Transcript #242 Why NanoVi Rocks for Detox and Healthy Aging with Hans Eng and Rowena Gates

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Hans Eng and Rowena Gates


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Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers of Thank you so much for joining us for the podcast today. I have a really, really interesting show today with my friend Rowena Gates and Hans Eng. We’re going to be talking about an amazing technology, a device called the NanoVi. This is a device that helps you to improve protein repair, improve protein folding, fight oxidative stress, and to basically repair the damage caused by toxins, heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides in our environment that’s in our air, food and water. This is an amazing device. I’ve been using it for about a month. I feel so much better since I’ve been using it. I wake up every morning. I do it. I do it for about 15 minutes. It gives me this huge boost of energy. It gives me almost this high. I feel really, really good after I use it. I’m so happy I’ve learned that I can actually use it all day long if I want. I can use it for a few hours, which I’ll be doing really, really soon.

This is one of the tools that I’m using to improve my health and to improve my body’s ability to detox and repair damage that’s been done by all the toxins in our environment. I encourage you guys to check it out, it’s an amazing podcast. We talk about how it reduces inflammation. Dave Asprey, Ben Greenfield, other people are using this device to improve their health as well, so check it out.

If you want to learn all about detoxification, I’d love for you to download my free guide. It’s The Top 10 Tips To Detox Like A Pro Checklist. It’s a very simple document. I work with thousands of clients and I’ve distilled my top 10 tips to detox into this checklist. Go to to download it. It’s totally free.

My guests today are Hans Eng, he is the President and CEO of Eng3 Corporation. It’s a Seattle-based company that produces applied biophysics technology for the U.S. and international markets. His 32 years of experience with advanced medical technologies includes working for Johnson & Johnson in Europe and the formation, growth, and successful scaled German Medical Implant company. Hans has deep experience in research and development, production and quality assurance for medical devices. An advanced mechanical engineering degree from the University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, combined with his background in material science and proteomics enabled Hans to develop the patented technology that underlies Eng3’s NanoVi products.

Rowena is a principle and the Vice President for Eng3 Corporation. She is focused on Eng3’s business development and international strategic relations for more than a decade. Rowena is a serial entrepreneur. Prior to joining Eng3, she spent six years as founder and CEO of AVIARC Corporation, which provided internet-based solutions for international trade. Before AVIARC, she co-founded a document imaging company, now doing business as Image Source. Prior to this, in 1995, she co-founded one of the earliest companies to offer an internet-based solution to the logistics industry. Rowena received a doctorate from the University of Washington for her dissertation in international strategic alliances.

You can learn more about Hans and Rowena and the NanoVi and It’s E-N-G-3-C-O-R-P dot com. Thanks so much for joining us on the podcast!

Hans Eng: Hello, thank you for having us.

Rowena Gates: It’s a pleasure to be here.

Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourselves and how you got into the health field?

Hans Eng: My entire work time was basically as a healths area. After the university, I studied material science at the university. Special materials. I went into the medical device industry based or focused on human implants. Everything that you can put into the humans, artificial bones, artificial joints. Everybody knows today about hip joints and knee joints. I worked in the R&D department for special surface condition, surfacing with several different new materials. We have a perfect grow-in to the bone, grow-in to the tissue, ya? And that exposed me to the entire self biology, how ourselves growing, what is the problem, why is selfs are dying, and what are the stresses on the self? [inaudible 00:05:20] now was in 30 years ago. I was toward in this direction where the selfs activities are important, finding out by knowing more what are the selfs doing actually to function, ya? I grow into this whole field of medically biases to support the cellular activity, ya?

One of the most important part which I also focus are the proteins in the cells, and the proteins are a material science. Protein only is material science only about the proteins, and we have a lot of these in our body. We have around, we assume, 900,000 different proteins, and these proteins are exposed constantly, especially to oxidative stress, and they are starting to lose their function when they get damaged. Our technology is based on this knowledge and how can this function be re-installed.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Rowena, what about yourself? How did you get into the health industry?

Rowena Gates: Well, it was sort of by accident. I’d been in high tech internet based software companies. I started as a volunteer. I said I’d help out with Hans, and then I realized how helpful it was to people, and I loved that. Nobody had ever been so appreciative when I was going international trade documentation over the internet. It really shifted me over to want to spend my career working with people on these health issues and helping them.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Hans, can you tell us about the NanoVi? This is an amazing bio-hacking tool, so to speak. Tell us how it works. Do I just breathe in the air that comes out? Can you explain what happens inside the device and the body? Essentially, it’s a device, it creates air, there’s things in the air, you’re going to explain that. You can breathe it through your mouth or you can put on a cannula and breathe it through your nose, so tell us exactly what it’s doing.

Hans Eng: I would like to explain it first what happens in our body. Like I mentioned, ourselves are constantly exposed to oxidative stress. Inside the proteins are exposed to it. What happens during this time? The proteins are losing their three dimension structure. When they lose it, they stop to function. We have a certain kind of loss of function, but you have to reinstall as a function usually very fast again otherwise we will pretty much die very fast, ya? To do this, in the body, in the cells, around the proteins, the water where they are embedded in have to get into a higher order. This order is usually always achieved in the body through very specific reactive oxygen. Activated oxygen, that is responsible after it emits its electromagnetic energy to create the higher order water that is building the layer around the proteins. Through this layer the proteins are now and that is enough, have enough trigger energy to switch over, to forward, and when we are getting older, when we have more demand on our body, we are not creating enough of this kind of special layer that is necessary for the proteins to fault.

That is where our technology comes in. Since more than 20 years we know how those layers are being produced, that is basically water science, and the special layer of water is called EZ or force face of water. They are a lot of researches out of different universities and what our technology is doing. We are emitting in the device a same electromagnetic energy to the water molecules in the vapor in the humidity, ya? So that is being absorbed, the electromagnetic energy and builds on these little droplets in the humidity on the outside the special layers of water, the EZ water, white on the outside. With the air stream, with the pumps we have in there with the air stream, we push gentle this kind of water droplets to your mucus membrane, ya? So you feel when you inhale this air, a nice breeze coming in, but we are focused on these droplets in the water molecules that they touch the mucus membrane.

Then it happens in the same way how it happens in our body, these water layers are being transferred to the protein surface. So, we are basically copying the nature here and assisting with our technology the natural process that forms layers of the [inaudible 00:10:45] of the water and the proteins so that they can reform again and start to [inaudible 00:10:51] again.

Wendy Myers: Okay. Can you explain the oxidative stress a little bit more? You were saying oxidative stress causes proteins to not fold properly. We know things like glyphosate, which is a pesticide, will cause proteins to not fold properly. What are some of the other toxins or things that will induce oxidative stress, and what is oxidative stress, exactly?

Hans Eng: Oxidative stress exactly is a by-product of our cell energy production. Whenever we inhale oxygen, it is transported to our mitochondria, and the mitochondria bio chemical process is producing ATP. That is necessary for all chemical functions and reactions in our body. As a side product, we produce unneeded reactive oxygen spaces. These are oxygen molecules that are not necessary and the mitochondria is discharging these into its cell. We are producing quite a bit, something around 650 quadrillion free radicles per day, ya? These free radicals are highly interested to bind with other components they can find in front of them. As mentioned, we have a lot of proteins, basically beside water, proteins are most abundant components in the cell. These free radicals have a lot of targets it can bind with. Our body itself, to better the biologies of nature, try to put some scavenger molecules in front of these reactive oxygen species so that they better bind with the scavenger molecules. That is called anti-oxidants, ya? But, still, most of the free radicals are connecting with proteins and damage these proteins. It is an unavoidable reaction.

On top of that, we are creating reactive oxidative stress having cosmetics on our skin, the sun is shining on cosmetics, we have some leftover pharmaceuticals in our system, the sun shines on the skin, it breaks it down, then we create the reactive oxygen in our body, and that has a defecting part. Besides this we have a lot of other influences from the outside that damage proteins. High energy, like radiation energy, the treatment of flying a plane, that will have an impact on proteins so that they fall apart. High temperature. Getting a sunburn, this really high temperature, we break down tissues, proteins are falling apart. We have possibilities of taking toxins into our body. We eat substances that shouldn’t belong in our body. They go and reaction and as a side product they are producing, again, reactive oxygen species that damage our body.

So they are part of things that is part of things, you could say, to create reactive oxidant species. We know since many years that that is a cause for aging, ya? Reactive oxygen species that is called free radicals are causing accumulating damages and we are aging, and all oxygen neutralizing species has the same problem, more like they have the same process. They are aging. Doesn’t matter if we are humans or animal, even plants are aging because of free radicals and oxygenated stress.

Wendy Myers: Yes, and so when they’re using a NanoVi, you put a cannula in your nose and breathe in. I’m doing about 15 minutes a day of doing that, and that’s kind of how you use the system. It’s very simple. You just breathe in for 15 minutes a day, depending on the model you have, some you have to do it for an hour, so what are some of the benefits that people experience when they use the NanoVi on a regular basis?

Rowena Gates: One of the first things that people will notice is that they have better sleep, and it will help people feel less stressed and [inaudible 00:15:17] easily. The idea is to help balance out the autonomic nervous system. When that happens, then it’s got the mood advantages and the sleep advantages. That one’s fairly universal.

Other things really depend on the individual’s condition. The older they are, or the more ill they are, then it’s easier to see the difference between using it and not using it. There’s all kinds of conditions that it is used for, and then those various measures can be used to see what’s going on for any individual with the condition.

Wendy Myers: It’s used for enhancing sports performance as well. Ben Greenfield is using the system to help get every edge that he possibly can, bio hack his biology. How does it help athletes?

Rowena Gates: It’s a really big one for athletes, especially performance athletes can tell the difference because they recover faster. By boosting the repair side of the equation in that oxidative stress scenario that Hans described, people recover faster. Athletes are putting physical or mental strain on your body, you’re burning more oxygen, you’re creating more oxidative stress, and so for athletes, it can be quite a dramatic difference in how fast they bounce back after a grueling workout.

People use it also in advance for performance because they believe it is just better mitochondrial function and better energy for performance. We have a car racing team using it for that reason. They’re bio hacking between stints in the car essentially.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Inflammation is a huge, huge problem. An athlete will have inflammation. Really, anyone living today has some degree of inflammation. The sicker you are, the more inflammation you have. Tell us more about how the NanoVi addresses inflammation.

Hans Eng: Ya. Will you?

Rowena Gates: I’ll give you a really fast answer. Hans would probably be much longer, but inflammation is a protein repair issue, so the better the proteins are working for you, then the more you can reduce the chronic inflammatory process. The acute inflammatory process that is the inflammation you need if you cut yourself or injure yourself and you need your body to go into repair mode, is a different story, but where we get in trouble kind of universally in our society, is chronic inflammation, which is not productive. That’s because the repair is not keeping up and some of the systems are out of balance, and it just creates an inflammatory environment. Can be related to anything from food to exposure, obviously toxins, or things like stress are going to help create that soup of inflammation in the system.

Wendy Myers: What about you, Hans? What’s your extra long explanation?

Hans Eng: Basically, all functions that our body has to execute are protein controlled function. Most of these functions we don’t recognize and we don’t mentally consciously control, ya? We cannot control our digestion. We cannot control our wound healing or anything like that. These are all tasks that are constantly controlled by protein. The amount of oxygen that you utilize in certain areas of yourselves are all protein controlled. The possibility that you can stay concentrated right now and listen is a protein controlled process.

If you have a high demand in a certain area and are seeing your manager really concentrated the whole day, ya? Your brain will metabolize to achieve, to get a lot of APT. You metabolize a lot of oxygen. This by product you could use a lot of oxidative stress in your head. So, the damages that occur will make you lose your ability to concentrate. Get tired. Over a long time, several years, you cannot concentrate any more. So, to repair those areas, we have to repair the protein function that we lost and, therefore, that our technology then use for those things to perform better. Not only in the thinking part where you metabolize oxygen, a lot of people are not aware of it, but we know that we are getting tired after thinking, ya?

In sports, the same thing. When you metabolize certain tissues, muscle tissues, oxygen will produce more damage. If you would like to perform with these muscles a little bit better than your competitors, we have to repair the damage. By repairing the damage, you can now train a little bit more. By having a better training you will be in the end better.

So, the protein functions in our body are turned on by proteins and they’re also turned off by other proteins, ya? If you have something, say an inflammation, and there is no cause for this inflammation, you have no toxification in certain area, it could be possible that the proteins that are in response to turn off the inflammation are not working anymore. You’re running chronic inflammation processes in your body without having a real cause for it, ya? By repairing those proteins that turn those off, you can address chronic inflammation.

The same thing in the other direction. If you have a cause in your body, if you have a toxification in your body and you would like that your inflammation turns on, these proteins have to work. If these are broken and don’t start their function, they cannot fight the problem that is in the body. We try to support reinstallation of the function.

Wendy Myers: For anyone that’s wanting to detoxify their body of heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals, how does a NanoVi assist in doing that?

Rowena Gates: There’s two aspects of it. One thing when the body just tries to repair itself, it’s going to try to shed toxins, so we give a boost to the repair side. It will have that natural affect of facilitating detox.

The other side of it is depending on the detox process. It can be very energy draining. It can be hard on the system and people feel depleted. They may have headaches. It can be a challenge for the system. That side of it, they need the extra cell energy production. They need more energy to kind of counteract the extra work they’re doing through the detox process, so it’s really great used in combination with the detox protocol. In fact, we have it being used by, say, in cardiology it would be used during a detox process to help keep people vital and support them.

Wendy Myers: I’ve heard that the NanoVi is almost like breathing in biophotons. Is that correct?

Hans Eng: No, that is not [crosstalk 00:23:23]

Wendy Myers: Well, what is exactly in it?

Hans Eng: The important part is that the electromagnetic energy is being absorbed by the water droplets, ya? That does not mean that the water droplets are now loaded with the electromagnetic energy. That is not possible. When water absorbs electromagnetic energy, they can only absorb very specific electromagnetic wavelengths, ya? When it absorbs it, then it creates on the surface higher density of water molecules, the so-called EZ water. You can measure this. In the right laboratories you can measure because this water has different other materials present on occasion.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. When you use a sauna you increase EZ water as well on your body.

Hans Eng: Yes, especially you would increase EZ water on a humidity that is in the sauna, ya? We have a little tiny problem to absorb the electromagnetic base directly through our skin. Our skin is like a shield, a buffer, that does not have a lot of water in it, the surface, so it tries not to be exposed to electromagnetic energy, ya? It has to go through the humidity to get in. So, basically, you could inhale in the sauna the treated humidity if there is enough humidity. Only thing is, it has to be the right electromagnetic wave.

Visible light, for example, is absolutely not being absorbed by water. That is why water is transparent, or, not … Ya. Why water’s transparent. We can see through light, through water. So, probably electromagnetic energy you would not be able to recognize this on the other side of the water, ya? Because it is being absorbed. [inaudible 00:25:39] goes in on one side but does not come out on the other side. In these electromagnetic wavelengths in this area, all not visible, and they are different as a technologies and [inaudible 00:25:52] sauna.

Rowena Gates: What Hans is referring to is the wavelengths and the use of the water, which is what our technology does. At lower wavelengths there’s other technologies like saunas, lasers, or whatever, that are doing something different and they will operate through the skin. Whereas what we’re doing a lot because it has to be absorbed by the water molecules.

Wendy Myers: Okay. You’re breathing in through the cannula there’s air coming through the water and you can choose different colors of light to illuminate the water. What is the function of that and why do you have different colors that you can choose from? You can choose all of them. What is that for?

Rowena Gates: It’s decorative.

Wendy Myers: Decorative. Okay.

Rowena Gates: [crosstalk 00:26:43] so that it’s appealing and relaxing. Also, in a clinical setting by illuminating the water it’s easy for a clinician to see if the session has stopped because the light’s off, and so that’s really the function of it. Now, with light and color, people find different benefits on it. Dave Asprey sets his on red.

Wendy Myers: I set mine on purple. That’s my favorite color.

Rowena Gates: Yeah. People find what works for them. Maybe it’s blue first thing in the morning but red at night. It’s something you can kind of play with and individualize.

Hans Eng: There is a completely different thing, though. The color that is illuminating the glass container has no effect on the humidity that is being transported to the-

Rowena Gates: Yeah. It’s not part of the function of the device.

Wendy Myers: I was just curious if it had some effect. Are there some studies that have been done in the impact of NanoVi?

Rowena Gates: There are.

Hans Eng: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Rowena Gates: There are.

Hans Eng: Yes. We have studies made in different labs, ya? One thing is when we try to produce so called this EZ water. We have to show that it produces water for the material testing for this is done. We make the testing that’s going to be [inaudible 00:28:06] that are emitting actually is the correct electro magnetic energy to the water molecules. Because you cannot see this energy, you have to measure it. The tests show how much we produce, how the biology works in this part.

The next thing is we wanted to see how is the NanoVi humidity affects one protein. The one most protein like component that we have is a DNA, so we made tests to see how fast broken DNA strings are repairing again, ya?

The next group of tests is then do we affect entire protein networks? Means more complex protein interaction to achieve a certain thing. Say for the lactate reduction to see how fast people are rebuilding the content in the cells to get rid of lactate. We use this as a placebo controlled study, also at university.

Then we go ahead with a lot of other studies on measurement biases. Measurement technology that we know that are measuring protein function, like the heart wave ability, the oxygen utilization. Those measurements are then used to show that we can measure these endorsed technologies. Like you said, some people can recognize the impact. Some people can measure their performance efforts when we sustain the aesthete area, ya? Some other people would like more to see measurement devices, diagnosis devices to see how that is being affected, you know? As long as the diagnosis devices is a protein function device that you can measure the protein function, then you will see the results.

Wendy Myers: I feel amazing after I do a session. I’m almost feel high? I feel kind of just like I’m floating on air. I feel really rejuvenated. I like to do it right when I wake up. I usually feel pretty groggy and not so great, so I like to use the NanoVi in the morning and it really gives me a wonderful boost, wakes me up.

I did it one time in the evening. I had a little bit of trouble sleeping? It’s very like energizing for me. That was just one time, though, but I find that over the last few weeks that I’ve been using it, I’ve been sleeping better, for sure, and I just generally feel better.

What are some of the other benefits that people can experience? I know some where very, very ill. They could experience feeling better because their body’s repair itself better. Can you talk a little more about that?

Rowena Gates: You mean the things that don’t involve medical claims.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Rowena Gates: Okay. This is a little tricky.

Hans Eng: Can I? Ya? We know that most of our chronic disorders and chronic disease, chronic illnesses, are caused by oxidated stress. We are accumulating too many damages and at the end of a longer period, sometimes it could be in the middle of our lifetimes, sometimes more like towards the end, ya? These damages are accumulating on a group of proteins and we are running into chronic disease. Depending on how bad this is, we can try to address this condition and help the body to repair areas which are related to protein function that are not working and causes chronic disease. We only can support it helps us because there are a lot of other factors in it, too. If chronic oxidative stress causes some damages on the DNA and now wrong proteins are being produced, we have no effect on this. We cannot repair the blueprint in ourselves. We cannot repair DNA. That is not possible to have the right gene expressions and it’s already started, ya?

Other areas we see, you can have a sunburn. You can have a cut. You can have a wound. All these are cellular function to recover again. Very often these cellular functions are basically using a lot of cell energy, a lot of ATP. Like I mentioned in the beginning, the ATP production in the mitochondrial is a protein function. As long as our body is able to deliver enough oxygen that will bring to the cells, the ATP production may be fine. On the other hand, the mitochondria is the center of the free radical production, so the exposure to free radical damage in the mitochondria is extremely high. Why when we are aging the effect is also we are producing less and less cell energy, ya? With less cell energy, all the biochemical reactions in our bodies don’t have enough fuel to execute. That’s when we are getting earlier tired, we are exhausted and those things. Very often only because our oxygen utilization, those ATP production, out of the oxygen is slowed down, and then we try to reinstall this technology, also, that ATP production goes high again and everything that is related to ATP.

Wendy Myers: I had another really good experience with the NanoVi. I went to Florida to go visit my friend Robert Marking over the holidays last year. I show up at his house and was starting to get the flu. I had a long plane ride. My daughter was sick, and I just, you know, it’s flu season. I was going down, like I was just not feeling good at all, getting worse and worse and worse as the day progressed. He has a NanoVi, said here, come over here, do this, and I was like whatever, I’ll try it. I put it on and breathe it in for an hour. I felt a lot better. I had the flu. I mean, I was sick for seven to 10 days. It was a long illness, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as what I’d heard other people reporting, the severity of their flu symptoms. We had a really, really bad flu season. Mine wasn’t really that bad at all. It was almost like I had a long head cold, but colds don’t last seven to 10 days.

I really feel like using the NanoVi right when I started to get ill, it really just reduced the severity of my symptoms a lot.

Rowena Gates: Well, you’re touching on something that, when Hans talked about the studies, there’s also a study that looked at inflammatory markers so blood components that showed the acute inflammation which is a measure of the immune response. In a double blind placebo controlled crossover study, they could show that the NanoVi heightened that immune response. It’s not surprising that it would help people fend things off and also address injuries, surgeries, or whatever.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. Robert also told me … He’s a big fan of the NanoVi. He’s been using it for a while. He told me that, he was a guest on the podcast before as well, he’d heard of a girl that started using the NanoVi, and within two weeks she lost about 15 pounds. I’ve been using it every day, like come on, let’s go, let’s go, let’s lose some weight. Resistant weight loss can also be a by product of the inflammation state.

Rowena Gates: Right. [inaudible 00:36:17] that does happen. It won’t happen to everybody. It’ll always support the weight loss process, but some people are sort of metabolically in a position where they can get a lot of benefit from it, and once things come back online and work better, the weight will just fall off.

Wendy Myers: Yes.

Rowena Gates: It all depends on the person, which is something we should say generally. Everybody’s different. What their body needs to do to repair is different for everybody.

Wendy Myers:  I’m waiting very patiently, but I love the Nano. I’m using it every single morning. I just feel so much better. I feel this huge boost in how I feel. I feel better throughout the rest of the day, so I’m definitely not skipping a day ever. My girlfriend wanted me to go out of town for a long weekend with her, and I thought, “I have to bring the NanoVi. I can’t go four days without.”

Hans Eng: Ya. There’s a transportation case and travel [crosstalk 00:37:20]

Wendy Myers: Yes. I need to get one of those. I don’t want to travel now unless I have it.

Hans Eng: Ya, but is the weight loss, that is an area that they’re actually measurmenting by this out there, so the metabolic resting rate measures how much calories burn when you sit on the chair, which means the clean [inaudible 00:37:40] how many biological reactions are going on in your body. When that goes on and is on a high level, you’ve done a lot of calories. You need a high metabolic high resting rate to burn calories. Your body is storing all the input instead of burning it.

Wendy Myers: The benefits here, you have a much better improved bodily function, metabolism, repair, reduction of inflammation. When someone starts to use the NanoVi, can they have any reactions? Can they have any detox effects because maybe their body hasn’t been working so well for a long time and then they start breathing in the NanoVi, can they have any kind of issues?

Rowena Gates: Yeah. When you mentioned the sleep and it energizes you at night, one issue is, especially when you start using it, don’t start at night because you can get more energetic when you’re trying to sleep.

With the detoxification, if a person is highly sensitive, carrying a lot of toxins, they should start very slowly to use the device and build it up because you don’t want the detoxification process to exceed the elimination channels. Then you overload it and you feel unwell. For those people, and they’re relatively unusual, but for those people, they need to start with a small amount of time. Maybe on your device just a couple minutes, and then build it up comfortably, slowly, and sort of support their body that way rather than the big hammer.

Wendy Myers: Yeah. I prefer the big hammer, so I started out at 15 minutes.

Rowena Gates: You’re healthy. You’re not somebody that’s just carrying a load of toxins and all kinds of things are kind of out of kilter. That’s why your weight doesn’t just fly off because you’re not so far off balance. It’s when people are metabolically quite a ways off, they get a shift back into balance, and then more dramatic things happen.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes. I use it for 15 minutes. Can you use it for more than that?

Rowena Gates: Oh, yeah. I use it a lot, but I have it at my desk. If you’re writing and things, then there’s no reason not to put it on, especially in the afternoon, if you do morning and afternoon and double up the sessions, there’s no reason not to do it if it’s convenient.

Wendy Myers: Okay. I can do that. I want to take your advice on that.

Hans Eng: [crosstalk 00:40:21] watching a movie at work, be in the office, we are using it while we are working. We have the nasal cannula on. There’s one option. The other one’s the touch free flex arm option, but I prefer the nasal cannula because I can take a phone call, do work, and move with it, and that’s absolutely not in the way.

Wendy Myers: Okay. So, you can use it for hours and it’s fine.

Hans Eng: Ya. I incorporate it in my daily routine without any problems. We have other people who are going to bed with it. They put the timer on and then they go to bed and sleep.

Wendy Myers: So, you have three different models. You have one you recommend you use for an hour. One, I believe, is 30 minutes, and then the higher end one is the one that you use for 15 minutes. What are some of the differences in those?

Rowena Gates: The biggest difference is the amount of time that they take, which is the power of the device. The two more powerful devices both have a smart card technology so they’re used at a sit-in center or wellness center, medical clinic, they can use smart cards so they can be basically self-service. A person can come in with their card, start the device, and use it. The smallest, least powerful device doesn’t have that. Those are really the differences in the minutes, the session time that matters, and …

Hans Eng: The difference is basically one thing is always double the performance output, which we use as the time by half. The high end is 15 minutes. The highest power. The next device is twice as much, 30 minutes, and the smallest device is an hour to use for the same benefit. It depends how much time you have, how you incorporate it in other routines and procedures, how you incorporate it in your day, and how much you’re able to spend.

Rowena Gates: The other difference is the price.

Wendy Myers:  Yes. I was going to get to that. How much does it cost? It’s not a small investment, but this is something where we have so many toxins in our environment, so many things working against us, poly pharmacy on five or 10 medications, so many things working against us, and our body’s proteins and inflammation. So, what is the cost and how do people justify the cost of the NanoVi?

Rowena Gates: Over the long haul, and it’s designed for a very long haul the way it’s designed and built, it’s a very inexpensive way to go because you guy the device at once. The only thing you need to operate it is distilled water, so there’s no ongoing cost. The initial cost is higher than a toaster. They’re ranging from little over $5,000 to a little more than $13,000, depending on which device it is. You have a tangible asset that lasts forever so you don’t have a recurring monthly cost like we do with a lot of our different modalities.

Hans Eng: Ya. The lifetime is extremely long. With the devices you can share it. Many people can have one device, share it. In a professional environment they can use punch cards for the treatment and those things. They have a very, very interesting way to [inaudible 00:44:04] investment for this. Because it’s a long time, we have many more applications we design the device, the high-end device, for 40,000 treatments. This treatment is in breakdown over the costs, not very much than any other than what we have here.

Wendy Myers: Right. Are they using it at Bulletproof Labs?

Rowena Gates: Yes.

Wendy Myers:  Oh, that’s what I thought. Dave Asprey, I assume that he was operating it at his Bulletproof Labs. One’s in Santa Monica, another one opening soon.

Rowena Gates: They need more down there.

Wendy Myers: They really do.

Rowena Gates: It’s the best device for pairing with other modalities, and they have a number of things that are just great combinations. They really need more devices, I think. One of the areas that they have there that they had really good results with is neuro feedback. They have the baseline of what neuro feedback does, but when you combine the two results, it’s really quite an advantage.

Wendy Myers: Interesting. Is there anything we left out of the conversation that you might want to add?

Rowena Gates: Let’s see …

Hans Eng: Ya. The entire device is made in the U.S. That is very important to know.

Wendy Myers: That’ll make Trump happy.

Hans Eng: The parts and everything is coming from. It is designed here in Seattle.

Rowena Gates: But German engineering.

Hans Eng: We could use it here in Seattle. The company itself is now around, or, the product itself was in seven years in the market. NanoVi can find pretty much worldwide, especially in the western world. You can find it where the importance of prevention and regeneration is important and become more and more focused in the society.

Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can learn more about your company, learn more about the NanoVi, and get one.

Rowena Gates: Our website is It’s E-M-G-3-C-O-R-P dot com. It’s a great place to go to learn more about it. There is a 3D video that shows how it works, because it is hard to get your arms around it. It’s quite unique. I guess we should add that there’s nothing like it, so people have to sort of come up to speed with it. That website has a how does NanoVi work page, and that’s a great resource. Then there’s also forms to contact us through there or just give us a call.

Wendy Myers: Yes. Go to, slash wendy, dash myers, and you can watch that video that you’re talking about and learn more about how the NanoVi works. It’ll be a little video of me on there, also, as well. It’s E-N-G-3-C-O-R-P dot com, slash wendy, dash myers. These will be in the show notes as well if you go on and search for our podcast with Hans Eng and Rowena. You’ll be able to find the links and everything we’re talking about and watch this video. This is a video podcast.

Well, thank you guys so much for coming on the show. I really appreciate it. Everyone, if you want to learn more about detoxification, you can go to My name is Wendy Myers.

Thank you so much for joining us today on the show. I love educating you guys about all these different bio hacking tools that you can use to hack your biology, improve your body’s ability to detox, and generally improve your life and improve your energy production.

Thanks so much for listening.

Hans Eng: Thank you very much, Wendy. Bye bye.


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