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Top Takeaways
- Bret Bauer is an expert on detoxification and the toxins that are in our cookware.
- Toxins, specifically petrochemicals can leach into our healthy foods through the cookware we’re using.
- Stainless steel cookware is a great non-toxic option.
- Adding room temperature oil to hot stainless steel cookware will make it non-stick.
- Cast iron skillets are not the most toxic, but can oxidize food and add non-absorbable iron shavings to your food.
- Heat, friction, and acidity are the main way toxins migrate, making choices in your cookware an essential part of preventing heavy metals toxicity in your food.
- Enamel cookware is made with highly toxic petrochemicals, which can leach into your food and be disrupters of your hormones.
- Glass mugs and bowls are most non toxic vesselswhen dealing with hot liquids.
- Dishwashers and disposable coffee mugs are huge cause of heavy metal leaching.
- A great deal of silverware, especially in restaurants, is made with aluminium, which is very toxic.
- Glass and soapstone cookware is a good non-toxic option, but stainless steel or titanium is the best option as far as ease of use and non-toxicity.
- Sauna users had a 40% reduction in the All Cause Mortality Index
- Because toxins are stored in your fat cells, B vitamins, like niacin,are necessary for detoxing, causing lipolysis, which ruptures fat cells and releases toxins stored within.
- Once lipolysis occurs, sweating through the use of a sauna can then release these toxins from the body.
- Bret’s Niacin detox protocol is peer review proven to successfully remove decades of toxins within three weeks
- Through extensive research, Bret found a highly efficient niacin detox protocol which made the protocol much more actionable for people.
- The timing of taking the niacin is the most crucial part of the protocol.
- When infected with toxins, mitochondria can switch from aerobic to anaerobic causing them to produce 19% less energy.
- Detoxing is sometimes an essential step in feeling healthy, even if you already have an extremely healthy lifestyle.
- We are not adapted to detox through our liver at the level of toxins in our modern age, therefore detoxing is necessary.
- All of the suppliments used for the niacin detox are on Bret’s Facebook page:
Wendy: My name is Wendy Myers of and today we have Brett Boyer on the show, and he is an expert on detoxification, on toxins that are in cookware that you’re all using. I know you guys have a lot of questions about what cookware is safe, what are the best nontoxic cookware recommendations. We have all that info on the show. Is Le Crueset a good brand to use, it’s cast iron good to use, copper, stainless steel, enamel cookware, nonstick. We’ve got all of that information today for you on the show.
Wendy: We’re also going to be talking about niacin flush detox protocols for infrared saunas. How to do them, how effective they are. Brett Boyer has a really popular Facebook group all about sauna detox and so he’s an expert in this area. He’s written a book on how to do a three week niacin flush infrared sauna protocol and we’re gonna review all of that today on the show.
Wendy: And I’m so excited, I created mitochondrial detoxes. I work with thousands of clients and the number one complaint was fatigue. So many people are tired today, including myself.
Wendy: When I was first starting to, on my health journey and starting to detox, my number one complaint was fatigue. I wanted more energy so I could exercise and just do what I wanted to do, live my life. So I created what’s called the mitochondria detox. It’s in my research. I discovered there were certain metals, arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium and cesium. Some of these you never heard before, but they will poison enzymes that transport nutrients into your mitochondria that make your energy and if you aren’t able to get the nutrients you need into your mitochondria, you’re not going to be able to make the energy that your body is capable of, so I created this simple three step system that you can do to improve your energy levels, so just go to to learn more.
Wendy: Our guest today is Brett Boyer. He’s an expert into very important areas of health and wellness, diet and detoxification. And he spent the first 10 years of his wellness journey studying and mastering diet and proper nutrition, and the next 10 years studying toxins and detoxification. And he’s very thorough in his research and as a result, he finds important things that most people miss. He loves sharing his knowledge to save you the many years of research and experimentation that it took him. And he’s been featured on many websites as well as on the Ben Greenfield podcast.
Wendy: Through his extensive research on detoxification, he found the most well proven detox in the world, and this detox protocol used to cost $10,000 and it had to be done in a clinic.
Wendy: Brett wanted to make this helpful detox protocol available to many people in need, free of charge. And after years of experimentation and research, he has transformed a very difficult and complex detox protocol into a simple detox that can be done in just three weeks by about anyone.
Wendy: His improvements of this detox method have been so profound that many of the top clinics in the world are now adopting his methods. He’s created a huge social media following because he provides loads of viable information, including free books on how to do this amazing detox protocol and you can find that Facebook group at Facebook dot com slash groups slash sauna detox.
Wendy: And he runs the largest sauna detox group in the world, where he educates people on daily tips on how to avoid toxins. You can get his free ebook on how very effective this detox protocol is, information on how this detox protocol can help with most health conditions, lots of tips and tricks and a complete list of Brett’s improvements to this protocol. It’s a niacin flush infrared sauna protocol and we’re gonna discuss it in detail on the show today.
Wendy: Brett, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Brett: Sure thing. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me.
Wendy: Why don’t you tell the listeners a little bit about yourself and how you came to become an expert in detoxification?
Brett: Sure. So I spent the first 10 years of my health and wellness journey studying diet and nutrition. And as I was doing that I had to do a detox to change diets and I did a 17 day supervised water fast, water only fast, and that radically improved my health and that got me to thinking, “Wow, there’s more to … ” I mean I knew that, but there’s more to good health than just diet.
Brett: And after I figured out the diet, I thought, “Okay, I’m gonna really delve into detoxification.” And the last 10 years that’s essentially all that I’ve done is detoxification, studying and teaching and that sort of thing.
Wendy: Yeah, and that’s what I wanted to pick your brain about, cookware toxicity. ‘Cause this is something that I’ve done blog posts about, and Facebook posts and people just go crazy because they’re terrified of their cookware apparently.
Wendy: There’s a lot of really toxic choices out there and many people don’t realize how toxic their cookware is, the amount of toxins that are getting into the food, all this healthy food that they’re buying or growing and it’s very, very expensive and they’re adding toxins to the food, so let’s go over every different type of cookware.
Wendy: Why don’t we start with nonstick, ’cause that is probably the most toxic category, but there is also lots of green brands and a lot of brands that claim to be nontoxic. What’s the deal?
Brett: Yeah, I think if you threw them all out, and considered them all toxic, I don’t think you’d be going far astray.
Brett: So I was actually hired by a company about 10 years ago to research cookware toxicity, and I wasn’t sure what I would find. They just wanted to sell a nontoxic cookware and so they said, “Brett, take as much time as you need, but research this extensively and find out the truth.” And they knew me well so they knew that I would do that.
Brett: Obviously, I think most of us here know that Teflon is really bad and we should avoid that. But there’s been a bunch of green washing that’s happened with these, I’m not going to mention any names, but with many of these nonstickcookware that are supposed to be no chemicals or whatever because every time you contact the company and say, “Hey, what are you putting on it?” And then you contact the other company that’s making what they put on it and get the Material Data Safety Sheet, you find out that it’s toxic petrochemical soup. And whatever’s in your cookware, a portion of it is gonna migrate into the food in 99% of the cases and so having petrochemicals in your cookware is the worst idea possible.
Brett: There is a way, which we’ll talk about in a minute, when we talk about my cookware recommendations, to make your cook … a clean cookware nonstick without any petrochemicals.
Wendy: Yeah, well let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about that, …
Brett: Yeah.
Wendy: Tips to make your cookware nonstick without having to use a toxic nonstick, software or cookware.
Brett: Yeah, sure. So ideally one of the best cookware’s that I actually found is, it’s interesting because everybody’s throwing out their stainless steel cookware to buy all these other types of cookware, and it turns out that stainless steel is actually one of the least toxic options that there is.
Brett: Ideally, if money is no object, you can go ahead and get 316 grade titanium, like Salad Master brand, I don’t work for them, but it’s one of the best brands out there if you … if money’s no option, but it’s marginally better than just good stainless steel.
Brett: So the key to using stainless steel cookware, you can actually make it nonstick. They’ve done it for hundreds of years. If you watch the cooking shows, especially prior to about five or ten years ago, they all … all the professional chefs used stainless steel cookware, and they made it work. Well how did they do it? Well, they know this old trick, you can Google it, called, Hot Pan Cold Oil No Stick.
Brett: So if you get the pan good and hot, but not too hot, and I’ll tell you how to do it in a second, and then put cold oil, not like refrigerator, but just room temperature oil on it and let it warm up for about five seconds and then put something on it, it’s not gonna stick. And so that’s just a trick that chefs have known for a long, long, time, but consumers haven’t known.
Brett: And so the way I gauge the pan temperature is I put drops of water on it, and if the water evaporates, it’s not hot enough, as soon as the water dances, it’s kinda weird, the little water droplets just dancing on the cookware, it’s not evaporating or anything, then you know the pan’s hot enough, then you put your oil on there. And I’ve even made my own sour dough pancakes which, it’s like plaster, it sticks to anything, and if you get it right, it does not stick at all. So you can cook eggs, anything you want, if you do it properly, and it takes some time, but you can do it without any chemicals, without any toxins and that’s the way you do it. It’s Hot Pan Cold Oil No Stick.
Wendy: Okay, fantastic. Let’s talk about some of the other types of cookware that people commonly use and think are safe.
Wendy: What about cast iron? Grandma’s been using for decades. What is she doing to herself?
Brett: Well, she’s probably hurting her arm if an old lady is trying to lift up a cast iron pot.
Brett: So there’s two categories of toxins. There’s metals which our bodies have been somewhat adapted to detoxifying, and then there’s petrochemicals which are toxic at literally hundreds of thousand times lower levels, so I don’t put cast iron cookware, if somebody was using it, I wouldn’t say, “Oh my gosh, you have to throw it out, it’s a disaster.”
Brett: I mean if I was out camping and that’s all somebody had, I wouldn’t refuse the food, like I would with some other forms of cookware, but it’s far less than ideal for a couple reasons.
Brett: One, is the iron in there can actually oxidize the food and so if you end up storing the food because of the reaction in it, it can oxide the food which is not good. But the primary issue is cooking it in nonorganic iron, because that iron … it’s like shaving little iron filings in your food. That’s not the way we’re supposed to get iron. We’re supposed to get iron from our food when it’s in an organic state, bound to carbons so that we can absorb it.
Brett: And some people are already iron toxic, so you don’t wanna be forced to take an iron multivitamin that’s not organic, ’cause that’s what you’re doing every time you’re using the cast iron cookware.
Wendy: Yeah.
Brett: Again, it’s not disastrous for most people compared to some of the petrochemical or Teflon options, but it’s less than ideal.
Wendy: Yeah, and our bodies are evolutionary designed to not let go of iron because we need [inaudible 00:10:21] for the hemoglobin in our blood and it has health benefits, but it’s just a form of iron we don’t absorb readily and it’s really problematic for men more so, ’cause women, we shed iron every month with our menses, so it’s … women don’t really have to worry about that so much, but like you said, it’s just non ideal.
Brett: Right, exactly. Yeah.
Wendy: And so, let’s talk about Le Creuset and enamel-coated cookware and there’s other brands, obviously but Le Crueset is probably the most famous.
Wendy: What are some of the issues with enamel-coated cookware?
Brett: Yeah, so the issue with those, and I’m not gonna pick on any brand in particular-
Wendy: I am. I’m gonna pick on some brands.
Brett: You are, all right. Yeah, yeah, so I think it’s pronounced Le Creuset, I learned that from my French class, so yeah, the problem with Le Creuset cookware and these enamel cookwares, regardless of the company, is the enamel coating. So how are they making this or are they making it out of some organic coconut and hemp oil and they’re [inaudible 00:11:27] … how are they making it?
Brett: And so what it is, is it’s a petrochemical liner that they’re putting on there. It’s a glaze essentially that they’re putting actually on the cookware. So they’re using cast iron typically on the skillets and then they’re putting that glaze on there.
Brett: And I’ll show you how you can actually test this yourself at home with $20 worth of test equipment and when you do this, you will be shocked at what gets into your food.
Brett: But when you get the Material Data Safety Sheets on this, there’s all sorts of warnings like this is really toxic and yet they’re putting it on there. The thing to remember, this is a real important point for your guests and I’m sure you know this, that toxins migrate with heat, friction and acidity are things that migrate toxins, so when you’re talking about cooking, well you have massive amounts of heat, just like a water bottle out in the sunlight when it’s hot migrates the plastic into the water more, the same thing happens when you’re cooking, and then if you’re cooking something acidic, then it’s a double whammy, so you’re getting whatever is in there, whatever it’s made out of.
Brett: And so the question is is would you put that enamel in your food? Well, no, of course not. Well that’s what you’re doing when you’re using this cookware, despite the unfortunate … there’s just a large group think around this. But there is a simple way that you can test and verify this for yourself. And I did this with a crock pot which …
Brett: So I got the crock pot, new crock pot and I washed it out real good, rinsed it out, so there was no particles in it and then got a TDS meter, which is used by water purification places just to tell total dissolve solids, it just tells you if anything’s in the water. It doesn’t tell you what’s in it, but it tells you if anything is in it. Then I got some distilled water, which is zero parts per million, and then I turned on the crock pot overnight, put the lid on it so there’s no evaporation or concentration, and then in the morning turned it off, cooled it off, and then tested it and there were nine parts per million of enamel, which what it had to be, ’cause I had the lid on, nothing floated into the pot, so it was actually the enamel from the cookware and that was not super high heat, it was thermoregulated at 200 degrees or less and it migrated those toxins. And those petrochemical toxins are like BPA, they’re hormone disrupters so they’re active in the parts per trillion, so we had parts per million, nine part per million in the water, and so that’s totally messing up your hormones if you’re using that enamel cookware.
Brett: So I do not recommend, that’s one of the worse. I would not eat food out of there unless I was starving which I’ve gone 20 days without food, so.
Wendy: I can pass.
Brett: Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Wendy: Yeah, and that’s a problem with crock pots and with rice cookers or using nonstick in a lot of our … I used to have a, what do you call it, it’s an air fryer, where it cooks the food by air, but it’s a nonstick component inside, and so these are all problems for various cookware that we’re using, cooking sheets, and all types of utensils use nonstick type toxins on them as well.
Brett: Yeah, a good solution is called the Instapot. I don’t know if you’ve heard of that?
Wendy: Yes, mm-hmm (affirmative).
Brett: Yeah, those are highly recommended. It’s got a stainless steel liner and you can cook in it, you can air fry, you pressure cook. You can do all sorts of things and it’s got a stainless steel liner, so it’s very, very clean.
Wendy: Oh that’s fantastic. I used to have one of those, well I got rid of it. I cooked a pot of chili in it, it was totally disgusting, so I returned it.
Brett: Ah. Well they have good reviews. People love them. You just have to learn how to use them.
Wendy: Yeah, yeah, well I think I just like the caramelization of cooking something on the stove so. I’m just gonna do my cooking the long way, rather than the short way.
Brett: Sure, sure.
Wendy: So let’s talk about plates. We’ve been talking about cookware, let’s talk about plates, flatware and other types of dishes that people use.
Wendy: What are some of the problems that people can encounter with toxins in relation to their plates and knives and forks?
Brett: I’d say probably one of the biggest things is using the dishwasher.
Brett: A lot of people don’t realize that but the way a dishwasher works is it uses highly abrasive cleaners, even if they’re nontoxic cleaners, and the liner of the dishwasher, unless you have a Bosch, is gonna be plastic and even if you have a Bosch dishwasher where it’s stainless steel, you’ve got the plastic rack and so it’s gonna take those plastic particles, heat them up because again, we have heat, we have friction so that’s gonna migrate the toxins from the dishwasher and then essentially melt them, a layer of toxins on your plates, that easily comes off which is the problem.
Brett: So I don’t have a great solution. I hand wash my dishes, I hate it, okay? I don’t like it, but I hate toxins more than washing my own dishes. So that’s probably the biggest thing to worry about.
Brett: Once you’ve cleaned up your dish soap and you’re hand washing your dishes, then again, you wanna remember about heat. So if you just put a plate … a sandwich on a plate, no big deal. But if you put a hot steak on a plate, well you’ve got the same enamel problem. It’s gonna migrate those toxins.
Brett: And especially with bowls, ’cause you’re more likely to put, like a soup bowl. A salad bowl doesn’t matter because you don’t have heat, you don’t have acidity, but a soup bowl is gonna matter. So in that case, for me, all my dishes are all glass, clear glass.
Brett: And I can give you a link you can put in the description below of a lady who I know who has a $20,000 lead testing machine, and she tests all these different brands and … for like coffee mugs for example, that’s … if you wanna reduce your toxic load as far as dishware type of thing, the number one thing you can do is never ever, ever, ever, like you’re a religious nut, never ever carry around a coffee cup … a disposable coffee cup.
Brett: If you go to the coffee place, carry a stainless steel mug and immediately pour it in there because those are not even baked on enamel, that’s just like sprayed on petrochemical soup nastiness. Again you have heat and acidity. I see people like Dave Asprey, I’m like, “Oh, you’re the coffee guy, what are you doing, you’re carrying around a … coffee full of toxins.” It was good to start with, and so that’s an important thing, is to have clear glass mugs, because you’re going to use those for heat and then soup bowls will probably be the two most important things.
Brett: So if you wanna have pretty dishware, which a lot of people do, well for private use, when you’re just around the house, then I would recommend the glass bowls for soup, so mainly where you have heat.
Brett: And then, of course make sure that your silverware is stainless steel and not aluminum, but other than that … so those are the main things with your dishware and utensils.
Wendy: Yeah, a lot of people don’t realize that a lot of silverware, so to speak, is actually aluminum, especially if it’s really, really light and that aluminum is going straight into your mouth and into your brain. You don’t wanna be cooking with cheap aluminum or eating with cheap aluminum flatware.
Brett: Right, absolutely, absolutely. It’s bad that they banned it. They banned aluminum cookware in Europe and that’s actually one of the reasons that I don’t like to eat out because a lot of the cookware at restaurants is aluminum cookware, sadly because it costs a dollar less for a pan for aluminum than stainless steel and so, yeah. Aluminum is really problematic.
Wendy: Yeah and that is one of the bigger problems with eating out is that you do get that aluminum exposure not to mention the GMO, canola oil, not to mention the regular table salt and just an inflammatory mess.
Wendy: And so let’s talk a little bit about are there any other types of problematic cookware that come to mind, like copper cookware or anything else?
Brett: Well, again, with the copper cookware, usually only have either wealthy people or high end chefs that use copper because it transfers heat better and so they’re making their sauces that you have to have ideal temperature regulation.
Brett: And so of course you’re gonna have the same problem with copper cookware as you do with the cast iron. You’re gonna have unwanted amounts of copper potentially in your food, but most people aren’t drawn to those ’cause they’re expensive, so it’s not something I talk about too much.
Brett: Glass cookware is an option if you can get lead-free, glass cookware, but it’s not a great choice because it doesn’t transfer heat very well, it’s harder to clean, but it is a good option, but [inaudible 00:20:19] super radical and they want to try the most nontoxic cookware possible like what I did, it’s a pain, but you can get soapstone cookware. It’s actually made out of rock essentially and you’re gonna get actual good minerals from that, but it’s a horrible pain and it’s keeps odors of the food and everything else, so stainless steel is really your best choice and ideally titanium. As long as you get a good brand of stainless steel, well reviewed one, that’s really the cleanest choice of cookware that you can get.
Wendy: What are your thoughts on ceramic?
Brett: Well again, ceramic is gonna have that enamel coating. I remember when I took ceramic class, that’s what they do, is you have the base and then you put a glaze over it, which is highly, highly toxic. I could not believe, when I looked at these glazes, like you see in the mugs and stuff, like your coffee mug, I could not believe the toxin levels, I mean it was ridiculous. When I read the Material Data Safety Sheets, I’m like, “Why in the heck are they putting this on a food product that has heat and acidity where it just … aw yeah, yeah.”
Brett: So it’s the same glaze that you’re getting with the Le Creuset cookware …
Wendy: Okay, okay.
Brett: Essentially.
Wendy: And so let’s talk a little bit about what you’re well known for, which is a niacin flush sauna detox method that you worked to simplify.
Wendy: Why don’t you tell us at first some of the benefits of infrared sauna use, health benefits, and then your method that you’ve helped to simplify?
Brett: Yeah, sure. The list and benefits of sauna use, as you know, as a big proponent of sauna use, is it’s really really a long list.
Brett: Firstly, it’ll help you to live longer. You might be able to live to 109 by using the sauna because the All-Cause Mortality Index of sauna users, according to, I think it was in JAMA, was 40% reduction which is just unheard of, so your odds of dying of any major disease are almost cut in half by using a sauna regularly. And how hard is it, we’re not talking about doing a Ben Greenfield run up the mountain with a sandbag on your shoulders, talking about just sitting on your butt in a sauna, you know?
Brett: So a lot of benefits, detoxification, cardiovascular fitness, many, many benefits to lowers your blood pressure, relieves stress, many, many benefits, to sauna use.
Brett: So long as you’re using a sauna that … it would be negligent not to say this, as long as you’re using a sauna that’s truly low in EMF’s and isn’t loaded with toxins because that’s a big darn issue with saunas.
Brett: The sauna industry’s is unregulated and so you have all these corrupt sauna companies that are making these cheap main China saunas that are filled with glues and toxins, toxins migrate with heat and you’re in the sauna, it heats, up, those toxins migrate and its unventilated and you’re breathing deeply and you’re mostly naked, it’s soaking in your pores, so that’s a big deal, to make sure you have a sauna without toxins.
Brett: And then the other issue with most saunas, and this is why it’s not just, “Oh yeah, just go use an infrared sauna.” It’s not that simple because there’s the issue of EMF’s which, as you know, is a major issue, but what people don’t realize about saunas is … they’re regulations with EMF’s like in Russia and Sweden and World Health Organization said it should be below three milligals, somewhere between two and three milligals.
Brett: Well if you’re using your hairdryer that should be below three mill gals, so should your sauna. But there’s a big difference. Your hairdryer you use for five minutes on a small portion of your body, okay. So to factor out your total EMF, you have to figure out the relative level, the exposure area and the duration.
Brett: If you’re in a same … say your hairdryer is 10 milligalls, and if you’re in a sauna that’s 10 milligals, you think, “Well it’s 10 milligals, right? Same thing.” No, no, no, no, you’re in your sauna for up to an hour and your whole body is exposed.
Brett: I’ve done the math on this with the same milligals so you’re getting 527 times the EMF’s in a sauna that you’re trying to heal in, you’re not trying to heal when you’re drying your hair, but when you’re in a sauna you’re trying to heal so you can get 527 times the EMF’s. So that’s why it’s a really big deal to get a true low EMF sauna.
Brett: And running the largest sauna detox group in the world, I’ve learned to trust nobody other than my group members who show me the EMF meters, these people aren’t selling anything, they’re like, “Okay I bought ABC sauna, oh my gosh, look at this”, ’cause it’s unregulated so they all lie about their saunas. It’s a sad state of affairs, but you really wanna make sure that it’s legitimately low in EMF’s and legitimately not filled with toxins. That’s just foundational.
Wendy: [inaudible 00:24:44] Sauna Space is one of the only companies that has an EMF faraday …
Brett: Faraday cage.
Wendy: inside their saunas, yeah, to block the sauna … to block the EMF, it’s interesting.
Brett: Just don’t bring yourself [crosstalk 00:24:59] would shield it.
Brett: Yeah, I know, that’s a good point. They’ve done a good job that way. I saw that, but a better investment of that extra money would be to buy that same cage, money-wise and put it over your bed because EMF’s at night, as Dr. Mercola say are much more significant.
Brett: So yeah, for people who have extra money to get that upgrade on that sauna, sure, but I’d rather see somebody get the basic sauna and then upgrade, not on the sauna but on a bed canopy to protect. Because you’re gonna get a lot more benefit eight hours in your bed while you’re rejuvenating by having no EMFs than you are for the hour a day in the sauna.
Wendy: Yeah that’s a very good point, very good point, but that is an option for people that are …
Brett: Yeah, yeah
Wendy: Really …
Brett: People can do both …
Wendy: Yes.
Brett: You know, yeah, yeah, absolutely.
Wendy: So let’s talk about the niacin flush protocol that you recommend people do.
Wendy: What is that all about, just explain that to us?
Brett: Yes, good question. So as you know, probably about everybody knows this, but toxins primarily store in your fat cells, that’s where they accumulate, in your fat cells, so however old you are, you have that many years worth of toxins stored in your fat cells. And if you just hop in a sauna, you’re gonna sweat out a little bit of that, but not a whole lot. So you have to find way to release the toxins from your fat cells.
Brett: Well, it turns out there’s a miracle B vitamin that does that and nobody’s talked about it because it’s not my special patented $800 B vitamin, and it’s niacin and that niacin causes … called lipolysis which is a rupturing of the fat cells which releases the toxins and then you get in the sauna, this is no over simplification, we can get into more details in a second, and you release the toxins and then you sweat out the toxins in the sauna.
Brett: And that is basically a way that you can, if you’re 30 years old, you can get rid of 30 years worth of stored toxins in just a few weeks by doing this detox protocol. There’s a lot more detail to it than that, but that’s the simplified version of it, is the niacin releases those stored toxins and when you get rid of those stored toxins, you rejuvenate your health in a major, major way.
Brett: That’s why Dr. Mercola, at the … one of the conferences in 2010, David Wolfe’s conference, I’m trying to remember the name of it, Longevity Now, I think, conference, yeah, he says it’s the best detoxification in the world. Because it makes sense, ’cause you’re getting to the root of it, you’re getting to the source of the toxins which is the fat cells and that’s what the niacin does.
Wendy: Yes, and so what form of niacin and how much would you generally recommend that people take, and at what point prior to their sauna use?
Brett: Yeah, that’s a great question. You need to take a flushing dose of niacin, but you try to get the Goldilocks dose, is what you’re trying to do. So some people get excited, they’re “Okay, I’m gonna take 500 mg of niacin” and then they … they feel like they ate a gallon of salsa, they’re just burning up, it’s just way too much. So the recommended dosage, according to the book, which in my Facebook group you can get a book … free book and all the information … all for free, ’cause I’m just empowering people to do this detox protocol, but you start out at 25 mg if you’re supersensitive and paranoid or 50 mg if you’re not so worried, or 100 if you’re a little bit on the radical side, so somewhere in that range is where you wanna start with.
Brett: And then you wanna dose up, ’cause it’s about a three week detox protocol, so you wanna keep that mild flush. You wanna stay in the Goldilocks dose. So there’s not a number, I can’t tell you a number, ’cause everybody’s different.
Wendy: Yes. You just start at the small dose and then titrate up and see where your threshold is?
Brett: Right. And then that’s gonna keep moving up because you adapt over the three weeks when you’re doing the detox protocol, because it is a three week everyday protocol. I don’t recommend … some of the people who haven’t studied it who promoted it like Dr. Mercola, he’s promoted it and I’m thankful for that, but he’s so dang busy, he hasn’t thoroughly investigated the protocol, so he’s like, “Ah, just take niacin and get in the sauna.” When you talk to all the experts in the world on this protocol, with the exception of one that happens to be a big promoter, Dr. Yu, they all agree that you do it every single day.
Brett: And part of the reason you do it every single day is because the niacin keeps releasing toxins even after you get out of the sauna. So you can’t just can’t skip a day ’cause it’s still dumping toxins. And we’re talking a year’s worth of stored toxins in a day. Can you imagine all the toxins you’ve accumulated in an entire year, being dumped in a day? That’s a big deal and so you really have to make sure that you sweat out those toxins. And you do it everyday and you take all the other supplements. There’s a bunch of other supplements, these aren’t proprietary supplements, it’s not like you have to buy my supplement brands or anything like that, but this protocol that’s been proven and used in drug detoxcenters for over 60 years, has a very comprehensive list of supplements that are complimentary and are very necessary, ’cause you burn up. You know you burn up nutrients when you’re detoxing. Well imagine detoxing a year… year’s worth of toxins in a day …
Wendy: Yeah.
Brett: You use up a lot of [inaudible 00:29:59] nutrients.
Wendy: Yes …
Brett: And so the protocol [inaudible 00:30:02] for that.
Wendy: Do you recommend people take binders and things like that while they’re doing the sauna?
Brett: I do. I think binders are a good idea. It’s a very complicated and nuance issue and people over simplified, “Hey, what do I take, do I take charcoal, do I take this?” And it’s like, well … it’s complicated and you have to time it … you can do a whole talk on binders, so you’ve made some good recommendations that I agree with in the past on binders so .. but you have to be thoughtful about binders. You don’t wanna just take binders as a principle. You have to be careful because othewise, it’s absorbing the nutrients or even things like bentonite clay can turn into rocks if you take too much at a time, you have to spread it out.
Brett: I’ve had people that had … just put it nicely, had problems going to the bathroom after they were detoxed … after they did a fast, after taking too much bentonite clay, ’cause it literally turned into rock, so yeah, you just have to be thoughtful about binders.
Wendy: Yeah and things like [inaudible 00:31:02] is actually very sharp, it’s ground up shells, and so that can be very, very sharp and can be really problematic. If someone has leaky gut, it can actually get into their blood stream and cause micro cuts in their arteries and things like that, so, you have to be very, very careful with any type of binder, detox method that you use.
Brett: Yep, absolutely.
Wendy: Let’s talk a little bit about the evidence for it’s effectiveness.
Wendy: Can you speak a little bit about who endorses the detox protocols and any other tips you can give us for this type of detoxification method?
Brett: Sure, absolutely. Asking the right questions is often the most important thing, and so the right question, if you’re talking detoxification is, who are the top experts in the world on detoxification?
Brett: And that would be the people who study environmental medicine because that’s the area of, as you know, of detoxification and toxins.
Brett: And the founder of environmental medicine, Theron Randolph, back in the day, he wrote a book on detoxification. And in his book he has one chapter on detoxification. And he talks about one detox method. So the founder of environmental medicine says, “Here’s the method” and it’s called … now there’s different names. It was originally called the Hubbard protocol because the guy’s name was Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, now don’t worry if you take niacin and get in the sauna, I promise you won’t become a Scientologist, okay, it’s not some secret formula.
Brett: But he was a creative guy and he was humanitarian and he came up with this to help drug people, people who had drug addiction issues and it turned out to be very effective. In fact, he worked with Abraham Hoffer and some of the other nutritional experts of the day to create it.
Brett: So he recommends it. Theron Randolph, the founder of environmental medicine and also Walter Crinnion. Are you familiar with Walter Crinnion?
Wendy: Yes, mm-hmm (affirmative).
Brett: Yes, so Joseph Pizzorno and him just wrote an academic textbook on toxins. And Walter Crinnion in his clinic for over a decade just did this detox protocol because it was so effective.
Brett: Now he quit doing it because the old version of the detox protocol took five hours a day in the sauna. It was brutal, it was really hard on people.
Brett: Well I did some proprietary research and found out that we can actually … if we time the niacin right, which was three hours. See they used to say, “Well just get in the sauna after taking the niacin” but I found some research that showed that it actually takes three hours before it releases the toxins, and once we implemented that research after I worked with the top experts in the world on this detox protocol, we found that if we got people in the sauna right after that, they could actually do just an hour a day. And so that made it very actionable for people and in an infrared sauna, which is only 130 or so degrees instead of a 200 degree traditional hot rock sauna.
Brett: So that really made the protocol actionable for people and doable and now the number one expert, the guy who wrote the forward in the detox book, David Root now does my method, which is what I call smart detox, ’cause it’s a smarter way of doing it, he actually does that method in his clinic as well.
Brett: So timing the niacin is a crucial element out of the detox protocol. So Walter Crinnion used it, recommended it. They used it on Gulf War veterans. The government spent almost a million dollars detoxifying Gulf War veterans using this protocol. The September 11 firefighters used it, oil spill cleanup workers. It’s been used in drug detoxcenters for over 60 years.
Brett: It’s the most well proven, even in the Peer Review literature, it’s the most well proven detox method, they’ve done pre- and post fat biopsies which is the gold standard of evidence in detoxification and they found a 40 to 60% reduction of toxins.
Wendy: Wow, in just three weeks?
Brett: In just three weeks, yeah, yep.
Wendy: Wow.
Brett: It does an absolutely amazing job. And the reason you haven’t heard of this is it used to be a $10,000 detox protocol. You used to have to go to the clinics, spend $10,000 to do it. I saw that and thought, “You know what? There’s too many people suffering because of toxins, I’m gonna bring this to the world.”
Brett: And so I created the Facebook group and then it was just too darn hard for me to go to do four hours a day in the sauna and then I figured out a way that they could do it and provide all the information and that’s why I have almost 20,000 group members because everybody’s like, “Gosh, I can do this on my own for a couple hundred dollars worth of vitamins …
Wendy: Yes.
Brett: And a sauna or even a bathtub for goodness sake?”
Brett: We’ve actually had people do it in their bathtub who just couldn’t use the sauna. Didn’t have access or whatever. So yeah, it’s very exciting because of the stories you hear of people absolutely changing their lives. People with adrenal fatigue, they couldn’t function, who have their lives back because the toxins when they get in the mitochondria, cause them to switch from aerobic to anerobic so they produce 19 times less energy.
Wendy: Yes.
Brett: So the toxins really zap the energy, and so when you get rid of those toxins, you rejuvenate your energy.
Brett: Walter Crinnion with autoimmune diseases, he says that it’s a slam dunk if you detox by somebody. If you have an autoimmune disease and you detox by them, it’s taken care of.
Wendy: Yes.
Brett: That’s his quote, not mine and I found that to be very true with multiple autoimmune diseases.
Wendy: Yeah and it’s so true for so many diseases, ’cause we know that so many diseases are mitochondria based, and we know that toxins interfere in mitochondria, I talk about that a lot on the podcast, and we know that toxins interfere with metabolic issues, brain function, and absorption of nutrients and just … every different metabolic function of your body, your thyroid, your adrenals, your hormones, all these toxin affect so many different mechanisms of the body. Get rid of the toxins, that’s why the mechanisms begin working again and metabolic issues begin to disappear. The weight begins to fall off and the energy becomes restored. Your body’s ability to produce energy improves, so you have improved sleep, improved energy, improved ability to heal. And so that takes care of the domino effect, takes care of so many different health issues as a result. Even mystery illness that people have that doctors don’t know what’s wrong with people and give them a garbage can diagnosis and send them home with no cure.
Brett: Yeah, very well said there. It’s interesting, Dr. Joseph Pizzorno, as you probably know, founded Basher University, he’s considered the godfather of evidence-based natural medicine.
Brett: For 40 years, he used natural methods to heal people and then in the last 10 years, he found that those methods, acupuncture, diet, exercise, nutrition therapy, all these things, they weren’t working like they used to and he didn’t know why. And they he just randomly detoxified somebody and then the remedy worked and he thought, “I wonder if this is it” and then he ended up getting a blank check from some oil billionaire who allowed him to study it and he has now concluded, and this is not some random guy spouting off, I mean this is the most respected person in natural health, he says that toxins are more of an issue than deficiency is.
Brett: Our cells are depleted, we don’t have any nutrients in our soils, in our food, yet toxins are even [inaudible 00:38:04] issue than deficiencies are, according to him, which is why he is focusing on that.
Brett: And so your work is really, really helping a lot of people because you’re very much focused on that and …
Brett: It’s really the missing link because everybody knows about diet. It’s like, “Oh yeah, you should eat healthy, you should eat organic, you should do these things.” Everybody knows about that, but when it comes to detoxification, it’s like, “Well, yeah just have some juice or do a juice cleanse or something;” that’s like, “What?”
Brett: There’s more to it than that.
Wendy: Yeah and that’s [inaudible 00:38:33] that so many people are eating an amazing diet, listening to this podcast, working on your health, working full time, making great choices, eating fresh food, organic food, taking amazing high quality very expensive supplements, trying to exercise, trying to sleep, trying to reduce stress, and you still don’t feel well. And that’s exactly where I was and why … and I just got very, very lucky very early in my health journey when I started having health issues I found a detoxification website, Dr. L. Wilson’s website, Dr. Lawrence Wilson’s, and started doing a sauna and detoxing, coffee enemas, and I felt really good within a very short period of time and I thought, “This is it” and that’s why I got so passionate about it and sharing this message with other people ’cause this is that missing element, that missing piece of the puzzle in your health regimen.
Brett: It is, and [inaudible 00:39:26] increasingly becoming more of an issue. As toxins have been increasing in the last 60 years, it’s increasingly more of an issue. So it’s where, I would say, 95% of people can get the most benefit in their health if they said, “If I can only do one thing”, it’s like, well detoxify. That’s where you’re gonna get the most benefit, or 95% of people. I mean there’s 5% that other things would help them, but that’s where most people can get the most yield, especially health conscious people because there’s a … we have this view that if I eat the right diet and exercise, I’m good, right; I’m healthy, I’m nontoxic.
Brett: There’s a view, and I think it has to do with we have a Christian culture and so there’s this element of forgiveness, like, “Oh, I don’t do that anymore. Like when I was in high school, I partied and I did all this stuff and I used to eat garbage, but I don’t do that anymore, so I am forgiven.”
Brett: Well, no, no, it’s not a sin issue but these toxins have accumulated. So the choices that you made 20 years ago, those toxins are stored in your fat cells and every time you’re sleeping, every time you’re between meals, you’re burning those … that fat and those toxins are being introduced into your system from 20 years ago. So you have to get rid of the stored toxins, and once you do that, everything shifts in your health.
Wendy: That’s an excellent, excellent point and one I can’t stress enough to any client that I’m working with on a one-to-one basis, is it doesn’t matter if you quit smoking 30 years ago, that cadmium and that lead and that arsenic and the other 4,000 chemicals of metals that are put in tobacco naturally occurring and added, are still in your system.
Wendy: My father quit smoking seven years before his esophageal cancer diagnosis and that killed him. His cancer treatments and the toxin load on his body.
Wendy: If you eat, the partially hydrogenated oils and fast foods and packaged foods and what not, but you had stopped 10 years ago, but you ate those as a kid, guess what, you still have those toxins and the nickel that’s in that partially hydrogenated oils in your body and so it doesn’t matter if you’ve been taking such good care of yourself the past few years, you have to think about your past behavior. You ate conventional chicken, conventional eggs, that has tons of arsenic in it. I used to eat [inaudible 00:41:43] thinking that I was being healthy eating chicken, rice and beans and I was extremely arsenic toxic as a result of that healthy choice that I thought that I was making, as layperson before I got into health and nutrition.
Wendy: So yeah, you’re still not out of the woods even though you’re now leading a healthy lifestyle.
Brett: Right, right, absolutely.
Wendy: Yeah, and even if you are eating healthy and doing everything right, you’re still getting toxins in the air, food and water no matter how much you try to control, there’s a lot of things you can do in your control, but you can … you’re still breathing in air, if you don’t have a whole house water filter, you’re getting stuff in the shower even if you’re drinking filtered water, even if you’re eating organic food, it can be; it’s not metal free, it’s pesticide free, but organic food can still have metals, still be irrigated with water that has metals in it.
Wendy: There’s a lot of different sources of exposure that we have even if we’re eating … living an incredibly healthy lifestyle. So you really wanna be thinking about adding detoxification to your health regime even if you’re making amazing choices every day for your health.
Brett: Yeah, well the thing is … that’s an excellent point and it’s … another way to say it is that … a lot of people grade on a curve. They’re like, “Well, everybody else, they’re doing this and they’re doing that, but I do this, I eat organic most of the time, and I do this” and it’s like it doesn’t’ matter because … that’s great, don’t get me wrong, pat yourself on the back, yes, but the fact that your shower curtain is made out of plastics which out gasses toxins while you’re in there, if you don’t have a shower filter, every toxin that you’re exposed to has an affect and being a toxin expert, I can tell you that even I, living on the side of mountain in Idaho on 20 acres with spring water running down the mountain, cooking all my own food, sourcing all my own food, I’m still exposed to more toxins than 99% of people throughout all of history we’re exposed to. So if you compare me to all … me being one of the most conscious people in that narrow area, I’m exposed to more toxins than almost everybody in the history of the world is until the last 60 years.
Brett: So no matter how good a job you’re doing, and you’re doing better than everybody else, and congratulations on that, but you still have to … even if you … you still have to take a shower once in a while, even if you don’t work a dirty job because there’s stuff that accumulates and there’s toxins that accumulate.
Brett: Our bodies were never designed to deal with this petrochemical onslaught of toxins that we’re exposed to. I’ve thought about doing a talk on all the toxins that people are exposed to in a day, but I just wouldn’t want people to feel overwhelmed with it, but just suffice it to say that detoxification … I still spend an hour a day in the sauna. Now why would I do that, I live on the side of a mountain pristine, North Idaho air, on the lake, eat all my organic, all this clean lifestyle, because there’s still toxins. I wear gas masks when I’m out. If I ever work with chemicals, I have rubber gloves, the whole deal extreme. People would laugh at me.
Brett: But I still detoxify because I know that there’s still toxins getting in and I’m able to maintain optimal health and feel great as a result of, firstly getting rid of the body burden of toxins by doing the smart detox protocol with niacin and then maintaining those gains by doing a sauna regularly.
Wendy: And you’re preventing disease, you’re preventing yourself from having to go on medications or you’re getting sick and going to the doctor and they’re gonna prescribe you some sort of medication that’s usually it’s a toxin induced illness, in my opinion, and you’re gonna be living longer. There’s so many different health benefits and prevention that you are doing when you do an infrared sauna.
Brett: Absolutely, absolutely.
Wendy: Let’s talk a little bit to the naysayers out there that claim that we don’t need to detox or do detox protocol or take detox supplements because we have a liver and our liver detoxes our body.
Wendy: What are your thoughts on that?
Brett: Well, there are people who are in denial and for people that are that way, I let them be. I don’t argue with them because it’s like a lot of things, you can’t convince somebody against their will.
Brett: But somebody who’s open-minded and it’s like what about this argument and I think that’s what you’re asking, what about this argument.
Brett: I’d say, well okay, is this a science-based argument or a feeling based, because if we look at the NHANES data, which is the government data on toxicity and you look at it, you see unbelievable amounts of toxins in everybody’s blood stream.
Brett: Well wait a minute, don’t we have a liver and kidneys and aren’t we able to detoxify? Well we all do but for some reason, and it’s not working. Well why isn’t it working? Well because you can only detox … because we’re not adapted, we’re not adapted to detoxify at that level that we’re exposed to. Everything, again, you look at the air pollution, the … literally everything you do almost, has an element of toxicity to it nowadays and throughout all of the history of humanity, we didn’t have that level of toxicity to it. From our clothing to our skin care products, to the water, to the food that we eat, it’s …
Brett: Like atrazine for example, that’s not a widely known toxin, but it’s actually … everybody’s concerned about Roundup, but atrazine is one of the worst herbicides that is used and it’s in 60% of water supplies and it’s absolutely horrible for human health and it also causes frogs to become transgender, male frogs to have frog eggs, to have female eggs and it’s in 60% of the water supply. And it stores in the fat cells and so even if you’re eating organic, if you’ve ever been in an area where the water is that way, you’re exposed to that.
Brett: So to answer your question, it’s such a denialist mentality, and I get it because people feel helpless and overwhelmed and they want to open Pandora’s box and so it’s like, “Hey, I don’t wanna deal with that, I don’t wanna think about that” but you can deny the truth, but you can’t deny the consequences of denying the truth and that’s what people … yeah, that’s what people think. But you can’t. They can deny it, but they’re gonna live the consequences, they’re gonna get disease, all those things you talked about that toxins cause.
Brett: And so I feel compassion for those people, but I hate that they’re trying to spread their dogma. And a lot of Western medicine does that. There’s no such thing as toxicity. It’s like, “Well why are there journals, academic journals on toxicity … ” I mean, what the heck.
Wendy: Yeah, yeah.
Brett: How did they ever get published?
Wendy: Yeah. Yeah, it’s funny when I have people … actually well known health people, say that detox, that’s just all BS and I thought, “Okay, well good luck with that.”
Brett: Right.
Wendy: But yeah, so let’s talk a little bit about the supplements that you recommend with the niacin flush. Just give us an overview of what are the additional supplements that you would recommend with the niacin flush sauna protocol?
Brett: Yeah, so the entire list of supplements is in the free book which is in my Facebook group.
Wendy: What’s the name of the Facebook group?
Brett: It’s called Smart Detox, is the name of it, or you can just type in, like Frank, Bill, Larry dot me forward slash detox, in your browser and that’ll get you to the group … to the Facebook group. So that’s in the file section, the free book is. And then it’s got a list of all the supplements and like I said all the information’s free.
Brett: But to simplify, just to give you a simple overview, which is what I think you’re asking, so the B vitamins all work together, complimentary and synergistically, so when you’re taking high dose vitamin B3 and niacin, you wanna have a proportional dose of the other B vitamins. So that’s one of the elements to it.
Brett: And there’s a bunch of other nutrients. It’s like a good multivitamin essentially, but very specific dosages that they’ve proven over a long period of time [inaudible 00:50:18] to be helpful and effective.
Brett: Then there’s also the polyunsaturated oils that we use, which actually help to capture the fat soluble toxins in the digestive tract, so that’s … I’ve made updates to the book because the book was written a long time ago and that’s one of the … so I changed the niacin timing into an infrared sauna and then I also changed a couple of supplements. I changed the oils because they didn’t choose the best oils, that’s not really disputed. So hemp oil is really the best oil that I recommend ’cause is 79% polyunsaturated, its easy to get a pretty clean organic hemp oil, it’s affordable. Flaxseed oil is another reasonable option, but hemp is really the best option.
Brett: And then there’s just the standard minerals and also calcium and magnesium and that’s another element that I’ve switched because of the changes. Used to be equal amounts of calcium and magnesium, but now I have more magnesium in there. And then also electrolytes, potassium, and the other electrolytes and minerals that are lost when … cause you’re sweating out a lot of minerals and nutrients as well, so.
Brett: But they’re just standard common nutrients that you’d recognize but it’s very specific dosages, that’s kind of the key because they’ve really perfected it in terms of getting the nutrients that are complimentary. Because this is a … the thing that people don’t realize who get excited about this detox protocol, this is a professional level detox protocol okay.
Brett: You go to a clinic, it’s $10,000. So please don’t just take the niacin and get in the sauna and take a multivitamin and call it good. Please don’t do that. Please don’t do that. Either read the book or …
Brett: I even have a lady in our group who is a professional who will guide you through the detox protocol. If you don’t want to do the heavy lifting and figure it out, how to do the Goldilocks dose and how to do all the vitamins, she’ll guide you and it’s $3,000 at her clinic. She’ll guide you for a 10th of that in the comfort of your own home, ’cause she’s just a benevolent person who’s humanitarian like I am and who just cares about people and so you can get professional guidance from her for a tenth of the price.
Brett: So it’s a profession level protocol. So either do some heavy lifting, read the free book or get some guidance, but when you do that, it’s a way that you can get rid of 30 years or however old you are decades of toxins in three weeks and it’s proven in the Peer Review literature, I mean that’s freaking amazing for a couple hundred dollars worth of vitamins and an hour a day of sweating.
Wendy: Yeah.
Brett: And it doesn’t get better than that, it’s absolutely amazing and it’s recommended by the best people in the world from Mercola to the founder of environmental medicine.
Wendy: Yes. And so talk about the some of the contraindications about this. There’s [inaudible 00:53:06] that can be very, very ill that may not do well with that amount of toxic load or toxins being released into their system. Some people are really sensitive to niacin, they get very, very itchy or can have some sort of reaction with taking high dose niacin.
Wendy: What are some of the contraindications?
Brett: Yeah, so first I’d say, of course is check with your doctor before doing any detox protocol just to cover myself.
Brett: So what I would say is a lot people in health and wellness feel … in this space are listening to these podcasts, they have a lot of health issues and somebody who’s really sick, I wouldn’t say, “Hey, jump in and do the protocol, it’s gonna change your life, whatever.” I’d be like, “Hey, baby steps here, why don’t you try a sauna for 10 minutes and see how it works for you.” And then they’re like, “Oh, that was pretty tough.” Okay, well do five minutes next time.
Brett: In my group I have a method that I talk about where you start out at low temperature, raise the temperature in time five minutes a day and five degrees each day. Start out really low and then … no niacin. No niacin, just work your way up slowly. Now if you’re super healthy like I was, and I just jumped in it and did it, fine, no problem.
Brett: But for those that are health compromised, you wanna be able to do an hour of sauna a day and for some people that’s really tough. I’ve had adrenal fatigue people who can’t go through it. I don’t how else to say it, I’m just trying to be authentic, but afterwards, [inaudible 00:54:39].
Brett: So ideally build yourself up. If it takes you six months or eight months of sauna use before you can do the detox protocol, that’s fine. If you [inaudible 00:54:48] the surface toxins, you’re gonna get massive improvements as you go.
Brett: So I would say you definitely wanna work your way up slowly if you’re health compromised and we do have a list of I think, I have to double check our files, of the contraindications for specific conditions.
Brett: They’ve used niacin to reduce high blood pressure for decades in very, very high doses and they haven’t shown any terrible adverse side effects; they’re usually fine.
Brett: So the vast majority of people don’t have a problem with it and we’re starting off slowly and working our way up.
Brett: So I haven’t had many issues even with 20,000 group members, if people do the protocol properly.
Brett: I just commented on a post, somebody said, “Oh, I had these terrible side effects” and I know if I asked the question … this is the problem with the do-it-yourself version, and this is the challenge that I have. It’s like, “Well okay, so you’re gonna charge people $10,000 in a clinic or are you gonna tell them, “Oh, you can do it yourself”. The do-it-yourself attitude people, like myself, they’re sloppy. It’s like, “Okay I got it, I got it.”
Wendy: They don’t read the directions.
Brett: “Yeah, I don’t need that. He said niacin three hours, what else do I need to know”?
Brett: I had one lady have her hair fall out and its like, “Oh why is my hair falling out?” Well she went to her nature bath, and then she got all of her levels and her iron levels were massively depleted. It’s like, “Yeah, you’ve burnt up a ton of iron doing this detox protocol so you need to take iron supplementation.” And then she took iron supplementation and then her hair quit falling out. It’s like, “Well that was just in the supplement list”
Brett: So you just have to make sure that you follow the instructions. I don’t wanna be that guy who’s constantly nagging about it, so I don’t constantly nag about it but for your listeners, that’s just really important.
Brett: So the people who follow who instructions, usually get anywhere between good results and excellent results with the detoxprotocol.d
Brett: But for those who are health compromised, definitely start slow and if it takes you a year before you can do the detox protocol, hey you’ve gotten a year of sauna use and you’ve improved your health in that time, so.
Wendy: Fantastic. Thank you so much for coming on the show Brett. Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you and any other pertinent information you may want them to know.
Brett: Sure, sure, yeah, so I’m not super tech savvy so I don’t have a website and I don’t do coaching or anything like that, so everything is in my Facebook group and I’ve made it as user friendly as possible and as easy to find as possible, so just go to my Facebook group and I think you can probably put the link below, but if you put Smart Detox in Facebook or my name on Google, you’ll find it, or the easiest way is to type F-B-L, like Frank, Bill, Larry dot me forward slash In the browser and that will take you directly to my group and all the information, the free book, all the information is in there as well as loads of information on how to avoid toxins and the benefits of saunas and tons and tons of information. It’s a very popular group so check out my Facebook group, get the free book, learn the detox protocol and you’ll be very glad that you did.
Wendy: Fantastic, Brett. Thank you so much for coming on the show and listeners, if you want to learn more about me, Wendy Myers, you can go I have hundreds of articles, hundreds of podcasts about detoxification and diet and health in general and please take a couple minutes to go to iTunes and leave us a review so that we can reach more people, I want to reach as many people as possible and get the word out about the importance of adding detox to your health regimen.
Wendy: Thank you so much for joining us and we will talk to you about detox next week.