EP 541

Ageless Aging for Longer Healthspans and Brainspans with Maddy Dychtwald




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In this episode…


Women live on average 6 years longer than men. However, the average woman can spend up to 12 to 14 years in poor health. Research further shows that women in retirement spend, on average, about $194,000 more than men on healthcare above and beyond Medicare.


My guest, Maddy Dychtwald, is the co-founder of Age Wave, the world’s leader in understanding and addressing the far-reaching impacts of our aging population. For close to 40 years, Maddy has been involved in thought leadership on aging, longevity, and retirement.


She highlights the importance of a holistic approach to health, including exercise, diet, sleep, and stress management. Additionally, she demonstrates how having a sense of purpose and a positive attitude about aging can add years to one’s lifespan.


Maddy also emphasizes the benefits of reducing your toxic body burden, including heavy metals, through intermittent fasting and an anti-inflammatory diet for aging women.


Are you ready to regain control of your aging process? Tune in for practical, actionable steps you can take to age gracefully and healthily.

Key discussion points…

We can’t hold back the hands of time. But, we can prevent —or delay, at the very worst — some of the aches and pains and diseases and physical ailments that come as we get older.

Maddy Dychtwald


How Toxic Are You? [Free Quiz]

Are heavy metals making you sick?

Heavy metal toxicity is often behind digestive issues, systemic infections, stubborn weight gain, brain fog, autoimmune disease, and chronic health conditions.

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About Maddy Dychtwald

Maddy Dychtwald is an internationally acclaimed author, public speaker, and thought leader on longevity, aging, the new retirement, and women’s ascent.


Maddy has been featured in Bloomberg Businessweek, Forbes, Newsweek, Time, Fox Business News, CNBC, and NPR. She has also written many blog posts for the Wall Street Journal and Huffington Post.


She is the author of three previous books: Influence: How Women’s Soaring Economic Power Will Transform Our World for the Better, Gideon’s Dream: A Tale of New Beginnings (a children’s book) and Cycles: How We Will Live, Work, and Buy.

Learn more about Maddy’s work at www.agewave.com and www.maddydychtwald.com

Ageless Aging: A Woman’s Guide to
Increasing Healthspan, Brainspan, and Lifespan

A holistic plan based on cutting-edge science designed to help women take advantage of medical, psychological, and spiritual tools to feel younger for longer.

Ageless Aging presents a pioneering new way for women to age—an ascent that includes feeling youthful and vital while gaining wisdom, resilience, and experience. It provides a holistic, actionable plan that will help women make use of all the tools available to them as they grow older.

Women need a trusted resource to help them thrive as they age. Internationally acclaimed author and thought leader Maddy Dychtwald is the perfect guide. Maddy has her finger on the pulse of all the latest research, science, and information about longevity and aging, as well as the specific issues facing women. She understands that Ageless Aging is a complex process, that the various pieces of the puzzle work synergistically, and with this book she shows you how to create your best future self by taking control of the aging process.

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About Dr. Wendy Myers, ND:

Dr. Wendy Myers, ND is a Naturopathic doctor and founder of Myersdetox.com She is an internationally recognized expert on heavy metal detox, anti-aging and bioenergetics.
She is a sought-after speaker, #1 bestselling author and the host of the top 50 rated podcast, the Myers Detox Podcast. Her mission is to educate and inspire the globe about topics related to anti-aging – detoxing from our increasingly toxic world to combat disease and increase longevity. 

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