Transcript: #105 How to Get Rid of Parasite with Dr. Ed Group

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  • 02:50 About Dr. Edward Group
  • 12:24 Oxygen Supplementation
  • 16:43 Parasites
  • 22:17 Parasitic Symptoms
  • 35:03 Testing for Parasites
  • 39:20 Cleanse Sequence
  • 41:00 Supplements for Eradicating Parasites
  • 47:13 A Few Tips from Dr. Group
  • 52:08 Kombucha
  • 53:42 The Green Body Cleanse
  • 58:15 Find Out More about Dr. Group and the Global Healing Center

Wendy Myers: Hello! Welcome to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can find me on Today, I’m really, really excited. We’re going to be having Dr. Edward Group of on the podcast today. I love his website. I’ve been an admirer of his for a long time. He’s from Texas also! I like that. I like everyone from Texas. He’s going to be talking about parasites.

A lot of people have parasites. Many, many of my clients do. I think it’s a very important subject to address because it can drain your adrenals. They can promote adrenal fatigue and they can cause night-waking and they can cause a lot of symptoms and it’s something that a lot of doctors will miss. Many general practitioners aren’t really looking for parasites or thinking of that as a cause of health symptoms. So we’re going to be addressing that today on the podcast.

The Live to 110 Podcast is solely informational in nature. Please consult your healthcare practitioner before engaging in any treatment that we suggest today on this show. The Live to 110 Podcast is for entertainment purposes only.

I’m really excited for the launch of the Body Bio Rehab. That’s my new online health program. You can find that at That should be launching on May 1st 2015. It’s going to be addressing all of the basic health concepts that people need to address in order to be healthy.

It will be addressing diet. There will be a 30-day meal plan for you to follow and recipes and my upcoming Modern Paleo Cookbook. There’s going to be a supplement plan you can follow, just basic supplements that everyone should be taking every day.

We’re going to be addressing stress issues. A lot of people have to have some tools in order to defeat stress and to manage stress, reduce it. I want to give you lots of tips and tricks about stress reduction.

Exercise is a big one. A lot of my clients always wonder what types of exercises should they be doing and how much. I’m going to be giving a lot of tips about that as well.

We’re also going to be talking about sleep, how to improve your sleep hygiene and so many more things. There’s going to be lots of contents including videos, really hilarious videos of me exercising. There are lots of good stuff for you guys.

And it’s really, really affordable. It’s only going to be $49. I wanted to make this really accessible to the most people. There are just lots of great content, a lot of bang for your buck. So go check that out at

02:50 about Dr. Edward Group

Today, our guest is Dr. Edward Group. Edward F. Group III founded Global Healing Center in 1998 and currently serves as Chief Executive Officer. He had studied natural healing method for over 20 years. And over his leadership, Global Healing Center has earned recognition as one of the largest alternative, natural and organic health resources in the world.

At the forefront of research and development team, Dr. Group assumes a hands-on approach to producing new and advanced degenerative disease products and information. Dr. Group centers his philosophy around the understanding that the root cause of disease stems from the accumulation of toxins in the body and is exacerbated by daily exposure to a toxic living environment.

He has made it his personal mission to teach and to promote philosophies that produce good health, clear environment and positive thinking.

Dr. Group, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Dr. Ed Group: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it!

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I love your website, Global Healing Center. I reference it a lot myself because there’s really not a lot of sites on the Internet that talk about some of the lesser known metals like strontium and barium and others.

Dr. Ed Group: Right! I mean, it’s really about education, exactly what you’re doing, getting the information out so people can do their own research or they can have good areas or good links or somewhere they can go to find out about the things that are causing them to be ill basically.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, thank you for doing that. You have a wonderful website. I love your website. So why don’t you tell people a little bit more about yourself and how you got started in the health field.

Dr. Ed Group: I actually got started in chemistry because my dad was a chemist. He was the co-developer of saran wrap, which everybody uses, which is ultimately, one of those things that I’m trying to eliminate or tell people to stay away from.

He advanced into one of the co-creators of PVC plastics too. And unfortunately, I think that there were some foul play at hand or whatever, but he ended up dying real rapidly of cancer. I found out years later that he was about to publish an article that plastics are cancer-causing agents, and phthalates and everything.

So at least I found out later on that he actually did know that, which made me feel a little bit better. By getting in to where I am right now, I did have a little bit of a background in chemistry and biochemistry except it was the book way of doing things.

I was always taught, “Listen to your teachers” even though I never wanted to listen to them in school. I was the one that was sent to the psychiatrist’s office and told I would never amount to anything and nobody can really understand me. I was having these visions and all these other stuff that was going on.

I really wanted to go to medical school and be a heart surgeon. That’s what my dream was. And right before I was going to go into medical school, I met a guy just by happenstance and we started talking about medicine and stuff like that. I had previously taken all the prerequisite courses, all the chemistry and organic chemistry and stuff like that. It was literally ingrained into our head that pharmaceuticals was the way to go. And anything outside of pharmaceuticals was witchcraft, charlatans, none of it ever worked. You believe it if someone tells you enough times that that’s the way it is.
And so he was actually treating cancer naturally. He was involved in some natural cancer research. He told me, “Go pick any pharmaceutical if you believe in them so much and break it down. You have a background in biochemistry and tell me how that’s actually going to do some good to the body.” I was like, “Well, we wouldn’t have all the pharmaceuticals out there if they weren’t good. We have the best scientists in the world doing them.”

It took me like two hours in the library looking up and breaking down the constituents and the chemicals that are in the pharmaceuticals and then cross-reference, which they never tell you, of course, how to do because it’s very easy to figure out. I was just in shock basically. I mean, this is covering up something. This is actually damaging something. This is blocking an enzymatic reaction or blocking the natural process of some of these organs.

And right then, I knew. The blinders came off and I was like, “Oh, my gosh! Has everything I’ve ever been taught false?”

I mean, I had to think that way at that point forward because here I was thinking that this was all good and I realized that it wasn’t. And then, I went back to him and told him to teach me everything he knows and just dove in to spiritual healing, all different types of herbal healing, any type of energetic healing, learning about the earth, learning about myself, learning about spirituality, learning about emotions, all of the things that are connected when you look at healing.

He taught me everything. At that point in time, I really wanted to focus on cancer because he was focusing on cancer. And really if you can get rid of cancer, everything else is easy.

And so we started doing cancer research and degenerative disease research and looking for the root cause of cancer and looking for the root cause of degenerative disease. And we found that the root cause of all disease is just basically too many toxins and chemicals coming in through the food and the water and the air. It’s suppressing the body’s self-healing mechanism.

So our main goal was to reactivate or teach somebody how to reactivate their own body’s self-healing mechanism.

And so we opened up a cancer and degenerative disease clinic in 1998 here in Houston and we were extremely successful. Most of our patients were cancer patients. And what we would do that was different than any of the other doctors, natural doctors out there, we were using ozone and different types of IVs and hyperthermia, all kinds of technologies, blue sharks’ stem cell.

But one thing we were doing different is we were detoxifying. And what we were doing is we were cleansing their intestines before. We were doing multiple liver and gallbladder cleanse, parasite cleanses, kidney cleanse, chemical and heavy metal cleanse and preparing their body. Everybody we would talk to, they came to see us, would come in with bags full of supplements. And then we would say “Well, what did the doctors do to clean you out first before you started taking all those supplements?” and they said, “Nothing.”
So we really took two steps back instead of two steps forward. We got to the point where we were so successful with cancer that we had the royal family flying in from London sometimes. We had high-end people coming in.

But we made the mistake of publishing some of our results online and within about eight weeks, we were raided by the FDA. We were shut down. All of our files were taken. I had death threats. I was told, “Don’t ever do this again.”

It was a shock because why wouldn’t I be mainstream news? You’re getting 70% success rates with cancer and every degenerative disease while the pharmaceutical companies and chemo therapy and radiation are only 4% successful and then it usually comes back after the fifth year anyway?

So that was kind of a shock. And then I really realized the conspiracy behind the money-making and keeping people ill and keeping people sick forever and never addressing the root cause of why people are sick to begin with.

So that’s what led me into developing products. A lot of the products we were using, it was really hard to find good products without any fillers, any excipients and GMO stuff in there. So I started really focusing on teaching people how to cleanse themselves.

The first book I wrote was Health Begins in the Colon because when we looked at the root cause of all disease, we realize that if someone is taking in a million disease-causing toxins on a daily basis, but they’re only able to eliminate 500,000 disease-causing toxins on a daily basis, those are going to accumulate wherever and cause symptoms and disease. We tracked it back and found that 98% of all of those chemical toxins that are coming into the body that cause disease end up coming in through the intestines.

So that’s why we developed the first product, which was an oxygen intestinal cleanse, so people can keep their intestines clean on a regular basis. That’s why we focus so much on teaching people how to address the root cause of disease and how to reactivate their body’s own self-healing mechanism.

12:24 Oxygen Supplementation

Wendy Myers: So how does the oxygen supplement work exactly?

Dr. Ed Group: Well, actually, when we realized that people eating the standard American diet and people exposed to all the chemicals and toxins, they really need to keep their intestines clean two to three times a week. Otherwise, you’re going to have the proteins turning putrefactive, the carbohydrates fermenting and the fats turning rancid and the average has two to three bowel movements a week.

People always say, “Well, I have bowel movements every day because I drink coffee,” but then we take them off the coffee and they go four days without a bowel movement. So really, everybody is constipated and people aren’t drinking enough water.

So we had to find a way, a safe way to clean the intestines on a regular basis. We looked at cascara, celeum, cena, all the different herbs, but then we found that those cannot be used on a regular basis because they can cause permanent damage to the intestinal lining.

So it ends up that we wanted to use oxygen. Oxygen is the universal healing agent. But we wanted to use a reactive oxygen species, something that could neutralize the toxins because most toxins are positively charge. But we had to literally invent something that we could stabilize O1 molecules onto a magnesium compound.

Nikola Tesla and Eugene Blas in 1898 found a way to do that. We uncovered some of these. It took us seven years to develop a stabilized oxygen product that is stabilized reactive oxygen species. It’s more like a magnesium superoxide that you take and it slowly releases the oxygen into your intestines and cleans and neutralizes all the toxins in there.

And so you do it at night and you wake up in the morning and everything just gets flushed out. It turns solid matter to a liquid or a gas through oxidation reduction and it’s healthy for you because you get the extra oxygen coming into your system too. And it can be used without any damage. As a matter of fact, it actually helps heal the intestinal lining.

Wendy Myers: That sounds amazing. Is that similar to ozone?

Dr. Ed Group: It is similar to ozone. Ozone is O3, but this would be O1. Both are the same thing. It’s a reactive oxygen species. O2 is stable by itself because that’s what we breathe. O1 and O3, O4, O5, everything above O3 is going to be a reactive oxygen species. So it’s going to find something instantaneously to bond to or to neutralize.

And that’s why ozone therapy is so effective, hydrogen peroxide therapy. All of that is so effective in the body because we’re really oxygen deficient due to the fact that we’ve gone from 29% oxygen in the air down to 6% oxygen in some places. And oxygen is really what we need to survive and what we need to cleanse our body with except we just don’t have enough of it left.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. I’m big on oxygen therapy as well. I think it’s so important. I use the ozone toothpaste and what-not to clean my mouth out.

Dr. Ed Group: Yeah, we produce an ozonated olive oil paste too that people brush their teeth with and that’s amazing.

Just a little tip, something that people can use. A lot of people go in to the teeth whitening places. They go in and they sit in that chair with that UV light for 45 minutes. There’s a trick that you can whiten your teeth whiter than if you were to go in and pay $199 for that treatment. If you just take a little ozonated olive oil and you mix a capsule of activated charcoal in there and you use one of the Sonic Care toothbrushes and you just brush your teeth with it for about a minute and then rinse your mouth out, your teeth will be shiny bright.

Wendy Myers: Wow! I have to do that. I have both of those products. I have to do that.

Dr. Ed Group: Yeah, it’s amazing.

16:43 Parasites

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk a little bit about parasites. Parasites are a big problem. A lot of people have parasites today. Can you talk a little bit about the prevalence of parasite infection in people?

Dr. Ed Group: Great subject because not too many people talk about it and parasites are one of the things that we found when we had our cancer clinic and degenerative disease clinic that every single person that came through door had. They had an overgrowth of parasites.

Most people just associate parasites with worms, but a parasite is really anything that lives off of a host’s mechanism, that’s the definition, which means viruses, bacteria, candida, funugus. We have mycoplasms, protozoa, worms. There’s not one person on the planet right now that to a certain degree doesn’t have a certain amount of parasites.

The World Health Organization has come out and said that people are infested with parasites. I’ve always said from a long time ago that we had a worldwide epidemic with parasites. So the prevalence of parasites are everywhere and everybody should be concerned.

Hulda Clark with her cancer research associated the liver fluke and associated parasites with every disease. Royal Raymond Rife who was an innovator (they came up with the Rife microscope and also came up with the Rife machine, which would send out different kinds of frequencies to counteract and neutralize different diseases) looked at different diseases under the microscope and associated every disease with some sort of parasite.

So it’s one of the most important things. They’re everywhere in our environment, in the home, in the air, in the food, in the water. They’ve existed for millions and millions of years. Every living substance (plants, animals, humans) all have parasites living in their body.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Dr. Ed Group: So it’s a big, huge deal. I actually developed a parasite product years ago when we had our cancer clinic because I wanted to put together a lot of different things, a broad spectrum parasite product. Our products have no toxic fillers, excipients. They’re all vegan-friendly, GMO-free, organic ingredients if we can find them. That’s not to say you can’t get plenty of parasite products out there, but what I recommend is everybody does a parasite cleanse at least once a year.
It’s one of those problems that can mimic any single symptom of any single disease too. And what we found, even when we went through juicing regimens with people, we had them on raw food, we had all different types of hardcore supplements that they were taking, if you don’t do a parasite cleanse and cleanse the body off parasites, they can still live unless you use specific herbs and everything with a raw vegan or with whatever. I mean, no matter how healthy you are, it doesn’t matter. If you don’t kill the parasites, they’re still going to live in your system.

And what we found was even though we were trying to alkalize people’s bodies with raw foods and everything else, a lot of times, people that had a certain level of parasites in their system, the parasites secrete isopropyl alcohol, they secret formalin, formaldehyde, all different types of acid-based compounds when they go to the bathroom in your system. So no matter what you’re doing, if you don’t take care of the parasites, it’s going to be hard for your body to regenerate and it’s going to be hard for your body’s self-healing mechanic to be activated so it can take care of whatever you need to take care of.

Wendy Myers: Do you still have that parasite product available on your website?

Dr. Ed Group: I do! As a matter of fact, I just redid it. We constantly redo the products when we have better access to, let’s say, freeze dried green walnut hulls, which are stronger. And later on, I’ll go over some of the most effective herbs that we found in parasite products. But I do have it available.

The one on the site right now is a liquid formula, but the one that we have in stock that we’re going to be putting up there in the next couple of days, it went back to a capsule formula.

One of the reasons we did that is number one, we were able to get some more organic herbs. We were able to add an enzyme blend in there that helps chew away at the membranes of the parasites. And number three, we wanted to put higher levels of diatomaceous earth in there.

Diatomaceous earth is one of the best things that we found especially for worms in the intestinal tract to make sure everything is clean and functioning good and that you can cleanse everything out. So we combined diatomaceous earth, high-level strength enzymes with like four or five different herbs that we can kill or neutralize the parasites with.

22:17 Parasitic Symptoms

Wendy Myers: So what are some of the signs that people have a parasite? I think you said that they mimic certain diseases and health conditions. Are there any specific signs that people can look for to know that they have a parasite?

Dr. Ed Group: Usually, you’re going to start feeling fatigued. You’re going to start being tired. You could have abdominal pain, bowel problems, bloating, gas. You could have bouts of diarrhea or constipation. When we were studying the symptoms of parasites, yes. I mean, every single symptom that a person would have with heart disease, fibromyalgia, diabetes, cancer, you name it, you can also –

That’s why it’s so hard. First of all, no doctors do testing for parasites, but it’s really hard to determine do you really have that disease that your doctor says you have or do you really just have toxicity. What we found out is that you never have the disease. All the thousands of diseases that are in the manual and everything except for like Down Syndrome and stuff that’s genetic, I mean, any acquired condition or degenerative condition, anything, is all caused by either too many toxins coming into your body or some form of a parasite, which cause mental illness, which cause stress, which cause everything else.

Skin conditions, dry skin, psoriasis, eczema, usually associated with fungus and different types of parasites, other toxins as well, weight loss or weight gain, headaches, blurred vision, depression, pretty much you name it, you can assure yourself that you might have parasites.

And some people have a small amount of parasites in their body, some people have a medium amount of parasites in their body, some people have a large amount of parasites in the body. You might actually see in a severe case – one time, we had someone come in where you can literally see the worms crawling underneath their skin. They had so many of them in their body.

Sometimes, it gets to the point where people have so many worms in their intestinal tract that it causes complete blockage and they have to actually go in and do surgery and take out these big lumps of worms.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, I actually had a client that she started doing coffee enemas on my suggestion. She had clumps of worms coming out of her, just huge clumps.

Dr. Ed Group: Argh!

Wendy Myers: Are you into coffee enemas?

Dr. Ed Group: I used to love doing coffee enemas. And I am a fan of coffee. It’s just one of the things that we used to use in our cancer clinics. So I do recommend coffee enemas, but I also recommend that people also do other things.

It’s one piece of the puzzle of the full-blown approach, the full body approach of addressing what goes into the body and also, what the body is exposed to in their external environment. So it’s really cleaning the internal environment and then cleaning the external environment.

For the coffee enemas, of course, I recommend using organic coffee and also using distilled water for that. But coffee enemas had been around for a long time. You can even add silver in there if you want, colloidal silver. You can add some additional things in there to kind of sup it up.

Wendy Myers: That’s a good idea.

Dr. Ed Group: So yeah, I definitely do coffee enemas.

Wendy Myers: And do you think that they help you to lose probiotics? A lot of people are fearful that you lose probiotics and I try to tell them, “No, they’re not going all the way up your colon. They’re only going a small amount of your colon, maybe the first third, so you’re not going to be devastating your probiotic population.” What do you think?

Dr. Ed Group: I don’t really think so. I think there’s more factors to damage your probiotics like alcohol, excessive alcohol, aluminum, some of the pesticides in food, some of the phthalates, some of plastics, some of the Bt toxins in genetically modified foods. More probiotics get destroyed through people drinking diet sodas, regular sodas, just an imbalance. When the normal intestinal probiotics system gets imbalanced, they’re getting too much yeast in there or it gets too acidic in the bowel.

Seventy to eighty percent of your immune system is in the bowel. The intestines are the largest endocrine organ. It’s actually an endocrine gland. You have 30 to 35 ft. When you’re talking about doing a coffee enema, you’re really just talking about the colon. But really, the 25 ft. of the intestinal tract, the small intestine is really important because that’s really where the food is coming down and that’s the first exposure point to all those chemicals and toxins and everything else. That’s really where you need to break things down and where a lot of the damage occurs and the inflammation occurs.

To this day, it still baffles me why the medical community hasn’t recognized the importance of the appendix. That was one of the things we were looking at when we were studying the intestines and we were studying the bowels, what’s going on with the appendix? We actually had to find research from Russia (like old research from Russia and Germany). We had to have it translated because we found out how important the appendix really is, that the appendix about the size of your pinky finger is really the brain in your body.

If you look at a computer and you have a microchip that runs everything, the appendix is really our microchip computer. The research that was done in Russia and over in Germany, they found that the appendix actually controls the neurological, the lymphatic, everything.

And it’s common sense. Why wouldn’t your brain or the microcomputer system be located in the intestines? It’s right there at the juncture at the small and the large intestine when everything is broken down.
How is your brain going to read what you’re putting in your body? It’s not because it’s not in direct contact with it. So the appendix actually reads every single thing through energy that you have in your body and it prepares and sends messages to the brain, the lymphatic system, the neurological system, all the different systems as to what you’re putting in your body and it prepares the systems to produce enzymes or to produce whatever it needs to produce so you can utilize those things effectively.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I knew it just couldn’t be good to remove a part of our body. Certainly, if you have an emergency situation, that might be lifesaving. But I think for many people, it’s so important.

Dr. Ed Group: That’s why it’s so important to protect your intestines because the intestines are really the most important gland, if you want to say, in the endocrine system to keep everything from being absorbed into the bloodstream.

And then the second most important organ in my research would be the liver because the liver is just so overburdened. And again, talking about parasites, the liver fluke. The liver gets so congested. It’ll be like an oil filter that’s pack full of black sludge and you can’t even push oil through it anymore hardly.

I tell people that have high blood pressure, “You don’t have high blood pressure. You have a congested liver. Whenever the heart is trying to push blood through the liver passageways and it’s so congested, the heart has to beat stronger and faster to try to push it through.” It’s just like if you have a clumped up oil filter and you’re trying to push oil through it, it won’t go through, so you have to have a stronger pump and a pump that beats faster.

We didn’t realize how important the liver was because we were just doing one liver cleanse with everybody and they were still showing signs until people started doing multiple liver cleanses.

We had a guy that was sent home to die with fourth stage cancer. This was years ago. He was only given two weeks to live. He ordered like two or three liver cleanses. He did the first one and he felt a little bit better. Then he did the second one. Well, he didn’t die. That was the second week because it takes five days.

So he was like, “Hmmm… that’s strange. I didn’t die. What’s going on? I might as well just do another liver cleanse,” so he did another one. He just kept doing it and doing it. He just thought, “Wait! Maybe I’m not going to die. Maybe I’m not going to die.”

On the 26th liver cleanse, 26 weeks later, he was feeling so good he went back to his doctor. His doctor did an evaluation on him and all of his cancer was completely gone.

Wendy Myers: Wow!

Dr. Ed Group: So at that point, we were thinking, “Maybe one liver cleanse is just not enough.” What we found out is we were just barely scratching the surface with one liver cleanse. That’s how congested it is. When we found out that all these toxins are coming in, they’re getting absorbed into the bloodstream through leaky gut syndrome, then they’re going through the liver because they had to be processed and broken down.

The liver can only handle so much in this day and age with all the chemicals that it’s exposed to. And the thing is that normal blood work at a physician’s office will not reveal any of these. We found that people with liver stones, people that have liver flukes – which is a major cause of cancer and degenerative disease, which is a parasite.

Parasites love bad stuff. That’s why you get cravings for sweets and sugar and carbohydrates. Everything that’s bad for you, a parasite loves and thrives on.

So the liver, all these high fructose corn syrup and all these garbage that’s coming in that the liver is having to process, it just can’t keep up with the demand. It’d be like a treadmill going 20 miles an hour and you’re only able to run five miles an hour. It just can’t. The liver just gets congested and clogged up.

We’re seeing that even in children these days. Look at obesity in children and parasitic infections in children. I had a mom come in the other day. She brought her son in that’s been to 20 different doctors for the last year and unfortunately, had been put on severely strong antiparasitics and nothing had helped.

A lot of doctors just prescribe antibiotics for everything, even viral infections. This kid, this 5-year old kid was severely anemic because the hook worms and everything, they dig in, they suck your blood. And whenever they suck your blood, you become iron deficient, you become anemic, you turn white and pale in your face. You have cold. You feel cold, which is another symptom of some type of parasitic infections that are actually taking your blood. They were coming out! They were just coming out of him every time he went to the bathroom.

So within a week on being a good program, those were already taken care of. But the thing with parasites, they have about a six week cycle, the majority of them. So it’s not like you could just take a couple of pills for one day and forget about it because they can lay millions and millions and millions of eggs in your body every single day – a hundred million sometimes, they can lay inside your body.

If you have any pets, if you eat sushi, for sure, you’re going to have parasites in your system. So that’s why I recommend everybody does a parasite cleanse every single year if not two times a year. It’s not hard to do. All you’re doing is taking some capsules.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

35:03 Testing for Parasites

Wendy Myers: What tests do you like to use for parasites? When I see clients, I just assume that everybody has parasites. If you have any kind of health condition, you probably have parasites. But do you do any testing? What tests do you like to do?

Dr. Ed Group: I don’t do testing. Well, I’ll ask the patient. First of all, I don’t even think you need to do testing. I think it’s an unnecessary expense. I’ll just say, “Look, you have symptoms. You have parasites. I put every single person on a 9-step cleanse. I mean, I do the same thing for every single person. It’s been tried and tested with hundreds and thousands of people. We’ve got over 3000 documented cases of every single disease that you can imagine that’s gone just after cleansing the body and that’s the only thing I did.”

So I know how powerful cleansing is. It’s really in the simplicity of things. The earth cleanses themselves, the animals cleanse themselves naturally. It’s just the natural order of things. And I’m talking cleansing the body and then also, cleansing the external environment. You can’t clean your body and go eat McDonald’s and stuff every day still too.

But the testing, I would use a dark field microscopy. You can use the tape method to look for pin worms. Just put some tape around the anal cavity and then look at it under the microscope. That’s a very easy, cost-effective way to look for pin worms.

Usually, the medical doctors don’t know how to do testing for parasites, but a lot of chiropractors actually do – environmental toxin testing, as well as parasite testing. Usually, what they’ll do is do it through a stool sample or they’ll do it through blood work.

If for some reason – I mean, I usually just let the individual know, “Look, I’m going to put you on a parasite cleanse anyway for six weeks. If you want to see what you have, we could do any of those tests. It might be $500 to do them all. If not, we can just put you on a cleanse. If you want to see before and after, that’s fine. If you want to spend the money, we can do that. If not, it doesn’t really matter, you’re still going to be doing the same thing to get rid of the parasites.”

I’ll show them a couple of videos and I’ll explain. What you do, it’s about education. It’s about teaching people about the things that can alter their health and give them the symptoms and give them solutions too to the situation. If they want testing, I’ll do it. If not, we’ll just go ahead and put them on a parasite cleanse program.

As a matter of fact, the FDA came in and told me that I’m not even allowed to use the word ‘parasite’ anymore. So I had a whole site about parasites and how to help yourself and get rid of them. They made me take all of those down and they made me change the word ‘parasite’ to ‘harmful organism’. So it just goes to show you that they know and the pharmaceutical companies know, all the psychotropic drugs – I mean, I really think that a lot of the mental illnesses, one of the contributing factors is an overgrowth of parasites in the body. That’s been proven, that it can cause depression, anxiety, bouts of mental illness, whether it’s suicidal thoughts, you name it.

The DSM, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual has over 500 mental illnesses now, so any one of those things can be linked to parasites now because of the toxic compounds.

As a matter of fact, one-third of the average person’s fecal matter is fecal matter from the parasites within their body.

Wendy Myers: Wow! Wow! That’s disgusting.

Dr. Ed Group: Yes. Yeah, no!

Wendy Myers: I am going to be doing a parasite cleanse very soon. I’m actually doing a liver flush right now with malic acid. I’m doing a week of malic acid and doing some flushes. It’s very important! It’s very important to constantly flush your body out and do parasite cleanses.

39:20 Cleanse Sequence

Wendy Myers: Is there a certain order in which you do things where you fix the gut first and then this and then that?

Dr. Ed Group: There is. And that was a lot of trial and error. We found that always, the gut needs to be first because everything is going to be pushed out through it. So you have to have a clean gut. The second thing that we do is we do liver and gallbladder cleansing because the liver needs to get its phase I and phase II detoxification system up and running again. You need to push out all those stones, all that fatty stuff that’s been stored in the liver. Let the liver push out all the chemicals and toxins that it’s been storing.

Once the liver and gallbladder is cleaned, then we move on to – not in all the cases, but in some cases, we’ll move on to a kidney cleanse just because we want the kidneys functioning good before the last step, which is going to be the chemical and heavy metal cleanse.

You can go straight from a liver cleanse right into the parasite cleanse after that or if you’re going to do a kidney cleanse, we would do the kidney cleanse and then go into the parasite cleanse.

We usually will keep them at least two weeks on the parasite cleanse and then we can go ahead and start the chemical and heavy metal cleanse. So all in all, to do everything, going from an intestinal, liver and gallbladder cleanses, kidney cleanse, parasite cleanse and chemical and heavy metal cleanse. Usually, you can do that in about a 90-day period.

41:00 Supplements for Eradicating Parasites

Wendy Myers: And so what are some of the supplements that you use to help to eradicate parasites?

Dr. Ed Group: Well, actually one thing that we’ve noticed that is a parasite, but it’s not really talked about too much as a parasite that we’ve seen in practically every person is candida and different fungi. I don’t know, it’s like a fungus among us.

Now, we have more Gehlin’s disease out there where these strange fibers are growing out of people. We have all these man-made viruses and influenza-type bird flu, swine flu type viruses that are affecting people, bacteria.

So now, it’s kind of like a multifaceted approach. You almost have to use some antifungal agents as well as some antibacterial agents, as well as some antiviral agents and then use some stuff for worms too.
For the majority of stuff out there as far as the traditional parasite or worms, I love diatomaceous earth for cleansing the intestinal tract because the diatomaceous earth will slice tiny, tiny holes in the worm’s bodies and they’ll bleed to death or their fluids will come out, so it’s a really good way to eliminate those. That’s been used for ages in animals and it’s also really good to use for your pets as well.

Worm wood, obviously, is a really good herb to use. Worm seed, actually, which is epazote, that’s another good herb to use that we use. We use cassia bark, we use clove bud. And what I love to use is black walnut, which is a broad spectrum. Not only is it great for many types of worms, but it’s also good across the board for any type of disease, immune system support, viruses, bacteria and stuff like that.

Garlic, just a plain garlic extract, barberis, golden seal would be another one, Oregon grape, anise.
Anise is also really good for candida. What I found that works the best really though – those are mostly for worms and some of the other things, but I also incorporate silver, a powerful HVAC-produced nanosilver, which is a broad spectrum antimicrobial for some of the smaller parasites like protozoa, some of the smaller viruses, bacteria and stuff like that.

One thing that works really good is oregano oil. I’ve used that for years. In my oregano oil, I activate it with 250,000 heat units of cayenne pepper. So if you add some cayenne into your oregano oil, it works a lot more effectively.

And oregano oil is for people who get the flu, people that don’t want to go get on antibiotics. Oregano is one of those substances that you really need to have the right amount in your system.

Let’s say an antibiotic, you need to take 500 mg. of this antibiotic three times a day. Well, the reason is it’s 500 mg. is because if they gave you 250 mg. three times a day, it wouldn’t work. There’s a certain threshold with herbs too. You can take too less and it won’t give you the therapeutic benefits or you take the right amount or it will.

Oregano is one of those things that we’ve tested over the last ten years. If you take about three drops of oregano oil, it would be good for [00:45:04]. But if you’re sick or you have some sort of infection, it really needs to be six to nine drops three times a day with food, of course, to reach those therapeutic benefits.

So for candida and fungus, the one thing that works really good is oregano oil. But also, there’s a probiotic out there that’s called Latero-Flora. The patent actually is owned by a company in California, O’Donnell Formulas. It is a probiotic actually that specifically attacks candida. We’ve used that by itself to totally eradicate even systemic candida.

It’s amazing what happens to your body when you completely get rid of all the parasites in there because not only are you getting rid of the worms, but you’re getting rid of all the candida and the fungus. That’s why so many people have cravings for sugar all the time. I mean, if you have cravings for sugar and carbohydrates, we start asking mothers a while back, a couple of years ago, about their children, “Does your child have a craving for sugar? Does your child have a craving for bread?” Ninety-eight percent of the answers were yes. They have to have their bread and they’re constantly asking me for some sugar.

Well, that’s because the children, they have candida excess in their body. The diet, the standard diet for children and what children are fed in public school is horrific with all the gluten and all the genetically-modified stuff. These poor children’s immune systems aren’t fully developed until they’re twelve or so, so their whole body and their neurological system and the way they think is being altered. And then of course, they’re being put on psychotropic drugs too at the same time.

47:13 A Few Tips from Dr. Group

Wendy Myers: Well, Dr. Group, do you have any more to add about how we can eradicate parasites from our body?

Dr. Ed Group: Well, yes. I mean, if you have pets, you want to make sure that you clean your pet of parasites. You can use the same things. I mean, you can just empty out the capsules. That’s what I do. I have a dog. I just empty a capsule of Paratrex in their food maybe once a week and I’ve never had my dog hit the vet, have heart worms.

We have people that use ours or other parasite formulas out there, it doesn’t matter, for horses, cows. People use diatomaceous earth for that.

So look around your environment, number one, and look at any sources that you might be taking parasites into your body. That’s going to be any time you touch your pet, make sure you wash your hand really good.
Also, you want to look at sushi. They evaluated pieces of sushi from restaurants all over and they found an average, an average of 10,000 parasite larva per inch of sushi.

Wendy Myers: Wow! I was laughing because I was just going to ask you about sushi, “What about sushi?” because I love sushi. No, I know. I must be crawling with parasites.

Dr. Ed Group: Well, the thing is if you eat sushi, there’s no doubt you will have parasites in your system. I mean, there’s no way around it. The air that we breathe, you can clean up the air in your house. I recommend people use the REME unit. It’s a company here in the United States.

Well, actually, the Chinese government tested air. They put together a team of scientists and tested all of the air purification systems from all over the world, from all the companies when the SARS was there. They only found a couple that actually killed the majority of things in the air and one of them was from a company here in the United States called RGF. They produce an air purification system that produces ionized hydroperoxides, which neutralize all of the parasites that are floating in the air that you breathe. So I recommend their units, which are called the REME unit, R-E-M-E. That’s how you clean your air.

A lot of parasites that people get are in the water. People drink tap water, which not only contains parasites, but it contains all types of harmful chemicals and toxins and everything else, so I would say make sure you’re drinking clean water.

That would mean get a good water purification system under your sink or just drink purified water or drink distilled water. I recommend anybody drinking distilled water to put a little bit of organic apple cider vinegar in there. The organic apple cider vinegar is going to re-energize the distilled water. It’s going to put the minerals and the vitamins and the enzymes and the probiotics and everything back in it. Kombucha tea is also really good to help heal the bowel, as well as apple cider vinegar is.

So you’ve taken care of your air and your water. Stop drinking all the harmful beverages out there that are causing malfunction in your intestinal lining.

And then food, switch to an organic, non-GMO, good, organic diet. You’re still going to get parasites, but you’re lessening the load of the toxins, so your body is not having to deal with all the pesticides and all the insecticide residue and all the chemicals and all the other stuff and it can focus more on balancing its own system.

And then just cleaning up your house area, where you live. Your bed, making sure there are not moulds and dust mites and everything around your living environment and doing a parasite cleanse once or twice a year. That’s pretty much about it.

Just being aware and listening to your body, listening to the symptoms your body gives you. Your body will always give you some sign or symptom at something is wrong. When your body gives you a headache, it’s not, “Oh, my gosh! I have a headache. I better run to the doctor for some pain medication.” Your body is trying to say, “Hey, excuse me. Something you did, probably within the last eight hours or so is causing your headache. Please look at what you did, what were you exposed to, what chemicals you touched, what did you eat, what did you drink and let’s figure out what the situation so that you can eliminate it from the exposure of your system.”

52:08 Kombucha

Wendy Myers: Yeah, you mentioned Kombucha tea. There are different camps out there. Some people think that Kombucha will promote wild yeasts in your body. But it contains [inaudible 00:52:16], which we know is a yeast that eats other yeasts. What are your thoughts on Kombucha and if it’s good for you or not?

Dr. Ed Group: Well, I started growing Kombucha probably 20 years ago. I mean, I think it’s good for you. If you just look at the components in it, as long as you don’t let it ferment to where it’s got too much alcohol in it, I think it’s healthy for you just because it’s a natural product.
I think that even doing a little bit of fermentation is really good because when you’re fermenting, that’s actually a natural process that takes place in nature all the time. You’re creating a culture of good bacteria that can have positive effects on your whole system.

I like Kombucha. I drink water and apple cider vinegar pretty much all day long.
Really, another good point is hydration. We are a dehydrated society and it’s really important for people to recognize and realize that they need to drink more water on a regular basis, especially purified water.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I agree with you. Absolutely, absolutely.

53:42 The Green Body Cleanse

Wendy Myers: So why don’t you tell us about your book, The Green Body Cleanse. I think this is a book that can help a lot of people. Can you tell the listeners a little bit more about it?
Dr. Ed Group: So basically, after about 15 years of research, what we did was we figured that we need to put together the solution for people, so people have an easy, not written medically and all these hard terms that people would have to understand and research, but in a fun way, give people the cause of all disease and what they can do to not only prevent disease, but also eradicate disease.

And really, what the whole book is based on is it talks about why we all have symptoms, where all the toxins are coming from, why these toxins are getting into the body. It breaks it down on how all these toxins and chemicals and things that we’re exposed to internally and externally initiate the disease process, how it initiates the symptom process and how you can take the steps to change your own life.

You don’t have to do everything all at once, but it just breaks it down. For example, table salt, the dangers of table salt, what it does to your body and then how you can just easily, the next time you go to the store, buy Celtic salt or Himalayan crystal salt and how you can make these changes slowly in your home by cleaning up the oxygen in the water and basically converting your body and your home from something that’s toxic to something that’s clean and green, so not only will you have a strong immune system and self-healing mechanism, but you’ll also be happy, you’ll live in a stress-free environment and you’ll prevent the pains and all the symptoms that people suffer with every single day.

It just amazes me that so many people suffer and can’t live their life. They’re not happy, they’re not self-confident, they’re going through emotional distress. A lot of times, we would ask people, “What makes you happy?” and they would just sit there and break down crying. “What do you do for fun?”, they just couldn’t answer those questions. And then we would say, “When was the last time you were really happy in your life?” and usually, they couldn’t even remember it.

It’s amazing, the transformations that can happen just in 90 days of taking care of your health and cleansing your body.

So that’s really what the book is about, The Green Body Cleanse. It’s just a new edition really from the original book, which is Health Begins in Your Colon. And now, it’s a transformational, educational resource that people can use. It really helps you identify all the things that you didn’t know about – how to read labels, how to identify everything that might be toxic in your kitchen, how to identify anything that might be toxic in the food that you’re eating, how to identify everything that might be toxic in what you’re drinking every single day, how to identify everything that might be toxic in the air that you’re breathing or in your living environment.

And then, it’s not like, “These are all the toxic things that are killing you, blah-blah-blah.” “This is how you identify it and this is how you replace it with something that is non-toxic, organic.” It’s not, “Okay, you have to eliminate every single thing in your life and you can’t do anything ever again.”
No, you’re going to replace your artificial sweeteners with natural sweeteners like Stevia or something. You’re going to replace your fluorescent light bulbs in your house with full spectrum. You’re going to put three plants in each room in your house to suck up toxins and increase more oxygen concentration. You’re going to get rid of that memory foam mattress that you’re breathing VOC’s all night long from and you’re going to replace it with an organic latex mattress. You’re not going to have your electronics plugged in right next to you while you sleep with your cell phone on your chest all night long. Just solutions to some of the things you would never realize that are taking place that people are doing all day long every day.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Well, Dr. Group, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. That was so educational. I learned a lot myself.

58:15 Find out more about Dr. Group and the Global Healing Center

Wendy Myers: Can you tell the listeners a little bit more about where they can find you and your future plans and anything more that you want the listeners to know?

Dr. Ed Group: Well, thanks. Everybody can go to We have a blog there that we try to post an article every single day. We have a wealth of information. You could search any condition, fluoride, you can search toxic metals, anything that you want to learn more about as far as vaccines are concerned, GMO foods, gluten, you name it, you can search for it and get a wealth of information.

If you want to do any of our cleanses, you can also find information on all of our cleanses. What we also have is a third party review system. A lot of times, people just want to see what happens. They want to hear from other people about what goes on. We have thousands of reviews. The reviews are 4.8 stars or above, which is just incredible in the nutriceutical industry, to even get reviews that high. You get to see and you get to hear other people’s stories, which is very comforting because there’s a lot of stuff out there online and it’s hard sometimes to find and choose between different things.

So we have all that information, the book information online. We also have Facebook, Global Healing Center on Facebook where we post all kinds of inspirational things there. That might be another thing that you’d like to sign up for. That’s pretty much it!

Also, we have an actual team of people here all day long that have been trained to sit and listen. Our customer support team, you don’t even have to buy anything from us. You can just call up and talk to anybody about your problem, they can stir you in the right direction, see what kind of nutriceuticals you’re on, see if that’s helping you.

Sometimes, people just want an ear to listen to. It’s been proven that doctors that actually listen to patients, after about 30 to 45 minutes, the patient’s immune system actually starts to become active again because the average time spent in a physician’s office now is less than seven minutes. Part of the healing process is allowing people to talk about their problem and actually listening to them.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you so much, Dr. Group. I really appreciate you coming on our show. I love your website. It’s a resource I go to a lot myself. I was very, very excited when you agreed to come on the podcast. So thank you for coming on.

Dr. Ed Group: Thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. Have a wonderful day.

Wendy Myers: You too!

Dr. Ed Group: Alright, take care. Bye.

Wendy Myers: If you want to learn more about me and detoxification and how to heal your health conditions naturally, you can go to my website, You can find out all about my natural healing and detox program called Mineral Power at and all about my online health program, only $49, it’s called Go there and sign up for when it launches on May 1st. Thank you so much for listening to the Live to 110 Podcast.

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