it, I’m not worthy. Like all of the childhood messaging that I started to believe. Especially I’m not smart enough. Who am I to do this? 


And then, one day, I was going to the grocery store, I got back to my house, I opened the car lift to take out my groceries in the back of the car, and I didn’t realize that it had only opened halfway. And literally, I rounded the back of the car, and it hit me right on the head. Smack! Like straight in my head, right here. Right in my forehead. And I was like, oh my God. I started bleeding, I almost fell down. I was like, what the heck? Like those things don’t happen to me. That night, I started literally channeling in insights and messages galore. In fact, they didn’t stop for four weeks. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Did you hit your pineal gland? Kind of like shocked it, like you’re kick-starting the lawnmower?


Elaine Glass

I literally had to be hit over the head to knock the sense into me! And it makes me laugh because our guides, our angels, the unseen that is there supporting us will do things. And not to hurt you, obviously, because they’re very loving energies, but I literally had to just be woken up that way. To say, “Hey, pay attention. We’re here. We’re bringing something down, and it’s important, and you’re the vessel and the vehicle in which we need this to come through.”


Dr. Wendy Myers

They can have a sense of humor. They can be little comedians. They like to think of themselves as little comedians that play little jokes on you!


Elaine Glass

That was a big joke. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

I love when I hear stories like that of people having maybe an awakening, where they become kind of like ready and open. And when that finally happens, then they start getting like a download, if you will, or they really open up and become a vessel for whatever contribution they have for this planet. And it’s just such a beautiful thing. I just love hearing stories like that. 


Elaine Glass

I took notes of all these things, when I could anyway, because they were so magical and I didn’t want to dismiss them. And this is why getting quiet is so important, is because your life will become so magical. You will be awakened to experiences that you never thought possible. Where you will be like, what?! And I know the listeners are saying, oh yeah, I’ve had those moments, but sometimes they come many months apart and even years apart. And it can be frustrating because then it’ll come again, a moment of synchronicity or something magical, and you’ll be like, oh, it is real. But when you get quiet, these things are happening all of the time. 


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Dr. Wendy

Talk to us about making changes. Because I think there’s a lot of people that they know on some level they’re not in the right relationship, they’re not in the right job, or they know they haven’t stepped into their life purpose. Or they need to step into their life purpose even more so, lean in a lot harder. And so talk about how to go about doing that. You talk in your book about “if nothing moves, nothing changes.” How do people get that momentum or that motivation or inspiration to make those hard choices they need to make to create the life they want? 


Elaine Glass

That is a great question. And you’re right: when nothing moves, nothing changes. This all can be scary, especially if you have a big decision that’s difficult to make, like I did. And I always like to approach life with fun, with curiosity, with lightness and with playfulness. And so if you’re about to make a change and you’re not quite sure if you should, what I did is I did something called an out-of-the-box challenge. I did something different every month for 12 months, one year. So if you want to pause before you make a very difficult decision and you have this amount of time (even if you have about six months, six to 12 months), do something and take yourself somewhere different that you’ve never been. 


Do something different every month. What this will do is it will expand your energy, first of all. It will help you gain confidence in whatever decision you’re going to make. It will help you see things differently—see your life differently, see yourself differently. Anything you’re curious about that you’ve always wanted to do. And this doesn’t have to even cost anything. It could just be like going and taking yourself to a certain town nearby that you’ve always wanted to go, to a certain store or park or whatever, or doing a hike that you’ve never done before. Just something different. Because right now, you’re probably in a state where you’re just in your head and you’re ruminating and so you never want to make big life changes in that state. So this really gets you out of your head, into your body, and really down into your soul. And so after a year of doing this, I had a new career as a life coach, I fell in love with Michael, and my whole life had changed because I took this year just for me.


Dr. Wendy Myers 

That’s why I love traveling so much. Because I feel like it takes you out of your element, out of your perspective, a new way of thinking and doing, and just living, and it really fills me, and I love traveling on those points. But I think even just going… like I love walking and I love driving different places to go walking, even doing that is getting out of the house, getting out of your environment, out of your routine, can be so powerful. Just breathe new energy and motivation and inspiration into your life. It can be something so simple, like you said, like just going for a walk.


Elaine Glass

It can be so simple. Getting back to the labyrinth, when you begin to walk this meditative path. Changing up. Instead of sitting and being in like a chair, meditating, think about being out in nature and having a walking meditation. Do that, do something that you think is supposed to be a certain way, but do it a different way. Give yourself permission to be creative and to be playful and to not just do things the way they’re supposed to be. Do them the way you want them to be. Like I have said no to so many things. Because I was supposed to learn how to walk a labyrinth because there’s a whole labyrinth society and a way that they honor walking a labyrinth in a traditional way. But I said no to that because I wanted to make it my own. And then there was an energy worker who wanted to work with me and teach me their method, and I was like that is a huge opportunity. But no, something inside of me just kept saying, no, you are going to make this your own. And so make these things that you think society tells you it should be a certain way, make them your own. And have fun.


Dr. Wendy Myers

I think that’s important with spirituality because I think especially when people have programming from whatever religion that they were exposed to as a child or their family subscribes to, there could be a certain amount of programming or even toxicity around guilt and shame and all that. I’m sorry, I just don’t think that’s God. I don’t think guilt or shame or any negative emotions—that is not God. If it’s anything low frequency or it doesn’t feel good… Because God is just pure love, so love, joy, gratitude, that’s where God is. Anything that doesn’t feel that way, run for the hills!


Elaine Glass

A hundred percent. If we have children in the home, children are the greatest imitators. But we, as adults, have to give them something great to imitate. So when you live your life like this, when you live your life in presence, and when you live your life tuned in, in the way that we’re talking about, it’s going to inspire them to live the same exact way. And now we don’t need to complain about technology, we don’t need to complain about being on their devices. There should be no reason why we’re complaining about these things because there’s so many alternative ways, but we as parents have to go first. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. Can you talk more about that and how we can maybe model certain behavior for our children, or inspire our children to walk that spiritual journey or walk the labyrinth and help open them up to, a spiritual side?


Elaine Glass

It’s conversations. I would have conversations with my kids. Instead of going and celebrating a religious holiday in church or temple or wherever you needed to because society tells you to, I would take my kids on a hike, go up to the top of the mountain, and be like, “We’re celebrating this here today because you can celebrate this and you can honor your spirituality anywhere. It goes everywhere you go.” So giving your kids permission instead of putting walls around and making them almost like in this prison. Like this is what you have to do. I think that really does a disservice to kids. You can be in a church or a temple, but you can also be anywhere else because it travels with you always. That God is not just outside of us, but God is within us. When you have that shift in perception, that’s what I wanted to model to my kids. These awarenesses and insights that would come to me, and I would share them with them on a regular basis. So they are totally tuned in because I got tuned in. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Talk to us about your unique method of energy healing that you talk about in Get Quiet


Elaine Glass

When I got really quiet, Wendy, this was the thing that I did not see coming. And this is what I want for everybody because it will happen to you. It will happen to you, I promise you. When you get quiet in this way, your muse will find you. And my muse found me, the energy found me, and I said yes to it. And what came to me was after I had done my own prescribed seven focuses, walking the labyrinth that we just talked about, those energy points came through to me. And I thought they were going to be separate and not in the book. I thought they were a whole different modality and I would even write another book about just the energy points, but it was very clear that they belonged in Get Quiet. That they actually belonged in the work. 


And they came through me like a tsunami. I was out walking one day, and I had gotten to this state of being—going from loud, fearful, noisy life to complete lightness and love in my heart. And that’s where it found me. These energy points came through, and we talked about them at the beginning. There’s the abdomen, the heart, the head, the hips, the feet, the legs, the tailbone, and the shoulders, in that order. That is the body scan, and that’s the energy. Those are the energy points that are in the book, Get Quiet. That’s how they came through me, and now I teach that to my clients, and it’s extremely healing. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Wonderful. Why don’t you tell us where we can learn more about your work, work with you, your website, and get a copy of Get Quiet?


Elaine Glass

You can find me at The book you can find anywhere you buy your books and also at, and there’ll be some bonuses there for you as well. 


Dr. Wendy Myers

Fantastic. Elaine, thanks so much for coming on the show. It was wonderful meeting you. Probably almost 10 years ago that I met you. I think it was like seven or eight years ago that I met you, and it was just nice to spend that weekend with you at the mastermind. I’m really glad we got to reconnect and that you have this book out that we could talk about. So thanks so much for coming on the show. 


Elaine Glass

Thanks so much, Wendy, it’s been a pleasure. 


Dr. Wendy

Everyone, thanks so much for tuning in to the Myers Detox podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Meyers, and it’s such a pleasure to do this show every week. It’s so much fun having all these guests and experts from all around the world. My goal with this show is to help you—give you those little key pieces of the puzzle that you’re looking for on your physical, emotional, and spiritual journey as well. So thanks for tuning in every week. 



The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaims responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests’ qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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