Transcript #15 Quantum Physics with Harry Massey

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  • 00:00:30 Harry Massey and his bioenergetics mission
  • 00:06:15 What is quantum physics?
  • 00:09:15 Understanding quantum superposition
  • 00:11:30 Understanding quantum entanglement
  • 00:14:20 The science behind positive thinking to elicit positive healing
  • 00:16:00 Understanding quantum coherence
  • 00:25:50 Life’s coincidences explained by quantum entanglement
  • 00:29:15 Facilitating change in the body on an energetic level
  • 00:31:00 How information transcends from individual to collective consciousness
  • 00:33:00 PEAR Studies and how our thoughts can change physical reality
  • 00:37:00 The relationship between the placebo effect and quantum entanglement
  • 00:39:00 The ignorance when doctors claim “there is no cure”
  • 00:48:40 NES Health: solution to eliciting positive change and health
  • 00:50:15 Understanding how Infoceuticals and the miHealth work

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

Wendy: [00:00:30] Harry Massey is a pioneer in the field of bioenergetics, which goes beyond biochemistry by integrating physics, biology and clinical research. His mission is dedicated to eradicating needless disease and suffering, which grew out of his own research into health as he sought to overcome seven bedridden years of serious illness in his youth. Harry has invented a number of clinical technologies including a health analysis system that scans the energy fields of the body, an electrotherapy device that is able to reduce pain and inflammation in the body called a miHealth, and an advanced homeopathy through imprinting healthy abiogenetic information into water, called Infoceuticals, which in turn triggers a health response in the body. His website is, N-E-S health dot com. He’s currently working on a mobile scanning app and a health and self help education platform tailored to the individual scan results. He’s also passionate about filmmaking that helps to educate the public on ways that can improve their health and their lives. He made the best-selling documentary,, and Choice Point, Align Your Purpose. His latest movie, features Dave Asprey, Joe Pollish, Gerald Pollack, Dr. Steven Sinatra, and Sarah Turner. Hello everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the SuperCharged podcast. I’m talking today with NES Health founder, Harry Massey. We are doing this podcast together. It’s so exciting. I love talking about bioenergetics and how it impacts our health. Today we’re going to be talking about quantum biology and how this relates to health. We’re going to be talking about some underlying concepts about quantum physics. It’ll be kind of a heavy podcast, but necessary to help you understand exactly what quantum bioenergetics is all about. Harry, thank you so much for joining us.

Harry: Hi, Wendy. It’s always great to catch up. I think we were both together only a few days ago at the annual Genius Network meeting. That was pretty interesting, because there was Naveen Jain there who he built a company that’s trying to mine asteroids out in space, but also got a company called Viome that is, yeah, that’s actually also got a similar mission to both of us, which is to make illness a choice. Yeah, it was nice meeting up with him. Anyway, yeah-Yes. So we’re going to talk about EMF today, electromagnetic fields, or pollution, EMF pollution. So, why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and your background.

Wendy: Yeah, that was so much fun.

Harry: …let’s get into quantum.

Wendy: Yea, it was so much fun-

Harry: It was a lot of fun.

Wendy: … hanging out with all the millionaires and billionaires, and people that have really exciting companies that are trying to help other people. Naveen Jain is such a nice guy. I love that concept that illness is a choice. I think also with bioenergetics, that really hits home even more because I think with how bioenergetics is going to affect modern medicine and change how people are facilitating physical change in their body is going to be so much more effective with bioenergetics, and really hold that true that illness is a choice.

Harry: Well, I mean it truly is and I mean just to make the choice really clear for people. If you’re going with pharmaceuticals, if you’re going in the pharmaceutical lobby and taking your pills … The CEO’s of pharmaceutical companies, literally their job is to keep people on those pharmaceuticals for, well basically for as long as possible because that’s how they make profit. That’s how they make money.

Their job and the pharmaceuticals companies job is not to cure illness, it’s not to heal illness. It is basically to keep people on a chemical for as long as possible. Unfortunately of course, when you take a lot of chemicals, they are pretty toxic and you drop dead in the end. That’s one choice. There’s many other choices for getting your health back, but the biochemistry choice I would say is not a good one.

Wendy: Yeah, there’s more than one way to skin a chicken. The reason I’m here to teach people bioenergetics is because number one, it’s helped me so much, and also because my father died as a result of polypharmacy, being on 10 medications, statins leading to diabetes, leading to cancer, then ultimately the cancer treatments killing him within six months of his diagnosis. Bioenergetics is the future of medicine. That’s why I’m here talking with you, trying to educate the audience about how dramatically bioenergetics can impact their health and impact their family’s health. It’s such an easier, less expensive, far more effective protocol than what is offered in modern medicine. That’s what we’re going to be talking about today, is how quantum physics and how it relates to your health outcomes specifically. We’re going to get into some heavy stuff here, but I think it’s very, very fascinating for people to understand some basic concepts about quantum physics so they can understand how bioenergetics affects their biology.

Harry: [00:06:15] Cool. All right, well I think we should get into it. I love the quantum aspect. Quantum physics is, it’s not necessarily a day-to-day thing, yet our everyday reality is basically … I mean, all the word quantum means, so it doesn’t freak people out, it just means the … it’s really, all the word quantum is, is small. It just means it’s a small packet of something. What we’re going to talk about today is basically the world of the very, very small and then how that applies to getting your health back, which is pretty interesting territory.

Wendy: Just for anyone needing a basic primer, what is quantum physics?

Harry: Quantum physics is basically the physics of the very, very, very small. It basically means we’re looking at reality at a subatomic level. The thing is, the thing in quantum physics is the rules basically start to change because in our conventional normal type of reality, things sort of obey newtonian type principles. Like if you drop something, the gravity works and the phone will hit the ground, or with mechanics, things just obey these more normal rules. But when you get into the quantum world, the rules of reality start to change and actually start to get really, really weird. People might’ve heard of these concepts of quantum superposition, quantum entanglement and quantum coherence, which we’ll get into in a minute. But basically, particles can start to do all these crazy things. They can seem to be in many places at once. Things are able to communicate non-locally. People talk about this particle wave duality if like, is it actually a particle, or is it a wave? Basically, when you’re looking at the very, very, very small, things actually start to actually disappear. Reality seems to turn into, well, actually just pure energy fields and just possibilities. It gets pretty interesting, but the most curious thing of all of it is our everyday world ultimately is constructed of the very, very small. There is no separation between our day-to-day lives and quantum physics, yet very rarely do we actually think about how quantum physics really affects our life and especially our health. It has massive implications for health, just massive.

Wendy: Yeah. I started doing your program NES Health a year ago, and I’ve learned about so many different concepts related to quantum physics and how our bodies communicate, about how they communicate in our … we have like an

[00:09:15] energetic field where all this communication is happening on the quantum level. It’s completely revolutionized how I think about our health, how our health is affected, and how we produce true health, how people meet their health goals. Let’s talk about some of the top principles in quantum physics, just kind of a textbook review of what the top principles are. Let’s start with quantum superposition

Harry: Sure. Quantum superposition. Basically what that’s inferring is that a particle can be in multiple places at once. Basically, it’s referring to basically how a particle is really a wave for an observer who has observed it. I don’t know if you’ve heard of the observer effect, but it’s basically a very classical experiment where you fire some photons through … well, it’s called the double-slit experiment. The question is, which slit does the photon go through? Basically, the end result of that is a photon basically goes through the slit depending on where you actually observe. If the observer is looking at slit A, the photon goes through there. If they’re looking at slit B, they go through there. But the reality is, it’s actually a wave and it’s actually in all positions or multiple places at once, but only the observer, which another way of saying the observer is intention, and another way of saying intention is thought. Basically, the experimenters thought processes are able to change where a particle is. That’s basically quantum

Wendy: Okay. Let’s talk about quantum entanglement.

Harry: [00:11:30] Well, quantum entanglement, that’s a really interesting one as well. But basically, a particle is able to … what it basically is saying is that a particle is able to have a relationship with another particle, so it’s able to communicate nonlocally. That word non-locally, all that means is basically that you can get instantaneous communication at a distance between one particle and another. The simple fact of reality is, is absolutely everything in our world and in our bodies and in our lives is actually entangled with each other. We’re all basically this set of relationships between each other. Every single cell in your body is able to communicate with every other cell in your body. Actually every cell in my body is able to communicate with every cell in your body, Wendy, which is, we’re sort of having quantum sex right now, which is pretty interesting.

Wendy: All right, we’re just having a quantum relationship.

Harry: We’re having a quantum relationship. Why does that matter for health and for biology? Well, it basically opens up this whole … As I say, we talked about biochemistry a bit. We’re all used to this idea that you need a chemical running around your bloodstream to tell each cell what to do, to communicate, but that isn’t the only communication system. In fact, there’s a far, far superior, way more efficient communication system that happens because of quantum entanglement. Basically, every single cell is able to communicate with every single other cell in the body. If that’s true, which it is true, it basically means the coordination and control problems of the body are solved because it is an ageold in biology and health. What’s actually the ultimate control system in the body? And it’s like, “Oh, well it’s chemistry.” People are like, “Oh, chemistry’s too slow. What’s controlling the chemistry?” “Oh, well it’s genes.” Then, “Well, but the genes just seem to be this, just this library. They’re just some bunch of proteins and then some bright spots.” “Well, it’s the master gene that controls the other gene.” “Well, what controls the master gene?” It sort of all ends up in bullshit, frankly. But yeah, you need this other control system, which is obviously, in bioenergetic terms, we call the body field. But in quantum terms, it’s basically because of quantum entanglement, that absolutely everything in the body is communicating instantaneously and non-locally.

Wendy: [00:14:20] Yeah. An example of that, there’s a lot of scientific research to show this is how, when we’re trying to heal our body, say you have cancer, a health issue, you need to be sending positive healing messages to your body. With that, the positive thinking, you can elicit a profound change in healing or eradication of a disease by constantly doing imagery, imagine your immune system killing that disease, or killing that infection, or whatever the case may be. It works amazingly well. Or, you can send negative messages. Why is this happening to me? I feel sick. I’m always in pain. I don’t want this, fighting it. You’ve released all these stress chemicals, and inflammation and all these other negative things start happening in your body. There’s a lot of research to support this. That’s one explanation of quantum entanglement.

Harry: Yeah. That’s exactly it.

Wendy: Let’s talk about coherence. This is the last concept I want to talk about.

Harry: [00:16:00] Yeah, it is. It is, hold on to your hat because it’s not the simplest concept. Its definition is that … Just remember that in quantum, a particle can be a wave, basically which just means it’s in multiple places at once until the observer effects comes in. What quantum coherence is saying is that all parts of the wave are, they basically have an intelligence that’s able to feel out the most efficient path. What it’s basically saying is that there’s a source of intelligence or information that’s basically directing how a wave turns into particle and what path it goes down. Now, that might sound like doubley-dutch but I’ll just give a really concrete example. If you take photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is just a, it is a complete miracle. But basically, believe it or not, when a photon hits a, well, it basically hits a leaf, it’s able to know exactly … it’s able to take not 90%, not 50%, the 100% most efficient path through the leaf to be able to, when it’s in structured water inside the leaf, to be able to charge and spin off an electron, which is basically the fuel. It’s basically the energy source of the plant. It basically knows the exact, most efficient path to get through the leaf and out the other side to transfer as much energy from that light particle while it’s in the leaf. That’s sort of insane that the reason it’s able to do that is basically this rule out of quantum physics of quantum coherence, that there is actually an intelligence in our bioenergetic world, I call that information. But basically, there’s an intelligence behind the path of a quantum particle. Obviously this is happening with photosynthesis, but it’s basically happening in many, many other biological processes in our body. This really is why you can call it bioenergetics or you can call it information medicine, but it’s one of the most primary reasons basically why information is able to affect the body, because this concept … I guess we haven’t explained that for listeners. If you’re looking at energy, there’s a pattern behind energy, which is the information.

Information basically describes how energy is working. You’re able to affect health both through energy, through optimizing energy, but also the information that’s behind the energy, if you like, that’s directing the energy with exactly what to do, which is just pretty amazing. But it’s not some woo concept, it’s just a very … I say, those three things in quantum physics, they’re very, very well researched. It’s basically the fundamental building blocks, but our reality is quantum superposition, quantum entanglement, quantum coherence. As you go up into life and reality, well, those are the fundamental building blocks underneath everything. That’s also why something is intangible as information can actually affect your body, it’s because information is able to direct, well, it’s basically able to direct particles and energy within your body to take the most efficient path basically to make your body work properly.

Wendy: Yeah. These are concepts. That quantum concept is something we’re going to be talking on this podcast, about how it relates to our health, and how we can quantum-ly affect health in a positive way. But this is also something being used in computers, quantum computers, the way of the future, quantum telecommunications is possible with our cellphones. There’s a lot of different industries that are going to be using communications in a quantum way because it’s far more efficient and lucrative in those industries. But we’re going to bring it back down to health. What does quantum physics have to do with health and our biology? How do we affect changes in our cells quantum-ly?.

Harry: How do we affect? Well, basically because we want to change or improve that quantum coherence. Generally, when someone’s sick or you have disease, there’s a variety of ways of looking at that. But a simple way of looking at that is basically your control system has gone wrong. If you’re sick, it basically means a cell is not doing what it’s supposed to. Why are different cells not doing what they’re supposed to? Because they’re getting the wrong information. They’re getting the wrong instructions. That field network between all of the cells has gone wrong. So yeah, from a quantum point of view, or that concept of quantum coherence, we want to make the body field, that interconnecting communication between all the cells, more coherent again. We want it to become completely efficient. I should’ve perhaps said that. So, in a leaf when photosynthesis is happening, if the plant has a disease, quantum coherence starts disappearing. It starts becoming more inefficient. But when something is working optimally, it has coherence, and that’s because the information behind it is directing communication in the proper way..

Wendy: When you say the human body field, you’re referring to our body’s energetic field that we have. That’s where the majority of the communication takes place to then facilitate change in our physical body. Let’s talk a little bit about that concept. I think a lot of people understand how our cells work physically, our body works physically, and our body communicates with hormones and chemicals. Pharmaceutical drugs can foster a change in our body physically. But let’s talk about how cells communicate at a distance without physical communication.

Harry: Sure. Imagine you’ve got a cell. On the cell membrane, you have little protein receptors that sort of pop up. Now, I guess the normal way of thinking about it is these protein receptors, a chemical molecule comes along, it interacts with that protein, and that protein basically gives the cell an instruction and the cell does what it does, which might be unveil a new bit of genetic material. It might be growth, repair, et cetera, et cetera. Now, that’s all well and good. Those chemical receptors absolutely exist, but it’s not the only mechanism that’s going on. There’s also receptors, they’re actually the same receptors, but if you like, you could imagine them as different receptors. There’s basically also receptors that are able to pick up field messages. What I mean by the field is there’s basically information and energy fields that are occurring in the body. These field receptors, when they pick up a message, they basically then instruct the cell with exactly what to do. If you like, we basically have these two communication systems going on in the body. One is the conventional, biochemistry communication system, which by the way is rather slow and inefficient. A chemical has to travel down the blood and get to the cell, and then it does something, et cetera, et cetera. Then supposedly that cell creates another chemical that flows somewhere else and something else. That isn’t a very good way of coordinating trillions of cells in the majesty that we call life, because we literally have trillions of reactions going on every single second in, what is it, like 60 trillion cells in our body, let alone the hundreds of trillions of bacteria that also can be communicating, which is a whole, I guess, different question.

Wendy: Yeah, and how quickly everything happens can not-

Harry: Yeah, how quickly it happens.

Wendy: … be explained physically. The amount of ATP produced in our mitochondria, our little cells powerhouses, that amount of energy cannot power our … the little that’s produced cannot account for how much energy our body actually uses.

Harry: Yeah, that’s between, I think it’s around 25% of the energy in your body comes from, well basically comes from food. The other major, major source of energy is basically sunlight and radiant heat and electrons, but mostly I say it’s radiant heat. But yeah.

Wendy: Yeah. That is all taken in. We also have source energy as well, where we are able to, what is it, create energy in our body’s energetic field to power our bodies. Everything is interconnected in our universe. You’ve talked about some of these concepts. Can you explain that a little bit more, about how everything in our universe is connected, and how so many different things like EMFs and other


Harry: things can affect our body’s energetic field and physical functioning? Yeah. Absolutely. In that second concept we were talking about, about quantum entanglement, that’s basically saying that particles each have a relationship with each other. Now, that’s actually true at all levels of reality, if you like. When we’re looking at ourselves and how we’re interacting with the world, basically we, as I say, me and Wendy are entangled. If I have a thought, even though Wendy and me may not be talking on the phone, she might have the same thought the same time. If I think of a thought and think of Wendy, most likely she’ll have that thought and she’ll think of Harry and that thought. You can’t necessarily say, “Did I think it first or Wendy thought it first?” It just happens at the same time. I’m sure people have lots of examples of the phone rings and you know exactly who it is because the instantaneous communication of that information, that just happens instantaneously and then you pick up the phone and, oh yeah, by golly you were right. A lot of NES was created like that actually. Peter used to live in Spain and I used to live in England. Yeah, we would do that every day. We’d have these great ideas, and then we talked to each other in the evening and relay the same ideas to each other. It’s like, “Okay. Cool.” A lot of NES got built through quantum entanglement. Same with a lot of our films actually who have got built through quantum, quantum entanglement, which is … It’s a much more efficient way to have to explain everything on the phone call. Of course the closer the relationships you have with people, the more entangled you get. I remember way back, I think I didn’t know that until I was 26, I think. Curiously, as soon as I read about that, you just suddenly start noticing it just happen in your life continuously. It might have happened before and I didn’t notice it, but I think once I noticed it, I’m pretty sure it happened a lot, lot, lot, a lot more, which was pretty fun.

Wendy: [00:29:15] Yeah, I’m really thankful for NES Health and even you introducing me to bioenergetics, and bringing a lot more awareness to how intuitive I am. We kind of think about things, oh that’s coincidences, or you’re saying things at the same time, and little coincidences like this, but I didn’t realize how profoundly being aware of your intuition and receiving other people’s positive or negative messages or whatever, how much that can dramatically positively impact your life when you have awareness of that because you also become more responsible about the messages you’re sending out into the universe. Am I thinking positive thoughts today? That’s going to affect my body physically. Am I sending positive effects about this person? That’s going to affect that relationship. We can take those same kind of concepts and think about, how can we facilitate change in the body on an energetic level to produce physical health? That’s what this whole podcast is about. All the different modalities we discuss on this podcast-

Harry: Yeah, well the strength of the interaction between your thought processes and everything that goes on in your life is just incredible. People say, ” Well, yeah, if you’re negative, you attract negative. If you’re positive, you attract positive.” But it really is much deeper than just these interactions, but I mean, literally if you’re full of all these fears and thinking all this stuff, unfortunately because of quantum entanglement, these scenarios start basically playing in your life because you’re entangled with these people and other things around you. Now, those thoughts get picked up in their head without you ever saying anything. Then they relay back negativity to you, and you just get in this horrible little cycle. Obviously the exact opposite can happen. I always try and catch myself if I go into these spins and obviously we all do. That is a big reason why meditation, I think is proven out over thousands of years to be so helpful for people because it does gives people a space each day to sort of stop, ground yourselves, get some reflection time and stop their negative thinking, and turn it around into the positive. But yeah, one of the reasons it has all these great impact on your life, it’s not just that it calms you down, it actually helps entangle things in a more positive light with all of the other people who are picking up those thoughts, which is to a great benefit.

Wendy: [00:31:00] Yeah. That leads into a discussion about individual consciousness creating information fields over time that create a collective consciousness. Can you talk a little about that?

Harry: That was quite a statement, Wendy. Sure.

Wendy: I’ve been thinking a lot about this.

Harry: Oh, this is good. This is good. Yeah. Well, as I say if we’re … if you like. Thought is basically no different to this concept of information. Thought is basically an information field. This is pretty deep, but okay, we’re on a deep podcast so we might as well go there. Over the millions and millions of years of the evolution of animals on the planet, what is this thing called consciousness and where does life come from? It is an age-old philosophical debate if you like of what reality is. Yeah, for those of you who’ve watched The Matrix, The Matrix is just a whole load of information, software code. Actually, that’s not so far off what reality probably is. From a physics point of view, the ultimate building block of the universe is information. Your information is more primary … back to that concept of quantum coherence. Information is more primary than actual energy. People have argued over thousands of years at this point that the consciousness is really the fundamental thing, it’s sort of behind reality. The more we’re thinking and all of our consciousness and thoughts, and therefore information fields are all interacting over time, it ends up … sorry, creating this collective consciousness which basically is, if you like, is our collective reality. I know that’s pretty deep. I’m getting into philosophy at this point. But-

Wendy: [00:33:00] Well, let’s talk about maybe an example of that. An example is the PEAR studies. Can you talk about that, just to help explain these concepts?

Harry: … Yes. That actually is a really good example. When were talking about these things, I think we can all recognize that people’s thoughts can be entangled and people know all sorts of instances of psychic phenomena. The way the PEAR studies is, is it’s not just thought to thought or person to person. Your actual thought or consciousness can actually affect something physical. Now remember, all something physical is, is actually information and energy fundamentally. It’s not anything physical. Basically Princeton University, over a 25 year period, they did thousands of experiments where they were basically seeing if someone through intention could affect a physical outcome. They chose something relatively subtle, which was random events. A random event is just basically, if you like, it’s like flipping a coin, if a coin is heads or if it’s tails. When you flip it, it’s randomly either head or tails. Most the time, well, it should come out 50/50 if reality is normal. But what they found is actually the coin flip would come out more of the time heads if someone was focusing on heads, and more of the time tails if they were focusing on tails. Now, it’s not all the time.

It’s around 54% of the time. They then tried that with a radioactive decay as a source of randomness with random numbers as a source of randomness, coin flips, marbles going down a pinball machine. All sorts of different forms. The end result of all that research is they basically proved that consciousness and intention was able, just pure thought was able to change our physical reality, which is mind blowing actually. It is and it isn’t. If you’re into quantum physics, yep, it makes sense. If you’re not into quantum physics, which most of us were definitely not born with that and we’re definitely not taught at school, it’s not part of our everyday life, that doesn’t make a lot of sense. But yeah. But anyway, the research has proven that out.

Wendy: Yeah. That’s almost like the power of prayer, where groups of people get together to pray to help someone in the hospital or help someone that’s dying or whatever the intent is, because that does really powerfully affect the person who’s the focus of the prayer.

Harry: [00:37:00] Yeah. It’s exactly that. It does, as I say, it has … No, yeah. No, it does have a really important ramifications for health and healing. For instance, when you’re with a practitioner or even just to see yourself, it is really important on both the side of the practitioner and the side of the client or the person trying to get well, as much as one can, to have positive thought about it. What I mean by that is visualize the outcome of you getting well. Visualize what it looks like. If that seems too extreme because you’re in a really diseased, ill state and you can’t quite visualize yourself running marathons, that’s okay. Just take it way, way back and just visualize what a relatively small improvement would be. If your practitioner does the same, the coherence of that thought, well, across both the practitioner, and the client along with any therapy that you’re doing and whether that’s bioenergetics or anything, it doesn’t necessarily matter. That’s basically going to boost … it’s going to boost the outcome. One way of looking at that is of course the placebo effect, that the reason the placebo effect works is literally because of quantum entanglement. The placebo effect is a great, great thing. You always want to try and optimize that. It’s the worst thing in the world to deny the placebo effect or be skeptical of it, all of that, because that basically is saying, “Well, I’m not going to use the power of my intention of my own thought or others to help get me better.” By default, if you do that, most of you stay ill. Unfortunately, without that effect, it is hard to get better. I mean, really when you’re trying to get well, from my point of view, you optimize everything. Optimize great nutrition. Wendy’s obviously teach us a lot about detox. You want to optimize your thought, you want to optimize your therapies. Obviously I think bioenergetics is best, but there’s a lot of others. If you tackle things from all of those aspects, that gives you the best chance to get well.

Wendy: Yeah. One thing that makes me really angry is when people are at their conventional medical doctor, and they get a diagnosis, say an autoimmune disease, and the doctor says, “There is no cure.” Or they have a cancer diagnosis and say, “You have three months to live.” Those lies.

Harry: Well, it kills. It kills. Yeah

Wendy: Lies. They kill people and they have this black cloud over them that they have this belief that then translates into biology. It actually elicits a physical death sentence

Harry: [00:39:00] Oh it is. Exactly. Yeah, the opposite of placebo is nocebo. It’s obviously equally as strong. They say the placebo’s around, whatever, I think 30 to 35% generally that if it’s done properly. I think you can get it way up to 50% or even higher through really good focused intention. It’s exactly, as you say, the same with the nocebo. Yeah, you massively decrease their chances through that, through announcing death sentences. It’s not-

Wendy: Irresponsible. It’s so irresponsible. That’s coming from a place of their inability or the lack of their toolkit.

Harry: … Yeah, ignorance obviously.

Wendy: Yeah, it’s ignorance and the lack of knowledge. They’re just saying, “I don’t have the tools to help you.” That’s really what that is. You have control in your health. I have no control over this helicopter, but you have control in your health, and the power of positive thinking and visualizing healing to elicit a healing change in your body. It’s incredibly powerful. We had Bruce Lipton on the podcast previously, talking about the biology of belief and the whole concepts around that. Super, super interesting podcast. Let’s talk a little bit more about how does quantum biology affect our concept of modern medicine. So let’s-

Harry: Oh, well I guess that-

Wendy: … help people make that shift.

Harry: … Well, obviously we’ve talked about placebo and nocebo. In the ideal world, doctors in medicine school would be taught about how to optimize placebo. We will be studying how to get the placebo to work instead of 35 or 50%, get it to work 80% of the time. God, if we knew that, we would solve all the health problems completely. That’ll be one thing. The other thing I find really interesting, I guess, in medicine is this concept, the double-blind trial. Now in a quantum world, where you have entanglement, the particle is not blind. The particle is connected by definition. That has some pretty interesting ramifications. If you look into a lot of the trials that have been done, I mean all trials that have been done, you’ll notice that the drugs that have passed, that come out onto the market, their double-blind trial data is generally really high initially. Then strangely enough, over 10, 15 years, it goes to basically to zilch placebo, then it often goes below zilch, into negative territory where you read reports of it killing off gazillions of people and all of that type of stuff.But then it … Well, if you look at the drugs that have been withdrawn from the market, I know, was it Vioxx that was withdrawn five years ago? I mean, there’s been a number of drugs that have got withdrawn because of all their nasty effects. Yet initially they had, initially they were published as extremely positive or else they wouldn’t have been published. Then they went to neutral and then they go to negative. You’re just like, “Why is it that?” The chemistry effect is one thing. I think the chemistry effect is basically mostly a bit of, mostly a toxic effect and wasn’t generally any good. But the placebo side of it, because there’s no such thing as double-blind … how do I put it? Basically all of the researchers of all of the people in the trial, the media who might’ve been publishing stories about this great promising new drug trial, da, da, da. There might be hundreds of thousands of people thinking in their head, and maybe a few hundred at least are very concentrated, all have really positive expectations of that drug outcome. Now, that collective consciousness behind it will basically spike, it spikes the data even though it’s double-blind because of quantum entanglement because there’s no such thing as blind in quantum. Now, as that effect goes away and people are on to their next drug research trial and this and that, there isn’t much intention behind it. There’s not much consciousness behind the many more. It sort of dissipates and then it can go to a negative place too. It’s probably just the toxic effect of the chemical. But yeah, I find that pretty interesting. I read about that in … Which was it? Yeah, I think it was The Economist and the New Scientist. It was a few years ago. It was a great article on just doing this big data analysis on all of the double-blind trials over a 30 year period of the drug, of how successful they were and how the curve just drops off. It’s pretty interesting. Now, see I can’t necessarily prove it’s a quantum effect, but at least that’s my belief.

Wendy: Yes. I just love talking to you about these concepts and bioenergetics. This is just what really lights my fire these days, because for so long, since I was a teenager, reading about in Scientific American, all the drugs and the most exciting drugs and cancer treatments and the double-blind trials, and just all these things that modern medicine holds in such high esteem as the gold standard in studies. Really a lot of that for me has fallen away, that kind of holding that-

Harry: Yeah, so it’s a house of cards. It is unfortunate, but yeah. The scientific … it is a hard one. The scientific method that we’re built … god, I mean modern society’s built so much off a scientific method. It does have some big flaws behind it, which really come down to the quantum rules underneath our reality. But yeah, if we understood and studied those and then created new scientific models, or other ways of doing trials that took that into account, we would in a better place than we are today. Hopefully that era will start to come.

Wendy: Yeah, I wouldn’t want to be the person designing that study for sure.

Harry: Yeah, it’s not that straightforward. One way we’re looking at it is, I guess back to that concept of the whole, well if you look at a drug trial for instance, another issue there is with that is it’s just looking … You’ve got this isolated chemical and it’s saying, “Let’s look at this isolated effect on the body. Does it get rid of diabetes? Does it reduce inflammation? Does it reduce arterial plaque?”

Whatever it’s being designed to do. It’s just looking at one thing. The trial isn’t concerned with the other, goodness knows, X trillion reactions that are happening in the body and how that chemical may be affecting everything else that then has all these side effects. But the outcome of the trial is positive if it does what the study was designed for, and then they just list side effects as though that’s a secondary issue. But I say, one solution is … just collect all data.

I’m more of a fan of the big data approach. We just collect everything that happens to a body, to a human during a trial. I think we’d be in a better place.

It’s something we’re doing to a degree, because with our cloud software, we basically collect every single scan result. We’re only looking at 440 factors in our bioenergetic scan. But that’s a lot better than just looking at one factor. We’re trying to look at the body in a more holistically across it of what’s happening. I think, yeah, I mean it’s a start. But for sure, there’s … yeah, it gets pretty intricate when you get into all that stuff.

Wendy: Yeah. I’m really excited to see the results of the study that you’re conducting. I mean-

Harry: I have got a little bit. I can give you a little tip here..

Wendy: … Yes. Yeah. I know to date you have 16 million scans and you’re analyzing 440 data points. I know you’re trying to bring this quantum bioenergetic software that you’ve created, and bring more science behind it to validate what is it that you’re saying. Tell us some of the preliminary results of this new study.

Harry: Yeah, we’ve looked at, well it was … Over the last year, we started 44,000 data points from the last year. In that, we’ve basically seen a nice 30% jump basically in people’s wellness scores. Basically, people were scoring themselves from zero to 10 on how well they were feeling in between session one and two. Yeah, anyway, we’ve got a 30% rise between those first two scans. That’s a nice, just a bit of initial data. It hasn’t been written up properly yet, but when it’s properly published, we will share that and tell people more. But it’s a good indication anyway.

Wendy: [00:48:40] Let’s talk about some of the solutions. You have a program called NES Health, N-ES health, and it’s such a profound program and a profound way to elicit positive change in the body and produce health. It starts with a scan, where you do a scan of your body’s energetic field. You see where you have the energetic blocks in the body, and then you have a protocol to clear those energetic blocks in the body. There’s so much more too that that’s a very simple explanation. Why don’t you tell us about that?

Harry: Sure. It’s pretty easy really, but basically yeah, if you put your hand on this device, we can basically the scan your overall body-field, which really from this quantum aspect we’re basically at how that communication network is working basically in your body or what we call the body-field. It’s identifying any distortions in that communication network, which ultimately gives us a very, very strong indication of the health and performance of all your different body systems, or organ systems. From that, we’re basically able to unblock and release a lot of the energy flow back in the end. We call that program BREAKTHROUGH BIOENERGETICS. It’s pretty simple, but you can basically go and see a bioenergetic practitioner, either in person or you can do it remotely and basically the company just drop ships you a scanner, and it puts you in touch with a practitioner or a coach, and off you go. Then basically that’s just between you and the practitioner.

Wendy: [00:50:15] Tell us about the protocols you used to correct energetic functioning in the body. You have something called Infoceuticals, and then you have something called a miHealth device. Can you tell us about those?

Harry: Sure. An Infoceutical, that is a bit of a big … well, it’s not so big a question,but basically it’s this idea that we were talking about earlier of information is able to influence patterns of energy, and how information is really this master control system of life. We’re basically able to imprint information into a liquid, which not so dissimilar to the idea of homeopathy. Basically, when you drink that liquid, that information basically goes into your bodyfield and helps to correct the control system of the body-field.

Wendy: Oh, interesting. Yeah. I’ve been taking Infoceuticals for well over a year now. I’ve really been surprised by how much better I feel. I sleep better, my mood is better, my energy is better, my overall health is better because of the positive changes I’ve experienced from eliciting change in my body’s energetic field, by feeding it corrective information. Let’s talk about the miHealth device.

Harry: Yeah. The miHealth is basically a combination of 10’s which is basically electrostimulation and PMF, which is pulsed electromagnetic frequencies, and this concept of information. But the short version is, we put information in on to an electrical signal and you can basically release any energy blockages in a particular area of the body just by placing the device on or near that particular part.

Wendy: Yeah. If anybody that wants to learn information about that, we have a podcast from Cyril Bourke and Harry talking about the miHealth device. Very, very interesting podcast. There’s a lot of details. Tell us where one can learn more about trying out NES or even becoming a NES Health practitioner. Sure. Basically, just go to the NES Health website, which is N-E-S health dot com. Yeah, if you go there, there’s an opt-in, and you can basically watch our … Well, we did talk about it today, but we also made some movies on this called The Living Matrix, so you can basically watch a movie that explains all of this, sort of more thoroughly and with all of these other great, great characters in the movie. Yeah. You’ll read everything from there. Everyone, thank you so much for joining us for the SuperCharged podcast where we’re trying our best to help you energize your body and your life, and help to change the course of your life, and your life purpose. Thank you so much for tuning in, and if you like what you heard today on the podcast, go leave us a review on iTunes. Those reviews help us to reach far more people when they’re searching in iTunes for various podcasts. We’d so appreciate you taking two minutes of your day to do that for us. Again, we hope this podcast helped you and thank you so much for listening. Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.

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