Synthetic vs Food based Vitamins
There is a big debate out there whether you should be taking natural or synthetic vitamins. Previously, I had written a blog post trying to convince people to avoid synthetic vitamins, but I’ve changed my position on this issue. Learn about the debate behind synthetic vs … READ MORE
Hope for Osteoporosis Without Drugs
Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones have weakened and are more likely to break. Fractures from osteoporosis can result in pain, disability, and sometimes death. No matter what your age, you need to be thinking about prevention. READ MORE
14 Heart Healthy Foods to Help Reverse Hardened Arteries Naturally
Atherosclerosis, also known as “hardening of the arteries,” occurs when fat, cholesterol, and other substances build up in the walls of arteries and form hard structures called plaques. READ MORE
Relieve Allergies Naturally
Allergies include seasonal allergies, hay fever, pet, dust and mold allergies. Allergies reflect an overactive immune system. Learn surprising things that cause them and how to relieve allergies naturally. READ MORE
Trouble Losing Weight? Balance your Body’s Biochemistry
If diet and exercise are not working for you, there are many reasons that you are over eating or your body is resistant to weight loss. For years, I was missing the following pieces of the puzzle that left me unable to lose weight. READ MORE
Reduce your Daily Exposure to Cancer Causing Agents
Chemicals have replaced bacteria and viruses as the main threat to human health. Given the statistics that one in two men and one in three women in the US will develop cancer, it is prudent to take steps to prevent its development. READ MORE
Estrogen Dominance Syndrome
Whether you are aware of it or not, you are constantly exposed to estrogenic chemicals known for causing hormonal imbalance, disorders, and death — chemicals that are found in the air you breathe, products you use, food you eat, and water you drink. READ MORE
H pylori Infects 50% of the Population
Statistics indicate that over half of the planet’s population may be infected with Helicobacter pylori, most commonly known as H pylori. The CDC, the Center for Disease Control, estimates the world infection rate to be two-thirds, though infection rates in the US are lower. READ MORE
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
Rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) makes the most sense to me of everything I’ve read about psychology. REBT is very much based on perceiving life and its problems in a realistic, rational light. I felt compelled to share it with you because there’s more to health … READ MORE
IBS with Diarrhea
IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, with diarrhea does not have one, distinct cause. Symptoms may follow a bad infection or heavy antibiotic use. However, IBS is mainly caused by diet and lifestyle. READ MORE
IBS with Constipation
IBS, irritable bowel syndrome, does not have one, distinct cause. Having IBS with constipation gradually weakens the walls of the intestines, leading to a tendency to spasm. Symptoms may follow a bad infection or heavy antibiotic use. However, IBS is mainly caused by diet and … READ MORE
90% of Vitamins are Synthetic
Ninety percent of vitamins, even ones labeled ‘natural’ or ‘food-based’, you see in commercials (Centrum), at drug store chains, grocery chains, membership club stores (Kirkland brand), vitamin stores, and even Whole Foods are synthetic. READ MORE
All Plastics are Bad for You
A study published in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives concludes that there really are no “safe” plastics, thanks to all the chemicals, additives, and processing aids that go into making plastic products. READ MORE