Transcript #563 Stop Pain Fast: Equiscope, PEMF & Red Light Therapy Explained

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Stop Pain Fast: Equiscope, PEMF & Red Light Therapy Explained

with Dr. Michael Rankin Jr.



Dr. Wendy Myers

Hello, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers Detox podcast. On the show we talk about everything related to heavy metal and chemical detoxification, health issues caused by toxins, and my other two passions, anti-aging and bioenergetics and many other topics related to health. Today we’re talking to my friend, Dr. Michael Rankin Jr. He’s going to be talking about pain and how to eliminate and reduce pain. We’ll talk about a lot of different tips and tricks. If you’ve ever suffered from just minor pain or even chronic long-term pain, which you thought was intractable, then you need to listen to this show. There are so many tips and tricks on this show from using a device called an equiscope, which I own, to red light therapy, grounding, PEMF or pulse electromagnetic fields. We’ll talk about a lot of different stories of healing and complete elimination of pain and many stories that Dr. Michael Rankin has in his clinic in St. Louis resolving pain so listen up. 

Our guest today, Dr. Michael Rankin, got his start almost a decade ago, working for his father, Dr. Michael Rankin Sr., running his cancer and chronic illness clinic. That experience convinced him to get his own career change and work on his naturopathic doctor degree. While working on that degree, he also spent about another 250 hours training with the esteemed Dr. Lee Cowden and the Academy of Comprehensive and Integrative Medicine. His practice is very diverse, but his focus is on chronic extreme pain. He helps with many illnesses with a combination of various therapies, including energy correction work, Equiscope, red light therapies, lymphatic drainage, and laser detox to name a few and we’ll talk about that on the show. His practice is in St. Louis, Missouri, but he sees people from all over the country. He can see people remotely as well. You can learn more about Dr. Michael Rankin Jr. and his work at Michael, thank you so much for coming on the show. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Hi. Thank you for having me. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Why don’t you tell us about yourself and why you focused your health practice on pain? 

Michael Rankin Jr

Well, about a little over eight years ago, I started helping out my dad with this clinic because I had the winter off and just asked me for some help and it stuck. And so after I started seeing, he deals a lot with cancer and very critical illnesses and along with a lot of cancers comes a lot of pain. I saw him get rid of pain in so many different ways and then when I started helping him. He started teaching me so much stuff. Dr. Norman Shealy, a very famous, well-known neurosurgeon and integrative medical doctor, had created tent units. He and I were friends. He passed away last year, unfortunately, but he was telling me that when he got him out of medical school and was thinking about other than neurosurgery, where to focus, he decided that pain is something that’s universal. There’s no one in this life that will get into and from life without having some kind of pain. Usually, most people will not understand really significant pain in their lifetime. But lots of people do, myself included.

I know that when somebody is in a tremendous amount of pain, there’s really nothing else that matters. There’s hardly anything else you can focus on. There’s nothing else you really want to do. Your social life takes a dive. Your family life takes a dive. I saw this great meme, I might’ve even sent this to you the other day. It was some little meme that popped up and I just thought it was so incredible. You can have a thousand different problems, but if you don’t have your health, then you only have one problem. That really, really struck home. But, that’s the way I saw it going into my own practice when I decided after working with dad. It only took six months to realize that I wanted to make a massive career change from sales and do it into doing this because it turns out seeing crazy miracles all the time is really fun. 

So that’s where I decided to start. Frankly, there’s just a big market for it that, and I also, without saying the word that will get this thing flagged on YouTube, all the things that people give their children, all the people that got interventions, let’s call them medical interventions that people have gotten over the last few years in particular have caused quite a downturn in physical health for a lot of people. So, we’re recovering people, detoxing people from that sort of thing, and dealing with severe pain. We work with everything that comes into the office, but over the last almost six years now that I’ve been doing this in my own office, in my own practice, that’s the things that I like doing a lot. I’ve just become known for that and so that’s what I get a lot of in the office. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

You’re located in St. Louis, correct? 

Michael Rankin Jr


Dr. Wendy Myers

When it comes to pain there’s not a lot of options. When you go to the conventional medical doctor, you’re just kind of given pain pills. That certainly has been my case. I’d struggled for many years with lower back pain. It took so long for them to figure out what was going on and it was just unbelievable to me. They just give you the pain pills to start out with. I spent years and really frankly got addicted to Vicodin for a period of time because you just have the rebound pain. If you don’t take it and you can’t function, forget working out but some people just want to get through their day without having pain and it’s gonna be very traumatizing feeling pain all the time. People have health PTSD from it and when they go to their doctor, it just really saddens me just the almost near complete lack of options for pain management

Michael Rankin Jr

It is pretty insane and I would say, because that’s literally, and God bless these doctors, a lot of them because they don’t really have a choice. Their training and schooling all told them that if this happens, you give them this pill. If this happens, you give them this pill. And that’s literally all they’re taught. Chiropractors, a lot of them can do a lot of work, but sometimes it feels like even chiropractor or acupuncture, acupressure or things like that, they have helped a lot of people and continue to do so. But most of the things that I see in my office, they’ve been through I would say a minimum of like 15 up to 20 doctors. I’ve seen, I have no kidding, I’ve seen people have gone through a hundred doctors over the course of several decades, and they’ve tried everything because Western medicine, they’ve blown through all those and got no help. Frankly, a lot of times it would make them worse. 

They’ve tried Indian medicine, Irish medicine, Chinese medicine, you name it and they just can’t get the help and they spent all their money. They spent all their family’s money a lot of times. Some of these people really pulls on the heart because I’ve had dozens, literally dozens of people share with me over the years that they’re ready to end their lives because something like trigeminal neuralgia, for instance, which is a facial nerve that runs up through the neck and then kind of spiderwebs on both sides of the face. It is known to be the most severe pain known to man, and it has the highest suicide rate for any disease out there on earth. I started off working with that in particular just by chance. 

There was a woman who came into my office, probably within a few months of me opening the doors. She came in for some really serious, I mean, life threatening allergy issues that we took care of with a laser detox and some other stuff. After I was done with the one procedure that she came in for, right before I laced her, I said, hey, you know, I got about 20 minutes before my next appointment comes in. Is there any kind of pain or anything that you want help with in your body? I don’t care where it is. I don’t care what your doctor said and she literally said, well, I’ve got this thing called trigeminal neuralgia in my face that I’ve been keeping under control to keep it around a four-level pain scale, as opposed to like an eight or a nine. Sometimes it’ll shoot up to a 10, but she was controlling that with like a hundred plus milligrams of cannabis oil every day, which, if you know anything about taking that stuff, it’ll knock you down. You can build up a tolerance fast, but100 milligrams is enough to knock out like a 300-pound, six-foot five man. It still just kept it manageable for her to live her life. And she goes, well, I’ve got 12 gentlemen around it, but there’s nothing you can do about that. And I was like, well, I don’t know. Let’s see. Why don’t you tell me about it? And so she did and told me about this fish. And frankly, I had never heard of it before, as most people haven’t. 

I just said, well, I got this Equiscope here. Let’s try and I just took this little Y probe that has two ball probes on it, positive and negative. I just worked that area for maybe, I don’t know, six minutes and it was gone. This event with her for like four or five years, as I recall, literally in a matter of minutes, it was gone. Both of us were like, Oh, that’s cool. Then one of her good friends had this. So she sent her over and that took me another 15 minutes and it was gone. I stay friends with a lot of these people. I’ll stay friends with them to stay in contact with and just as a practitioner I will reach out to them and just kind of follow up and see how things are going and it’s only referrals because I don’t really do any advertising. I’ll do interviews like this sometimes and I’ll post video testimonials and things that I do on Facebook and YouTube and stuff like that. But, mostly it’s just word of mouth and something like, for instance, again, tri general neuralgia. If you go on Facebook or any of these social media sites, you’ll see that there’s literally hundreds, if not thousands of these support groups for these people because it is just so severe.

I had a woman tell me one time she had three children naturally, and she’s a very small person, so it hurts. She told me she’d rather deliver a baby like 10 times a day for the rest of her life than have to deal with this trigeminal pain. And so, word got out. The first woman I did spawned off like four or five other people. Then an interview I did with you a number of years ago, I got calls from that. I still get calls from that. I had a lady come in from North Dakota last week and we were able to get rid of it where she was taking like opioids and dive audit and just crazy stuff they wanted to put on a pain pump, but none of these drugs did anything for her, like literally didn’t put a single dent in it. Frankly, it did take me the longest that it’d taken me with anyone so far. I think by the longest it would take me, it was like 45 minutes for the first one, and that’s just building up the energy, but to make sure it stays, but this lady was able to come in for a couple days, just a couple hours a day. We were able to get it to zero after about four or five hours of work, and she’s good. Full disclosure, I did hear from her, I think, yesterday or the day before that a little bit had come back, and so I think we’re going to end up doing some more work on that, but so far, I’ve got like an 80 percent success rate with that.

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, but that’s amazing because when you think about how many years people live with chronic pain, and they’re told they just have to manage it, there’s nothing they can do, statistically there’s no cure, no way to resolve it but there is always a way. You’re just limited by the person’s toolkit that you’re speaking to.

Michael Rankin Jr

That’s exactly right. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

So, tell us what this Equiscope is exactly. So, I have an Equiscope. I use it to do facials. He did a facial on me and went up when I was in your office and I could not believe how much better my face looked after just one treatment with that aside. So, I bought one for it, but I use it on my lower back too. Then I did an interview with John Thorpe who developed this over many years. That’s a really interesting show to really figure out how it works, but why don’t you tell us what the Equiscope is exactly and how it’s able to produce these spectacular results in completely resolving long term chronic pain.

Michael Rankin Jr

That’s a great question. Most pain, in my opinion, and this is from experience, because I believe and I’m not alone here that most pain and frankly, most diseases in the body comes from a lack of communication. If your body is not talking to itself, then that’s where problems develop and inflammation in particular. Of course, we all know it develops lack of load flow, lack of oxygen flow, lack of electrical flow. And so those are the things that really will cause a lot of pain for people. An Equiscope is, in its simplest definition, an energy correction device, an electrical correction device. I’ll place different probes in place, and we do a lot of muscle testing to see which areas we should work on because sometimes it’s not directly the area that hurts. Sometimes, like sciatic pain, for instance, people think it’s some back problem or in your sciatic nerve or something like that. Well, so far, I have a 100 percent success rate. That is no joke. I’m not exaggerating. I have yet to fail on, I don’t know, it’s probably been 40 or 50 different really serious sciatic cases. Every time what I end up doing is not right where it usually hurts in the lower back, but if you work down that, if you follow the gallbladder line where most people will stick their finger on the side of their butt, hey, this is really kind of the epicenter of the pain. And then he worked down that gallbladder line going down the leg. That’s been my trick that has worked so far. Basically, you’re just opening up those electrical lines and literally out of pain that has been down there for 20

I had a lady with a headache for 40 years all day, every single day of her life and never had a break. As I was running this little six or seven minute protocol on her, we got to chatting a little bit and I said, how many doctors do you think you saw? And she was like, oh, please, I stopped counting years ago at probably around 80. We were able to get that headache of hers that would about a third of the time turn into a full blown migraine to keep her on from work. We got it down to zero and for the first time in 40 years, since she was like 10 years old, this woman is 50 years old, and that was a one and done type situation. It never came back as far as I know, and she now knew very well to call me since I was the only one that had ever gotten to go away. I assumed she would call me when she needed more help as most people will do. So yeah, just correcting the electrical flow and cellular communication of the body is so crucial. I found the Equiscope to really be just a gold mine for taking care of that kind of thing. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, and it was originally developed by John Thorpe to work on horses and to work on champion racehorses. It’s still used. When I interviewed him, he was in Dubai and he had this working with some chic that had all these champion racehorses that he wanted to win giving that competitive edge, but it can work on us as well. It works. I’ve heard stories about how it works so well for the brain as well in dementia and other types of brain issues because we gotta get those electrical connections and the energy flow and the meridians to improve communication and get those synapses talking to each other. Can you talk a little about that? 

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, sure.  I know brain fog for sure, although a lot of times I find that it turns out to be a diet issue, I get a lot of vegans and vegetarians in my office who have brain fog at a very young age. I’m talking about my early twenties, mid-twenties, early thirties. People that should not be having that. But when you cut out all the fats and amino acids and high-level proteins and things that you just cannot get from a plant or even from a good supplementation, your brain is going to struggle. Your brain eats cholesterol. That is its food. So for instance, all these people are putting people on these cholesterol drugs, these statins or whatever, that block the cholesterol uptake in your body, that’s catastrophic on the brain. I’ve worked with not just headaches, of course, although I’ve had a really good success with those and chronic migraines and things like that. One great example is a man that had come to see me when I think he was about 64, 65. He worked for Monsanto and won. They actually won a lawsuit, him and a group of people because whatever they were exposed to in this particular chemical was causing early onset dementia and really fast acting and severe.

This guy, for instance, when he came in to see me for the first time shook his hand, said hello. People with really advanced dementia don’t talk very much. So, he just introduced himself and whatever. I introduced myself, of course, and then he came in. His wife was with him to do a lot of the talking for him because this event happened to them when he was like 51. And so we’re about 12, 13 years in now. We were talking for about five minutes and then he actually had to get up and go to the bathroom. The bathroom is just outside my office about 15 ft. She walked into that door and waited and then brought him back and he introduced himself to me again as if he was meeting me for the first time. And he was gone for maybe four minutes, right? And so we worked on him eight or 10 times, maybe less, and then worked on the brain, your lobes, which will stimulate your brain stem. I’ve got brain maps to prove this, by the way. I did a series of eight maps before and after where I just did ear clips on the brain. It was unbelievable what happened. The cleanup on the overactivity, the underactivity, the lack of communication left and right was just staggering. I actually sent it to a guy who applied neuroscience, a 30-year neuroscientist and they’ve got like the largest brain mapping library supposedly in the world.

So, you’ve got a lot of comparative information there, which is great for when it comes to reading brain mass. I sent it to him and I said, hey, I just did these before and after brain maps. Can you take a look? I took some quick screenshots just to make it easy for him so he didn’t have to pull it up and everything. He went through and I sent him a text. I said, I sent you a few screenshots of some brain maps I did. Would you please take a look at your earliest convenience? I’d love to know. We just have this Equiscope and I’ve been doing some work and I’d love to see what you think because we have been doing brain training for many years by that point, and it’s a good process. You can really get some good results from it, but boy, it is lengthy and expensive, because you’re going in 30, 40 hours over several months, a couple times a week. Anyway, I sent it to him, he replied real quick, and he’s like, hey, I don’t have time right now. I’m really busy the next few days, but I’ll get back to you maybe Friday or something. I was like, great, no problem. About 20 minutes later, I got a phone or a text, but no, it was a phone call from him and I could see his name popped up on the ID. So, I pick it up and I go, hey, what’s up? And I kid you not, this is exactly how this went down. I go, ey, what’s up? Even so, what the F is an Equiscope. And I was like, he didn’t say up and I was like, and he’s a very conservative older fellow and I never heard of talk like this before I spent many hours talking to him and he’s like, wow, I don’t know what to say. He’s like, what? I don’t know. He just kept saying, I don’t understand what you did, because we did it in about 15 minutes. What normally would take dozens of hours of regular brain training to do 

Dr. Wendy Myers

You’re talking about Dr. Daniel Amon who? 

Michael Rankin Jr

No, Amon is his first name and I haven’t spoken to him in years because he left the company. I don’t remember his last name but he was the CEO of Applied Neuroscience who is one of the best brain mappers on earth. Dr Bob Thatcher is one of the big deal gurus for brain training and brain mapping in the world. This is his equipment we use and why we had a relationship with that. He was the one who taught me. So anyway, all that to say this, we have seen unbelievable brain results and this back to my example, this older gentleman from Monsanto, after like four or five sessions, she was seeing some improvements. He didn’t have to ask her where everything was all the time. He was able to hold conversations better. He wouldn’t drift off after a few seconds as usual. But one thing that I found really incredible, and this goes back to sometimes it’s not working on the direct area. The brain is represented all over the body, actually in the ears and the eye. You can work on it in the hand, you work on the feet. The big toe is where the brain is represented in both your big toes. I just took a couple plates and I stuck it on his big toes and I worked on it for like an hour and they left. A day or two later, I got a call from his wife, who’s obviously the one I’m communicating with the whole time. And she said, Mike, I don’t know what to say. He just remembered what day it was for the first time in like 10 years. And that was after an hour of working on his big toes to stimulate his brain. I thought that was truly remarkable. So those kinds of things are really cool. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, I feel like when I’m doing my facial, I’m also stimulating my brain at the same time.

Michael Rankin Jr

Of course you are. And that thing spreads out for several inches in all directions. So yeah, you’re definitely doing that. It’s funny to me that you’re out of, and we have another friend. They’ll come in for one thing or another, and then I’ll say, oh, by the way, and I don’t do facials, I’m not an aesthetician, I’m not licensed in that. I don’t do facials in the office. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Well, you just said to me, you’re like, oh, hey, you were working on me and you did my whole body and you’re like, hey, well, let’s do your face so just so you can see the results. And I was like, well, sure. I wasn’t expecting that. But I looked in the mirror. I was like. Holy shit

 Michael Rankin Jr

And you’re the second person. And this is like, I consider it to be a miracle medical device. It’s obviously mostly what it’s used for, although there are a lot of estheticians that actually build a practice around it. So for another person as well, you’re now the second person that has bought like a full size 40,000 medical device because the facials were so good. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

But I remember reading an article of one of the Paltrow and she was doing facials with these prongs. I realized now that that was an Equiscope facial. There are actually a lot of estheticians that use Equiscopes in Los Angeles and other places because they get such great lymphatic drainage in the skin and muscle toning and things like that.

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, it’s definitely good for lymphatic drainage. There’s really nothing that I won’t apply this to, even food allergies. One time I had a woman come in very young and not kind of sickly looking. She was probably 15 pounds underweight. I could see her chest plate and because she was down, she had whittled it down to like beef and broccoli were the only things that did not get her severe gastric distress, vomiting, diarrhea, severe cramping, all that stuff. And so, for a year and a half, that’s all she ate. After a while, she got a little sick of it and wouldn’t eat that much. She came in actually for some neck pain, which we fixed right away. And I was like, people are paying for a 15-minute deployment. I’m like I’ll throw them out the door after 10 minutes. I’m like, hey, so what else? What is there anything else you need some help with? At that point, she told me about this allergy thing. I said, well, I don’t really know. We can do laser detox, but she didn’t have very much money. I was donating some time to her. Instead of going through a three-hour laser detox procedure, I said, well, let me just probe your belly really quick where your gut and your stomach and we’ll see what happens. About a week later, I got a call from her and she’s like, hey, I don’t know if this is a coincidence, but suddenly I could eat whatever I want. I was like, oh, that’s great. And no, it’s probably not a coincidence. Interestingly, the next time I saw her months later for something like a shoulder problem or something, she was a little bit chubby, which I thought was pretty funny. 

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Dr. Wendy Myers

Well, it makes sense that for people that have impaired or slowed digestion constipation, or even gastroparesis, the wave of that we’re going to see from ozempic use and whatnot, having their stomachs paralyzed. This could hold hope for those people and just getting all your whole digestive system firing and communicating the peristalsis going, that can be lacking for various reasons like the vagus nerve is not tone. I imagine it’s toning the vagus nerve. 

Michael Rankin Jr

For sure, and that works on the vagus nerve just countless times because that affects so much stuff in people. It’s really amazing, but any of the nervous system, nerve pain, which when you talk to Western medical doctors, they’ll tell you nerve pain. Besides stabbing the nerve or doing some kind of block, there’s almost no drug that affects a real serious nerve problem but the Equiscope. I’ve used a few other things for that as well, I legitimately have, and this is probably on the conservative side, like an 85 to 90 percent success rate with any of that kind of thing. Any kind of pain. I don’t care what your doctor said. I had a lady in, this was many years ago, 77 years old. When she was 15, she got diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis early onset, which is extremely rare, of course, but that’s the diagnosis they gave her. For 61 years, God bless her, man, she was a true trooper. She had missed count like an average day for her. It was like a five out of 10 pain. Most days it crept up and in parts of the day, it’s like an eight or nine. She missed countless weddings and birthdays and funerals and stuff like that because she just couldn’t leave the house and a friend of hers recommended she come in to see me.

Frankly, she didn’t have much hope. She said that to me as I’ve heard that many times. And it’s okay. I like it when I hear that because when we have success, I’m going to see a real smile on somebody. It took me almost an hour, not quite an hour. I literally timed it because it was from neck to toe, and basically any moving joint and her body had some serious pain. I kept having to move the probes and plates around all over her body and we got her to zero for the very first time in 61 years. I haven’t spoken to her in probably a couple of years, and this is about four or five years ago. As far as I know, because I still talk to her friend and she is still pain free.

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, that’s amazing. 

Michael Rankin Jr

It’s pretty amazing. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

It’s amazing. 

Michael Rankin Jr

And all the doctors were doing was, and she was not one. She didn’t want to live her life as a junkie, which is basically, and I know that’s a harsh term for people who are addicted. They got into pain pills and addiction, and they came by honestly, because their doctor said, hey, I don’t know of anything else to do but to give you these pills. I know you’re in nine out of 10 pain every day, and you’ve lost your life and your function in it. We’re going to have to do this. Next thing you know, you’re completely addicted to opioids, which we know is a massive epidemic in this country. So, thank God we come across other types of ways to do that. There’s a photon sound beam. When I had a skiing accident a couple of years ago, a pretty nasty one, I was doing probably 40, 50 miles an hour. I’ve been skiing for 40 years since I was a little child. I’m a double black skier. It was flying down the mountain. It wasn’t that the visual conditions weren’t too bad. It took a really bad tumble. I broke four ribs. I cracked my hip in a couple places and I’ve got x rays to prove all this stuff, CT scans, everything. My dad, God bless him and my friend drove me back because obviously I couldn’t drive. She drove the whole 14-hour way. We got home at like one o’clock in the morning. My dad was here. He had basically a clinic set up in my bedroom. I was laying on a P. E. M. F. mat sandwiched in between those five folks on an analyzer mat. I had a when I wasn’t using one of those because you can’t use them simultaneously to get electrocuted or shocked.

I have a sound beam on me for like 67 hours a day for 19 days and so that really dramatically reduced the pain. I couldn’t get up to pee by myself. I couldn’t. I was bedridden basically for like 45 days. And after that, I could finally start to get up again. Thank God I was finally able to take a shower. Then, within a week, I got this on video. I was documenting this because I didn’t think anybody would believe it. I went out to my dad’s because he had to do some work. Seven days later, I was moving around on my own. And then about two weeks later, I decided I needed to get some x rays because the pain was almost gone. The mobility was still a little sketchy on the hip, but a friend of mine has been a chiropractor for like 25 years and has an x-ray machine. I went to see him because he was going to do some free pictures for me. We took pictures back exactly 19 days after the accident and we could not even find anything. He took like four or five different shots of my hip and my rib area. He could not even find where the scene was because my ribs were separated. When I was moving around the first few days, I could hear them crunching because they were completely separated. So, they were banging around and whatever. You could hear it. People outside my own body could hear this from a few feet away.

It was kind of troubling, but anyway, when he’s looking at these x-rays and we’re both looking at them right on the little light screen, he’s like, I don’t understand. At one point he said to me, are you sure it’s the left side? No, it’s like, yeah, I’m pretty sure. We couldn’t find what bone goes back together. It’s a very high energy point. When it nips back together. So, there’s a scene usually within a week or so of when the bone has gone back together. That scene is still visible and we could not even find a single scene on my hip or any of my ribs, which means they had been healed probably for more than a week at that point. When I was in the emergency room, I did go to the emergency room because I found out through some urgent care x-rays that I had a pneumothorax, which is an air pocket in your chest cavity. When you get hit hard enough, it pushes because your lungs are sacks, but they’re porous. It pushes air out into your chest cavity, which can be fatal. I actually had a bubble right here in my neck. It was really interesting. I had to go to the emergency room for that. Long story short, they said, yeah, it’s going to be about three months before you’re healed up and blah, blah, blah and it literally took me just over a couple of weeks.

Dr. Wendy Myers

Oh, wow. That’s amazing. 

Michael Rankin Jr

That’s what the body can do. If you apply electricity to it, and I’m not telling people to go electrocute themselves. You obviously need to do this on controlled conditions with controlled devices and know how to use them. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

So, there’s amazing results with healing bones and relieving pain in joints. I mean, the Equiscope, what can it not do? There are so many applications. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, I’ve got a half a dozen different devices in my office that are all very effective in their own right. But if somebody comes in with pain or kind of almost anything at this point, because I used to, if it wasn’t a pain issue, I’d start off with something else, maybe a mineral cascade on a PEMF mat or a bio-flotan analyzer wrap or, a lymphatic therapy, which would work for various things, but I’ll be darned, like the Equiscope is like a use it all. It’s kind of a fix it all if you will. It’s definitely one of my favorite tools for sure. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

At a clinical level, people can come in and see you and use an Equiscope. It’s not something that the average person can buy and just start using. You’d have to be trained on how to use this and it has to be used correctly for it to work.

Michael Rankin Jr

Well, yes and no. One of the things I love about that device, there’s like 350 of them now in the U. S. alone and I think like 80 percent of those are in private hands where people have just bought them to because they got some help with one in an office somewhere and go like, oh, I want one of these and they’ll use them on their family members and stuff like that and on horses, of course. And by the way, just to go back real quick, equiscopes, along with its predecessors, the accuscope and mileposts, they’re all designed for humans or any living organism, really. They started using this version, even though the two prior versions, and they’re very close in design. The Equiscope just has a few other chips in it that the others don’t, but they started using it on horses because, yes, John is really into horses and knows a lot of really high, big deal horse trainers, racehorses, because that’s a big hobby of his. And so, before it had FDA approval for humans, that’s when they were using it on horses. And then, of course, it gained FDA approval for humans like it did the other two versions. So, just to make sure, it wasn’t just made for horses.

I love working on animals. I really do. I’ve worked on probably eight or 10 different horses. I’ve worked on a dozen dogs that I’ve had people bring into the office and it’s just really cool because animals, unfortunately, some people need to be sick, it’s conscious or most of the time it’s subconscious, but it’s filling a need for them. Maybe they’re getting more attention. Maybe their spouses are being nicer to them or whatever it is. Maybe they just don’t want to get out and do life. You’ve seen it all, but animals don’t have that. They either get better or they don’t. I don’t think I’ve failed on an animal yet to at least have an improvement. They can’t tell you, but, you know. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Let’s talk about arthritis because arthritis is something that causes so many people pain. I think a lot of people just resign to that diagnosis. They’re getting older and it just has to be managed. Can you tell us some stories around arthritis?

Michael Rankin Jr

Well, I mean, my favorite one, I already told you with the older lady, 61 years of all day, every day pain and gone in an hour and stayed gone. That’s pretty rough. I was freaked out about that one. On her way out the door, she’s literally in my doorway. I said, ma’am, you know what, wait a minute, would you mind doing a video testimonial for me because I don’t think anybody’s going to believe this. It was my first time with an arthritis person, and I’m not treating arthritis. I don’t treat any of these diseases in my office, just to be clear here for the NIH. All we’re doing is correcting energy flow in the body. We’re bringing the body back into balance so it can in fact heal itself. Right. When you bring electrical flow back to joints, for instance, like knees and wrists and elbows and shoulders and ankles, I haven’t really kept track of how many arthritis people I’ve had. I know it’s in the dozens, and most of the time I can get that pain to go away. You can correct a lot of arthritis with diet. Grains for instance, especially grains in this country, they’re just, they’re so filled with so many toxins. It’s outrageous. So many other countries on earth have banned this stuff, but not us, but if you correct their diet, you take the grains out, you take the manufactured milk, dairy products, things like that, inflammation causes, then a lot of times that inflammation will go away, and so will their pain.

I’ve gotten rid of it with ice wave patches. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the life wave brand. That is a fantastic product. I cannot say enough good things about that. I had some pain in my knee from two different doctors, I don’t know if I’ve ever told you the story before, two different doctors, several years apart. I’d have insurance for a particular job or whatever, and so I’d go in and get the checkup, and oh, hey, by the way, doc, my knee hurts, and so they do some x-rays. I did an MRI one time, and they’re like, yep, either you might have a little bit of arthritis coming, but my knee had hurt for like 12 years. At the time, I was only 40, maybe 42. Both of these doctors told me the exact same thing. I didn’t tell the other one what the other one said because I wanted their fresh opinion. And they’re like, yeah, it’s bone on bone. You’ve probably got some arthritis building up there and blah, blah, blah. Eventually you’re going to have to have knee surgery. I was like, wow. Okay. I just resigned myself to that fact. This is well before I started doing this kind of work. 

My dad had happened to come into town when he lived in Texas and was visiting and he had been working with these patches for several months. I’ve been telling you these crazy stories about it. And I’m just like, oh, okay. It’s not like I don’t believe him, but these are pretty outrageous stories. Again, way before I started doing this kind of work and seeing what I’m saying, he saw me get up out of my chair, really winced a bit that day. It was like a six out of 10 pain, I would say. If I lean forward on it, it would have pushed it to like a nine. He goes, oh yeah, let’s patch it up. So, he takes a couple of patches out, puts one arm in one a few inches above it at 12 o’clock. I kid you not, within a matter of seconds, my knee pain went from like a six, seven to like a two. I was like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. I got up and he’s like, oh, we’re not done. If there’s still pain, let’s keep going. We did a couple of other movements. I think within 45 seconds, we had found the right spot. My pain went to zero. I was literally hopping up and down on that knee. A minute ago, if you had offered me a million dollars in cash to do that, I would have tried, but I would collapse in agonizing pain. That was one application. I think it was like seven, eight, nine years ago, maybe even, and it’s literally never bothered me since like not even a hint it was going to come back and they wanted to do they wanted to replace my knee. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, I’ve used ice wave patches before so actually I have some still and they’re phenomenal. They’re fantastic. I love those. I like super patches. Also, has ones for pain. They’re called freedom. Okay. Those work fantastic as well. Lots of really interesting ways to use these simple things. A lot of people do go through these crazy knee and hip replacement surgeries that can be totally avoided because their doctor is limited in their toolkit when there are so many things that you can do to address pain very successfully. And even if it’s bone on bone, like John Thorpe, who developed the Equiscope was talking about how his knee was bone on bone and he was able to fix it completely with Equiscope, no surgery ever. His knee is still fine today. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Well, his knee was obliterated. I mean, he had fallen off like a two or three story building wrong because he was a stuntman for the people who don’t know that out there. It was crushed. He was told he’d had a full knee replacement, whatever. A year later, he did a triathlon and God bless him. The guy took that picture and brought it back around to the four different super-duper well-known surgeons and showed him that picture. Several of them were cursing at him. Basically, you’re an idiot. You’re an effing idiot. You’re going to be crippled, blah, blah, blah. One doctor was like, hey, how’d you do that? He ended up working with that guy for a number of years down in Mexico. That was a really neat story. Yeah, but I’ve probably stopped, I don’t know, 12, 15 people from having to get surgeries. There were literally a couple of guys who had their surgeries scheduled and a couple of weeks out and just a friend of theirs or spouse or somebody talked him into coming in or maybe they saw a video or whatever. They just came in like, I’m sure this won’t work, but you know, what do I have to lose? I’m about to go into the knife and poof, it’s gone. It’s the craziest thing. I love seeing that stuff. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

People can have major complications with surgery. Once you open up that synovial capsule, you can have all kinds of severe problems and nerves cut and all kinds of mistakes and long recovery. You have to be very careful. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Surgery is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do to your human body. Not just the surgery itself, but the anesthesia can get trapped in your body. A friend of my dad who died from that went in for a routine shoulder surgery, which actually worked. It helps his shoulder immensely, but this time that anesthesia got trapped in his body and put his stomach to sleep. He was not digesting food for over like 10 days. His stomach just got bigger and bigger and it started to rot, ferment and give him sepsis. Then he ended up dying. So surgeries are truly something that should be a very last resort. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

After you have tried everything, surgery is absolutely a last resort. I think people can be very casual about it because of amazing surgical techniques. There’s amazing doctors and surgeons out there, but a lot of stuff can go wrong. Let’s talk about fibromyalgia and RSD. These are things that, it’s on the rise in fibromyalgia, which is just kind of random body pain where you just have pain here one day and pain here another day can just travel around your body and be totally debilitating. Do you have any stories surrounding that?

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, I’ve got a lot of those, but you know, fibromyalgia has been so easy. Those stories don’t stick with me. I don’t think I’ve done one in a while. But yeah, I’ve had I don’t know, 15, 20 different come in. And you know what? There’s one I do remember and this is one of a dozen different diagnoses this woman had. This is another one of those. This has happened to me a couple of times now where I’ve seen some kind of really just arch lynching note that someone will put on Facebook and it’s not like they’re trying to. Like this one woman in particular, she was putting a note out. She didn’t think she was going to survive. Her pain would get so bad, these inflammatory responses and they would just not pop up and this has been going on for seven or eight years. They misdiagnosed her with cancer at one point, they diagnosed her with arthritis, they diagnosed her with countless things because she had seen probably 30 doctors over the course of eight years. She came in and she was a friend. I didn’t know her that well, but her husband was very good friends with my little brother. He had moved away. So I lost track of touch with that group of people, but you know, Facebook friends or whatever. 

I had seen this note and I was like, oh, she was basically saying goodbye to a bunch of her friends. I’m getting a little emotional thinking about it right now because she’s such a dear woman and a mother of four. She just was losing. She felt like she was losing her life. The pain would get so bad. She’d lose motor function. She would try and speak and she sounded like she was drunk or she’d had a stroke or something. So anyway, she couldn’t take care of her kids. She finally came in to see me. I had to ask her like two or three times. Then one time I saw this note from her. I’m like, look, you have nothing to lose here. I have a 0 percent chance of hurting you. The drugs you’re on cannot, I assure you, they’re not doing any good. They weren’t helping her. She was just on them. So she came in. It took me about an hour and a half and this woman came in and she’s gorgeous like a model, beautiful, but she looked like she was 50 years old. She was probably only 35 at the time she walked in. She was all hunched over. She was walking like someone who had all over body arthritis or fibromyalgia or whatever. They all kind of look the same. 

She came creeping in the office and we sat below for like 10 seconds. Nice to see you. It’s been a long time. Let’s get to work because I could see how much she was hurting. I worked on her spine just directly. She just laid down and I worked on her bare spine. I think I worked on a couple of shoulder joints. I think I worked on her hip joints and then I worked on her brain for a little while. The total therapy was maybe an hour and a half. She popped off the table, immediately burst into tears because she had zero pain for the very first time in like eight years, at least I think it was this many years ago. So the details are a touch easy but I think she might have come back because she was having some stomach cramps or something unrelated. She was having some really bad period cramps or something, which we also took care of, her hair stopped falling out like it was. It was just such an amazing turnaround. This was like 2 months into me opening the office. So I’m like, oh, my gosh, this is amazing. We’re still friends today. We became very good friends and she is still great and good to go. I see these little videos of her out running around playing with her kids and this is a good four or five years later.

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Dr. Wendy Myers 

That’s amazing because I think some people get into an accident or they develop unremitting pain, and then the brain gets stuck in this loop where it can’t get out of it where it’s perceiving all these pain signals and then you’re reinforcing that with your thoughts and your beliefs. The doctor says there’s nothing you can do, there’s no cure or whatever is going on. Fibromyalgia is kind of a garbage can term for pain syndromes and things like that. 

Michael Rankin Jr

They can’t explain. They have no explanation for it and that’s their vision of the whole. That’s where they just shove it into. It’s really amazing. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

I think people need to be careful when you get into that pain feedback loop, you need to do something to kind of interrupt it. Where you’re doing this intervention with the equiscope and getting the nerves communicating how they’re supposed to be and then it’s almost one of the ways that it works as you’re kind of stopping that feedback loop that’s giving you that sensation of pain. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, that’s right, or the blockage. There’s no electrical flow going there at all, which is why those patches work so well and the otoscope for that matter because pain can come from all sorts of different places and reasons. There’s a thousand ways out there to get and find yourself in pain. So, when somebody comes to the office for a pain issue, for instance, or really for any other kind of health issue, my question becomes the same. This happened very quickly. Was there an injury of some kind or some kind of toxin exposure that you know of, or did you just wake up and it started hurting one day, or you just woke up one day and your stomach was not digesting food properly or whatever. And if there’s an injury, okay, great. You go after the specific area. My back was injured. I had whiplash or work on the neck. But if they say, oh, I just went to bed. I was feeling fine and the next morning I woke up and I could barely walk. Well, that’s probably and if you weren’t exposed to some kind of chemical issue or whatever, any other kind of toxin, it’s likely an emotional issue. That took me a long time to get my head around, but the amount of problems and spending my experience. And again, I’m not alone in talking about this kind of thing. If it’s not emotional, it’s nutritional, or it’s mechanical. There’s one of those three things as a problem or a toxin issue.

I do a lot of detox stuff in the office because I work with a lot of injured people, particularly kids. If I could just work with the autistic kids, the ADD kids all day, every day, that’s like my favorite thing to do. Pain’s really fun too, but to see a child who had something stolen from him from a lack of education on their parents’ part and they know it right away. So sometimes it’s harder to help the parent get over that guilt to fix the kid. I’ve had dozens of autistic kids come into my office and I’ll do brain training with the equiscope. I’ll work on their belly a couple different ways to correct their diets. But laser detox that Dr. Lee Cowden taught me and developed, that’s one of those things that, oh my gosh, sometimes I can’t believe. I think I’ve talked to you about this woman before, but the first person I ever did this on was literally allergic to all food according to skin and blood tests. I did this procedure on her. That was it and I sent her on her way. She had a pretty serious herpes reaction. She did not feel too good for several days. I won’t tell you what she told me about her bowel movements, but they were pretty impressive. Let’s say she basically couldn’t leave the toilet for like a day, but at the end of two weeks, I got a message from her. She didn’t reach out to me for like two weeks, and I thought that was kind of rude, actually, because I donated it and it was the first time I’d ever done it and wanted to get some practice in. I was like, well, I guess she’s mad because it didn’t work. I made her sick. Well, two weeks later, I think it was the day I get a message from her on Facebook because we need to have each other’s phone numbers. She said, hey, I didn’t want to chase anything. I’m so sorry for being out of touch, but I can suddenly eat.

This is a different one, by the way, than the one I was talking about before. She’s like, suddenly I can eat whatever I want. She had severe asthma. It had actually ended her life one time. They revived her in the back of an ambulance. She would go through four to 10 EpiPens per month just to not die. She said, hey, I just left the gym for the first time in 17 years where I didn’t have to use an asthma inhaler, like every five minutes. So that was pretty impressive. I then started, of course, I want to do this on everybody because we’ve all got toxins. We’re chock full and what do you think you are or not? You can’t get away from it in life today. I did this on a woman for migraine headaches. She would get eight to 10 every two weeks and they would keep her home from work. Sometimes they’d last a day. One of them lasted like three or four months and that’s when she finally came to see me after her friends pressuring her. First of all, we cut them in half. It was 48 percent of her days. We cut them in half with the equiscope in a matter of days. We tracked it over three weeks. She’s a nurse. She kept a really good track of like triggers and then how often they came and what might’ve been going on in her life when that happened and blah, blah, blah.

It was a toxin problem. I kept muscle testing her and it kept coming up to toxin problems. And so we laser her and the next morning I get a call from her and she’s like, hey, I don’t know if this is too much information, but I just want to poop for the first time this morning. All of a sudden there was this overwhelming smell of hair from solution. I was like, my God, it’s just that bone straight hair. I was like, do you used to get perms or something? And she was like, Mike, I have not had a perm in 26 years. And I’m like, oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. We extracted that with light. It’s a totally noninvasive process. We’re shooting light, a laser light through a frequency file that I’ve scanned their body, figured out what I want to extract, output those frequencies into that, and then laser her body with it or anybody. I’ve done that with her. I did that with a friend of mine who paints houses for a living. He had paint fumes coming out of him for like two days. A woman lived on a 1,000 acre ranch commercial farm where they had lots of cattle, pigs, and used glyphosate on their corn. So, for like a day and a half, the chemicals smell, the fertilizer smells were coming out of her and manure. I know I’m missing some, but probably 15 to 20 times I’ve had people call me back because after the first time I was like, hey, let me know if any smells come out of you. You’re doing it with light. How is that even? What? 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, I know. Dr. Lee Cowden is such a genius and that you’ve done that laser detox on me before. It’s just such a simple process. It’s basically a bioenergetic detox, essentially what you’re doing and this was developed by Dr. Lee Cowden and he teaches. He has taught it for many years in his school. What is his association? 

Michael Rankin Jr

ACIM is Academy of Comprehensive Integrative Medicine. I think they’ve opened it up a little bit. You used to have to be a practitioner at some time. You didn’t have to be a medical doctor. I didn’t even have to be a naturopathic doctor, but he had to be some health practitioner because the classes would get too big and he wanted to help as many people as he could possibly help. Practitioners can pass that stuff along, but I think after covid, their classes died down for a while. Well, they didn’t do them for a year and a half, but they finally started doing them again. I’m really excited about that because Dr. Cowden is easily one of the best doctors I’ve ever known, much less heard of. He’s taught tens of thousands of doctors over the last 20 or 30 years. God bless him. He’s such a good man and such a good doctor and so well liked and very generous with time. He is like this world famous doctor. He’s their doctor, most of these guys. I won’t mention names. If I did, most people would recognize these names. I learned a lot in school, three years of school. I’m very glad I did that. I’m grateful for the school. The thing I got the most from that I use the most to actually heal people in my office are things I got from ACIM. I’m just so unbelievably grateful for that friendship and relationship over the years. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, and I met him. He came with Dr. Mercola to a NES Health training that I’d invited Dr. Mercola to after teaching him how to use this My Health device, which is an amazing device.  I got to meet Dr. Lee Cowden, just very thankful for that.  

Michael Rankin Jr

Dr. Cowden is Dr. Mercola’s doctor. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah. It’s his personal doctor.

Michael Rankin Jr

And I can say that because he talks about that publicly. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

That’s why he wanted him to come to the training to see what this NES health was all about. They’re both trained in that protocol as well. We talked about some things you can do in your clinic if people come to visit you in St.Louis. So let’s talk about a couple of other things for pain. So red light therapy. Sure therapy. Let’s start with red light because that’s something that people can very easily access. That’s something I use on a regular basis. I sprained my wrists the other day and I had given away all my red light pads cause I’m, I’m always doing that. I was giving things away or letting people borrow them. And so I didn’t have one. I sprained my wrist literally for a month. I don’t know why I didn’t use my Equiscope on it or whatnot, but I just didn’t. I was about to ask because I thought it was going to heal. I just thought, oh, I just stopped for a few days. But then I finally ordered another red light pad from Therasage. I like the tri light by Therasage. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Me too.

Dr. Wendy Myers

And in two days, no more pain. It brought the inflammation down so quickly and I thought, God, I just ran around for a month with my wrist sprain, not being able to work out and do Pilates and lift weights. It’s just such a waste of time to walk around in pain when you don’t have to be. 

Michael Rankin Jr

You know, it’s funny. I’ll get lazy like that too. I pulled a muscle on a float trip or my calf. My friend rocked the canoe. I popped out and banged it. And I was like, it’ll go away. The Equiscope is in the office. I don’t have appointments for several days. It just got worse and worse. Finally, after a week, I was like, all right, I guess I’ll work on it. Of course, I was able to get rid of it very quickly. I think it took me two tries. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, I do that all the time. I really don’t know why with the red light. So 

Michael Rankin Jr

I have a great red light. I’m in the midst of building a house. I’m literally helping build it. I’m on the construction site all the time. The other day I was like, this is like a month and a half, two months ago, I was going up on a ladder to get a measurement for my main builder. I look down before I get up on this ladder, and I look down and there’s a block of wood like this big, and it’s got three nails sticking perfectly up through it and it’s laying on its back, so the nails are like this. I look down and I go, huh, I should really move that. Somebody’s gonna step on that. I go up the ladder again, get my measurement. I came back down and bam, I set them the nail like not 15 seconds later and it went in pretty good. It didn’t hurt that bad. It was only blamed a little bit. It was a brand-new nail. I just put it through this block of wood or somebody did like yesterday. It wasn’t rusted out or anything. We were in the middle of doing something where we needed three people. I was like, Oh, I’ll go take care of it later. I’ll do a foot bath and put in some iodine and all that stuff. About three hours later, boy, it really started to drop.

I quit for the day. I went over to my dad’s place because I was staying out on the farm. I’m doing all sorts of stuff on it. Oh, man. I don’t know if I nicked something like some kind of tendon in there or something. I was helping but man, it was so small when I was walking on the side of my foot for like two weeks. Finally, my dad gives me this little handheld red light thing that’s like this big. I’m like, it was another one of those. I’m like, come on, dad, I’ve used all these other therapies on it. I think it’s just going to have to work its way through, but I’m sitting there watching TV and I’m not doing anything. So, I’ve got this thing sitting right next to me because I pulled it out of my bag. My computer bag that I was still sitting where I sat down and I was like, all right. I went and got an ACE bandage and I just bandaged it to the bottom of the foot. I let it go for like an hour, the pain dropped in half just from this little red light. It’s not like it’s some expensive one. I think he probably paid a hundred bucks for it. I just focused on the red light over the next week or two. I think that’s honestly probably 80 percent of what they yield, but you can use it for facial stuff. I use it on my facial thing.

Dr. Wendy Myers

I use it on my face as well because it just helps to increase collagen production and reduce inflammation. When you have inflammation, you have pain. So, anything that causes inflammation in your body, you’re going to trigger pain. Anything that brings that inflammation down will eliminate the pain. So it’s very simple. 

Michael Rankin Jr

And bring the body back into balance and inflammation is kind of the root of all evil. When you cut off oxygen and blood and electrical flow, nothing good can happen. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Let’s talk about PEMF. So, this is a Pulse Electromagnetic Field Therapy and they can come in the form of little wraps you can put on your elbow or you can get a whole pad and can cut people’s pain immediately when they’re sitting on these pads. Can you talk about that? 

Michael Rankin Jr

Lots of people have great success with those kinds of things. I will use them for, and actually figure this out for those out there that don’t know. My seller is also an anthropologist, but doing a lot longer than me. He’s got a couple of decades more experience than I do. He’s always coming up with these little, hey, let’s try this and let’s do that sort of thing. He had done a sonogram on himself and they’re great. If people aren’t familiar, there’s a guy, I think he comes out of New York that we use to do these things. So, we’ll stack up a few patients. No fly in for like four or five people. It’s great, but he’ll check organs, look for tumors, and the thoracic cavity. They’ll check your heart out, check your lungs out, and he’s got some specific test that he does for arterial health and blockages, blood clots, blockages, cholesterol blockages, things like that. It was a little bit higher than he would like it to be. He had no idea at the time because he doesn’t go to Western doctors ever unless, first time in the only time I’ve ever seen him go to a doctor is when he broke his arm. It was l dangling. This man had told him this and he’s like, oh, okay. So, he started, this guy was coming back like every six weeks. That’s a clinic in Texas. 

He was laying on a PEMF mat and doing mineral cascades. He would start off with calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron, I believe. What’s the other one? He doesn’t do them in a specific order. This is recommended to him by the guy who sells these mats and also works a lot with minerals. One of the things most people are low on is our minerals, and that’s really because they’re breeding it out of the food, which is very unfortunate because that’s a huge issue. That’s a long topic for another time. So anyway, he was doing these mineral cascades. It was taking like half an hour and he was very diligent about it. He was doing this 56 days a week for a good half an hour at a time in between patients and stuff. So the guy came back about six weeks later and there was a 70 percent improvement in six weeks. I think it was less than six weeks actually doing only those mineral cascades. That’s the only adjustment he made. He did not change anything on his side because my dad is a constant experimenter. He’s constantly doing experiments to help other people and himself. He’s pretty convinced he’s going to live to be like 140 years old. God, I hope so. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Your dad is Michael Rankin senior who I’ve had on the podcast many times as well. 

Michael Rankin Jr

He’s amazing. I mean, he’s truly amazing. A lot of doctors out there, all kinds, not just medical doctors, but naturopaths and other kinds of practitioners too, and I will actually fall victim to this as well. We can get a little lazy. I feel like you’ve got this box of tools and they work a lot of times, most of the time, even if most of the time, and so they kind of stick with that bag of tricks. Not to add, like this guy, I kid you not, he is nonstop. Almost every single day when he’s got a free moment, he’s listening to some doctor talk he’s never heard of, or some guy he respects and is listening to, or researching on his own. He’s always looking for the next new cool thing. I mean, he’s quite a device freak. But, he finds some that work, and if they don’t work, then you go by the wayside and that’s that, but he never stops looking and I respect that so much about him. He’s awesome. 

Ads 1:08:03 

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Dr. Wendy Myers

Two of you have three equiscopes and you guys are using them all the time for so many different health issues. But for the PEMF mat, I think it’s working in the same way where it’s feeding your body energy. It’s charging up the cell voltage, which for many people that are ill, they have low cell voltage and it just increases communication again.

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, one of the reasons, and I’m guessing you probably know this, but for the people out there that don’t, we as a society, and there’s books, dozen books written on this that, we don’t get grounded anymore, like rubber sole shoes are basically one of the more catastrophic damaging things to the human body because we don’t get grounded. It used to be back in the day when you were walking around barefoot all the time or you had leather soled shoes, which don’t block that connection to the earth’s energy, which is very much readable as so your body. I just saw this is so cool. I saw this video. This guy did. He kept it really short and sweet. Yeah, these two older women in his office. And something like we talked about before, cellular communication is absolutely crucial for the body’s body to maintain regular health. When you get, they should be round and bumping off each other and no clumps and stuff like that so they can talk to one another and they’ve got their little antennas up. Well, they can get damaged by a number of reasons, diet, injuries, but if you’re not grounding yourself, at least I would say once a day, every other day, it only takes a few minutes and I know this for sure because this doctor is a medical doctor. He had taken some blood from two different women. They were older, probably mid 60s or so it looked to me. He took their blood and they looked at it and they threw it up on this big screen and you can see just on this little drop of blood that they had. There was so much clumping of the red blood cells. It was crazy. He had like, 15, 20 over here, 10 over here, 30 over here. 

There was this massive space in between them. That’s not what it’s supposed to look like at all, but unfortunately it does look like that in very many people. So, he had these women go outside and he had, and it was like this big office building. He literally videoed outside the window and saw these ladies and they’re barefoot on just this little patch of grass because there were sidewalks everywhere. They just stood on this little baby patch of grass, came back up like eight, 10 minutes later, and then he looked at their blood again. And now all of a sudden, their blood looks like it should with these nice little bubbles hopping around, bouncing off on each other, talking to each other. That was pretty. I always knew that kind of thing was happening, but it was really much different to see it under a microscope. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, and it’s so easy.

Michael Rankin Jr

I’m sorry, I didn’t finish the thought. PMF mats will static charge the body like that. And so, it’s basically like you’re grounding yourself. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

That alone can get people out of pain for sure. People can be really taken aback by how quickly that works to get people out of pain can regrow bone. If you have osteoporosis, people could have single digit percent improvements or their bone density, lots and lots of different health benefits. 

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, that’s super cool. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

We won’t get into how it works and everything, but we wanted to just give you guys some tips at home that you can do to improve pain. We won’t get into super simplistic things, but the red light that’s out. Maybe at the starting point. Next step is the PEMF may. If you still have issues, by all means, go see Dr. Michael Rankin. 

Michael Rankin Jr

And you know what, Wendy, just before, because I think we’re about to wind down here. There’s one thing because I love these kinds of tricks that are free for people to do at all. The grounding thing, obviously, I cannot stress that enough. Five minutes a day and go stand near a tree because it’s got a lot more electricity under it because of the root system. The tree huggers, that thing came from somewhere. But one thing I use quite a lot, and Dr. Jennifer Graham has taught me this. I think you know her too. I had this cough one time. I had a mold exposure and I go down to do some lymphatic training with her and she was like, oh, that’s kind of a nasty cough there. I went down there a day early because we’re friends. I just wanted to see her and chat, watch her work for the day before their class got there the next day. She noticed this cough right away because it was every like three or four minutes, just this obnoxious cough. It’d been going on for like 36 hours straight. I could hardly sleep. She takes out this app and types in coughs. For an acupuncture app, obviously the lung is going to be involved in a cough. And it runs right here and runs down your arm and your thumb. 

She took just a simple laser or something fancy. I saw some fancy medical laser, probably 25 bucks on Amazon. She did some like dime sized circles on over a couple of these different acupoints, one up here and one or two down on the wrist and Wendy, I kid you not in like 90 seconds, because she did each point like 30 seconds or so and bam, I had no more cough. It was crazy. I was like, oh my gosh, this I’m gonna start using. I carry a laser with me wherever I go. When I travel, I keep one in the car. I have two or three at the office. Here’s a great example, you can use it on anything and you don’t have to have any app or anything. You just type into Google acupuncture points for blah, blah, blah. So a friend of mine that I’ve known for 35 years, I was dealing with some sciatic pain. She came into my office, fixed it in like 10 minutes after she had spent 6, 000. She had never worked on her before, and I had only had my practice open for a few months.

She was spending tons of money in seven days. I think she spent six grand. Got rid of her pain literally in less than ten minutes, sent her out the door. About five or six months later, I get a call from her at like ten o’clock at night. She’s like, Mike, you got to get me into the wine, please. My pain is that like all of a sudden today, she had gotten into a fight with her husband. It stimulated that gallbladder nerve. Gallbladder is what traps grudges in Chinese medicine. That emotion will block our pathway. Obviously neither one of us are going to my office 20 minutes away at 10 o’clock at night. So I said, I’ll come in at 9 a. m. the next morning for you, but for tonight, I want you to take a laser pointer. She didn’t have one. She sent her husband out to Walgreens and he got a cat toy. A little 10 cat toy, because that was the only toy, it didn’t have anything like laser pointers or anything. I had her stimulate gallbladder 30 and then another couple, 31 and 34 and 40 down on her foot. It went from like a 9 to a two. She was able to sleep through the night. She came in the next day and we got rid of it. So that laser pointer thing again for everybody out there, take green or red. I prefer red for stimulating, but you can use green if you got one. Dime size circles around an acupuncture point. And again, you can just Google this up and see which ones are appropriate and do that laser point there. You can literally use that for any issue and it costs you 15 to 20 bucks for a decent laser point. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Okay. Fantastic. I just want to get that out there because free is great, especially these laser pointers are like 10, 15. They’re not expensive at all. You get them on Amazon or what have you, and it doesn’t matter what brand they are or anything like that. We’d love free stuff like that. Free and easy. Just Google those acupuncture points. Something I wanted to mention was estrogen deficiency for myself going into menopause. I started having a lot of musculoskeletal issues after my estrogen dipped significantly. It took me a couple of years to figure out why I was having so many pulled muscles, so much lower back pain again, that I had kicked and resolved and it was really just that low estrogen. A lot of women can be diagnosed with pain syndromes and fibromyalgia and other things going on. So, get your hormones tested as well. I highly recommend estrogen replacement therapy because you need that to make collagen that’s gonna help keep your muscles and ligaments more supple, moving and pain free as well 

Michael Rankin Jr

And for the love of God Drink more water, everyone. Drink more water. Half your body weight in ounces of good water, not tap water. Add a quarter teaspoon per liter of some good gray sea salt for minerals, helping you retain it more. For any communication in the body, you are a walking ball of electricity. If you’re not conductive, if you’re not hydrated, nothing’s going to work. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, you need the minerals also for conductivity as well. So we gotta have the basics covered before we go to the more advanced stuff. So, Michael, thanks so much for coming on the show. You’re welcome. Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can get in contact with you, how they can get in touch with you and come to your clinic. Do you work remotely?

Michael Rankin Jr

Yeah, most people come to the clinic. I would say probably 70%, no kidding, is from outside of Missouri where I live in St. Louis but I will travel. I do have some very wealthy or just lazy people, not just lazy, but some people can’t travel, they’re home bound. And so, yes, I will travel to them. I’ve gone all over the country. I’ve actually gone to Spain one time to work on somebody’s brain injury. But remotely, we can do bio resonance scans, like full body scans or about 50, 000 points, give or take to find out how your body’s doing overall. It’ll look for organ health, toxin levels and types. What are the causes and modalities that are hindering you? Maybe that’s an electric magnetic problem. Maybe your liver isn’t working right. Things like that. I can do laser detox remotely. I’ve done that dozens and dozens of times remotely. You just need a friend to help you, but I will send you everything you need. Emotional release work you can do remotely. I send those people to dad. What else? For me personally, for pain and things like that, usually needs to be hands-on. Either they come here or I go there. But if it’s an overall just a health problem, a lot of times you can do stuff remotely so you can find our website with a lot of information

My phone number is 314 899 9535. Again, that’s 814 314 899 9535. It will get you right to me. I am working a lot. So, you just leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. That’s about it. You can go to, if you want to watch, I’ve got probably, I don’t know, 25 plus testimonials on my YouTube channel, pain free life LLC. If you just Google that, they’ll have a little blue background with a little gray kind of figurine in the middle of it, and you’ll see my face on these. I would highly suggest if anybody’s thinking about coming in, go look at some of those testimonials. They’ve turned out to be a nice marketing tool, but I didn’t start doing it for that. So I did it because I didn’t think anybody would believe these things that I was able to do in the office because again, I’m just a skeptical person by nature. Seeing is believing. So, either I found the best group of actors in the history of the world, or these people are telling a true story.

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah and I’ve been to your clinic as well. I’ve been there many, many times and always come out floating on a cloud, feeling really good after doing all the different things that you do and your dad does as well, Dr. Michael Rankin Jr. and senior. Your website is pain free LLC 

Michael Rankin Jr

Dr. Wendy Myers

Okay, great. So you guys can go there and check out all the testimonials and definitely contact Michael if you want to get out of pain for good. Michael, thanks for coming on the show. Everyone, I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. Thanks for tuning in every week to the Myers Detox Podcast. It’s fantastic. Over the last two years the show has been in the top 50 spots, just ongoing. It’s always in the top 50 of alternative health. It’s always from the top of the alternative health category. It just really warms my heart because I love doing this. I love disseminating this information to people to help them give them those missing pieces of the puzzle and those clues that they’re not able to maybe find on their own to help them resolve their health issues because that’s really why I love doing this. 

Michael Rankin Jr

God bless you, man. You get so many great people on, I’ve learned. I’ve listened to tons and tons of your work and it’s one of those things I’ll just throw in the car if I’m on a road trip or something and just see what I can learn that day. 

Dr. Wendy Myers

Yeah, that’s so gratifying. I love helping people and educating people about ways that they can improve their health using alternative means, those answers they’re not getting at their doctors and they’re so desperately seeking. So, everyone thanks for tuning in and much, much more to come. I think we’re getting close to up to 600 episodes already. It’s just really amazing how it’s just continued to grow and the audience has continued to grow. So again, thanks for tuning in and a lot more to come.


The Myers Detox Podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast, including Wendy Myers and the producers, disclaims responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of the information contained herein. The opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests’ qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

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