Supercharged Podcast Transcript #28 How to Live a High Vibrational Life with Robyn Openshaw

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Supercharged Podcast 28


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00:02:20 Meet Robyn Openshaw
00:03:30 Nikola Tesla’s influence on energy
00:05:00 What is meant by high vibration?
00:09:50 Is reality a direct manifestation of our thoughts?
00:12:00 How do you go about changing your thoughts?
00:20:00 Why the most powerful thing you can do is let go
00:22:00 How to increase your vibration on a normal day?
00:25:00 How to reprogram your own beliefs
00:27:25 How much does the mind have influence over illness?
00:30:00 How much is your mind affected by how you treat your physical body?

Harry Massey: Welcome to the SuperCharged podcast where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry : Imagine having a body charged with energy, and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who

[00:02:20] have studied the physics of life, so that you can have energy for life. This juicy food for thought from no other than the green smoothie girl herself Robyn Openshaw, who is our special guest today. Hi everyone, welcome to the SuperCharged Life. Now, you might know Robyn from her podcast Vibe, or her nourishing and cleansing smoothie recipes at, or from her books. Well, today, shall be offering some real nourishment for the soul sharing some simple strategies on how to cleanse ourselves from negative thoughts, and enjoy a high vibration life. Living a supercharged life is not just about charging our body batteries with the right kind of energy sources, or even the right diet, or even smoothie. Of course, they do help. It’s also about being mindful that our thoughts and emotions are sending our bodies information. Now, thoughts are energy in motion. What thoughts are you communicating to your body? Do you get stuck in a reactionary mode, feel anxious, angry, stressed? Do you take on other people’s bad vibes? Let’s face it, most of us do but all of these types of feelings are toxic and drain our energy, which we can’t afford to let happen if we want to have energy for life. So today, we’re discussing the power of vibrational frequencies and how to live a high vibrational life. We’ll hear how Robyn was able to personally overcome a lot of traumas and illness in her own life, as well as how she learned to not take on other people’s negative energy. She’ll tell us how she learned the art of letting go in order to have more flow in life. Now, Robyn has an abundance of inspiration to share. She’s a former psychotherapist and university professor and is the author of 15 books, including The Green Smoothie Diet and The 12 Steps to Whole Foods. Her latest book is Vibe: Discover Your Energetic Frequency for Health, Love, and Success. And in this book, she reveals the difference between low vibration emotions like fear, anger, inertia, and high vibration emotions like love, inner peace, and gratitude, and talks about their impact on physical and mental wellbeing by raising our vibrational frequencies, and how living in a high vibe state can make us resilient to illness, fatigue, burnout, and depression. So I started by asking Robyn about her fascination with the great Austrian scientist, Nikola Tesla, as she talks about in her book.

[00:03:30] Now, Tesla is a household name among the scientific community known for his finding that all matter has vibrational energy or electrical frequency and that we are all electrical beings made up of rapidly vibrating cells. So, sit back and enjoy, perhaps while you’re sipping on a smoothie, and hear the story behind the green smoothie girl and how to raise your vibration from the inside out. So, Nikola Tesla. What do you find remarkable about Tesla?

Robyn Openshaw: Nikola Tesla is one of my heroes because I’m just so astonished at how he was 20 years old. He was almost a child, and here he is on a completely different continent, and he dreams at night. He dreams about coming to America and channeling Niagara Falls for energy. I have children who are 20 and 22 and 24 and they’re not thinking about things like this, but he was and he came all the way across the ocean with nothing but a letter in his pocket. He was robbed on the ship of all his money. He had like two pennies, and all he had was this letter in his pocket introducing him to Thomas Edison. He finds Thomas Edison. He works for him for quite a while. He was going to be trained by Thomas Edison, but then within 10 years of landing on our shores, he has channeled Niagara

[00:05:00] Falls for energy. I think that’s remarkable. I think his work lives on and has given birth to what used to be thought of as science fiction, a car that doesn’t need any fossil fuel, and he discovered alternating current and he took a lot of heat for it and publicly fought with Edison over that. Edison said, “It’s gonna kill us all.” And of course, it has its place, and he taught us so much of what we know about energies and the fact that everything has energies and that the secrets of the universe are found in understanding frequencies and vibration.

Harry : What do you mean by high vibration?

Robyn : When I talk about high vibration, I’m talking about that there are actual electromagnetic fields that when we live in them, we experience more of the states we all love, like gratitude and peace and joy. We can express and feel and receive love better and we’re more in tune. We’re more in harmony with other human beings and we can understand their needs and their energy better when we’re in that flow, when we’re in higher states of vibration. It’s not a static state of the same vibration. Everything oscillates, which we don’t want as a flat line, and our fluctuations of energies are a positive thing, but the low vibrations are where people live these days. They’re suffering more than they need to, and a lot of their suffering is coming from not understanding how to metabolize emotions. When they have negative emotions, they get stuck there. Emotions just get stuck and naturally show up as physical illness. The Heart Math Institute has charted people who sit in eight seconds of deep gratitude thinking about things that they’re thankful for, and it actually shows as a soft, high frequency. It actually looks like this. It charts on an EEG. It charts like it feels, like this is what gratitude feels like, right? And then the same person feeling anger, you can actually get someone to feel anger. We can all choose into that too, and it looks on the EEG chart like anger feels. It’s sharp and jagged and small and low. It looks like anger.

Harry : And just going back to Nikola Tesla, you said how Tesla sees reality is frequency and vibration, how do you connect the frequency and vibration of thought to the outer reality that you experience? What do you think he meant by that?

Robyn : We can only guess what Tesla meant when he said, “The secrets of the universe are found in frequencies and energies,” but he was onto things, and so was Einstein, things that were far more than alternating current versus direct current and science. He was really experimenting with the fact that our emotions and thoughts are energies. He was learning that we were energy exchanging with people in our energy field powerfully, but we’re actually exchanging electrons or sharing electrons with people who we’ve never met all the way across the planet. And so he was way ahead of his time. Nobody was hearing this back then, and his words live on, and now they’re coming to life in all kinds of ways, in all kinds of energy healing modalities. We have Dr. Oz saying that energy medicine is the new frontier. I mean, energy medicine in lasers alone can heal and kill. We are literally cutting people open and cutting out organs from their bodies using focused frequencies, or lasers, and then we’re letting them heal with focused healing frequencies. The exact same technology can kill and can heal. This is like the quantification of Tesla’s early ideas, and Einstein’s, where they discovered that everything is energy. People don’t think about that.

[00:09:50] They think about the calories of their food. They don’t think about the vibrational energies of their food, but they can and they should and really need to develop the technology, whether it’s through gas chromatography or it’s biophoton emissions or whether we’re actually measuring it in electrical hertz, we should start thinking about making more choices with what we’re doing with our words and what we’re doing with our thoughts and our emotions and what foods we’re eating. We should be making choices that take us into higher frequencies, because that’s when we’re capable of greatness. That’s when we’re capable of being who we actually came here to be.

Harry : Are you into the holographic universe type ideas and how your outside reality is just a direct manifestation of your thought or your vibration?

Robyn : We have more and more evidence that intention and thought influence outcomes, and not just because when we have a focused intention it makes us more likely to go into action. That’s part of it, but you’re aware that there’s thousands of studies. There’s a lot of published evidence that you can influence things that are considered to be chance just with intent. You can imbue water with healing properties with a group of people who aren’t even with the water focusing on it and blessing it. This makes so much more possible in the realm of healing. We think that we’ve been limited by these Newtonian concepts, and I consider most of what’s happened in modern medicine in the last 150 years to be limited constructs and sort of Newtonian in their thinking, like, “Input X causes reaction Y.” These things have had value, but now, our minds are opening to the realities that Einstein and Tesla, Plank, and some of the other early scientists were talking about and we were not ready for, but I feel like we’re ready for it now, to discover that thought can completely change outcomes. That obviously has implications for your health.

[00:12:00] When we were little kids and we would actually think about the dice and blow on it and do these things, there’s many, many studies that your intention can take your odds of 50%. Princeton University proved with thousands of experiments over 25 years that intention, focused thought, can absolutely change physical reality.

Harry : So, how do you go about changing your thoughts? How do you go about trying to spend more of your time in a high vibration rather than a low vibration? So when something traumatic or negative enters your life, how did you used to deal with it and how do you deal with it now?

Robyn : One of the most important applications in my life of discovering the power of vibrational frequency in my world is realizing that I have a choice about my emotional state. I was raised in a family where there was a lot of trauma and a lot of anger and abuse and really a lot of low vibrations. I thought that that was normal. It was such a revelation to learn disciplines where, whether I’m meditating, doing yoga, I sort of developed this very fast system to get out of negative energies. When I’m feeling fear, anger, anxiety, to get out of them really quickly has completely transformed my life. It’s probably as powerful as drinking a quart of green smoothie today, to be able to take a negative emotion and ask it what it’s doing there and what it’s there to teach me, because there’s usually something important to learn there, and then take that space between the negative event or feeling that emotion of fear, anger, feeling betrayed, feeling victimized, whatever the negative emotion is, and when the thing happens, between that moment and where I react,

I go through a quick little process. I ask myself, “What are my choices here about how I can react to this?” A lot of times, it’s almost a game, and I say, “What would happen if I just did the opposite?” Somebody acts really, really aggressive with me, I can choose to go into lizard brain. I can choose to go into the place where I live in fight or flight, and I make choices based on safety, or I can go into my frontal lobe, I can remind myself that I have one, and it’s a place where I can choose into higher frequencies like compassion and understanding that this person, who may have just flipped me off in traffic or done something aggressive or said something harsh and unkind about one of my children, is having their own crisis. They’re having their own reaction. When I go to that place of compassion and I choose into a different way of reacting than my lizard brain tells me to react, I get to sail through a negative event and I don’t have the cortisol spike and I don’t have the high blood pressure and I don’t have the rage and the adrenaline surge. I really believe that when we choose into higher vibrations and we choose to … In literally, often it’s less than 90 seconds, I can find what’s in that that I can learn from, ask myself what is this here to teach me, acknowledge it for what it is, this negative event or this negative emotion, and do the opposite of what lizard brain tells me to do, or something very different, and then find what it was instructed in the situation and move forward, move forward in peace, saying, “Namaste,” to the person who is flipping me off. Often, when someone flips me off on the road, I do this so quickly. I smile and wave, apologetically or just, “I hope you have a great day.” That is so much more conducive to a high vibration life than what I used to do, which is in my 20s before I discovered how powerful frequencies are and emotions and how much I can control them, I would flip them off back. My kids always say, “Mom, why are you so calm on the road?”

I’m just using the whole road rage thing as an example because it’s an easy example and we’ve all been flipped off on the road, right? Is that I don’t have to go where they want to take me. I don’t have to go to fear. I don’t have to go to anger. I don’t have to go to shame. Being really aware of them and choosing out and choosing what’s instructed and putting all the negative energies in my rear view mirror is how to be happy. It doesn’t matter how busy you are, how stressed you are, how ill you are. So much of what we think we have no control over, we really do.

Harry : And how through doing that, what have you noticed and what happens next? So, what you used to react and things would probably get worse, but now you’ve learned to change your reaction. What actually happens?

Robyn : One of the most powerful things around energies and emotional states is that if I don’t metabolize my negative emotions, if I don’t realize, “Oh, I’m feeling stressed. I’m feeling fear. I’m feeling anger here,” and ask myself, “Why? Why am I feeling that way? What’s underneath it?” And then move through it to a place of identifying what is instructive here and what I need to do to solve the issue and then putting the negative energies behind me, what I find is that there’s this law of karma that goes into effect. It might seem strange to quote the bible to document the law of karma, but Ecclesiastes 11:1 says, “Cast your bread upon the waters and after many days it will come back to you.” To me, that really encapsulates the law of karma almost better than anything. Hindus actually only talk about the law of karma as being negative, but in the western world, we kind of refer to it as if what we’re putting out there can come back as good or bad and I believe that, but when someone initiates something negative in my world or in my life, I have the choice whether I’m gonna perpetuate that. If I go to anger and if I flip the guy off who flipped me off in traffic and I keep those negative angry energies going when I get home, I’m gonna tell my partner about that or gonna tell my children about that or I’m gonna tell whoever else, and now they’re caught in those negative energies. We’re just perpetuating negatives. What’s our responsibility once we discover how powerful we are in our own positive vibrations, what then is the impact we’re having on others, because when they come in our energy field, we’re either raising their vibration or we’re lowering it. We’re never staying in a static place. So, when you’re with me, I can either help you go to higher frequencies or I can take you lower. Me taking responsibility for that has been completely life-changing.

[00:20:00] Considering far more carefully the impact I’m having on other people just by being in their energetic field, understanding that if I’m in their energetic field and I’m a higher vibration person than they are in that moment, that I can serve, because a substance of a higher frequency can cause a substance of a lower frequency to increase. It’s a very basic principle of quantum physics, and it’s indicative of our responsibility to our fellow man.

Harry : I want to surrender to what’s unfolding in your life. Sometimes say something negative might happen but it might simply be often something that can look like a crisis in the short-term actually leads to a transformation that’s actually really good for you.

Robyn : One of the most powerful things that I’ve learned in the last decade, I don’t think that I came by living a higher vibration life accidentally, and I didn’t do it because everything has gone my way in life. I’ve been through the hard things. I’ve been through a really terrible divorce. I’ve been through a lot of different things with my four children. I’ve had health crises. Honestly, I feel like the most important thing I’ve learned in the last 10 years is to let go, and every day I tell myself, “Let go, let go, let go. Release, release, release.” Most of the things that we get worried about, and when I say most, I’m talking about like 99%, aren’t worth getting upset about. They aren’t worth the amount of energy that we invest in them. Having raised four children to adulthood now, my children are my best teachers to let go of judgment, to let go of the need to control. Of course we’re going to work hard and of course we’re going to have linear processes, things that we’re trying to accomplish. So, we don’t let go of everything, but when you are energetically fine-tuned, when you have developed your skills as an empath or an intuitive and some people as an energy healer, you become far more aware of whether something is worth investing

[00:22:00] energies in, whether something is worth pushing or not. I’m not willing to push like I was when I was 20. At 50 now, I love being in flow. When my energies are at odds with other people’s actions or a project that we’re doing, I’m far quicker now to say, “Why is this so hard? If I’m having to push this with all I’ve got unfulfilled, what if I just stop? What if I just let go of this?” Letting go has been maybe the most powerful life lesson of my first 50 years.

Harry : So we talked about sort of when these negative things happen, earlier you mentioned the other angle of just coming from the positive. So, just a normal life, like get up each day, what are the things that you do that actually help you to sort of increase your vibration just in a normal day?

Robyn : There are so many things you can do to take yourself into higher vibrations. There’s some evidence that you have about five times more negative neural pathways than positive, so it’s easy to go to negative places, so it has to be mindful. It has to be conscious. It has to be a choice, to, when you start to feel yourself in the lower frequencies, which we’ve identified as shame, anger, fear, or some of the low frequency emotions, and we don’t like living there. We don’t like being there, but many people just accept it as something they can’t control.

When I feel those things, I can in 90 seconds go into this catalog or this list of the incredible, amazing things in my life, and we all have them. I don’t have a charmed life. A lot of things in my life have been very, very hard. When I go there, my energies completely shift and in that place, just raising my frequencies 5 hertz or 10 hertz, I get more productive, I feel far more compassionate and feel far more connected to the other people in my energy field, whether it be my employees, my family, and I can suddenly get back in flow and solve problems where I’m not pushing against, and instead I’m flowing with energies. And so, choosing into a 90 second gratitude exercise is super powerful. Honestly, going and drinking a green juice. I don’t put fruit in it, but just greens, like a bunch of high frequency food, juiced or blended, and drink it, game changer. Going to an hour of yoga. It’s totally energy-shifting for me.

[00:25:00] Going outside in the middle of the day where I’ve been exposed to computer screens and my wifi is in the room and I’ve got all of these chaotic energies, going outside and taking a 5 to 10 minute break and sitting in the sun and charging my battery and grounding on the ground where I’m releasing a lot of these chaotic frequencies and electrons into the ground and I’m in contact with the earth, which has the same energetic frequency as a human system, is very powerful.

Harry : Do you try and reprogram your beliefs? Because let’s say you were brought up with all of these beliefs, and then over, goodness knows, I guess 30 years, you’ve unprogrammed some of those beliefs. One of them was to let go, but how do you go about reprogramming your own beliefs?

Robyn : I let go of so many beliefs that I used to have in my 20s. The way I do that is that I ask myself all the time, “Is this serving?” It’s a question I ask every day. “Is this serving?” You get really clear on that because that’s a really better question than, “What was I taught? What is the dogma that I’m used to?” I’ve let go of a lot of dogmas that weren’t serving anymore. Maybe they did serve. Maybe they served me 20 years ago, but realizing I have a choice about which dogmas that I choose into and which I don’t and also governing my life by a core guiding principle has been very powerful for me to stay in higher frequencies. The goal of my life, I decided a long time ago, was to be healthier and happier and help other people be healthier and happier. And so, when that’s really clear that that’s where I’m going with my life and everything guides that, then I can ask myself, “Does this serve relative to that?” And so if what I’m doing or what I’m saying, the conversation I’m in, the people I’m seeking out, the emotion that I’m feeling, the food I’m eating, if it doesn’t serve that, it gets really clear which things I should be doing and not doing. So, for me, it’s does this serve my goal, which is to be healthier and happier and help other people be healthier and happier.

[00:27:25] That doesn’t mean that I never make a bad choice. It means I’m making a lot more good choices. The difference between being 5 hertz or 10 hertz higher is the difference between health and lack of. It’s the difference between being happy and not happy. It’s that powerful. It’s small things. There are small inches that open these big energetic doors.

Harry : How much do you think the mind has influence over illness?

Robyn : How much influence the mind has over illness? It’s more powerful than anything there is. There’s no separation between our mind and the rest of our health. All the energies are flowing through meridians. There are multiple body fields that control whether we’re healthy and whether we’re happy, and the thoughts I am thinking when I’m in the shower or I’m out for a run are going to lead to more love, more happiness, more productivity, or the opposite of that. They’re gonna get in the way of everything that I think and say that I want. The mind is infinitely powerful. I can project thoughts from my mind that other people can register when I’m not even looking at them or talking to them. Heart Math Institute has proven this. I can be feeling love or gratitude, and I have an electrode measuring what’s emanating from my heart, and you with an electrode attached to your brain, even though we’re not talking to each other or looking at each other, your brain will register that. Your brain will register when I’m in love and gratitude. Your brain will register whether I’m in fear and hate.

So, how powerful does that make our heart and how powerful does that make our mind and how interconnected does that make them? So, one of the most important things we can do for our health is to commit to checking our emotional states and our thought patterns and metabolizing them. It’s not gonna be live on the good ship lollipop and we’re Pollyanna and you never have any problems and pretend like problems aren’t happening. It’s that we ask any negative emotion going through our energies, “What are you here to teach me? What can I take from this that is useful, and how can I eliminate the negative energies,” because I don’t want to take it home. If somebody flips me off in traffic, I don’t want to take it home and smear it all over everybody who is in my house and tell them about my terrible experience I just had with a guy who

[00:30:00] almost hit me and then flipped me off. I don’t want that to define the energies in my home now or later. Getting really clear about that and clearing those energies quickly so that I can move forward, move forward in flow with my original intent, which is to be healthier and happier and help other people be healthier and happier, makes thins very, very simple, makes all my choices very clear.

Harry : How much is your mind affected by what you do to your physical body?

Robyn : The food that we eat is our fuel. When we say, “You are what you eat,” we literally are what we eat. And so, when I drink a quart of green smoothie, for instance, I’m getting 10 servings of some of the highest frequency foods available to me. I blend it up in my blender and I drink it in 10 minutes while I’m driving to tennis practice or to pick one of my kids up and I in that one simple step have not only flooded my body with micronutrients. That’s the old Newtonian way of looking at nutrition, but when we look at nutrition from the Einsteinian viewpoint, I am raising my electromagnetic frequencies by eating foods that are super high in electromagnetic frequencies. If I drink a green smoothie or a green juice, if I drink a green juice, it doesn’t have fruit in it because that’s a lot of sugar. We’re throwing away the fiber, but I love to juice greens and put a little turmeric, ginger.

Harry : That’s all we had time for. I hope you’re feeling elevated by all that wholesome, nourishing food for the soul and just listening to Robyn’s good vibrations. So on that sweet smoothie note, I’m signing off, wishing you positive thoughts and high supercharged vibes. Until next time, bye for now.

Wendy Myers: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.

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