Transcript #14 How to Protect Yourself from EMF with Libby Darnell

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  • 00:00:30 Meet Dr. Libby Darnell
  • 00:03:50 How Dr. Darnell’s own illness prompted interest in EMFs
  • 00:04:50 What are EMFs?
  • 00:07:20 Popular sources of EMF radiation
  • 00:09:00 EMF linked to childhood Leukemia
  • 00:10:30 Are you a part of the 1/3 of the population with EMF hypersensitivity?
  • 00:12:20 The culprit of Darnell’s plummeting health and energy
  • 00:13:15 Darnell’s niece’s Angioblastoma diagnosis linked to EMF
  • 00:15:00 Measuring EMF units: what’s safe?
  • 00:15:45 Dirty electricity: what is it and when does it occur?
  • 00:22:00 Free and easy action steps to limit EMF exposure
  • 00:22:20 If you use these light bulbs, throw them out
  • 00:27:30 The heartbreaking problem with today’s children
  • 00:30:00 Couple develops terminal brain cancer after 6 months in EMF-filled home
  • 00:35:30 DIY: How to block your smart meter’s EMF signal
  • 00:38:00 Dr. Darnell’s concerns on 5G
  • 00:44:30 EMF Master Class and action checklist

Wendy Myers: Hello everyone, my name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Super Charged Podcast. Today we’re going to be talking with my friend Libby Darnell, of about the dangers of EMF. So this is a fantastic podcast where you are going to learn how EMF affects your body, how it affects your body’s energetic field, how it can lead to certain symptoms, we’re going to talk about the symptoms of EMF toxicity, how to measure EMF in your home and a lot of different action steps you can take to protect your body from EMF. We’ll talk about how EMF can contribute

[00:00:30] to cancers and childhood leukemias and a really, really interesting show because we know that electromagnetic fields impact our body’s energy field, and we talk a lot in this podcast about our body’s energetic field and how to correct our body’s functioning bio-energetically and of course anything that could impact your body’s communication systems in your energetic field. And EMF is one of those things that throws off your body’s communication systems, so it’s very important to talk about it, speaking in relation to your body’s energy field and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones. Our guest today, Dr. Libby Darnell, is the founder of Revived Living, and creator of the Revived Life Program. She helps high achieving women live their healthiest and happiest lives so they can leave an impact and create a legacy. Dr. Libby is a functional health practitioner, and doctor of Chiropractic. She works with patients dealing with everything from electro magnetic sensitivity exposure, to heavy metal toxicity and adrenal fatigue. Dr. Darnell graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 2010 and founded Planet Chiropractic and Health Solutions with her husband, Dr. Jeremy Darnell in West Dundee, Illinois. Dr. Darnell has written her own nutrition programs, taught hundreds of one-on-one workshops throughout the Chicago area on health and happiness and won Illinois Top Ten Chiropractor in 2016. After getting multiple referrals from her local coaching clients, Dr. Darnell created her online coaching university in order to help her transform her clients lives internationally. You can learn more about Dr. Libby Darnell at and download her EMF action step guide at

Wendy: Libby, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Libby: Oh, thanks so much Wendy for having me. I’m excited to be talking to you again.

Wendy: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself, your background and how you got into the health field?

Libby: Oh yeah, absolutely, so I am by trade a chiropractor. I’ve been adjusted since I was 2 weeks old. I’ve had this kind of amazing health life and then, when I got to college, I looked around and like all of my girlfriends were on medications and had issues. I thought, “ Oh,” I finally kind of connected the dots with preventative health care and taking care of yourself and not letting you just become a product of things around you. My husband and I are both chiropractors and we have an integrated health office in the Chicagoland area. I ended up getting into the topics

[00:03:50] of EMF specifically, so talking about electromagnetic frequencies because I got really sick. It spurred this health journey for myself to get better and then, kind of branched out from there. That’s how I got into talking about EMFs because nobody wakes up one day and is like, “You know what I’m going to research? Electromagnetic frequencies.” It’s not something … I’d rather research gluten-free foods for … That’s what I’d rather spend my time on, but this was just so cool when I got into it because so many people can benefit from it. I’m really excited that you’re bringing this topic to your listeners.

Wendy: Yeah and so, let’s talk about what our EMFs, for anyone that may not really be super familiar with it. There are electromagnetic fields. What does that mean exactly?

Libby: Yeah, so they have different names, so I’m just going to kind of say them all because some people have different understandings or different backgrounds and areas. There’s electromagnetic fields, there’s electromagnetic frequencies, there’s electromagnetic radiation. Some people talk [00:04:50] about RF. Some people use the term EMF. Some people say electromagnetically hypersensitive, all of those things kind of encompass this topic today. If you’ve heard any of those that’s what we’re talking about and essentially, what these frequencies are, are frequencies that are dissimilar to our own body’s frequencies. Wendy, you and I have a certain vibrational frequency. Everything that is living, plants, humans, everything since the dawn of time, we’ve always had this vibrational frequency. That’s really how we’ve survived and then, a hundred years ago-ish that’s when electrification was introduced, meaning Thomas Edison figured the light bulb out. We started introducing wiring into our homes. Then that’s when a lot of our health scenarios kind of started plummeting too. Now, there are other variables, but if anybody really wanted to dive into this topic that really does research electrification meaning, the introduction of electricity into urban areas and tracking that with childhood leukemia, it’s been documented. There’s a book called Dirty Electricity by Samuel Milham. It’s a really easy, short read, but it’s really great for people that want to kind of take another look into this field. I do link to it. I’m going to give all of your listeners a resource guide and I do link to that if they want to know. Anybody who is listening to what Wendy and I talk about, you’re listening, don’t worry about writing anything down. We’re going to get it all to you.

Wendy: Yeah, so there’ll be transcript. You can read too.

Libby: [00:07:20] Oh yeah and so really our bodies that have this set vibrational frequency are now next to things that have a totally different frequency and it affects us. Because all of our cells vibrate at this level, it can have far-reaching consequences. It can affect everything from how your body responds to insulin, like there’s a lot of research between being exposed to dirty electricity, which I’ll get into what that is and your body being desensitized to insulin, meaning now you’re diagnosed with diabetes and then, having mental health issues and having physical pain issues. It can have a lot of far-reaching consequences, but to kind of to just get started, think of our most common EMF sources. Typically that’s going to be things that we might be utilizing right now, so like if you’re listening to this on a cell phone, a cell phone as a form of electromagnetic frequency, an alternate frequency than your body. If you are using your Wi-Fi right now that’s another form of electromagnetic frequency. If you are in an area that has dirty electricity, meaning excess energy in the wiring system of your home that’s one form. Even your refrigerator motor, your deepfreeze motor, all of these things have an impact on us. A big key thing and I think one of the like most impactful that people can do immediately after listening to this is to swap out your light bulbs because that’s actually an exposure. We’ll get into all of that stuff, but there’s all these kind of sources and at the end of the day, just to kind of cut to the chase for those people listening, it’s not about being perfect. I’m in Chicago, there’s no way to live in a city and not have some level of exposure. Our job as practitioners, as parents, as healthy individuals is to simply say, “Okay, this is what I can control and just concentrate on controlling that.” That’s really all we can do. We’ve got to let the rest of everything else go because like we all talk about, you have to be cognizant of your nutrition. We’ve got to make sure that we’re reducing our EMFs that we’re reducing screen time with our kids. That kind of thing. There’re so many variables when it comes to being healthy, we just want to give people some solid action steps that they can start today to get better.

Wendy: Yeah, sorry, were you going to say something?

Libby: No, go for it.

Wendy: Okay, great. Let’s talk a little bit about how EMFs affect our bodies. You had mentioned that with the introduction of electricity that childhood leukemia rates

[00:09:00] have increased. We also see that in the literature, where if you have high exposure to EMF that children can develop leukemia. Can you talk a little about that and the negative health consequences and symptoms people can have if they’re sensitive to EMFs or just too overexposed?

Libby: Absolutely, so what the research tells us is from a cellular level, if everybody thinks back to high school biology, you’ve got your electrons, your protons, your neutrons and they’ll spin around the atoms of our cells. We’ve got things called photons and what those do is they just organize everything in our bodies in a sense of space and time. I think of them as the conductor of our body symphony. They’re very much influenced by alternate frequencies. What happens is let’s say that you temporarily pick up your cell phone and you’re talking on it and we’re adults in this scenario. We’re talking on our cell phone. That is actually going to impact those photons in our cells and again, there’s a research backing that up. However, our bodies are designed to heal. If it’s a short-term exposure, it kind of throws that orchestra off

[00:10:30] temporarily. Then, our body kicks in, heals and we move on with life, but now that’s not our only exposure. It’s not like we’re temporarily talking on our cellphone. We’re temporarily talking on our cell phone while being exposed to our Wi-Fi next to dirty electricity, talking on our Bluetooth and the list goes on. Again that’s where the symptoms can really vary, depending on your exposure levels. For whatever reason, science has also told us that about a third of the population is going to be really sensitive, meaning manifest symptoms to this topic. Just because you don’t have symptoms, doesn’t mean it’s not affecting you on a cellular level. I always tell people, “Just because you know you’re not hypersensitive to it, doesn’t mean that it’s not impacting you.” I’m going to kind of give a couple of examples.

For me, when I got sick, I work 12 hours a day, love what I do, love taking care of people. I got a device called a BioMeridian. The BioMeridian device itself is a noninvasive way of checking for food sensitivities and chemical sensitivities and it can help you develop supplement regimens and food and nutrition guidelines. It’s a great device, I love it. However, for me, being the tester, being the one that’s testing everyone on that device, I was doing it for hours and hours and hours every day. My symptoms started with just extreme fatigue. I would get up sluggishly and I was a morning person, I like my feet at the ground, I’m up before my alarm. I’m happy, one of those kind of obnoxious people. What happened I just totally changed, so the fatigue set in and then, I just noticed I couldn’t articulate the words I was thinking anymore. I felt like I was an intelligent person and literally, I could think of the words and they just would not come out of my mouth. I could look at a person, almost feel like, “How am I supposed to be taking care of people at this point?”Then, I kind of cascaded to where if I wasn’t at work, I was in bed, didn’t

[00:12:20] matter if I had eaten. When I was sleeping, it was just horrific. At one point, the worst that it ever got, I turned to my husband and I said, “I’m pretty sure I’m going to start hearing voices.” I started calling everybody I knew, trying to figure out what was going on. Finally, somebody’s like, “What’s the one thing that has changed that’s happened overnight, what’s the one thing that has changed?” I was like, “Oh yeah, I got that BioMeridian.” It was like the light bulbs went on ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. I realized, “Okay that was the culprit.” At that point, I started investing money and time into learning how to get well. I’ve got my life back within a couple of months just in that learning process, but that’s why I talk about this now. Then, I

[00:13:15] have a niece. Her name is Kiana and at the age of seven, this happened actually just like a year after I got my health back, she was diagnosed with anglioblastoma. She was given a very short period of time to live.

Wendy: Oh.

Libby: My husband and I and her family, we picked her up, expedited a passport and went to Spain and did everything that we could to try to figure out okay what caused this. A lot of the talk around cancer, so for her, it’s a tumor in her brain stem, so it’s inoperable. Really, there’s no conventional medical options given at that point. For us, it was, “Okay, what caused this?” There’s always a cause. If the cancer is in the body, it doesn’t just happen, there’s got to be a cause and that was our goal, figure out what it was. Dr. Raymond Hilu is the doctor that we saw there and he does alive blood cell analysis. He tested all of us and when we put her blood up on the big screen for us to see, instead of seeing, you can kind of picture in your head red blood cells freely floating through. Well, they were all clumped together, so it was almost like her blood was coagulated. The membranes of her cells were transparent. You can even see a membrane. Everything was kind of freely floating. He immediately said, “She is EMF sensitive and she’s had some horrific exposure.” We also saw mercury freely floating through her blood stream. What we did right away was we called Dave Stetzer, who is an electrical engineer in Wisconsin. We had her home tested. We had her school tested and I’ve got charts and kind of all of this stuff kind of showing, people if they want to see a visual representation of what those tests look like, I’ve got those on my website, which is

[00:15:00] You can actually see all of that but just to kind of give you a frame of reference, under 2,000 units, when you’re testing someone’s home is going to be considered biologically safe. What we’re testing for in that scenario is dirty electricity, so under 2,000 units is safe. Her bedroom and it was the only room in the house that tested this high, even remotely this high was at 42,000. Her classroom was at 60,000.

Wendy: Do you know what was causing that?

Libby: It was the dirty electricity in her home, which to kind of jump to that topic because it’s something that’s so easy to fix. Dirty electricity happens when energy comes

[00:15:45] from our grid system, so we’ve got our substations that are power houses and energy comes from the grid system and travels through wires, gets to your home and powers your home. Then, in theory that same amount of energy powers your home and then, it travels back, but because we were on what’s called the Y system, some of the countries, they run on a delta system. It’s different, it’s a closed-loop system. Ours is not. What happens is that energy comes from the grid, goes to our house and instead of having a thick enough neutral wire for that energy to go back to the grid system, it comes out in an excess form, where it’s actually, you can measure it. There’s devices that you use to measure this. You can measure it coming out of the wiring in your home. For her, she has all of this different wiring for different devices in their home. It was a hot spot right in her bedroom. That’s one of the big things that if I could ask people to do, especially if you have kids because they’re so impacted by this is get a meter. It’s $100, you can test your outlets and see how bad that scenario is for you. Then, it’s really simple. You just plug in a filter and it takes away all that excess. Now, energy is lazy. It will go back to the grid system in the most efficient manner, so because our neutral return wires are not thick enough to support the amount of energy returning to the grid, what we’ve done in this Y system is we’ve grounded along our poles that returned to the grid, we’ve actually put a grounding rod, so now the energy travels through
the ground to get back to the grid station.

Wendy: So it fries you when you’re walking on the ground, trying to do grounding?

Libby: Exactly.

Wendy: Fries your dogs.

Libby: It does and the way that this was discovered is because as soon as different power stations were installed, all of a sudden like dairy farms, their cows stopped producing milk or it was like a two third decrease in milk production and their fertility rates plummeted. That’s actually how Dave Stetzer, an electrical engineer got into this topic because he was called in to figure out what is going on. They’d ruled out chemical exposure. They’d done all these testing on the health of their animals, but he could actually measure the current running up one cow’s leg and down the other leg-

Wendy: Oh wow.

Libby:… that’s coming from the ground current. It’s a really simple fix. I’m sure one day I’m going to get into trouble for saying this, but if we just either just stuck a thicker neutral wire or just added an additional wire, this would not be a problem, but we don’t. Because of that now we use filters to actually take care of that excess energy. That’s what can make your home safe. For me, obviously, I stopped using the BioMeridian and I got filters installed. I had Dave come to my house. Obviously, he’s an incredibly expensive person have come to your home to test your home. I work with people now that that’s what they do for a living and they’re a little bit more economically priced, but at that point, when you’re that sick, you will throw however much money that you don’t have a problem to get well. He came in and oh my gosh, he found all these different things going on and he was able to just simply plug in the needed amount of filters into outlets, where they were most needed. It was like overnight, I got the best night’s sleep I’ve ever had. Of the people that I know that get them because I have my clients get them that’s what I’m always told is, “My child slept through the night for the first time in forever.”

We think about what that means for our health because when we sleep that’s when our nervous system is healing. It actually ramps up. That’s when we heal and so to finally have your nervous system calm enough because it’s not exposed to this stuff at night is just I think absolute miracle. Fast forward, when we’re in Spain and we figured out that my niece had all these exposures. At that point, it was too far gone and she did end up … Just two months after her diagnosis, she ended up passing away and that was probably … Nobody should ever, ever have to lose a child to cancer ever, but now that’s actually what her father does is he goes around testing homes and helping people remediated all the different sources in their homes because he’s just like, “This can never happen again, this was preventable, we could have stopped this.” I really love that from pain to purpose, he kind of rebounded and found a way to make it through because I can only think if I have a two-year-old son, I can’t imagine that I would have dealt with that as well as he did.

I think a really great action step for people just based off of my history is to get, it’s called a Stetzerizer meter and on the resource guide that I know you’re going to link to in your show notes, which is just, I’ve shot videos on how to actually use the meter, how to install filters, all that stuff just to make people’s lives easy. I get these questions all day long, so my team and I just went, “Okay, let’s shoot like a million videos on everything,” so when people need help for things, you can just send them right there. I get a lot of questions. I’ve put an FAQ page up just to answer questions. I know a lot of people out there spend money on devices that are meant to help you and a lot of times, it can be a waste of money. I’ve tried to put up advice on the things that I know really helped me.

Wendy: Yeah and it’s such a great resource that you’ve created. I signed up for it myself and there’s so many, like a simple checklist of things to go through in your home and a lot of people have awareness about the dangers of EMF and maybe some sense that they’re being affected by EMFs. I know my health was greatly affected by EMFs when I moved from a beach area to Central Los Angeles. I mean I was just really taken aback by the fatigue I was experiencing and there were health issues, but you’ve created this great resource to help educate people about this because a lot

[00:22:00] of people, they know it’s a problem, but they don’t really know what to do or what’s the first thing to start with. It can be kind of a confusing.

Libby: I really appreciate that. Yes, I do have that action step there and I’d love to go through some like the really quick free things that people can do or like really inexpensive things people can do. First off, I mentioned light bulbs, so everybody kind of knows those swirly looking light bulbs. Those are called CFLs or compact

[00:22:20] fluorescent light bulbs, so those are the biggest offenders from an EMF perspective. Again, I’ve measured this via testing. I can actually measure the current running through my body when I raise my hand toward a CFL light bulb. Absolutely, first thing I would do is go through and unscrew all of those light bulbs, even if you live in the dark for a little while that’s okay. Get those out of your house. There’s some harm with other health aspects of CFLs anyway, but those are the biggest offenders, get those out. The best thing to substitute them with are going to be either the plain old Thomas Edison incandescent light bulbs, which when you’re at Home Depot or Menards, you’re just looking for incandescent bulbs. Then, a little bit less common, there’s also halogen bulbs that are coming out now that are also zero offenders. Those two are the best case scenario. Then, LEDs are kind of in the middle. Now, LEDs, like if you simply just couldn’t find the incandescent or the halogens, LEDs are going to be the second best. They just vary by brand and even by the date manufactured when we’ve tested them. People will always contact me and say, “Okay, well I can’t find those. What LED can I use?”

Unfortunately, at this time, I can’t speak to a specific brand because they just vary by the time they’re manufactured but they’re not going to be anywhere near as impactful as CFLs. That’s an easy one that people can start right now. Another great thing is to keep your phone in airplane mode as much as possible, so let’s say that you’re just a standard iPhone user. You just swipe up from the bottom of your screen and you just click the little airplane and what that does is it stops the signaling from your phone. Essentially now, you’ve just got a really expensive calendar, you can play your games, but that’s stopping all signals from your phone.

When I’m at work and I know I’m not going to be talking or texting on my phone anyway, it’s in airplane mode. If I ever need to have it in my bedroom for whatever reason, like if I’m listening to a downloaded podcast, then it’s an airplane mode too. I download all my stuff on Audible if I’m listening to a book. You download it, you listen to it in airplane mode. You can use that as much as you possibly can.

Now, if you’re using cell data, so let’s just take wireless, which is cell data. Cell data doesn’t impact you as much as wireless. If you’ve got a plan that has unlimited data, try to use that as opposed to your wireless as much as possible just because it pings a cell phone tower every five minutes when it’s not in use, whereas wireless is a constant signal from your phone, it’s a continuous signal. I think it’s most important for children because, well obviously science tells us it is when we view a small child with a cellphone up next to their head, it impacts them on thermography so much more, exponentially more so than it does adults. The whole screen time issue with kids is another topic, but keeping any screen time that they’re allowed to have in airplane mode is absolutely ideal. Their little bodies are not meant to be around this stuff. Kids should always use their screen time in airplane mode. My son, again he’s two, I actually try to use screen time. This weekend, we had a four and a half hour, just one way trip and I was like, “Okay, let’s download some Netflix stuff and then you can watch it in airplane mode.” No, of course, he was just totally disinterested in the whole idea the one time I’m actually going to allow him to have screen time, but you can definitely do things like that. He has this game and if we’re in a public area and he’s being a little mmhmm, then I’ve got games that he can play in airplane mode. It’ll buy me like two whole minutes, which is something and so just kind of thinking about that. Another kind of a segue into another easy thing that you can do for your kids that do use gaming systems like a PlayStation or a Wii that’s a short-term exposure.

However, for whatever reason on testing, the Xbox is one of those offenders that constantly transmits the signal even when it’s just plugged in, it’s not even on. I actually tested this at my friend’s house. Her son has an Xbox. I just plugged it in and I had him watch the meter as it pegged out the machine, meaning it maxed the machine out as far as it couldn’t even read as high as a signal that Xbox was producing.

Wendy: I mean every teenager is sitting in front of one of those for hours. Male teenagers play I think on average 16 hours a week of Xbox and other kind of PlayStation type games, consoles.

Libby: Then, let’s think about that because, so we’ve got these kids who for the most part, not our children because clearly Wendy, our children are perfect. Let’s just say, the average American child is eating standard American diet, which is pretty much devoid of any real nutrition or very minimal nutrition. Then, they’re exposed to all this stuff. They’re not given as much outdoor time as you and I had when we were in school. Then, we wonder why they don’t sit still well and our answer to that as a

[00:27:30] society isn’t to say, “Huh, maybe we should change something, it’s to medicate these kids.” We force them to sit still and how silly is that that we’ve got all these different exposures and now, we’re going to medicate a child to sit still, it’s really heartbreaking. If parents are listening that have child in that scenario, what a great thing is to say, “Okay, let me just start to clean up some nutrition and reduced some exposures.” Another easy thing that a parent in that scenario could do and all parents really should if you have a spouse that’s on board is to simply put your Wi-Fi … If you’re still using Wi-Fi, put that on a timer just like you do your Christmas lights to where it shuts your Wi-Fi off at night. When everyone’s sleeping and you don’t need it anyway, it’s off all night long, so that you’re eliminating eight hours of exposure every day that you’re in that house, which I think is such … It’s just awesome if you can do that. You’ll notice the difference. People just feel better when they’re not exposed to that stuff.

Wendy: I had a question about that.

Libby: Yeah.

Wendy: Of course, I’ve considered doing that as well and then, put my meter on a timer, but what about all your neighbors’ meters, all your neighbors’ smart meters and maybe your whole house electrical system, the grid emitting constant dirty electricity and like all the neighbors’ Wi-Fi signals, what can be done about that?

Libby: Yeah, so right there, those are going to be like three different issues to address. We’ve got the dirty electricity. We’re getting in the filters to take care of the dirty electricity part of things. Now, yeah, if you’re in an apartment you can only take care of what you’re in charge of, but in a house, you’re not exposed to your neighbors’ dirty electricity, just yours. You get filters in, dirty electricity gone. Now meters, so we’re talking about smart meters that’s going to be another source of dirty electricity and I’m really glad you brought that up because depending on the location of the smart meter and depending on the frequency that the signal is transmitted, it can literally take your life. I’ve had a colleague of mine, who was just

[00:30:00] testing a house, where it was a man and a wife, they moved into this home and within six months, both developed terminal brain cancer. They had their home tested. They had a smart meter right behind the headboard of their bedroom. Here’s their headboard, it’s on the wall, the external wall to that house and it was transmitting a signal every 30 seconds. These signals, when you measure them with meters that are designed to read these signals, it maxes them out. It can’t even read how much the signal is transmitted.

Wendy: Well, some of them are sending a signal 25 miles out to reach the electrical company to tell you how much electricity have you used. I made a mistake of allowing that to happen. This is like, I forget how many years ago, I had no awareness whatsoever and I allowed the manual meter, a guy came to your house to read it to be replaced by a smart meter, a huge mistake.

Libby: Oh yeah and so, we got a letter. For most people now, it’s illegal to just go and just do it without telling you. We got a letter saying, “Hey, we’re coming into your area, yay. We’re upgrading you to a smart meter.” I was like, “Yeah right, dare you.” Of course, I call and I just say, “I’m opting out.” That’s my right and they said why and I said, “I would just like to opt out.” That’s where he left it because otherwise you could just-

Wendy: I want to live, thank you.

Libby: Yes, yeah, but if you get into a debate, these people are trained. The people that work for the energy system are trained on how to get over all of your objections and everything. I just said, “Hey, it’s my right, I’d like to opt out.” That was it, game over, done. Then, I posted a sign on my analog meter, saying, “Do not install with a public notice,” I mean laminated signs on my normal meter. They still came to my house and my mom luckily … My basement had flooded, so I called my parents and they came to visit. I was at work and they were helping me with my basement. They saw ComEd, my energy company walking onto the property and starting to install a meter and my mom’s like-

Wendy: Oh my God.

Libby: … “No, no, no, no, she never would have agreed to this.” Of course, then they checked their list. Even though they’re standing in front of these signs, they check their list, they’re like, “Oh yes, you are right, she did opt out, we’ll be going on our way,” like oh my gosh. I let our neighborhood know this is going on and everybody that I talked to, opted out because nobody was there when they were at work, they still installed smart meters, which is just absolutely crazy to me. Then, along those lines, I have a client who I’d been working with for years really happy, very healthy person, just very much into prevention. She one day came to me and said that she was suicidal. This was a happy, perky person who just said … She had just become recently engaged. I mean there were all these reasons for her to be happy and she said, “I don’t know what’s going on, I’m totally crazy and suicidal.” I said, “Can you just go home …” Because I said, “What day did this start?” She told me the exact day this started, I mean it was like an overnight thing. I said, “Can you go home and see if there was a smart meter installed?” Of course, it was right by her bed. She was able to opt out of that which not everybody can and I’ll speak to that in a second, but she was able to opt out of that and totally got her like her back. We think about that when we’ve got maybe children that start misbehaving or we’ve got grandparents that move into a home, where that’s a big factor there and then, all of a sudden, things start to change with their health. Those are just other variables that nobody’s talking about. If some of the listeners have smart meters and they are in a state, where you cannot opt out, there is shielding that you can get to shield your smart meter. Now, the caveat to that is you own the house or the apartment, you’re renting the apartment, you own the space around your house.

You do not own that meter. That technically belongs to your energy company, so you just can’t touch it. You can do anything else, but it can’t be touching your meter. Anybody who’s familiar with something called a Faraday Cage, which is just a simple enter term for blocking the signal, you’re kind of just building a cage around your smart meter. There’s specific material that’s coming out that actually Dave Stetzer is developing in Israel that is the perfect thickness and it will stop that signal. As soon as that’s available, I’ll be linking to that on my website, but right now, what you could do is go online. There’s a lot of different sources if you just googled, “Smart meters shielding.” However, the most important thing is that it doesn’t just go right over the top of your meter, it’s got to also go behind the meter because if you picture a smart meter, which is simply looking at a digital meter instead of an analog, which has those clock like little symbols on it, instead of the digital print out. If you were to just stick a shield over the front of that it’s going to then take that signal and actually shove it into your house even more and magnify that signal into your house. I really don’t want you to get that one, but what I’ve

[00:35:30] known that some people have done on their own and this sounds totally hillbilly style, but it really does work is if you take 12 layers of tin foil, aluminum foil, yeah I know and like wrap it around, you can line it right behind the meter. Then, wrap it around the meter without touching the meter that actually does 100% stop the signal. You can you can test this theory too because if you take enough layers of aluminum foil and you rack your cell phone in it and somebody tries to call you that signal won’t go through. People are always asking me like what’s the best cell phone, like the best way to make your cell phone safe, I’m like, “Wrap it in tin foil.” Also, you can’t use it.

Wendy: I’ve seen people on Facebook, “Oh look at this, the bed Faraday that I built,” and it’s like yeah this wooden box surrounded with aluminum foil inside to protect them.

Libby: Thing is it totally works and again, when I was so sick, if somebody would have said, “Hey do this,” I would have done it and then, like lived my life in it. I haven’t seen it, but I guess there’s in this show called Better Call Saul, whoever is seeing that there is an electromagnetically hyper sensitive person in that show and he like lives in a cave with like a tinfoil hat. I’m like, “Yeah, he’s on point.”

Wendy: His whole room is lined with tin foil.

Libby: Yeah and it works. I mean it is, it’s a shield. What Dave Setzer is developing right now in Israel is a material that comes with the appropriate amount of thickness and it’s easy to assemble, rather than like trying to again do it hillbilly style, but in a pinch until that’s out that’s what I recommend that people do because it is, it is really important especially for that meter is located anywhere near a living space. If it’s like by your laundry room that you’re in very rarely, fine or another big key is to call your energy company and just say, “Hey, how often is that signal transmitted?” If it’s every 90 days or once a month, fine. You know what, I’d still hillbilly that thing, but I wouldn’t worry about it too much, but if it’s every 30 seconds, you’ve got to take some immediate action because it’s just not worth the risk, so yeah. Those I think …

Wendy: Let’s talk a little bit about 5G, so 5G is coming. Right now, we’re on 4G and 5G is going to have much faster signals, much more faster downloads and better access

[00:38:00] to cell phone usage and that’s what consumers want. I think they don’t understand the price they’re going to pay in their health for that convenience and for that use of their phone really fast. Let’s talk about what 5G is and when it’s going to be rolling out, maybe the fact that the government’s not going to think about it, we’re not going to be protected in any way with testing or anything prior to its roll out.

Libby: Really, the unfortunate part of all of this is we don’t know how far-reaching this is going to impact our health. This at this point is a big social experiment. The thing with 5G is instead of having, like you see those big cell phone towers now, what they’re installing are kind of like little … You can think of them as many meters, but really frequently, so there’s going to be a ton more of them. It’s almost unavoidable and to a certain extent, it really will be as far as where you’re living, they don’t have to ask permission. Those things are just being installed. People that right now might not be affected or might not feel like they’re really sensitive to this are going to notice an impact. We just don’t know what’s going to be happening until … Probably a year from now, we’ll see how much of an impact this has on our health. That’s kind of the unfortunate part. There isn’t any safety studies done. There probably won’t be until things really hit the fan. One of the things I always talk about is our safety studies with technology in general are way behind the advances in technology. Here we’ve got 5G and then we’ve also got the new iPhone X that doesn’t have ear bud, it has an adapter, but it doesn’t have like the headphone inserts and so you’re meant to use those little Bluetooth ear pieces, which of course, then you’ve got a Bluetooth signal transmitted right by your brain, which I’m not sure why anybody thought that that was a good idea. Again, they’re not safety studies demonstrating that having Bluetooth right by your brain for hours a days is a good idea. Unfortunately, we just don’t know and we’re going to start finding out and we are the experiment. I can’t speak to a specific about how it’s going to impact us, but I know that we’re going to see an uptick in a lot of pretty disastrous health scenarios. You can think of another example of that as being all these new cars nowadays are equipped with, it’s a 4G mobile hotspot and like that’s a big promotion is you’ve got this hotspot in your car, constantly transmitting a signal. I actually consider you one of the lucky ones, where you get in the car and a side of your face might go numb or all of a sudden, you get this extreme brain fog. That’s your body’s way of being like, “No, no, no.” I call them the lucky ones because then they know, “Okay, you’ve got to call and turn that signal off.” When we got a car that had that and had OnStar and everything and we said, “No, can you stop transmitting the signal.” What they did is they just stopped our access to it, but with that signal, I actually took a high-frequency meter and I tested what the signal was going to my son’s car seat, so my newborn at the time, his car seat, it again maxed out the device, which goes up to 2,000 units, biologically active for that meter is 18 and it went up to 2,000. You just think about how that’s going to impact your children. By all means, please if you’ve got one of those mobile hotspots in your car call and not only stop your access to it, but stop transmitting the signal. I remember when we called, they were like, “Why would you want to just stop? I mean it’s off, you can’t get it.” I’m like, “No, stop the transmission of the signal.” I could tell, but most people, they wouldn’t feel it, but yet you don’t feel it when your body develops cancer. You don’t feel it when your body is developing diabetes. You don’t feel that stuff.

Wendy: There’s a lot of people that develop these really vague symptoms, they develop fatigue or brain fog or mild depression, there’s these very low-level symptoms that then bring them in to their doctor and their doctor just wants to give them some sleeping pills or antidepressant medication because they have like pretty much zero awareness of EMF, the conventional medical doctors and even a lot of functional medical doctors really aren’t aware of it or factoring that into their diagnosis. Then, there are people that are really, really, really ill, they’re just doctor after doctor after doctor after doctor and really can’t figure out what the root cause of their issues are, if they can find out what the issues are at all. This group of people can be dramatically sensitive to EMF and so if you fall in those categories or any kind of health issue, you want to be looking at EMF.

Libby: Absolutely and people that also have other pre-existing health issues, like I’ve seen just in my practice alone, people that have maybe heavy metal toxicity or have Lyme disease or have parasite infections, which go undetected for years and years anyway, but those people, you also add in the EMF piece of the puzzle because we don’t lose our health from one variable. Like with me, it was also the heavy metal side of things. We don’t lose our health with one variable. That would be way too easy.

Wendy: Yes, it can’t be that easy.

Libby: It’s these multiple factors. That would be an overnight fix, but it’s like multiple factors that we’ve got to address and so if somebody’s already dealing with the health issue that they now about and yet at the same time aren’t getting well as much as they expected to, this is another thing to cross off the list. Again, you get that action step plan and you just start cross … I would say print it out, put it on your fridge and cross one thing off at a time. Take it at your own pace because if you were to get to all of those and give yourself a few months to get to all of them, you would have saved your lifetime of exposure for you and your family. If you’ve got somebody in your family who’s already dealing with a health challenge, well try to knock it out even faster or if you’ve got really small children, yes try to knock it out faster. If it’s just you seemingly healthy adult, well then fine, yeah do it at a slower pace, but just start knocking it out one at a time. It’s not about being perfect. It’s about making progress. That’s what we always say.

Wendy: Yes, it is and so you had developed a class about EMF, correct?

Libby: Yeah, GreenSmoothieGirl, Robyn Openshaw and I did a Master Class series and so I do link to [00:44:30] that as well in the resources that I send people when they go to You get your actions up guide and then, I’ll actually send you, I’ve tried to make it manageable rather than like throwing up everything I know on you all at once because then you stop listening, you’re like, “La, la, la, can’t do it.” Instead every few days, I’m like, “Hey, add this in. Hey, if you want to know more, add this in.” It’s just a way to make it more manageable, but yeah, I’ve tried to give people everything that I learned along the way because it took … Oh my gosh, it cost me so much money and so much time and then, it cost me a loved one. That’s why I’m so adamant about talking about this and helping people take the action.

Wendy: Well, thank you so much for coming on the show. Tell the listeners where they can find you again and download your EMF Action Checklist.

Libby: Yeah, yep so if you go to revived, so R-E-V-I-V-E-D That’s where I’ve shot some videos for you and then, you’re going to get access to that Action Step Guide. Then, from there, I’m just going to be kind of sending you gently some more information and resources that you can use on all the questions that I get all day long. For example, I get questions on, “I live right next to a cell phone tower, what can I do? I can’t move,” or “I’m right next to a substation and I can’t move, what do I do?” All those different things, I’ve got information there on all sorts of stuff. I’d love to see there at Then, on Facebook, I’m just my name Dr. Libby Darnell and if you’ve got questions, you’re welcome to contact me there. I’ll be sure to get back in touch with you.

Wendy: Fantastic, well thank you so much for coming on the show.

Libby: Oh yeah, thanks so much Wendy. I’m so excited that you’re spreading this message.

Wendy: Yes.

Libby: Thank you.

Wendy: Happy to help.

Libby: Thanks.

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