Transcript #17 Archetypes and Mind Body with Dr Lenny Izzo

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  • 00:00:30 Meet Lenny Izzo
  • 00:02:40 Peter Fraser’s research on emotional oscillations
  • 00:06:30 Why chemicals can’t heal emotional distortions
  • 00:07:00 Historical context of emotional oscillations
  • 00:09:30 Explaining the archetypes and the hero’s journey
  • 00:10:45 Reaching higher optimal performance as a human being
  • 00:11:50 Seeing someone’s story through their body-field with NES Health
  • 00:14:30 Lenny’s biggest crises that led to transformation
  • 00:18:30 Caroline Myss and the four survival archetypes
  • 00:20:30 Being passionate about one’s own truth
  • 00:21:30 Does everyone have a life purpose?
  • 00:25:50 The hero’s journey broken down into three stages
  • 00:33:00 A king in every man, a queen in every woman
  • 00:41:30 Today’s conventional healthcare system related to archetypes
  • 00:51:00 Using NES Health to awaken the Human Body-Field
  • 01:01:00 Support the Institute of Bioenergetics

Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.

Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.

Harry: Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life.

Harry: Hey, Lenny, how are you doing?

Lenny Izzo: Good, Harry. Good to have this time with you just to see where we’ll go

Harry: Yeah, yeah. Just for the listeners, Doctor Lenny is a very renowned chiropractor, but more importantly, he’s an absolute expert on basically archetypes, psychology, Carl Jung. I wouldn’t even know where to start. Maybe you could describe yourself a bit better, Lenny.

Lenny: I’m not sure if I’m an expert, there’s so much universal knowledge out there. But I am really passionate, have been passionate about understanding the archetypes of, as they relate to consciousness. Everything is archetypical. Everything is the matrix, and in the matrix there’s a design, and in the design is structure, and the human psyche has that as much as the rest of creation does. So what I began to realize along the way in my own professional journey was that very few were actually outlining or articulating any design to the human psyche. And I think that’s one of the issues today. We’re just breaking the ground with your work, Harry, and with NES, we’re just breaking the ground and beginning to articulate the design of the human energy field

Harry: [00:02:40] Oh yeah, we’ve only just started. Well it’s been pretty incredible, because I had this amazing 10-year journey with Peter and then, unfortunately he died. But yeah, I’ve recently been going back over a lot of his previous papers, and actually I’ve just had shipped over to the states, hopefully it will be here when you get here, but boxes and boxes of all of the old research. I think it’s interesting, I think you were just asking me before we hit record. But yeah, one of the papers and things I’ve came across was this idea of … He called it emotional oscillations. I think I’m probably slightly rephrasing the theory into what I’ll call emotional immunity. But yeah, when you look at thoughts and energy within your body, something I was just reading yesterday that Peter reminded me about, is health and healing is all about where energy is at its most efficient. So we’re actually looking for really low energy state in the body because that means energy and information is able to travel efficiently. Emotions, which we’re obviously going to get into in this discussion, emotions, when you have very violent emotions, or there’s a lot of emotions and they’re oscillating a lot, it disturbs that energy field and it makes it inefficient. When you have energy inefficient and too much energy going on you get disease. It’s also pretty fascinating, something just is occurring to us when I was reading that, is in the homeopathic ideas, you have this idea of the retracing of disease. You sort of unfold it, you unpeel these layers and you go back to these previous disease states. And this sort of theory explains that because when you take away one distortion you get back to how the energy pattern was previously, and that’s basically a previous disease state, et cetera, et cetera. I think the fortunate thing is, I mean that’s the wonders of bioenergetics and psychology, you can actually sort of retrace right back, you can jump steps, you don’t have to go back through everything, which is rather uncomfortable. Yeah, all good fun.

Lenny: It is. We don’t have to go back over every step that got us here, relative to the distortion. But that’s what bioenergetics does teach us and show us, and the reason being is because it’s all connected. The way I describe it to patients and clients is in the old model of science, which is still relevant, we still live in a particle-based world, right? So if I was there with you-

Harry: You might, Lenny. I’m not sure I do these days.

Lenny: I’m not sure you do either and I

Harry: You do.

Lenny:  Yeah. And not just my emotions oscillate, but I oscillate between two realities. I mean, I woke up to that years ago that there really are multiple realities, but two distinct realities; the invisible world and the visible world. So when we open up as healers or practitioners, the new science, what I like to see it as the art and science of conscious healing. We have to become aware of the design, and in that design we don’t have to touch everything that’s wrong. Today in healthcare we want to identify everything that’s wrong and try and fix it. New quantum healthcare-

Harry: [00:06:30] Yeah well, I think that’s the bit. When you look at it from this idea that we’re basically trying to make energy transfer efficient in the body, and emotions and thoughts just distort that and you get all these huge oscillations. Why on earth would a chemical solve a damn thing? Like why would Prozac fix your emotions and start healing you? I mean, I say obviously, but it may not be obvious for a lot of people, but a chemical is not able to do that, I mean, it’s only the deeper work that’s really going to be able to make a shift in how it’s happening. Maybe I should say what these oscillations are, because that’s sort of-

Lenny: Yeah, describe what you mean by those oscillations. People feel those oscillations, are in it, part of it, create it.

Harry: [00:07:00] Yeah. I mean there’s some historical context, well, there’s always historical context, but I mean the Chinese had this idea of orbs, and probably more familiar to people is out of India you’ve got the chakra system, which was seen as sort of these spheres with basically they have emotions attached. I don’t know, maybe 40, 50 years ago, there was aGerman called Hammer, he was sort of noticing the emotional effects or correlations between different organs and diseases, and they were actually using CT scans and they noticed these spheres in certain parts of the brain, which basically ended up calcified, they’ve got these calcified rings. Long and short, basically where you have really significant emotion or basically trauma or conflict, it can register in different areas of the brain, and that’s actually physically reflected in the physical brain in these calcium rings. So when we talk about some energy oscillation or thought being in oscillation, it’s not just an energy manifestation. Over time it basically makes these physical changes, and because the body is holographic, it basically has these relays, if you like, to other body parts, you manifest physical changes and the other parts of the body. And yeah, obviously what really matters is how on earth you can resolve those conflicts going on in your head. There’s a couple of ways, there’s some bioenergetic Infoceutical type techniques, but there are a lot more powerful if they’re basically combined with the more transformational techniques that Lenny is going to tell us about, the hero’s journey.Trump that, Lenny.

Lenny: [00:09:30] Well, I think the hero’s journey in healthcare, and it’s a phenomena that’s not understood, people aren’t taught, practitioners aren’t promoting. There’s not a consciousness that person’s healing journey is their hero’s journey, there’s something to be reclaimed. If you look at the archetype of the hero’s journey, the archetype meaning the structure, at least the way it’s been taught in most mythology and most spiritual traditions, and this is what Joseph Campbell brought to light in our modern culture when he looked at all of the storylines, and this relates to what you’re saying, we’ll come back around. All of the myth in every major civilization and every culture, every global culture as far back as he studied, had one familiar storyline, and that was the hero’s journey, that there was a story, there was a plot, to our life. And it is about reclaiming power, and it’s about reclaiming a greater authenticity of our self. Now, those Hammer Heards you’re talking about, or those imprints, today-

Harry: …your journey a bit.

Lenny: [00:10:45] Yeah well, what’s blocking the way? I mean, we talk about abundant energy, we’re talking now, when I say we, kind of a collective new paradigm of consciousness and healing and transformation, is recognizing that it’s not just working at the lowest common denominator, like with Prozac or with medications and just trying to chemically suppress something, but how do you get to those higher levels of optimal higher performance, higher functioning, as a human being? And one has to go on their journey. We’ve got to break away from the norm. So the hero’s journey has some very fundamental simple constructs to it. One is we get a call to leave the reality we’re in, and most of the time that call is a healthcare crises, that’s the crises, but it’s not seen as a call to leave the reality that one’s in, it’s today has been in our modern day healthcare system, it’s seen as an opportunity to just suppress whatever is calling that person. Symptoms are a call to make change, and we suppress them. So in our system of healthcare in quantum healing and the NES system, and this is what drew me to how you and I met. I was drawn to just what Peter Fraser outlined and what you had outlined in

[00:11:50] terms of we could see a whole person’s story within their body field. Today we can see the story, we can see the past because it’s still present in the trauma, the memory of it is still imprinted. And if it becomes crystallized, like you said, in the brain we call the Hammer Heard, in that imprint, then that energetic frozen place that is in that quantum space of the brain, will manifest in the tissue and it will create a biological conflict somewhere in the body. And if we try and treat the biological conflict with medication, we’re not treating the deeper conflict, which is in the psyche, which is somewhere deeper within what we know as, and what we call, the matrix, or the design of the human psyche. We’ve got to go back. We don’t necessarily go back to the trauma, we know how to invite that trauma forward, and something has to be changed vibrationally.

Harry: Yeah well, trauma is always, well, I guess in other words, I’m trying to remember … Yeah, I think the Chinese’s word for crises is the same as, I think, as opportunity, and it comes back to the sort of idea that crises proceeds transformation. I’ve seen it, goodness, how many times in our life? I’ve had a lot of crises, but you basically get the opportunity and choice to either cycle up from it, learn something and cycle up, or it takes you down darker and deeper until you learn it. Some people learn and others, I hate to be so dramatic, but others die. I believe you can always turn it around, but it’s not so easy having being pretty close to death myself a few times.

Lenny: Yes. I think that’s part of modern civilization today. We do walk a fine line between life and death in terms of the dangers of the world, but also in terms of the crises that are within us. So if we’re fortunate enough to have that crisis surface and become aware of it, that’s the challenge. I say fortunate enough because the world is in crises. So those who are consciously willing to embrace-

Harry: I’m going to ask you Lenny, and I’ve never asked you, but I know everyone will love to hear it if you don’t mind sharing, so you’ve learned all of this incredible wisdom, but what

[14:30] were the big crises that you’ve been through earlier in your life, and what did you learn from them? Because probably more people know my story, but they don’t know what led to your transformation.

Lenny: Well you know, if I go back it’s a good question. I ask that question to just about everybody that I work with, you know, what got you here? What do you think really got you to come into my office and us working together? For me, if I look back, my conscious memory is one of a pretty joyful lifestyle growing up, but in deeper honesty once I woke up to what it is we’re talking about and how the human psyche works, I realized that there was a lot of crises I experienced in my developmental years because my mom was in crisis. My mom was … Many can relate to this I believe, where we believe we’re in an innocuous setting as a child where we’re in a loving home or compassionate or affection environment, and yet there’s crisis going on that the young psyche doesn’t even realize. It doesn’t have to be overt abuse, although when I look back at my childhood, there’s a lot of terror I grew up with, but it was all kind of encompassed in a loving environment, but it was still-

Harry: A loving terror.

Lenny: Not like what you see today. So I didn’t feel traumatized, and yet I realized that there are levels that I was traumatized, but I was fortunate enough to have certain outlets for handling those crises. School for me was a crisis. I struggled in school, my mind wanted to be someplace else, so I never realized that school was a crisis, but it was. I was constantly in crisis, or looking to get to school and be in that academic system that my soul and my mind didn’t want to be in. But I navigated it, my story. Everyone’s got a story, and
everyone’s story is sacred and to themselves, and important. So the first major crises that probably … I never had a healthcare crises, I was fortunate, but I experienced some in my family, so I’ve had financial crisis, I’ve had relationship crisis, I’ve had crisis where my reality has been split apart, where the world I was creating, this security of the world I created with family and home and relationship and finances and career, all of that in a short period of time. I went through a financial crisis, relationship crisis, career crisis, within like a two or three-year period, where what I had created was no longer. And not just not working, it was really just couldn’t hold it together. That crisis was about something and me looking to emerge forward.

Harry: And what did you transform through that? What are you doing now that’s different?

Lenny: [00:18:30] Good questions. To be bluntly honest, what I transformed was some deep-rooted structures in my own psyche. One connected to a state of victimization. Caroline Myss talks about these four survival archetypes in all of humanity. One is the victim, one is the wounded child, everyone has a victim state inside, we’re born into it. The wounded child is differentiated, there’s no one type of wounded child. You could be the abused child, the neglected child, the ignored child, the physically abused, sexually abused, emotionally abused, psychically abused, criticized, so that wound is diversified. Everyone’s got some piece of that in today’s society and today’s modern culture. Another survival archetype is the saboteur, the part within us that is looking to saboteur how we advance in life. Now, these archetypes are actually here to protect us. So when you ask me what did I transform, what changed? I became aware of these deeper psychic structures that were there to keep me safe, but were not working for me to evolve forward. And that’s when the door of what’s called the ‘shadow world’ or the archetypal world that stays in shadow. See, the archetypes, these are power structures, and we have access to them. It’s not the personality.

Harry: What are you? Are you like the lover magician?

Lenny: [00:20:30] Yeah, a lot of lover magicians. So, my hero’s journey was to really reclaim that warrior vector, which if a person doesn’t have the warrior vector in place within them, and the warrior is not the destroyer, the warrior is really the energy to create, the warrior is that part of me that can set clear boundaries, that bring passion through, to really be passionate about one’s own truth, one’s own authenticity. Don Miguel Ruiz in the Four Agreements talks about it as being impeccable with your word, being true to yourself. But today people don’t know how to be true to themselves because we weren’t taught how to be true to ourselves. We’re taken off track very early on in life, and you could still live a good life, but not necessarily be true to yourself, to be true to that soul’s deepest longing or that soul’s deepest desire. What you and I discuss Harry, what we call about, is there such a thing as destiny? Is there something that each individual has come into this
world to give?

Harry: [00:21:30]  Is it, for you, I think you know you have a purpose and a destiny, for me I absolutely do, to get bioenergetics out to humanity. I’m asking on behalf of other people, because I know when I speak to a lot of other people, with I guess normal jobs and this and that, a lot of people don’t know what their purpose is, or they just don’t know what that journey is. So, do you think everyone has a purpose? Or do you think it’s as simple as what you’re saying earlier, it’s like to reclaim their own power and the ‘purpose’ doesn’t really matter, it’s just about claiming who they are?

Lenny: Yeah, that’s another good question. To make a distinction between, you know, it’s a paradox, it’s that Zen paradox. We don’t need to look for purpose, we just need to live purpose. And they say, “Okay, well how do I know if I’m on purpose?” Well, there’s certain clues to that. One is that individuals who are on purpose feel that, there’s a certain resonance of that. So the Dao says, “The Dao that can be defined is not the Dao.” What I typically say is, “The purpose that can be defined is not your purpose.” We can’t define purpose. We can define mission clearer, like you and I share a mission right now, we share a mission to bring this work more into the world, to awaken more people to bioenergetics and the technology of it, and how that can free people from an archetypal pattern of function that’s not natural.

Harry: I’ll have to say, yeah, I really love that because when I look back at our life, it’s like the journey has been … I mean, now I can articulate the mission and the why, but basically you go down and you write it down and then that’s what it is. But it’s not why I ended up doing … I mean, it’s just been a journey and it’s just been what I’m doing, but ultimately it’s just this journey of inquiry and learning, and then whatever we learn we try and assimilate and put it out back to the world in a more cohesive format. I mean, that’s sort of I guess is like the hero’s journey. But it doesn’t need to be the bioenergetics mission, it could be anything. I mean, I’m always just, we’re just, learning, assimilating, giving back. I mean, that’s basically it for me.

Lenny: Right, that’s the highest point on Maslow’s pyramid of evolutionary consciousness. Tony Robbins talks about, I think, the six basic desires or needs, and the highest is to contribute, to give back. But we’ve got to go through our own trials and tribulations to get to the point of awareness where a person believes in themself enough that they have something to contribute.

Harry: Yeah, I’ve always battled with that actually. I mean, it’s sort of funny, even though we’ve produced a lot of stuff, we’ve avoided the public eye. And it’s only really this year that we’re, as we were saying at the beginning, we’re going to do a lot of Mooing, which stands for multiplied oral output, where we’re just basically trying to milk the brain through the oral method.

Lenny: [00:25:50] We’re teaching, you know, the courage to teach, the courage to speak out and speak up. I know that’s been a part of my journey, is really reclaiming the courage to speak out. Even though I do it every day, I’ve been doing it for 40 years professionally, I still recognize there’s always another step, I believe in the hero’s journey, where life will invite you if you’re willing to go. And it takes courage. And to reclaim courage takes pressure, it’s not going to happen in the ordinary world. The ordinary world is the world of comfort, domestication. So when you ask me about my transformation, I realized that I was living a very comfortable life, a good life, but was it necessarily mine? Was it really the life that I came here to live? And no one, that question wasn’t asked to me along the way. I had to discover that question. So the hero’s journey is broken down into three… You know, it gets more complex, and the complexity is valuable but you’ve got to be in it to understand it. Hero’s journey is one to discover, discover who you are, and that discovery process can be a lifelong process. Then it’s to develop who you are, the talents and the gifts that one has, there are levels to develop that, especially to make them accessible to the problems of today’s world, and today the world is a problem place. And then it’s discover, develop, and then the final step, why do you do those first two? You do it to deliver, to deliver whatever good you have back into the world. Now, along the way there’s where you encounter the dragons, the inner demons, whatever the resistance are, those four archetypes that Caroline Myss talks about, but it gets more specific than that. Whatever hides in the shadow on the hero’s journey, one must need to go into the shadow, need to go into that wilderness land inside the psyche, the parts of the psyche that have been split off, fragmented, pushed down, and that’s where those traumas that we see on the scans we do, where we see them. If my psyche, my awareness, has separated myself from a traumatic experience, and I haven’t integrated it at a particular level that my central nervous system needs to integrate in order to be whole. So the information coming through me is integrated. If I’ve got parts that are hiding out back there somewhere, they will lead to disease, they will certainly lead to discomfort, but they will become crystallized enough in an organ to lead to disease. So, here’s where it’s all connected. This is what we’re aware of now. And it’s been an evolutionary process, just the teachers that have gotten us here. From Peter to yourself, to Hammer, to so many. I mean, back in 1982 I was at a conference, I was the host for Bernie Siegel. Remember Bernie Siegel? He was the-

Harry: I’m English.

Lenny: … From Yale, that was one of the first back in the 70’s to speak about the exceptional cancer patient, and the exceptional cancer patient was that patient back in the mid 70’s, he coined that phrase, that was willing to embrace their disease consciously. They didn’t have the tools we have, but he used visualization with a doctor called Simon Ting, where the patient would visualize and engage in a certain inner energy, the energy of imagination. So imagination has power, and imagination is connected to this archetypal structure of the psyche we’re talking about. How many people use imagination in creating their life or creating their world, or in healing today?

Harry: Not too many people.

Lenny: No, because you’ve got to do something. You’ve got to participate in your journey.

Harry: I might just show the … If you’re watching on YouTube. Yeah, out of curiosity-

Lenny: What have you got?

Harry: Well, they’re just mind maps. Actually this one is about what I do and what I shouldn’t do. Goodness knows. All right, that’s one about the overall of life. Look at that. I don’t know if this map is viewable. God, anyway, yeah I’m the great mind mapper of life.

Lenny: Yeah, mind mapping is get it on paper. There’s so much information that wants to get out with everybody. You know, how does this all work? How do you bring this together in a healing context? That’s the challenge of today.

Harry: Oh, that’s easy.

Lenny: It is easy for when you know how to do it.

Harry: You just put your hand on the scanner and then it will tell you exactly where you are in your hero’s journey, what type of archetype you are, where ever you’re in the shadow, and what to do about it and how to do it.

Lenny: I’m excited to see what you newly created on how we can discern the information within the fields. It’s all in the field.

Harry: Well, maybe we should talk about what the four main archetypes. You briefly mentioned the shadow, but yeah we didn’t get into the shadow. So you’ve got your king warrior, lover … God, I missed one out, that’s terrible … magicians, and then you’ve got the shadow elements. Maybe we should just briefly talk about the king and its shadow. And just for the listeners, if you want to know which archetype you are, you can basically just do a scan and find out, and you can see where your shadows are.

Lenny: Well, you can see where the work is, where your ego, where that individual’s awareness wants to go. See, the reference point is that there is an evolutionary force within us. There is some force that drives the human spirit, there is something that is beyond the personality, beyond just this lifetime. There’s a design to life. Now whether you call it god, divinity, nature, higher intelligence, it makes no difference what the name is, but there’s a design to life. And that’s when we can accept that there is a design, what comes with following life’s design is a natural control, there’s a control. Not being controlled, but being within a certain dominion of experience where things work. The world we’re in has gotten away from that. So when we start to look at what archetypes are relative to the psyche and relative to reclaiming power, it’s helpful on a conscious level to reclaim these, especially … You started today Harry, we were talking about emotions, I believe there isn’t a real clear understanding or certainly a clear cohesive system to help people

[00:33:00] emotionally heal who are trying to heal something biochemically or biocellulary, they keep the emotion out. So working with going into shadow, what’s hidden and conscious and reclaiming the king, there’s a king inside every man, there’s a queen inside every woman. In a simple diagram of how these archetypes live within us, there’s a warrior that serves the king or the queen, and you see this in all mythology. One who’s really discussed this work well is Robert-

Harry: How does the lover serve the king?

Lenny: The lover servers the king by … These are vectors. You can think of the king and queen and warrior as maintaining a vertical vector of power, how the vital force comes into the human experience. For example, when a man is in his king, he’s in his mission, he knows he has a purpose. Now, that purpose is not so much about what you’re doing out there in the world, it’s about integrating a sense of value and a sense of sovereignty, a sense of freedom within one’s self, freedom of expression. A king cares for his kingdom, cares for his world, he’s concerned with the elements of life beyond himself. Same with the queen. And these are coexisting, kind of male/female creative energies in masculine/feminine, sacred masculine and sacred feminine.

These archetypes are complimentary. So, a man for example has a queen living inside. Inside every man is the sacred feminine, what Jung called the anima. Inside every woman is the sacred masculine, the animus. So when we can integrate the inner parts of our self, which takes being self reflective and going on that journey, we gain more power, we gain more wholeness, and it comes to focus in these forms, these archetypes. The lover and magician kind of fill out all the colors of life. The lover is the one that wants to be connected with everything, the lover loves pleasures and avoids the pain. But the lover is also the one that brings that deepening sense that all is well, we are all one. The lover is the one that brings the vitality, that energy of vitality. When you’re in love, when a man is in love or a woman is in love, the energy of romance is part of lover but it’s not just romance, it’s taking that energy and lifting to a higher state of creativity. The magician is vital to all of these energies. How the magician energy sees what the others don’t, the magician energy is the magic, is the one that can also integrate the king, the warrior, the lover. Look at the storyline in mythology. Every good king, every sovereign king, every free king that serve the people, always had counselor from a wise magician. Gandalf and the Trilogy of Lord of the Rings. There’s so much truth in all of the stories. So inside oneself … I’ll say it this way. If I’m not unaware that I am a king inside somewhere energetically, archetypically, in terms of power bringing my sense of sovereignty, I will never feel free in the world. I’ll always be victim to someone outside myself.

Harry: Because the shadow of the king, is where you have the tyrant, and what do they call it? The-

Lenny: Weakling.

Harry: Yeah, the weakling. So yeah, you’re describing being the weakling in the shadow.

Lenny: Right. The weakling, someone’s always going to have power over me, and the tyrant, the other extreme of that, is I’m going to have power over everybody. No one’s going to have power over me because I’m going to overpower everybody. That’s the wound of bullying in our culture. So these energies that run, they run in the shadow of the collective, and then run in the shadow of individuals. So when I work with someone, I’m not just working with them biochemically. I’ve designed my practice after 40 years, and I do it through group and I do it through individuals, and we do it through just bringing awareness, and inviting people who want to reclaim that power, inviting them into their own shadow. Like for a man to be whole, for me to be whole, I have to be aware of the tyrant that lives inside me. I can’t deny him, they’re there. I’ve got to be aware that-

Harry: I can’t imagine you as a tyrant.

Lenny: Well, it’s being aware of how they operate inside ourselves. That’s awareness. The warrior, if the warrior is not being served from that higher level of awareness, of a higher consciousness-

Harry: They start killing people.

Lenny:  Yeah. That energy is going to split off, and it’s expressed through the emotion of anger. The king or the queen expresses their sovereignty through pure joy, through the heart of joy, just being so enjoyed with your kingdom and their creation. But it takes work to maintain that, and it takes work of the warrior, just to have those healthy boundaries. Today in healing, the core issues that I see across the board, everybody that’s coming into my center, whether they come in with issues of major neuro-degeneration, digestive issues, autoimmune, whatever it is, there is at the core of that biological issue, a boundary issue in the psyche. They can’t either hold their boundary relative to the environment, they can’t hold their boundary relative to relationships, and they can’t hold the boundary relative to these voices within them that are trying to destroy them. The saboteur, the victim, the wounded child. So there’s no clear ego structure internally because they’ve never been taught that, or never been-

Harry: Holding boundaries is pretty hard, yeah, the further you go down the journey, the more boundaries that you have to have. I’ve definitely experienced building a company and all of the different opinions. While everyone’s shadow’s within that, and then people project stuff in their head onto the leader that may or may not be true. But yeah, I see that part of that is holding the boundaries so you can maintain the stability. It’s not-

Lenny: If leadership was easy Harry, we’d all do it.

Harry: We’d all do it, yeah.

Lenny: Look at the leadership that you’re providing. And that’s what … I am passionate about working with leaders, and assisting leaders to get even freer within their leadership. Somy practice is selective. People who come to me are those that I know now are ready to wake up to their own leadership. And then it’s assisting them through the hero’s journey, which the final frontier is reclaiming the body, really owning one’s own body. So it doesn’t belong to some other authority in a white coat, it doesn’t belong to Papa Pharmaca, it doesn’t belong to the church, it doesn’t belong to who I’m giving my power away in relationship, or it doesn’t belong to the government that has to take care of me after I’m passing.

Harry: [00:41:30] If I’ve got this right, I mean, our normal healthcare system is really basically full of shadow magicians in the sense they’re … Like a true magician wants to share and empower his knowledge. So like in healing, what we try to do in bioenergetics is give the knowledge to basically everyone, to people who need it. It depends a little bit where they’re at is too much too soon can be a little too much to handle. But yeah, the general idea is to empower the individual, and the practitioner is basically there to guide them on that journey so that their client can have their own journey and get better, and hopefully a few months down the line carry on their journey by themselves and get better and better. Whereas the healthcare system, I mean, especially when you’re getting into specialists and surgeons, and all that sort of stuff, they tell you absolutely nothing.

You have to completely trust. This person has all power, often they won’t even share their records, and they certainly don’t share their thinking, and then they make some horrendous recommendations, which is hugely expensive and you’re completely reliant on them, and then they drain you of all your money. I might be sounding, but-

Lenny: No, you’re not

Harry: … that is what’s actually going on. I’m sorry, but all the people when they’re in that system, they’re not consciously aware that they’re basically heavy in shadow and controlling all these people. I understand how they get there because when they’re young and in medicine school, they did want to be a good magician. Over time the system has corrupted them and they get-

Lenny: How many doctors that I’ve known, colleagues that I’ve known, that wake up in the midst of their career, after they’ve established their kingdom, that the system is corrupt and there’s a-

Harry: And they’re the real heroes, the ones that wake up and leave and join the other side, like the function or bioenergetics, or whatever it is. There’s many forms of healing that are beneficial.

Lenny: And since we’re on this topic, it’s a good topic because it’s real, so functional medicine, you mentioned the functional medicine community, which is a wonderful community of integrated doctors, and it has its shadow. You know now we’re creating specialists within the functional medicine community, so in order to get to-

Harry: And they’re very … I’ve had a few conversations with some of the leaders there, and this and that, and how would I put it? They’re theoretically open but not really open, because they’ve sort of got this mission to basically convert pharma chemical people into supplement and nutrient IV chemical people. Honestly that’s as far as they wish to go. And as you say, it’s a fairly narrow viewpoint. But anyway, we’ll leave it at that.

Lenny: Well, leave it at that, but-

Harry: …. upset some people, which is always great.

Lenny: Well, I mean, the shadow in the overall healthcare of our global community has to be addressed, and it’s being addressed right now in part, not in whole, so there’s breakthrough, but there’s a shadow in all of humanity, and it can’t clearly be defined. But for example, we’re talking about functional medicine, which is the new frontier that’s emerged out of the conventional model. I was doing classes with Jeffery-

Harry: It’s the frontier of biochemistry.

Lenny: Biochemistry, right.

Harry: Which isn’t the frontier.

Lenny: No, let’s just stay on this for a moment. My warrior wants to push on this a little bit.

Harry: No, I want to hear it.

Lenny: So, I talked to my functional medicine colleagues about bioenergetic medicine, because I was fortunate enough, when I started 40 years ago I started from a bioenergetic model paradigm. That was my initiation, I was just fortunate, blessed, to have some teachers, and I woke up that the world is a bioenergetic field. And so that’s why I’m still here, that’s why you and I are having this moo-log today. We’ll call it a moo-log, not a dialog.

Harry: Moo-log. Yeah, instead of a dialogue I’m going to have to text the inventor of the Moo. He’s going to love that. But keep talking.

Lenny: Having more moo-logs. So now what I hear, Harry, is I hear good, compassionate, functional medicine docs that I know, my friends, that are asking me to prove it. Well, prove that, how does bioenergy work? Maybe open to it, but not as open as we might think. And it’s the same pattern of egotistical stubbornness that as functional medicine practitioners we faced 30 years ago, where the world was saying, you know, “Prove to us that nutrition works.” Now we don’t need to, it’s not on trial anymore, not it just needs to be embraced. But the very frontier of functional medicine is bioenergetics. We have to integrate bioenergy and biochemistry, otherwise we’re leaving out the majority of power. The power is in the field, and how-

Harry: Bioenergetics is inclusive

Lenny: It’s all inclusive.

Harry: … of biochemistry. Ultimately a chemical is a form of energy exchange as well, you know, when you have like sugar converts to ATP, which is basically an electron transfer mechanism in your mitochondria. I mean, the whole thing can be explained through energy exchange. You basically have physics at the top of the pyramid, then you have chemistry, and then you have biology, and then you have healthcare medicine and all of its different things. Unfortunately it touches a bit of biology, touches some chemistry, and rarely, unless you’re one of us bioenergetic lot, do you sort of get in touch with the top.

Lenny: Yes, and to get in touch with the top, I think all the pieces, we’ve got all the pieces out on the proverbial table now, they’re all out there in the field. Now we’re in a cycle of integration. So for example, I do see, I mean, I have all kinds of clients, conscious people, that come in that are empowered individuals. So they’re doing the biochemical piece in a functional medicine realm. They’re even open to different kinds of bioenergetic technologies, but it’s usually piece meal, meaning I’ve done this, I’ve been zapped, I’m trying to zap this pathogen. I’m using bio-resonance to try and get rid of-

Harry: Yeah, that’s what we get on our … For everyone on our Facebook community ask what’s the Infoceutical first, what’s the protocol for that.

Lenny: We’re still looking…remedy

Harry: Yeah, listen to what Lenny’s saying here, because it’s really crucial why this is not the answer.

Lenny: [00:51:00] The missing piece is in that capstone that you were just describing. How do you get to the top where it’s all integrated? The missing piece is consciousness, and the consciousness of the individual that is seeking to heal will party be in shadow. What they’re trying to heal they’re not seeing. And it’s not going to just be biochemistry, and it’s not going to be just bioenergy. They’ve got to go on the hero’s journey to some degree to reclaim the part of their own psyche, which I say is also the soul. The sonar, which is the body, the psyche and the soul, it’s all one design. Whatever we call it makes no difference, it’s one design, and it’s all a higher frequency. So if I’m not addressing a trauma, and a trauma doesn’t have to be one event, it could be the belief system, the self-limiting belief system that I inherited from my dad who was a tyrant. Well, in my case my mom was the tyrant, but she was a loving tyrant. She was a loving abuser, and that’s what she learned. I mean, at some point how far back do you trace the wound? My mom was a tremendous shadow teacher for me, like what she gave me really woke up something in me differently than what my dad gave me. So all of our crises and all of the teachers that we think were our perpetrators, are actually teaching us something if we can get to this point in the pyramid. And we’re not going to do it through biochemistry, and we’re not going to do it by just being treated from the outside in. Now, who is reserved for the journey up to the top of the pyramid, up to the top of the mountain? Who wants to get to the summit of their life? That’s the choice that everyone has to make. I don’t know today’swho that is, we don’t know who that is, but I think at best what I can do and what you’re helping so many do with NES, is to be able to at least get the information of not just what’s burdening us, but get the information that’s in the energetic field. Awaken the bioenergetic field, awaken the body-field, and in the body-field other codes will awaken.

Harry: Well exactly. I’ve been thinking about it in the last few weeks, and I’ve got this other pyramid. So this is a pyramid if you’re, well, it’s for entrepreneurs really, if there’s entrepreneurs listening you’re trying to get some big mission done. You’ve got the why sits on top, and you’ve got the what, and then you’ve got the when. Or you could say you’ve got the how’s and do’s. How’s and do’s don’t matter, they’re for other people, but gen- Sorry, why. I think I said what, why too.

Lenny: Why, what, either how or who. So here’s how I see it, I see why. Why am I here? What am I here to do? How do I do it? And who do I do it with? And then where do I do it? All of this is information that’s coming from the field, and coming from some level of imperative that’s pushing us further, evolving forward.

Harry: Yeah, I mean what’s so fascinating is if you really focus on the why and broadcast out the why enough, you’re going to attract all the who’s who probably work out all the what’s, and they’ll probably have a whole bunch of other who’s who will work out all the how’s and do’s, and then mission accomplished, job done. Anyway, it sounds easy-

Lenny: It sounds easy.

Harry: … but that’s basically the plan.

Lenny: That’s probably the Moo theory too, right? Just deliver the milk.

Harry: Yeah the Moo, exactly.

Lenny: Deliver your own milk.

Harry: Yeah, we’re basically Mooing why bioenergetics matters, so we’re Mooing away, which stands for multiplying oral output.

Lenny: Let me give you a recent example of how this works.

Harry: Anyone wants to know how a weird brain works, this is it.

Lenny: No, this is how the journey works, and healthcare particularly. Entrepreneurship is, I don’t know if I’ve coined the phrase, but the way I integrate those two archetypes in myself is today what’s being drawn forth are healer entrepreneurs, or entrepreneur healers. Because the 21st century entrepreneur is here to heal the world, not just to make money for one’s self, but it’s to bring prosperity and abundance. That’s the top of the pyramid. But I’m just coming out with the book, and then you and I have been discussing, I’ve got another one coming out about our work. But the first one I chose to come out with was the Diamond Mindset, which is the mindset which is the spiritual journey for today’s-

Harry: You realize we can just Moo these books? It’s occurring to me we should be able to produce six to twelve books a year, I would have thought because the Moo conversations just go to writers and editors who worries, and then we have a whole bunch of books.

Lenny: So here’s an example, sometimes describing examples people relate to, they say, “Oh yeah, I can relate to that, that’s me or it’s like me.” So a 43 year old woman comes in to see me three weeks ago. She has a crisis of what she believes is a parasite named Scabies infested within her, and it’s driving her literally crazy from the inside out. She’s been to top end functional medicine doctors, paid tens of thousands of dollars, literally. She said, “Doc, I could have bought two Range Rovers in the last three years with the monies I’ve paid out.” So she’s been to both sides of the fence, she’s been medicated with high end toxic parasitic drugs, she’s conscious, she’s aware, she’s done so many different things. So she finds her way into my office, and we do a 20 second scan and we start to get some information, and I ask her a simple question, “Why are you here?” Why are you here? And what’s the obvious answer to that for a person that’s in crisis? “I’m here to get out of this crisis.” And I take the information from the scan, and what we start to piece together is a theme in her life where she has been victimized from day one, bullied, parentally bullied in the family, bullied through school. There’s a tremendous strong theme of being bullied in her whole life, being a victim, and she’s a bright woman, she has a sense of destiny on this end. If I can get from here to there, no one’s been able to get me there because no one is articulating this. Everyone’s trying to fix me from here. She can’t be fixed. And I see this, Harry, over and over, because parasites today is ubiquitous, it’s epidemic, all different kinds. Whether it be parasitic-

Harry: I don’t know if I ever told you, I did this water fast for three weeks back, oh, it was like 18 years ago now, and I passed a bucket, I mean no joke, a bucket full of worms. It was this jelly like mass of tapeworms and god knows what. I mean, it was so revolting it’s best not even describe how revolting it was.

Lenny: Yeah, it’s amazing what comes out of our bodies. I mean, if you’ve done fasts like that and you say, “Well, how does all that-

Harry: And it doesn’t come up on stool tests or anything which is … so forget those.

Lenny: And here’s what I’ve realized, and this could … I’ll finish this story about this woman.

Harry: Sorry, yeah. A bit distracted.

Lenny: The purpose of telling this story was the core of her psyche is a wounded young girl that’s still being victimized. So now the different parasites and the different-.

Harry: And the parasites are the same as the doctors.

Lenny: It’s the same frequency, yes.

Harry: It’s the same frequency. It’s classic.

Lenny: The same frequency. It all works on the same frequency, and no one has yet invited her to move out of that frequency. It doesn’t deny she’s got to do somethings relative to biochemistry, but if they’re not done in relationship to the why, if a person doesn’t engage with that higher creator consciousness within themselves-

Harry: Yeah, you never get out of it, you’re just trapped in the loop.

Lenny: You’re just trapped in it, and you go from doctor to doctor, technique to technique. You might get some shift, but you don’t get the transformation. It takes that creator energy. I remember the first-

Harry: I think that hero’s journey, I mean, what’s always worked for us is you have the crises, do a bunch of research, try to simulate, you know, work out, try to allow on yourself, simulate, and then you write it down and try and broadcast it out. I would just say to people, if you’re on a healing journey, write it down and really try and work out what’s going on and how to heal when you’re going [inaudible 01:02:05]. Don’t just completely surrender to a practitioner, go and see them and get loads of advice, but also own it, also own it. And what you’re going to do with that information, if you treat it as a journey it will be a journey upwards rather than as you just said really just a big frigging cycle from one practitioner to another, because that doesn’t …

Lenny: Yeah, isn’t this … I believe this is one of the tragedies of our healthcare system today on both ends of this spectrum, is doctors aren’t asking the right questions, they’re not even asking questions. “Just let me treat you.” Until we can engage the individual, and that brings up a whole ‘nother set of issues and challenges; who has time? I’m here to treat. And that’s where the containers come in. I believe the evolution of 21st century healing ultimately is going to center in group process, where we’ll be able to create with remedies, with technique, and this is what I’ve been exploring in the center. I’ve been telling you about this over the last year or so, because I’ve done-

Harry: Lenny, have you ever thought of moving to Florida?

Lenny: Thought about it.

Harry: [1:01:00] Well, the only reason I said that is just in the healing center, there’s something I’d love to, obviously we’d both love to see, is the Institute for Bioenergetics. I’m going to start trying to put that together this year, maybe start building it in 2019 or something. But if there’s people listening who might want to support or invest or help in that, yeah, please get in touch with us. Basically we’d like to create an institute where people can come and stay for three weeks and fully experience, transform. But we obviously only really want people who then want to go back out and teach it and contribute back to society. So it’s half education, half transformation, and also a third research. But anyway, that’s another little venture. Well, it’s not really a venture, it’s to give bioenergetics a home.

Lenny: It’s of the future. You and I spoke about that, let’s keep dialog on it.

Harry: Well, if we don’t talk about it we won’t bring it into fruition.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

Lenny: Right. The value of group is that energetically we can touch a dimension of healing beyond the third dimension. We can tap into this higher fourth dimension, fifth dimension. I believe what really happens is we tap into scale of wave energy, we deal with group because of the energetics and the vitality and the will of the group. Form a group consciousness, a group container, and in that people move out of ordinary reality, into a non-ordinary space of healing, and in that you can actually scale that up with group and with the right technology, and the right consciousness and the right intent. I mean, we’ve been doing it in Huntington for years, and it’s being done around, but to do it with some of the technology that you have, and to do it with intent. And to just what you were saying, I can imagine bringing individuals in for a weekend, and they come out transformed. You don’t have to go through five years of this therapy or that therapy. I believe that’s the threshold we’re on, Harry, is to create that space, which is already there, it’s in the field. Bring it together, understand the power of the archetypes, get one’s mission in line, do this collectively, find the right alliances, the right relationships, and then bring to the greater community the technology of conscious transformation. Just keep going with that. What else is there to do? What else is going to solve the problems of today’s world? Whether it be an individual or it be the collective.

Harry: Pretty easy. That’s probably a relatively good wrapping point. I was thinking just for the listeners, obviously they know our site,, but how do people get in touch with you, Lenny?

Lenny: You can go to Hey, this was fun, Harry.

Harry: It was fun. Cool, thank you.

Lenny: Let’s do this again.

Harry: Shall do.

Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional, medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

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