Transcript #525 Peptides for Anti-aging and Weight Loss With Dr Clement Lee

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#525 Peptides for Anti-aging and Weight Loss 

With Dr. Clement Lee


Dr. Clement Lee  

People who I see they’ve been suffering for years and they see doctors for mystery illnesses. For the average healthy person, you can give them herbs and supplements and they’ll feel better. But some of these patients, they’re just so sick. They need a little more direct approach. And this is one of the ways to do it. And also in the chronic aging population, they need some things that DH them safe. Actually, some of the naturally occurring too, it’s a great way to get the body to fix itself here.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So our guest today Dr. Clement Lee, he is a licensed naturopathic medical doctor and the founder of optimal health and wellness comprehensive care clinic in Pasadena, California, that’s in Los Angeles, and he created his integrative wellness approach to offer the best care possible for his patients. And so after obtaining his Bachelors of Sciences in Biological Sciences from the University of California, Irvine, he continued his passion for restoring health naturally, to Tempe, Arizona, where he received his Doctorate of naturopathic medicine from Southwest College of naturopathic medicine in 2009. And Dr. Lee uses a broad range of modalities such as advanced lab diagnostics, oral and IV nutrition, lifestyle modification, regenerative injections, ozone therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement, peptide therapy, herbal medicine, energetic healing and more. To support all aspects of care from chronic illness infections, autoimmune general wellness optimize performance, longevity and beyond. Dr. Lee is an expert in regenerative medicine and injection therapies as well as treating chronic illness including Lyme mold, parasites, hidden infections, environmental toxicities, and more. And Dr. Lee has even been an early adopter of various advanced IV therapy techniques, such as vitamins, botanicals, peptides, ozone IV laser and photodynamic therapy, and Dr. Lee’s constantly innovating, combining and adapting with the latest advancements in health care, chronic illness, anti aging, longevity, regenerative medicine, integrative care modalities, and even that healthiest of individuals still may need evaluation and treatment of some of the underlying issues to maintain their dynamic health for the long run. So you can learn more about Dr. Lee’s work at And so I know you guys watching the show, you’re very very much interested in anti aging, detoxification or even how your health issues are being caused by toxins, chemicals and heavy metals. And I’m so thrilled to announce a new Docu series that I produced called It’s called Heavy and it’s essentially how heavy metals and chemicals are causing a lot of our health epidemics like obesity, diabetes, chronic fatigue, digestive issues, hormone imbalance, sex, stress, and thyroid hormones, and even aging. It’s all totally free to watch, we’ve got seven episodes that are free to watch that you can go check out starting February 15 2024, just go to We have 107 different experts that contributed to this event. It’s really been a labor of love and a culmination of many years of wanting to do this to really get to the heart. Not just me talking about this, but other experts as well. Talking about how toxins are causing so many health issues even like, you know, lead is causing 17% of all cause mortality. That was a quote from Dr. Joe Pizzorno. And we have lots of other just really fascinating interviews from Chris Kresser, from Dr. Chris Shea, Dr. Mottola and so many other experts, the top of their game, really, really laying out how toxins are causing so many health issues. And so go check it out And now a word from one of our sponsors. So imagine a world where we don’t actually fight cancer, we just tell our bodies to stop growing. It sounds groundbreaking, right? Dr. Dana Flavin, who is a world renowned cancer specialist for over 40 years, warns we are swimming in toxins that are in our daily products, our food, water and air. The real danger, these toxins signal our body to grow cancer. That’s why I urge you to join Dr. Flavin and Nathan Crane, an award winning health researcher and an eye opening web class. They’ll reveal the nine key toxins that could be triggering cancer in your body and most importantly, how to eliminate them. Don’t just fight cancer go right to its root cause so join me by going to conquering now to register for this free web class. It’s so important. Again, that’s conquering Make the change today. Hi Matt, thanks so much for joining the show.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Thank you for having me, Wendy. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So I visited you in your clinic in Pasadena, California, I was desperate because I couldn’t stop pulling muscles. And it was making me insane. And it was preventing my workouts and I had a shoulder injury that I’d had for a few months. And I just was beyond me what was going on. So I came to you in desperation for peptide therapy. And it was unbelievable. I had such a fantastic experience. And I have not had a pulled muscle since I started taking some of the peptides that you recommended. And it’s just been a total game changer. And, you know, I didn’t know what was going on in my body. But all I know is the peptides fixed what was going on with me. So I wanted to do a show with you about peptides. But first, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself and your practice? And how you got so into peptides in advising about them in your practice?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah. Thanks for letting me chat about this. So I’m Dr. Clement Lee. I’m a naturopathic doctor. I’ve been in practice since 2009, really originally, into regenerative medicine, starting with prolotherapy. So my passion was in just helping people heal their joints specifically. But just being in this realm of medicine as a naturopathic doctor, people came to me for all sorts of issues. So from your general health like high cholesterol, blood sugar, lifestyle, things to more chronic things like Lyme, mold, and autoimmune diseases and even cancer. So along this journey started, you know, reaching into my pocket and learning these different regenerative therapies, including peptides. I think I started peptides around 2014 ish or so as just a different way of enhancing the body’s healing processes. So prior to that, you know, you had your vitamins, supplements, herbs, amino acids, all those different nutrients, which are good, you know, to help the body heal, they’re just more like chemical substrates, or cofactors, for supporting the body’s engine supposed to be using, but the peptides a little bit more specific in that they are more like coding to tell the body what to do. So they’re more specific instructions, telling the cells to start in their own pathways of healing. So the body actually generates the peptides on their own, they actually make some of the peptides so they’re all pretty much naturally occurring. But when you need and you’re in a pinch, and you have, you know, injured tissues that don’t respond to your normal day to day, you know, attempts to healing, having more of these peptides thrown into the system can kind of supercharge your body to start healing. So, first, the most most common peptides, people might have heard of you, if you’re familiar with peptide therapy would be BPC. BPC stands for body protection compound. And this is what we used on you, I mean, this was a helpful tool. And what it typically does is it helps with connective tissue repair, so it’s naturally produced in your gastric secretions, helps repair your stomach lining from all the stomach acid you have going on. But on the other ends, it also helps with your tendons, ligaments, and connective tissue integrity. So if you have, you know, a muscle strain sprain or tendon, ligament injury, including tears and micro tears, it facilitates the body to start in that regeneration process. So then you can get the body to maintain tissue integrity. And that helps you resist, you know, all the day to day wear and tears, plus, you have any chronic injuries that just haven’t healed, it finally gets a chance to start healing. So that’s kind of how we started and then in the future, now there’s these immune supporting peptides. There’s these anti aging peptides, and we’ll chat about it later but these peptides bioregulators are even more fascinating ways. But yeah, we just started like introducing just more direct ways of getting the body to heal itself.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So what is the difference between say, taking protein powder, which a lot of people do to add proteins to their body versus taking a peptide like the BPC 157.


Dr. Clement Lee  

The protein powder, typically they’re amino acids, but they’re not lined up in any order. So they’re just the blank amino acids, which is like alphabet soup here, you’re trying to spell a word or sentence and you don’t have it lined up, the body doesn’t know what it needs to do, versus the peptides, they’re actually ordered in a certain sequence. So that it has really more specific instructions of what to do. So in that case, if you have those instructions, then the cells can know what they need to do. So if you don’t have any amino acids, your body will fall apart. I mean, we need protein. But again, if it doesn’t have the instructions, it doesn’t know what to do with it, so it ends up becoming just, relying on the body’s own current processing at that moment in time.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I couldn’t figure out what’s going on with me, why I kept pulling muscles. It’s not like I’m some super athlete that’s either straining my body all the time, but I thought I needed some protein powder, or maybe it was some collagen. But nothing, nothing worked at all. And I knew I don’t have digestive issues. It’s not a lack of absorption. But yeah, the BPC, immediately ….never have had a pulled muscle since, my neck healed after four months of it being strained. I was really shocked at how quickly it worked.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, no, that’s it’s amazing stuff. I mean, that’s kind of where the downside with our bodies, especially with the connective tissue issues is, unfortunately, when you get older, you run into those issues, but also just the attachment points of the tendons and ligaments, they don’t have the right blood supply. So if they get injured, they strain, sprain, you know, people who who sprained their ankles, after they healed, it’s never 100% or rarely it is. So this, the addition of peptides really gets the body to be able to reach that 100% mark. And then you don’t have to think about it. So once it’s nice and strong again, you can resist the gravity and all your training and allow it to stay healthy.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, so the BPC 157? So how do you get that? How is it administered? Like for me I’m doing an injection. But you can also take it orally, correct?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Correct. Yes. So the BPC peptide, there’s gastric stable forms, which then means that they can bypass your stomach acid not to get degraded. So that’s kind of where like some of the peptides before the BPC, there’s other peptides that would be degraded by your stomach acids. So they wouldn’t be very effective, which is why most of them at the time were injectable. So BPC itself can be administered via oral and or injectable forms because of its stability. There are a handful other peptides that are like that, too. But yeah, going back to answer your question is the BPC can be available both in oral and injectable forms. Personally, what I’ve seen is they do nearly about the same. Some people who have gastrointestinal issues, oral makes better sense because it’s going to have an impact there first. If you’ve got a leaky gut, for example, it can actually start helping to heal the leaky gut then also help heal other of your more structural issues. Some people want it to get more directly and I feel like it could be a little bit placebo effect. If you inject it locally, where you have the problem area you feel like it’s gonna work better. But I’ve seen it work both ways. So as orally or injectable, I give the patients that preference. But naturally, the oral one is technically cheaper than an injectable ones. But I mean, it can be administered both ways.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Well, I think that BPC 157 can really hold a lot of hope and promise for people with leaky gut. There are so many people with leaky gut. It’s such a difficult thing to address with typical supplements, besides maybe colostrum. But a lot of people just aren’t made aware of that as an option or don’t even know they have leaky gut. But talk about colostrum and how that can be great to aid and give your body some building blocks while you’re taking peptides. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

Colostrum has multiple other effects too. So it has some of the immune peptides and growth hormone releasing peptides, as well as just good old fashioned collagen in there too. So it has multiple effects really defending your gut lining, repair the gut lining, at the same time. It’s a food that feeds a lot of your intestinal bacteria, too. So it’s kind of nature’s magic food here. And that’s why the mothers create it in the the first feeding of their breast milk so kind of develops the infants immune system too.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, and what’s the brand that you like of colostrum?


Dr. Clement Lee  

I use sovereign labs. So I’ve been using them probably nearly 10 years now. There are a lot of great things out of it, and people can heal their leaky gut and not to mention, if your gut is healthy, your skin gets healthy. So you have a lot of the aesthetic effects of it. And then not to mention also your ligament connective tissue integrity too.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes. And so let’s talk about some other peptides that you really like that you typically recommend to your patients. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

I like using the thymosin alpha and thymosin beta peptides. So those are immune regulating peptides. So when we’re dealing with real chronic illnesses, sometimes the immune system gets dysfunctional due to stress or toxins, which is your favorite topic, and also hidden infections that just overwhelms the immune system’s capacity to really help you fight so then people can develop autoimmune diseases or just immune exhaustion. So these thymos peptides they’re very interesting at really rebuilding the immune system and restoring its function. So people who are in an autoimmune state or even just depressed immune system state, they can be very helpful at just restoring their functions back. So there’s, I mean, the most common ones thymosin alpha and thymosin beta, they both have slightly different effects of what they do. You could think of thymosin alpha as more of the immune restore. So it’s going to help you to actively be able to fight infections more effectively, as well as restoring the immune system’s ability to target the things that don’t belong in the system. Thymosin beta has more of immune regulatory capacity, it’s helping the… if you have like an inflammation flare up, that’s out of control, that’s where the thymosin beta would have a better approach at supporting the proper inflammatory response. So that’s actually going back like with the BPC, a lot of formulas actually have BPC combined with thymosin beta as a healthy inflammatory and healing process. Because usually, when you’re trying to heal things, there’s inflammation that’s kind of undoing some of the healing process. And then if you have the inflammation regulated properly, then it doesn’t harm the body, but actually allows it to run its course efficiently all the way through. So then you just heal the things all the way through. So having those combination of these alpha and beta really get the immune system to restore itself. The other interesting thing I didn’t bring up with the BPC, and also with thymosin beta is they’re also antimicrobial peptides too. So BPC has been shown to have antiviral effects, and also possibly antibacterial, antifungal, and then thymosin beta also exhibits the similar properties too so actually there’s an interesting study, I think thymosin beta outperforms the conisol as antifungal agent, just, you know, head to head. So if you use the peptides, you not only get the immune system support, but you have a little bit direct anti Candida effect in this case.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

 Okay, fantastic. Everyone needs that. 




So any other peptides that you like?


Dr. Clement Lee  

I also like to use some of the growth hormone releasing peptides. So the most common ones is like Sermorelin and CJC. They are very helpful just for kind of recreating a fountain of youth for people. So this can be used in you know, your chronic illness patients as well as the anti aging population. The Sermorelin and CJC  they’re in a class called growth hormone releasing peptides. So, growth hormone, most people know what growth hormone kind of does. But just for those who don’t, it’s, it’s a peptide or actually it’s a hormone. Growth hormone itself is a hormone that usually makes  your skin firm, your muscles dense, it makes you sleep better, just keeps you looking and feeling young and also makes you feel happy. So typically, as you age, your growth hormone declines, and then you get wrinkles and your muscles atrophy. And then you have weight gain, and then poor blood sugar control. So the growth hormone releasing peptides can stimulate the body to release more growth hormone compared to just taking growth hormone, and does it safer. So you don’t have to worry about any of the overdosing effects. So if you were to use growth on peptides, when you stop, your body can still make it. But these growth hormone peptides, they really enhance the youthfulness of your body, which protects your muscles, your brain, your hormones, that really makes everything work as if you’re younger. So you feel that way too. Most people, when they start using it, they feel five to 10 years younger than they normally are. And they sleep better. And they they look better. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I started taking that as well. So I started taking that about six months ago, or four months ago. Yeah, I really, really like it. I definitely noticed I’m sleeping better. And people are commenting on my skin, they think my skin looks better and things like that. And I really, I really like it. It’s it’s safer than you know say, I’ve done human growth hormone injections, I did look around like six weeks, maybe like 10 years ago. But the problem is those can also grow cancer as well, the human growth hormone, it makes anything grow that’s in your body. So you have to, you know, to do some tests before you do that. So there’s inherent risks in doing that. So the human growth hormone secretagogue is a lot a lot safer. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, the effects are a little more straightforward. Just to give you an example like the growth hormone itself, the HGH is like 191 amino acids in sequence so that’s a lot of information versus some of the growth hormone peptides are probably like 29 peptides or amino acids or less, you know, so then you don’t have as as much of the over expression of certain things, if you were to use them, and then if you stop like it’s not shutting down any processes either, so there’s less of that feedback loop compared to traditional hormones.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yeah. And so at what age do we kind of really see a decline of the human growth hormone production? Because it’s really, it’s a pretty young age. It’s so unfair.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Unfortunately, I think it’s around like the late 20s. The thing with the body, like humans are interesting, like we reach a peak during puberty. And then around the early 20s, when we probably have the most of everything, you know, all your growth hormone, your stem cells and everything. And unfortunately, you plateau maybe a little bit and really start declining after that. So that’s kind of the way that our bodies work, unfortunately. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And then you begin falling apart. But luckily, we can take peptides and keep us going. And so can can you take the human growth hormone secretagogues, long term, this is something that you can stay on?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yes, you can, although, personally, I recommend, if you were to use them, use them cycled in for about three to six months on and a month or two off, just so your body doesn’t become dependent. And also kind of what can happen sometimes is your body can create antibodies against the peptides, which then will create like a allergic reaction to them. So you’re just cycling through that way you’re not letting the body be overly accustomed to them. So it’s safe enough to use long term wise, I mean, actually, sermorrelin has been around since like the 1970s. So it actually was approved by the FDA for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency. So it has a long safety track record. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And any other ones that you really, either peptides you recommend frequently?


Dr. Clement Lee  

There’s a lot more. But I mean, the interesting one I found, this actually pairs well with the thymus peptides is the use of epithalon. Epithalon is a pineal peptide. So I’ve used this personally, when I’ve used it actually kind of helped me set my circadian rhythm. Epithalon’s been in research for quite a while already, but it’s been shown to actually lengthen telomeres. So telomeres, if you are in the realm of anti aging, you know, those are the end caps on your DNA. So the longer your telomeres are, the more your cells have to divide, so you can divide longer. So that’s kind of interesting thing with the epithalon. But some of the interesting, more recent literature’s that it shows epithalon has its effects on minimizing cancer activity, by having the ability for the body to repair itself. And then when, when paired with a thymosin alpha peptides, the thymus peptides, it also reduces the risk for cancers and basically immune aging. So if your immune cells are there for you longer, it’s able to help you fight against various infections and just fight things that we’re exposed like toxins and things. So epithalon is a very interesting peptide for that too. But the other benefits is you do sleep better. I mean, my deep sleep was averaging around like, you know, 50 something minutes, and then after that cycle of epithalon, it jumped up to an hour and 15 minutes, you know, so it’s a huge jump for me. I did other things, too, but I think that was a notable difference, you know, after using the epithalon, and the thing about that is you only need to cycle it, like once or twice a year. So you don’t have to do it every single day, like some of the other peptides. So that’s the cool thing about that one.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I mean, that was just a huge quality of life change by more than doubling your deep sleep that you’re getting. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

it was pretty significant. And then as other peptides, I guess the more popular ones now that we prescribe are the semaglutide and Tirzepatide, like those are really popular. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Those are kind of similar to ozempic which is also a peptide


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, Ozempic and Mounjaro, those are the trade names of those peptides. But in the past year, they’ve really gained extreme popularity. So I’ve used them personally and also prescribed it to patients. And that’s probably one of the most popular peptides right now. There’s ways to use them safely. So that’s why like everybody can get them like from  any doctor you know, you can order them online. It’s very effective. That’s why they are kind of blockbuster drugs. But when you pair them with proper diet, nutrition and also detox protocols, you get much better uses out of them without any side effects. Yeah, that’s important because, you know, the peptides are great and all, they stimuli the body’s functions, but also if you are carrying a load of toxins and other infections and you’re not properly detoxing, these toxins just end up coming back in and especially with the weight loss peptides. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

With any weight loss or rapid weight loss, you know, we store toxins in our fat, and you’re gonna feel terrible if all that stuff just all of a sudden goes into your system and your body has to deal with that you’re not going to feel well.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, peptides are great, but sometimes it’s good to apply with proper vitamin supplements, nutrition and food intake, you know, you can’t eat crap. Unfortunately, as you’re using peptides, just defeats the purpose of some of these things, you still get some benefit, but it’s not worth.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I am thrilled to announce my new Docu series come out called heavy and it’s you can learn more about it at the heavy and sign up for free. It’s a totally free event. And in this landmark series, I interviewed 100 experts on the subject of detoxification on the subject of toxins, and how these inescapable toxins in our environment are causing our chronic health issues like brain fog, dementia, chronic fatigue, mitochondrial dysfunction, obesity, resistant weight loss, even diabetes, or diabetes epidemic is caused by toxins. It’s not just the food that you’re eating. And we also talk about how toxins interfere in digestion, how toxins are aging you, so many important topics are going to be covered on the heavy Docu series. So again, go check it out, and The semaglutide and some of the other, Mounjaro, some of these are great for suppressing your appetite and improving your blood sugar. How do they work exactly in the body? What’s what’s going on there?


Dr. Clement Lee  

So the semaglutide has the glucagon like peptide. And then the tirzepatide has the glucagon like peptide. And it’s also known as gastric inhibitory peptide so it has two peptide functions. The glucagon like peptide basically works antagonized– glucagon typically makes your body raise blood sugar, when it senses it needs sugar. So if it antagonizes, you actually get the opposite, so you get to lower your overall sugar. The other effects is the GLP 1 is in those glucagon  like peptide, it slows down your gastric emptying, so it makes you fuller longer. And so the one notable effect is you’re just not hungry all the time anymore. And it’s interesting. So you don’t have the cravings for various foods, including even alcohol, which is you know a lot of people vices and why they gain weight, but at the same time it helps to lower your insulin levels, which then lowers your sugars so that you don’t have to have sugar floating around as long. And then then the weight loss comes with it. What’s interesting too, is the GLP ones also have other effects on preserving muscle mass and bone density too so there’s receptors for that in multiple parts of the body, including the brain. So you get long term benefits if you’re using the GLP ones. So then the other one, tirzepatide has the gastric inhibitory peptide, which has very similar effects to the GLP ones. So it also delays you know, the gastric emptying, but for what I’ve experienced with patients is there’s little less side effects compared to the GLP ones alone, which is why most people actually do a little bit better on the Mounjaro, which is appetite versus semaglutide ozempic. In that they have less nausea, they have a little less fatigue that occurs. And also, even though they have similar decreased appetite, they just feel a little bit better with the combination of those two peptides. And then the interesting thing is, weight loss will occur with both but the tirzepatide has a little bit more direct effects on the your visceral adipose, that’s the fat in between your organs, which is probably one of the most important ones to not have in terms of long term health benefits, so you want less fat stuck between your organs, because all that can be really pro inflammatory. So the tirzepatide the dual peptide has a better effect on that. So that’s why if you had the option to pick one or the other, then I would recommend that one versus the ozempic or semaglutide.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes. And can you take those long term? I mean, you have to cycle off those correct?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Well, not necessarily. So there’s longer term studies coming out, like the GLP ones have been around actually a pretty long time relatively. They’ve been discovered for quite some time and actually they’re naturally produced if you think about it. There’s actually various bacteria in the gut that normally make these. So it’s something that could be around, it’s just in the dosing that we’re giving with the semaglutide and tirzepatide, it’s higher than physiological dosing. So then there is some issues with longer term use, because your body does adapt to it. But some of the more like, this anti aging realm of usage of these peptides, there’s actually just low dosing of these peptides. So you could potentially maintain on a micro dosing of these peptides for a lot of the long term systemic effects. So you’re not going to have like a rapid weight loss as you would if you were on the higher dosing. But you get a lot of those inflammatory protecting, the muscle protection, bone protection, and still maybe minor bits of weight loss or least weight control, while you’re using these low doses of these peptides. So that’s interesting. I mean, it’s not FDA approved for low dosing, it’s really  FDA approved for either weight loss or diabetes management. So this is kind of… dosing will differ from what you get prescribed for. But this is interesting stuff that is available, if you have these peptides, so you can prolong the dosing that way and really get the benefits of that for just slowing down your aging process.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

I’ve heard people taking Metformin for anti aging, which I thought is kind of hilarious, but you know, it lowers your blood sugar and that contributes to so many different health issues. So it makes sense, but it seems like in that same vein, you could do use semaglutide, or the Mounjaro, as well. And then have the same effect.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, that’s the cool thing about it. So, I mean, it can be cost prohibitive for some people if your insurance doesn’t cover it, I mean, that’s where the limiting factor can be, compared to Metformin. Metformin is like pennies on the dollar, for that, but I think, you know, the research is coming out, it just shows that there’s so much more benefit to that. And way less, even less side effects, I would say.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

But the Metformin can cause fatigue, correct?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, Metformin will deplete your B 12’s. So that an obvious one, if you’re not supplementing B12, that’s the first thing  you should do. But if you dose it properly… I’m not a super big fan of metformin, I found other things that you can do that kind of get the same effects without having to use that. But that’s, that’s where I prefer, like Berberine, for example, is one and then there’s actually a new supplement called Fatty 15. Are you familiar with that one? Yeah, that’s a really cool name. But that actually has really a lot more anti aging benefits. And it’s a naturally occurring fat, you know, so it’s nothing bad about it at all. But it has more cardio protective, metabolic maintenance functions as an actual supplement. So that’s a really interesting one.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, nice. And so let’s talk about some of the the peptide bio regulators. So so what is that? Exactly? 


Dr. Clement Lee  

So peptide bioregulator, so they’re not technically new. They’ve been around probably for at least 40 something years, all the research and stuff was done in Russia. So in Russia, they were using these peptide bio regulators on their population, unfortunately, without their consent. But since they were so safe, they were actually showing some of the studies showing like, decreased risk of dying by 30%, in certain populations that we’re testing on, versus the placebo, which they didn’t get anything. So it was really interesting what they were doing with it. But peptide bio regulators, they’re amino acids, in a sequence of about 4 amino acids. So they’re really short peptides. They’re organ specific. So they actually are geared to go into specific organs and normalize their functions. So as far as peptide bio regulators, they have a name for each type of regulator. But there’s about 20 to 21 specific organ peptide bio regulators that are available, that have been researched. The cool thing about these is, since there’s so small peptides, they are actually available orally, so you can actually just take them in pill form, they do make them injectable in liquid forms as well too, but they’re pretty simple to administer. But the cool thing about those things is also that since they are able to restore your organ functions, you can take them for a cycle, which is about 30 days or so and then take a break and then revisit it for 10 days every three months. And that’s in the literature just showing that that’s all you need for the organs to start repairing themselves or restoring their functions. So it’s really really, really neat stuff. You don’t have to take them for super long times, you know, and they’re oral, so you don’t have to worry about injecting yourself in that case. But I’ve used them for personally almost a year on my patients and myself personally, the ones that I’ve tested out the most would be the thyroid ones. And what’s interesting is, they can help normalize the thyroid function. I’ve had patients with very, very high thyroid antibodies that we’ve tried to  address whether there’s mold, heavy metals, other toxins, and it got it down to lower levels, but it didn’t ever fully cleared it out. And then having the patients add in like the bio regulators, it was able to actually lower even further to almost a point where they pretty normalized, which is really neat. I mean, this is very interesting, just get the body to be able to repair itself with the right, you know, sequence of information. So, that is where I think in the next probably year or two, they’re gonna pop like wildfire. You know, that’s where I’m passionate about, like just finding ways to get the body to heal faster. People who I see, they’ve been suffering for years, and they see doctors for mystery illnesses, and, you know, the average healthy person you can give them herbs and supplements, and they’ll feel better, but some of these patients, they’re just so depleted, they need a little more direct approach. And this is one of the ways to do it. And also in the chronic aging population, they need some things that deage them and these are, you know, safe, actually some of them are naturally occurring too. So it’s it’s a great way to get the body to fix itself here. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

And that provides so much hope because you know, stem cells can help regenerate you, but it’s just cost prohibitive. There’s so many people, it’s so easy to just take an oral peptide and see incredible results like this.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, it’s amazing stuff. And then the thing is, like, there’s 20 different organs, so you can take them and you can cycle different organs to repair a few at a time, I’d usually recommend people to start with like the blood vessel peptide, because your blood vessels are really driving the traffic for nutrients throughout your cells. And those do get influenced by age, stress, toxins, and all these things. So if you have poor blood flow, really, your organs can’t get the communication that they need. And then you start adding in the other peptides and start like fixing different organs whatever you have going on. And if you want to keep your cells from aging, you just kind of cycle overall you can just cycle through all of the different organs over time and make them as healthy as possible. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, that’s so smart. It’s such a good idea and you know, cost effective and you know, getting the highest ROI, the highest return on investment of the money you invest and easy too, I like easy. Yes. And let’s, let’s talk about some of the other types of peptides. So there’s integrative peptides. So let’s discuss those as well. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

So integrative peptides is it’s actually a company that makes oral peptides available for a patient population. They have BPC available, they have thymosin beta, and they have one called thymogen Alpha, which is a fragment of thymosin Alpha that’s orally available. And they have something called kpb, which is also an immune regulatory peptide. And then they have a couple other peptides like cerebral lison in oral form as well, too. So there is a company that I’ve used and the founders, Dr. Kent Holtorf so he’s big into peptides, he’s healed himself from like Lyme, mold and all these things via peptides, when other things, you know, like antibiotics, all the things that didn’t work. So he’s, you know, big on the peptide, so I use their products a lot in my practice, and, and it gives patients you know, a way to help them heal, and it’s a little more cost effective versus the injectable ones. Since they’re oral pills, people have less aversion to taking them compared to the injections. So that’s where they, I guess integrated peptides come into play. But the interesting thing about the integrated peptides is there’s a couple of new formulas coming out that integrate both the peptides we discussed earlier with some of the peptide bio regulators too. So that’s where the thymogen Alpha actually has fragment of the thymosin Alpha peptide, as well as billium which is a thymus peptide bio regulator. And there is going to be more coming out to and that’s interesting thing about that one. So it’s really taking into it’s making them more available, the peptide bio regulators coming through.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Okay, fantastic. Can you tell us like what the website of that company or wherever we can purchase the peptides from them? 


Dr. Clement Lee  

So integrative peptides. Their website is, I believe, I have my practitioner link, if you want to set an account, it’s a / Clementlee. I’m not 100% sure if non providers can order it but if you guys can try it. I mean, if that link works then great, if not, if you google them, you’ll probably see other providers out there with these peptides for sale. So they’re they’re pretty available. I vouch for them, they’re really good stuff. So that’s one option. And then going back to like other peptides, I can share where you can source some of these peptides if that works.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Well, you can visit you at your office. 


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, so my office is in Pasadena, California, I deal with a lot of interesting things too. So I do a lot of IV therapies on top of the peptides and stem cell exosomes and then IV laser, which is really, really neat stuff. And then on top of that, I do like regenerative injections that involve using peptides, but also with prolozone. So ozone, and then PRP and different variations of your blood mixtures. And so, if you see me, I can order some of these peptides via some of the suppliers that we have. Cost is reasonably there. But there are some other vendors out there, which if patients can’t quite afford these, they make the peptides in kind of the similar standards as the compounding pharmacies that we would use. So one of them is limitless life nootropics. So the website is spelled that way. And then I have a coupon code available for patients if they are interested in ordering. That would be Optimal10. So it gives them 10% off that, and then they are creating a sister company, which is going to carry these peptide bio regulators very soon. They actually have them but the packaging, not done yet. But the website will be And then the same coupon code, optimal10, should be able to work once the site is up and running. And then there’s another site for all anti bio regulators as well. And that’s cosmic nootropics. So they have other very interesting peptides. I haven’t used them all yet. But cosmic nootropics, my coupon code is optimal10. So they have most of the peptides bio regulators. Most of those are imported. So they actually come out of the US. So they’re actually from UK. And they do carry other peptides, mostly new tropic based. So they may not have all the other peptides we discussed earlier. But they do some very interesting ones for just brain enhancement and actually just getting the brain sharper. So they have some cool stuff there. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Everyone needs that, everyone needs help with that.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah, we all do. Yeah, it doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t hurt. I mean, the cool thing about these, they actually just make your brain work better without any side effects here.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yes, yes. And so if patients want to work with you. Tell us what your website is again, so that they can like you know… I went in and did a consult with you. Super, super happy with the results. I continue to use a handful of different peptides including the BPC 157. And I will continue to, I’ve just had too many benefits.


Dr. Clement Lee  

So my website is I have a decent amount of information on the website. And then from that website, there’s phone number, and there’s a submission form that you can do if you don’t want to call that can basically send an email to us that we can then contact you to set something up. So yeah, that’s most direct ways of reaching, schedule an appointment. I have Instagram, it’s DrClementLee. I’m not super active on that  though I should be but no, I have that available. Eventually, once I get time, I will start putting more content out there and then eventually YouTube channel but right now it’s just I have like my little daughter who take care of plus the busy practice. So I have to make some some time for those things. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

So anything else you want to tell us about peptides maybe that we haven’t covered?


Dr. Clement Lee  

Along the same lines, I guess, really like anti aging peptides. There’s the use of copper GHK peptide. That one if people haven’t heard about it’s extremely helpful peptide for anti aging also immune support. Copper GHK peptide pairs very well with actually BPC and the thymosin beta peptide. But that one is very helpful for connective tissue repair. And shows that it helps with like hair density, skin density, even bone density and actually blood vessel density too. So I mean everything just gets firmer and tighter. So that’s actually a really neat peptide. And then the thing with that one is that one’s a small enough peptide molecule that you can use it topically. So you can rub it on your face or your hair. And this is where people have use formulas that you could rub it into your scalp to help grow your hair back or in your face to prevent wrinkles. And then there’s another form of that, which we use, if you’re familiar with LightWave, which is just for all disclosure, it’s a network marketing company. But they make an X 39 patch, which is a photo dynamic therapy. So it actually has photons of light in there that have the ability for the body to release copper GSK naturally, so you stick it on the body, and it helps the body to release the copper peptide, which then gets all those other benefits I mentioned. So that one’s a really interesting one. That is available. And that one, since it’s topically you just stick it on your body. And you don’t have to take any pills. You don’t have to inject yourself for that either. So that’s a cool one here.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Yeah, I’ve taken the lightwave, the x 39 before, I liked their products, for sure.


Dr. Clement Lee  

Yeah. Yeah, no, it’s a great one. I mean, they have other stuff too. But in terms of peptides, that’s a more accessible peptide that’s out there. So people could just buy that online. I do have my affiliate link too. I believe that one is Dr. Clement here. But anyways, that one is one of the I guess more accessible peptides, you don’t have to go to a doctor to order that one. And then I’ll bring up KPV that one’s actually my new favorite one. And they’re not any favorites, but all favorites. KPV is a fragment of a hormone called Malana sites stimulating hormone. But KPV can be used in treatment, and really a lot of our chronic illnesses, it helps to stabilize histamine, which is a big deal for a lot of people when you’re dealing with a chronic illness. So histamine is usually that trigger that people have like allergies and sneezing and more the chronic patients that we see, it can lead to just like irritability, pain, just decreased immune function, and really just toxic feeling overall. And if you’re dealing with chronic Lyme, or mold, people are very familiar with how histamine can make them feel poorly. So the KPV is a peptide that actually stabilizes the histamine pathways. So the body is able to just deal with histamine more efficiently. But the other thing is it also has its anti infective pathways, too. So if you are using KPV, over time, you can be able to fight infections better, which then leads you to be able to typically win these fights in these long term infection battles. And It pairs well with all the other ones you mentioned, like the thymus and peptide the BPC. So it’s a really neat one. And the cool thing about the kpb it’s oral I mean, it doesn’t have to be injected. It’s three amino acids in sequence. So it can be taken orally, there’s also like, nasal sprays of that. So it’s very accessible for people. And so that one’s good for a lot of the sensitive patients. Because a lot of the other peptides, you know, if you’re really really sensitive, sometimes you can react to those. KPBI haven’t really seen any negative reactions overall. Because it really is good for stabilizing the immune response to things. 


Dr. Wendy Myers  

That’s great. Yeah. Well, Dr. Lee, thank you so much for joining us on the Myers Detox podcast. And I just, you know, I wanted to have you on because you’re such a wealth of knowledge and very experienced using peptides. And I’ve had such a great experience. I wanted to share it with the audience, and so they can try them for themselves. So again, check out Dr. Clement Lee at


Dr. Clement Lee  

Optimal health and wellness. That’s the name of our clinic. So Thank you, Wendy. I’m so happy to be able to share everything.


Dr. Wendy Myers  

Thanks so much for joining us on the Myers Detox Podcast. I’m Dr. Wendy Myers. And you can see hundreds of free articles, hundreds of free podcasts on I just love sharing, all the information you need to help with detoxification and learn about how toxins cause so many of our chronic health issues today. And also we’re venturing more into anti aging to help with that as well because who doesn’t want to look younger and feel younger. So thanks for tuning in, and I’ll talk to you guys next week.



The Myers detox podcast is created and hosted by Wendy Myers. This podcast is for information purposes only statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Wendy Myers and the producers disclaim responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have direct or indirect financial interest and products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician.


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