#555 Bioenergetics: Your Key to Increased Energy & Longevity
with Harry Massey
Dr. Wendy Myers
Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast. On this show, we talk about everything related to heavy metal and chemical detox, the health issues that toxins cause, anti-aging, bioenergetics, and a lot of cutting-edge topics related to health. We’re not doing the boring stuff. We’re not doing things like the diet, nutrition supplements, and exercise for the most part of the podcast. It’s a little bit more for people that are a little bit more advanced who are looking for answers beyond the status quo. So today my friend Harry Massey is gonna be on the show. He is an expert on bioenergetics. He is the founder of neshealth.com. They’re rebranding to Energy for Life. He has spent decades learning about energy medicine, creating a software system that can scan you. It scans over 800 different data points to figure out exactly what is going on with you, and it’s very unique. There are over five decades of research that have gone behind NES Health. Harry continues to do research most recently at the University of California at San Diego. We’ll talk about that research. We’ll talk about what bioenergetics is.
We’re going to be talking about his new conference called Zenergy, where he’s debuting his cutting-edge wearables that will scan your body every five minutes and send you frequencies that your body needs to correct the issues found in the scan. He’s going to be debuting a really interesting mat that can help to correct a lot of different issues. We’re going to be talking about exactly the nature of emotional trauma, how emotional trauma affects your health, how you can use bioenergetics to release emotional trauma, and how bioenergetics is super anti-aging. It’s the future of medicine. It’s what I’ve been using for nine years. I absolutely credit NES Health in particular, with feeling and looking really young. I just turned 52. I credit it with one of my anti-aging secrets and for just feeling a lot better emotionally and physically than I ever have. It’s really like my secret weapon, and I really encourage people to try bioenergetics, starting with NES Health. So we’re going to dive into all that on the show today.
Harry Massey, my guest, is a well-known bioenergetic speaker, expert entrepreneur, who’s made significant contributions to the field of bioenergetics and the study of energy and living systems to help people worldwide restore their energy for life. As a serial entrepreneur, Harry is the founder of NES Health, Expo Health, and Energy for Life, all companies dedicated to researching, developing advanced bioenergetic technologies and solutions that are transforming patients’ health and wellness in remarkable ways. Harry’s companies have developed a comprehensive AI and physics based clinic health system that helps people detect, correct, and protect their energy while stimulating their innate self healing and self repair systems. His groundbreaking products and devices help detect, correct, and protect a person’s energy, including the award-winning miHealth device, which I use every single day, light beds, hydrogen beds, infoceuticals, which are liquid remedies with frequencies in them, the bioenergetics wellness system, voice scanning technology, personalized meditations, and the GIST course and GIST journal, and the soon to be released wearable device, the Gem. You can learn more about Harry’s work at neshealth.com and do a free bioenergetics scan at neshealth.com/detox. Harry, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Harry Massey
Thank you, Wendy. It’s great to be here. It’s been a few years since we were last on the podcast.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yes, and I love having you on because I love your work so much. You introduced me to bioenergetics over nine years ago, and it’s completely changed my life. I highly recommend anybody on their health journey to try some form of bioenergetics at some point on their journey because it’s almost exclusively what I use right now to address my health issues. Why don’t you just tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got started on your own bioenergetic journey.
Harry Massey
When I was 21, I had these three accidents that led me to being bedridden for the next seven years. Firstly, I went out to Ben Nevis ice climbing and the ice is really brittle. I was teetering up. My ax went into the ice. The ice completely shattered and I fell 60 feet down onto the rocky slopes below. That day, I ended up fracturing my spine, although I didn’t know until I had a paragliding accident a couple of years later when I was in hospital. They said, your x-rays are fine. Well, they basically said, you haven’t broken anything today but you do have a fractured and effused spine from an accident before, which was obviously that bend over strip. And then another year or so passed, and I went out to the French Alps. I got a fever that turned out to be glandular fever again while I was climbing. I checked into a hotel. I was pretty sick for like 10 or so days, and then I went back to university, but I just didn’t feel the same. I just kept getting really exhausted.
I was in my last year at university and I was being fairly hedonistic like doing my exams, going climbing, and partying really hard. I thought it was that, but by the end of my final year of university, I was so exhausted and really didn’t quite know what to do with myself. I’d taken my first job in London but got fired because I had too many sick days. I thought, well, I’ll just go back out to the French Alps and heal through climbing, fresh air, French food, wine, etc. I got so exhausted on that trip that I ended up stuck in a tent for about a week just eating dry bananas. I drove myself back to England, stopping on the highway every 40 or so minutes. I got back, and didn’t know what to do, so I enrolled in an MBA. I very quickly realized I couldn’t really manage that MBA, so I split it over two years instead of one. By my final year of the MBA, I basically ended up in a wheelchair. I did all my exams in a wheelchair, and that really began seven whole long years of full on, bed-bound, chronic fatigue syndrome. I was 21, and I’d basically lost all my energy and my social life. I was stuck in this bedroom completely, clearly lost my freedom, and I just tried absolutely everything and probably a bit like your journey. I started off in functional medicine, nutrition, tried every diet, and after five years of that, it’s like, well, if I don’t have any energy, why don’t I study where energy comes from? And from that, I basically ended up on Google. I think it was actually Yahoo at the time. I looked up and came across the field of energy medicine. So it’s like, well, why don’t I go and find who the most prominent energy medicine researchers are?
I came across this scientist called Professor Peter Fraser. He’d been mapping out the energy and information of the human body field for about 30 odd years, and before that he’d set up the first acupuncture college that became part of Melbourne University. I rang him up and I said, Peter, I’ve got this idea. I want to make a home wellness system that would basically work out what’s wrong with people from the comfort of their own homes. He was like, that sounds interesting. Fortunately, I don’t know if he took pity on me, but he basically thought, well, there’s something in this kid. I was 26. He was 61 or something like that. Long story short, he ended up immigrating from Australia, moved to England, and we formed this R&D company that became NES Health, where we ended up mapping the energy and information of the human body to a much more detailed level. We made this system that’s now called the Bioenergetic Wellness System, and a lot of other inventions that have come since. And of course he also healed me and got my energy back.
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Dr. Wendy Myers
I think you’re like a lot of people who are not feeling well, chronically fatigued and just never thought that they would find themselves in this situation with having lost their health. When you don’t have your health, you can’t really focus on anything else. You can’t do anything else. You took it to another level, like forming a bioenergetic company, but a lot of people are searching and this is what I try to caution people about; doing the medication, like the doctor revolving door, then the functional medicine, then the supplements, then I have to do this cleanse, maybe it’s my liver and they’re really focusing on that physical plane only. People really need to be thinking about what controls that physical body. We have an energy field around us that controls and governs that physical body. That’s the study of bioenergetics. So why don’t you expand on that a little bit more, like what exactly is the definition of bioenergetics?
Harry Massey
Bioenergetics is the study, detection, and correction in living systems. You can really describe it through these two main principles. One, that the body is a battery, and two, that the body has an energetic control system. In short, when you’ve got low energy, you basically don’t have enough energy to heal yourself. You can also look at it from a cellular level. The cell has a potential across the cell membrane. When it’s above 250 millivolts, you’re like a super athlete. If it’s below 50 millivolts, you generally have cancer, and you’re pretty close to death. Most diseases sit between 50 and 100 millivolts. If you’re just feeling a bit depressed and low in energy, you’re 100 to 150. 150 plus means you’re healthy. At 250, you’re a super-performance athlete. The question is, how on earth can you increase that energy? The most important thing for that is you want to get how your energy works to be really efficient. That’s what we mean by an energy control system and the normal body. I’m sorry, everybody basically has a chemical-based control system, which we’re very familiar with. It has cell receptors for molecules, but we also have field receptors, which will pick out, basically, photons and different magnetic signals.
What we’re concerned with in bioenergetics is this energy or this field-based control system. We want to make it as efficient as we can because if we make it efficient, there’s more energy available for healing. Without a high level of energy, you stay sick. It’s honestly the most key thing. Many different therapies, like if you’re talking about an ozone sauna, red light therapy, hyperbaric therapy, etc., are all based on the fact that they want to recharge your body’s battery and recharge your energy. That’s all great, but you do feel a bit better for a few hours afterward or for the rest of the day, but the next day, you can be depleted again because you didn’t actually correct your body’s energy efficiency. You didn’t actually directly correct the energetic control system. So our company, NES, is actually being renamed Energy for Life right now, but what we’re most concerned with is Energy for Life. It’s how we can measure, manage, and master your energy and emotions so that we can make it as efficient as possible so you have more energy to heal your soul.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Your program is also very anti-aging as well. When you get rid of all these energy drains and energetic blocks from your body, you are able to produce all the energy that you need to regenerate and sleep, et cetera.
Harry Massey
I mean, it’s incredibly anti-aging. Emotions are the key part of that. It’s related to energy, but I was so good. Gabor Mate has written a number of books. One of his books is ‘When The Body Says No,’ but in his research, he basically looked at all these different studies that correlate different emotional characteristics and trauma with different diseases, like someone with Parkinson’s has a more rigid personality than someone with ALS. For example, they basically always say yes to everybody. They don’t know how to put up boundaries. There’s another study in that book that’s pretty fascinating. If you take lung cancer and smokers, all of us think, oh, smoking causes lung cancer. They studied all of these smokers and all of the people who had lung cancer and didn’t have lung cancer. What the fundamental difference was, was the ones who ended up with lung cancer actually had very negative emotional states. The ones who never got lung cancer didn’t. In the research, it basically showed that a cell will detoxify heavy metals and smoke when you’re in a positive emotional state and it’ll repair. The aging process that you’re talking about, well, the aging process basically accelerates when you’re in a negative emotional state, and that’s why for our company and Energy for Life, we met, we’re very, very particular about measuring it.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and it’s also something a lot of people just aren’t thinking about when it comes to their physical health, or they think, oh, I had 10 years of therapy. I’m good. But they don’t realize there are these subconscious emotions. There are emotional traumas they have that are still affecting them decades later, and they’re frequencies in their energy field. You have to fight fire with fire. You have to fight frequencies in your energy field with other types of frequencies that release them. That’s the brilliance of NES Health, or you’re changing it to Energy for Life. That’s the brilliance of this system. It’s releasing all that stuff, and you just get lighter and lighter and lighter as you release this baggage that’s really been holding you back emotionally and physically.
Harry Massey
Yeah, absolutely. Well, today, we created a wearable where you can actually measure your emotions as well. You can basically measure and manage your emotions directly through a wearable because, in traditional Chinese medicine, you can pick up these 29 different pulses. Every wearable today has just looked at heart rate. Their ability is literally looking at the distance between the top of each beat. The sort of insight that we had is, well, why not look at the shape of the overall pulse wave, which is what the Chinese are doing when they’re reading it on TCM Pulse. For example, if someone has a wiry pulse, that’s indicative of a stagnant liver. The emotion associated with the liver is frustration, or at the more extreme, it’s anger. With the pancreas, it’s anxiety. With the heart, it’s like depression to joy. Actually, no, sorry, it’s impatience to joy. So we basically mapped out these different emotional characteristics that we can pick up from the pulse, which gives you a real awareness right in that moment of your emotional state. We can also end up correcting it in real time. So yeah, it’s quite exciting.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Tell us about the wearable. It’s called GEMS, correct?
Harry Massey
Yeah, it’s called the GEM, which stands for Guided Energy Management or Energy Management System. It’ll detect, correct, and protect your energy and emotions. I said it’s using a TCM pulse to look at your emotions, but we haven’t described what a digital infoceutical is yet when we were describing earlier about how there’s a field based control system. We can basically deliver these field signals directly into your body and your cell receptors pick those up in a similar way to how it’s picking up a chemical-based signal and will have an effect. But ultimately, it helps to balance your energy. And of course, I say by de facto, it will also help increase longevity and your health.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, I love this concept. Even for someone who’s been using bioenergetics for so long, it can be very expensive. I have equipment that’s not transportable. It’s super effective. It can send me any frequency of any emotion I want, but it’s not portable. And this is just a wearable on your wrist and it scans you every hour, correct?
Harry Massey
It’ll scan you every hour and check in with you every five minutes, actually.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Oh, every five minutes, really?
Harry Massey
Yeah, it’s scanning your movement every five minutes, whether you’re asleep, your sleep, your HRV, and the full shape of your pulse. So all of the Chinese pulses, and then it’s adjusting what we call a digital infoceutical, basically, the signal that’s going back into the body continuously now.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, so it’s sending you frequencies for the emotions that you should be feeling, or is it counteracting the negative emotion that might be picking up?
Harry Massey
It has a number of effects. It has a 24 hour automatic cycle, and that’s directly based on what it’s detecting. It’s also putting in Chinese medicine. There’s a 24 hour cycle or 24 hour clock. So it’ll put in the right type of information and signal to balance out the right organs during the right time. So, when we were talking about liver, people who wake up between one and three in the morning, that’s generally a liver issue. During that period, it will help balance and calm your liver. So you’re less likely to wake up and then it’s lung time, kidney time, et cetera. But it also connects to our voice scan, so if someone has seen a practitioner or one of our coaches, you can do a voice scan. It’ll analyze 700 odd different factors or biomarkers from your voice. Then we’ll also send that precise biosignature and digital infoceutical into the wearable. So yeah, it’ll do both. Then there’s a third mode. If you just want an energy boost, or you want a good time in bed, or peace, or relax, or you want to focus at work, you can obviously just Press that on your app and it will just directly do that function.
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I wanna take a minute to thank one of our sponsors. Therasage Saunas are what I highly recommend to all of my patients for the dozens and dozens of benefits imparted by infrared saunas. What I love about Therasage Saunas is that they are portable, inexpensive and have lots of interesting things that you can add to them. You can add ozone. You can add red light. I love that they have all these options that you can stack all these different health modalities and get the most ROI out of the time you’re spending in your infrared sauna. So go check out their top-of-the-line infrared sauna at therasage.com.
Dr. Wendy Myers
So, you talk about doing a voice scan. I highly encourage everyone listening to do a free voice scan that you are offering to the audience. The link that you want them to go to is neshealth.com/detox. Go there and try the free scan because this scan is using the frequencies in your voice. It can detect so many different things in your body. It’s really, really mind-blowing. It’s very high-tech. You’ve been developing this for well over 40 years between Peter Fraser and yourself. It’s kind of his life’s work and you brought it into two million lines of code at this point. That’s pretty cool. I mean, you’ve spent over two decades putting this software and developing it and doing research. You also have research at UCSD, correct?
Harry Massey
Yes, at the University of California, San Diego, run by the vice chair of the medical department there, Professor Hemal Patel. He’s been looking at how our infoceuticals can affect different tissues. For example, they took some muscle tissue and wanted to see if we can increase the mitochondrial density with one of our anesthetics called CellDriver. They saw like a 50 percent increase in the density in the cell and a 67 percent protection from hydrogen peroxide. Basically we were trying to poison the cell and saw a 67 percent protection rate against the control. We also infected lung tissue with horrible corona and saw a 45 percent reduction in the viral penetration rate of corona.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, and there’s an increase in energy as well, correct?
Harry Massey
There’s an increase in mitochondrial energy production and a whole bunch of things. We also measured the efficiency of glycolysis, which is basically the sugar metabolism pathway and can increase. Basically, you need less sugar to get more output. So, we increased the output of energy from a cell by 25% with the same amount of sugar being fed into the cell. That’s pretty key. Actually, we use wearable electronics for that. We took the wearable electronics, imprinted the tissue directly and got those effects.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Oh, fantastic. This is just such an easy thing to do. That’s what I really advocate for what bioenergetics is doing. This is something that’s inexpensive, super easy, with the highest return on investment for your time and your money and your effort. That’s why I use bioenergetics. There are so many issues that people have that really can only effectively be addressed through bioenergetics. So it’s so much easier to do something like wear a wearable and have it feed your body the operating instructions to create more energy, feed your body the operating instructions to release emotional trauma and on and on and on. When you do a NES Health scan, it tests over 800 different data points. There’s a tremendous amount of information that you’re getting. It’s really incomparable and also for how inexpensive it is as well. I mean, there’s a lot of different ways that you can work with energy within the bioenergetics wellness system. For me, it’s an essential component of my health routine. I use all of the different components of the bioenergetics wellness system, which we’ll get into on a daily basis. I encourage all of my clients. We’ve had thousands of clients go through this system and get amazing results on every imaginable level or symptoms. It just really continues to blow my mind. For me, the most important thing, the message I’m trying to get across to people is that being open to trying bioenergetics, give it at least six months and see the difference in your life, in your health, your energy, your emotional state after that six month period.
Harry Massey
I would say it’s basically like the center of an ecosystem. So the voice scan, once you know your results, it does a couple of things. It makes these AI recommendations for your health so you know what type of foods, what type of habits, what type of emotional and belief systems you can overcome. It will also drive that information into a lightbed, into a miHealth device, into the wearable, or you can take liquid infoceuticals at home. The lightbed is quite interesting. We’re just launching that at Zenergy as well. In that light bed, we’re basically using ten different wavelengths, or you could say, in simpler language, different colors. We’re putting the biological information from our mapping of the human bodily field into the signal and then also the frequency. Imagine you’re basically in the lightbed. You’re listening to meditation through your earphones that are guiding, precisely based on your voice scan. So it’s like, okay, I need to regenerate my kidney, or my lung, or my liver. I know it’s doing it in that order. Well, the bed is actually sending the right color of light, frequency and information into those different organs. So not only are you visualizing it with your eyes closed, but of course, you can actually see in the periphery of your eyes, the colors change, and it’s actually happening in real time. It’s sort of taking that idea of visualization and meditation, but doing it in reality. It’s going to be quite interesting.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I love that you’re always doing research and always talking to people around the world to try getting ideas and getting information, always upgrading your products, upgrading the software you’re using for scanning, and always in awe of what you’re doing over there at Energy for Life. Let’s talk about the conference coming up. You mentioned Zenergy. So you have a conference that’s happening from October 3rd to the 5th in Denver, Colorado. So tell us about that so everyone can attend, including practitioners and people who are now interested in bioenergetics. I really encourage everyone to go check out this conference. It’s gonna be super cutting edge, all about bioenergetics and Dave Asbury speaking, correct?
Harry Massey
Yeah, Dave Asbury’s there. Jeff Joy of Brave thinking Institute is doing a thing called Transcendence. You are there, Wendy.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I’ll be there. Do you guys wanna come meet me in person? Come hang out.
Harry Massey
Catherine Clinton, who’s a big exponent of quantum biology, is there. There’s a lot of different speakers, but the reason this event is really not a one off is because we’re going to do them every year. It is a one of its kind and is really breaking new ground because in the last two years, what we’ve also been doing is creating this philosophy called GIST that stands for Gratitude, Intention, Surrender, and Trust and turn that into a whole musical experience. We have the World Funk Orchestra with Liquid Bloom with Barry Goldsteiner. He wrote music for Joe Dispenza for 10 years. All of them are performing in a band while we’re doing the spoken words and singing. We also actually have a gospel choir there as well. You’re basically in the audience, but around the room, we have those lightbeds that are fully open. They’re imprinting the whole room with the right energy and information to the music and to the words so that we can basically deeply heal and transform and take people through this whole somatic experience journey, and that’s just the evening’s entertainment. You’ll walk out with all the education, the tools and the deeply transformative experience to take bioenergetics back into your life in a real way. We’re also launching two new devices and a lightbed.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, fantastic. So you’re launching the GEMS and the lightbed, which is super interesting. I heard you talk about that a few years ago. We had a conversation. So I’m thrilled that it’s finally coming to fruition and it’s gonna be debuted at the Zenergy conference. You have a special offer for everybody listening. You have 40% off tickets. You can go to zenergyconference.com/detox if you’re a practitioner, or go to zenergyconference.com/detox-clients and that’s more for consumers or clients, people interested in just trying out NES or the Energy for Life system. You can get 40 percent off tickets. I highly encourage you to go. I’m going to be there. I’m going to be walking around and socializing with everybody. So if you want to come meet me in person, come to the Zenergy conference. You will not be disappointed. And dancing and meditating and the music, et cetera
Harry Massey
Yeah. That’s going to be great. Also, I was just going to say with the voice scan cause on neshealth.com/detox as well as the free voice scan, it’ll actually take you through a whole educational course about bioenergetics. So if you want to go a lot deeper into some of what we were saying and like fully understand what the voice scan means, um, you know, what the infoceuticals do, how and where all the history of biogenesis is, and the research, we have a whole free video course, so you can go nuts learning all about it. And then, of course, properly learn at Zenergy. Well, I say Zenergy is more experiential than just normal learning.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, great. So you’re not just going to go listen to a bunch of boring talks. It’s going to be really experiential.
Harry Massey
I don’t know about you, Wendy, but personally, Wendy and I are forced to go to business conferences a couple of times a year, and neither of us particularly enjoy it. We get very bored in all the lectures and go outside and chat and be slightly naughty. So, really, I didn’t want to create that experience in our own events. I wanted to create an event that was actually really fun and deeply transformative, not just lectures.
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I just want to take a minute to give a shout-out to one of our sponsors, True Energy Skincare. I absolutely love True Energy Skin Care. I’ve been using it for a couple of years, and I’ve noticed a dramatic improvement in my skin texture. It’s so soft and supple. It’s super healthy. I’m going to be 52 in a couple of months, and this is one of my secret weapons because not only are you getting lots of healthy natural ingredients, moisturizing, and hydration from True Energy Skincare, but the inventor of this, Kathy Goldstein, also infuses thousands of frequencies into the skincare to dramatically improve collagen production and so many other benefits in regards to all these different frequencies that are infused into the skincare.
Dr. Wendy Myers
I was really surprised when I saw Dave Asprey was speaking. He’s the inventor of Bulletproof Coffee and one of the hosts of one of the top health podcasts of all time, Bulletproof Radio, and now I believe it’s the Human Upgrade Show.
Harry Massey
The most surprising part is he runs his own massive event annually, which is the big annual biohacking conference that has 3,000 people there every year. He has his own events, but he’s a great supporter of Energy for Life and us and bioenergetics.
Dr. Wendy Myers
And so is Dr. Mercola. I work with him personally to get him to teach him how to use my health. He owns three miHealth, which are part of the Energy for Life, the bioenergetics wellness system.
Harry Massey
Yeah, Ben’s a big supporter. Ben will be at next year’s Zenergy, he’s not at this one, but he’s coming to the following one.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay, Fantastic. A lot of people who can really do anything for their health and are educated about so many different modalities for their health are using NES Health, which you’re renaming to Energy for Life, but they’re using this system, including myself. Again, I really encourage you to come in person and see for yourself what this is all about. I’m sure you’re going to have all kinds of free stuff, scans, infoceuticals, which are liquid remedies with information you can send to your body. If you want to get a free scan, go to neshealth.com/detox if you want to learn more about this. If you’ve never really done a scan or you’ve been kind of hesitating about signing up to do this, or you’ve heard me talk about it, et cetera., now is the time. You can do a free scan and check that out. You said also do a free course after the scan, and you get a video series and access to a little course.
Harry Massey
Yeah, there are like six videos that take you through the principles of bioenergetics, how to interpret the voice scan, and what the infoceuticals do. It takes you through the science of it, but basically everything you really want to know that we can’t get to in a podcast is all there.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Yeah, this is the future of medicine, where you’re simply sending correct operating instructions to your body. It’s that simple. Your body isn’t working correctly. It’s inefficient, not producing enough energy, not sleeping well because you have all these different issues, energetic blocks, heavy metals, chemicals, emotional trauma, EMF, the electromagnetic magnetic fields from wifi, et cetera. All these things interfering in your body’s heart waves, your brain waves, and your organs, organ systems, meridians, chakras, and doing this scan helps you to identify where all these problem areas are, clear those blocks, clear the trauma and put in correct operating instructions. It’s brilliant. It’s so simple. It’s the foundation of health. You start to do all this stuff and over time, your body works better and better and better. You feel better. You look younger. I mean, I’m 52. I just turned 52 last week. Harry, I know your birthday is this month as well.
Harry Massey
I’m 49, yeah
Dr. Wendy Myers
You’re 49, yeah. Look, I’m telling you bioenergetics works. You want to look and feel great. You need to do NES Health bioenergetics or you said that you changed it to Energy for Life. The proof is in the pudding
Dr. Wendy Myers
Harry, thanks so much for coming on the show on the Myers Detox podcast. Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can learn more about your work, et cetera.
Harry Massey
Honestly, the best is just to go straight to those links, neshealth.com/detox, but if you want to know about us and everything we do, it’s harrymassey.com, and that links you to all our companies, our research, non-profit books, videos, films, all the stuff we’ve done over the years.
Dr. Wendy Myers
Okay. Fantastic. You’ve been at this for a really long time. Harry, thanks so much for coming on the show. Always a pleasure. Everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Thanks for tuning in every week to the Myers Detox podcast. We’ve been doing this for over 11 years and still have a lot more to talk about and a lot more to explore. I love bringing experts from around the world every week to give you those missing pieces of the puzzle to help you on your health journey. So, thanks for tuning in.
The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaims responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of the information contained herein. The opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests’ qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.