Detox and Protect Yourself From from Wildfire Smoke

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Please take a moment and check out this video about the dangers of smoke inhalation, the hidden toxins being carried within it, and how you can detox it! Even if you are not currently in close to proximity excess smoke as a result of wildfires, there is information in here that will benefit anyone suffering from poor air quality.

As many of you know, I live in California, where we are experiencing a number of severe wildfires. In fact, I used to live in Malibu where the Woolsey Fire is still burning and devastating the area.

In addition to the suffering experienced by all the people and wildlife forced to flee the affected areas, there are also massive amounts of smoke and toxic chemicals being released into the air as a result of the fire.

It’s bad.

There are even reports that improperly disposed of nuclear waste also burned during the fire! This is shocking and totally unacceptable. But it happened.

The Woolsey Fire in Malibu began on the property of the contaminated Santa Susana Field Laboratory (SSFL), a former nuclear and rocket engine testing site.

SSFL is one of the most contaminated sites in the nation, subject of a promised but long-delayed state and federal cleanup; it is heavily contaminated with well documented nuclear and chemical contamination, from a partial nuclear meltdown.

Dr. Robert Dodge, President of Physicians for Social Responsibility, Los Angeles, shares the community’s concerns. “We know what substances are on the site and how hazardous they are. We’re talking about incredibly dangerous radionuclides and toxic chemicals such as trichloroethylene, perchlorate, dioxins and heavy metals. These toxic materials are in SSFL’s soil and vegetation, and when it burns and becomes airborne in smoke and ash, there is real possibility of heightened exposure for area residents.”

We are experiencing terrible air quality in and around Los Angeles. Though I am much further south from the fires, I have definitely felt the effects of the smoke. I have been coughing and feeling my lungs congested and heavy due to the poor air quality.

To help, I am using my Fresh Air Surround System air filter to clean up my air. It’s a lifesaver. It was the same technology used to clean up the Pentagon after 911 and it’s the best filter out there for removing toxins from the air.

Many of you may remember the Fresh Air Surround System from my podcast with its creator, Michael Jackson. To listen to it again, please click here.

If you are in an area that is experiencing high pollution and poor air quality – be it as a result of industrial pollution, car pollution, or wildfires – you will want to watch.

for more information on your local air quality, go to

Thank you to everyone who has reached. My family and I are fine. But my heart goes out to all who are suffering, as well as to all of the first responders still on the scene.

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