Transcript #206 NES Bioenergetic Scan with Debbie Hart

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  • 02:18 About Debbie Hart
  • 06:56 Types of information you can generate from a NES scan
  • 08:53 Energy information
  • 11:58 Body-mind information
  • 15:56 Energetic drivers
  • 22:29 Energetic integrators
  • 37:52 Mind data
  • 46:41 Chakra system data
  • 49:03 Nutrition data
  • 54:04 Energy information
  • 58:41 Environment information
  • 01:08:10 What you can expect from the NES Health program

Wendy Myers: Thank you so much for listening and joining in to the Live to 110 Podcast. My name is Wendy Myers. You can learn more about me at

Today, we have Debbie Hart on the show. She is going to be talking about what you see on a NES health scan. This is a bioenergetic scan that I’ve been doing since August 2016. I’m blown away by my results. I’m really, really happy.

I feel like I’m a completely different person than I was when I started about—I guess it’s about eight or nine months ago. I really recommend it to all my clients to help them detox better, to get the energy that they need to detox, and to make the changes in their physical and emotional health that they can’t do with detox alone.

So, she’s going to be talking to us about what you see in a NES health scan, all the different screens. We’re going to go through that. We’re going through my own scan which you’ll find very interesting.

So, this podcast gets very, very personal, very real. And it’s a great way to make those connections and kind of see how the scan connects to your physical and emotional issues that you need to work on.

And we also talk about why you might not be making progress on your NES health program. So, some people start it, and 30 or 60 days in, they’re not really feeling much. They lose their excitement for it, and they quit. We talk about, at the end of the podcast, why that may be happening and what you can do to correct those issues, so you can feel changes on your program.

There’s a lot to this. We actually go into a lengthy discussion about this. So stay tuned for the podcast.

Please keep in mind that this podcast is not intended to diagnose or treat any disease or health condition. And it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please keep in mind this podcast is for informational purposes only, so please consult your health care practitioner before engaging in anything that we suggest today on the show.

02:18 About Debbie Hart

Wendy Myers: Debbie Hart has been working in the holistic health field for 13 years as a 1200-hr CMTP, professional manual therapist, level II SCENAR therapist and trainer. She’s also a craniosacral training therapist. And she’s a NES health coach and trainer, and Kundalini yoga instructor. She’s got a lot of sort of certifications.

She changed careers to pursue her passion for healing after 18 years in the IT software consulting training and education development field. She’s having a BA in education and completion towards a BS in information science.

Debbie’s philosophy is that health is achieved when a person is able to find balance in all areas of body, mind, and spirit, and by tapping into the profound natural intelligence and powerful healing mechanisms innate in all of us.

Her passion and mission in bringing all aspects of bioenergetic medicine and holistic healing into people’s lives and homes continues and her current role as a NES and bioenergetics medicine consultant, coach and trainer, as well as creator of quantum energy medicine events and immersive experiences.

You can learn more about her and her website, You can also look forward to her future website,

Debbie, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Debbie Hart: Thank you for having me.

Wendy Myers: So, you’ve been a NES practitioner and master trainer for seven years. Can you tell us your story about how you got into NES?

Debbie Hart: Yes, I got into NES by way of Harry Massey. I met Harry Massey, I was a SCENAR practitioner and a manual therapist and a craniosacral therapist for about 10 years. I met Harry in Santa Barbara when he moved there, California.

He introduced me to NES, and I added it to my practice. And I was a practitioner for about two years. My background is in teaching and consulting, so I decided I wanted to teach and coach the practitioners.

Wendy Myers: Great! And so tell us your story about how you healed your health on NES. NES is a bioenergetic program (just in case anyone doesn’t know what that is).

Debbie Hart: So, I had fibromyalgia-like symptoms since I was about 23—and I’m 58. So about 10 or 12 years ago, I started down my own healing path, and I did SCENAR. I got a lot of education and personal experience with craniosacral, and a lot of energy therapies between SCENAR, manual therapy and craniosacral.

And when I added NES bioenergetic therapy, I started taking the infoceuticals and started using the MiHealth quite a bit on myself and having other people do it on me. And I really could feel quite a bit of difference.

But then, really, the first three months, mostly just my base energy coming up, not feeling really tired when I got up out of bed and being able to focus much more clearly (my brain fog went away).

And just over the course of the last seven years since I’ve been using it—and I’m on it constantly. I’m constantly taking infoceuticals and treating with the MiHealth. It’s just sitting at my desk—really, I can go through an incredible amount of stress at this point and maintain my energy and not feel like things wiped me out.

So, that’s pretty much—I mean, I still have my periods where I’m tired or I could feel the stress on my system. But I can honestly say that I feel like I’m at a whole different level of resilience.

Wendy Myers: And that’s what I found too, that I really have a lot more stress-resilience. I had so much more stress.

I mean, I love my work—love, love, love my work. I’m so blessed. I wake up every day so excited to work and to teach others about health.

But it can be stressful. I give away a lot of myself. I give away my energy to help other people. I have way more stress and projects and stuff going on that I’m excited about. It can be very stressful. And I handle it so much better than I did when I started last August in 2016.

My life has improved dramatically.

06:56 Types of information you can generate from a NES scan

Wendy Myers: And so, we’re going to walk through my scan today. This is about my 10th scan—it might be more, 10th or 11th—just to help you guys understand what kind of information you see in a NES health scan, a bioenergetic scan.

A lot of people are like, “Well, what do you see in the scan?” So I wanted to illustrate for you guys very, very clearly with Debbie (who is a master trainer) what kinds of information you’ll be able to see in a NES health scan.

And I’m relatively healthy. I don’t have any many major health issues. I feel great most of the time. But I do have periods where I get tired or days where I’ll feel brain foggy and days that I don’t sleep so great. And that’s perfectly normal. That’s everybody today.

But I definitely want improvement in my emotional health. I definitely want more improvement in brain functioning. I want more improvement in my energy. And I really want to correct any health issues that I may not be aware of. And that’s what I’m using NES health for personally.

So, why don’t we open up the NES scan?

And for anyone listening, it’s probably going to be more helpful if you watch the video of this podcast rather than the audio. I know on iTunes, you get to just listen to the audio. It’s going to make a lot more sense to you if you’re looking at the NES health scan video which you can find on the corresponding blog post on or on our You Tube channel, the Wendy Myers YouTube channel. You can just search for “Debbie Hart” on You Tube or the Live to 110 website and find it.

So, let’s go do that right now.

Okay! Now, we’re looking at my scan. This is a NES scan that I did yesterday. And so Debbie Hart, why don’t you just take it away and explain what this all means.

08:53 Energy information

Debbie Hart: Okay! Well, this first screen that comes up is the energy screen. And you’re seeing some red’s here. There is a color palette over here which is white to red. And this just stands for priority levels.

So, what’s showing for Wendy is where we can support her optimally with the MiHealth device (which is the pulsed electromagnetic frequency device, pretty much the most advanced one in the world. It’s called the MiHealth).

And so, there are 70 different points. But on her, four of them came up as very high priority. So we can run the Mihealth device either on or off body over these points. And these represent energy blockages.

So, a lot of you have heard about meridians. And these are actually, when you click on these priorities, they just show the energy meridians that they fall on. And when we run the MiHealth over these points, it basically emits frequency and helps clear these energy blockages.

And as a part of the protocol, when you do a scan and you get a MiHealth treatment, it’s incredibly rejuvenating. Many times, a lot of sometimes you’re dealing with, like let’s say you have neck pain or a little back pain or knee pain, you’ll immediately feel a shift. And then throughout the rest of that day and overnight, you’ll feel a shift happen in those complaints.

Sometimes, it’ll go away completely; sometimes, it takes a couple of times. But really, the MiHealth is really amazing for symptom relief.

And the scan is so intelligent. It actually maps out all of the high priority points. It’s super easy to use. This one is at the ankles. And this is the gallbladder meridian. This particular one is the stomach. And it includes quite a few meridians. This point is in her esophagus. She may or may not be symptomatic in these places.

Are you symptomatic at all in the esophagus at all? Do you ever have any symptoms in your esophagus?

Wendy Myers: I do not. I don’t ever have heartburn. I don’t ever have trouble swallowing or anything of that nature.

Debbie Hart: Okay.

Wendy Myers: …that I’m aware of.

Debbie Hart: Right! And these are high priority energy blockages. And sometimes, if they’re not resolved, you’ll get the physical symptoms. But sometimes, those physical symptoms are already present.

And then, this last one is at the kidneys. We all know that our kidneys have a lot to do with our energy. And so when we release blockages, especially in an organ like this, our energy will come up.

So, we’re basically just working at getting the flow of the energy, of the energy that’s stuck or distorted in these areas resolved using the MiHealth device.

Wendy Myers: And I know the kidneys are related to isolation also. And I do tend to isolate a lot because I work a lot and I love to give to all my clients and the readers and the listeners and all that stuff. But I think a lot of people in this day and age tend to isolate a lot. And that can start manifesting as physical issues in the kidneys.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely!

11:58 Body-mind information

Debbie Hart: So, when you see each of these points, many times, you’ll see body—over here, there’s a file we call the Help File which just gives us more information. And it talks about body-mind associations.

So, when we work on these points, we don’t just work on the energy blockage, for example, in the kidney meridian, but we also work on the emotions.

A lot of times, there’s shock and/or trauma associated with these different points. And when we use the MiHealth over these areas, it actually works on the emotional element, as well as the other energetic areas such as the meridians and other areas.

So, yeah, there’s a lot of emotional stress that sits in the body. And this particular screen, many of these 70 points—there are 70 total—they’re all rated by priority. And so even the oranges sometimes, if we don’t have that many red’s, we’ll work with the oranges, but this will work on all the body-mind associations with those points.

Wendy Myers: Very interesting. And so what are my points here? So, my red’s…

Debbie Hart: We have the side of your head. We have the esophagus.

Wendy Myers: And then, this one is the…

Debbie Hart: We have the stomach.

Wendy Myers: The stomach.

Debbie Hart: Mm-hmmm…

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Sometimes, I do get aches in my stomach.

Debbie Hart: And this is the gallbladder meridian. It’s the stomach meridian. It’s also what we call the “heart protector.” You’ll see three different blue lines here that are on the screen. And when you work these points, it doesn’t just work that particular area. It works clearing the entire meridian.

So, a lot of times, for example, you might have knee pain or you might have ankle pain. But energy blockage is up here in the stomach.

And when we work on that energy block, it helps release energy and the flow of energy along the whole entire pathway.

So, it’s quite surprising how many symptoms that you might be dealing with that are surprisingly lifted when you work with the MiHealth.

Here, we have the ankles. And then, again, like you were talking about, we have the body-mind associations. So, it talks about support, having a support system, and maybe a support system being taken away. It talks a lot about the emotional aspects of the ankles.

So, it’s fascinating to look at the correlation many times between exactly what’s going on with you and exactly where these energy blockages actually show.

Wendy Myers: You know what? My ankles are always coming up. And this is probably because I had surgery on both of my ankles when I was 15 and 16.

I had a overzealous podiatrist, for sure. He felt like my bone alignment wasn’t correct. So he did the surgery where he had lengthened my Achilles’ tendon and he inserted a silicone too in my ankle joints, so the bones will grow aligned properly.

Debbie Hart: Wow!

Wendy Myers: It was completely ridiculous! So, opening up that synovial cavieties, I hope I don’t have future problems with my ankles.

But I think there’s probably a blockage there from scar tissue and other things. And that’s why they continually keep showing up.

Debbie Hart: Sure! And so many times, when we have trauma to the body, the energetic residue of that trauma will still show until we clear it. So just by treating those, your ankles, you might be able to prevent a lot of things from arising from that surgery. You can get it corrected.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I know that scar tissue can impede energy flow in the body. And there can be an energetic blockage where there is scar tissue.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely, absolutely. So, we can do quite a bit of work on these blockages and clear it quite a bit of the energy blockages just with the MiHealth.

15:56 Energetic drivers

Wendy Myers: So, let’s take a look at the next screen, the energetic drivers.

Debbie Hart: Sure! So, here we have what we call the Info Screen. And in the Info Screen, we can go into different areas of the energetic body. And Wendy’s talking about an area we call the energetic drivers, these are our organ systems.

One of the amazing things about NES is that the body heals in a specific order, which is part of the research behind NES. And so in terms of the organs, these organs are listed in embryological development order, which is fascinating that the body develops in an embryological order and it heals in an embryological order.

So, we see our cells, our nerves, our circulation. And this is all about these organs needing energy. These are the batteries of our body.

And when our energy is low, one or more of our organs might really needs supporting.

And what the scan maps out here, again, the colors are simply priorities. It doesn’t mean that something is wrong at the physical level. It just means that these are the areas right now that you need the most support in. And by treating those with the infoceuticals, you will have the most optimum effect on your entire energetic system.

So here, you have your circulation driver. This is your circulatory system. And it is over here, you can see that it’s the primary driver for blood health and circulation.

And there’s a huge emotional factor here too. Many of these organs have a lot of emotional elements that really helps support and balance the emotional system. So all the stress we’re dealing with, we’re holding in our body in different places.

And the circulation driver, definitely, it really shows here that the emotional state is definitely registering that it needs some support.

Maybe there’s been some stress that’s all about flowing. The blood is all about flow. So it’s about being able to flow of our life. Maybe we’ve gotten stuck in areas of our life that we’re working on right now.

And the interesting thing about the circulatory system is it also is about the nervous system. So your nervous system is coming up as a medium priority. You’ve got your circulatory system all about the flow of blood, also relating to the flow in our life, just really being able to flow really optimally.

But the biggest thing that stands out here is the kidney. So the kidney is all about our ying energy in Chinese medicine. And whenever our kidneys show, it’s really important to support those. They are linked to every single cell in our body.

So, when we treat the kidney, it actually treats the entire body. It’s all about basic stamina overall, but brain stamina as well, brain clarity.

The kidney really connects to the brain. So you would expect by taking that to really have a real shift up in your energy as well as mental clarity and just mental function in general.

Wendy Myers: Well, let me just do that. MiHealth said it right now.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, the Kidney Driver is a really amazing infoceutical. It definitely would help you just really strengthen that ying energy.

And then, of course, we have another priority here, which is orange, which is the medium. And this is just our frontline immune system.

So it’s just showing that your frontline immune system needs some strengthening.

Actually, no matter which driver we use—these are all 16 different infoceuticals, which are liquid remedies with energetic information in them and bio information to help correct these energy distortions specific to the person and what their priorities are showing.

So, the Immunity Driver infoceutical would help strengthen the very frontline immunity. And of course, the Help File tells us a lot of details. These infoceuticals are really complex. They support so many elements of our immune system as a group in general. All the drivers are all about strengthening the organs and strengthening the immune system, but then it shows the details of each particular infoceutical and what it does.

So, in this case, this is the very frontline immune system that we’re born with. Whereas the Spleen Driver, if that was to show, that’s about our acquired immunity that we acquire in our life.

You had mentioned to me that you’ve got a fungal rash that keeps popping up.

Wendy Myers: Yes. It’s very annoying, very annoying.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, and that you’ve been controlling it with food-grade hydrogen peroxide, but it keeps popping back up.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Debbie Hart: The scan is really correlating there because what might happen is once the immune system is really strengthened, that might completely naturally resolve itself.

So, all three of these would help strengthen your immune system, but just correlating to what’s going on with you.

I know you said you also want more energy. So the Kidney Driver would actually really help with that.

Energetically, do you feel like you’re kind of a little bit below normal on your energy?

Wendy Myers: I feel pretty good. I mean, I always feel like I would love more energy. But I might be a little bit low because I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night where I’ve been sleeping through the night for quite a while. But just the last week, prior to the scan, I was waking up at the middle of the night, and so I have been dragging around a little bit because of that.

Debbie Hart: Okay, yeah. So, the kidney would definitely…

It’s funny, but the more energy you have, the better you sleep. It’s kind of the opposite of what you would think. So you’ll be able to actually sleep better as well when your energy comes up because the nervous system, when it’s really strong, is able to control all the brain waves and regulate the entire system better, so you’re going to sleep better. So that’s a bonus.

So, where else do you want to go? Do you want to go into the BFA at all or the polarity?

22:29 Energetic integrators

Wendy Myers: Well, let’s just look at this right now, the energetic integrators.

Debbie Hart: Sure! So, the energetic integrators—the drivers we just talked about being the batteries of your body that are going to help really support bringing the energy up in your organs—the integrators, these are about the flow of energy in your body (so it’s about energetic flow) and the whole body communicating.

So, there are 12 of them here labeled EI 1 through EI 12. And EI just stands for energetic integrator. And basically, they match up to the 12 Chinese meridians. But actually, the research behind them is that they’re much broader than just the meridian.

So, we have the 12 Chinese meridians matching here. We have 12 integrators. And your priorities today—so, for example, at the very top, they’re in priority order. EI 1 is the most important, down to EI 12. But you’ve got EI 3 showing.

So EI 3 is about the small intestine. This is about the flow of the energy along the small intestine pathway. And you’ll see a lot of sub-readings here. So, what this is just showing, these are numbers that are from 0 to 4, and this is just showing the priority level of the sub-readings.

So, for example, here, you have the 4 at the ileum tunica serosa field. So that’s one of the subfields of the small intestine meridian. And it’s actually the area of the small intestine that have to do with the immune system.

So, in your case, we’ve already seen the immune system when we just looked at the drivers. And now we’re seeing a little bit of a sub-reading here on the immune system.

But generally speaking, what it’s saying is that you need energetic support and correction in these keynote areas over here—the small intestine, your ability to metabolize calcium (which is vital to almost every function in the body), all the vertebrate (so you may be having some discomfort in some of your vertebrae in your spine)…

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I am. Usually, my lower, my S1, the very lower one, it just kind of acts up sometimes.

Debbie Hart: Okay. So, it works on the entire information pathway.

If we go to the back of the body here, we see that there are more sub-readings. And it actually shows that you have a 3 out of 4 energy priority at the lumbar. So that’s pretty interesting.

Wendy Myers: The scan always knows…

Debbie Hart: It does!

Wendy Myers: …which is amazing!

Debbie Hart: It really does.

Wendy Myers: And just for anyone that’s not clear on this, the numbers here, 0 to 4, can you just explain what those are?

Debbie Hart: Sure! Zero to four is just the level of priority and energetic distortion. So, a 0 would be no priority today; a 1 would be higher; and then a 4 would be the highest priority. We generally address those with the MiHealth.

So, these sub-readings are all pulled into this energy screen, and it tells us exactly how to work with those with the MiHealth device.

Okay! So, you’ve got a high priority on the small intestine. But your highest priority is in terms of just energetic flow in the body. So you could think of it like acupuncture on steroids actually. When you take these infoceuticals, these integrator infoceuticals, it’s basically laying down all of the information for the liver meridian. So you’re actually correcting the entire pathway at one time.

So here, we have the liver meridian. And you can see over here that, generally speaking, this has to do with microbial disease. We talked about your fungal rash. There could be some strong support here by taking the liver meridian infoceutical. It’s called Energetic Integrator 8.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, because I know the liver detoxes your body. And when the liver gets backed up, you can have stuff start coming out of your skin that the liver wasn’t able to…

Debbie Hart: Absolutely!

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the liver wasn’t able to process or filter.

And I’ve done a liver detox ability test. My liver is not working so hot. I try to support it as much as I can with glutathione and doing coffee enemas and things like that because I know that’s probably a weak point for me.

Debbie Hart: Sure, sure. And you know, the liver is a really strong immune filter. So again, as a general pattern, we’re looking at the scan showing that you really want to support your immune system.

So, the mediastinum here, we’ve talked about the sub-readings, and those are being priorities, 0 through 4, you have a really high priority on the mediastinum which has to do with the immune system.

And if we take a look and we dig down, we can hit these little pluses, and we can look down inside some of these organs in different areas.

So, what’s showing in the liver is that your liver is relatively low priority today, but that your pleural cavity which links into the liver is a 4.

So what that says is, basically, we just need to correct the communication, the overall flow of information from the lungs through the pleural cavity into the liver by taking an infoceutical that would do that.

Wendy Myers: I just love the detail, the physiological detail, where you can see where all of the energetic blockages on the most minute part of your body. It’s unbelievable!

Debbie Hart: Yeah. And you had mentioned to me too that you were really looking for more metabolic support, really get your metabolism, your muscle tone, your exercise recovery. And the liver is very much also involved in metabolism.

So, there are so many broad areas that these infoceuticals would be supporting.

Wendy Myers: Aren’t we all looking for more metabolic support?

Debbie Hart: Yes, yes. I don’t know anybody that isn’t.

Wendy Myers: That’s one of the reasons that I’m doing this. I know it’s going to correct a lot of metabolic issues.

If your pancreas isn’t functioning so well, you’re going to have trouble with blood sugar metabolism, and that can cause you to gain weight. If you’re not absorbing nutrients, you’re going to crave food.

And this helps to correct that by getting your small intestine working better and getting your liver functioning, your hormones working better, and just all these things that contributes to the things that women struggle with when they’re post-30’s and start really struggling with their metabolism for various ways. This system kind of works on that.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely! It really works incredibly deeply on the metabolism.

And the liver, also—I don’t know how your eyes are as far as your vision. But whenever we’re looking at the liver, we’re always, as you can see here, we’ve got to dig down into the eye. We can really help support eye health.

So if we’re starting to go into any of the different—whether it’s just your vision or whether it’s going into different eye disorders, you can really help support the eye before things manifest by correcting the liver pathway here.

Wendy Myers: One thing I did notice is after I started NES in August of 2016, very shortly thereafter, my glasses stopped working. I thought my vision had worsened, and I needed to get a new prescription. But I haven’t checked if it was an improvement in my vision or a worsening. I just automatically assumed it was a worsening, but it might have been an improvement.

So, I’ve actually been meaning to look at that and see if it was actually an improvement.

Debbie Hart: That’s really interesting, really interesting.

You had mentioned too that you really wanted to facilitate detox. And so, obviously, the liver is one of the major detox organs. And so it would also support just detoxification by taking the liver integrator here.

So, notice here too that this particular pathway in the body can be damaged by fungus, Candida and mycoplasma. So when you mentioned your fungus, this really correlates to the support of the correction of fungal damage. You might be surprised how this affects your skin.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. I totally have been having some funky skin issues the last year.

Debbie Hart: Are you on this protocol right now? Have you started these infoceuticals yet or…?

Wendy Myers: I’ve started a couple of them. I’m waiting for them to arrive in the mail.

Debbie Hart: Okay, okay. It will be interesting to see after you take this protocol how your fungal rash is doing.

So this next one is very high priority; it’s red. And it’s called the Heart Protector. So this is all about—remember how in the energetic drivers, we saw circulation showing. Now were in the pathways, and we’re seeing again circulation.

So, definitely, overall, we’re seeing immune and we’re seeing circulation as areas that you really need support in right now.

And if we look inside, for example, the heart, the heart looks today, no priority.

Wendy Myers: Clean as a whistle.

Debbie Hart: Clean as a whistle. We have the female system which is part of this particular pathway. We don’t have any major priorities there.

So just overall, it’s probably showing that you just need some support on like inflammation. EI 10, the integrator 10 pathway really helps support inflammation in the body which of course is at the root of just about everything. And so it’s talks here about just correcting the circulatory system and the whole neuro-endocrine regulations.

Our endocrine system as women (and as men) really runs our body. And so this is really going to help not only just the circulation, but it’s also going to help regulate the endocrine system. The endocrine controls our emotions, it controls our metabolism, it controls even our sleep patterns. The neuro-endocrine system is so powerful at regulating almost everything in our body.

Wendy Myers: And I heard you saying the pharynx coming up, so that’s swallowing. And then, my esophagus came up as having a blockage. But my father did develop esophageal cancer, but passed away from his cancer treatments. And I wonder if I kind of like hold something there as a trauma.

Debbie Hart: Hmmm…

Wendy Myers: He had trouble swallowing for a long time before he got his diagnosis. So I always kind of wondered if I may be holding something there.

Debbie Hart: Mm-hmmm… mm-hmmm… absolutely…

Like the stress that’s showing when you have your 3’s or 4’s, definitely, so much of the time—anything chronic usually has a really high percentage of emotional stress in it. So with this, this will probably correct with this infoceutical. But definitely, when you see the high numbers, you can always definitely think about stress or trauma or just any kind of conflict that you might be holding there.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, the pharynx continues to show up. It just keeps rearing its ugly head.

Debbie Hart: Yeah. I mean it’s always going to go to our weakest link. And so that, for you, just might be a weak link in your energetic system.

Wendy Myers: Oh, you know what I do? I kept constant throat clearing. And my mom has this too. She clears her throat every 30 seconds. And so I kind of have that too where there’s probably like something physical going on as well with all of that.

Debbie Hart: Well, and you do show your mucous membranes. The mucous membranes are a big part of the EI 3. It’s one of the primary areas to correct. You are showing mucous membranes there too, which of course, our whole esophagus is lined with all those mucous membranes.

So, you’re going to get a double correction, double support there.

But definitely inflammation is one of the main focuses of EI 10 and the neuro-endocrine system.

And then, what’s really cool about the integrators is not that everything in the scan doesn’t have a lot of emotional support, but there are specific emotions associated with each of the pathways.

So, this one is trustfulness, thoughtfulness, and doubt. And I always tell people, when they take the infoceutical, they would expect to have a really strong positive shift. So if they’re struggling in any of these areas—not trusting or having doubt—they’re going to be able to shift much more when this pathway is corrected into those really positive side of those emotions.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Debbie Hart: Like a lot of people have liver come up, and the emotions are compassion, tolerance. So we can expect to completely make a shift there in terms of just being more tolerant not just with others but with ourselves, and just kind of feeling much more calm.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I struggle with that one, tolerating myself and others, does not play with others. No, I do. But I have a lot going on. I have a team that I depend on. I need stuff done. So a lot of the tolerance stuff isn’t done.

Debbie Hart: Yeah. And so if you notice that kind of shift, and you’ve been on the infoceuticals, just generally speaking, do you feel like your stress level has come down and you’re able to handle a lot more?

Wendy Myers: Night and day.

Debbie Hart: Yeah.

Wendy Myers: Night and day.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, that was the biggest thing for me too.

Wendy Myers: Huge! I don’t react as quickly. I’m more calm generally. I feel more connected to people in the universe. It’s kind of weird to say that. But I just feel more connected and more joyful. And I definitely feel a lot less stress. I can handle a lot more stress. I’m just calm about it. And less anger, for sure, as well.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, yeah. So, between the drivers giving us a lot more energy in correcting our organs and actually really strengthening our immune system and the integrators correcting the flow of energy, many times, it’s just traps stress. And once the flow gets going, we feel this release and this calmness.

So, just by correcting those two areas, you’ve got a lot of real baseline correction in the energetic system.

And the energetic system governs the physical. We can’t see it, but it’s there and it’s around every single part of our physical body.

Everything that has a structure—like a bone or cell or an organ—it has an energy field around it. And that’s what we’re looking at here.

We’re actually looking at our energy fields that are constantly communicating and sending information around the body.

And so, these integrators are all about getting the communication corrected in all these different pathways. And the drivers are all about energizing each and every organ that comes up as a priority. And between the two, you have a really strong baseline correction.

37:52 Mind data

Debbie Hart: We probably want to take a look at the Mind Screen. This is an amazing part of the research behind NES. And it really is about our story, what’s happened to us, traumas, and events that have happened that have stayed with us, as well as just everyday stress (which usually registers here under ESR that stands for Emotional Stress Release which is one of everybody’s favorites).

So, here we have just the emotions mapped out. And today, for you, we have an area down here called the Brain Holograms. And the Brain Holograms are about trauma and conflict or shock, so to speak, that is actually—something’s happened where we’ve not been able to release it. It gets stuck in one of the areas.

I can show you here that we have four areas in our brain. Basically, our energetic, they will release or hold different shocks and conflicts that we go through in our life. So for you, in this particular case, Brainstem Hologram as an infoceutical is coming up, and then we can see different priorities (0 being no priority, and 4 being high priority) in specific areas that are related to that area in the brain.

So, the brainstem hologram is all about early childhood or early life trauma and shock. And what you’re showing here again is interesting. So all of these priorities that are coming up, this is the esophagus. And it talks about something that maybe we choke on. We just couldn’t take it in at all. Something happened to us at some point that was just so traumatic that we couldn’t take it in.

And so maybe—and you know NES goes seven generations back . We all come in with a lot of things. And these are actually in our subconscious, so we may not be fully aware of things. But energetically, these scans, as you said, Wendy, they’re always amazingly accurate. And what’s beautiful is that when we use the MiHealth over that area, as well as the infoceutical, we will immediately start releasing the energy that’s trapped there and some of these stress.

Wendy Myers: What I love about NES is that you address emotional traumas that we know from all kinds of research outside of NES that these things cause physical health issues. And how are you going to address that with conventional or even functional medicine—you don’t. And this is incredibly important.

The problem is we’re not conscious of a lot of emotional traumas that we have or that are acting on us that are driving our behavior and our emotions and our compulsions. And when you start on a NES Health Program, you typically find yourself dreaming really vividly.

You just start unconsciously filtering all these emotional garbage. You’re like releasing it.

And a lot of people would say, “Oh, I didn’t really feel anything in the first month.” But a lot of people, there is very subtle things going on.

You start having like these very vivid dreams and other little things that are subtle, but they’re there that are incredibly important that you begin releasing.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely! And you mentioned the feeling of isolation. And we saw your kidneys come up. And what’s interesting here is that it looks like that the kidney itself, one of the reasons it’s such a high priority is that there’s maybe some trapped emotions that are some trapped stressed there. And the kidneys are about emotionally and energetically isolation abandonment.

And so, being able to release that is imperative. If it doesn’t get released, then we can actually physically start getting things happening at the physical level.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And that’s one of the reasons I wanted to do NES. It was to actually detox my ex-husband which I know a lot of people can identify with because I was in a very bad marriage, I was very isolated, and I felt very alone even though I was with somebody. It probably has affected my kidneys.

And then, maybe like the last six months, I decided not to date, and just focus on my work, focus on my daughter. And there’s a certain amount of isolation and not really connecting with other people that has been kind of the theme over the last six months. And now I feel like I’m ready to change and start dating again.

Debbie Hart: Well, it really is a difference. I mean, you work with people all day long. I work with people all day long. But it’s different.

It’s different than your personal life and your relationships and really wanting to be connected again that way.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. It is very different. It’s important to be balanced and have a social life. And for me, I really feel like NES has helped me move through a lot of emotional stuff to where I can feel more open and ready to let another significant other.

Debbie Hart: Right! So, what’s amazing is we saw we can work with the MiHealth (because it’s showing right here that we can just simply run that program over the kidneys), we can work with the Brainstem Hologram infoceutical. We can also work with the kidney infoceutical. So, your whole scan is showing all the support that you can give your kidneys.

So, basically, your immune system—you know, your liver, especially in regards to like microbes possibly with the fungal rash—and just the whole emotional area, I think is going to be just completely supported. So you should have your energy coming up. You should have your immune system strengthened. Brainstem is deadly going to increase with the kidney.

And then, any of these past stresses, you should really start feeling—like you said, a lot of times, you dream really deeply. You really start feeling a release there and just a freeing of sometimes trapped energy that we’re really not aware of.

And all of a sudden, we’re like, “Wow! What shifted? I had this crazy dream last night, and I feel so much better today.” So it really will release and come out.

Sometimes, you’re actually conscious of it based on our dreams.

And we can get really irritated for a day or two. I mean, definitely, this is a really powerful screen. These are powerful infoceuticals. And sometimes, in the middle of a release, we might feel a little agitated for a day or two. And then, like day three or so, or day two, we might feel this amazing shift. I don’t know if you’ve gone through any of that with NES.

Wendy Myers: No, I haven’t had any of that at all.

Debbie Hart: Yeah. It’s a really positive thing. We want things to move. We don’t want things to stay stuck. But as they move at the physical and the emotional level, we’re going to feel some shifts and changes in our body and in our mental and emotional state as things are balancing.

So, the good news is that, at the end of it, you can clearly see generally. When you run, we’ve got a report section down here. But you can actually really see the energetic shift that’s taking place and hear the stories that are along with that.

Wendy Myers: And you really want that. I mean, part of the reason people do a bioenergetic program is to facilitate change physically and emotionally in their body.

And I know some people hearing this might be, “I don’t want to bring up the past” or they’re worried about having more anxiety or more depression or they might have abuse in their past, but anyone who’s done a lot of talk therapy (like myself), it’s really slow. It’s helpful, but

I feel like this type of bioenergetic release is incredibly powerful and not something really to be concerned about, but to be welcomed.

We want to release this stuff. And like you said, we’re not conscious of a lot of the ways that these past traumas drive our behavior today.

It’s like therapy without all that annoying talk therapy.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, yes.

46:41 Chakra system data

Debbie Hart: Do you want me to go through the transformation and get into any of the other areas at all?

Wendy Myers: Maybe just for two seconds just so people can see what’s in there.

Debbie Hart: Okay. This is a really amazing screen. For those of you who are familiar with the energy centers that go from the root chakra—chakra meaning “wheel of energy”—to the crown chakra. And these are actually amazing in that—

And you don’t have any that are really high priority. But for example here, we have honesty. These centers actually relate to physical systems in the body. And what’s amazing is to look at your scan, like we just did, and then come in here and look and see what chakra is related to the physical system.

So, we saw your circulatory system. The throat chakra is actually related to the circulatory system, the health of the circulatory system.

We saw your endocrine system coming up. Remember when we saw the pathway for the EI 10, the heart protector pathway? It’s related to the endocrine glands.

And then the triple heater meridian and circulation is also related. So the triple heater meridian is related to the thyroid and energy metabolism.

But all of these that we may be struggling with actually are processed by these chakras or energy centers. So simply speaking, we can actually take the MiHealth, and we can simply run it over the throat center with the Honesty program. And we actually are going to put corrective energy into that area to further support these systems that we’re already addressing with the infoceuticals.

Wendy Myers: I know on the MiHealth, I do the Transformation setting quite a lot where you balance all the chakras with that setting.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, that one that Wendy is talking about, it actually has all seven chakras in it. And you can actually run it. It’s a 27-minute cycle. And it actually run through all the chakras for a full chakra balancing.

Wendy Myers: I do it when I’m feeling lazy, and I don’t feel like doing all my EI points just so I can do something.

Debbie Hart: Yeah. I mean you can simply lay down and put it in your solar plexus and let it run. It’s a very powerful way to support, an easy way to support, the rest of the scan.

49:03 Nutrition data

Debbie Hart: Did you want me to touch at all on the nutrition/environment and just generally talk about those at all?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, for sure! Let’s look at the nutrition screen. I want people to know everything that they would see on a scan.

Debbie Hart: Sure! So, the nutrition/environment screen, these screens do not show whether you’re functionally high or low in anything. They actually show how your body, at the energetic level, is metabolizing.

So, you may be getting plenty of vitamin B3 for example here or plenty of vitamin B5, but your body’s not metabolizing. And what you’ll see is when you’re taking infoceuticals that are recommended based on your highest priorities, just by the nature of those priorities—

For example, she had EI 3 come up, the small intestine. Once you correct the small intestine pathway, many of the nutrients are going to automatically start absorbing and metabolizing correctly.

So, what we look for here is just information, like what’s showing overall. We can correlate to the other priorities in the scan.

The one that stands out for me is your small intestine once we correct that. And it actually shows here as one of the three areas that are going to support, really correcting absorption. So when you go back in that EI screen, if you were to take this, it would help this whole entire screen because it would help your small intestine absorb everything.

But we can dive into these on individual scans. And if they don’t clear, and they don’t start shifting in their priority, and they hang in there, we actually have ways to go in. And specifically, in the Help Files, it will specifically talk about infoceuticals that will help with the metabolism and the absorption of these nutrients.

Wendy Myers: And that’s one of the main reasons I like to use NES Health with my clients, is because a lot of people have compromised ability to absorb nutrients. And that’s why they take all these expensive supplements and may not get better—and even do that for years—because so many of us have compromised guts and intestinal lining and ability to absorb nutrients.

And this is such an amazing way to restore gut health and function which is one of the seats of our poor health today, because our guts are not absorbing nutrients.

Debbie Hart: Right! And you were mentioning metabolism too. And this is just at the energetic level. It’s rating your carbohydrate and your glucose metabolism at a high priority (red being very high, and orange being high).

So, you were talking how much you would love to have some metabolic support. And simply by taking the small intestine integrator, you’re going to have a nice correction on your absorption. Because you’re absorbing, your metabolism is going to improve.

And then we can always go a little deeper with the system and we can always look in the future if you don’t start making that shift on specific infoceuticals that may come up later.

So, every time you do a scan, it kind of goes a little deeper. It’s like peeling back an onion.

And so we make the corrections based on the scan. And then we take a look and we see how you’re doing, and how you’re feeling, if you’re making some nice progress. Then we go a little deeper the next scan. It’s going to go in. And it’s going to further support all those priorities such as your metabolism.

So, the metabolism is one of the base systems for—everything energetically has a metabolism. And generally, when we first scan, the first couple of scans, we don’t get into what we call “the stars.” But these areas that we get into later are very specific to metabolic areas of the body.

And so, we always have a door we can open. We always have a place we can go to go deeper and to further support.

For example, here, the metabolic system, and here, we have the whole immune system coming up. But when we first scan, we really have to honor the sequence of healing of the body. And the body heals at the—we haven’t gone to the screen yet, but this is just all about how much energy you have basically.

We went into the organs which is the energetic correction and how much energy and charge each of the organs have. And we went into the pathways, the flow of energy. And we went into the mind which is the mental emotional support. But we do have more areas we can go into later. And they are specifically deep areas inside the immune system and working on correcting entire metabolic areas in the in the body field.

So, just working in these three levels that we just looked at, you can make amazing correction in the deeper layers. There’s this huge cascade effect that happens.

54:04 Energy information

Wendy Myers: Yes. So let’s go over this screen here.

Debbie Hart: Yeah!

Wendy Myers: So, what does this do?

Debbie Hart: This is all about how much energy you have. And these are, at the very top (you know, if you were to think of the body field as a pyramid), these are at the very top of the body field.

The next layer down in the field is the drivers which we went into with the organs and the integrators.

So, this screen is all about how much energy we have, whether our charge, whether our electrostatic charge is actually correct. We are electrical beings. We have to be kind of negatively-charged for our body to be really healthy.

So, for example, here, the big field aligner, this is the overall relationship of our energetic system to the earth’s axis. This is our relationship to earth, how grounded are we. Are we in line with the earth?

So, the earth has different axes. This is called the “big field.” And this infoceutical works on helping our body realign with the earth’s fields. So the energetic level is really important. It’s kind of like our GPS system. We really have to be in line with the earth. And the earth has different axes. And there’s also a grounding reading for how grounded you are.

And so you’re showing to be a little bit of support needed in what we call the magnetic area of the big field. It’s related to the blood. It’s related to the immune system and hot & cold regions in your body (like you may be experiencing some hot areas randomly or some cold areas randomly). And that is very related to the blood in the immune system.

So, at the very highest level, if the big field comes up, it’s one of the most important suitable infoceuticals to focus on.

And here, we have the vertical axis, another part of the earth’s axes. And it’s linked very, very closely to the nervous system and sleep patterns. And you said you have been waking up at about three in the morning on a regular basis.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah.

Debbie Hart: So, what you would expect with taking the big field (along with some of the other infoceuticals) is real strong support for the nervous system because it’s kind of the core of everything. And so correcting that could actually help you shift out of that Circadian rhythm.

But the biggest thing that we see with your Circadian rhythm is the night. So we have the big field that we just looked at, our relationship to the earth. We have the polarity which is our charge. Are we positively-charged or are we negatively-charged?

Wendy Myers: Yeah, my Big Field Aligner and Polarity were the last infoceuticals I just finished. Those came up red on my last scan. And you’ll see, they’ve cleared very quickly.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, there’s obviously a lot of shift there. If they used to come up as a red, now they’re only yellow and green now.

And if we want our body to heal in general, many times, we think, “Oh, we have a heart issue” or “we have a stomach problem” or “we have a knee problem. We need to go right to it and fix it.” With NES, what we need to do is honor the body’s sequence of healing. And the body actually needs to have these two areas corrected before anything else can really make a big shift.

So, it’s kind of like the foundational energetic correction.

And Polarity is stress, air travel, fast-speed travel at all, non-native radiation (like a lot of cell phones, computers, all the stuff we’re exposed to), all of that can affect our polarity.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I try to explain it to clients. As cave men, we walked on the ground, we slept on the ground. And over millions of years, our bodies developed this electromagnetism in our cells that matches the earth. And we have to restore that.

And there are so many things that interfere with that like the electromagnetic fields, the EMF’s from cellphones and cell phone towers and microwaves and our computers. All of these various things interfere in our body’s magnetism and really throw off our health. And so you have to correct that.

But also tend to EMF pollution in your environment which is a big theme for me right now.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, the EMF is such an invisible toxin. And it’s so insidious in so many things. So many of us have sleep issues, or nervous system issues, lack of focus. Just basically, we feel like we’re in a fog. And so much of that can come from electromagnetic frequency.

58:41 Environment information

Debbie Hart: And let me just jump out for a second. We haven’t gone into the environment screen yet. And today, we’re really not showing a high priority on electromagnetic frequencies. But this just shows us, if there’s things in our environment that are basically taxing us and that we need to pay attention to.

So, we’re also looking here at two components that are actually relatively new in the last year and a half. They are the day and the night readings which are very related to Circadian rhythms. So in regards to waking up at three in the morning (which a lot of us have different times that we’ll always wake up), that’s definitely related to our Circadian rhythm.

And you’re showing night. So that would really correlate to what you’re telling me about waking up at three in the morning on a regular basis.

This infoceutical, both of these actually, are amazing in terms of correcting our ability to have really good energy during the day, and our ability to generate energy at night for restoring and repairing our body.

So, what this is basically saying is that your body is not able to generate energy very well at night. Of course, NES is all about energy.

So, your day looks like you’re doing really good in terms of priority level. It doesn’t mean it’s bad. It’s just not a priority today. And this is about the body’s ability to generate energy from the sun.

And it matches to the sympathetic nervous systems. So if we’re always in that go-mode, and we’re always in sympathetic, and our bodies aren’t able to kind of relax and my lie down and go into parasympathetic, it’s going to show up in night. So night is the parasympathetic.

It’s an amazing infoceutical. You take it in the evening. You can take very high doses of it. It’s extremely supportive also for the big field.

So if we’re having issues in our field with just generally the relationship to the earth or the charge that we have, the night will support the correction of those, as well as just getting deep into our cells and allowing her body to generate the energy it needs while we’re sleeping.

It actually generates infrared light from our fat cells. So at night, we actually generate energy from our fat cells and turn it into infrared light. And this infoceutical helps correct that.

Wendy Myers: That’s why I like the Nigh Infoceutical because it helps your body burn fat for energy… like it should be.

Debbie Hart: Yeah. And you had mentioned to me about your EMF exposure and how you really want to try to get some more EMF protection for your bed. And this does actually—you know, electrical magnetic radiation actually really affects this field. So that could really be helpful for you, to just find that EMF support.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. NES gave me a lot of awareness about EMF’s because you can see in the scan. We have covered that screen yet, the environment screen, but we can see what EMF’s or electromagnetic fields that our bodies are sensitive to. And for me, I had a huge tremendous change in my sleep and my energy levels when I moved from Malibu near the beach and was really not exposed to very much EMF at all and I was very grounded (I was walking on the beach every day), and then moved to Central Los Angeles where it’s EMF hell on earth and you’re just constantly bombarded. I mean, there are 400 cellphone towers within a 5-mile radius. I mean, I checked on this website you can check on.

And so, with little understanding or unbeknownst to myself, I just was being bombarded with EMF. And within about six months, I was waking up completely exhausted going, “What is wrong? Why do I feel this way when I’m supposedly this really healthy person?”

It was frustrating to me. And NES helped me realize it was the EMF’s. So now, I’m going the much more EMF-protection mode where I’m getting a sleep canopy—it’s like a mosquito net with copper and silver threads in it—to completely shield my body from EMF while I sleep.

Debbie Hart: Oh, that’s amazing.

Wendy Myers: Yeah.

Debbie Hart: That’s amazing.

And what’s amazing here too is that we talked about your kidney. There’s a lot of detail in this Help File, but it matches to the kidney. And it matches to the pineal gland and the melatonin and the DHEA. So, all of that will be corrected when you take this infoceutical.

A lot of people are taking melatonin. And they have DHEA problems. So that will really correct that.

It just talks about all of the EMF and how that can really—but it goes into very great detail here in terms of people that have like metabolic issues—diabetes type 2 (which is on the rise), high blood pressure. This infoceutical really matches to those at a physical and will really help support the correction of those.

So, some of the things that you’ve mentioned, you want your metabolism support. I’m sure you don’t have high blood pressure. But it’s just really good to see all the complexity in all the different areas that this infoceutical corrects.

So, basically, you should wake up feeling much more restored. You should probably not continue to wake up at three o’clock in the morning after you’ve taken a good bit of this. You should feel a real shift in your sleep, in your energy when you get up, and also your metabolism.

So, when you get your energy up, your metabolism starts going up and starts functioning much better. And this screen is all about that, getting your energy up.

Your body can’t do much at the energetic level without enough energy. So sometimes, when you first start with NES, it’s all about getting your energy up, it’s all about correcting your organs (which we saw the energy behind your organs strengthening the immune system), getting information flowing (which we saw in the integrators), and then resolving and releasing a lot of stress and emotional trauma and conflict that we’ve all experienced in our lives.

We correct all of that, which is the baseline corrections, and we can make some amazing shifts.

Wendy Myers: Let’s look at the environment screen.

Debbie Hart: Yeah, the environments screen.

Wendy Myers: Let’s see what’s in there.

Debbie Hart: So, this is an actual infoceutical, EMF. We have a line of infoceuticals called Feel Good’s. EMF is one of those. And this has a broad range correction on electromagnetic frequency.

So many times, when people start—you said you’ve already been working on that with NES—they’ll have some high reading, so we can support them not only with the MiHealth (which you see the picture there, all of these programs are on the MiHealth), but we can also support immediately with the EMF infoceutical which makes the systemic correction.

And so priority-wise, you’re showing priority for something called PCP which is under the insecticide. And this doesn’t mean you have PCP in your system. This just means that your body cannot deal with it, that there’s a real sensitivity. There’s probably a little bit of damage there energetically.

And for those people who wonder what that is, it’s an insecticide that’s used for insect control. So a lot of us have been exposed to it maybe in different houses we’ve lived in, rental properties, that kind of thing.

And it’s interesting too because we can we can start making really detailed connections if we want to. Remember how you had EI 10 come up in your integrator?

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Debbie Hart: So, by taking EI 10, you should see these priorities in the environment screen starting to change.

So, we’ve got the other high one that you’ve got here priority-wise, solvent. And this is, again, just the ability of the body field to deal with it. And this is chemically used in printing. So it’s a paint. It’s found in pain thinners, it’s found in fuel. So obviously, we’ve all been exposed to that. And it has a distorting effect on the energetic system.

So, it talks about how it affects the circulation, the stomach and the bowel lining. And we’ve seen your circulation come up. So when we correct the circulation, we correct the bowel lining. For example, through EI 3, we’re going to correct any damage.

So, it may take some time depending on the level. One thing that’s important for everybody to know is that these reds, there’s no standard. These red’s are relative to the person. So, a relatively healthy person might have a lot of red. But even though it’s a high priority for them, it may be a very low distortion level.

Someone that’s been sick for a very long time, a red for them might be a lot bigger distortion. And it may take a little bit longer. But basically, just remember that it’s all just relative to you. So there’s nothing ever to be alarmed about, so to speak.

01:08:10 What you can expect from the NES Health program

Wendy Myers: One question I have—and I know a lot of other people have experienced this as well—is when you start a NES Health Program or you’re continuing on one, and you don’t feel any changes, can we talk a little about that?

I know, sadly, there are a number of people that start a NES Health Program, they’ll give it like 30 or 60 days, and then they’re like, “I don’t feel anything,” and they just quit. They just don’t believe in it. Can you explain why that happens?

Debbie Hart: Well, sometimes, it’s perception. Sometimes, it’s expectation. If something has been extremely chronic and deep for a long time, it can take some of the things that you’re focused on like let’s say you want your whole digestive system corrected (you’ve had extreme digestive problems).

The first thing that’s going to happen with NES is that your energy is going to come up. And it has to come up far enough in order for the body to have enough strength to heal. You’ll find your mental focus is coming in to a much clearer place. You’ll find your stamina, your sleep quality, some general energetic shift, your sense of well-being.

Most people say they feel immediately up within the first cycle of infoceutical therapy, that they feel much less stressed. That all has to happen before some of the deeper shifts.

So, sometimes it’s just a matter of what you’re expecting to feel. But if you’re on high enough dosages, in the first seven to ten days, if you’re actually not experiencing some of the shifts that you’d like to feel, generally speaking, as a practitioner, I will always increase your dose, and we’ll continue to increase it until we know kind of what your set point is, what you can handle. And I will treat you much more aggressively.

But I always tell people that when they first start, we’re going to monitor, we’re going to keep increasing the dosages, we’re going to be more comprehensive. We might give you six instead of four infoceuticas, whatever it takes to get shift to happen with you. We might actually do more MiHealth treatments to give your body more energy.

Each person is very unique. And what they need to initiate shift might be different than the next.

Wendy Myers: And one thing that I guess people don’t want to do usually is go from the 9 drops a day to 15 or even 28 because it’s a lot more expensive. So, a lot of people complain, “Oh, I didn’t feel anything,” but at the same time, they don’t want to increase the dosage because that’s going to cost more money.

So, people kind of have to be aware of that. Like myself, I’m just not sensitive. I have to do 28 drops of everything. And even then, I still may not technically feel change. But I know enough about this program. I know there’s massive change going on. I just can’t feel it going on at the cellular level. So I’m being very, very patient with that. I know I’m going to reach my health goals, and I’m not going to be able to do it any other way.

Debbie Hart: And usually, you can look at where you start. Usually, you do just even a basic intake. What your biggest complains are in, pick them on a scale of 1 to 10.

And sometimes, we’re so busy and we’re so active in our lives that we forget that we’ve actually made progress. What we’re focused on today is what’s going on today. So, a lot of times, I’ve had people even, for example, come in with really chronic neck pain. Their focus will shift, and I’ll track that over the course of three or four cycles, let’s say. And they’ll say, “Well, this is bothering me now. This is bothering me.” I’m going to say, “Well, let’s just go back to where you started. How’s your neck pain?” “Oh, my God! I don’t even have that anymore. I forgot about it.”

So, sometimes, you have to remember where you started. And as the shifts happen, your focus is going to change. And so you always are just going to have to really measure progress—where your energy’s at, how your sleep quality is, how your digestive tract is doing, and for most people, how much energy they have, and how much focus they have. And that will definitely shift.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, it can be very subtle. And I’ve talked to clients, they’ve done their first month on NES, and I ask them, “So, did you feel anything?” and they’re like, “You know, I really didn’t feel any changes.” They didn’t didn’t listen to me when I told them, “If you don’t feel any changes the first seven to ten days, increase your drops.” A lot of them forget that. So you have to be very wary of remembering that, that you have to increase the dose.

And then, I’ll start probing a little bit more. “So, did you have more vivid dreams?” They’re like, “You know what? I did! I really had a lot more vivid dreams” or they’ll be waking up in a little bit better mood, or they won’t feel as irritated, or they’ll have these very subtle change, or they’ll be sleeping a little bit better, and they’re not waking up as much at night.

But these are things that can be attributed to other things, things that you don’t really notice, but they are in fact attributed to NES. So people have to be very, very aware of their body.

Not a lot of people are very aware of their body or in touch with their body. And they might not notice these subtle changes.

Debbie Hart: That is so true! You know, I was working with my mom who’s 85 years old. And it was quite an education process for both of us as we moved through her first year and a half on NES. She’s actually had amazing change over the period of a year and a half.

And I would always ask her, “How did this feel? How did your energy…?”

“Oh, I hadn’t really thought about that. You know, it’s better.”

“How’s your sleep quality? Are you still waking up?”

“Well, I’m waking up about two times a night” when she was waking up like four times a night.

So, it really is about probing a little deeper and just paying attention to the shifts that are occurring each time. The probing is always where you get to the place where you recognize that there is a lot of shifts going on.

But I can’t say enough about increasing dosages. And there’s not that many people that need to increase the dosages really high. I would say an average of 9 or 15 on between three and six infoceuticals that you could go on at one time will, generally speaking, give you a really nice shift over the course of a couple weeks that you’re on those infoceuticals.

But there are some people that are highly sensitive. And they can’t take that much. And then, there are those people that are already pretty robust. And they’re just looking for that edge. They’re looking to optimize, to supercharge themselves, so to speak. And sometimes, that does require higher dosages.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and that’s me. That’s me. I do have a lot of friends or family members I put on NES. They’re very healthy people.

They’ll do it for a couple months and be like, “Nah, I didn’t feel anything” and get bored and want to do something else.

And I strongly caution against that and giving NES a chance because you can’t feel your immune system improving so much, you can’t feel your body’s polarity improving. All these things are imperceptible, but they are occurring.

And I was going to say, my other point was that, if you’re a relatively healthy person, you might not feel these dramatic shifts that someone might if they’re very, very ill or have multiple health diagnosis.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely! There are a lot of detox, many times, that has to happen. And there’s a lot of energy that has to be built in the body with a chronic disease.

But most importantly, it can happen really fast. Many chronic disease, there’s some really trapped emotions and trauma that’s set in the body, and we really get into the Mind Screen and we work with those infoceuticals (especially like the infoceutical called Liberator). It’s profound how fast because it’s draining to the body when you have emotional tape loops, so to speak, that are circulating in the body. It’s very draining. And when we release that drain from those emotions, the energy starts coming up. And it’s when the energy comes up that the body can start healing.

All we’re doing with NES is actually activating the body’s own innate healing mechanisms. The infoceuticals are not doing the healing.

They’re correcting the body’s energy system, so it can actually heal.

Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about when some somebody is on NES like myself. I had really great changes within 30 to 60 days—really happy—and then, I continued on month three, four and five, and I didn’t feel a lot of changes. I didn’t feel a lot of improvements.

But I keep going because I know that there’s all kinds of stuff going on that I can’t really perceive. And I do feel my emotions, my emotional life, improving more and more and more. My brain function is improving more and more and more as the months pass. But it’s very, very subtle.

Can you talk a little about maybe when someone is getting discouraged or maybe haven’t felt any changes in a month or two on their NES program?

Debbie Hart: Yes. I think that it’s really just about looking at any areas that are still showing on the scan that are really high in the field.

Remember that pyramid we talked about? Like day and night, we were in there, for example.

Sometimes, feeling really low is actually not an emotional thing; it’s an energetic thing. Low energy can be perceived as low mood. So much is about getting enough energy into the system when you first start.

And so, sometimes, we just have to look and see at the scan, at other elements that could be supported, that’s high in the field, all of the organs, anything in the screen, the day, the night, the polarity, the big field.

Drinking a lot of water, the body is not able to generate energy. We’re just like batteries. We’re not able to generate energy unless we’re hydrated. So just with the NES therapy, really focusing on good sleep hygiene, and really drinking a lot of water, because you’re trying to give your body what it needs to make shifts that you’re wanting.

And the infoceuticals are profound at that. But without sleep, without enough water, those are some basic, critical elements that we all need to consider when we’re in bioenergetic therapy. We have to help, kind of support, the therapy that we’re on.

And not being afraid to go a little stronger and a little harder with the infoceuticals, hit one more round and really try to put in those supportive elements, getting out in nature to recharge and to reduce stress.

Stress is the biggest. I think it is the biggest detrimental and destructive element for the body—for example, using infoceuticals would really knock the stress down that might still be draining you or preventing your body from having enough energy to make the changes.

And also, just allowing—I think the first three cycles, if you’re really aggressive, and you’re getting some MiHealth possibly. But even with the infoceuticals alone, you should be able to make a nice shift. But six to eight cycles for someone who has a chronic condition is more reasonable for the amount of time it might take the body to get the amount of energy that it needs and to start making all the energetic shifts because the physical shifts follow the energetic shifts.

Wendy Myers: And so, when you say six to eight cycles, you’re talking about roughly six to eight months because you need to do one scan roughly per month. I do every two to three weeks, and I get new infoceuticals. But most will do it once a month, and that will be a cycle.

Debbie Hart: That would be a cycle, anywhere from two to four weeks. I usually try to hit the 21-day mark. And 15 drops will generally last about 21 days.

But it doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go necessarily. You’re going to get there. And so if you spend more money in the short run, it’s going to be the same amount of shift as you get in the long run.

But yes, six to eight cycles, I tell all my new clients. Give it six to eight cycles. And I’ve never had anybody that really committed and gave it six to eight cycles not have profound change relative to where they started.

There’s only been I think maybe one or two—one, in particular, client that was chronically sick. She was diagnosed with severe metabolic syndrome. That kind of thing takes some time. But she called me one day and told me that she did not feel sick anymore. But it was aways in. It was probably the 7th to 8th cycle of infoceuticals. And we have gotten pretty aggressive with her. And she was coming in also for MiHealth treatments.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and especially people that they’ve had an illness since they were a child or they had trauma in childhood. That can take quite some time to resolve.

Debbie Hart: Mm-hmmm… absolutely!

Wendy Myers: You have to be patient.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely! And you’ll be so encouraged. If you’ve had something that long and nothing else has worked, you’ll be so encouraged that you’re starting to feel a shift. So I just kind of stay with that. If you’re feeling a shift, it means your body is working really hard. It’s been there a long time. And generally speaking, nothing else has worked.

And they’ve probably taken a lot of pharmaceuticals, and they’ve probably got a lot of clearing to do (so depending on the person). But it can take getting deeper into the system to get into the core issues. And getting deeper, like peeling back an onion, can take some time.

But each step of the way, you should be encouraged, and you should feel a nice shift, if nothing else, in just the amount of energy you have and a sense that your focus is much clearer.

Wendy Myers: Debbie, thank you. That was just really amazing. I always love having you go over my scan because you cut there so deeply. You make all these different connections. I mean, you’re just a fantastic trainer.

And unfortunately, Debbie is not available for practitioner services. She doesn’t do appointments with clients. But she is involved in training a lot of the practitioners (like she was with me).

I really appreciate you coming on the podcast to enlighten us on what we can see in the scan and what our expectations can be for healing on this type of program.

Debbie Hart: Absolutely! I’m always happy to. I love NES. And I’m here to help. So if anybody wants to become a practitioner, I’m here to help you with clinical coaching and training.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic!

Well, everyone, thank you so much for listening to the podcast. If you want to learn more about me, you can go to If you want to try a little detoxification, you can try my Mineral Power Program at Thank you so much for listening to the podcast.

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