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Top Takeaways
- Mindy Pelz built one of the largest holistic healing centers in Silicon Valley with a focus on giving families science based natural health tools to keep each family member thriving.
- Mindy’s best selling book, The Reset Factor, gives gay people all over the world access to step-by-step paths to create a healthy energy filled life free from disease.
- When Mindy got severe menopausal heat flashes, she began researching heavy metal toxicity and soon found that heavy metals were the cause of her ailments.
- Mindy also discovered that heavy metal toxicity can be passed down through generations, and that looking at your levels can give you insight into problems that your children are facing.
- The first 7 years of a child’s life is crucial for the future of their health, therefore detoxing can be very beneficial for a child.
- Going low and slow and opening up the detox pathways is the best way to detox children.
- Many childhood development or health issues can be linked to heavy metal toxicity.
- Pre pregnancy planning is very important, and detoxing should be done before a baby is conceived.
- The three areas of the brain that control hormones and sleep are without blood brain barriers, which protect the brain from toxins.
- Heavy metals can lay dormant in our body tissue until around our 40s and 50s, making it essential to detox during these years.
- Just about any symptom or disease can be caused from a toxic metal.
- Losing weight takes more than just going on a diet. Nutrition, detoxing, and other weight loss methods must be done together.
- Because toxins are stored in fat cells, toxins can actually prevent fat from leaving the body unless detoxing occurs.
- Mindy warns that that the Keto Diet can cause hormonal shifts if followed too long, and that variation is key while using the diet.
- Once pre-menopause woman who are on the Keto Diet begin to ovulate, it is essential that they put a lot of the good carbs into their system that Keto doesn’t provide.
- Mindy has a Keto Biotic Reset where she maps out a month what a woman should eat, according to their cycle, to help normalize their bodies.
- For postmenopausal woman, Mindy focuses on keeping progesterone levels up to keep estrogen normalized, which can cause diseases if too high.
- Aside from the Keto diet being hard on the liver, if used too long, it can also cause weight loss resistance. As your glucose goes down, your metabolism will as well.
- Mindy believes that the game changer for health is in educating woman about how their pre pregnant health can set up the health for generations.
- Learn more about Mindy Pelz at or search for her Facebook group Resetter Tribe. Also search for her name on Youtube and Facebook!
Wendy Myers: Hello, my name is Wendy Myers of Thank you so much for joining us for the Myers DetoxPodcast. Today we have Dr. Mindy Pelz on the show talking about generational toxicity, or how mothers pass down their toxic body burden of heavy metals and chemicals on to their children and what this means for you, what this means for your children.
Wendy Myers: We’re also going to be talking about how to detox your children and some pros and cons in that and we’ll also be talking about why menopausal symptoms, hot flashes and other symptoms, osteoporosis, other health issues, are really due to heavy metal toxicity and really have a very, very interesting conversation with Dr. Mindy Pelz and how she works with her clients to detox them and how that helps to dramatically improve their health. Very, very interesting conversation today.
Wendy Myers: We also talk about the keto diet and why that may not work well for some women and how to cycle the keto diet based on where you are in your menstrual cycle, tips on doing the keto diet if you’re in menopause and why a high-fat diet doesn’t work for some women and a lot of tips on the keto diet. Really, really interesting show today.
Wendy Myers: Into this podcast and wondering, “Hey! Am I toxic? Do I have a toxic load of heavy metals, or mercury, or lead?” Go to and take my quiz. I developed this very simple quiz to help you discern if you have a low, medium or high level of toxic metals in your body and give you some solutions on what to do based on your quiz results. I developed this over a few months. I was working on this and we developed a very, very clever strategy for figuring out what your toxic metal load may be. Just go to and learn more.
Wendy Myers: Now, on to the show. Our guest today, Dr. Mindy Pelz D.C., she’s a doctor of chiropractic, is crazy passionate about helping families stay healthy. For the past 22 years, she has been in the health trenches with busy over-scheduled families. She’s built one of the largest holistic health centers in Silicon Valley with her focus being on giving families simple science-based, natural and effective health tools that have all members of the family thriving.
Wendy Myers: Her bestselling book; The Reset Factor, that was released in 2015 and gave people all over the world access to clear, step-by-step path to creating a healthy, vibrant, energy-filled life free from disease and suffering. The launch of her book ignited a Resetter Tribe, an online Facebook group of like-minded people all supporting each other, exchanging health ideas and sharing each other on to better health.
Wendy Myers: Raising two active teens of her own, Dr. Mindy is deeply concerned about the toxic world our own children are growing up in. Dr. Mindy believes that healthy adults start with healthy children and parents need better solutions for keeping their kids healthy. You can learn more about her at
Wendy Myers: Mindy, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Thank you. Thank you for having me.
Wendy Myers: Tell us a little bit about yourself and how you got into heavy metal detoxification.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. It’s a long story and there’s a personal path and there’s a professional path. I’ve been in practice for 22 years. I’m a corrective chiropractor who started seeing more and more people being affected by a toxic burden. I really dove into nutrition and wanted to help people on a nutritional level. I dove in to detoxing and wanted to help people on a detox level and I ended up merging nutrition, detox and chiropractic altogether and was getting great results, and then I had my own personal journey with heavy metals that really launched me deep, deep, deep down the path of understanding heavy metals and how they affect us and how they can take a really healthy body and derail you so quickly when you start to identify that these metals are building in your body.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: My story goes like this; at 40, I was like in the best shape of my life. I zoomed in to 40. I was fit. I was eating well. I felt fantastic. About the two to three years that followed 40, I started waking up at night, massive, massive hot flashes, so bad that I have to get up, get my husband up, change the bed. It was really, really bad hot flashes.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I started experiencing some depression and anxiety and I was blown away because I’m like, “My lifestyle is so healthy. What is going on for me?” That’s when I really discovered Dr. Pompa’s work, your work and really started to dive into heavy metals and seeing that there could be something that had been brewing inside of my body, things like lead that get stored in your bones that start to come out years and years and years later as your hormones change.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: To make a long story short, I tested my metals. My lead was through the roof. My mercury was pretty high, and I ended up detoxing metals and … Wow! Game changer. As you know, I’m 49 now and here I am six years later healthier mentally. My hot flashes went away. My insomnia went away. All that totally gone just from heavy metal detoxing. My journey has really got me fascinated by how this is impacting people.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s really amazing, the stories you hear and the clients that I’ve worked with, how suddenly their symptoms will just totally disappear and they’ll have a better emotional well-being, better energy, better brain clarity. So many different things when they remove these metals interfering in their brain function and other metabolic processes in their body.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yup. That’s what we see too. You can take a variety of symptoms and you get to that root cause and pull those metals out and it’s like … The most common thing I hear is people go, “Oh my gosh! I feel I have my brain back. I’m starting to think the way I used to think years ago,” or people who’ve had like insomnia since they were little just like totally sleeping through the night. Of all the tools I’ve ever used, this has been the most powerful and really transformed me and people’s health.
Wendy Myers: Let’s talk about a really interesting topic, which is generational toxicity. What is this exactly and how do you see it show up in the patients in your practice?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. I’d love talking about generational toxicity, because I think it helps people understand where their toxic load is today, and then what I really hope is it helps people turn around and understand what their children may be going through and how their children or their behavior and their anxiety may be affected.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: For me, when I discovered my lead, of course, the most common question is where did you get it? How did I get this? I immediately looked in my surrounding environment, and there were things like soils. I was like, “Okay. Well, I buy from the farmers market, at the local organic guy. I guess maybe it’s in his soils. I live in an old house. Maybe it’s there,” but it just felt like there was something deeper.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Ironically around the same time, my sister, my older sister, started having thyroid problems. We tested her heavy metal load and found that her heavy metal load was twice mine. Mine was already high. Hers was twice the level that mine was at. As I started to do more research, I realized that these metals … We know it from studies like the agouti mouse study and we know it from Michael Skinner up at Washington is doing some studies on DDT and how it changes the genetic expression. It gets passed down through the generations. I started to realize like, “Oh my gosh! Some of these metals that are generational. They have been passed down. Started with my mom, passed down to my sister and I, and I look at my own children and go, “Oh my gosh! What levels did I pass down to them?” My 18-year-old daughter, we did test her and her lead was also very high.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think that the interesting piece of this concept that I would love for people to understand is that when you do a heavy metal test and you look at where your levels are at, you can have so much … Especially as a woman, you can have so much insight to turnaround and see what may be going on with your children as well that our children are being born with a toxic load.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Unfortunately, we’re passing it down to them. How do we start to catch women before they get pregnant? How do we start not looking at things like thyroid and weight loss resistance and Alzheimer’s, those could be a generational toxin that continuous to be passed down.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s really interesting considerably as a first born child, that child could have more toxins passed on to it than the next child in line, the third child and the fourth child, because as the mother continuous to have children, she’s going to have lots and lots of toxins to pass.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: That’s right. That’s right. I think that … For starters, I think that concept alone is mind-bending for people, that we don’t … I mean, maybe you’re interacting with people who think about this, but I find when women come in to my clinic, they haven’t thought that they were toxic before they started carrying a baby and that maybe they had passed that down to their child.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: This is not a mommy guilt moment. It’s more of an aha, that what she’s dealing with through her perimenopause, menopause symptoms, maybe the same thing her teenager is dealing with through anxiety. It may be the same toxic connection.
Wendy Myers: Yes.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think if I had one message I want to get out to people, it’s that we have to start to incorporate detoxing in our every day life. We don’t have that luxury anymore to just think that detoxing is for the motivated few.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Yeah, and it’s one of those things where it’s definitely not a mommy guilt moment. I think that’s a really, really good point. It’s not about, “Oh! It’s your fault your child is ill or have a diagnosis or something.” It’s just an awareness that any metals that you have that got from your mother and she got from her mother can also continue to be passed on, because I’ve heard that lead can take four generations for that to completely exit the transgenerational rebirth so to speak of passing that down.
Wendy Myers: Also, we know Dr. Lindsey Berkson has written a great book about this, about hormones and toxic metals and showing how there are so many metals and chemicals in the placenta and in the blood supply between the mother and the child. There are lots and lots of research and evidence to support this.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. You’ve seen 10 Americans, the video 10 Americans by the Environmental Working Group?
Wendy Myers: Yes.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: If your listeners haven’t seen that, they need to go watch that, because it shows exactly that babies are being born with cancer promoting chemicals that before they even get out into this toxic environment, they’re like born with these toxins. Then if we’re not aware of that, we start toxifying them more and eventually we get kids with big problems. One of the issues that just kills me right now is teen anxiety and how many teenagers are struggling with anxiety, and we just don’t see that toxic connection. Really, the awareness needs to heighten on that.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, and then they get put on medications, which make the toxicity worse and that doesn’t help the underlying root cause.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yup. Yeah. Absolutely. I’m sure you’ve talked about this, the blood brain barrier doesn’t fully form until a child is seven. In the womb … And what will happen is those lead, mercury, all those toxins beyond just the heavy metals will come out and go into the baby’s brain. Then that first seven years is crucial. It’s crucial, like what exposure we’re giving our children. Those are the years you’re just trying to raise kids and you’re trying to get a good night sleep and you’re not really like thinking about all those different toxins that are going into your child.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: If we could take every parent before they get pregnant and educate them on how to really protect those for seven years, we would change the course of health right now dramatically.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. For anyone listening to this might start thinking about detoxing your child or helping them to detox. We certainly have lots of families on the Myers Detox protocol that are helping grandma, mom and the children to detox. So there’s awareness around this. It is safe to detox heavy metals from kids and what age can you start detoxing them in your opinion?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. That’s a great question and a really, really common one. I think you can start right away personally. I think you should, with kids, go low and slow. I don’t think that you just start throwing a major detox at them. I think you should just be … I always tell my parents that it’s better that we slowly detox them. There’s nothing for a year or two down the road, then to put them into a major detox reaction.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think you can start it at any age. I think you should go low and slow. I’m a big fan. I know you had Warren on and Dr. Shane Morris talking about detox pathways. I really am such a big fan of making sure that you open up the detox pathways so that the body is able to detox the chemicals.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I know you’re a fan of binders. You got to make sure you’re adding in the binders as well. I think with care and thoughtfulness, you can detox kids at any age. Unfortunately, because there’s a lack of awareness, what we’re seeing in our clinic is that we get the kids by the time there are some symptom.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: We get a lot of kids with reading comprehension issues or we’ll get kids who can’t sit still in class that have severe ADD. We’ve got a child right now who is adopted and had a mom who was addicted to meth. So we’re working on detoxing his brain.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: By the time they’re at that point … Again, thoughtfulness. That’s my biggest word of advice, is be thorough and thoughtful and it’s better to go slow than to try to rush it. I’m sure you’re noticing the same thing.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. I think children are born out of disadvantage today with the number of chemicals that we have, and they got mom’s mercury fillings, or they got grandma’s lead and mom’s lead getting passed down to them. That’s why we have so many children on medications today, and then we have the vaccines that they’re just getting pumped full of tons of aluminum in those vaccines. Mercury is not the problem now, it’s aluminum. So the kids are really having a lot of, I think, behavioral and learning disorders as a result of that.
Wendy Myers: When we’re working with children, definitely you need to take a binder, like my citro-cleanse binder is really, really safe and gentle for anyone at any age, babies, breastfeeding mothers, anyone. It’s perfectly safe. But we also use a NES Health Bioenergetic protocol, which helps get the body functioning and detoxing better and it’s super, super simple for children to do, because a lot of times the supplements that kids need to take for a heavy duty detox, some of them just may not take it. They just won’t do it. What do you do with those kids that won’t take supplements? That’s where we do our NES Bioenergetic program with those children and infants.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. Liquids help, any kind of liquids will make it easier for sure. Yeah, I think if I was a parent that had a child with ADD or Asperger’s or autism or any of those behavioral disorders, I think that, of course, you’ve got to look at lifestyle and diet, but I would really look deep into detox and especially the heavy metal detox, because I think that’s so important.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Again, back on my own journey, I had reading comprehension issues as a child. Now, I look back on that and I’m like, “Oh my gosh! That was my lead. That was lead,” and we didn’t have a word for it back then. We didn’t know that. But it was after I had gone through a lot of detox. I’ve been reading comprehension problems now and I think it’s so fascinating that those things are being missed and being medicated. They’re being misdiagnosed and something as simple as detoxing the metals can have a profound effect on these kids.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. My own daughter had an autism diagnosis at one point. She got such a high level of aluminum in the vaccines that I was erroneously giving to her that she developed speech delays, development of speech delays and then we had to put her into a special school to develop her language. Very traumatic. Very expensive. Just very, very stressful.
Wendy Myers: Fortunately, because of early intervention, detoxing her aluminum and early speech therapy and intervention, she’s perfectly normal today and I’m very, very thankful. For some parents, when they start that … Get that awareness too late or very late on in the child’s development, that’s one of the reasons I do what I do and you do as well, to get that message out. You want to start testing your children, thinking about detoxing them and yourself and your family to prevent any kind of … It’s the minute they start showing some sort of signs or some sort of doubt, there’s some sort of behavioral or learning issue going on. You don’t want to be thinking about it’s the child’s issue. There’s something going on, perhaps a toxicity is an underlying root cause.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. I think that’s such an important point, because whenever there’s something going on with like behavior, or attitude, or the brain, we tend to think outside of the body. I don’t know why we do that, like, “Oh! My kid is not paying attention in class. Maybe he’s got … It’s the poor teaching or he’s too young to sit there.” We don’t ever look at maybe something is impeding the brain from functioning normally.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: What I always train my patients to understand is that your body is miraculous. Your brain is incredible. We have self-healing capabilities like nobody’s business. But we live in the most toxic time in human history and all of these toxins are starting to change this internal intelligence that we have.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Instead of always looking outside, how about we look inside? How about we go, “What is pulling the body away from being so self-preparing, so intelligent?” I think the brain disorders are the biggest ones for that.
Wendy Myers: What is the best time to detox generational toxins?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Aha! This is a great question. Absolutely before you have kids. This is the message that I would like to scream from the rooftops. You should be detoxing before you have kids, and especially women. We have some research studies that are showing that, yeah, there can be epigenetic changes in the sperm that can be affected by men. But hands down, the woman have more of an impact on that load that they’re going to pass down.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Personally, if I could reach more women before they get to pregnancy, that is absolutely the time. It is absolutely the time. We have a couple of scenarios right now of patients who heard that and have detoxed and now they’re having kids, and I’ll tell you, those kids come out and I have this, like, “Yeah! Okay. Step one, was we got them detoxed. Now, step two, is let’s educate them on not re-toxing.”
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Pre-pregnancy planning is so, so important and it’s one of those things I wish I had known about detox before I got pregnant with my child and I would have saved myself a lot of stress and financial issues and other things that came along with that. I think it was a false autism diagnosis. It was just more metal toxicity. I think that’s just a garbage can term, autism. For many people, there’re just going to be toxins underlying that when they’re detoxed, their functions comes back. A lot of different underlying root causes for that diagnosis.
Wendy Myers: But there are so many things that women can do to dramatically reduce their toxic load, and I need to be putting more educational materials on my websites about that and that call to action to be thinking about detox while you’re planning to get pregnant. It’s so important.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. If you think about the enormity of that, if we could really educate the mom before she got pregnant and we could stop the handing down of the toxins, we could change generations of health. I always tease my daughter, I’m like, “Okay. It’s time to do another brain detox,” and I always think at the back of my head like, “I’m not necessarily trying to detox you now. I’m trying to make sure my grandchildren don’t come out with these metals in them.” I think that’s the level at which we need to start thinking about this, because, yes, it’s great to … Most people come to heavy metal detoxing when they have a problem and they come to it when they’ve got … In my clinic, I see a ton of women with hormonal issues. They come it then and they wake up to it then. But if we want to change healthcare, if we want to change the direction health is going in, how about we go to the mom before she toxifies the baby?
Wendy Myers: Yes. Yes. Let’s talk about that, about hormonal changes and menopause and perimenopause and low hormones, low libido and all of these symptoms of low hormone production. Can metals be at the root of that?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. Yes, yes and yes. The thing to remember about the brain is that there are three areas that don’t have a blood brain barrier. They’re not protected. The hypothalamus, the pituitary and the pineal gland. These are all freely open to metals that we’re exposed to in the air, in our soils, in our house, environmentally everywhere.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: These areas are the master control of hormone. They’re in control of sleep. What we see in this is exactly what happened for me, but what I see in my clinic is it’s when those hormones start to do the dip and then they go up and they’re doing that fluctuation usually in the 40s, although it’s happening at earlier ages now. That’s when these metals come out at tissues and they go into the bloodstream, up into the hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal gland and this is where we start to see that hormonal shift dramatically happen.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: You’ve got the OB trying to balance those hormones out with more medication, and I think it would be so advantageous for women in those years. That would be the second time I would say, 40s and 50s is really the time to start to roll up your sleeves and do some massive heavy metal detoxing, because they’re coming out. They’re going to come out. Lead lives at the half life, and I’m, again, sure you know this, that the half life of lead is 20 to 30 years. That’s a half life of how half of it will break down. All of a sudden, it starts to come out of your bones. This is years in the making of a massive hormonal problem.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, and when women hit menopause, they have the faster bone cell turnover and that lead starts coming out of the bones. It’s causing fatigue, and cataracts and all kinds of other symptoms that you just think, “Oh! I’m just getting old. I’m just getting older.”
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yup.
Wendy Myers: No. No. It’s not that. There are a lot of tribal women that are very active and perky, disease free, great hormones, no disease and they’re in their 50s, 60s, 70s. It’s not that you’re getting older.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah, and osteoporosis. Lead will bind to calcium. There’s so many things we can look at aging-wise, osteoporosis and then we say, “Oh! We got to put you on Fosamax,” and it’s like, “No. Let’s go figure out why the osteoporosis happens.”
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Thyroid problems, that somebody gets on live with thyroxine or synthroids forever. These are not medications that doctors say, “Oh! You should go on once.” You’re on those things forever. You can almost take all of them and see a heavy metal piece woven in there.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Yeah, and it’s interesting, I just spoke on a documentary about this about your hormones, and the sex hormones and stress hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, progesterone and cortisol and adrenalin and how many metals like mercury, lead, arsenic, aluminum, tin, thallium, they actually poison hydrolysis, which are enzymes needed to produce the hormones at every step of the way, have a different conversion point. That’s the exact mechanism whereby metals interfere in hormone production. They poison those enzymes, so the hormones can’t get produced and you have low levels of them.
Wendy Myers: For me, when I was 37, I was diagnosed with the hormone levels of a menopausal woman. Believe me, I was thrilled to hear that, and to go on a hormone replacement therapy and I thought, “That’s not happening. I’m 37. That’s for older women, right?”
Wendy Myers: But I decided to go on Dr. Google and discover why are my hormones not being produced the levels they’re supposed to be produced at at 37-years-old, and I learned about heavy metal toxicity very early on in my health journey. I felt very fortunate for that. For a lot of women, they just get on the hormone replacement therapy and it’s a bandaid. Doesn’t really address the underlying root cause.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah, and it’s going to come … I think the most important thing to understand about this generational toxicity is that if you don’t correct it at some point along this line, it’s going to show up as something else down the road.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: If you are going through perimenopause and menopause and you’re not looking at heavy metals as a potential source for it, then all of a sudden now in your 60s and you get diagnosed with osteoporosis. If you don’t look at it then, then all of a sudden now you’re getting diagnosed with dementia and Alzheimer’s. It’s that common thread that we have to like take a moment and go, “Okay. Why do these things keep happening?” They’re not happening independently. They’re happening because of these toxins that are just going to different areas and affecting different areas.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, that’s such a good point, because these toxic metals … I have a blog post in my site, the toxic metals sources and symptoms guide. We talk about all the different metals and where you get them and the symptoms and diseases that each metal are shown in the research to cause, and the list is a mile long. It’s just every imaginable symptom and disease can be caused by a toxic metal.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. Yeah, I am doing a talk on brain health for my community this Saturday, and I’m putting together all the things that damage the brain. There’s a moment where I just put my head down and I go, “Oh my gosh! This isn’t pretty. There are so many environmental problems, so many toxins around us that we just really-” Again, we have to acknowledge it and then we have to move into action. The more we try to treat these things with synthetic chemicals … We’re just building ourselves a bigger and bigger healthcare hole.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: It’s time for people to … This is why I love what you’re doing, is just time for people to wake up and be given some tools that they can slowly start to pull themselves out of that.
Wendy Myers: Yes, and it’s one of those things where, when you’re taking medications, many of those are very toxic to the liver and creating even more of a burden. The liver has to detox on top of the body burden of toxins that we already have.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yup. Yeah, absolutely. I’m sure you’ve dealt with a lot of women who have weight loss resistance.
Wendy Myers: Yes. Let’s talk about that. We do tell. We want to hear about that.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Okay. I have a lot of thoughts on this, but the liver being primarily the organ or one of the organs that people don’t look at. I’ve seen people who come to the ketogenic diet because they want to lose weight, and they maybe lose a little bit and then they get stuck.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Then I see people go, “Okay. Now I got to detox, because I know receptor sites are blocked from heavy metals.” They wake up to that and then they start detoxing, but they still don’t lose weight.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: What I’ve realized in those situations now is that it always comes down is that that liver is just so overworked, it’s so congested. The bile duct that the gall bladder and the liver share just got sludge in it. Their intestinal tract is off and that, really, you got to open that all up and heal that so that those other two pieces can help.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: But weight loss resistance isn’t as simple as just lowering your carbs. I don’t know what you’re seeing in your work, but sometimes it’s not as simple as just detoxing heavy metals.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, there’s a lot of women that … Even myself, at the time I was having trouble losing weight after I had a baby. I tried the keto diet and I tried Atkins. You just try all these different diets hoping that they’re going to work. I notice, well, I just don’t lose weight as easy as I used to when I was younger. Then I started doing the detoxing and liver cleanses, coffee enemas. Those really helped a lot, because they mechanically detox your liver.
Wendy Myers: The thing with the liver is it metabolizes excess estrogen. If you have too much estrogen, that women have more fat on them, because they have higher estrogen than men. If you have higher estrogen levels and lots of xenoestrogens, fake estrogens from perfumes and other beauty products we’re slathering on our skin every day, we’re going to have higher estrogen levels, then harder time losing fat. It’s a complex issue. It’s not, like you said, just about lowering carbs.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah, I think that’s really important. I also think it’s not an impossible task. If you want to lose weight, you just have to realize that you may be able to make some diet changes and lose a little bit. You may be able todetox and lose a little bit, or lose a lot more. But you may have to get this multi-therapeutic approach. You might just have to start going after many things.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think that we’ve been really fooled in with weight loss to think that you can do one diet, one path and then everything is going to come fall its back into order. That doesn’t always happen. It does sometimes, but not always.
Wendy Myers: Ladies, if you’re listening and you’re having trouble losing weight, like I have experienced and many people have experienced, our bodies hold toxins and fat and that’s a receptacle to storage area for toxins, and your body is not going to let that go if you don’t have the nutrients and minerals and other natural chelators, synthetic chelators,detox agents to get those toxins out of your body and out of your fat using infrared saunas to try to sweat them out. The body is not going to be very resistant to letting that fat go, because it’s using that to store toxins.
Wendy Myers: So, like you said, using a multifaceted holistic detox approach is a good way to get past that plateau of that resistant weight loss when you tried everything, and it’s just … Nothing has really moved the needle for you. You have to add that detox component. Actually, doing a niacin flushing infrared saunas is amazing. There’s an amazing detox protocol for infrared saunas I’m going to be talking more about.
Wendy Myers: I just did a podcast about this with Bret Bouer and we talked about how taking high-doze niacin actually causes the fat cells to burst and then all the toxins in them to then be excreted through the skin through sweat using the sauna. It’s a three-week protocol. You release a ton of toxins and you could lose weight doing that as well. That’s a good way to break through that weight loss plateau doing that very specific sauna protocol. It’s very specific. You can go on Smart DetoxFacebook group. He’s got the whole protocol laid out. But you have to follow it exactly for it to work. But that’s another thing. These are just thoughts about how toxins prevent weight loss and cause resistant weight loss.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. If you think about the body and look at your health from the body’s perspective. If your toxic load is building, building, building, building, would it make more sense to store the toxins in organs or would it make more sense to store them in fat?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: It’s almost like this genius way that the body keeps itself alive. If you’re in that weight loss resistant place, then you’ve got to look at things like … I love infrared saunas. You got to look at opening the lymph system, opening the liver, letting the body detoxify better so it can finally let go of that weight. It’s brilliant. I’m going to go check that out.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: We do a lot of coffee … I recommend a lot of coffee enemas. Really, we’ve seen incredible results with that, and I do a bile push, which is taking some bind with some fat and like using your binders to push through the bile duct. That works really well. I love this. As you were talking, I was thinking of some patients. I’m like, “I’m going to go check that out.” I got some people I’m going to pass that on to. That’s awesome.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I mean, coffee enemas are indispensable. I just could not live without them. I do two or three a week and they’re just so key to help facilitate liver function and liver detox. That’s going to be the bottleneck for a lot of people genetically and toxic overload-wise, because their livers are so overloaded today. We got to do coffee enemas to really facilitate detoxification throughout the body.
Wendy Myers: Let’s talk a little bit about … This is a really interesting point, is some of the dangers of the keto diet for women who are maybe … The keto diet is very, very popular right now. A lot of people are trying it. It’s a very high-fat diet. What are the problems that women may encounter with that diet and some pros and cons of keto diet for women?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. Really interesting topic. I think the pros of the keto diet or what everybody has seen. When you take carbohydrates out of the equation, you start to put good fats in, you really create bring clarity and energy like nobody’s business. I think most people would tell you that that’s their experience with a traditional keto.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: What I’m seeing with the women that I’m working with is that if they stayed too focused on keto for too long, it’s really tanking their hormones. It’s just like everything else. We live in this society where we get so excited about one thing that we like becomes zealots for that. We’re like, “Oh! I’m going to do that all the time.”
Dr. Mindy Pelz: What I’m getting is a lot of women that have been doing keto for so many years and now they’re anxious. They’re depressed. They’re more weight loss resistant than they were before, because they didn’t add in variation. If you look … This is the pre-menopausal women. If you look at a women’s menstrual cycle, at about day 14 when she ovulates, is when your body starts to make estrogen, more estrogen and more progesterone, progesterone being the biggie here. You need insulin, you need glucose, you need foods like beans and quinone, potatoes and fruits, things that-
Wendy Myers: Healthy carbs. Healthy carbs.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah, healthy carbs that you would never see somebody on the keto diet eating. You have to have these nutrients in order to make these hormones so that your body can make … Again, progesterone being a biggie. What I’m finding is that when people have been fasting or low carb for too long, what’s happened is now their hormones are tanked. They need to add in some feast days.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: With my women, in my office, what I do is day 1 through 14, and again this is the pre-menopause women, you can go keto then, great. Go keto 1 through 14, but the minute you start to ovulate, now you need to go good carbs. You need to up like 100, even up to 200 net grams of carbs a day, which would scare the living daylights out of a keto.
Wendy Myers: Jimmy Moore would be like, “Ooh!”
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Right. Women need to do it different. We need to do it different or we’re going to end up with another problem. Even though your brain may be functioning well, your energy is good, you may have dropped some weight. Your hormones are going to tank until you really add those good carbs back in.
Wendy Myers: That’s such a great point. I just love this having conversations with experts like yourself, because there just is not a one size fits all diet, and you have to … It works for you, you have to listen to your body. Do you feel good doing this? There just isn’t a one size fits all approach.
Wendy Myers: Even Dr. Mercola, who’s a friend of mine, he wrote a book on keto, and he talked about how you’d be on keto for a short window, one to two months, or maybe three months, and then eat carbs twice a week. You don’t want to stay on keto forever, because he said it’s really, really bad for you. I like this tip specifically for women to help make hormones. I think that’s a wonderful tip.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. If you think about it, why have we never eaten for our menstrual cycle depending upon where we are? Nobody’s ever sat down with women and said, “Hey. You know what? In the first half of your cycle, you need less carbs. In the second half of your cycle, you need more carbs.” Our hormones are doing this, they’re going up and down all month long, yet our food is staying the same.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: When we can actually look to nature, which is producing so many great foods to help boost our hormones, it’s a game changer. I’ve seen people … I have something I call a ketobiotic reset, and I basically map out from day one to day 29 how people can eat according to where they are on their cycle.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I watch women get their cycle all of a sudden normalizes, because they’re finally feeding the foods at the right time for their body, and the body goes, “Thank you,” and it starts to normalize.
Wendy Myers: Yes. What about for women in menopause? What are some tips regarding keto for them?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah. This is the most common question I get, the post-menopausal women who don’t have a cycle anymore. Again, you have to remember that your hormones are pretty low. So we want to make sure especially progesterone, I’m such a fan of progesterone, because progesterone and estrogen really work in balance with each other.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: If your progesterone goes down, your estrogen is going to go up, and estrogen as we know is where breast cancer and all these horrible post-menopausal diseases that a lot of women get. What I tell them to do is just cycle it.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: We’ve done a lot of different cycling. We’ve done one week of keto, one week of carb loading. Next week of keto, next week of carb loading, or I have some women like what you said Mercola said to do, I have some women do four days a week of keto and then they do three days a week of … I call it hormone building eating.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: It really starts with an awareness. If you could just be aware that you have to have these days where you’re intentionally eating to raise your hormones. There’s no right or wrong for the post-menopausal women. Whereas for the perimenopausal women and then women who have really active cycles, yeah, you got to follow your cycle with this type of eating. With the post-menopausal women, you just need to make sure you’re varying your keto days with these high carb days.
Wendy Myers: What are some of the issues women can run into, some women, with having a really high fat diet, like a keto diet?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think the most common one that people say is cholesterol, but we’re back at the liver. I can tell you that usually if people are following a keto diet, then they end up … If we can get to the liver, we can lower that cholesterol.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Weight loss resistance. We’re back at weight loss resistance where … And hormones really being low. With people who’ve been on keto forever with women, eventually their metabolism start to slow down, their body doesn’t burn glucose as efficiently. I think the best analogy to this that I’ve heard is it’s like if you had a winter cabin and you knew it was going to be cold and you looked out the window and you saw all these firewood, you would feel very abundant and you would grab the firewood and you’d start burning it, burning it, burning it. You wouldn’t think of conversation.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: As the winter went on, if the wood pile is getting lower and lower and lower, you might think a little bit more about how much wood you’re going to put in your fire to keep you warm. The body is the same way.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: When you go on keto, you’re buring all these stored glucose, you’re feeling amazing, you’re dropping weight. But as the stored glucose goes down, now the body is going to slow the metabolism down. It’s going to slow its production of fat burning, because it knows that the reserves are more minimal.
Wendy Myers: Right. Fantastic. Is there any other tips or anything else that you want to leave the listeners with regarding generational detoxification or toxins?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think the awareness is the first thing. I just really want people to understand that whether it’s your hormone problems or your child’s anxiety or your thyroid issue, that there is this toxic load that’s getting passed down. I think that’s probably the most important thing that people understand. To stop trying to solve these problems with synthetic chemicals and to start going into the body and looking at how we can use detox to solve all these.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think the other one that I love that we talked about is how do we get to those women before they have babies? How do we get to those? Because that’s the game changer for healthcare in my opinion, is when we can start to educate the pre-pregnant mom on how her health could literally set up the health of generations to come. That’s where we start making a difference in this.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, absolutely. I 100% agree with you. I need to do a podcast or just some more content about pre-pregnancy planning for detox just to get that message out there. Women are searching for pre-pregnancy planning.
Wendy Myers: Why don’t you tell the listeners where they can find you and how they can work with you?
Dr. Mindy Pelz: You can go to my website, I got a lot of articles on there talking about this kind of stuff. You can go to my YouTube Channel. I do a couple of Facebook Lives every week for my Facebook page giving tips. So I put those on my YouTube Channel. You can find me on Facebook.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: I think … Yeah, the place that has my heart the most is my Resetter group on Facebook. I have a group of people that are all supporting each other and living this lifestyle. So you can find me there.
Wendy Myers: Fantastic. Thanks for coming on the show and blessing us with your expertise. Thank you so much.
Dr. Mindy Pelz: Yeah, thank you.
Wendy Myers: Everyone, thanks so much for tuning in to the Myers DetoxPodcast. You can learn more about me, Wendy Myers at, and please take a couple of seconds to go to iTunes to leave a review for the podcast. It helps us reach more people when they’re searching for detox tips.
Wendy Myers: Have a blessed day. Thank you so much for joining us and we will talk to you next week.