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Top Takeaways
- The term GMO (genetically modified organism) refers to the alteration of the genetic composition of a particular food or plant to produce better crop yield.
- People created seed banks in case we’d have to repopulate planet with non-GMO produce.
- Tests on mice have concluded that ingesting GMO produce can be very harmful to the body.
- Glyphosate, also known as roundup, is an herbicide that is extremely toxic, and has lead to lawsuits against Monsanto for issues as severe as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
- Glyphosate is water soluable, so it can go right into soil and can be easily distributed through water sources and into our environment.
- Glyphosate is used as a desiccant to dry out crops so that they can be more easily harvested.
- Incidence of cancer has redistributed in the US in the past 20 years because an abundance of glyphosate has travelled through tributaries and concentrated in various locations.
- BT toxin used in GMO corn can insert itself into the genetic material of our gut bacteria, which changes gut flora and compromises immune system function.
- Disrupting the balance of our microbiome can cause a wide range of problems, so it is necessary to detox and then change our lifestyle’s to prevent more exposure to GMOs and glyphosate.
- Glyphosate breaks up the epithelial layer of the gut, which causes protein leaking and a dangerous autoimmune response.
- Alliences between government regulators and big agriculture lead to malfeasance, where those making regulatory policy are seen leaving that sector to work for companies like Monsanto.
- 90% plus people test positive for glyphosate
- Patrick believes consumer revolution will be the ultimate force in ending the use of GMOs and gyphosate.
- The best way to look for non-GMO foods is to look for a non-GMO labels. Patrick looks for non-GMO and organic labels together, and shops local farmer’s markets.
- Many low cost supplements are made using GMO products. It is important to read their labels carefully as well, in order to prevent GMOs entering the body.
- Vigilance is absolutely necessary in order to prevent glyphosate exposure especially because many gardeners use it.
- To watch Patrick Gentempo’sGMOs Revealed Click Here!
Wendy Myers: Hello everyone. My name is Wendy Myers. Welcome to the Myers DetoxPodcast. This podcast is about heavy-metal detoxification, detox protocols, detox supplements, and in today’s case, your food, detoxing your food, genetically modified organisms, or GMOs.
Wendy Myers: I have Dr. Patrick Gentempo on the show today to talk about all the issues related to GMOs. So, where you can find them, how to avoid them. And his series, GMOs Revealed, which is an amazing docuseries that I highly, highly recommend, to help really inform you about the dangers of genetically modified organisms.
Wendy Myers: And not only that, not only how they negatively impact your body, negatively impact your gut and ultimately your immunity and your health, ’cause since the rise of GMOs we’ve seen a rash, an increase of asthma and allergies and autoimmune disease, but also the glyphosate, the insecticide that is sprayed that is sprayed on these crops to kill weeds and to dry out the crops before they’re harvested is really causing a huge amount of health issues. There’s lawsuits out against Monsanto, the makers of glyphosate. There’s a lot of different issues surrounding genetically modified organisms and they have just not promised, not delivered what has been promised, which is ending world hunger, increasing crop yields and whatnot, which is the whole reason they started in the first place.
Wendy Myers: So, we’re gonna talk about GMOs Revealed, and more, on today’s podcast.
Wendy Myers: Toxic metals are one of the biggest contributors to fatigue. My name is Wendy Myers, and in my decade of research I have discovered that toxic metals affect mitochondrial performance. Your mitochondria are little cells, powerhouses, that make your body’s energy. And toxic metals like arsenic, aluminum, valium and caesium, those poison enzymes that produce energy in your body, these toxic metals are found in your air, food and water. They’re everywhere, they’re unavoidable in our environment today. Everyone has them in their body. But the question is what metals do you have and at what levels?
Wendy Myers: Click the link below to take my quiz, to evaluate your level of heavy-metal toxicity.
Wendy Myers: Our guest today is Dr. Patrick Gentempo Junior, and he is the founder and CEO and Action Potential Holdings Incorporated, a holding entity with investments in numerous companies in the world of health and wellness. Dr. Gentempo holds multiple patents on innovative diagnostic technologies, and has founded and co-founded several successful businesses in the fields of chiropractic health and wellness.
Wendy Myers: Currently he’s a CEO and host for Revealed Films. Revealed Films has tackled in docuseries format many controversial topics including vaccines, in Vaccines Revealed, and GMOs, in GMOs Revealed. These film projects have received millions of views and have helped create consumer movements around these topics.
Wendy Myers: Dr. Gentempo is an internationally-renowned visionary, lecturer and business leader. He has a passion for studying and sharing the philosophy of health, and he was selected to give testimony to the White House Commission on complimentary and alternative medicine, and additionally was invited by NASA to give testimony in front of Members of Congress about health-related technology.
Wendy Myers: In January of 2007, Dr. Gentempo was inducted into the Wellness Hall of Fame. He’s passionate about leading millions of people to regain their health and live better lives.
Wendy Myers: You can learn more about Patrick at
Wendy Myers: Patrick, thanks so much for coming on the show.
Dr. Patrick G.: Look, thanks for having me. I’m excited to have this conversation.
Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk about GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. What are those exactly?
Dr. Patrick G.: So, the idea of GMOs, it’s kind of a generic descriptor, but there are companies that literally play genetic roulette with these foods that we would be consuming, where they modify the genetic composition of a particular food or plant. And the reasons for doing so are usually directed at industrialized farming where they can try to produce bigger crop yields etc. GMOs for the most part were touted as, “This is gonna be the thing, the new breakthrough in technology that’s gonna save the planet and end hunger in the world,” etc. And after our docuseries in exploring this at a very deep level, I found quite the opposite to be true.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, that is just not happening. It’s not saving world hunger. In fact a lot of farmers, it’s devastating farmers. There’s a rash of suicides in India, farmers who lose their crops ’cause they’re not producing.
Wendy Myers: So, let’s talk a little bit about as consumers, what effects do GMOs have on our health?
Dr. Patrick G.: So, it’s interesting, and this is where a lot of the debate lies, and I interviewed dozens of experts, some experts had felt, or their own conclusions were that GMOs in and of themselves were not harmful to the body. And I don’t share that view incidentally, based on the interactions and the research that I have done.
Dr. Patrick G.: And their point of view is it’s the herbicides, especially Roundup and Glyphosate, that is the problem because the whole notion of GMOs is that, “Hey, we can modify these things so that they can become resistant to certain herbicides or toxins, and that way we’ll wipe all the other plant life in the area but these crops will continue to grow, we can increase yield etc.” But some people, they didn’t feel like there was much data to support that GMOs independent of that were an issue.
Dr. Patrick G.: Then there’s the other side who said, “No, GMOs in and of themselves can create really bad problems and illness and disease in the body, separate from what’s sprayed on them.” But then when you combine the two, you really have a dramatically harmful situation that’s ruining the lives of a lot of people and the health of a lot of people.
Dr. Patrick G.: From what I’ve seen, I pretty much land on the side of saying, number one, I believe there’s a lot of intelligence built into food and that we, feeble human beings, trying to think that we can modify things in a targeted way, that there aren’t collateral effects that we can’t even anticipate, just from an abstract, philosophical view, that’s the way I see it. But then also, there’s been some research that was done, looking at mice for example, who were fed GMO foods and then non-GMO, that were the same except one’s genetically modified, one isn’t, and these mice developed cancers and tumors and all kinds of horrible things.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, I think there is evidence to say that GMOs in and of themselves pose a threat to your health, and then independent of that of course the toxins that are sprayed on them have translated into what I think is the greatest environmental disaster of our time.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. Because part of the issue is the GMO crops, if they have pollen or other matter that then floats onto neighboring organic crops, and then cross-pollinates those, you really have an environmental disaster of epic proportions. Can we turn back that clock now? Can we prevent the unleashing of GMOs into our environment and our food supply permanently?
Dr. Patrick G.: Well, you’re hitting on one of the two dimensions of this. One is exactly what you said. The genie’s let out of the bottle, and once the genie’s out of the bottle you can’t put it back in. Fortunately there are a lot of prescient people who could see what would happen once this started to unfold, this whole GMO farming phenomenon. And incidentally, I can’t tell you the horrible names I’ve been called along the way. “Kids in the world are gonna die because of … ” you know, us doing the docuseries, GMOs Revealed, that we did. We took a lot of heat for it, which we have since been vindicated. We may well talk about that a little later.
Dr. Patrick G.: But yes, you’re right, the wind blows. And you might say, “Hey, we have an organic, bio-dynamic farm over here, we’re growing this.” But if across the street you’ve got a big farm that’s using Monsanto seeds and growing GMO crops and the wind blows, it’s really hard to have a border wall between the two, if you will. So, it starts to become pervasive, unless you can find places that are farmed far enough away from where GMO crops are.
Dr. Patrick G.: But there were a lot of really smart people who looked down the road, and they created seed banks. They literally took seeds, heirloom seeds, seeds from varying crops, and put them in a bank and put them in protected storage, so that one day, if we can wipe the slate clean at some point in the future, we can now repopulate the planet with non-GMO crops.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. I think just in and of itself that that had to be created speaks to the danger, if you will, to our food supply. So, let’s talk about glyphosate. So, glyphosate is what’s sprayed, it’s an herbicide that’s sprayed on the genetically modified crops. And there’s a huge, huge class action lawsuit against Monsanto, who makes glyphosate, that’s now purchased by Bayer, and there’s a huge class action lawsuit for people that are very, very sick, that have Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and other cancers from glyphosate, ingesting it.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah, well, true. This is sort of our vindication. I don’t mean to smile because it’s really a horrific thing, I maybe smile a little bit because I’m saying, “Hey, we’re were called lunatics and crazies and we were gonna harm the world, and now the truth is borne out.” In essence, glyphosate is the active ingredient in a commercial product referred to as Roundup. And literally, with the advent of GMOs, billions of pounds of Roundup are going into our environment every year, billions of pound. And this is a water-soluble substance, chemical, so it literally goes right into the soil and it goes place, which I’ll explain in a little bit.
Dr. Patrick G.: And literally we had Robert F. Kennedy Junior in one of our other docuseries, and we were gonna have him talk about this in GMOs, we just couldn’t get our schedules synced. But what happened recently, just starting with that piece first, is that there was a case that RFK Junior was a part of the legal team, ’cause he’s a big environmental lawyer, he cares about the environment.
Dr. Patrick G.: It was basically a groundskeeper, and this is in the San Francisco Bay areas where this was adjudicated, where he was suing, “Hey, I’m sick.” As a matter of fact, he probably doesn’t have much life left. And they were saying that his cancer was caused by Roundup, or glyphosate that’s in Roundup. I might be a little bit off on the numbers, but I think he was awarded at the end, at jury trial, $289 million. So, he’s suing Monsanto.
Dr. Patrick G.: One of many things that’s critical in this case is that the original award for damages I think was $35- or $50 million, something like that, what got it up to the $289- was the punitive damages where it was demonstrated that Monsanto had lied about their data, lied about their research, lied about the risks, and the consequence of which is that this gentleman is in his last years of life, cut very, very short. Very dramatic because he’s got a family etc.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, yeah, now suddenly, after all these years of Monsanto saying, “Listen, the conclusion’s done, the research is done, this is not a harmful substance, it doesn’t cause cancer or all these other maladies,” well, the reality is this got its day in court, the truth is borne out. And that’s just one guy. So, now you can imagine, as you were saying, a class is gonna be formed because so many people are so sick from this substance.
Dr. Patrick G.: It’s everywhere. You go into your hardware store right now, you’re gonna find Roundup in the aisles. So, people are using it routinely, but on the industrial level it’s huge.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. It’s sprayed on your neighbor’s lawn, on their driveway, at your child’s school, at the municipal parks. I mean, it’s just sprayed everywhere, it’s just the number one weed killer. And not only is it sprayed on the crops to kill the weed, it’s used as a desiccant. Right before they harvest the crops, they wanna dry them out, make them easier to harvest. So, wheat and other products that are genetically modified are just soaked in this toxin that you then ingest in any food that is not organic.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah, so all true. And if you can imagine saying, “Oh yeah, hey, look what this stuff does, it really kills plants quickly.” Desiccant means to dry out, so if you say, “Hey, we can get the weed harvested and dried really, really fast, by just soaking it with this stuff.” It’s horrible, yes, you don’t wanna be eating anything that’s GMO. When I’m in the store, I’m always looking for the non-GMO foods because I don’t wanna expose myself and my family to that. But the majority of it isn’t even on the food, it’s in the soil. So, what do you think it does there? It kills things in the soil. So, as far as the quality or the nutritive value of the soil starts to become now corrupted completely.
Dr. Patrick G.: But my friend, we did three parts of his interview, Dr. Zach Bush, who’s a triple board certified medical doctor who used to do chemotherapy research and then recognized this whole philosophy of health is wrong and came over to the more holistic side of health and vitalism. And he was one, is one of the most articulate people that I know who really understands this, understands the gut microbiome, understands how GMO glyphosate etc., how it adversely affects the gut, creates leaky gut which leads to all these other strange illnesses that cascade. And people are searching, they don’t know why they’re sick, they’re getting misdiagnosed as a result of treatments. Many times they’re toxic and not good. It’s a horrible thing.
Dr. Patrick G.: But here’s the thing that I was seeing through his presentation, and it just struck me so hard, and we talked about this when I interviewed him, was that he said he wanted to do a map saying, “Okay, so where are GMOs and where are the incidences of cancer?” Because one of the things that he’s noticed in the past 20 years is that the incidence of cancer has redistributed significantly in the United States alone. And he said there’s no genetic change in 20 years, that’s not possible, so it’s gotta be environmental. And maybe that has something to do with how glyphosate is sprayed into the environment.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, what he did is he started to look at that and look at the distribution of cancer and said, “You know, I’m not seeing it really correlate that well necessarily.” But then he realized, “Wait a minute, this is water-soluble.” And as he started to look at the tributary maps that feed into the Mississippi and where this all was dragging down and concentrating the further south you went, now it was starting to line up. He did an overlay when I looked at the visual and it was absolutely startling.
Dr. Patrick G.: And the last 60 miles of the Mississippi between Baton Rouge and New Orleans, they call that area now cancer alley. And it’s the highest incidence of cancer in the world, in that little strip there. And as you see how everything comes down and concentrates in that last little bit right there, you can just see how all this glyphosate that’s sprayed in the environment, water-soluble, comes down into the Mississippi and then it comes down to the bottom and concentrates itself right there, now you start to see the picture unfold. It’s staggering, it’s something that is … Now you’re saying, “Wow, this is all feeding into our water supply and it’s being moved through the country?” Literally people are dying as a consequence of it. So, it’s a pretty horrific situation.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I constantly tell people water is a huge source of indigestive toxins. If you’re drinking filtered water, you’re still showering in water from municipal water sources that are not checked for glyphosate, that are not checked for a lot of different chemicals and toxins that are in them.
Wendy Myers: And so let’s talk about GMOs in the gut. One thing that concerns me is the BT toxin that’s used in GMO corn, and one thing that it does is it can insert itself into the genetic material of our gut bacteria and change them, change their behavior, change our gut flora, which then changes our immune system functioning, changes the way we observe food. Can you talk a little bit about how GMOs affect our guts and therefore our immunity and our overall health?
Dr. Patrick G.: Sure. Well, I’d say this. It’s a contextual thing, but we’re considered the host by many people, but the reality is I think we’re living at the pleasure of these gut bacteria more so because there’s a lot more of those cells than there are human cells in the body. So, suddenly now, if we start to disrupt the balance of the microbiome, we’re looking at all kinds of really bad problems.
Dr. Patrick G.: And especially, you know, you have the epithelial layer of the, you know, it’s a single cell thick basically, layer of the gut. With glyphosate, when it starts to get in there, it really starts to break up that layer. It causes holes to form in it, which create proteins leaking directly through the gut where it’s not supposed to be, which means that the immune system kicks in and you get these autoimmune consequences that are a byproduct of what we’re doing.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, balance in the gut is absolutely essential. And when you get in there with the behaviors, and sometimes it can be like a perfect storm. You start to feel sick, maybe they think you’ve got some kind of infection, now they’re giving you antibiotics, you’ve got all this glyphosate in your system, it’s disturbing the gut balance, now you’re killing your gut bacteria with your antibiotics and other such things that people eat which could be very unhealthy.
Dr. Patrick G.: Now, the very foundation of your health, of your immune system, of the balance that’s required within your body to be able to express health and well-being properly is gone. Then you end up in the Western medical system which starts to try and target diagnoses in a singular way and they try to this and they try to treat that. And maybe now they’re saying, “Maybe there’s some inflammation, maybe we need to put steroids in, maybe you need other types of medications.” All of which are degenerating this situation more and more and more.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, what’s gotta happen just generically is that these gut junctions have to get tightened up, and then you have to repopulate with healthy bacteria and you gottadetox, you gotta get this stuff out of your system. And some people, they say, “Okay, we do the detoxification,” but then they’re still living in the same environments and aren’t changing anything. So, the toxins return again and the whole cycle starts up again.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, it really requires a global shift of not only detoxifying the system and tightening up the gut junctions, but also there’s the change in exposure in your life that doesn’t re-toxify you, if you will. So, on a high level, that’s the scenario that almost all the experts that I spoke to, they … Different ones would have different strategies for how to do this, bone broth, etc., you know, Dr. Bush has got Restorer which is something that he’s found very effective for tightening up the gut junction etc., varying forms of being able to try to detoxify the cells and how to carry them out, the toxins out, and making sure that you’re doing that etc.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, different experts have different strategy to a degree. But the generalized agreement amongst them, as far as saying, “You gotta get the junctions where they’re tightened up again, and you have to detox, and then you have to change lifestyle so that you’re not re-toxifying.”
Wendy Myers: Yeah. So, lots of detox strategies on your documentary, GMOs Revealed. And so there’s links down below for you guys to check that out. So, we know that glyphosate and genetically modified organisms affect negatively gut and bacteria. And since GMOs have been introduced into the environment in the early 90s, as we see the increase of planting of crops of genetically modified organisms, we also see a very tight correlation, the same line on a graph, increasing allergies, increasing asthma, increasing autoimmune disease. Because the genetically modified crops and the glyphosate that’s sprayed on them cause immune system issues by affecting the gut and gut bacteria and gut lining.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah. It’s exactly on the money. When you look at the trend lines on these varying things, as you describe, they match each other very, very closely. And there could be other variables introduced into it as far as just the vaccine load that’s put into people and what that does to your immune system. And then you match that up to the toxins that we’re exposed to and the lack of gut integrity, microbiomedysbiosis basically.
Dr. Patrick G.: All these things start to create this perfect storm, that if I were somebody and I said, “You know, if I wanted to somehow … ” I’m not talking in terms of an actual conspiracy, there’s people who do and I’m not validating that because I don’t have enough evidence to say that there’s a coordinated effort to do this. But it’s certainly worth taking a look at I guess.
Dr. Patrick G.: But I guess if I were somebody to say, “If I wanted to really get this population sick, and do it in the most insidious of ways that would be non-observable and could really affect people on a wide scale, and it would be this slow thing, it wouldn’t be sudden but little by little they would deteriorate and there’d be all kinds of problems,” I don’t know that I could concoct a better plan for it.
Dr. Patrick G.: It’s really disturbing. But on the flip side of it, which I’m very heartened by, I think this case against Monsanto is a devastating blow. I’m now watching TV commercials where I’m seeing law firms advertise, “If you’ve been exposed to glyphosate and you have any of the following conditions, call us right away. You might be due some award for damages.” Now, the sharks are smelling the blood in the water. I think the tide is gonna turn on that.
Dr. Patrick G.: I’m also seeing a very big rise in popularity of people looking for non-GMO foods. They’re looking for that label that says non-GMO.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, all of those things in concert. ‘Cause the only way you ever correct things like this is through consumer revolution. You can have activists, and I consider myself to a degree through Revealed Films and the work we do, we’re health activists. Our statement of purpose is, “We make movies that make movements.” And so we look for these subjects and we’ll dig into them, and we’re not afraid of the unbridled truth, we’ll go out and tell it and certainly we take a lot of heat for it. But in the end, the bottom line is that it’s consumer revolution that will really drive in the end these outcomes.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, there certainly is a lot of malfeasance, a lot of fraud and deception that’s going on. I think we uncover that in GMOs Revealed very well. There’s certainly these unholy alliances between government regulators and big pharma, government regulators and big agriculture, where you start to see, “Oh, these people leave their government jobs where they’re making regulatory policy and they end up with these very rich jobs at places like Monsanto,” and you see, “Something’s not right there.”
Dr. Patrick G.: It becomes kind of obvious. How these people who are entrusted to supposedly protect the interests of the public, seem to be sold out. And in the end, what can you do? Just get people to vote with their pocketbooks. Let me put it this way. If nobody’s gonna buy GMO food, they’re gonna stop making it. It’s almost that simple.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, and that’s why I really, truly respect your work and what you’re doing, because you do put yourself at risk, you do, by going up against these multi-billion dollar corporations that have just so much money at their disposal to quieten people that are trying to get the word out. Because we know that they have huge arms of public relations departments and they spend millions of dollars removing research, legitimate research, discrediting researchers that are trying to get the word out about GMOs, and filmmakers and other people on social media that are trying to also get the word out to people. So, why did you wanna create this docuseries, GMOs Revealed?
Dr. Patrick G.: You’re right, it’s pretty vicious. And I guess if you’d asked me a couple of years ago would I be in this business, I mean, my background is I started life as a chiropractor. I’ve always had a holistic view of things. I developed diagnostic technologies while I was in practice, I got patents on and found myself in the business side as a provider of technology and services for healthcare providers. We had pretty good resources, my company’s was growing pretty big and I had a purpose in life. So, I started to really want to speak out on varying topics.
Dr. Patrick G.: What happened is my partner in this business is a filmmaker, a documentary filmmaker named Jeff Hayes, and I had been interviewed in his documentaries on some issues such as what we’re talking about now, but health-related issues that were very, very controversial, somewhat polarizing, but I had strong positions and I wasn’t afraid to speak them. So, we got started and the first thing we did was a thing called Vaccines Revealed.
Dr. Patrick G.: I went to Jeff and just said, “Hey, it’s gotta very militant. I think parents should have the right to choose whether they wanna vaccinate their children, and they need to know the truth because there’s a CVC whistleblower, people are being lied to,” same kind of thing. And I said, “Can I get some of that footage?” He said, “I’ll do one better. I’ll partner with you. Let’s go out and really make this film right and expand on it.” And that’s what we did.
Dr. Patrick G.: And once we got through that project, which had a fairly significant impact on things and drew a lot of heat, we said, “Well, what’s the next thing we think we should be doing?” We said, “Wow, I think we made a difference. Let’s do another one.” And then the next one was GMOs because that was as big an issue as I could possibly see in the world. When you talk about affecting the food supply, you’re affecting everybody. And it wasn’t even saying, “Hey, do I have a choice, do I have a choice?” It’s insidious, it’s below the surface. People don’t even know that billions of pounds of glyphosate so into the environment and what GMOs do and whether the food they’re eating is GMO or not.
Dr. Patrick G.: I don’t know. It’s a compulsion, that when I see that people are being injured and it’s being done through lies and deception, and I know about it, I don’t know how to stay quiet. And yeah, maybe it’s not the best thing in the world when you’ve got a career and a reputation and a family etc., but I’m a very big fan of the adage that, “All that’s necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to do nothing.”
Wendy Myers: Yeah. And I loved what you say, that we have to vote with our dollar. I don’t shop at Wholefoods anymore because it’s largely owned by big agri, a lot of those food manufacturers there, the organic brands are being bought out by Kraft and some of the other larger companies because organic is the only growth sector in the grocery industry. I shop at small companies, small health food stores, and only buy organic and grass-fed and pastured food and whatnot. ‘Cause that’s what we have to do, just not engage and buy those products.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah, as you say, that’s a perfect example of how you can vote with your wallets. And the economics, the economic drivers of a supposedly free society, it’s not all that free, but the economic drivers are what can create … Because we feel like, “Wow, the corporations are so powerful,” and they are, and they can influence Washington, and they do. But no doubt that even if you were to shop at a Wholefoods, only get the things that are aligned with what you want and don’t get the things that aren’t aligned …
Dr. Patrick G.: We interviewed Gunnar Lovelace, the founder of Thrive Market, and one of the things that he really was proud of was the fact that everything at Thrive Market, if you buy anything from them it’s non-GMO and they test that. So, there’s people out there who are trying to create a marketplace for consumers we wanna support these types of behaviors, and I think that’s what’s gonna change it all.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, Thrive Market’s unbelievable. They have a wonderful business model, I fully support them and recommend them. So, let’s talk about consumers and what should they be looking for to avoid GMOs, avoid purchasing GMOs?
Dr. Patrick G.: So, basically the easy way is to look for the non-GMO label. Incidentally, if you’re into organic foods, just because something is non-GMO does not necessarily mean it’s organic, or vice-versa. So, I look for both. I like organic foods, I like non-GMO foods. I’m a big fan of local farmers markets, I like buying local. If you’re somebody that eats meat, which I am, I wanna know the farmer, I wanna know how the animals are treated, I wanna know how they’re raised, that stuff matters to me. So, it’s literally just educating yourself as a consumer.
Dr. Patrick G.: Through the GMOs Revealed series, we got a lot of great direction advice from several of the experts on there. But in the end, there’s so much great interesting online in general that you can start to read that will help direct you.
Dr. Patrick G.: And maybe companies are gonna tell their story. It’s becoming very much now, I think the marketplace is really shifting toward a who rather than the what. Like, who is this company? You started saying, “I wanna support certain companies which is why I’ll have preferences of where I’m gonna shop.” So, the story of the company, who they are, what their values are, what their purpose is. Normally that stuff is readily available, as compared to hidden in the background.
Dr. Patrick G.: So, you can really start to read a little bit. Read the labels of what you’re picking up and buying, understand it. You said, the organic segment. In almost any grocery store now, you’re gonna have what they call conventionally farmed foods and then maybe organically farmed foods. So, if you start buying more from the organic aisle, that aisle’s gonna grow and it has been growing.
Dr. Patrick G.: But wheat, soy, corn, these are some of the most rampant GMO’d foods, as well as others, there’s lists. And you just wanna make sure that, if you wanna avoid GMOs, that you’re looking for that particular label that says these are non-GMO certified.
Wendy Myers: And GMOs are a bit problem in supplements as well, correct?
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah. So, that is a big problem there. And supplements can also be labeled in kind. Because what happens, sometimes, and I know a lot of supplement manufacturers and product developers in the supplement world, and again it’s this sort of … Incidentally, we’re in the midst of a docuseries called Supplements Revealed where we’re gonna talk about this stuff, so this is fresh on my mind. And I’ve spoken to some really expert product developers saying, “Ah, I don’t think it matters that much if it’s organic or it’s not organic, if it’s XYZ chemical, it’s XYZ chemical.” Which I don’t agree with personally, incidentally, but this is a PhD expert who sees it that way.
Dr. Patrick G.: But I believe that a supplement manufacturer or a supplement distributor, ’cause the manufacturers are white labeling for distributors, I believe they’re gonna be held to account on non-GMO’d substances in there and organic substances in there, that if they don’t, I think the market’s gonna turn against them. And yes, it’s more expensive to get those supplements. But boy, if you’re already willing to make the investment, go a little bit further and do it right.
Wendy Myers: Yeah, yeah. I mean, it’s a huge, huge problem. There’s a little bit really cheap supplements out there, but you get what you pay for, absolutely. And so what are some of the most surprising that you learned when making GMOs Revealed?
Dr. Patrick G.: Well, some of which we spoke about. Like the literal amount of glyphosate. It’s literally an inconceivable number. I have watched so many documentaries, I love documentaries, so I see so many on the environment and so many aspects of the environment, you know, plastic in the sea. And all these things are significant issues, you know, mercury that’s in the environment. There’s a lot of significant things that are out there. But I’m shocked that people aren’t literally screaming from the rooftops about the whole glyphosate thing. We’re talking per year billions of pounds. It’s an inconceivable amount, and it’s water-soluble and it lasts 50 years.
Wendy Myers: Yeah.
Dr. Patrick G.: So-
Wendy Myers: I mean, there’s no point in doing glyphosate testing on you. Everyone has glyphosate in their tissues, everyone.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah. I didn’t verify the research they were citing, but people in our docuseries said that 90% plus of people test positive for glyphosate in their urine. So, it’s unavoidable. Incidentally, which is why I think your work is so important. I wish we lived in a place where detox was for certain people who just happened to just not make good decisions in their past. Literally you could be making the best decisions health-wise ever, you’re still exposed to toxins, you still need to detoxify. That’s the bottom line. And glyphosate is one of the greatest culprits in the history of man.
Wendy Myers: Yeah. You have to be so vigilant in your environment, in your home environment at least. I have a new gardener. I said, “I do want any pesticides, I do not want any toxins.” I go out there, they’re spraying two weeks later, spraying glyphosate on the bricks to kill the weeds. I’m just shocked. You have to be so vigilant. And you have this little cocoon that is your home, that you’re fully trying to detox, your neighbor may be spraying glyphosate. You have to have a little meeting with your neighbors. But even if you do that, even if you do all these little things, it’s still in your air, food and water, it makes its way, toxins and glyphosate, other toxins make their way into your body.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah. And that’s where you try to mitigate that to whatever degree you can. But in the end, regular detox protocols I think are essential for anybody who cares about living well.
Wendy Myers: Patrick, thanks so much for joining us. And I highly, highly recommend everyone listening, watch GMOs Revealed. I respect your filmmaking so much. And really look forward to Supplements Revealed also. I did a summit about that about three years ago.
Dr. Patrick G.: Yeah. It’s a pretty interesting marketplace. And to some degree, as long as it’s been around it’s kind of the wild, wild West. So, that’s gonna be fun. And incidentally, anybody, when we’re doing our previews, can watch the entire GMOs Revealed for free. You just register, you can watch, there’s no cost for it. And if you decide that you want to own it, certainly you can purchase it, but you don’t have to purchase it to see it, you can actually see the whole thing. And I encourage you, not only to your sake but if you’re responsible for a family, for their sake you need to watch that and learn what’s in there.
Wendy Myers: Yes, everyone, you need to educate yourselves on what you’re putting in your mouth and make those decisions. All these little small decisions, every single meal that you take, you need to really, really thinking about what you’re ingesting every single time you make a meal.
Wendy Myers: So, Patrick, again, thanks so much for coming on. And everyone, thanks so much for tuning in today to the Myers DetoxPodcast. You can look forward every week to really interesting topics like this, and more, every week, on the topic of detoxification and diet, detox protocols, detox supplements etc., to help you live your healthiest life. Thank you so much for tuning in.