Transcript #16 Bioenergetic Cooking with Kimberly Knox

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00:00:30 Introducing Kimberly Knox and Bioenergetic cooking
00:01:40 Kimberly’s background and how she got into cooking
00:06:00 Choose wisely: food does one of these three things
00:08:00 Change your health by what you eat, regardless of your DNA
00:09:30 Why no single diet will fix it all
00:11:50 You’re worth organic food –hear why
00:13:45 The benefits of adding dandelion greens into your diet
00:15:15 Amazing studies from juicing with bitter melon
00:18:15 Getting a NES scan to see your nutrient deficiencies
00:23:30 Why being in tune to your body is more important than dieting
00:25:50 “Let food be thy medicine.”
00:28:10 These are the foods that will help with the heart
00:30:00 How we’ve been brainwashed about fats
00:32:15 Kimberly’s thoughts on detoxing
00:33:45 Why you should juice and the best time to do it
00:37:00 Learn how to get coached by Kimberly

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

[00:00:30] Welcome to the Super Charged podcast. Now, today I’m joined by a dear friend who is called Kimberly and Kimberly is basically the world’s expert in Bioenergetic cooking. Now, Bioenergetic cooking is quite a new craze and if I’m sure most of us will remember, Bioenergetics is basically the study of energy in living systems, so what Bioenergetic cooking is, is basically … It’s basically cooking to give you more energy for life, and anyways, it’s been great meeting up with Kimberly. She’s also a local to Florida and Sarasota and we met up about three months ago and she’s been really, really kind and been actually doing a lot of cooking for our practitioners at our trainings and we’ve basically been getting together to discuss the forward movement of bioenergetic cooking. Before we get into that too much, well, perhaps we’ll just let you introduce yourself. So,

[00:01:40] Kimberly, tell us a little bit about your background, how you got into health and obviously, how you got into cooking

Kimberly Knox: Well, honestly, health and cooking … cooking has been a lifelong passion of mine, honestly since I was five, and growing up in Vermont just surrounded by big, huge vegetable gardens and our own animals, it seemed … It was just really, really normal to have that amount of health and to know what really good healthy food tastes like. Actually, getting back into health was a little bit more of an epiphany. When you think about Wayne Dyer talking about the shift, I was running my own business, sitting at my desk realizing I didn’t want to sit at my desk, I wanted to be in the kitchen and I wanted to be feeding people, that was my gift. I would have parties and things and so this really linked up to how important that was to me and my passion, but then couple that with having my own health issues and then my best friend coming down with breast cancer. So that led to this whole realization that food is super important and we participated in this worldwide podcast with many different practitioners, all around the world, learning about different modalities on healing the body. Light bulbs were just going off in my mind about, “This is really my passion,” and I think it was Dr. Young who talked about the pH miracle in the body and I started doing more green smoothies and just from simple green smoothies packed with nutrients, dense vitamins, minerals, good fats, proteins, I started to gain more life in my eyes, my body felt better, I had better energy, and I had always gone to natural practitioners. Traditional Chinese medicine was really my way to go, and so I was already linked to my body in a more intimate way than most people. If he had told me my liver was a little bit weak, I would kind of be, “Okay, what can I do to enhance that in working with him?” There was this connection to mind-body already, but I wanted to go back to school because I wanted to get certified so that I could really help people in bigger ways. I went to school, I finished my schooling at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City and I’m completing my hormone health specialty class now. And just so through all that we really linked to the fact that everyone is bio individual and what I loved most about NES Health and meeting you, Harry, and getting the testing is that I’d already done Bio Meridian testing since the late 90s when some of the first German machines were, you hold onto the pods, and I thought it was amazing that they were able to link you to emotions, not just body imbalances, but also emotional imbalances, so-

Harry: Did you change your eating because of some of that testing, out of curiosity?

Kimberly: Absolutely. I was looking … At that point she says, “Processed foods” and I’m like, “What are …” “Processed foods, you need to stay away from processed foods, you need to clean up your liver.” I actually started doing liquid chlorophyll, now this was before I was doing the green smoothies, so chlorophyll is similar in that sense because it’s green … Yeah, they call it Kermit juice.

Harry: It’s like plum blood.

Kimberly: Yeah, so this whole … You know your body, we know our bodies, so when you clean up your diet, what’re you doing? Your body starts to speak to you. We are our own

[00:06:00] best information for our body about what works with us. If we feel energetic, because I already believe that food was information before I met up with you guys, and so when you talked about healing as information and everything is energy, it just really clicked with me, because food either does one or two, three things, it either harms your body, clogs it up, or it gives you energy and the vital nutrients that it needs or it kind of does nothing. We’re our own best guides.

Harry: It is like one of the most direct ways to basically change your cellular environment, so in Bioenergetic theory, we’re always exchanging energy with our environments and the really big ones are oxygen, so we breathe out carbon dioxide. Yeah, there’s sunlight and then of course there’s water, and obviously the subject of today is food, and when you’re consuming all of that food, what does it do? Well, A, we’re exchanging energy or literally vital nutrients with the environment. When it’s inside you and gets digested and goes into the blood, what you eat obviously is directly effects the exchange of nutrients between your blood and your cells, which of course affects your health pretty, pretty strongly, to say the least.

Kimberly: So when I was in school, this drove home those points that you’re just talking about, because I had only kind of hit the surface of my passion with all of this and then the teachers, the lecturers, Dr. Mark Hyman is a fantastic functional physician that’s really

[00:08:00] changing the landscape of our own thinking in his first book that he teamed up with a cardiologist to write, Eat Fat, Get Thin, and now his new book out, food, what the heck should I eat? Or something like that, he’s really linking that up, but epigenetics, that whole concept that you can actually change your … You don’t have to worry about your DNA, it’s what you’re eating. I was telling my doctors that all the time, that it didn’t matter that my mother had breast cancer at 49 or whatever, I felt that my whole lifestyle and the way I ate was totally different, and the amazing part is that we can really change our health by what we’re eating and we have … We’re just over … There’s so much sugar and processed food out there. To understand the nutrient levels, but to really have reverence for the body and that’s what I love about NES Health as well is it gives the person this reverence that they actually have this amazing bio computer that it speaks to them, it changes, and it changes with the environment and they can have empowerment over their lives to make adjustments, to bring it back into balance, and to create vibrant health.

Harry: Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s basically a pattern recognition system, so what’s great is when you have a scan, it’s basically giving you information back on probably the most dominant pattern that’s going on in you at that time. What’s so interesting about food, I think …

[00:09:30] When I think back to when I was really ill, we would look at certain diets, maybe I’d follow the Gerson diet, which was juicing and coffee and I was slow cooking everything or you follow a vegan or a paleo diet or whatever it is, and there’s this sort of thinking that there’s this one diet that’s going to fix all of your problems-

Kimberly: That’s not true.

Harry: … and what I’ve learned over the years is that, yeah, that’s absolutely bogus. Your body is constantly evolving, it’s constantly changing and the right food for you this month is not necessarily the right food for next month. Obviously a very obvious way of seeing that is in seasons.

Kimberly: Yeah, and you know that I do videos on the different seasons and that we’re in the winter season now and that building up our blood. We’re still in the winter season, in fact, we’re gonna have the vernal equinox on the 21st when the big shift happens, so it is about building up our organs now, building up our blood right now, getting rest, it’s rest and repair, so that in the spring we’re able to go forward in the spring, it’s a natural time for cleansing for the body, so staying in that rhythm as well as getting knowledge of your own body, just like-

Harry: How does that work in Florida? ‘Cause we’re in February now, but it feels like warm spring.

Kimberly: So it’s a little strange; however, we did have a nice cold spell and what I recognized during that cold spell, when I was doing some of the cooking for the training and I found myself craving denser foods, like more-

Harry: Oh yeah, you made a certainly beautiful bison meat-.

Kimberly: … meats, yeah, things that require more digestion, things to warm up the body. When it gets warmer, the body naturally starts to adjust and it wants more cooling foods to naturally cool the body, not as heavy, because it creates energy to digest the food, so knowing the seasonal things as well as what’s going on in your own body is very important. It’s just … I just feel … And when you asked me about, “Did I change my food, my diet?” Yeah, I was having troubles with my kidney. Kidney, liver. I was really looking into all the foods that would support different organs. I don’t know what’s going on here. The whole process of cooking for the body and cooking is so easy. That’s what I really want people to know, is just really taking amazing … and you do need organic food.

[00:11:50] You’re worth organic food, you need it and the reason why is because of the pesticides and all of the chemicals on the food and they do come out with a list of the dirty dozen and the clean 15, but there’s more than just the dozen, those are the dirtiest, and they disrupt our endocrine system. So it’s very important, and I think the great takeaway from the training was how great and energized everyone felt after eating good, clean, amazing food.

Harry: Absolutely, and later in the year, it’s gonna be pretty exciting. I think yeah, we should keep going on this subject of how different people at different times need different foods. I think you began to touch on it when you were saying … I think you just said you were kidney deficient. Yeah, so for instance, if someone is kidney deficient, what would
be more nourishing for them, ’cause that’s a pretty common problem. Most people who are feeling burnt out or have adrenal issues, most of those people would be kidney deficient

Kimberly: I gained a whole new respect for dandelions, by the way. We acquainted spinach with Popeye and for many good reasons, spinach is filled with really great nutrients and even iron, of course, and getting back to iron, fueling our red blood cells and the important

[00:13:45] vitamins and minerals that give us energy. We need both magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, to actually make the heart relax and contract, but going to the kidneys, dandelion greens not only support, but they naturally cleanse out and detoxify the kidney and liver. Right now is a great time to be adding dandelion greens and I get them at the farmer’s market, they’re really, really soft and tender, adding them into your smoothies or to great salads. I know I made an amazing one with chick peas and dandelion greens and adding … It’s just really, really easy to combine these foods. I mean, even dandelions have … they’re 14% protein and we wouldn’t even think of that, the way we’re cast in the United States here is to think we have to eat meat to get our protein, but also beets. Beets are one of my favorite foods. Not just because of the natural nitrates that they create in the body, that help to create nitro oxide, which is a natural vascular dilator, excellent for heart and cardiovascular health, but the betaine in beets also help cleanse the body, naturally. If you’re doing juicing, as you know, that’s a process that requires no digestion, it goes right into the blood stream, it’s a quick way to enhance your vital organs, but if you’re on the standard American diet, you need to-

Harry: I juiced-

Kimberly: ….prepare.

Harry: … I can’t quite remember the name, but I think they’re called gourds…this morning, which

[00:15:15] … A bitter melon, that’s the United States-

Kimberly: Oh, bitter melons, beautiful, isn’t it? Yeah, that’s a-

Harry: Yeah, absolutely disgusting, but there’s been amazing studies of when you juice with bitter melon, you can reverse diabetes and so if you have blood sugar issues, then juice a few of those. They’re in season right now in Florida in February, so yeah.

Kimberly: I almost bought one the other day. They are quite ugly on the outside, but in the inside-

Harry: They’re ugly on the outside and they taste absolutely disgusting, but they’re very good for you. There’s not a vegetable that’s as ugly on the outside

Kimberly: So when you’re juicing, obviously it’s not always to taste great, because if it tastes great, people equate that with, “Oh, it tastes great,” then there’s usually a lot of sugar and we want to be careful of that, because it creates cellular exchange and it increases cell growth for cancer and things like that. So getting back to the beets and the betaine, there’s amazing antioxidants in different foods, greens, and beets as well like I said, so you want to infuse your body with that. The really great juice to do, and you have to prepare to do juicing, that’s why I guide my clients in actually doing some smoothies first, which are a gentle cleanse, because you’re combining fiber and protein at the same time, and fats, along with all of those nutrients that cleanse out the body so it’s not so
dramatic, because basically your blood stream will get infused with toxins that the body is
trying to release and you’ll feel like you might have the flu.

Harry: And again, I think when you’re looking at things like juicing and smoothies, I mean, I’m actually a big proponent of juicing. I’ve probably juiced a green juice every day-

Kimberly: Oh, I believe so. In the morning, it’s my energy. I don’t take caffeine at all. I don’t require it and in fact, I’m leaning more toward more fats, the keto type diet, ketogenetics and things like that and more fats is becoming almost faddish right now, but it’s actually excellent for any type of brain disorders. Fats like coconut oil is a medium, chain fat, which you can derive a lot of energy from, it also feeds the brain as well, at the same time without that glucose load. Most people are running on this glucose circle and they’re just … They keep stealing energy for more glucose and caffeine and they’re not really building energy in the body.

Harry: And also exciting for us is just this idea that we can … Because we can scan the body-field,

[00:18:15] we can basically see what’s your cells, what nutrients are gonna be more suitable in that particular time period. Just say you might be kidney deficient, you might be having stomach-

Kimberly: Small intestine, yeah.

Harry: … issues. Could be all sorts of things and in Chinese-type thinking, if you want to fuel the stomach fire, you would give warming type ingredients and you’d probably avoid the raw vegan stuff, but to a point in- … the summer or spring when you’ve got higher energy, you can have more raw, and that’s literally because you’re getting the heat from the outside sun, so you don’t need to consume as much heat internally, and obviously you can know all these things and be intuitive about them, but that obviously takes years of study or you can simply do a scan, and this is what’s really cool, is basically Kimberly has been working on basically different sets of ingredients and different recipes for what we call our Energetic Integrators, which you could broadly define as the Chinese Meridian System. Probably easier to state it like that, but yeah, and so we can basically custom work out what types of foods are gonna be more nurturing in a particular period and then, of course, the next month, the seasons change and your body adapts and starts to heal and builds upon itself, those recommendations change. But what’s great is you get a much deeper understanding over time of the types of foods that are gonna be ideal for your body and the more you experiment with different foods, and I have to say, your food’s absolutely delicious and we’re putting together this cookbook, which will come out towards the end of the year, I think, but this being 2018, depending on when you’re
listening to it.

Kimberly: Right, so getting to the integrators, what I love about them is they’re even more complex than traditional Chinese medicine, because at the quantum level, I was already keyed into quantum type of physics before I met you, so it was quite natural for me to understand the body, there’s mystery within the body, but at this quantum level, they’re really affecting a lot of other things, so even just an integrator one, which I thought was fantastic, that just the entire essence … Now, I put intention into my food and what I also loved about NES Health is that you guys talk about intention as a healing, so this is huge. When you put intention into your cooking, you’re cooking, you’re cooking for your family, you’re putting love and nutrients into it; while you’re cooking, you’re thinking about the food and the interchange that it’s gonna have on the body itself, so you’re already creating this nurturing intention within the body. Well, plus you’re already … Because integrator one has to do with the entire nervous system, the autonomic nervous system, the parasympathetic, the sympathetic nervous system, and just the whole sense of us utilizing our senses, relaxing, getting involved in cooking, preparing the body to eat, it’s a whole sense driven operation. So we talk about the B vitamins here, because they’re
feeding the nervous system and the dark leafy greens, the meats. I made bison burgers, grass-fed bison, stuffed with mushrooms-

Harry: And that I remember was basically for the colon-lung meridian of energetic integrator one.

Kimberly: It actually, integrator one I believe was more the nervous system, the colon, yes, and then the whole emotion of holding on. See, in the cookbook, we’re not just gonna talk about recipes. People get a cookbook, there’s recipes. There’s gonna be plenty of pictures, plenty of recipes, but there’s also gonna be little lifestyle tips in there as well, because integrator one relates to the lymphatic system. Little tips on great things for the lymphatic system, even a homemade sugar scrub that I make that I will teach you how to make. You will be so involved in the empowerment of your own health. That’s what I find to be so exciting with all of this. It’s really the empowerment that people will have, and then a total new look at food itself and then how it relates to them.

Harry: We’re just not used to that idea of eating what we need in a particular time period. We all do it …

[00:23:30]  Well, you and me have probably got this habit of juicing every day or other people have that habit of doing keto every day, but it’s just not the right approach and it’s far better to be much more in tune with what your body needs in a particular moment. Yeah, if you do that, your health gets restored in a much more rapid way.

Kimberly: Yeah, absolutely.

Harry: And it’s more fun. God, it’s so boring eating the same all the time.

Kimberly: No, it’s absolutely incredible and I take people to the grocery store and I open their mind-

Harry: Boring!

Kimberly: … I take people to the grocery store or to the farmer’s market and I introduce them to different things and we talk about how to cook them and it’s so easy. Honestly,
nourishing the body is quite simple to do. Simple foods, simple ingredients, just eating really clean. We’re so used to convenient stuff, that’s been the downfall of everything, honestly in that sense, but really getting back in touch and just having flowers in your kitchen. I mean, just being surrounded by-

Harry: I’m in a very bad office, this is my office. I think this is the first podcast we’ve done in the new office. I’d like to show everyone how-

Kimberly: That’s why I was choosing to be here in the kitchen.

Harry: That’s my blank office. Very exciting. With a picture I bought 10 years ago, maybe 12 years ago in England, so that’s a bit of England in Florida.

Kimberly: So what I love is that the integrative and functional doctors are leaning in this direction. Whereas it might be a little strange now, what really impressed me is that Parsley Health and Dr. Frank … Oh, crap. I can’t think of his last name now. What is it? He’s another integrative physician out of New York City. They’re making the kitchen the center of the environment. They’re making cooking and how to take care of yourself part of their healing process. As it might seem that it’s range now, it will not be strange soon enough, because there is a health crisis, and Dr. Mark Hyman is the one that said, “The way to cure it today is to get back into the kitchen.” People that do have influence and-


Harry: … Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine-“

Kimberly: Yeah, and medicine be thy food.

Harry: Never a truer statement.

Kimberly: And so his very first, and I talk about watercress, because when I learned about watercress, I was telling everyone about watercress, but Hippocrates actually built his first healing center next to watercress, which grows on water. It’s actually a legume in
that sense-

Harry: And that’s because it builds blood because it’s full of iron.

Kimberly: It’s so full of-

Harry: And it’s full of chlorophyll-

Kimberly: …. nutrients.

Harry: Yeah, and it’s full of magnesium.

Kimberly: It’s such nutrient dense, yes, vitamins, minerals-

Harry: I’m gonna go out and buy some.

Kimberly: So, now they equated it with peasants, because it was eaten by the lower level-

Harry: But they were the strong ones in the field.

Kimberly: Yes, exactly! Like the people that-

Harry: The aristocrats were fat and lazy.

Kimberly: Oh, I know! They talk about the story about some young person that was going to eat at a house and he had his diet every day and he went to this big aristocratic home and he felt ill after eating there because of their food. But they would feed watercress to the slaves back then in ancient times to keep them going. There’s reasons, and bone broth was not a strange thing. I had not heard of bone broth seven years ago, bone broth is a part of my natural, just my natural intake. I sip on bone broth with lemon, it’s amazing, and I make bone broth incredible with herbs and everything else, but you’re getting the nutrients pulled out of the bone. It has to be organic. I get it from a farmer. I get organic beef and I also get organic chicken. So it’s feeding your skin, it’s feeding your muscles, the repair tissue, good looking skin, and if you want beautiful eyes and skin, start cleaning up your liver, really.

Harry: What about the heart, the heart and TCM is the center of joy. In Bioenergetics, so many of our most stronger Infoceuticals all have Heart Driver in them, basically because heart rules positive emotions-

Kimberly: Absolutely.

Harry: … and the emotions have such a massive … Well, trauma and negative emotions have

[00:28:10] such a detrimental effect to health and anything that will improve your emotional outlook-

Kimberly: Absolutely.

Harry: … which can have a massive healing benefit, so yeah, what’s foods that will help the heart?

Kimberly: Well, I’m glad that you mentioned the heart. We’re in February, they talk about heart health. Heart is a very intricate organ and you’re right, in traditional Chinese medicine, they believe the other organs will all rally to assist it. In fact, the small intestine is the mother to the heart, so if that’s going off, it’s not able to help as much. If the liver is angry and it’s not clear, it’s not able to help as much,but the heart is an imprinter of information and I love that it’s the king of the body, but it is the emotional center as well.
So in my training, it’s not just food, it’s also the other things going on around you. The quality of your relationships and things like that, that will have an imprintable information effect on the heart, as well as computer radiation, electromagnetical frequencies that we’re getting. We’re having so many people with AFib issues today. Now, with the heart we need to look at, it’s an electrical type of impulse that keeps it going. We need magnesium, we need potassium, calcium and we need sodium. They all work together in this pumping of the heart, which we take for granted until something’s gone wrong.

Harry: Until it stops, then it’s not too good.

Kimberly: Right, because we’re pumping vital oxygen through the blood. Now, this whole thing about breath work is amazing and I put this … We’re going to be putting these into the cookbook as well, so it’s not only about food, but breath work, when you get up in the

[00:30:00] morning, doing some deep bellowed breathing engages the lungs to engage the upper chambers of the heart to push the blood, ’cause you might be not breathing fully that well at night. Some people don’t breathe at all, because they might be clogged up, so breathing, engaging the heart, but you need foods deeply seated in the magnesium, potassium, iron, sodium. So, honestly, we just talked about beets, but beets is amazing for that, because of the nitrates and that creates the nitric oxide in the body, which is the natural vascular dilatator, which naturally reduces after the age of 40, so making sure you’re keeping that up in the body is fantastic. Foods high in magnesium. Well, your dark leafy greens are incredible for that, and that’s why, quite frankly, when I started doing my green smoothies, not only was I getting the good fats that I was missing, because we’re all brainwashed in the 90s that fats are not good for you, I was putting in avocado, which is a massive super food-

Harry: We’re getting slightly brainwashed the other way around now.

Kimberly: So, avocado, that helps you absorb the vitamin A, kale, the fat soluble vitamins, but you need these minerals to feed the energy. Calcium is also going to relate to integrator three, because talking about the parathyroid gland, which rules the calcium level in the body, you just heard me talk about it with the heart, so all of these things work together. It’s just so incredible that when a person starts to have some knowledge and understanding of the body and how everything relates, then they get their scan, because like I said, I’ve been getting these scans for years, but the NES Health scan was so comprehensive that I was blown away by just the feedback. And this feedback we don’t get … First of all, we get a blood test from a doctor and most likely, we don’t really get the feedback that we’re getting, nor do we get the level of information, so this connection to the body is vital, extremely vital.

Harry: It is, it is. Now I was just curious, are you more of a fan of just eating super healthily continually; well, I’m sure you do that, or do you sort of have certain detox phases and do

[00:32:15] you have any special little … I mean, people get quite obsessed with detox. I was curious of your thoughts of that, or your just whole life is so healthy it happens naturally?

Kimberly: So, when I come back from being away, I don’t feel so well, probably for several reasons. I’m flying, the radiation, and just being off my normal schedule, but I listen to my body and I will tell people it’s very exciting and my clients even say this, even a few weeks of working together, you will listen to your body. You start listening to your body, you’ll know. I know when I need to do a few days, if my small intestines are having some issues, I know I need to relax my digestive system, I need to up my nutrients. I’ll do green smoothies and I’ll be fine in a day. Detoxing, I don’t need to detox as much anymore because I do run very clean. I do not have cravings for food that are junky. I really don’t. I don’t miss processed junky food-

Harry: That’s sort of my view on it, is like …

Kimberly: … and once a person gets off it, when they try to eat it, they will be ill. A guy that I was coaching, he was literally in the bathroom for quite a while. He was like, “Oh my god, my body is just not accepting this food-“

Harry: Let’s not describe that, Kimberly.

Kimberly: Well, that’s his message to me, so people will understand what that means. Your body does not … Your body will reject stuff that it no longer is okay with. Do I juice? Yes. I love

[00:33:45] feeding my blood first thing in the morning and that’s when you should have juice. Juice should be on an empty stomach. It goes right into the blood stream and right away, you’re quickly nourishing the organ. Your kidney and liver work overtime all day long. Your kidney is filtering this blood and that’s huge. And then your liver is trying to protect you from everything and then if you’re boozing it up, well, it can’t do its job because then it’s trying to process alcohol at the same time and so we … and we’re just bombarded, so yes, we do need to-

Harry: I mean, I know when I sort of first started … God, this was a long time ago when I gave up alcohol at 21, I do drink now on occasion, so don’t-

Kimberly: But a little bit you can handle.

Harry: Yeah, I mean, also fascinating, when people are so used to sugar drinks, caffeine, alcohol, chocolate, you just sort of … Well, I mean all of it is basically … It’s a subtle addiction but

[00:35:00] it’s a subtle addiction that’s within societal norms, so it’s not seen as an addiction, but it’s so interesting, when you take all those things away, you take away the chocolate and caffeine that buzz you up, I mean, what most people do is you’re gonna have the coffee first thing, chocolate in the day to wake themselves up and get zingy, and then they’re a bit hyped at night. They have the alcohol and then of course they’re slumped and they’re slumped when they wake up, so they need the stimulants and then by midday they’re like, zing, and-

Kimberly: That’s my whole point of fueling energy, and at night, your organs need to cleanse out, so if you’re overexciting your liver with junk it’s trying to process, then how is it going to clean out?

Harry: Yeah, if you strip it all … It’s amazing how much clearer and calmer you are if you don’t touch any of it. You just take away all … I don’t know the right word,but uppers and downers, well, all stimulants and all calmers, for lack of a better word-

Kimberly: So, if you’re on a high fat diet… Yeah, the more fat, fiber and protein, that’s what I like to concentrate on more and more-

Harry: Vegetables.

Kimberly: … plant protein. I am more plant protein, I am A positive blood type andmy natural … I naturally have gravitated to more plants and you will find with the B12s, yes, you do get them more readily from meat. I like chicken liver, honestly. It’s fantastic.

Harry: That’s my dog, she is approving chicken liver.

Kimberly: It’s delicious cooked in grass-fed butter with onion and garlic. I think she liked one of the desserts that I made, too, out of … What was it? It was the paleo … I don’t do inflammatory stuff. The dairy is very inflammatory to me, don’t do it. Some people can do raw.

Harry: All right, well I think we should sum up. I mean right now, do you have a website that people can go to and have a look?

Kimberly: So my own website is In the Kitchen with KK. That kind of just came up years before I went back to school, because I already was doing YouTube videos and I just got into the

[00:37:00] kitchen and started making this blueberry smoothie. It was on Father’s Day and I was like, “Here we are in the kitchen with KK,” so it’s Talks about my coaching, it’s gonna have some recipes there.

Harry: So if people want to be coached by you, they can just go there and contact you?

Kimberly: Yeah, absolutely, and we talk about some of the programs that I do-

Harry:And then on the bioenergetics cooking, yeah-

Kimberly: We’re working on that.

Harry: You’re working on that, but basically, as simply if you have a scan and look into a practitioner on, there’s a practitioner locator. There will be soon enough all of these help files in there when you have a scan, probably by the time you’re listening, there’ll be that information in there of the right types of-

Kimberly: Foods or lifestyle tips.

Harry: Depending on your body-field at the time. Cool. Is there anything you’d like to say to sum up?

Kimberly: Well, one of the … It’s really about the passion and just having this whole just belief that the universe is leading you in the right direction. Like Steve Jobs said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking back,” so you have to have some faith that things working out and we were put into our path and just for me to evolve with this passion that I have of really connecting people at a deeper level to nourish their body, so that they can have empowerment over more vital health at any age. I’ve seen a man’s brain at 80 change for the better after he started eating cleaner. I mean, we had such great information in our schools, so it doesn’t matter the age, it doesn’t matter how down in the rabbit hole you are, once you start giving your body what it needs, it is such an amazing bio computer that it will link up and do you right. I mean, it might take you a little while longer, but you can. You can bring back your vital health and you can work with your practitioner, you can work … I mean, whatever you’re doing and you can gently get off maybe any type of … lots of drugs that you’re on. You can live this amazing life with information, and that’s what I love. You get this feedback and then it gives you the information and we can give you the information to empower you to really go forward.

Harry: Cool. Well, perfect. We’re gonna do … We’ll be doing another podcast in a few months time on the same subject when we’ve basically completed the book and so we’ll have much more detailed information on it all, but thank you very much everyone for listening and thank you-

Kimberly: Yeah, thank you. Thank you.

Harry: … for joining today and if you want to speak to Kimberly directly, just go to her website, which will be in the show notes below or, of course, if you want a scan, go to All right, thanks.

Kimberly: Fabulous. Thank you, everyone.

Harry: Bye for now.

Kimberly: Thank you, Harry. Bye-bye.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

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