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- 00:01:00 Cyril Bourke’s background in bioenergetics and engineering
- 00:02:50 What we need to understand to safeguard our species
- 00:03:40 Limitations of the human genome
- 00:04:15 What is it that changes epigenetic expression?
- 00:06:20 History of bioenergetics
- 00:07:00 Chinese Medicine and pulse diagnosis
- 00:09:00 Incorporating Artificial Intelligence into NES Health technology
Harry Massey: Welcome to the Supercharged Podcast, where we help you to enhance your energy, health, and purpose.
Wendy Myers: Bioenergetics is truly the future of medicine.
Harry: [00:01:00] Imagine having a body charged with energy and a mind quick as lightning. Is that a superhero? No, that’s you, supercharged. We’ll be talking to experts who have studied the physics of life so that you can have energy for life. Welcome to this episode of the SuperCharged Podcast. Now it’s a really exciting one for me because we’re going to be talking about decoding the Human Body-Field and we’re very fortunate to be joined by one of our previous guests, which is Cyril Bourke. Now instead of talking about the my health, we’re actually going to be talking about both the history, the present, and the future of decoding the Human Body-Field, what it really means for humanity. Now Cyril, what you may not know, is he was also one of the early pioneers at IBM. He’s also a very prominent engineer and he’s been involved in the bioenergetic medicine space from both a technical and therapeutic aspect for I think about 20 years at this point. So welcome, Cyril.
Cyril: Thanks, Harry. It’s been an exciting journey as an engineer, for me, and it was science that made me need to know more about these things. Applying what was, should we say, healthcare issues to science was what excites me today. That’s how Harry and I got together about making things better and creating my health technology and things of this nature. And now we’re on the next stage.
Harry: We’re on the next stage and it’s sort of really interesting for us because, well we actually wrote a book. Years ago called “Decoding the Human Body Field” and then this year we were like well, sure, we decoded an aspect of the human body field, probably the most important aspect in looking at basically what’s the QED part of the field. We didn’t map out voice, we haven’t mapped out full information from ECG. We haven’t mapped out the biophoton and we just thought, well, now it’s time to do that and to really continue to further map out the full Human Body-Field, and I guess people should know why that matters. What’s your view on why that matters, Cyril?
Cyril: [00:02:50] [00:03:40] When you’re looking at how a human interacts with the rest of the world we realize now we’re picking up information from every area and when people are looking at the communication systems and concerns about magnetics and things of this nature, if we’re going to safeguard our species we need to understand what is affecting us, how it works, how we interact, where the signals are, and how some of those can be linked up in a way that we have never been able to look at before. The use of computers 20 years ago is completely different to what they are now. What we can analyze and review at super high speed is just incredible. And the artificial intelligence systems that are becoming available, we can now with our history of healthcare really start tying it into every aspect of human life. It’s exciting. Really exciting.
Harry: [00:04:15] It is exciting. What’s so curious to me is we spent 20 years mapping out the human genome, that’s done, great. However, it’s not necessarily really helping people that much. This is probably going to sound awful to a lot of people in the genetic space. However, you can find out you have a particular gene expression, but when it comes down to it, 99% of the issue, or what hammers on people’s health is the epigenetic expression which is basically down to the environment. The gene can have a positive expression, it can have a negative expression, or it can actually have multiple expressions, but what happens more is the signal that triggers what it actually does. That’s where it gets interesting because what actually is triggering epigenetic expression? It comes down to fields again. If we just look at what DNA’s sitting it. DNA is sitting in basically structured water so for a gene to express in a certain way a field signal is going through that water and mechanically pushing hydrogen and oxygen molecule against the gene to mechanically do something. It’s just the grand, how do I want to put it? It’s the big elephant in the room that no one’s saying is what is it that’s changing epigenetic expression and can we read that? Can we look at that control system? And can we change it? Another little lovely quote is from Einstein, it’s not my quote it’s Einstein’s which is, “the field is the sole governing force of the particle” and you can basically apply that to life. You can say that Body-Field is the sole governing force of life, in other words, the Body-Field, itself, it is this control system it can both be read and it can also be altered. It’s just an extraordinarily important thing to do. I think it’s going to take health outcomes way beyond what we can do with the limitations of genetics and biochemistry. If we fully, fully study the full Human Body-Field.
Cyril: [00:06:20] Absolutely. We are currently looking at a tiny section of the Body-Field with our work, and other explorers, so to speak, in the science are looking at different components. I think as those items come together with the technologies available it’s limitless in what might be possible. So our view of it all
Harry: Should we, maybe, talk to people about some of the history of that?
Cyril: Yeah absolutely.
Harry: Between us we know an awful lot of the history of the bioenergetic space. What way should we go? Should go back to the Vull era or something like that?
Cyril: [00:07:00] Well even if we go back further, Chinese Medicine 4 or 5,000 years, they monitored the changes in the body by literally looking at the influences of energy. They mapped what they could see, so to speak, from response. We’ve now, with modern testing and the whole-
Harry: The whole pulse diagnosis.
Cyril: Pulse diagnosis.
Harry: The Chinese, for instance, they’re able to do pulse diagnosis. They identify 27
different patterns and they have names like slippery pulse, weak pulse-
Cyril: Characteristics. Families of energy that they see in a physical response. They tie those into characteristics in the body’s expression.
Harry: What’s pretty interesting is, logically, if it’s picked up in the pulse, that same information must be able to be, sorry, that pulse is also reflected in ECGs, the electrical readings that we can pick up from your heart, and that’s an area that we’re putting in our next sensor so we’re basically able to pick up the full ECG pattern and we’re going to be correlating it against some of the pulse analysis that the Chinese did. Also our own type of thinking. That’s a good example.
Cyril: An ECG is filtering it to a point where you only use very large and deliberate areas. There’s a massive amount of information that’s hidden within the ECG that’s just filtered out, and what we’re going to look at is tying that detailed information, the stuff that’s being ignored, and bring that to light and see how that has characteristics with other elements of the body.
Harry: [00:09:00] You mentioned that word, light, so let’s go there. The field of Kirlian photography has been around. Basically we’ve created a photography where you can see photons that are coming out. If you put your hand on something or-
Cyril: Food. Food.
Harry: Food.
Cyril: You can see live food, and you can see what damage is done to food in certain treatments of things like microwave ovens.
Harry: And that sort of technique has been taken to further stage with a reversion that’s called gas discharge visualization. In order to boost the photons that you can visualize, you put in a small pulse current into your hand and it will basically amplify up by thousands of times, the photons that come out. Which means you don’t need some lovely photon multiplier camera to see it, which is very expensive and difficult et cetera, et cetera. It can be picked up by a more conventional camera technology. It’s a really, really interesting thing because this concept that people might be used to in reflexology or we could call is holographic. The whole of the body is reflected in pretty much every other part of the body. It’s why the Chinese can do pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, reflexologists can diagnose the feet. You can diagnose the hand
Cyril: It’s a holographic response.
Harry: There’s the voice, we’re doing it with the QED. The information body’s reflected in many aspects, but when it comes to gas discharge philosophy, different regions of the fingers are also where the amount of photons that come out of different parts of fingers, that can also be correlated to different organ systems. That’s another thing that we’re going to be doing in our next scanner which is pretty exciting.
Cyril: Looking at the holographic representations, getting the body to talk through every area. Or, should I say it’s already doing that? What we’re doing is extracting information.
Harry: From multiple sources. If you look at the Body-Field, the Body-Field, broadly speaking, it’s operating from sound like very low hertz, from one hertz or so, up into a little beyond light. I think, for most people’s imagination, let’s keep it to that spectrum. There’s obviously these different methodologies where we can pick up information. Sound, we’re going to pick up from voice, from ECG, you can pick up the lower hertz the normal electromagnetic spectrum, then into the light frequencies. But when you start collecting all of that data, and this is what we haven’t been able to do the four in prior years. For one, we didn’t have the cloud aspect, the cloud technology, and two, AI machine learning wasn’t really accessible enough for the likes of the company our size. But now it is. We’re on this mission to fully decode the fuller aspects of the Human Body-Field and the result of that is we’ll be able to way, way more accurately be able to get to the root cause of what’s going on in people’s health conditions. Not that NES is particularly specialized in that, but we’ll actually be able to do disease diagnosis if we go in that particular direction. More importantly, it’s also going to help provide the root into what aspects the Body-Field that you want to correct. And you can instantly, I mean absolutely instantly, see the effects of different therapies to what’s happening. We will basically know if you do something that you can then measure the response a few seconds later. You can see how it changes the Body-Field or not because the body field will change much more rapidly, pretty much instantaneously, than that underlying physiology which has to take time.
Cyril: You have to grow biology, you have to grow the change. But we can monitor everything and to summarize it all, we have so many technologies now that we’re looking at areas that really haven’t been focused on before. On mass measurement, mass gathering of data, with partners throughout the whole industry, we’ll be able to use AI to literally hone in to see the body field affecting everything from every spectrum, and that’s just.
Harry: Yeah it’s very exciting. So, if you’re listening and you’re an expert in AI or data science or electrons or any of these things and you want to help with this mission, we would be very, very pleased to hear from you, of course. That’s probably all we should say on the subject?
Cyril: It’s going to be a global collaboration. It’s going to happen. It’s already started. We’ve already got talks with experts in certain areas and it’s great, isn’t it? It’s very exciting.
Harry: It’s pretty cool.
Cyril: Very exciting evolution of the discovery of the Body-Field.
Harry: Alright, well, thank you for listening
Wendy: Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please seek a medical practitioner before engaging with anything that we suggest today on the show.