Transcript #236 The Politics and Benefits of CBD Oil and Hemp Oil with Maryam Henein

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Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Thank you so much. Welcome to the podcast. You can check me out at, where I try to teach you all about heavy metal detoxification and how to detox toxic metals that cause fatigue. Today we have my friend Maryam Henein on the show. She’s going to be talking about CBD oil, a lot of the benefits of CBD oil, and the health issues that it can help. All about our endo cannabinoid system, and some of the politics with big pharma, and why they’re trying to stamp out smaller producers of CBD oil and make their synthetic CBD and put it into a pill and patent it and make money off of it.

There’s just amazing a month of CBD oil costs $100, whereas the drug big pharma is coming out with costs 1,000 to $2,000 a month and is not nearly as effective. We’re going to be talking about those politics, and more, today on the podcast. Please checkout my 10 tips to detox like a pro checklist. You can go to and download that free checklist. It has all my tips and tricks that I use with my clients to help them to detox. I work with thousands of clients all over the world and I distill the top 10 things that I recommend to my clients to help them to detox.

Our guest today is Maryam Henein. She’s been dubbed the Erin Brockovich of the bee world. She’s an investigative journalist and activist, functional medicine coach, film maker, and entrepreneur. She directed the documentary, Vanishing of the Bees, narrated by Ellen Page. You can learn more about Maryam at, where she sells her CBD oil, or hemp oil, and at

Hi Maryam, thank you so much for coming on the podcast.

Maryam Henein: Wendy, I’m happy to be here.

Wendy Myers: We’re going to be talking about CBD oil. It’s something that I take on an almost daily basis. It’s really helped me a lot. Definitely helped me with sleep, I had a period where I was really stressed and I wasn’t sleeping well, and I started taking it and it helped tremendously. Here in California it’s legal, so I’m able to enjoy that.

Why don’t we talk a little bit first, by telling listeners a little about your background and some of the work that you do.

Maryam Henein: Absolutely, thank you. I’m an investigative journalist by trade and I’m best known for directing the documentary film, Vanishing of the Bees, which is narrated by Ellen Page. I’ve since been studying functional medicine and serving as a coach, and also an entrepreneur, and the founder of Honey Colony, which is a health and wellness online magazine. Really aimed at empowering people to be their own best health advocate. In 2017, we got into the CBD space and developed our own superior hemp oil.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, so tell us, for anyone that may not know, what exactly is CBD oil.

Maryam Henein: CBD is a plant compound with no psychoactive properties that is found in the cannabis plant. You can find CBD with more TCH, which is what we associate with cannabis, that is also cannabinoid. You can also extract it from industrialized hemp. Now, technically, it’s the same plant, but we breed it in a different way because of the archaic laws that we live with and, of course, there are some people who do not want to partake in any TCH, and CBD has a host of health benefits. It really is this miraculous compound.

I can only say that after now spending five months, five, six months, on the phones with customers as a consequence of what happened to our company. Really, I’m taking it because I’m getting off Oxycontin. I’m taking it because I have fibromyalgia. I have cancer. I have insomnia. I have anxiety. Your product wasn’t in, I went to find another one, didn’t work. When is your medicine going to be in?

I say that everyone and their momma is making CBD oil now, and there’s a lot of [crapola 00:04:45] out there. I think people are sussing us out because of what we represent and because of the science and the love that actually went into doing research. Because if you’re sick, and you are wanting, for instance, to detox, it’s good to note that cannabis is a bio accumulator, so they used, maybe you know this, they used cannabis to clean the soil in Chernobyl. That’s how powerful it is and it draws everything up from the earth; toxins, heavy metals.

Whether you’re sick, or whether you’re not sick, you do not want to be partaking in that medicine. It’s an oxymoron.

Wendy Myers: Yes, yes, yeah, and so tell us what is the difference between the CBD and the TCH that we find when you smoke marijuana, you’ll be getting CBD and TCH, but more TCH, so tell us the difference between that and why CBD is not psychoactive, it doesn’t get you high.

Maryam Henein: Well, the cannabis plant, ideally, you want to achieve the entourage effect, which is basically the principle of whole plant synergy. You want the plant the way God universe created it, not something fake, altered. Ideally, you want all those trippings because they all have these different benefits and work in concert and synergize. However, if you are taking CBD from industrialized hemp, it legally has less than .3 TCH, in order to fit under the pharm bill and to be legally purchased and across state lines.

Now, when it comes to the politics of CBD, which is a whole story in itself, it really depends on who you ask. There are vendors, vendors would contest, this is a perfectly legal product. If you ask the DEA, they would say otherwise, however, that opens the whole politics and the greed and the synthetic single molecules that the pharmaceuticals are developing. They see the natural product’s industry, and people, like myself and our company, as a treat.

I find that companies that sell crappy CBD isolate versus full spectrum, which is, again, the principle of the whole plant synergy. That they have no problems selling on an Amazon, on PayPal. However, I can just state the facts that, that’s not been the case for us. If I can just recap a little of here we are, if you look at it as a startup, an entrepreneur, you put in a lot of sacrifice, so we are in our 50 year of business and we had grown as a company because we developed our own products and simply transformative solutions from 200 to $1 million in sales and CBD was a big part of that in January.

Then we got shut down by PayPal, then by Square, then by Strife, then by QuickBooks.

Wendy Myers: I heard that PayPal is shutting people down. I just put on the Heavy Metal Summit and we had to pay Dr. Chris Shade a big commission, and his PayPal got shut down because they don’t service people who sell CBD oil. His PayPal just shut down. He makes a CBD oil and sells. It’s just crazy how these companies are … Why is PayPal doing that? Why would PayPal not allow you-

Maryam Henein: They’re scared of the feds. They want to be in bed. They’re in consort. They have to abide by their interpretation. Being as a do-gooder environmentalist, having done business, they’ve given us money. We’ve taken working capital loans from them. To be permanently banded, like I’m selling smack or guns, despite … It’s just a little bit excessive. Hopefully, he will … I don’t know. I don’t know what will happen, because I do know, Wendy, that there are people. I have a vendor friend who sells suppositories, with no issue, on PayPal.

How is that? But when you get all these shut downs, that’s for people to understand, you don’t have a merchant processor. You cannot make money. It is like taking you and cuffing you and basically shooting you.

Wendy Myers: Tell us about some of the issues that you are having in selling CBD oil. Why the pharmaceutical industry is edging on the cannabinoid and medical marijuana markets?

Maryam Henein: CBD is scheduled to be a $20 billion in 2020. I’m writing an article about it. It’s quite lucrative and from big pharma’s point of view, they’re seeing it as cutting into the competition. We’re cutting into the competition, so they’re developing a single molecule, fake, CBD, just like, I think you had said you had discussed the fake marijuana plant, fake marijuana dronabinol, which has been awarded schedule two status and FDA approval. If you think of it in terms of the fake marijuana is legal, but the real plant, from God, is illegal.

Wendy Myers: It’s so stupid. It’s just so many loopholes, it never seizes to amaze me, the criminality of what the pharmaceutical company gets away with. It’s one of the reasons I do what I do, is to call them out on their crimes, and how they are harming people, making people sick, and murdering people, killing people, in trying to make money for profit. The medical marijuana market is no different. People are being helped tremendously. I’m being helped with CBD oil and other people are helped with medical marijuana. I know so many people that need it for so many different reasons, and it’s life saving to them, when the traditional medications don’t work.

And yet the pharmaceutical industry is lobbying, they pay money, try to make it illegal in states, or prevent the legalization of it, so that they then can sell their synthetic medical marijuana to the public. So tell us a little about that.

Maryam Henein: Yeah, and it’s exactly the same thing that they’re developing, a fake CBD. The main company is called GW Pharmaceutics, that is bringing Epidiolox to market, which is for epilepsy. Just to state that GW Pharmaceuticals is associated with Bayer CropScience. Again, just a fact, I’ve made a little movie called Vanishing of the Bees that outlines the systemic pesticides that are killing the honey bees. Not to sound arrogant, self-important, conspiratorial, but just to lay the facts. Why is it that Honey Colony has gone through such hell and a crappy CBD isolate.

If it is a CBD isolate, it’s likely from China or India. It’s just put in MCT oil and they seemingly, there’s a lot of brands on Amazon that you can buy, now given I’ve said that it’s a bio accumulator, you do not want to be taking crappy product. You also have to consider people take CBD and they don’t feel the effects. One, because they’re not marrying it with a proper diet. I tell people, “You know, if you’re taking CBD, but chowing down on fried chicken and inflammatory foods, it’s not going to work. You’re not going to reach its potential.”

You know how much people resist to the easiest thing that they can do, which is diet and regime and doing that first. That’s one thing. Second of all, to keep in mind that CBD degrades 80 to 90% in the liver. Unless you’re taking it liposomally, which is our formula, or rectally. Then it’s not getting to you. When you see Kombucha with CBD, that’s just marketing B-S. That’s just flash. It’s not really substantial.

I think that people, I mean, literally, people, Wendy, are calling me from Norway, Greece, Canada, UK, Australia, for Superior. Why? They’re doing their homework and they’re like, “How is it extracted? Is it bioavailable? Is it organic?” Look, all these beautiful Chinese herbs, so this is artisanal. It’s scientific and you have to do your homework and get a good formula out there.

Wendy Myers: That’s what you’re referring to. Your product is called Superior Hemp Oil. That’s the product that the … Tell us about some of the ingredients again. You said that it’s got the liposomal, CBD oil, but it also has herbs?

Maryam Henein: It’s delivery system … Yes, it has Chinese herbs that are geared towards White Peony, Schizandra, Propolis, herbs, Teasel Root that’s good for biofilm. It’s specifically designed. Elizabeth Moriarty, who is a scientist, a master herbalist, took into consideration what I wanted to address, which was, let’s say, sleep, autoimmune, having reverse my autoimmune biofilm. Her being in Wisconsin, having experience with Lyme, made a formula that is good to help destroy the biofilm, bolster the immune system, and, of course, synergize the impact of CBDs. So CBD works with our body. We have an endo cannabinoid system, ECS, system that was discovered, I believe, in the ’90s. It regulates homeostasis, balance, metabolism.

What I like to say to people is that they’re taking a formula, the CBDs, interfacing with their own body. How beautiful is that, that a plant is communicating with us and regulating like an adaptogen to give us what we need. That’s why it works across the board. That’s why big pharma doesn’t want you to have it, unless it’s coming from them. Let’s say Dronabinol, which is the fake marijuana, that can cost you, I think, or the fake CBD, a 1,000 to $2,000 a month with a prescription. As opposed to, let’s say, $100 a bottle for the month, depending on what you’re contending with, coupled with a proper diet, or lifestyle, or eating habits.

Wendy Myers: Now, that’s a huge, huge difference. It’s just comical to me that insurance companies pay for this out of their own pocket. I mean, they’re just so in bed together with the big pharma. Tell us, again, what is the ESC, endo cannabinoid system? Just to help people understand why they want to be activating this system in their body. I know we have so many cannabinoid receptors in our bodies, they’re there for a reason.

Maryam Henein: Yes, we have CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body. Like I said, it regulates homeostasis and balance. And that has an effect on our metabolism on creating balance in the body, in a topsy-turvy world where we are contending with so many toxins, as you know, in the air, water, food supply, everywhere. With that said, having, for instance, a customer who called from Australia, late at night on my home phone, and this is the candolim poisoning of a woman who was bed ridden in diapers. Just quickly, she went in for a hip issue, an MRI, and she specifically said, “I do not want the contrasting agent.” When she went into the MRI, they were like, “We’re going to sedate you.” “I don’t need to be sedated. I don’t have claustrophobia.”

They sedate her, nonetheless, only accidentally, seven month later, when she goes in with all these issues, they try to convince her she has shingles. Long story short, he’s reaching out to get Superior, but I have to explain to him, “With all due respect, yes, I’m not a saleswoman. My product will help with your pain, but you’ve got to get that out of her. You have to detox.” I’m just saying that given your work and I’m so aligned with that, it’s many times the missing piece. Just all this to say, you’re taking CBD, it’s not going to be the only thing in your arsenal. It’s going to work.

Just like in passing, really casually, a customer is like, “How can I take Superior for post-stroke?” So, again, from the functional medicine perspective, you can get cancer because of a virus, you can get cancer because you were exposed to EMFs because you ate crappy, a host of all those things. We have to treat you as an individual, so you can maximize the CBD oil. That’s my perspective.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and let’s talk about some of the health issues that people can benefit from by taking CBD oil. Because my uncle, right now, has lung cancer. He’s stage four and he elected to do chemo. I want to send him some CBD oil, because I know it’s really, really helpful for people with cancer.

Maryam Henein: Crones, everybody.

Wendy Myers: Yes. I mean, I started taking it for sleep, but I know it’s helping me in so many other ways. I know that it’s just helping reduce inflammation and, like you said, with the homeostasis. It’s just helping your body function better on so many levels.

Maryam Henein: Neuro-protectant antioxidant, anti-inflammatory. So also to put this in context, that on one hand, the government has classified CBD for marijuana extract as a schedule one, but on the other hand, they’ve also patented CBD. Right there, there you have it folks, I am infuriated at how I want to have abundance, doing good, and the hell that I have gone onto. We’ve lost … I know I’m veering off a little bit. We lost about 200,000 from all the shut downs. Then people take advantage of you, so you find the high risk merchant processor and then, I mean, in December we had one and I’d love to say their name, but I won’t.

And sent FDA compliance updates, so you need to go into your testimonials and scrub the words: cancer, fibromyalgia, anything. We know in the health and wellness space that we cannot make claims, but we look to these testimonials. To go in as a journalist, who believes in the First Amendment, and scrub people’s words, really rubs me the wrong way. Then we had links, I mean, links to NIH, links to PubMed, asking for us to remove the links, which are serving as empowering to the customers. When I spoke up, I raised my voice-

Wendy Myers: You had to remove clinical studies showing the effect of CBD oil?

Maryam Henein: Yes. They said, word-for-word, “FDA considers other research bias.” What a crock of crap. The FDA who’s frolicking in bed with big pharma gets to tell me, dictate what is deemed bias. When I told the guy, these are government … That evening I tried to do a transaction and I was locked out of my portal. They had been holding on to $10,000 of our money with no word of when they would release. Think of all these things in the system that impede you, when you’re just trying to help people. And how outrageous, and if I can share that with people, because if you are speaking out, like you are, saying things against big pharma, you can be dubbed a conspiracy theorist. You can be banned.

For instance, Wendy, I was like, “Okay, I lost all this money.” Because I had customers, a testament of this formula, waiting from July. Got their medicine in December. That’s crazy to let someone … This is not someone waiting for a lipstick from Mac. This is a sick person. It’s outrageous, but back to your question that I’ve had, like I said, I’ve had people in massive pain, people who are on opioids, who want to get off, who are getting off, and when they run out of the bottle they have to up their pain meds.

We’re living in opiod crises. People who have cancer, like bladder cancer, insomnia, for sure. I also use CBD for sleep-

Wendy Myers: I know. You need it now, with all the anxiety and dealing with that.

Maryam Henein:  Cortisol levels, waking up many times in the night, so in smaller doses, CBD is energizing. Then in larger doses it’s sedative. I accidentally … I was micro-dosing years ago, Xanax to sleep. I was hit by a car when I was 29 and dragged 50 feet. An SUV was outfitted with a 14 inch metal rod and a year later, with the PSD and adrenal, my body blew up. And every issue that happened I used it to go down the rabbit hole and learn about that condition, but sleep is so vital.

I was micro-dosing. You know, the average dose is five milligrams. I was doing .25 and I had so much guilt. I was testing one product and I mega-dosed on it. It was like three capsules, I think I took eight. I fell asleep, so I’ve been taking CBD for the past two years and not taking any pharmaceuticals. It was a lot to say, what I stand for was micro-dosing Xanax, but I’ve written a story and helped others. I was just speaking to someone last week who takes sleeping meds and was looking to turn to CBD. Again, all very threatening to big pharma.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. Let’s talk a little about that again. Big pharma has applied for patents for cannabinoid substances. I don’t know the exact thing they’re patenting. In doing that, they’re trying to then say that people that are producing CBD oil are infringing upon their patent and then shutting them down. What is that-

Maryam Henein: Well, they’re not saying that they’re infringing on their patent. They’re saying that you are dealing with a schedule one drug, up there with LSD and heroine. Schedule one says, “No medicinal value.” B-S, dangerous, B-S. That’s what they are stating. With the fake CBD and with the fake marijuana coming to market too, you now have the fake news where you have health reporters who are just … There was an article in Buzz Feed that was stating that the only proven benefit of CBD is toward epilepsy. Only because, GW is coming out with their Epidiolox. That is, again, B-S. That is, again, sloppy journalism, just fluffiness without thinking why.

There was one cop that they quoted in this Buzz Feed. He was an officer, stating that recreational CBD is illegal. Yeah, let’s go score some CBD, the natural foods, this weekend. Who is using CBDs? These are sick people folks.

Wendy Myers: Well, it’s not psychoactive. It doesn’t get you high.

Maryam Henein: Exactly. It’s crazy statement, perpetuating just [crosstalk 00:25:36] information.

Wendy Myers: It’s ignorance. It’s complete ignorance. So marijuana is legal for medical use and I think it’s about 15 states, now, I think it’s actually more. Do you know off hand?

Maryam Henein: No, marijuana, no.

Wendy Myers: I just saw it on Bill Maher. He did a whole show on it and I think it was a large number of states. I was really, really surprised how many states.

Maryam Henein: When did he do a show?

Wendy Myers: He did a show on medical marijuana. There’s a little blurb about it.

Maryam Henein: Okay.

Wendy Myers: Not the whole show, just there was a segment. He talked about how many states it’s legal for medical marijuana. There’s also a number of states, a handful, where recreational marijuana is available, as well, but there’s a number of states, 10 or 15 states, where it’s completely illegal. How does that work? Someone is in a state in the United States where marijuana, including CBD oil, is available-

Maryam Henein: They can’t cross it.

Wendy Myers: They can’t order it.

Maryam Henein: That is not my area of expertise, as the product that I offer has .3 TCH, or less. So it can travel across state lines.

Wendy Myers: Oh, it can, okay.

Maryam Henein: Yeah. Our hemp is from Germany, an organic. Europe is well known for growing hemp. So we deal with hemp from Germany. I don’t know the … I know in California it’s legal. I know I have my medical marijuana card that I didn’t want to be making deals in the dark. My mom has said in the past, “Maryam, are you still smoking that green stuff?” It’s like I don’t drink, at all.

Wendy Myers: Not exactly.

Maryam Henein: I’m like, “Yes mommy. I am still smoking the green stuff.” And I’m not going to be ashamed anymore, because it helped me a lot when I was reversing my fibromyalgia and with pain. It’s a plant. When we embrace alcohol in this society, it’s so embedded, so embedded, that you see, what’s the movie, Flatliners, the new recreation with Ellen Page. The med students are going to get sloshed and this is alcohol inflammatory, low-level vibration, sugar. Let’s just be honest-

Wendy Myers: It’s terrible for you. I mean, medical marijuana, or marijuana, in general, is so much less harmful and so much better for you than alcohol is. It’s just comical to me that it’s even illegal.

Maryam Henein: Yeah. There was a film I cite, a film with Drew Barrymore and Toni Collette, they’re besties and Toni has cancer. You really see, in a new way, getting chemo, which is a poison. And cut to her character slinging back some drinks at the bar. Cancer 101, you don’t want to be doing that. But, again, the hypocrisy and more so there are 100 million Americans today that suffer from pain, costing $635 billion that big pharma wants to capture.

Rather than hoping to get people on their treadmill. How many clients, patients, do we see that come with compounded issues because you have to undo everything that western medicine has added on to their plate.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, and destroy their livers.

Maryam Henein: Yep.

Wendy Myers: What do you recommend to anyone that’s thinking about trying the CBD oil? What kind of dosing do they typically start with? Can you give me information like that?

Maryam Henein: Sure, sure. I would say that to begin with to do your research on what things to look for. On Honey Colony, you could just very easily search CBD and get empowered with some really concrete articles to look at. I would say to look into the extraction methods to how the delivery system is. Let’s just talk about the extraction methods that many use, hexane or butane, so there’s these toxic residues. Again, not something that you want to put into your body.

Look at where it’s sourced. Look at, really get a sense, there are many companies that are using the MLM process to work their way around the legalities. I am not into MLMs. I wrote a cover story on Amway and I’ve studied this. I just … Let’s not get into it, but it’s not my bag.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, I thought that was interesting. We had talked earlier and I was talking about how I noticed that there were some CBD oils being sold as MLM products. How does that help them get around the legality of selling CBD oil?

Maryam Henein: Well, honestly, I don’t know how they’re exchanging money. I just see that there are a lot of MLMs. It’s a technicality, another loophole, because I’m not in it I don’t really know what that is. I know it’s just circumventing the system, just like going in and having to scrub the word CBD from the site and referring to it as hemp oil.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s one thing I also wanted to ask you. I was wondering why I see some products that say hemp oil, and wondering what is that? How does that differ from CBD oil? Can you explain that?

Maryam Henein: There should be no difference. It’s just semantics. It’s just language. It’s just getting around the system. At one point … Because let’s say, for instance, how sad that I cannot link Honey Colony to simply transforming it. I was shut down so many times that I was like, “Are we on a blacklist? I think we’re on a blacklist.” Then you’re thinking, why would I be on a blacklist? Yes, we were on a merchant blacklist.

We’re not even able to link Honey Colony to the-

Wendy Myers: And that’s your website,

Maryam Henein:, we sell things there, but I had to create to just be for CBD to adhere to these regulations. What you also find out is that the merchant processor, who is asking me, for instance, to unlink. They can determine their own regulations and boundaries that are sometimes more strict than the FDA to protect their booties. They, typically, all only care about ka-ching, ka-ching, making money. They don’t care that you’re associated with a company that actually values integrity and is helping people. No.

There’s all these kind of workarounds you have to dupe, circumvent, these different interpretations and to have a livelihood, if you are offering a good, excellent, product. Because, again, like I said, you can find crap on Amazon with no issue, and I’m not exactly sure how they get around it.

Wendy Myers: So don’t buy your CBD or hemp oil on Amazon. Let’s talk about that also, some of the toxins that can be medical marijuana or in CBD oil. You talked about hexane. Number one, so organic versus non-organic. You’re going to have no pesticides versus pesticides to kill the bugs or whatever, the pests. Then you have how the CBD oil is extracted, so you can have hexane and other types of solvents that are used to chemically extract that versus carbon dioxide, which is a natural process that doesn’t leave any toxic residues in the product.

You have to be a very, very savvy consumer, know about toxins, to be able to purchase a product that isn’t adding harmful toxins to your body while you’re trying to get well.

Maryam Henein: Absolutely. Luckily there are more and more people who are taking health into their own hands and doing their homework. They may not know. They may just be jumping on the bandwagon, the trend, and not even realize what it is that they’re taking. God knows what is in the soil, these days. We’ve decimated our soil, which I say is the biome of the planet, just like our guts are so important. And that, i think, staining the earth, and if who knows what it’s pulling up, but, to me, being told that they use cannabis to clean the soil for Chernobyl and remove radiation, say no more. It’s going to pull up stuff and you’re going to be digesting it if you take that.

You had asked about the potency. In our case, it’s 250 milligrams per bottle. That’s, if you do one dropper, that’s 8.3 milligrams per suggested dose. If you’re optimizing and you’re avoiding the hepatic first grade degradation, like a lot of things degrade, then it’s equivalent to 2,500 milligrams of oral non-liposomal gastric delivery. Then, of course, just to talk about the herbs that we use, because I didn’t mention them all.

We use, I said … Sorry, why is my site glitching? Dang Shen, are you familiar with Dang Shen? Teasel Root, Schizandra, again, herbs. It’s beautiful to have the synergy. Anyway, those are some of the things that … Definitely the toxins. You want to … I’m always blown away if you go to a dispensary, why they’re not all organic, that you, as a sick person, non-sick person, have to say, “Do you have something that’s organic?” Should that … And then, also, to touch upon that when it comes to hemp in this country, if you’re buying it here, there are no … Trump Administration is allowing … There’s no regulations on what to spray or not to spray, yet.

You have to take organic, organic, organic, organic. It’s very important.

Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about potency. Some products on the market, they can put CBD oil, or hemp oil, on the label and have almost nothing in the product. What is the level of potency, or the amount of, you said, 250 milligrams in your product. What is something like the average amount?

Maryam Henein: I honestly, I don’t know. I know we have a comparative matrix that I look at other brands on the site, but I’m just looking at them.

Wendy Myers: I imagine there’s a lot of products out there that have very little CBD oil in them.

Maryam Henein: Think of if it’s a CBD isolate or if it’s a full spectrum where it’s the whole plant, the synergistic chemistry of the whole plant. In other words, whole plant or mixtures of plants are more effective than isolated compounds. It’s about treating you as a whole.

Wendy Myers: If you were to look on the label, how would you identify a product was a CBD isolate versus whole plant?

Maryam Henein: It should say, CBD versus full spectrum. I think you would need to ask the manufacturer, because I don’t know what other brands do to make it seem better than it is. On the site, we have some comparisons on other sites they can see. I just had this question from CBD Hemp Works in from Colorado. I mean, I could just say, “Please do your homework. This is an isolate. This is with MCT oil, so the delivery is not optimized. This is an MLM.” I don’t know what their motives are or how dedicated.

I could say, for instance, “Prime Your Body is an excellent formula. It is liposomal. It is done properly.” I’ve heard that ours is better, but I’m not going to dis it. It’s a comparable high-end, some of the person knows what they’re doing that’s making it. So it’s, of course, how you … Because you talked about dosage, I recommend that someone tries a full dropper and away from food. Keep in mind that you’re an individual and if it’s an adaptogen, it’s going to do what it needs to do, but you have to couple that with an anti-inflammatory diet. For me, that’s very, very important.

You walk around and you see people who are just … it’s inflamed. It’s just become a regular look for better thing. I’m from Montreal, Canada. I’m 45. People will say, “Well, you know, I’m getting aching,” their mentality, it’s also about deleting these self-limiting believes. The body is so amazing and, of course, when you’re told your body’s attacking itself, there’s no cure, here’s some [Zimbulka 00:39:46], here’s some Prednisone, go home. That is just as destructive and I reiterate how our subconscious beliefs have so much to do and run 95% of our existence.

Healing, as you know, is so multi-level and there’s so many levels and nuances, and it is about the journey. I know I’m varying a little bit, but it’s also important to ask like, “What can I learn from this illness? What can I learn this disease about myself?” And really take a good look at yourself and put your ego aside and be humbled. Almost dying, being sprayed by pesticides on three occasions, be told you have fibromyalgia and lupus, and working a lot of years. Definitely CBD was part of turning that around, but all that again to say, “What else are you doing to couple with the CBD on your healing journey?” Like yourself, you do so many other beautiful things, it works in concert. If someone’s just like … I can tell some of these customers that they’re eating crap and they’re expecting like, “What can you give me to deal with this?”

It’s not about this pharmaceutical one, it’s not about that. You’re not going to take a product and just get better over night. There’s no magic, although CBD is pretty miraculous, definitely.

Wendy Myers: Now, I’m so glad you came on the show. I love CBD oil. I love your product Superior Hemp Oil. I think it’s fantastic. I really highly recommend that people try it, to give it a try and see what it can do for you and your symptoms. I think CBD oil is just something that is such an amazing medicine and that, I think, people that might be close minded to it need to, at least, try it, open their mind to it, because, I think, they’ll be very, very pleasantly surprised. It definitely changed my life and it’s something that I highly recommend to people.

Maryam Henein: Yes, I don’t know why they would be skeptic. There are no psychoactive properties. It is, I mean, so many beautiful remedies come from the earth. I’ve become all about bees and bud, Wendy. I just believe-

Wendy Myers: I think people are just conditioned. There’s a lot of conservative people out there. There’s ignorance. They’ve been told it’s a drug their whole life. It’s a bad drug to be fought and the war on drugs. I think there’s a lot of people out there and that’s why we’re doing this podcast to educate people and put that ignorance at bay and let people know this is a healing compound, just like other plants have healing compounds. There’s just no stigma to it whatsoever. It doesn’t get you high. It just heals you.

Maryam Henein: Yeah, and about the stigma. I was just going to talk about that, that in writing this story, as a Canadian, I didn’t know that in the ’70s the Nixon Administration used marijuana to be able to go after Vietnam people or were against the Vietnam war and against African Americans, and this whole reefer madness and stigma and B-S. Ignorance comes from the ’70s and it is absolutely incorrect. Why is it that the pharmaceuticals can create their single molecule fake faux brand and that has medicinal value. Just the … I’m not saying this in an un-PC way, but the retardation of this, retarded is the real literal. This is not solid thinking. This is so weak and it’s quite crazy that now there’s Senator Kathryn Gillibrand, who is so vocal, and other Democrats, who are speaking out of the B-S that’s going on, to really tip the scales.

It will reach a tipping point where it’s undeniable. Again, no psychoactive properties, hello. It’s a beautiful plant compound that communicates with your own body. That’s it, and helps a whole host of issues. There’s nothing to be afraid.

Wendy Myers: Everyone, thank you so much for listening today.

Maryam Henein: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: Maryam, tell us where we can find you and where we can try your CBD, Superior Hemp Oil.

Maryam Henein: You can find me in Beechwood. You can also find me on Twitter. Please visit and I don’t know if you’ll be providing a link to Superior, but we have it in stock after going through so much hurdles and couldn’t keep it on the shelves. That’s at and to bypass the system we are taking Bitcoins and we are taking electronic checks and old-school checks.

Wendy Myers: Okay, great. Hey, I have some Bitcoin. I can buy some with some of my Bitcoin, my cryptocurrency.

Maryam Henein: It’s going up. I have to check it today. I’ve been checking the app.

Wendy Myers: Yes it is.

Maryam Henein: I do have a couple of transactions that have been purchased in Bitcoin.

Wendy Myers: That’s awesome. Well, Maryam, thank you so much for coming on the show.

Maryam Henein: Thank you Wendy.

Wendy Myers: I love your product. I love what you’re doing. I love what you stand for. Everyone go check out here movie, Vanishing of the Bees. Yeah, Vanishing of the Bees. What’s the website for that?

Maryam Henein: Well, it’s and it’s on iTunes, Amazon, Netflix, and Hulu. Yes, it’s still relevant. Bees are still dying and they are so crucial to our food supply. And my message, a decade later is, we are the bees slowly being poisoned. We can learn so much from these beautiful sacred creatures. You can hit me up at Maryam, M-A-R-Y-A-M, at and thank you Wendy.

Wendy Myers: Yeah, well, thank you for coming on the show. Everyone, thanks so much for listening.

Maryam Henein: Thank you.

Wendy Myers: I’m Wendy Myers at Take a couple minutes to leave us a review on iTunes, The Live to I podcast. It would be so much appreciated to help us reach more people and help more and more people, which is the goal and why I wake up every day, to help people feel better and get their life back with detoxification of heavy metals. Thank you so much for listening and have a wonderful day.


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